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Jul 26, 2008 2:34 PM

May 2008
My parents basically leave me alone, although that's not much of an issue (I'm 23 and independent). Occasionally when my dad's around, he might sing bars of opening music out of tune to mock me, but I think he understands that it's something I enjoy.

_ETERNAL said:
Thankfully, my parents actually watch anime from time to time so they're okay with it.

you have great parents!

Reminder: tomorrow is Parents' Day!

I am a banana.
Jul 26, 2008 3:37 PM

Nov 2007
My mom loves Death Note :]
She's watching anime sometimes, and thinks that anime are very similar to real-action movies, but a lot better (she hates Hollywood) I'm grateful for her ^^"
Jul 28, 2008 6:13 AM

May 2008
The only time I've watched anime on TV was when I was doing a marathon, plowing through my Gundam and Gundam ZZ boxsets. This was actually around the time I had surgery done, so I couldn't do anything else but watch TV, really. My dad just imitated sounds - most particularly the little jingle signaling a commercial break. Since it was a DVD, it'd do the jingle, cut out the commercial, and do the jingle again immediately. He also said "This is obnoxious."
Jul 28, 2008 6:28 AM

Feb 2008
My 'rents don't really care. Although they tend to twitch if I answer questions in Japanese.
Jul 28, 2008 7:25 AM

Feb 2008
LolitaDecay said:
My 'rents don't really care. Although they tend to twitch if I answer questions in Japanese.

Lol, now I'm going to piss my parents off by doing that.
Jul 28, 2008 8:09 AM

Sep 2007
My mom: Ooooh, Cowboy Bebop! Mind if I watch it with you?

My dad: Cowboy... Bebop...? How the hell can you stand to watch this shit?
Jul 28, 2008 12:46 PM

Jul 2008
My fathers favorite anime related activity includes calling them cartoons when I can hear him. Otherwise he's not at all interested.

Mother.... well she's on the other side of the planet but probably wonders if I have the devil in me for it. Glad she cares but... heh.
Kind regards

Jul 28, 2008 1:51 PM

Apr 2008
My Mom doesn't even try to understand anime, she just says that I'm wasting my time watching it.
"We're nothing like god. Not only do we have limited powers, but sometimes we're driven to become the devil himself." --Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Aug 14, 2013 1:02 AM
Aug 2013
Sorry for any spelling errors I'm on my phone at 3am hard to see and very tired. Okay so I have a good experience. I've watched anime before I new it was anime and only thought it was a cartoon (Dragon Ball Z) and my mom new I liked it as well as my dad. So basically I was 18 watching I believe it was Bleach, had just started the series and I was on the couch upstairs and my mom goes into the office which is also upstairs to pay some bills and what not. As she is entering the room she says watching "Cartoons Again" oh hell no I said in my head and was like Wtf did she just say lol?!? I never was open about it cause I thought they would think cartoon, porn, stupid shit like that but I said no I'm watching anime. My dad was and still is working in Alaska so he isn't really around much. But back to my story, I was suppose to take her out for her birthday and a movie cause it's just me and her. So were sitting in Olive Garden after the movie and I said okay mom hear me out what I was watching earlier is not a cartoon (It kinda is but I don't consider them because some/many are not child appropriate) she said well what is it then I said again Anime she was like what is that? I was like Japanese show that is for mature audiences was the best way I could describe it. She said oh I said yeah I wouldn't let any young kid watch most of them. So she asked about it so I told her about bleach and explained some of the different genres. Then I said you know what when we get home I'm going to make you watch at least 3 episodes ofa show iI think you will like and we ended up watching 11 episodes of Death Note and she finished it within 3 days! xD she said it was better than any American show she has ever seen! I said well there are some really good ones besides that and sense then she has watched Code Geass and Code Geass R2, Darker Than Black, Elfen Lied, Full Metal and Brotherhood, and she absolutely loves Attack on Titan so far. I turned her to some more female friendly anime like Angel Beats and Both Clannads. She loves them all, she couldn't get into any hardcore shounen like DBZ or Bleach whose plot is large she prefers the smaller seasoned shows. I tried to get her to watch Naruto but she liked the story but got to long to watch them all so she is reading the manga and only has 11 more chapters till she is caught up. So yeah my mom was kick ass about the hole thing and has become one of my best anime buddies. Best mom ever. My Dad when I went to Alaska this summer got him into, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, Attack on Titna, and Death Note. He even watched Highschool of the Dead which we both agreed we were glad mom wasn't there lol. So yeah I'm 20 my mom and dad are 50 and 52 so it is never to late to get them into something and have a new friend. I think it all has to do with how smart are your parents? (Are they able to grasp new ideas and cultures without much explaining) (Did you explain the moral and advanced story telling anime brings and how it is similar to reading a good book with a complicated plot and character developments?) (Did you explain it in a way they wouldn't think you were an immature child watching cartoons and if you did get them to try to watch an anime was it something that (YOU) liked or something...that was more down to earth mature? Anybody looking to start anime watching with parent(s) try Death Note. My suggestion. Good night everyone and thanks for reading my story!
Aug 14, 2013 1:30 AM

Nov 2011
I slap my mom when she tries to meddle in my things.
I luv u
Aug 14, 2013 1:46 AM

Mar 2013
Dad was like"Aren't you too old to watch animations",and I was like"Don't hate cuz you ain't me"#swag#yolo
So Far,so Good...So What!
Aug 14, 2013 1:48 AM

Aug 2009
Only time I recall my watching anime to some extent with a parent is one I was watching Letter Bee on T.V. My mom actually thought it was really nice, and I'd agree that it's a nice show and thats why I had it playing on T.V considering I also have a very little sister and wouldn't want to have some ridiculous violent shit on there.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Aug 14, 2013 2:00 AM

Jul 2013
Seeing how most of you are teens and live with your parents I feel for ya! I was very rebellious as a teen not slap my mother type although there were days I almost wanted to. But i pretty much watched whatever I wanted they talked shit, but I just made fun of them and all their hobbies pretty childish now that I think about it, but oh well YOLO!
Dr. Sheldon Cooper " It is no way to make new humans. People coming out of people. Some kind of dirty magic show.
Aug 14, 2013 2:34 AM

Feb 2013
My mom doesn't care what I watched. I watch ecchi as well and she was like.. that very nice. My mom basically just let me watch whatever I want.

My dad hate me watching it, because its japanese. But he just ignore me and don't question me because I get mad easily. When he do question me. I explain why this is good so so. He got tired and already stopped question. Now I just watch whatever I

My brother also like anime too. I got him into anime as well. So its all good.
Aug 14, 2013 3:43 AM

Jan 2013
My dad watches some anime with me, (only attack on titans atm) it all started with SAO.

My mum catches a glimpse (like 3 seconds) while I'm watching anime on the TV in the living room. Once, she asked why was everybody naked during an episode of attack on titans, other than that, usually no comments unless there's blood on the screen.

I watch animes with potential awkward/ecchi scenes such as watamote, Monogatari and World only god knows in my room. Wouldn't want my parents commenting on those lol
A friend and I started ShoukoChan Anime T-shirts. We design modern and fashionable anime T-shirts you'd love to wear on a day out. Come check us out!
Aug 14, 2013 5:00 AM

Mar 2012
My mom once told me "how can you watch this crap?"

I told her...

"You watch Big Brother. Your argument is invalid."
Aug 14, 2013 6:01 AM

Aug 2013
Well for starters
my dad doesn't even like cartoons so getting him to like anime would be a struggle.
Far as my mom, I will never watch anything anime-related around her due to the fact of her calling "Japanese things" "Chinese" Things. Until she understands what I watch comes from Japan, I will never EVER show her my anime side

so when they walk in i either bring up a new page on hide my mediaplayer

Aug 14, 2013 6:11 AM

Nov 2012
Mildora said:
Well for starters
my dad doesn't even like cartoons so getting him to like anime would be a struggle.
Far as my mom, I will never watch anything anime-related around her due to the fact of her calling "Japanese things" "Chinese" Things. Until she understands what I watch comes from Japan, I will never EVER show her my anime side

so when they walk in i either bring up a new page on hide my mediaplayer

Perhaps you could watch deathnote with your mom and start a "deathnote diary" thread and post updates for us all to eagerly read.
Aug 14, 2013 6:35 AM

Mar 2013
They always try to imitate what they hear... and fail miserably
Aug 14, 2013 6:35 AM

Aug 2013
no_good_name said:
Mildora said:
Well for starters
my dad doesn't even like cartoons so getting him to like anime would be a struggle.
Far as my mom, I will never watch anything anime-related around her due to the fact of her calling "Japanese things" "Chinese" Things. Until she understands what I watch comes from Japan, I will never EVER show her my anime side

so when they walk in i either bring up a new page on hide my mediaplayer

Perhaps you could watch deathnote with your mom and start a "deathnote diary" thread and post updates for us all to eagerly read.

This sounds like a great Idea. Only problem i see in this is that the fact my mother would never watch anything Demonic related. soon as she here's the word demon, she'll drop the show in a second. I don't have a problem with this but its a biggie for my mom. I've only seen the first 5mins of death note so it would be wonderful if i could get her to watch it

Aug 14, 2013 6:48 AM

May 2010
When my father caught me watching anime, he just sat down, watched it with me. He never asked any questions.

Aug 14, 2013 6:58 AM
Jul 2012
As long as no boobs are flying around and no weird ass gore is showing, they do not care, really. Although the less they see, the more I feel safer.

I would shit my heart if my father wanted to watch Code Geass with me like some users are saying their fathers did. I am not into ecchi or anything like that but some shows really like having both a good story and random panty shots.

Good thing I do not come across many like Code Geass :p
Aug 14, 2013 6:58 AM

Jul 2013
Neither of my parents watch anime with me. They sometimes make some comments, but for they are unable to speak English they give me a puzzled look when something happens and ask me for translation. Atleast they are understanding enough. Also they get me manga once in a while so it is worth giving a synopsis for a few volumes, right?
Aug 14, 2013 7:02 AM

Apr 2011
Mom: Why are you always watching those slideshow screaming shows?

Dad: Why are you always watching anime?
Aug 14, 2013 7:07 AM
Jun 2013
I've probably told this story like five times on different threads but I'm going to tell it again.

I'm watching Toradora (again). My mom walks in. We end up watching the whole damn thing and she luvs it.

My mom's awesome ^^
Aug 14, 2013 7:10 AM

Nov 2012
I want to watch toradora but i dont think my penis could handle it.
Aug 14, 2013 7:13 AM

Sep 2012
ShoujoChrome said:
When my father caught me watching anime, he just sat down, watched it with me. He never asked any questions.

Did he like it?
Aug 14, 2013 7:41 AM

Apr 2011
SetsukoHara said:
ShoujoChrome said:
When my father caught me watching anime, he just sat down, watched it with me. He never asked any questions.

Did he like it?

The million dollar question.

Aug 14, 2013 8:00 AM

Jul 2012
not the norm...

tx to my fabulous self, BOTH my parents watch anime all the time.

my Dad loooves ecchi and fan service heavy shit, and is always trying to recruit me to watch his shows (sorry dad)

i watch a lot with my mom, we're real tight, i'm lucky to have a great family. She has shows she is passionate about, but i suspect she likes Kdrama better ^^

What a weird and wonderful set of parents.
Aug 14, 2013 8:09 AM

Jun 2012
They just think im watching cartoons, no point in trying to explain that Anime is different.
If strength is justice, then is powerlessness a crime?

Aug 14, 2013 8:15 AM

Jun 2013
My dad tries to watch it with me sometimes and he gets confused easily. He really likes when I watch the Dragon Ball series though. My mom usually comes in and ignores it as it plays, but I pause it if it's an emotional scene.

Both of my parents already acknowledge it as one of my hobbies so they don't mind really.

Aug 14, 2013 8:25 AM

May 2011
Velcor said:

Too bad she considers it a total waste of productive time. -_-

I hate this argument so much, if my parents ever said this I would probably punch them. I watch anime like I would watch any other TV show; as entertainment, and I don't see how when instead of watching normal programming and watching anime it's being wasteful... Then they better not watch TV at all if they think that way.

All that aside my parents don't care my mom and stepdad as far as I can tell aren't interested (Although I know a show or two they would probably enjoy) and my biological father actually showed me Howl's Moving Castle which was something that got me interested in anime in the first place.

I do know however that they know not all anime is porn/only for kids because my stepdad walked in on me watching Strike Witches and called it anime porn, not just porn. It was meant as a joke and I actually thought it was hilarious because a bunch of friends heard it through my mic. I was only 15 at the time too.

There was also this one time at dinner where my stepdad was telling us about how his one friend from work liked anime and went to a con somewhere. Then asked if we knew what furries were because apparently they were all over that shit. Then he proceeded to say something about how a few stereotypes can ruin something for a lot of people. In other words "I understand you like it (Anime not furry) for whatever reason, and won't judge you on misconceptions or stereotypes." And this was only like a month ago. So yeah my parents are pretty bad ass.

Besides, they probably think nudity in anime is the same as NA movies and what not and they've never hidden "Uncensored" movies from me. So if anything they literally haven't given a shit pretty much my whole life. I'm 18 now so if they do have a problem with it too bad, they'll have to kick me out of the house cause I'm not gonna stop any time soon.

*nth Edit

My mom just came in saw my new Nedoroids and called them cute. not weird or the typical "Y dafuq u wast mony on dis shiz?" I fucking love my parents.
FreakyTyAug 14, 2013 8:53 AM
*Cringey anime weeb stuff*
Aug 14, 2013 8:46 AM

May 2010
yhunata said:
SetsukoHara said:
ShoujoChrome said:
When my father caught me watching anime, he just sat down, watched it with me. He never asked any questions.

Did he like it?

The million dollar question.

Aw, damn. Well, screw the money. Yes, I'm pretty sure he did liked it.

Aug 14, 2013 8:48 AM

Jul 2013
They always walk in at the wrong time. :/ I don't think they like it, but they don't oppose me watching it.
Aug 14, 2013 10:00 AM

Dec 2012
That pretty much sums up my mom in a nutshell. It especially annoyed me when my parents used to walk up and watch with me for 5-10 minutes, cause I knew they didn't give a damn what it was about and were just looking for excuses to strike up rather stupidly pointless conversations such as "Why does that girl have pink hair???" or "Why are those people killing each other????"

Like if they were genuinely interested in it I wouldn't have been bothered but I knew it was all in vain if I tried to explain anything. Luckily that was years ago, they don't know I watch anime anymore and I intend to keep it that way. Especially because now I watch things with ecchi or sexual innuendo and my mom is a huge prude, she flips a table if she sees women in bikinis on TV, it's embarrassing beyond belief.
ZekkenshinAug 14, 2013 10:04 AM
Aug 14, 2013 10:13 AM

May 2011
Ratohnhaketon said:
Especially because now I watch things with ecchi or sexual innuendo and my mom is a huge prude, she flips a table if she sees women in bikinis on TV, it's embarrassing beyond belief.

The hell does she watch then? PBS only or some shit?

Just sayin' I wouldn't be able to stand someone like that.
*Cringey anime weeb stuff*
Aug 14, 2013 10:17 AM

Jul 2013
mom gets mad and is like WOW SO LAME AMANDA
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)dont hate me cause you aint me( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Aug 14, 2013 10:20 AM

Mar 2013
Mine tells me I will never get married if I keep watching cartoons at my age.

Moms are funny like that.
Aug 14, 2013 12:25 PM

Jul 2012
Sanjur0 said:
Mine tells me I will never get married if I keep watching cartoons at my age.

Moms are funny like that.

Tell her there is a very good chance that watching anime will be more fulfilling than marriage ^^

Aug 14, 2013 12:34 PM

May 2012
Not quite anime but any time I'm playing a JRPG and my mom walks in she goes all like "PLAYING THOSE STOOPID ANIMAY GAYMEZ AGIN I SEE." She's pretty condescending anytime she sees anything anime related on my computer. She really hates anime for some reason. I find it pretty funny actually.
Aug 14, 2013 12:41 PM

Feb 2013
I always minimize or at least pause anime when they go to my room. They're not very close to it, I think they just don't like it, so I don't want to do it. And I'm really not 'brave' to do it =(

Aug 14, 2013 12:46 PM

Feb 2013
Nihilfist said:
Not quite anime but any time I'm playing a JRPG and my mom walks in she goes all like "PLAYING THOSE STOOPID ANIMAY GAYMEZ AGIN I SEE." She's pretty condescending anytime she sees anything anime related on my computer. She really hates anime for some reason. I find it pretty funny actually.

The same with me, but in my case, they don't say it world for world, but I see they really don't like that, my mum especially. They don't mind my wallpapers at desktop, but they think anime and manga are stupidity.

Aug 14, 2013 1:18 PM

Jan 2012
well my dad is watching One Piece, Naruto S, Hunter x Hunter weekly and finished lots of animes too so I dont avoid
Aug 14, 2013 1:58 PM
Apr 2010
Me and my family usually have discussions about anime that we watch together. We also created our own little club. It's so cool.
Aug 14, 2013 2:09 PM

Sep 2012
My dad came in when I was watching the first episode of Eden of the East once. He shouted through to my mum that I was watching a "naked guy on the TV".

But he was joking around. My parents know I watch tentacle porn late at night in my room.
Aug 14, 2013 2:09 PM

Mar 2013
my family wont even let me show them anime. i finally got my dad off my back about anime a couple weeks ago by telling him "i will give up anime if you give up hockey." he doesnt bother me anymore but still wont watch it.
Just because you know how to use a torrent does not give you the god given right to pirate.

My actual list:

check out my youtube channel for my review:

Aug 14, 2013 2:11 PM
Jul 2012
mattbenz99 said:
my family wont even let me show them anime. i finally got my dad off my back about anime a couple weeks ago by telling him "i will give up anime if you give up hockey." he doesnt bother me anymore but still wont watch it.

But...but...I can't give up hockey :'(
Aug 14, 2013 2:18 PM

Mar 2013
Baconzombie said:
mattbenz99 said:
my family wont even let me show them anime. i finally got my dad off my back about anime a couple weeks ago by telling him "i will give up anime if you give up hockey." he doesnt bother me anymore but still wont watch it.

But...but...I can't give up hockey :'(

and i cant give up anime
Just because you know how to use a torrent does not give you the god given right to pirate.

My actual list:

check out my youtube channel for my review:

Aug 14, 2013 3:06 PM
Aug 2013
Well luckily most people (where i live at least) have a knowledge of anime limited to what's shown on television here (Pokemon, Naruto, Bleach...). Honestly I think that anime could have a MUCH worse reputation.

I'm glad to say that I've never been put in the awkward position of having my family see any ecchi scenes or the like.

I did have an awkward moment where I was at a family reunion reading a shoujo manga on my phone when someone took the phone from me and started flipping through it. It wasn't so bad though, they didn't know how to read it anyway.
Aug 14, 2013 3:20 PM
Jul 2018
When I was 12 I got my mom to watch a few episodes of an anime I had been rambling about all the time so she wanted to know what's so good about it... and she loved it! (though I never let her see the rest, don't really remember why)
Anyway, they're well aware of the fact I've been into anime for years, and I often bring it up during our conversations, but I never, ever let them watch it with me cause it just makes me feel uncomfortable for some reason, whether there are fanservice-y scenes or not. I don't know, but I just can't immerse myself into it if I know someone's watching it right next to me. Besides, I don't believe they'd want to devote their time to it so for now they just acknowledge the fact I watch anime and don't think it's anything unusual... I'm kind of grateful for that :P
removed-userAug 14, 2013 3:24 PM
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