I guess I never see her tsun side, or even if she had I haven't noticed them at all.
As a scholar maou, she's monstrously smart and charming, although she also has some good dere side. So my answer is no.
In my book she should become a very good heroine if adapted well (although she has a quite big of useless meat hanging there). Also, one of the rare main heroine that's very qualified to be together with the main protagonist although the rest of the heroines available are also very goood.
I cannot read the novels but after reading both mangas I seriously hope the anime will be closer to the Kotowaru! version, because the other one is very bad and rushed.
Hope this anime will be similar to Hagure Yuusha no Esthetica.. The coverart reminds me of it.. A busty heroine and a heroic protagonist.. Interesting!
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