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Apr 23, 2012 10:11 PM

Mar 2009
I wonder when they will buff champs like Eve and Garen who were op before but got nerfed to the ground.
They already remade Jax and Panth after they were almost useless.
I want my Eve. :/
Apr 24, 2012 4:52 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
I wonder when they will buff champs like Eve and Garen who were op before but got nerfed to the ground.
They already remade Jax and Panth after they were almost useless.
I want my Eve. :/

I hope they won't buff them but remake them. You can't buff Garen or otherwise he'll be too strong.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 24, 2012 5:36 AM

Dec 2011
Vudis said:
I wonder when they will buff champs like Eve and Garen who were op before but got nerfed to the ground.
They already remade Jax and Panth after they were almost useless.
I want my Eve. :/

Garen already stomps early game if you buy AD items Dorans + Brutalizer, but he falls off lategame as just a guy who gets in the way tbh.

I want Eve to be remade, but we all know that it won't ever happen cos Riot trolls us mwahahha *cough* Nerfello (Morello)
Apr 24, 2012 5:51 AM

Apr 2012
Edob0b said:
Vudis said:
I wonder when they will buff champs like Eve and Garen who were op before but got nerfed to the ground.
They already remade Jax and Panth after they were almost useless.
I want my Eve. :/

Garen already stomps early game if you buy AD items Dorans + Brutalizer, but he falls off lategame as just a guy who gets in the way tbh.

I want Eve to be remade, but we all know that it won't ever happen cos Riot trolls us mwahahha *cough* Nerfello (Morello)

Evil reincarnated NERFELLO!

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 24, 2012 12:26 PM

Feb 2010
jallan said:
Bushhugger Garen? Ayay. DEMAACIA!!!!

I'm still laughing my ass off.

Immahnoob said:
You can't buff Garen or otherwise he'll be too strong.

Yeah, that's true. After release he got nerfed several times. Then he was like unplayable, after the small buff he's quite okay.

I like buidling Garen with BT because he has good resist thanks to his W skill, stomps everything in his path, or just go bottom Garen/Taric, rofl.

I don't get this fuss about him. I liked every single patch, every nerf was well deserved. Not long ago there were like 3 or 4 patches in a row with more thumbs down than thumbs up.... I was really wondering - is this community THAT stupid?
one-more-timeApr 24, 2012 12:58 PM
Apr 24, 2012 1:20 PM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
jallan said:
Bushhugger Garen? Ayay. DEMAACIA!!!!

I'm still laughing my ass off.

Immahnoob said:
You can't buff Garen or otherwise he'll be too strong.

Yeah, that's true. After release he got nerfed several times. Then he was like unplayable, after the small buff he's quite okay.

I like buidling Garen with BT because he has good resist thanks to his W skill, stomps everything in his path, or just go bottom Garen/Taric, rofl.

I don't get this fuss about him. I liked every single patch, every nerf was well deserved. Not long ago there were like 3 or 4 patches in a row with more thumbs down than thumbs up.... I was really wondering - is this community THAT stupid?

Why would you say that? Truly, I can live with the old Irelia, I lived with the OP release Xin, I lived with Twisted Fate when he was OP, I lived with Shaco when he was OP, I lived with the old Vladimir.

I never had problems with anybody as each one of them had counters.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 24, 2012 1:35 PM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
Why would you say that? Truly, I can live with the old Irelia, I lived with the OP release Xin, I lived with Twisted Fate when he was OP, I lived with Shaco when he was OP, I lived with the old Vladimir.

Say what? That the nerfs were deserved? I was okay too if scrubs played those champs, but when good player picked them up.. it was nightmare, you even didn't have to be good with that champ to be Godlike. Like they overbuffed Yorick.. THE PAIN.

When the champ is so good that there is like no other better champion to pick, even when you hard counterpick hi.. he still beats you.

If any of them would stay as "op" as they were.. you'd see that champion in every game. Game needs balance, RIOT's team is working on it with professional players to balance the champions out if someone is found to be "a bit too strong". Sometimes I'm puzzled about some changes, but when thinking about it with an open mind - I can see their reasoning behind the nerf, sadly enough this community is full of retards, just like any other.
one-more-timeApr 24, 2012 1:45 PM
Apr 24, 2012 7:12 PM

Apr 2012
Other team insults you -> you're having a good game.
Your own team insults you -> you're having a bad game.

I really like the game, but the community needs sorting out.
Apr 24, 2012 7:12 PM

Jul 2010
chaosabordine said:
Other team insults you -> you're having a good game.
Your own team insults you -> you're having a bad game.

I really like the game, but the community needs sorting out.

pretty sure that's with any other moba game though.

Apr 24, 2012 7:26 PM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:
chaosabordine said:
Other team insults you -> you're having a good game.
Your own team insults you -> you're having a bad game.

I really like the game, but the community needs sorting out.

pretty sure that's with any other moba game though.

That may well be the case. I'll admit I haven't played much of other moba games but relative to other online games, people seem more inclined to completely fly off the handle over any minor mistake...
Apr 24, 2012 7:53 PM

Jul 2010
i don't think other games require the level of team work that league of legends asks for. it sucks to lose a game over a mistake that someone else made when you are doing good.

Apr 24, 2012 8:09 PM

Apr 2012
That's true, but I'm thinking more specifically of the people who instead of actually playing the game, spend most of the match yelling at most, if not all, of the other 9 people in the game. All it does is divide the team and make the chances of winning slimmer.

I'm only around level 16 so I don't know if it'll get better or worse but I'm already dreading ELO matches.
Apr 24, 2012 8:09 PM

Feb 2010
Angel_Beats said:
pretty sure that's with any other moba game though.

It can be argued which of LoL, HoN, DotA communities is the worst.. but at the end of the day.. they all suck.
Apr 24, 2012 8:39 PM

Jul 2010
it's no fun to have someone on your back the whole time, but put yourself in a position where you're trying to carry and your own team tells you next time carry harder. then again some team mates just love to argue what they are doing is right.
you're probably going to get those games during your whole league career, it takes a lot to hold back one's rage at times.

Apr 24, 2012 10:40 PM

Mar 2009
Whoever said any of the new released champions was op clearly never had to play against Pantheon and Eve from 2 years ago when they were in their primetime of killing everything in seconds.
Apr 25, 2012 2:55 AM

Apr 2012
Vudis said:
Whoever said any of the new released champions was op clearly never had to play against Pantheon and Eve from 2 years ago when they were in their primetime of killing everything in seconds.

Shaco was released before Pantheon. I didn't add Evelynn tho because I forgot.

@chaosabordine Well, it depends, sometimes you'll meet idiots, sometimes you won't. Flaming has no excuse, it's true, but most of the time people just do those really avoidable mistakes that cost you an objective, an ace or even the damn game. In Ranked people are playing serious, if you're not there to do so too then don't, that's why there are Normals.

@Angel_Beats Yes, flaming makes people do a lot more mistakes than before. To be honest, the worst community is actually the LoL one, as most of the LoL players are inexperienced, so they sometimes flame you for nothing at all, second being HoN and third DotA.
ImmahnoobApr 25, 2012 3:02 AM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 25, 2012 5:45 AM

Dec 2011
I played HoN @ Beta and the community gradually got bad,and i think it was known as the worstfor a while.

But now i played LoL for nearly 2 years now (i think), its safe to say that LoL has the worst community, probably because its free and theres a majority of amatuers.

I just been hit by a brick by LoL im 4RP short from buying Ameythest Ashe or Cottontail Teemo thatson sale :(
Emailed support hopefully they giveme the 4 RP :D

FTR, Eve in the days with stun = pub stomping like a boss, Nobody remembers PENTAKILL Twitch? so. freakin. AWESOME :D
Apr 25, 2012 6:49 AM

Apr 2012
Edob0b said:
I played HoN @ Beta and the community gradually got bad,and i think it was known as the worstfor a while.

But now i played LoL for nearly 2 years now (i think), its safe to say that LoL has the worst community, probably because its free and theres a majority of amatuers.

I just been hit by a brick by LoL im 4RP short from buying Ameythest Ashe or Cottontail Teemo thatson sale :(
Emailed support hopefully they giveme the 4 RP :D

FTR, Eve in the days with stun = pub stomping like a boss, Nobody remembers PENTAKILL Twitch? so. freakin. AWESOME :D

Yeah it was epic, until of course he got nerfed TO THE GROUND! You must think I'm a joke... I'm not part of the System, MAN I won't let you pwnz0r faces in Solo Q.

That's how I feel when I say TO THE GROUND!

Lol had to do it.


Guess what I did, I played LeBlanc and won all 4 matches with her, thing is people counterpicked themselves at my ELO. Still sucks late tho, couldn't get most of the times to the carry if at all.
ImmahnoobApr 25, 2012 6:54 AM

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 25, 2012 8:20 AM

Jul 2010
besides the fact that everyone hates the league community i still think league is a great game. it's a lot more fun and easier to play.

Apr 25, 2012 8:55 AM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:
besides the fact that everyone hates the league community i still think league is a great game. it's a lot more fun and easier to play.

Yeah, I never put the community together with the game. Like some people say some games are full of hackers and it sucks, well not the game bro, the community. Why would you care, right?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 25, 2012 9:12 AM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
Guess what I did, I played LeBlanc and won all 4 matches with her, thing is people counterpicked themselves at my ELO.

Lol, them silly people. I used to run AP soraka against LB's.

Still sucks late tho, couldn't get most of the times to the carry if at all.

I don't quite see where's the late-game in your games, you have max 3 items, that's ~mid game.
Let's take for instance the first game:
They are all tanky like hell, Tristana has 9000 range + Escape. Very unpleasant composition to play against, she's weak vs such things.
Next game is unpleasant as well, Galio/Irelia/Corki.

It's because either your team does not understand in which places you can and in which you cannot initiate teamfight, plain field(like middle) is like the worst place to have teamfight as LB, or you were tunneling only for AD, AP is carry too.
Cait, Ez, Corki, Trist, they all have escapes, it's not that easy to kill them, with any assassin champion, they will react fast enough to get away before you'll proc Q silence.

This is what Froggen basically said, didn't want to ask anything more of my wall of text-.-:

She can't oneshot AP/AD carry either if LB is Underfarmed or their carries are just too fed. In theory 6 item LB can 1 shot 6 item AD/AP carry. But that's just theory, everything comes down to the actual game. She's played almost the same as Talon, Kassadin, Akali, but the best analogy would be the Talon gameplay, because Akali is more about getting in the last moment and get penta-kill and Kassadin doesn't deal as much damage as she can do in a single burst and he has higher mobility due to ultimate. While Talon and LB they both rely on their and opponent positioning and have the obligation to 1shot AD or AP carry or else they're simply dead.
Assassins are not played in current meta, sadly enough. Tho the Korean player from MiG Blaze today played Talon in tournament. He was denied so much, but when he got the farm, he simply popped Vayne, which in fact was #1 NA Vayne a.k.a. Doublelift. Positioning for talon is harder compared to LB, simply because he's melee character. And they both are very dependent where the teamfight happens, bare warfield is the worst case to have.

Have you replays saved? I'm curious to see you playing her and the games in general.
Apr 25, 2012 9:26 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
Guess what I did, I played LeBlanc and won all 4 matches with her, thing is people counterpicked themselves at my ELO.

Lol, them silly people. I used to run AP soraka against LB's.

Still sucks late tho, couldn't get most of the times to the carry if at all.

I don't quite see where's the late-game in your games, you have max 3 items, that's ~mid game.
Let's take for instance the first game:
They are all tanky like hell, Tristana has 9000 range + Escape. Very unpleasant composition to play against, she's weak vs such things.
Next game is unpleasant as well, Galio/Irelia/Corki.

It's because either your team does not understand in which places you can and in which you cannot initiate teamfight, plain field(like middle) is like the worst place to have teamfight as LB, or you were tunneling only for AD, AP is carry too.
Cait, Ez, Corki, Trist, they all have escapes, it's not that easy to kill them, with any assassin champion, they will react fast enough to get away before you'll proc Q silence.

This is what Froggen basically said, didn't want to ask anything more of my wall of text-.-:

I don't save replays for ages. I said I still think she falls off late game lol, but I told you I was FED, so I had a LOT more items than they did, I could halve or even 3/4 their hp but that was pretty much it.

In theory anything can work, but to have the exact results in a real game is impossible, as I told you, even if the people we're quite busy doing their stuff in teamfights it was impossible for me not to get hit by CC, that's why most of the times I got CC'ed in the middle of my combo, I died or escaped barely and could only throw some spells out from the back (not all the times of course).

Those games weren't shit for me at all to be honest. She's just too situational tho. That's why at the moment I don't even see her as a great pick either, not only that she falls off late game lol.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 25, 2012 10:18 AM

Feb 2010
Immahnoob said:
I said I still think she falls off late game lol, but I told you I was FED, so I had a LOT more items than they did, I could halve or even 3/4 their hp but that was pretty much it.

Erm.. no you didn't mention that you were fed. In two games there was no big difference in gold between you and the enemy AP.
LB will be "fed" basically in every game, she's just that kind of champion.. single target damage of hers is just ridiculous, easy to roam, easy to kill people can feed on support at early levels, unless all lanes want to stay under turrets and don't want to contest their buffs. But that will not be so in every game.

In theory anything can work, but to have the exact results in a real game is impossible, as I told you, even if the people we're quite busy doing their stuff in teamfights it was impossible for me not to get hit by CC, that's why most of the times I got CC'ed in the middle of my combo, I died or escaped barely and could only throw some spells out from the back (not all the times of course).

Well of course, I just simply show that her damage output, which takes 2 seconds, is capable of bursting them down. Unless it's AP carry building RoA+Rylais. We can both speculate about how can the tf can go. It can get hard to theorycraft teamfight where 10 individual people are involved, so many things can go wrong, there are just too many aspects. Every game, every teamfight is unique.

Tho idk why would you jump for their carry, in very unsafe place which will 100% lead to getting cc'ed, if with your items you could literally 1shot or leave 10-20% hp of their front lane, at least that's what I'd do if there'd be no chance to get to their carry, especially if the fight is without any fog or chance to get behind/on the side of the carries. LB is for the most of the part about roaming, not only lanes but their jungle too, she just destroys and has good CC, I don't like forcing teamfight if there's a LB in my team and we're in a bad place to have a teamfight. But they didn't have that hard CC, except soraka, to stop you. If Soraka sees LB coming for them - it's just not calculated action to jump in and get silenced, LB requires very good awareness of current situation and action needs to be taken in a matter of second.

Those games weren't shit for me at all to be honest. She's just too situational tho. That's why at the moment I don't even see her as a great pick either, not only that she falls off late game lol.

Yeah, I agree that she's very situational pick. But that comes to other that kind of, situational pick, champions too.

I hope I didn't write anything too silly, I have not slept for 30~ hours, going to take a sleep right now, later.
Apr 25, 2012 10:47 AM

Apr 2012
one-more-time said:
Immahnoob said:
I said I still think she falls off late game lol, but I told you I was FED, so I had a LOT more items than they did, I could halve or even 3/4 their hp but that was pretty much it.

Erm.. no you didn't mention that you were fed. In two games there was no big difference in gold between you and the enemy AP.
LB will be "fed" basically in every game, she's just that kind of champion.. single target damage of hers is just ridiculous, easy to roam, easy to kill people can feed on support at early levels, unless all lanes want to stay under turrets and don't want to contest their buffs. But that will not be so in every game.

In theory anything can work, but to have the exact results in a real game is impossible, as I told you, even if the people we're quite busy doing their stuff in teamfights it was impossible for me not to get hit by CC, that's why most of the times I got CC'ed in the middle of my combo, I died or escaped barely and could only throw some spells out from the back (not all the times of course).

Well of course, I just simply show that her damage output, which takes 2 seconds, is capable of bursting them down. Unless it's AP carry building RoA+Rylais. We can both speculate about how can the tf can go. It can get hard to theorycraft teamfight where 10 individual people are involved, so many things can go wrong, there are just too many aspects. Every game, every teamfight is unique.

Tho idk why would you jump for their carry, in very unsafe place which will 100% lead to getting cc'ed, if with your items you could literally 1shot or leave 10-20% hp of their front lane, at least that's what I'd do if there'd be no chance to get to their carry, especially if the fight is without any fog or chance to get behind/on the side of the carries. LB is for the most of the part about roaming, not only lanes but their jungle too, she just destroys and has good CC, I don't like forcing teamfight if there's a LB in my team and we're in a bad place to have a teamfight. But they didn't have that hard CC, except soraka, to stop you. If Soraka sees LB coming for them - it's just not calculated action to jump in and get silenced, LB requires very good awareness of current situation and action needs to be taken in a matter of second.

Those games weren't shit for me at all to be honest. She's just too situational tho. That's why at the moment I don't even see her as a great pick either, not only that she falls off late game lol.

Yeah, I agree that she's very situational pick. But that comes to other that kind of, situational pick, champions too.

I hope I didn't write anything too silly, I have not slept for 30~ hours, going to take a sleep right now, later.

Well I should check the games myself, two of those games were vs Twisted Fate, I had no real problems vs them both, as both were totally retarded. One of them was vs a AD Janna, I didn't expect that much dmg output and shield to be that strong either. I don't remember the 3rd or the 4th or w/e match.

I didn't tunnelvision for their AD, but from what I've felt, I felt that I couldn't carry games by myself, I poked, used my ultimate on tanks too, just to halve their damage, or CC'ed Janna that kept on healing, or anybody that would have been a threat.

I felt uneasy with her tbh, she's far too squishy, I did play her before, but I didn't actually remember much. She seems more squishier than before.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 26, 2012 9:09 AM

Apr 2012
Ashamanii said:
@Immahnoob I send you a friend request :).

Also @Jallan, if you join EUWest, add me :D. Once again the name is 'Noraan'.

Just made a West account, added you and Immahnoob.
Going under the name: Capuchuuu xD
Apr 26, 2012 9:57 AM
Dec 2011
Who Play Veigar ? :D so OP champion
Apr 26, 2012 9:59 AM

Apr 2012
SRCerberus71 said:
Who Play Veigar ? :D so OP champion

Too easy to focus down :D.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 26, 2012 12:59 PM

Aug 2009
Is there anybody who plays on NA server? :D
Apr 26, 2012 1:03 PM

Apr 2012
Pr1nc3 said:
Is there anybody who plays on NA server? :D

Hehe, there are like 12 pages man, almost all are US.

Check 'em out.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 26, 2012 1:13 PM

Jul 2010
that nordic style is real fun to play

Apr 26, 2012 1:59 PM

Aug 2009
Immahnoob said:
Pr1nc3 said:
Is there anybody who plays on NA server? :D

Hehe, there are like 12 pages man, almost all are US.

Check 'em out.

Oh okay then haha. xD If anyone wants to play with me, add: Clauddark1 :D
Apr 26, 2012 2:41 PM

Feb 2010
SRCerberus71 said:
Who Play Veigar ? :D so OP champion

I love playing him vs champs like Malzahar, who can't really trade with Veigar. Imo Veigar is one of the best late-game AP champions, even before that he's damn good. DFG and just destroy.
one-more-timeApr 26, 2012 3:26 PM
Apr 26, 2012 3:57 PM

Jul 2010
one-more-time said:
SRCerberus71 said:
Who Play Veigar ? :D so OP champion

I love playing him vs champs like Malzahar, who can't really trade with Veigar. Imo Veigar is one of the best late-game AP champions, even before that he's damn good. DFG and just destroy.

you're in love with those one shot champs aren't ya?

Apr 27, 2012 5:31 AM

Dec 2011
one-more-time said:
SRCerberus71 said:
Who Play Veigar ? :D so OP champion

I love playing him vs champs like Malzahar, who can't really trade with Veigar. Imo Veigar is one of the best late-game AP champions, even before that he's damn good. DFG and just destroy.

Hes pretty good as a late game nuke champ, like even if you dont manage to baet the 1v1 AP Mid champion u can still farm ur AP like crazy and stomp lategame :P

jallan said:
Ashamanii said:
@Immahnoob I send you a friend request :).

Also @Jallan, if you join EUWest, add me :D. Once again the name is 'Noraan'.

Just made a West account, added you and Immahnoob.
Going under the name: Capuchuuu xD

Add meee as well :) Edob0b
Apr 27, 2012 5:35 AM

Apr 2012
Edob0b said:
one-more-time said:
SRCerberus71 said:
Who Play Veigar ? :D so OP champion

I love playing him vs champs like Malzahar, who can't really trade with Veigar. Imo Veigar is one of the best late-game AP champions, even before that he's damn good. DFG and just destroy.

Hes pretty good as a late game nuke champ, like even if you dont manage to baet the 1v1 AP Mid champion u can still farm ur AP like crazy and stomp lategame :P

jallan said:
Ashamanii said:
@Immahnoob I send you a friend request :).

Also @Jallan, if you join EUWest, add me :D. Once again the name is 'Noraan'.

Just made a West account, added you and Immahnoob.
Going under the name: Capuchuuu xD

Add meee as well :) Edob0b

Yeah, it's quite fun, but IMO he's one of the hardest to position with and you need to know how to use your cage too. Even if you burst one champion down, if you die right after it wasn't of much use.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I'm banned until 3 May 2012. O.o that's why you won't see me online.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 27, 2012 6:15 AM

Feb 2010
Angel_Beats said:
you're in love with those one shot champs aren't ya?

They're cool, Sion, AP trist, Veigar, LB, tho I prefer champs like Cassio, Morgana, AP Janna, Mordekaiser. I don't play them much but sometimes yeah.. then the fun begins, lol.
Apr 27, 2012 4:26 PM

Apr 2012
jallan said:
Ashamanii said:
@Immahnoob I send you a friend request :).

Also @Jallan, if you join EUWest, add me :D. Once again the name is 'Noraan'.

Just made a West account, added you and Immahnoob.
Going under the name: Capuchuuu xD

Nice name :D.

Also, I figured I should mention that I generally only play during the weekends or on days off. The chance that I play on work days is small.
kiltroutgore said:
"I am meme, hear me roar."
Apr 27, 2012 4:33 PM

Feb 2012
I need some advice. Lately I've been playing Warwick almost every single match, but I need some pointers on jungling. Any help in general on the topic is appreciated.
Apr 27, 2012 4:51 PM

Apr 2008
UndeadFrogzard said:
I need some advice. Lately I've been playing Warwick almost every single match, but I need some pointers on jungling. Any help in general on the topic is appreciated.
Jungling is not all that difficult really. You need to follow the general jungling pattern for a bit (depending on the champ, start at blue/red/golems/wolves) and then try and gank whenever there seems to be a good opportunity. If lanes are pushed too much, dont bother, even if your team-mates complain like mad - it's their fault.

By the way, anyone ever played Xeraph? I don't see him often but when I do he seems to be quite the power early game. Any good mid to late?
Apr 27, 2012 4:58 PM

Apr 2010
If by xeraph you mean xerath, then yes. He is ridiculously strong, he just has a medium skill curve that shyed most people off. At 6, he pretty much can guarantee insta gib his lane. With proper positioning/comp in a team fight he just does insane damage and can gib an entire team while sitting in the back relaxing all cool. He does decent to well against the majority of popular mids currently and overall is a solid champ. I am incredibly happy no one plays him since a good xerath is incredibly awful to face in a solo que environment.

That said, if you can't land his combo then he is pretty bad. He goes through mana incredibly fast and while he has range on his side, he dies really easy. A team with proper ward coverage will also stop you from pulling off sneaky fights and really dampens his potential. Which is probably a large reason why he isn't seen so often in competitive play.

I went on somewhat of a tangent, but he is pretty strong all game. He doesn't fall off nearly as hard as most AP's.
Apr 27, 2012 5:11 PM

Feb 2012
Sohei said:
UndeadFrogzard said:
I need some advice. Lately I've been playing Warwick almost every single match, but I need some pointers on jungling. Any help in general on the topic is appreciated.
Jungling is not all that difficult really. You need to follow the general jungling pattern for a bit (depending on the champ, start at blue/red/golems/wolves) and then try and gank whenever there seems to be a good opportunity. If lanes are pushed too much, dont bother, even if your team-mates complain like mad - it's their fault.

By the way, anyone ever played Xeraph? I don't see him often but when I do he seems to be quite the power early game. Any good mid to late?
Okay thanks! The guys I play with need a jungler, so I'm trying to fill the position.
Apr 27, 2012 5:12 PM

Apr 2008
Clous said:
If by xeraph you mean xerath,
yeah well.. it all sounds to same to me! : P

Sounds interesting, might need to try (or buy) him sometime. Tbh though, if you can't use skill shots you shouldn't be playing an AP or AD carry, or just LoL in general.

I guess it just comes down to team compo and (anti) ward coverage.

But back to Cassiopeia 15/0'ing.
Apr 27, 2012 5:19 PM

Apr 2010
Sohei said:
Clous said:
If by xeraph you mean xerath,
yeah well.. it all sounds to same to me! : P

Sounds interesting, might need to try (or buy) him sometime. Tbh though, if you can't use skill shots you shouldn't be playing an AP or AD carry, or just LoL in general.

I guess it just comes down to team compo and (anti) ward coverage.

But back to Cassiopeia 15/0'ing.

I didn't know if they have some like fancy spelling in other countries. Same to me too :P

But yeah hes worth buying so when they ban cass you can still go on massacres.
Apr 27, 2012 7:02 PM

Feb 2010
Sohei said:
Tbh though, if you can't use skill shots you shouldn't be playing an AP or AD carry, or just LoL in general.

AD carries rely on positioning and mouse2'ing, not how good they can land skillshots, one Ezreal does not count for all AD's. There's plenty of "non-skillshot" AP champions, or ones who does not suffer so much if you miss one of the skills.
Being bad at skillshots doesn't mean that you should not play LoL. I suck at skillshots.
one-more-timeApr 27, 2012 8:00 PM
Apr 28, 2012 12:55 AM

Apr 2012
Sohei said:
Clous said:
If by xeraph you mean xerath,
yeah well.. it all sounds to same to me! : P

Sounds interesting, might need to try (or buy) him sometime. Tbh though, if you can't use skill shots you shouldn't be playing an AP or AD carry, or just LoL in general.

I guess it just comes down to team compo and (anti) ward coverage.

But back to Cassiopeia 15/0'ing.

As one-more-time said, missing skillshots it's NOT something to stop you from playing the game, you just need practice after all or you could play champions with not that many skillshots.

To be honest skillshots aren't that important on AD Carries anyways, you build TriForce on Ez or Corki if you want to have a great mid game but not a late game, because the enemy AD carry will shit on you if they have 6 items like you. So better go normal AD Build on them, it works a lot better.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 28, 2012 8:30 PM

Jul 2009
I just started playing LoL 1 week ago, and its boring to play alone.
Anyone up for a game?, comment on my channel's profile.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 28, 2012 11:29 PM

Jul 2010
like what Immahnoob and one-more-time said, missing skill shots should not stop you from playing league; of course it is good to hit everything, but you're bound to miss sometimes. missing a skill shot shouldn't make or break a player.

Apr 29, 2012 2:05 AM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:
like what Immahnoob and one-more-time said, missing skill shots should not stop you from playing league; of course it is good to hit everything, but you're bound to miss sometimes. missing a skill shot shouldn't make or break a player.

It depends on the champion too... If you miss your ultimate as Cassiopeia and don't hit anybody then really, you should seriously stop playing her or at least practice her somewhere else other than Ranked.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Apr 29, 2012 8:03 AM

Jul 2010
Immahnoob said:
Angel_Beats said:
like what Immahnoob and one-more-time said, missing skill shots should not stop you from playing league; of course it is good to hit everything, but you're bound to miss sometimes. missing a skill shot shouldn't make or break a player.

It depends on the champion too... If you miss your ultimate as Cassiopeia and don't hit anybody then really, you should seriously stop playing her or at least practice her somewhere else other than Ranked.

if it comes down to winning or losing the player should have the brains to stop playing the champion if he/she is missing vital skill shots. or they can just practice

Apr 29, 2012 8:49 AM

Apr 2012
Angel_Beats said:

if it comes down to winning or losing the player should have the brains to stop playing the champion if he/she is missing vital skill shots. or they can just practice

Haha, just like it happened to me when I played Lee Sin. I've dropped him then he became suddenly OP and when I wanted to retake him it was too late, nerfs were incoming.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
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