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Oct 21, 2008 11:43 AM

Jul 2008
Drengot said:
angel999, You're getting a little too annoying, imo at least. Go away. Seriously. You troll too much - I don't enjoy the discussions here as much as I was before. Like seriously, what's with this discussion?

I felt annoyed by the answer that's all and I am not putting words into mouth. If you don't want any one should express properly! I AM NO TROLL! Annoying? Logical at least. Read what the guy says. To me it means something else if you don't get the something else then you do not understand what I understand.

Wasabi said:
angel999 said:
Wasabi said:
angel999 said:
AegisReborn said:
Why is it that people like to make media-fed statements without coming up with their own perspectives? Really, I'm surprised to see some people already make judgments this early on. Sure, under the circumstances that an older man takes advantage of young girl, that is wrong, but that's not the case here. Mizuki merely has fallen in love with Kuze's music. In any case, for someone like her to fall in love with someone older doesn't seem that strange either. Students fall in love with teachers all the time. Whether that is right or wrong is debatable, but by a certain age and maturity, I'd like to think love surpasses age, race, and even gender, for that matter. As for cliche, I didn't find the presentation of anything cliche yet. If you're going to broaden your definition of what is cliche, then you might as well say every love story is unoriginal. The way I see it, if someone is trying to tell you an original story and it doesn't obviously follow a format or outline of something you've seen before, then you can't say it's a cliche. And really guys, stop with the nit-picking...geez

Let me get to the point......people think that Mizuki might be 16 so being with Kuze is wrong cause he is over 18. No matter where you look in reality or not.....18 is the age of maturity. Love is mature subject in general cause it involves responsibility and feelings. Trust me feelings ain't really there till you are 18. I went through to many screw ups to have known better to be patient.

As long as all are 18 I am not going to judge by Mizuki still does not look 18 to me. That's why.

What? There is no set age at when someone matures enough to love. Again, you're rambling out of your ass based on your own beliefs. Other cultures have different ideals, did you know that? Probably not. If one has feelings for someone who is much older, who are you to judge them and tell them they're wrong?

And really? Just because an anime character doesn't look 18, then you automatically refuse to believe they are that age? I'd hate to think how you would interpret Lucky Star characters then.



Cultures..........SOME CULTURES NEED TO BE DESTROYED FOR THEIR SINS!!! After all the the cities who practiced FORBIDDEN INTERCOURSE GOT BURNED TO THE GROUND! I know about your culture crap......SORRY SOME OF THEM ARE REJECTED BY ME!

Yeah the looks thing.........well I am just thinking more in a realistic way for this series but NO NOT ALL SERIES ARE EASY TO ASSESS THE AGE. Like loli teachers. That I get somehow.

Are you serious? Please tell me you were kidding. At least tell me you're a troll so I know you're doing this on purpose. Way to twist my words around.

Tuomoz said it right when I said people can love at any age. If you want to start talking about intimate relations between two people, that's a slightly different story but I still stand by my words. I don't condone pedophilia nor do I agree with sex at an early age, but if a 16 year old wants to be with a 25 year old, who am I to question them? Who are YOU to question their feelings and tell them they're wrong?

And no, I will not PUT THAT IN MY HEAD. 18 is NOT the age. You don't need to be 18 to commit to an intimate relationship. Just because certain laws in certain countries say 18 is the legal age one can get married does not mean they cannot still commit to a relationship earlier. Just because YOU have failed relationships in your early ages does not mean all relationships before 18 fail. Are you that thick headed?

I don't even know where to begin on your comments on culture. I'd be seriously afraid to know what your political standings are. Yes, some cultures have controversial beliefs, that is quite true but to the point of them needing "TO BE DESTROYED FOR THEIR SINS"? Are you out of your mind? It's people like you and this belief that we will never see a unified humanity.

You have a nice way of contradicting yourself, did you know that? Even if you're trying to apply a "realistic way" of portraying characters, you can't seriously expect every single character to look their age, right? Even so, you can't believe a perfectly normal looking teenage character is 18 years old but you can believe a teacher that looks like she's 5 years old? Ridiculous.

Out of my mind? NO USA IS BTW WITH IRAQ for example of many!

People like you that say you do not be 18 to have a intimate relationship seem to me like you encourage teen pregnancy??? You think protection is right?? LOL go ask the Pope about that. I know you do not approve of sex at an early age but do you think you can control once a couple is formed at 14??? Trust me very hard to control a daughter when you are busy and all.

Unified humanity??? PLEASE LOOK AT AFRICA AND THE HELP THEY GET. Sure some is there but 100%??? Yeah right

Contradicting myself...AH yeah part of myself somehow. The anime understanding is one thing but analyzing it is different. Remember realism and anime. Sometimes the two may be used to comment.

Tuomoz said:

Your way of argumenting is very immature. SHOUTING in web forums and putting words into other's mouths is not the right way to do that. Anyway if you didn't get what Wasabi was saying, he basically said that anyone can love at any age and that's totally true. If you were rejected in your teens many times it doesn't mean that love can't exist before the age of 18. And everyone develops at their own speed. 18 is not some kind of magic number witch means total maturity. It's just an legal age when you are allowed to vote for the next president and do other stuff. Some mature faster and some slower(after 18).

And you know, theres many types of love. Why couldn't a 18 years old person love someone that is 7 years old? Of course a sexual relationship would be wrong because people start to develop sexually about after the age of 12 but Wasabi was never talking about sex. He was talking about love and you don't seem to understand that love isn't allways related to sex.

Making ecchi thing sound just so funny! :D At least thanks for the laughs. :P

Anyway on topic I'm really looking forward on this series. Looks great so far, like the prequel. The op and ed themes are also at least as good, it just takes some time to get used to them.

Yeah I know he did not mean but to me it meant that. That's all and I have different perceptions. Yeah the true love?? I WOULD BE DISGUSTED TO HAVE ANY LOVE FEELINGS FOR A 7 YEAR OLD AT 18. At very least I would help them and that's all.

It is very mature the way I talk since the person irated me. Don't ask how come but I perceive things differently.

Anyways back on topic I still think Mizuki is some sort of super genius that skipped grades and still looks like 16 but we all assume the 18. SO I LEAVE IT THAT.
angel999Oct 21, 2008 11:56 AM
Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Oct 21, 2008 12:14 PM
Aug 2008
Well, it seems that we(most people replying to you) can't undersand you so there's really no point in continuing this argumenting. Of course you are allowed to have your opinnions and that's good but don't expect everyone to agree with you. So I suggest that we let everyone to have their views and continue to talk about the second episode of ef - a tale of melodies. :)
Oct 21, 2008 2:40 PM

Jul 2008
Tuomoz said:
Well, it seems that we(most people replying to you) can't undersand you so there's really no point in continuing this argumenting. Of course you are allowed to have your opinnions and that's good but don't expect everyone to agree with you. So I suggest that we let everyone to have their views and continue to talk about the second episode of ef - a tale of melodies. :)

Oops! I appear to be incapable of following Rules 16 and 17, so I had to have a mod change my sig for me.
Oct 21, 2008 3:20 PM

Oct 2007
angel999 said:


Cultures..........SOME CULTURES NEED TO BE DESTROYED FOR THEIR SINS!!! After all the the cities who practiced FORBIDDEN INTERCOURSE GOT BURNED TO THE GROUND! I know about your culture crap......SORRY SOME OF THEM ARE REJECTED BY ME!

Yeah the looks thing.........well I am just thinking more in a realistic way for this series but NO NOT ALL SERIES ARE EASY TO ASSESS THE AGE. Like loli teachers. That I get somehow.

Unfortunately, to some people, apparently love = sex. If that is really your perspective on what love really is, then I feel really sorry for you. I find it a pity whenever people taint the idea of love in such a crude way. Intimacy is only a by-product of love, but you don't need it to love someone dearly and truly. The condition that one has to be 18 to love seems ridiculous to me. Sure, that is a standard some cultures set up among other intricate laws to avoid adults taking advantage of minors, but it really has nothing to do with the point. Love can develop at any age, and whether you, or anyone else for that matter, may or may not condone it, it is still love.

I find it sad that there are so many sources of hate in the world, and, at the same time, so many bars held on love. People saying you can't love because of age, you can't love because of race, and probaby the most controversial: you can't love because of gender. Meh, whatever.

And by the way, please restrain from making such brazen remarks about other cultures just because yours is all you've ever known. While some countries may not have age restrictions on love and marriage like here in the US, many of those countries are also not nearly as promiscuous either.
Oct 21, 2008 10:41 PM
Mar 2008
Lol Always thought Kuze and Mizuki had an awkward sexual tension like relationship, especially because of Kuze's supposed background. If he didn't have that I would just take it as a young chick cheering up an older sickly dude by just spending time with him.

Anyways I liked how Yu and Yuuko remind me a bit of Hiro and Miyako.
Oct 22, 2008 4:19 AM
Aug 2007
aero said:
Eh, I find it strange that a high school girls has fallen in love with someone so much older than she is.

Oh believe me, this happens even more so in real life.

And lol @ all of these novel type responses. It was a good episode, but somehow I found myself not really paying attention to it all that much.
Oct 22, 2008 5:59 AM
Mar 2008
i wonder if there will be miyako or chihiru on next episode... :<

MizukixKuze... their relationship is cute... i hope they will be together :>
Oct 22, 2008 6:42 AM

Apr 2007
angel999 said:
18 is the age of maturity.

Oh if only this were true. Not only is this incorrect in regards to "emotional maturity", but also in regards to maturity in general. Some people manage to reach maturity at a much earlier age, especially if there's some kind of external force. Using ef as an easy example, and just so we can stay on topic, Yu had to reach maturity at a much earlier age because of the events in his life. He ceased to trust people because he believed they'd only leave him alone in the end. He had no family to take good care of him, so he took care of himself. That's a kind of maturity. And it happens a lot in real life, especially with so many broken homes nowadays.

As for emotional maturity... Who hasn't fallen in love with a childhood friend? Or a classmate in middle school? I dare say love at a younger age is more innocent and pure and honest, because there are no raging hormones yelling at you. Of course sometimes - a lot of the time - it's hard to disguish between real love and a crush. But there is no set age that tells you, "See? You can fall in love now. And you'll have mature thoughts."

My father met my mother when she was 12. He was 22. My family is strong and still together after many, many, many years. There was never rape involved, or any sort of humiliating things. My father is also not a pedophile, lol.

You're living in an utopic little world if you think people wait until they're 18 to have "intimate relationships", angel999. Even if they're not ready for it, even if it's not really something they should be doing, they do it anyway. What we need nowadays is not try and control teenagers, but educate them. To stay in topic, Mizuki doesn't seem like a helpless little girl being seduced by the mean older guy who only wants her for sex.

"angel999" said:
Anyways back on topic I still think Mizuki is some sort of super genius that skipped grades and still looks like 16 but we all assume the 18. SO I LEAVE IT THAT.

She looks like a fine 18 year old to me.

[I'll also pretend I never read anything regarding destroying cultures. For the sake of the topic, I suggest people to do the same.]
Oct 22, 2008 12:23 PM

Apr 2007
Excuse the double posting, please.

Taking a complete different turn in the discussion, I've been completely addicted to the OP - been watching it over and over again and all that XD And I noticed something.
[Watching in high quality will help]

Did anyone notice a reference to the original game's OP by 1:07?

When Yuko tries to grasp someone's hand behind her back and it's not there, and then there's a shot to a paper plane. There's the exact same scene in the original game's OP, but Yuu's there with her to hold her hand.

The original game's OP]

I applaud you, SHAFT. That was a beautiful reference.
MaxwellLilyOct 22, 2008 12:32 PM
Oct 22, 2008 1:58 PM

Feb 2008
Someone seems to be slightly addicted to the show. ^^
Personally I dont like the OP of "melodies" that much. The mood is nice, but somehow all the german text is too much (...yes, I have the right to be annoyed with it although Im german). ;)

I also have to say what you have written regarding love and maturity is remarkable. :]
Oct 22, 2008 5:41 PM

Mar 2008
*sigh* okay after reading/skimming through everything said so far I'll try to be as brief and objective as possible and at the same time I'll try and link it to how I found this episode. ^^

This episode has dealt with alot of sensitive issues. It has explored the difficulty of separation, the birth of relationships, the ethics of age restrictions, to say the least.

When watching ef, I think we must put aside our own beliefs and ethics on which our own culture and society has built for us. It's not to forget about them but rather to view and understand this show as it stands with an open mind so that we can fully appreciate the meaning that it tries to convey to us. Indeed, so far it has challenged many views of what it right and wrong, supported by the lengthy discussion spanning the past 3 pages. Until we have been given the full story, while debate, speculation and the like is something that I'm sure is welcome, making assumptions and not accepting others is only demonstrating a closed minded approach to the show and a stubbornness without a cause.

I think that one of the messages of this episode is to remind us that love does not always come easy. There are many hardships and obstacles that one must overcome (ef S1 is a good example of that, particularly renji-chihiro side). Not only age, but possibly time as well. But if you demonstrate the willingness and determination to love with maturity and honesty, it should overcome any and all social and cultural obstacles, 'til death do we part'.

I think that maturity is not a matter of age or body. The age of 18 is something that society, particularly western society has in reality only given us as a guide to our growth. It is not our age that determines who we are, it is our experiences and our memories and I think ef S1 has made that quite clear (Chihiro had a mind of a 12 year old but her diary/metaphor for her memories connected her from yesterday's self with tomorrows).

Everyone is an individual and their age should not bind them for who they are. Why should age become a barrier that disrupts the natural rhythms of the world? If they are aware of the consequences of their actions, then we have no right to tell them that they are not old enough or if they are doing the wrong thing. Who are we to judge other people's lives when all we can see are our own perception of it? What right do we have to push our ideals onto others just because of our own setbacks and bad experiences? Our own perception of life and what we have experienced does not become the basis of what is right or wrong in the world. Who are we, one human out of over 6 billion to judge for all?

There may not always be a single simple answer for everything and in many cases, there are no simple answers at all. It is something that has been left up for interpretation and should always be left up for interpretation.

Since I've bored you with my half-assed half-completed essay/rant you probably stopped reading after the first paragraph (XD), there's just some things I'd like to point out specifically. Terribly sorry if it's already been covered!

angel999 said:
LOOK MAN! Your arguing is assumption at most so you want more details....FINE! Should he die the trauma on Mizuki will be so great that she will suffer for the REST OF HER LIFE. If you saw first season and know that she reads a certain type of manga then YOU SHOULD KNOW MORE her fragile personality. Psychology 101 learn it.

WHEN HE DIES Mizuki will suffer and I did not speculate HE IS GOING TO DIE.

Your arguments are just irritating and nor have any good premises to support them.

"Should he die the trauma on Mizuki will be so great that she will suffer for the REST OF HER LIFE."
Don't be a hypocrite mate. That's an assumption and you know it. It doesn't matter what happened in season one, human feelings can change. I'm sure what happens between them will change them in some way or another and they'll probably make some self-discovery or there would be no show in the first place and we can only wait and see what happens. 'Psychology 101 learn it'.

angel999 said:
Let me get to the point......people think that Mizuki might be 16 so being with Kuze is wrong cause he is over 18. No matter where you look in reality or not.....18 is the age of maturity. Love is mature subject in general cause it involves responsibility and feelings. Trust me feelings ain't really there till you are 18. I went through to many screw ups to have known better to be patient.

I have an 18 yr old friend who's gone out with a 24 yr old guy for a year now (so she was 17 when they started going out) and it was clear to me that one does not suddenly become mature at a certain age. I'll also tell you now I'm not 18 yet but in about 4 months time when I am, nothing about my opinion on this will change.
"Love is mature subject in general cause it involves responsibility and feelings. Trust me feelings ain't really there till you are 18." Again, I will not be any different to who I am now in four months time. My feelings will not change because time has passed, it is because of the experiences that have occurred during that time that will shape who I am. It has nothing to do with age.

angel999 said:

Seriously, are you God? Because if you are God my sincerest apologies. But if you aren't, who are you to judge what are sins and what are not? Who are you to think your authority is greater than others and that they deserve to be burnt to the ground just because you refuse to open your mind to possibilities. Who is to say they have no equal right to burn your culture to the ground because you refuse to accept their differences. Are you trying to build a world based on your beliefs alone? Have a read of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. It's a good book and I really recommend it.

Tired of this now. Onto the ep.
Still good visuals as expected. I still find it amazing how much they can fit into a single episode. One 20 minutes ep feels like an hour. I'm not bored, I just feel like I've been given so much information to process because of the depth and complexity of the varying metaphors and symbolism. Romance is moving along too so that's always good ^^
co_flameOct 22, 2008 7:07 PM
Oct 22, 2008 6:53 PM

Apr 2007
FTGT said:
Someone seems to be slightly addicted to the show. ^^
Personally I dont like the OP of "melodies" that much. The mood is nice, but somehow all the german text is too much (...yes, I have the right to be annoyed with it although Im german). ;)

I also have to say what you have written regarding love and maturity is remarkable. :]

Oh, I was quite addicted to season 1 and I'm having it just as bad for season 2 XD I also thought that the new OP couldn't surpass euphoric field because the concept of the animation was already known, so there was no surprise factor, and the melody of the song is basically the same. However, after some time of obsessing analyzing, I thought it was even better done than the first one, more dramatic and provocative. Also, because I'm simply in love with languages, the german text added to my admiration for it. Although, I'm sure if it were my mother language being somewhat butchered, I wouldn't be pleased either, haha.

I'm glad my babbling contributed to something :3

@co_flame: That's quite a beautiful wall of text, that I'm proud to say I read and fully agree. Although you misspelled Chihiro's name twice, haha XD. Especially this:

It is not our age that determines who we are, it is our experiences and our memories and I think ef S1 has made that quite clear.
Oct 22, 2008 7:08 PM

Mar 2008
Whoops yes I did but fixed, muahaha no one will notice now XD. Don't know why I kept thinking Chidori lol.
Oct 22, 2008 10:38 PM

Dec 2007
Why must Conclave and Mendoi be so far behind on this... This was an okay episode, made Himura's past a whole lot clearer, also showed how he got the school key that he gives to Renji in the first season. I find it interesting that they decided to have Mizuki come out with her feelings this early, it fits her personality though. I think I'll just keep watching the Chihiro subs to stay on top of things.

Oct 23, 2008 1:11 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
That was a very nice episode, it doesn't give me the feeling the first season did though. Not yet. The colors and the whole metronome imagery were beautiful.




[H+] ³  
Oct 23, 2008 5:10 PM

Feb 2008
Very nice episode.
Little Yuko is so adorable. <3
Oct 23, 2008 7:28 PM

Jan 2007
Mizuki's confession at the end there was nice. it was so natural. although, atm, i am more interested in the Yuuko/Himura story.
Oct 23, 2008 11:51 PM

Apr 2007
Faust721 said:
Mizuki's confession at the end there was nice. it was so natural. although, atm, i am more interested in the Yuuko/Himura story.

Same as above. Though it was pretty funny when Mizuki dragged Kuze on the ground :3
Oct 24, 2008 11:30 PM

Aug 2007
Damn good post there mate, sure you are 17? xD
You make a valid point about the difference between age and maturity. Being 18 doesn't suddenly make you a mature person, hell some of the most immature people out there are within the 18-21 age bracket. The problem here isn't maturity, but what the general public thinks of your relationship. Sure you might not care that you are dating someone twice or even three times your age, but society might say otherwise. Though society be damned given that Mizuki is already 16 (at least I think she is). All that really matters is the age of consent. Frown upon the relationship all you want, but it doesn't matter once you are bulletproof in the eyes of the law! xD

As for the episode itself...
ewww manservice! My eyes! @_@

I can't see Mizuki's love ending well. Yeah I can see the eventual coupling of the two, but it certainly won't end well. I'm more interested in the development of the Yuuko/Himura storyline. From what I've read, not everything will be covered by the anime given that it was never fully explain in the visual novel. Hell it is interesting enough for me to actually contemplate on whether I should get the visual novels even if its not translated... Poor Yuuko...she's the cutest out of all the ef girls too ='(

What I really want to know is how the hell they manage to get those paper airplanes to fly like that...
Oct 25, 2008 1:12 AM

Feb 2008
*Thumbs up*

AngelLily said:

... Also, because I'm simply in love with languages, the german text added to my admiration for it. Although, I'm sure if it were my mother language being somewhat butchered, I wouldn't be pleased either, haha.

Interestingly enough it is not butchered THAT much. Some of the sentences are even quite decent from an artistically point of view. Its just the amount of text that make it rather unpleasant for me. ;)

PimpToad said:

What I really want to know is how the hell they manage to get those paper airplanes to fly like that...

They use an invisible jet propulsion interconnected with an anti-gravity device immerged into the base-structure of the paper.....I guess. ^^
FTGTOct 25, 2008 1:23 AM
Oct 25, 2008 9:23 AM
Sep 2008
Somehow I want to kill the producers for the German used in the OP...
And I do not like a tale of melodies like I did a tale of memories. It just does not have ... the feeling I liked in the first season.
Oct 25, 2008 1:12 PM

Aug 2007

You do know its only been two episodes (well 3) so far right? Not a lot of people liked ef-memo during its initial run primarily due to its rather...artistic use of imagery. ef-memo truly shined during the second half of its run. The story is just building up so give it some time.
Oct 25, 2008 11:29 PM
Sep 2008
@ Pimptoad
You do not have to worry about that, I will watch it till the end, I just stated that I liked the first season better up till now. I am pretty sure the story will develop quite well. As long as the producers do not bring in their 'German' into the story xD
Nov 1, 2008 7:37 PM

Aug 2008
king4k2 said:
So basically Kuze is going to die soon or later, and he doesnt want get involve in his past. So thats why he burn those letters.

And Himura also doesnt want get hurt anymore so he solitude himself, and his sister is dead. For a moment I thought it was Yuko that died, or else the story would be messed up.

I think episode 2 tells basically what happened and what's going to happen. So this episode is a must see since it covers the plot

Personally I would like a better opening.

Thanks for the spoilers-NOT!
Anyway, I do agree with you, Euphoric Field was WAY better. The new OP is alright though.
Granted, the anime's awesome!
Nov 6, 2008 10:42 AM

Apr 2008
Chibi Yuuko is so cute <3

Nov 19, 2008 12:36 PM

Jun 2008
Wow Mizuki loves Kuze? And so early in the series no less!
Jan 9, 2009 2:18 PM

Feb 2008
Momo-Hime said:
Faust721 said:
Mizuki's confession at the end there was nice. it was so natural. although, atm, i am more interested in the Yuuko/Himura story.

Same as above. Though it was pretty funny when Mizuki dragged Kuze on the ground :3
Haha, that was great xD

Ef -melodies- isn't giving me the same feeling as the first series however in the first few episodes of -memories- I didn't really think much of it. So here's waiting on the build up. Glad they got confessions out of the way, gives more time for future development.
Feb 14, 2009 12:51 AM

Nov 2007
Another incredible episode, the two kuze's was really interesting and the allusions to an unstable medical condition makes it all the more interesting.
Apr 24, 2009 4:41 PM

Oct 2008
The Kuze story kinda weirds me out. If he really did care about Mizuki and actually wants to protect her from being hurt
then he wouldn't get involved at all. Besides stories like that are pretty disgusting... Isn't he like 30ish while she is like 15-17, lol. I understand that age should have no effect on love and that each person can do whatever he/she wants, but its still a bit replusive for me. Also, after two episodes we already have a straight up confession.

The Yuuko story is what's keeping me hooked, not liking the Mizuki x Kuze story atm.
ManifestApr 24, 2009 4:50 PM
Aug 12, 2009 11:15 PM

Jun 2009
Well done episode
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Oct 5, 2009 2:25 PM

Jun 2009
insan3soldiern said:
Well done episode

Agreed. Hope it continues to deliver as strong as it has thus far.
Dec 3, 2009 4:55 AM

Sep 2008
Plenty of development and just plain awesome in general. Pretty much what I was expecting. The metronome scene towards the end was almost too cool.
Dec 24, 2009 3:01 AM

Aug 2008
so we've got 2 love stories now. ; 3
kittygoesmadDec 24, 2009 3:42 AM
Mar 12, 2010 1:04 PM

Aug 2009
Wait Kuze dying? Where the hell did that come from? I know the time thing hinted and all...I was guessing if he had some kind of a cardiac condition but DYING is a bit too soon people. Don't depress me.
Mar 15, 2010 1:18 AM

Oct 2009
Ok so I am guessing Himura's sister died in a fire and that watch is the last memory he has of her....guessing also that Yuuko likes him since since he is her first love she did not give up that love even if the separation was long.

Mizuki falling with Kuze is strange since it was purely because of music and on top of that the guy has a obvious illness....guessing it has to do with the heart...if it's terminal then that love will be long lost when he dies...guessing the Metronome thing is like a regulator mentally for him and does he have split personality withing himself from this part=>
On the other hand art keeps impressing me in the ways things are shown like this part=>
GIF belongs here....Hayama nurse.....=>
francismeunierMar 17, 2010 7:08 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Oct 2, 2010 1:22 PM

Feb 2010
I knew it that she was going to like him. What's up with the clones and their mask?
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 26, 2011 2:10 AM

Aug 2010
DeathfireD said:
errr my worst nightmare for this series has come true. F you Mizuki for making me dread watching this now!

With that said, everything else was great. I agree with miyachan about Kuze having some form of Cardiac Arrhythmia. Although I wouldn't say it's something to shake off or dismiss as none threatening, it can be very life threatening. Kuze could drop dead and go into cardiac arrest at any moment from being over excited. I'm guessing this is why he cut his ties with women and lives isolated (for the most part).

Yu's story seems to have been revealed a bit. Not sure if this is 100% correct but here goes.
1) He was an orphan
2) Was good friends with an orphan girl.
3) Fire brakes out at orphanage and girl dies.
4) Yui becomes heart broken and isolates himself from love, affection, and possibly even people.
5) He meets Yuko, who appears to look exactly like the girl who died in the fire. She constantly follows him and calls him brother.
6) a few years later they meet again in high school. She confesses that he is her first love. She also somehow knows about the watch/fire.

I'm guessing she may have been related to the girl in the orphanage. A family probably only wanted one kid so she was picked, leaving her sister behind with Yui.

Pretty spot on. Im not as captivated by this season as the first one. We'll see if it gets better.
Aug 9, 2011 11:25 PM

Aug 2010
interesting 2nd episode. still nothing that has really drawn me in yet though. i hope it does next ep.
Nov 5, 2012 3:50 AM

May 2012
Interesting episode, the backstory was quite nice and the ending was quite interesting as well but something doesn't feel right for now, lets see what's next!

Nice ED!
Feb 11, 2013 6:57 PM

Apr 2012
What the heck is wrong with young Yu's voice, he sounds like he swallowed a flute.
I like Hentai, you like real life.
Instead of complaining about my tastes, be grateful you now don't have to compete against me.
Jun 12, 2013 1:35 AM
Jul 2018
Interesting beginning so far. I'm liking it. I thought Memories had a better opening, and I get the feeling that I won't like this quite as well, since I really connected with all the characters in Memories. But we'll see. It's still early in the series.
Sep 6, 2013 12:51 AM

Nov 2012
ahh I see.. I started to understand who is the girl called yuuko now :3
okay episode..
and mizuki :3
Oct 13, 2013 12:54 PM

Aug 2013
Maybe I'm just getting used to this style, but so far, I somehow like this season more than the previous one. It seems more serious (may I even say darker?), and the wholeheartedness with which they created those stunning visuals (including effects and timing) is almost palpable. The funny parts (like the scene where Kuze-san is being dragged on the floor) are fitting well, and it's just the right amount for me. The ecchi-ish scenes are not crossing any borders on my side either.
Yuuko is pretty impressive as a character. I liked her in the previous season as well.
The OP and ED are also somewhat better but I'm still not a fan of them.
What's the point of all this? // There's no point. I'm doing it because I can. That's all there is to it. // What will be left behind after this? // Nothing at all. She'll die and I'll burn out. The end. That's all. (Requiem for the Phantom)
Feb 16, 2014 3:43 PM

May 2013
Nice episode c:
Apr 23, 2014 2:09 PM

Dec 2013
Dafuq are those faces. My Brain hurts from watching this series
Jul 13, 2014 1:39 AM
Mar 2014
With this episode, I felt: meh. I was glad to get some more background on Yuu Himura, and more info on Yuuko Amamiya, but over was okay. I'm still trying to get over the fact that the main characters in the last season are merely side characters now, and most haven't even been shown, nor mentioned. Either way, I am looking forward to learning more about the side characters of the first season, who are the main characters now. I do expect to see Hirono, Miyako, Kei and especially Chihiro and Renji...TOGETHER please. I need SOMETHING more.
Aug 27, 2014 3:26 PM

Dec 2013
Kuze, play the violin. Why not?
That random confession lol.
Oct 21, 2014 7:05 PM

Jul 2014
So far I don't really like it... Moving really slow and although the animation is beautiful, a lot of it is being used in excess IMO. We'll see maybe I'll change my mind soon, I guess the story does have to be developed before it can proceed
Mar 29, 2015 5:02 PM

Oct 2013
well that confession at the end was not unexpected I hope this season isn't focused around him
Apr 6, 2015 3:14 PM

Aug 2014
Are Kuze an illness? It was a mystery. Yuu had a traumatic past?

I think this series will equal the previous series, there are two ways in which different story, namely Kuze-Mizuki and Yuuko-Yuu.

Btw, opening and closing songs are not much different from the previous series. Nothing too exciting, but have characteristic.
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