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Which do you prefer?
Only subs - original audio is best.
Mostly subbed, some dubbed.
Only dubbed - I like it in my native language.
Mostly dubbed, some subbed.
Both subbed and dubbed equally.
2,442 votes
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Dec 7, 2008 8:37 PM

Jul 2008
it depends on what i watch, like for example-
bleach dub is not that bad for me and not that good
im used to watching raw so i can understand it without dubs or subs
but still, it doesn't hurt to look up,down, or even left and right for some words
code geass though had good dubs for me
i enjoyed it~
Dec 8, 2008 12:22 AM

Oct 2008
The_Doctor said:
Rebella said:

bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla it all comes down to his, I'm biased. XD Just as I expected. It's internet after all. It is superior it's the original and it conveys the messeges the author of the story wrote just as intended. I've been watching animes ever since I was a kid hun, I've watched shows twice with a zillion dub and not one. I know the difference between a high quality dubbing and low quality. I did mention an example of good English dubbing and that was Disney's/Ghibli studio. I didn't say all dubbings were horrible. I didn't even type the word horrible.
You're the one who doesn't know about subjectivity since you're asking for an evidence.

You are asking me about a metal gear game? XD I bet your favourite metal gear game is mgs3 or mgs4 because it had t4e BEst GrafiX! Hell YEAH! I don't discuss metal gear with new comers Sorry. And the Japanese dubbing in metal gear is superior to the English dubbing. MGS3 dubbing was choppy and David Hayter did a bad job acting as big boss. Ocelot should have had a Russian accent just like Sokolov and then how come he talks in a Russian accent when he's in America and talks in American accent in Russia? Now you call that good dubbing?

Read my posts again, I said I don't use the word "crap" and I consider it trolling.

Oh child of little intelligence. At least you understood one point I was trying to squeeze into your biscuit of a brain, you are bias, and childish might I add. Ever since you were a kid you say? Child you are a kid in my eyes still, lets see here 22 years old you are? Poppycock!

Now if you had any maturity you wouldn't play the whole "No I'm not but you are" card. Please do educate yourself, I'm sure you could find an institution to teach you some good argument abilities, for your posts are loaded with fallacies and ignorance.

Oh and to comment on the whole subjectivity aspect its apparent you don't know what that word means, here let me make another attempt at educating your sponge cake little mind. Subjectivity means its open to anyone's view, presenting your view like fact is not being subjective therefore proof is needed in order to help justify your opinion as fact. I do hope you were capable of understanding that.

Oh I've seen this tactic all before young little girl, what are you now 12? Seriously you're just going with the ball in the complete opposite direction to avoid answering the question because you simply can't answer it. If you do answer you'll seem "defeated" and ashamed to your "online peers". I've seen it all too often in my many many years. Now this it what you presented yourself as, an arrogant child that proves everything correct due to your childish argument abilities. Did I ask you what your favorite Metal Gear game is? No, I asked you how do you feel about Japanese companies that hand pick the English voice cast and prefer that cast over the Japanese cast. And you simply could not answer beside go off spewing poppycock all over the place. In other words arrogant adolescent, you've only made yourself look unbelievable childish and just plain moronic as well as admitting everything I have been saying as correct. Deny it all you want impudent wretch, you know what I say is true even if you wont admit it. Everyone can see it, its as clear as day to anyone that has even an iota of maturity.

And if you must know, my favorite Metal Gear game would be a tie between Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake for the MSX or The Twin Snakes.

Now I bid you good day dear child, go run along and play with your "Laptop" of sorts and eat your scones. If you wish to discuss this further or wish to learn how to broaden your knowledge you can find me rather easily.

Awwww so you were actually hurt! Poor thing!
Twin snakes wasn't even directed by Kojima and it wasn't as good as the original.
You haven't asked me anything yet by the way. All you did was attack me personally. Trust me, I'm more educated than you. At least my posts are informative unlike yours. The most thing I can get from your posts is learn how to bash and "sound like a 12 year old kid". I think it's obvious. And for your information, maturity has nothing to do with age. I've seen 12 year old kids who think twice their age and adult people who can't get one thing right. It all depends on experience hun. If I were an ignorant and my mind was at the size of a peanut then why get angry over my posts huh? =p
I'll let you go this time.
Dec 8, 2008 12:31 AM

Dec 2007
both, though I'm more inclined towards subs.

My knowledge of japanese is slim to none though, so it's kinda hard for me to tell if the acting is bad unless it really sticks out.

I've recently discovered... dubs are pretty cool. especially more recent ones that i've checked out (geass, lucky star, death note). Sure they don't start out all great, but after an episode or two, they start to click really well.

One thing I can say is that a lot of dubs sound the same, but that's cause I recognize the actors faster... Though it's like that a lot with original versions lately too.

As with movies, there's always gonna be good acting and bad acting. Just because some turned out bad, don't let that turn you off to everything -- there's really good stuff out there provided you're out there looking to enjoy it rather than just finding reasons to hate.
rayselDec 8, 2008 12:36 AM
Dec 8, 2008 12:53 AM

Feb 2007
Rebella said:
Awwww so you were actually hurt! Poor thing!
Twin snakes wasn't even directed by Kojima and it wasn't as good as the original.
You haven't asked me anything yet by the way. All you did was attack me personally. Trust me, I'm more educated than you. At least my posts are informative unlike yours. The most thing I can get from your posts is learn how to bash and "sound like a 12 year old kid". I think it's obvious. And for your information, maturity has nothing to do with age. I've seen 12 year old kids who think twice their age and adult people who can't get one thing right. It all depends on experience hun. If I were an ignorant and my mind was at the size of a peanut then why get angry over my posts huh? =p
I'll let you go this time.

Ah, I see, you're a hypocrite.

Baby_Naruto said:
Then what did you mean by this? "I was just laughing because there are better dubs then it out."

He means what he says: that there are better dubs out there than Inuyasha.
Dec 8, 2008 12:59 AM

Oct 2008
Asrialys said:
Rebella said:
Awwww so you were actually hurt! Poor thing!
Twin snakes wasn't even directed by Kojima and it wasn't as good as the original.
You haven't asked me anything yet by the way. All you did was attack me personally. Trust me, I'm more educated than you. At least my posts are informative unlike yours. The most thing I can get from your posts is learn how to bash and "sound like a 12 year old kid". I think it's obvious. And for your information, maturity has nothing to do with age. I've seen 12 year old kids who think twice their age and adult people who can't get one thing right. It all depends on experience hun. If I were an ignorant and my mind was at the size of a peanut then why get angry over my posts huh? =p
I'll let you go this time.

Ah, I see, you're a hypocrite.

Baby_Naruto said:
Then what did you mean by this? "I was just laughing because there are better dubs then it out."

He means what he says: that there are better dubs out there than Inuyasha.

How does saying Japanese dubs are superior makes me a hypocrite?
See, you and the _doctor were saying I wasn't subjective. The key to not losing an argument or sounding immature is to not take arguments personally. Attack the post but not the poster.
Dec 8, 2008 2:43 AM

Jun 2007
i still just thing the choices in the poll are bad, there should at least be a don't care or both choice
Dec 8, 2008 6:00 AM

Oct 2007
Rebella said:
Asrialys said:
Rebella said:
Awwww so you were actually hurt! Poor thing!
Twin snakes wasn't even directed by Kojima and it wasn't as good as the original.
You haven't asked me anything yet by the way. All you did was attack me personally. Trust me, I'm more educated than you. At least my posts are informative unlike yours. The most thing I can get from your posts is learn how to bash and "sound like a 12 year old kid". I think it's obvious. And for your information, maturity has nothing to do with age. I've seen 12 year old kids who think twice their age and adult people who can't get one thing right. It all depends on experience hun. If I were an ignorant and my mind was at the size of a peanut then why get angry over my posts huh? =p
I'll let you go this time.

Ah, I see, you're a hypocrite.

How does saying Japanese dubs are superior makes me a hypocrite?
See, you and the _doctor were saying I wasn't subjective. The key to not losing an argument or sounding immature is to not take arguments personally. Attack the post but not the poster.

All right, that's enough. It's clear to me that you haven't once defended what you claim is fact, and instead, knowing that, you insisted on starting your posts in that annoyingly condescending manner (a technique I like to call trolling) in order to hide that and repeated yourself over and over.

This argument is getting nowhere. No one is ever going to yield and frankly arguing with a troll is not my favorite pastime. I don't know about you guys, but I'm done here.
You can find me on IRC.
Dec 8, 2008 8:18 AM

Jan 2008
RAW > Subbed > Dub
Seriously, reading subtitles took a while to get used to. I don't mind it now, but I still prefer watching RAW.
Dec 8, 2008 9:42 AM

Dec 2008
Woot? You're telling me there's actually people that watch dubs!? I thought it was an intarwebz myth!

Seriously though, I'm from europe so I've been reading subtitles since I was a little kid. Not much choice since dutch tv has a 83% chance of being crap.
To be honest, the native english speaking folks should just get used to subs! You lazy bones! :P

A lot of content is lost in dubs... That's why I won't watch dubs out of principle. It's not the way the author/artist/whatever wanted it to be; it's incomplete.
Existence, well what does it matter?
I exist on the best terms I can
The past is now part of my future
The present is well out of hand
The present is well out of hand
Dec 8, 2008 9:50 AM

Apr 2008
Let the numbers speak..... we all know what's better ;)
Dec 8, 2008 10:58 AM

Oct 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Let the numbers speak..... we all know what's better ;)

Never believe in the numbers in a situation like this young lad, believe in your own, educated, opinion. If you want to go by numbers then all of us would automatically agree Titanic is the greatest piece of film of all time merely because Titanic is the highest grossing film, at this point in this era, in the world. And you and I both know thats just poppycock, but according to the numbers thats the truth.
Your simple world can be a fantastic place, you just have to know where to look.
Dec 8, 2008 11:39 AM

Apr 2008
Oi Oi Oi Jiji,i ou-san :p (I'm sure that you know what this translates to , no ;p?)

Okay then , I should have used that ''argument'' as a means of displaying my own opinion. I was only referring to this case with letting the numbers speak though,not ALWAYS letting the numbers speak everywhere.... Okay retry :p

SUBS all the way !! Japanese Voice Actors have great voices and in 99.9% in dubbed anime the voices don't suit well with the characters and can't really get the right tone for emotional and showing feelings and all, like excitement or sadness. In lots of dubs they censor stuff out too and mess up the original, in dubs you'll end up missing lots of cool japanese sayings fitting for the characters which they'll only translate roughly and badly in the dubs.

AND good to see that the OBVIOUS majority big time agrees with my viewings as seen in the vote results ^_^ That educated own opinion enough for ya ;)?

( don't get offended by this message btw, not trying to be a smartass or w/e here ;) )
Dec 8, 2008 12:05 PM

Jan 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
In lots of dubs they censor stuff out too and mess up the original

Actually, no, they don't. There are a few cases where this is true, but almost all dubs remain true to the original script. Good lord, reading some of these posts makes me wonder if any of these people have ever watched a dub outside of some really bad 4kids dubs on TV.
Dec 8, 2008 12:17 PM
Aug 2007
strawberry-kun said:
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
In lots of dubs they censor stuff out too and mess up the original

Actually, no, they don't. There are a few cases where this is true, but almost all dubs remain true to the original script. Good lord, reading some of these posts makes me wonder if any of these people have ever watched a dub outside of some really bad 4kids dubs on TV.

Ugh, I know, right? D:

Dubs like Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion should be enough to tell them not ALL dubs are trash, but I guess not :/
Dec 8, 2008 12:24 PM

Oct 2008
ok to those who hates dub. even how modern we are with internet and the accessibility of subs is easier than before. we cannot just rule out the fact that there are multiple factors why anime is dubbed or any show for that matter.

1. people who dislikes japanese
2. blind people
3. anti-Semitics
4. to reach out to a wider audience
5. to fund studios
and most importantly the illiterate and the dyslexic.

these are not your usual excuse for watching/making dubs, but they are audiences too that the studio themselves are trying to grab and make money of. in the end of the day there are alternatives for everyone. no matter what you are, if you want to watch anime studios will make things happen in order for you to watch it.

again not every anime fan can read, see, loves japan, and accessibility.
Dec 8, 2008 12:25 PM

Oct 2007
strawberry-kun said:
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
In lots of dubs they censor stuff out too and mess up the original

Actually, no, they don't. There are a few cases where this is true, but almost all dubs remain true to the original script. Good lord, reading some of these posts makes me wonder if any of these people have ever watched a dub outside of some really bad 4kids dubs on TV.

Seriously. I came to this conclusion a long time ago. I constantly advise people to go out and buy an anime or two and educate themselves, but alas they are too cheap to do so...
You can find me on IRC.
Dec 8, 2008 12:40 PM

Apr 2008
strawberry-kun said:
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
In lots of dubs they censor stuff out too and mess up the original

Actually, no, they don't. There are a few cases where this is true, but almost all dubs remain true to the original script. Good lord, reading some of these posts makes me wonder if any of these people have ever watched a dub outside of some really bad 4kids dubs on TV.

I figured you Pro dubbers would come with stuff like this , but pay good attention then to what I said . Actually, YES THEY DO , now I agree with you that's it not with ALL dubbed anime, but I didn't say that it was either.... It's just one of my arguments why I prefer Subs over Dubs you know, doesn't have to be present in EVERY Dub anime out there....

As for your point on me not having watched more than 4kids dubs on TV, here's where you're wrong again, you don't know me , but I HATE prejudice really and I'm not some kid in here whining about dubs, just trying to have a good discussion here with pros and cons about Subs vs Dubs issue .
I'll let you know that I've tried those anime that you pro dub people find the best

FMA dubbed, Cowboy Bebop dubbed, Hellsing dubbed, Evangelion dubbed, tried them all..... they left me cold.... SO don't go saying that I'm someone who just whines about dubs without arguments or reasons to think so !

the_seventh_l said:

Dubs like Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion should be enough to tell them not ALL dubs are trash, but I guess not :/

As for you.... you're just totally talking about something that's not even there.... First of all, I didn't even say that dubs are TRASH , second of all I also didn't say that ALL of them are bad , just that I PREFER subs over dubs , Hell I even liked dubs over subs with 2 of the anime I watched , respectively 2x2=Shinobuden and Cromartie High School , dubs really fitted well there and was no censoring or things left out whatsoever.

So if you're gonna trashtalk like that again... keep in mind that not everybody who's Pro subs who posts in here fits your profile of ''only having watched 4Kids dub, doesn't know what he's talking about '' Because I DO know what I'm talking about and DO have Dub experience !

Straw-Hat-MattDec 8, 2008 12:50 PM
Dec 8, 2008 12:45 PM

Aug 2008
I don't mind watching either subs or dubs..
Dec 8, 2008 12:45 PM
Sep 2008
Subs. <3
Dec 8, 2008 12:49 PM
Aug 2007
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
the_seventh_l said:

Dubs like Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion should be enough to tell them not ALL dubs are trash, but I guess not :/

As for you.... you're just totally talking about something that's not even there.... First of all, I didn't even say that dubs are TRASH , second of all I also didn't say that ALL of them are bad , just that I PREFER subs over dubs , Hell I even liked dubs over subs with 2 of the anime I watched , respectively 2x2=Shinobuden and Cromartie High School , dubs really fitted well there and was no censoring or things left out whatsoever.

So if you're gonna trashtalk like that again... keep in mind that not everybody who's Pro subs who posts in here fits your profile of ''only having watched 4Kids dub, doesn't know what he's talking about '' Because I DO know what I'm talking about and have Dub experience !


Wow, nice reading comprehension. Nice taking a general statement way too freaking personally. The rest of your response is so filled with blind rage, to attempt a response would be giving it a coherence it sorely lacks.
Dec 8, 2008 3:02 PM

Sep 2008
I prefer Dub. I don't like trying to read and watch TV at the same time. I always feel that I am missing out if I am having to keep up with subtitles on my Television. As far as voice acting goes, yes some US voice actors are terrible, but to be completely honest just as many Japanese voice actors suck.
Dec 8, 2008 5:17 PM

May 2008
Raw <3

俺なら諦めないぜ - ザックス
Dec 8, 2008 7:04 PM

Jan 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
I figured you Pro dubbers would come with stuff like this , but pay good attention then to what I said . Actually, YES THEY DO , now I agree with you that's it not with ALL dubbed anime, but I didn't say that it was either.... It's just one of my arguments why I prefer Subs over Dubs you know, doesn't have to be present in EVERY Dub anime out there....

There's a very tiny minority of dubs that do get cut to shreds, but it's not even close to true for the vast majority of dubs. You brought up that argument. If you are going to bring up an argument against something, I expect that argument to be applicable to at the very least a decent amount of the subject matter. In this case, it isn't. Therefore, it's not a valid argument in my eyes.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
As for your point on me not having watched more than 4kids dubs on TV, here's where you're wrong again, you don't know me , but I HATE prejudice really and I'm not some kid in here whining about dubs, just trying to have a good discussion here with pros and cons about Subs vs Dubs issue .
I'll let you know that I've tried those anime that you pro dub people find the best

LOL you hate the prejudice out there? Spare me, please. Look at all the anti-dub people who have posted in this thread. If anything, it's the dub fans who are facing the "prejudice" here. Nice try trying to play the victim card, but I don't have a problem with subs or sub fans at all. Matter of fact, I watch subs and dubs myself. I feel that they both have their merits. I'm not going to try and convince you that dubs are good. This debate is purely subjective after all. However, if you are going to hate on dubs, at least be aware that that preference is subjective and don't use poor arguments.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
FMA dubbed, Cowboy Bebop dubbed, Hellsing dubbed, Evangelion dubbed, tried them all..... they left me cold.... SO don't go saying that I'm someone who just whines about dubs without arguments or reasons to think so !

The bigger question is whether or not you went into the viewing with an open mind. Trying something is pointless if you already have your opinion set in stone.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
So if you're gonna trashtalk like that again... keep in mind that not everybody who's Pro subs who posts in here fits your profile of ''only having watched 4Kids dub, doesn't know what he's talking about '' Because I DO know what I'm talking about and DO have Dub experience !

It's only when people bring up poor arguments that people play that card. Also, see what I said above. Watching something and seriously giving something a chance are two different things. I'm not saying that you didn't give them a chance. I'm just pointing out that you didn't necessarily give them a chance.
SuiDream88Dec 8, 2008 7:13 PM
Dec 8, 2008 7:34 PM

Jan 2008
Asrialys said:
Rebella said:
Awwww so you were actually hurt! Poor thing!
Twin snakes wasn't even directed by Kojima and it wasn't as good as the original.
You haven't asked me anything yet by the way. All you did was attack me personally. Trust me, I'm more educated than you. At least my posts are informative unlike yours. The most thing I can get from your posts is learn how to bash and "sound like a 12 year old kid". I think it's obvious. And for your information, maturity has nothing to do with age. I've seen 12 year old kids who think twice their age and adult people who can't get one thing right. It all depends on experience hun. If I were an ignorant and my mind was at the size of a peanut then why get angry over my posts huh? =p
I'll let you go this time.

Ah, I see, you're a hypocrite.

Baby_Naruto said:
Then what did you mean by this? "I was just laughing because there are better dubs then it out."

He means what he says: that there are better dubs out there than Inuyasha.


I'm not putting it down at all(I say again I'm pro dub(>'.')>), but I wouldn't say it's better then most of the good dubs out there. I think I'd like it more if I didn't hate Kagome so much.....:|
Dec 9, 2008 1:52 AM

Oct 2008
Subs. Why watch altered anime when you can watch the real thing?

Their are a few exceptions but 99% of the time subs are far above dubs.
Dec 9, 2008 1:54 AM

Oct 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
strawberry-kun said:
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
In lots of dubs they censor stuff out too and mess up the original

Actually, no, they don't. There are a few cases where this is true, but almost all dubs remain true to the original script. Good lord, reading some of these posts makes me wonder if any of these people have ever watched a dub outside of some really bad 4kids dubs on TV.

I figured you Pro dubbers would come with stuff like this , but pay good attention then to what I said . Actually, YES THEY DO , now I agree with you that's it not with ALL dubbed anime, but I didn't say that it was either.... It's just one of my arguments why I prefer Subs over Dubs you know, doesn't have to be present in EVERY Dub anime out there....

As for your point on me not having watched more than 4kids dubs on TV, here's where you're wrong again, you don't know me , but I HATE prejudice really and I'm not some kid in here whining about dubs, just trying to have a good discussion here with pros and cons about Subs vs Dubs issue .
I'll let you know that I've tried those anime that you pro dub people find the best

FMA dubbed, Cowboy Bebop dubbed, Hellsing dubbed, Evangelion dubbed, tried them all..... they left me cold.... SO don't go saying that I'm someone who just whines about dubs without arguments or reasons to think so !

the_seventh_l said:

Dubs like Cowboy Bebop and Evangelion should be enough to tell them not ALL dubs are trash, but I guess not :/

As for you.... you're just totally talking about something that's not even there.... First of all, I didn't even say that dubs are TRASH , second of all I also didn't say that ALL of them are bad , just that I PREFER subs over dubs , Hell I even liked dubs over subs with 2 of the anime I watched , respectively 2x2=Shinobuden and Cromartie High School , dubs really fitted well there and was no censoring or things left out whatsoever.

So if you're gonna trashtalk like that again... keep in mind that not everybody who's Pro subs who posts in here fits your profile of ''only having watched 4Kids dub, doesn't know what he's talking about '' Because I DO know what I'm talking about and DO have Dub experience !


I feel for you.

Both me and straw-hat-matt think there are great dubs out there. I mentioned a company which dubs as good as Japanese dubbings and that is Disney because they hire professional actors that are able to convey emotions and characteristics of characters sincerely. I'm afraid other dubbing companies don't do some animes their justice because of their poor acting skills and their wrong pronounciation of Japanese words especially names. A good example for that would be Samurai X. All the names in the English dubbing were pronounced wrong. For instance, Samanosuke isn't pronounced Samanosoooooke it's nos-ke same as the word Daisuki.
Aside for the poor acting skills and wrong pronounciation of Japanese words, some Japanese voice actors DAZZLE you with their voice acting skills that you would land them on a broadway play. A great example for this would be the Japanese VA who did the voice of Duck/Ahiru in Princess Tutu. She did sound like a duck and it was very convincing. Watch clips for the show in both dubbings and you'll see what I mean.

It's hard to say that dubbing companies which dubs better than the original other than Disney exist. Maybe Dreamworks? xD if they ever decided to dub animes. Add to that the humber of horribly dubbed animes in late 80s and early 90s.

Pro-dubs. Give us examples of dubs that are better than the original other than FMA and Ghost in the shell because I've seen both shows and I still think the original is better. I think the reason many prefer to watch those in English dubbing is because of the fact that fan-subs made it hard to grasp the plot. As well as Cowboy bepop.
Edit: Don't give me an example from a funi dub.
RebellaDec 9, 2008 2:00 AM
Dec 9, 2008 2:35 AM

Dec 2008
Obviously sub is better.

I'm sure 80-90% of the people who watch dubs are native english speakers and thus not used to subtitles. Appearantly, it's distracting for them.

Real anime fans watch with japanese voices!
Existence, well what does it matter?
I exist on the best terms I can
The past is now part of my future
The present is well out of hand
The present is well out of hand
Dec 9, 2008 3:13 AM

Apr 2008
strawberry-kun said:
There's a very tiny minority of dubs that do get cut to shreds, but it's not even close to true for the vast majority of dubs. You brought up that argument. If you are going to bring up an argument against something, I expect that argument to be applicable to at the very least a decent amount of the subject matter. In this case, it isn't. Therefore, it's not a valid argument in my eyes.

You seem like a reasonable person so I'll hope you will look at my response objective too, like I will with yours.

You've got a point with what you said there , maybe there are indeed not many in all dubs that do that, maybe I didn't watch enough dubs for that, maybe I was wrong using that as a valid argument indeed,but it still remains a fact that with couple dubs I watched they cleaned out blood and stuff like that too, which isn't really cutting it to shreds, but it IS still a reason why some people would prefer Subs over Dubs, even if it's only present in some cases, you can't use it as an argument for not liking THOSE dub series ? As I've said, it's not a good argument for liking dubs OVERALL indeed, but for those dubs that do it , it IS, so it's an argument for those dubs that do it, now if this were my ONLY argument I would agree with you indeed that it's not sufficient reason to not like ALL dubbed series.
strawberry-kun said:

LOL you hate the prejudice out there? Spare me, please. Look at all the anti-dub people who have posted in this thread. If anything, it's the dub fans who are facing the "prejudice" here. Nice try trying to play the victim card, but I don't have a problem with subs or sub fans at all. Matter of fact, I watch subs and dubs myself. I feel that they both have their merits. I'm not going to try and convince you that dubs are good. This debate is purely subjective after all. However, if you are going to hate on dubs, at least be aware that that preference is subjective and don't use poor arguments.

Yes indeed, I hate prejudice indeed. Okay , I will look at that, but I hope you can understand that I'M not all the anti-dub people who have posted in this thread, and I know that I'm also not the only one who thinks this way about Dubs & Subs matter, so you shouldn't take Pro Sub as only one group.... those are other people, not things I said, and also not my opinion. I'd be happy if you could show me where I personally said something with prejudice about Dubs, because I think I didn't. As I've said too, I don't have a problem with Dubs or dub fans at all either, so I also hope you can see that your ''if you are going to hate on dubs'' is really out of place, because I don't hate on dubs... as I've said, I preferred dubs with 2 anime I watched over subs too...
Also.... sure, you can just say that my arguments are poor, but at least I USE arguments, you aren't. I tried finding them there , but I only see that you're reacting on stuff what I said , but without bringing in new arguments for Pro Dub.

strawberry-kun said:
The bigger question is whether or not you went into the viewing with an open mind. Trying something is pointless if you already have your opinion set in stone.
It's only when people bring up poor arguments that people play that card. Also, see what I said above. Watching something and seriously giving something a chance are two different things. I'm not saying that you didn't give them a chance. I'm just pointing out that you didn't necessarily give them a chance.

Okay okay , I can see why you would think that , I gotta give you that. Now I can't really 100% convince you of that, because there aren't any arguments for it. All I can say is that I did went in open minded,and DIDN'T have my opinion set in stone before watching, because when watching those dubbed series I was in the process of forming my opinion about Dubs vs Subs, I was trying out dubs without prejudice while comparing them with the original. So I did give them a chance , and liked 2 dubbed better than original, but overall I didn't like dubs better, so that's how I formed my opinion. And yeah, I get it mate that you're not saying that I didn't, but you had to say that anyway indeed because there are people who would ''try and watch'' like that indeed, so good point brought in, I agree with you on that.

Now for the conclusion, I agree with Rebella indeed, as I've said before. Come with arguments and examples then in favor of Dub , and not just say that you like them better than original, but also WHY. I'll look forward to that then, hope we can refrain from just bitching about each others post (not saying that you or I or anyone else has been eccesively been doing that till now) and bring up some valid arguments , and of course you can either agree or disagree with those arguments indeed.

Dec 9, 2008 7:14 AM

Nov 2008
It depends on how I see it. If I see the series on tv then I'll already be used to the english dub voices so I'd probably watch the dub on the dvd. But if I started watching a show subbed on dvd then I'll watch it subbed. But most of the time I'll just watch both version and compare.
Dec 9, 2008 7:53 AM

Jan 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
You seem like a reasonable person so I'll hope you will look at my response objective too, like I will with yours.

Thank you. I will do just that.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
You've got a point with what you said there , maybe there are indeed not many in all dubs that do that, maybe I didn't watch enough dubs for that, maybe I was wrong using that as a valid argument indeed,but it still remains a fact that with couple dubs I watched they cleaned out blood and stuff like that too, which isn't really cutting it to shreds, but it IS still a reason why some people would prefer Subs over Dubs, even if it's only present in some cases, you can't use it as an argument for not liking THOSE dub series ? As I've said, it's not a good argument for liking dubs OVERALL indeed, but for those dubs that do it , it IS, so it's an argument for those dubs that do it, now if this were my ONLY argument I would agree with you indeed that it's not sufficient reason to not like ALL dubbed series.

I actually more or less agree with you here. Editing is unacceptable. The only thing I have to add here is that unless the anime you watched (the one that edited out the blood) was a 4kids anime, the DVD release should be uncut. It's not so much the company cutting things from the release as much as it is editing it to get it on television. Like I said, the DVD release should have an uncut dub unless it's a 4kids release.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Yes indeed, I hate prejudice indeed. Okay , I will look at that, but I hope you can understand that I'M not all the anti-dub people who have posted in this thread, and I know that I'm also not the only one who thinks this way about Dubs & Subs matter, so you shouldn't take Pro Sub as only one group.... those are other people, not things I said, and also not my opinion. I'd be happy if you could show me where I personally said something with prejudice about Dubs, because I think I didn't. As I've said too, I don't have a problem with Dubs or dub fans at all either, so I also hope you can see that your ''if you are going to hate on dubs'' is really out of place, because I don't hate on dubs... as I've said, I preferred dubs with 2 anime I watched over subs too...

I admit the hating on dubs part was too harsh. I apologize for that. That response was meant to be more general in tone. It just gets rather annoying reading all of the anti-dub nonsense that some people post. Anyway, I'm aware that there are a lot of very reasonable sub fans. In no way m I throwing these rabid anti-dub people in the same boat as the more reasonable sub fans.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Also.... sure, you can just say that my arguments are poor, but at least I USE arguments, you aren't. I tried finding them there , but I only see that you're reacting on stuff what I said , but without bringing in new arguments for Pro Dub.

That's because this debate is, well, stupid. It's totally subjective and cannot be proven for either side. Either you like dubs or you don't. Same thing with subs. There's nothing I can really do to change your or anyone else's opinion. I felt you gave a misrepresentation of dubs with your editing comment, so I responded. I was a little bored at the time too.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Okay okay , I can see why you would think that , I gotta give you that. Now I can't really 100% convince you of that, because there aren't any arguments for it. All I can say is that I did went in open minded,and DIDN'T have my opinion set in stone before watching, because when watching those dubbed series I was in the process of forming my opinion about Dubs vs Subs, I was trying out dubs without prejudice while comparing them with the original. So I did give them a chance , and liked 2 dubbed better than original, but overall I didn't like dubs better, so that's how I formed my opinion. And yeah, I get it mate that you're not saying that I didn't, but you had to say that anyway indeed because there are people who would ''try and watch'' like that indeed, so good point brought in, I agree with you on that.

Thanks. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you did give them a chance.

Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Now for the conclusion, I agree with Rebella indeed, as I've said before. Come with arguments and examples then in favor of Dub , and not just say that you like them better than original, but also WHY. I'll look forward to that then, hope we can refrain from just bitching about each others post (not saying that you or I or anyone else has been eccesively been doing that till now) and bring up some valid arguments , and of course you can either agree or disagree with those arguments indeed.

Nah, I think I'll just bow out of this thread for now. As I said earlier, no matter which you think is superior, there is no way to prove it. The two sides basically just continue to say "I DISAGREE WITH WHAT YOU JUST POSTED". For the record, I don't like dubs or subs better than the other.

Rebella said:
I think the reason many prefer to watch those in English dubbing is because of the fact that fan-subs made it hard to grasp the plot. As well as Cowboy bepop.

Or it could just simply be that people have an opinion that differs from yours *GASP*
SuiDream88Dec 9, 2008 7:57 AM
Dec 9, 2008 8:08 AM

Apr 2008
Nyeah I agree with you on that indeed, that's the problem a bit on this matter indeed. Majority of the people won't think otherwise about Dub/Sub no matter what you tell them indeed. It's a preference indeed and can't be proven that one IS better than the other one indeed.
Dec 9, 2008 8:43 AM

Oct 2008
Straw-Hat-Matt said:
Nyeah I agree with you on that indeed, that's the problem a bit on this matter indeed. Majority of the people won't think otherwise about Dub/Sub no matter what you tell them indeed. It's a preference indeed and can't be proven that one IS better than the other one indeed.

I saw ur comment on my wall.
@above: I did. I'm waiting to be proven wrong. But I got a feeling that I'm a super veteran among users here who got into animes with DBZ and adult swim. I want animes with superb dubbing please.
Dec 9, 2008 8:51 AM

Jan 2008
Rebella said:
@above: I did. I'm waiting to be proven wrong. But I got a feeling that I'm a super veteran among users here who got into animes with DBZ and adult swim. I want animes with superb dubbing please.

It can't be proven. How many times do people have to tell you? Subjective=can't be proven. You said you watched dubs of Cowboy Bebop, GitS, etc. and you didn't like them. Good for you. You have an opinion. You're not wrong for disliking the dubs in those series. I'm not wrong for liking the dubs in those series. I'm not playing this stupid game with you when nothing either of us say will convince the other that certain dubs are or are not good. I'm sure as heck not playing the game of "prove it" when nothing can be proved. What does being a "super veteran" have to do with anything?
Dec 9, 2008 8:55 AM

Oct 2008
strawberry-kun said:
Rebella said:
@above: I did. I'm waiting to be proven wrong. But I got a feeling that I'm a super veteran among users here who got into animes with DBZ and adult swim. I want animes with superb dubbing please.

It can't be proven. How many times do people have to tell you? Subjective=can't be proven. You said you watched dubs of Cowboy Bebop, GitS, etc. and you didn't like them. Good for you. You have an opinion. You're not wrong for disliking the dubs in the series. I'm not wrong for liking the dubs in the series. I'm not playing this stupid game with you when nothing either of us say will convince the other that dubs are or are not good. What does being a "super veteran" have to do with anything?

So those were the great dubs? I know better dubs and I thought I'm the one who didn't see enough dubbed animes here. Chill hun we're discussing about dubbed and subtitled animes and animes are fun. No need to get defensive. I'm not attacking your opinion nor saying it's wrong. It's your opinion and I put it above my head *term of respect*
Dec 9, 2008 9:03 AM

Jan 2008
Rebella said:
So those were the great dubs? I know better dubs and I thought I'm the one who didn't see enough dubbed animes here.

Those are just some good dubs right off the top of my head.

Rebella said:
Chill hun we're discussing about dubbed and subtitled animes and animes are fun. No need to get defensive. I'm not attacking your opinion nor saying it's wrong. It's your opinion and I put it above my head *term of respect*

I'm not getting defensive. The tone of my response was only because you continually ignore people who keep telling you that this debate is subjective and, therefore, cannot be proven. You want us to prove that there are good dubs when there is no possible way to do so.
Dec 9, 2008 11:09 AM

Oct 2007
strawberry-kun, ignore her, she's trolling.
You can find me on IRC.
Dec 9, 2008 4:00 PM
Nov 2008
Subbed cause... dubs are hard to listen sometimes. ^^;;
Sometimes things in english sounds awkward then they would in Japanese simply cause they're phrases we aren't used to. xDD
Dec 9, 2008 5:59 PM
Jul 2018
Subtitles, no questions asked.
Dec 9, 2008 6:16 PM

Nov 2008
Generally I like subs however there are also superb and fitting english dubs

For example, Cowboy Bebop dubbed version was well done and IMHO, was better than japanese dub.

Then there's Hellsing.. The english dub with the accent fit so much better than
the japanese dub.

I think black lagoon dub was also good since i somehow don't
like the crooked english pronunciation of the japanese. There's also ROD..

Dec 9, 2008 6:54 PM

Apr 2008
I prefer dubbed anime, especially when the setting is that of something like Britain or some such.

But I will on occasion watch something subbed if its never ever going to be dubbed or if its not going to be dubbed for a very long time.
Dec 9, 2008 7:01 PM

Nov 2007
I watch sub then after that i watch it dub i dunno i like sub more but when i'm to tired to read sub i watch it dub XD
Dec 11, 2008 4:35 PM

Jan 2008
Pindakaas40 said:
Obviously sub is better.

I'm sure 80-90% of the people who watch dubs are native english speakers and thus not used to subtitles. Appearantly, it's distracting for them.

Real anime fans watch with japanese voices!

This is a joke yes? :|
Dec 11, 2008 6:44 PM

Dec 2008
I always watch subbed, but if I'm playing a game or something on my tv, I'll play dubbed in the background on my laptop. FYI I hate dubbed but 10% of what I've seen was dubbed or I watched the dub after to see what it was like.
Dec 11, 2008 7:52 PM

May 2008
I have a reason why i watch dubbed. My situation is unique, I'm sure not much anime watchers are put in my position. Here's why, my parents are deaf, so i have seen subtitles since birth in closed captioning. I'm now sick of subs, so i only watch subs for a anime series that is not out, or will never be out in English. That's the best argument i have. I read subtitles on daily basis, for as long as i could read, so it gets tiresome. It's not like i don't watch subs altogether, I've seen Magipoka, Macross Zero, and EF a tale of memories. Those were fun while i watched it, but i do wish they were in English. That's why i prefer dubs. :D
Dec 11, 2008 8:29 PM

Oct 2007
Gunbladewarrior said:
Pindakaas40 said:
Obviously sub is better.

I'm sure 80-90% of the people who watch dubs are native english speakers and thus not used to subtitles. Appearantly, it's distracting for them.

Real anime fans watch with japanese voices!

This is a joke yes? :|

I personally hope to God that is a joke, but you never know...
You can find me on IRC.
Dec 18, 2008 5:53 AM
Aug 2008
i like sub.because their japanese voice are way better than english dubbed
Dec 19, 2008 5:51 PM

Dec 2008
I only watch the subs when there is no dub :P So yea, i prefer the dubbed

& &
Dec 19, 2008 10:22 PM

Dec 2008
Well I prefer subbed, it sounds more natural. Although there are some dubs that can stand face-to-face with the subs (Like TMOHS lol)
Dec 20, 2008 7:42 AM

Jun 2008
Depends: Sometimes I like subs better because the dub sucks and is hard to find, sometimes I like dub because I miss epic scenes to read the subtitles, either way....


I actually watched Code Geass on [adult swim] and the R2 with subs XD
Dec 20, 2008 3:35 PM

May 2008
I watch the vast majority of my anime subbed.

However, there have been times when I found the English dub quite good and, dare I say, better than the original. Just recently I started watching Yuu Yuu Hakusho, and naturally I watched it subbed. Then, you could say by chance, I watched the dubbed, and I found it surprisingly good.

Not to mention that the subtitles are not always very accurate and can make a difference in the overall enjoyment of a show.
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