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Jul 11, 2011 10:40 AM

Jul 2007
neji64plms said:
I'm gay. I think I should post "Hetero is not my thing" 50% of the time I watch an anime because that's how hetero everything is not even non-romances so I don't see the big deal about one anime with a gay relationship; there's hundreds of heteros.

Thank you.
Jul 11, 2011 5:46 PM

Jul 2008
There really wasn't anything to read into in the first episode.
Jul 11, 2011 6:07 PM
May 2011
amichanchan said:
Tixy said:
Blackiris said:
I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!"

Yes you do, by each day walking around freely, not worrying that anyone will beat you up because of your sexuality. Also, novels said hi.

Bones will tone it down, you can be sure, and with 11 episodes it probably won't go this far, so all you insecure people can still watch this!

that are nezumi and shion,chinese and japanese have different art
hats pretty interesting how they change the art style, shows their really putting work into this serise
Jul 11, 2011 6:39 PM

Jan 2009
First let me say this: I'm not homophobic, but I don't like watching shounen-ai or yaoi shows (being the focus of the show).

Now, how can people say that this show is or isn't shounen-ai? There's only been 1 episode and we aren't even done the events in the description of the show. The fact of the matter is, people who are familiar with the novels are saying it's shounen-ai (not yaoi, there is a difference). Whether or not that's true, we'll see, but just the rumors about that will put some people off.
Jul 11, 2011 8:07 PM
Jun 2009
I haven't read the novels (but I intend to. They're hard to track down), but from what I can tell so far it does have yaoi/shonen-ai elements. That's not to say it's a yaoi series. Junjou Romantica is a yaoi series. Sekaiichi Hatsukoi and Gravitation are yaoi series. That's because the primary focus of the show is on the relationship between the characters and nothing more. This show is likely to be a sci-fi story that happens to have gay characters, and if that's the case, so what? It doesn't bother me one bit when a male character has a love interest in a girl character. Why would it? I'm watching it for the story, not the romance.
Jul 12, 2011 9:23 AM

Jan 2010
I hope this will have some sort of gay relationship, mostly because then maybe we'll have an actual good yaoi/shounen-ai anime but also so that all the homophobic straight white males who's never faced discrimination in their lives that watch this will rage because apparently two men being in love is "disgusting".
Blackiris said:
I'm not a homophobic person (though I'd appreciate all gays/lesbians to keep their orientation in discretion and not parade all over the place showing off, I do not wander through streets screaming "I'm a fucking hetero, just look at me!")

Oh wouldn't you like that. It's not like gay people go out and participate in pride parades because they just fell like it (although I'm sure there are those), they do it because they want equal rights and to be seen as just more than "fags" and "dykes" who can't even get married in most states. Also being hetero is considered a social-norm so there's no reason for you to scream that out, people will assume that's your sexual orientation.
Jul 13, 2011 11:27 AM

Mar 2009
[troll] If men are holding hands, they're gay. Period.

The only exclusion to this rule is father figure holding the hand of son figure. This kind of bond, the father/son bond even if they might not be blood related; is not gay. However, it only works if the son is still a kid.

Friends that hold hands, aren't just friends. Same goes for brothers, cousins etc. They will surely cross that threshold sooner or later. So unless the other character is like a father figure to that boy, well, you know where this is going to end up...

The only reason straight men hold the hand of each other, is to arm wrestle.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 13, 2011 11:47 PM

Jan 2008
LOL. What a discussion. When I watched the first episode, I anticipate that there will be a lot of discussions and anti-BL rants. BL undertones have been incorporated in many shounen or even shoujo shows, and this one is no it for fan service or simply part of the story.

From what I see it here. Shion is a kid who lives in orderly life but deep within him, he wants to experience life differently. Enter Nezumi in his life. The event is out of ordinary. You can see Shion's reactions - from being excited to use the injection stuff to a real person up to being caught and being in paralyzed position. He's curious about these things. Also it seems that he hasn't form a deep bonding with any of his male classmate, and only with his family and childhood girl friend. Nezumi being out of the ordinary probably captures Shion's interests and longing for deep friendship.

The show's story is really promising. I don't think people should be so concern about yaoi in this show because it isn't yaoi for God's shake. People should know what yaoi really means. Even if there's BL undertones, BONES will probably keep it at decent level. ;)
Jul 14, 2011 12:29 AM

Oct 2009
The first impression I was given of this was it being a "modern example of homoeroticism" which almost completely turned me away from this show. I'm far from homophobic and I've watched yaoi before but I really didn't want to watch another one. But hell, after watching the first episode I saw nothing of the sort. Holding hands like that isn't gay and certainly not homoeroticism. I'm glad I asked my friend about it. Had I not, that stupid comment would've turned me away from a show that promises to be interesting.
Jul 16, 2011 1:29 AM

Aug 2009
he picked some random flashback of a dude over f*cking a chick -.-

Jul 16, 2011 2:58 AM
Oct 2010
Keep it low, nobody notices = profit.
Jul 16, 2011 3:37 AM
Jul 2010
notsureifsrs said:
Monad said:

People can watch whatever they want, but you cannot deny a lot of people in the episode 1 discussion topic were being really homophobic.

They weren't just saying "gay is not my thing". They were openly calling it gay and implying it was bad to be gay.

A lot of animes are starting to have Yaoi vibes while not clearly stating that are of the "yaoi/shounen ai" genre. take Kuroshitsuji as an example. so that's why people are asking because they are not interested in watching a show that turns out to be of the previously mentioned genre and to THEM it is a bad thing, simply.
KThnxByeJul 20, 2011 3:12 AM
Jul 16, 2011 9:58 PM

Apr 2011
The main problem is it's boring, not that it's potentially yaoi.
Jul 16, 2011 11:16 PM

Mar 2011
the subtle moments are the worst, honestly. keep teh yuri/yaoi stuff out of serious anime if you want them to be taken seriously. thx
Jul 16, 2011 11:29 PM

Sep 2010
Niyari said:
the subtle moments are the worst, honestly. keep teh yuri/yaoi stuff out of serious anime if you want them to be taken seriously. thx

What the hell are you whining about. That is just romance stuff and romance has a place in serious anime, whatever the hell serious anime is.

Jul 17, 2011 12:30 AM

Jul 2010
I just want everyone in this thread to ask themselves one thing;

would you care if it were two females doing the exact same thing?

That answer prolly speaks volumes.
Jul 17, 2011 12:32 AM

Dec 2010
SkyHigh said:
I just want everyone in this thread to ask themselves one thing;

would you care if it were two females doing the exact same thing?

That answer prolly speaks volumes.
Viewership X2
Jul 17, 2011 12:52 AM

Oct 2009
They just fail to understand to concept of an utopic city where sex is only for reproduction.
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Jul 17, 2011 9:42 AM

Oct 2009
Niyari said:
the subtle moments are the worst, honestly. keep teh yuri/yaoi stuff out of serious anime if you want them to be taken seriously. thx

What are you talking about? It seem you haven't read the novel at all. And just let you know BONES cut down the BL undertones since it's was higher in novel.

And Yuri and BL subtext is way how producers make money these days. Not every one is going to like het romance.
I have poorly English grammar, so for give me. I still learning.
Jul 18, 2011 6:20 AM

Mar 2010
This is...yaoi? O_O*havent watch it yet*
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Jul 18, 2011 6:48 AM

Jun 2009
Let me say this first, I see nothing wrong with people dropping that show if they just aren't into certain things. But what I find annoying is how there being the possibility of homosexual relations seem to be for many a convenient and (most sadly) logical excuse to do so. If you don't like it, just drop it, but don't rant over how gay (with the implication of something bad) a show is.
I don't go around and rant about every show centering around nothing but big breasts or cute girls. I just don't watch them...or stop doing so silently.

DmonHiro said:
See, here's the thing. Guys don't have to be homophobic in order to NOT enjoy this. The reason most guys don't like BL is because we are unable to indentify with the charatcers, thus making their whole interactions uninteresting to us.

I think this comment is problematic on so many different levels. But the biggest problem I have is how you speak for "the guys", just as if gay guys aren't guys...they're immediatly disqualified from being "masculie" just because they like other guys.

The other problem is, what are "we guys" supoosed to do?! Only watch shows with gay characters because it's so hard to think out of personal boundaries for once?!
Honestly, I have no problem identifying myself with a guy who loves a woman or a woman who loves another woman...damn it's just's not like you have to be gay yourself only because you can understand how somebody feels.
If that were true it would mean that everytime you understand a female character you secretly want to be a girl...which is just stupid.

It's not about being unable to identify with something, it's about refusing to do so.
It's not hard to understand something, it just takes some willpower.
Waiting for: God Eater (PSP)

Jul 18, 2011 4:30 PM
Jan 2010
I saw their hand holding as something tender and real as opposed to how mechanical Safu's kiss was. Her dialogue at the time enforced that, saying how it was 'a representation of (her) reproductive desires'. I mean, what person says something like that when kissing the person they like, let alone someone who is twelve years old? If that isn't a sign that No. 6 is quite obviously messed up, then I don't know what is. In such a strange and strict society, is it any wonder that Shion becomes fascinated by someone who is different? Just because they held hands didn't mean that it was pandering to fujoshi. And if someone actually does think that, then that is kind of sad and they obviously didn't understand the significance of it.

I don't know which is worse - people taking on the 'FILTHY GAYS, IF THIS BECOMES GAY THEN AS A MANLY MAN I WON'T BE ABLE TO TAKE IT AND WILL HAVE TO DROP IT!111' stance or the people squeeing over the thought of there being BL fanservice.
kingdom587Jul 18, 2011 4:33 PM
Jul 18, 2011 5:30 PM

Jul 2010
seizonsha said:
Let me say this first, I see nothing wrong with people dropping that show if they just aren't into certain things. But what I find annoying is how there being the possibility of homosexual relations seem to be for many a convenient and (most sadly) logical excuse to do so. If you don't like it, just drop it, but don't rant over how gay (with the implication of something bad) a show is.
I don't go around and rant about every show centering around nothing but big breasts or cute girls. I just don't watch them...or stop doing so silently.

DmonHiro said:
See, here's the thing. Guys don't have to be homophobic in order to NOT enjoy this. The reason most guys don't like BL is because we are unable to indentify with the charatcers, thus making their whole interactions uninteresting to us.

I think this comment is problematic on so many different levels. But the biggest problem I have is how you speak for "the guys", just as if gay guys aren't guys...they're immediatly disqualified from being "masculie" just because they like other guys.

The other problem is, what are "we guys" supoosed to do?! Only watch shows with gay characters because it's so hard to think out of personal boundaries for once?!
Honestly, I have no problem identifying myself with a guy who loves a woman or a woman who loves another woman...damn it's just's not like you have to be gay yourself only because you can understand how somebody feels.
If that were true it would mean that everytime you understand a female character you secretly want to be a girl...which is just stupid.

It's not about being unable to identify with something, it's about refusing to do so.
It's not hard to understand something, it just takes some willpower.

This also makes it sound as if sexuality is a persons defining trait and people of differing sexualities "cannot relate" to each other.

That's the biggest steaming load I've ever heard. It's not that you can't relate to people, it's that you have closed your mind off and don't wish to.
Jul 18, 2011 9:17 PM

Mar 2009
Yeeeeaaaah...there's pretty much nothing gay about this show at all. Now, that penguin anime thing, whatever the hell that's supposed to be - quite gay, flamboyant, and fabulous.
Jul 19, 2011 9:44 PM

Sep 2008
If this friendship is called gay, then I think I would rather see gay relationships than shitty ecchi harem relationships where some main guy trips and grabs girls boobs every 5 seconds while getting a nosebleed.
Jul 20, 2011 2:11 AM

Jan 2008
seizonsha said:

DmonHiro said:
See, here's the thing. Guys don't have to be homophobic in order to NOT enjoy this. The reason most guys don't like BL is because we are unable to indentify with the charatcers, thus making their whole interactions uninteresting to us.

I think this comment is problematic on so many different levels. But the biggest problem I have is how you speak for "the guys", just as if gay guys aren't guys...they're immediatly disqualified from being "masculie" just because they like other guys.

I think you're reading what I said wrong. I said "most guys don't like BL". The truth is, most guys are not homosexual, and most of the guys that are not homosexual do not enjoy BL. I thought it was perfectly understandable. Also, being gay has nothing to do with being manly. You can be the frutiest gay man in the world, and still be manly. Or you can be straight as an arrow and still be a pussy.
Also, how can someone, anyone, identify with being homosexual, if they are not homosexual, thus are unable to understand homosexuality. Indentifying with someoone/something means that you see all or part of your characteristics in that certian person/thing. It is very possible to indentify with a charatcer that is homosexual on many levels: maybe he loves animals, maybe he is extremly shy, maybe he's a jerk with a heart of gold. But unless you are homosexual yourself, you can not identify with his homosexuality. Sure, you can say you understand, just to sound cool, but the truth is, you probably don't. So why lie?
I cannot, and probably never will be able to identify with homosexuality. I've seen two guys kiss before, and it didn't repusle me, but I am not interested in watching a show about a gay relationship, unless it's in the background to a good story. So far, No.6 has had no interesting development for me. I've already seen episode 2, and the plot dragged on, while being quite cliched.
Jul 20, 2011 6:38 PM

Feb 2011
I've got a great suggestion for all those:


GTFO. Don't like, DON'T WATCH. Aren´t gonna keep watching? WE DON'T CARE. GTFO, leave this anime alone. Nobody gives a damn nor is the world suddenly going to become a better place just because you throw an Anti-BL trauma on the forum.

Seriously. Just drop the show and go back to your "awesome, 100% straight anime that should be watched and praised by all humanity". =.=


Why are we even still fighting over this? I never see us girls throwing hissy fights over two girls holding hands, hugging, bathing together, grabbing each others boobs, acting like ditz, etc, in other animes. =.=
Jul 20, 2011 7:53 PM
Jan 2010
Crii said:
I've got a great suggestion for all those:


GTFO. Don't like, DON'T WATCH. Aren´t gonna keep watching? WE DON'T CARE. GTFO, leave this anime alone. Nobody gives a damn nor is the world suddenly going to become a better place just because you throw an Anti-BL trauma on the forum.

Seriously. Just drop the show and go back to your "awesome, 100% straight anime that should be watched and praised by all humanity". =.=


Why are we even still fighting over this? I never see us girls throwing hissy fights over two girls holding hands, hugging, bathing together, grabbing each others boobs, acting like ditz, etc, in other animes. =.=

exactly, and the fact heteros doesn't complain about lesbians, just proves all the hate for gays comes from their own insecurities, their own problems, etc...
I found it sexy that they were holding hands, don't forget its yosei anime...

I can't imagine a lot of stright woman complaining about females acting lesbian.

Ignorance will destroy this world...
Jul 21, 2011 2:07 AM
Jul 2011
Ahh geez. I wish people would stop complicating, it`s just an anime. I know a lot of people here are "just because we don`t like BL dosen`t mean we`re homophobic". That statment is true of course. But the way you write about it, the way you say you`re droping it is really hurtful. Because if you can`t stand two little boys holding hands, you`re a total coward. It`s not like they made out or started filming a freaking sex tape did they? I wouldn`t blame you at all if something like that happened. It`s not your thing we get it. But something so innocent like holding hands ... do you realise that a few of comments here can hurt gay people that are reading them? There`s romance in great popular animes, only hetero. But does that define the genre? No. It`s the same here, IF they fall in love on the side that still won`t define the genre. And as it was stated before: there`s a LOT more BL hints in the novel, the few that are in the anime are nothing compared to the ones in novel.
And btw it can also just be bromance, no BL at all.

And this anime is not like Kuroshitsuji that had all the BL hints in it for pure fanservice.

And PLEASE stop calling it yaoi people, do you even know what that means? Search for some REAL yaoi anime and see what that is.
Jul 21, 2011 2:17 AM

Mar 2009
Real yaoi anime? You mean like Kuroshitsuji? XD
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 21, 2011 2:28 AM
Jul 2011
Nope. xD

Smth like Winter Cicada, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan, Ai no Kusabi, Junjou Romantica *though JR is quite soft yaoi in my opinion, for beginners xD* etc.
Jul 21, 2011 2:36 AM

Mar 2009
Look, everything from Kuroshitsuji and on, is yaoi. There ain't no this is more yaoi than that. They're all indulging into their own faggotry and are as gay as they come. They don't have to show their poopers to be called yaoi, as long as they're homo, it's yaoi.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 21, 2011 2:46 AM
Jul 2011
Yaoi = gay sex

It has strong BL fanservice yes. But no sex shown so no it`s not yaoi.
Jul 21, 2011 2:50 AM

Mar 2009
Here's a golden rule that overrides even the definition of anime genres such as yaoi:

If there is something that is gay, and you think it's normal, then you're gay too.

So, BL fanservice is gay. Yaoi is gay. So, it's the same thing, really.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 21, 2011 2:52 AM

Dec 2010
kodial said:
Here's a golden rule that overrides even the definition of anime genres such as yaoi:

If there is something that is gay, and you think it's normal, then you're gay too.

So, BL fanservice is gay. Yaoi is gay. So, it's the same thing, really.
Aw shit this guy is making me catch the gay
Jul 21, 2011 2:56 AM
Jul 2011
Damn. I`m so gay then. Oh wait I`m just an open-minded girl.
Jul 21, 2011 3:03 AM

Mar 2009
Hey, it's not that I'm not open minded. I'm merely stating the facts and not my personal opinions. I mean, I could be gay for all you know. I got Kuroshitsuji on my watching list and gave Death Note a 10, which is clearly a Shounen Ai anime.

But in cases like this, the obvious should be stated. When it comes to sexual preferrences, either you're gay or you're not. There's no in between, even bisexuals are half-gay. But like I said there is no such a thing like "this is more gay than that". Either it is gay or it's not.

"But if they're balls are not touching---" No, either it's gay or it's not.

Well, don't take it too personal, being gay is not a bad thing. It's just a gay thing.
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 21, 2011 3:10 AM
Jul 2011
Emm okay what? xD Are you a yaoi fan? And I thought us yaoi/BL/slash fans only saw BL everywhere. But that`s because we WANT to see it, not because it`s actually there. And we know that. Death note is not shounen-ai in any way. xD As much as I like the idea of LightxL it`s purely in our minds, those two hated eachother, Light killed him for god sake.

Anyway this is a No.6 topic so I won`t go offtopic anymore.
Jul 21, 2011 3:14 AM

Mar 2009
A passion crime, it was... But oh well, you're right about derailing the original topic. But we might as well label No.6 as a shounen ai or yaoi and close the thread. XD
Signature? I ain't got no signature! I don't need no signature! I don't have to show you any stinkin' signature!
Jul 21, 2011 5:53 AM

Feb 2011
I'd totally understand labeling it as "shonen-ai" but yaoi? You've gotta be kidding me.

Yaoi is a story where there is plain hardcore sex between two men. So far I've failed to see Nezumi sticking his --------- into Shion's ---------------- and Shion screaming -------- that he ---------. =.=

Seriously guys. Oh well, let's just put this all behind us and move on.

People who aren't gonna watch the show and only feel like complaining...OFF THE FORUM NOW. We've got no need for anti-BL ranting or anything of the like.
Jul 21, 2011 3:55 PM

May 2008
Crii said:
I'd totally understand labeling it as "shonen-ai" but yaoi? You've gotta be kidding me.

Yaoi is a story where there is plain hardcore sex between two men. So far I've failed to see Nezumi sticking his --------- into Shion's ---------------- and Shion screaming -------- that he ---------. =.=

Seriously guys. Oh well, let's just put this all behind us and move on.

People who aren't gonna watch the show and only feel like complaining...OFF THE FORUM NOW. We've got no need for anti-BL ranting or anything of the like.

I was going to write something similar to this but you summed it up perfectly. The part about Nezumi sticking... so that I LOLd so hard at that. *grins*

kodial said:
There's no in between, even bisexuals are half-gay.

Half-gay? What's that if not in between you idiot? XX"DDDD
Jul 21, 2011 7:11 PM
Jul 2011
kodial said:
Hey, it's not that I'm not open minded. I'm merely stating the facts and not my personal opinions. I mean, I could be gay for all you know. I got Kuroshitsuji on my watching list and gave Death Note a 10, which is clearly a Shounen Ai anime.

But in cases like this, the obvious should be stated. When it comes to sexual preferrences, either you're gay or you're not. There's no in between, even bisexuals are half-gay. But like I said there is no such a thing like "this is more gay than that". Either it is gay or it's not.

"But if they're balls are not touching---" No, either it's gay or it's not.

Well, don't take it too personal, being gay is not a bad thing. It's just a gay thing.

I don't think human sexuality is that simple.
But really, Shounen-ai is far less graphic than yaoi. It's the same as shoujo-ai to yuri. Think of Aoi-Hana, I doubt typical yuri fanboys liked it because it was scarcely sexual, it was just a simple romance.

Back on topic though, digesting genres aside, there hasn't been any indication of a sexual inclination or romantic attachment in either character.

His childhood friend i'm rooting for, she's so naive.
Jul 21, 2011 8:19 PM
Jun 2011
Could someone please explain to me why am I immature if I chose to drop a series because it turns out to be Shonen-ai?! It's the same as if you guys drop a show because it's too ecchi. If I don't like watching shonen-ai it's my god damned buisiness and I won't be called being immature because of it! Sure the plot is good, but why would I keep watching it if the two only characters that it follows are gay? It's the same with shojo! I bet shows like Vampire knight have a good plot and stuff, but I won't watch something shojo. Period end of story and if I'm immature because I don't watch Yaoi then so be it! If it was yuri on the other hand I wouldn't mind it XD
Jul 21, 2011 8:42 PM

Feb 2011
Dropping it is not immature. What's immature is making "a big deal on the forum about dropping it, because I don't like the BL subtext".

If you had just dropped it without saying anything or trying to "defend yourself against the BL", nobody would have called you immature.

Anyway, let's all move on and just enjoy the episodes!
Jul 21, 2011 9:14 PM
Jun 2011
Who ever said anything about "defending myself against the BL"? All I was doing is trying to keep myself from dropping it, but when I came to this forum...I couldn't help but defend the people who want to drop it because it's BL, myself included. So the ones I'm actually defending myself against are all of you
Jul 21, 2011 9:19 PM

Feb 2011
...I see? o.O

Anyway, whatever. We should all stop these arguments.

People who don't like it should just drop it and not make bad comments about the anime. And us who will keep watching should just enjoy the anime without paying attention to anti-bl people.
Jul 22, 2011 1:27 AM

Feb 2010
There's one thing that drives me insane about this debate. Instead of the debate being about whether or not the show is good, or has intellectual merit, everything is about whether or not the characters are gay.

If you can't enjoy a show because the MC is homosexual, you should probably examine your own bias. You're probably not as tolerant as you're trying to portray yourself as.
Jul 22, 2011 3:53 AM

Mar 2010
kodial said:

If there is something that is gay, and you think it's normal, then you're gay too.

im confused so ur saying if ur not homophobic then ur gay? lol

"I am the bone of my sword,
Steel is my body and Fire is my blood,
I have created over a thousand blades,
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life,
Have withstood pain to create many weapons,
Yet, those hands will never hold anything,
So as I pray, unlimited blade works"
Jul 22, 2011 4:51 AM

Jun 2008
Crii said:
I'd totally understand labeling it as "shonen-ai" but yaoi? You've gotta be kidding me.

Yaoi is a story where there is plain hardcore sex between two men. So far I've failed to see Nezumi sticking his --------- into Shion's ---------------- and Shion screaming -------- that he ---------. =.=

Seriously guys. Oh well, let's just put this all behind us and move on.

People who aren't gonna watch the show and only feel like complaining...OFF THE FORUM NOW. We've got no need for anti-BL ranting or anything of the like.

i couldnt have write better;) thank you for writing it^.^
Yaoi is not the same as shounen ai. DEFINITELY NOT.
Im a yaoi lover, so i can tell the difference XD Those who are curious about a yaoi, dont watch a shounen ai, go and watch a real yaoi, and i bet you´ll never lable a shounen ai as yaoi again.

i want to give my best regards to the boys and girls who are watching this show and enjoying it without caring if it has BL or not. If the world had more people like you, the discrimination would end and everyone would be more peaceful and open minded.

To me this show is good, love the plot and the characters. I usually hate whinny goody goody charas like Shion, yet, this time i think he is adorable.
And Nezumi is awesome. Together as friends they make me a happy girl, and together as a couple they put me in heaven.
That´s all i have to say~

kodial said:

If there is something that is gay, and you think it's normal, then you're gay too.

Ive seen in other animes scenes that resemble BL yet they are only brotherly love (unfourtenately XP).

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Jul 22, 2011 7:02 AM
Feb 2008
vellon said:
There's one thing that drives me insane about this debate. Instead of the debate being about whether or not the show is good, or has intellectual merit, everything is about whether or not the characters are gay.

If you can't enjoy a show because the MC is homosexual, you should probably examine your own bias. You're probably not as tolerant as you're trying to portray yourself as.

That's it. Topic closed.
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Oct 25, 2023 3:44 PM

Poll: » No.6 Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

tsubasalover - Jul 28, 2011

174 by SouthRzVa »»
Oct 20, 2023 3:19 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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