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Another (light novel)
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Mar 27, 2012 10:46 PM
Jan 2011
As the show came to a close, I was left with more questions rather than answers. But upon reading some comments via other threads and trying to decipher things on my own, I could only come up with these conclusions:

-Reiko was killed a year and a half before the story starts.

-Reiko was also Ms. Mikami who came back as the "extra." (I assume she formerly was a homeroom teacher rather than an assistant?)

-Reiko's funeral was the first time Kouichi arrived in that town.

-Kouichi first meets Akazawa during this time as well but later forgets due to the effects of the curse.

With these noted, my concerns lie with the curse's activation. Kouichi's first interaction with Misaki did not lead to it because it had started already. How exactly did it begin then?

Misaki remembers Mikami's death by an unknown assailant, but how is this possible? Wasn't she supposed to forget as well? In addition, why was the assailant so similar in appearance to Kouchi? It wasn't him right?

Right before Kouichi goes in for the final blow, he states "Goodbye, Reiko. Goodbye, mother." Were these two separate "goodbyes" to two different people? If so, this made things even more confusing as one could mistakenly interpret Reiko for being Kouichi's mother.

If anyone could shed some light on these details, it would be greatly appreciated.
Mar 28, 2012 1:32 AM

May 2009
Shikijo said:
With these noted, my concerns lie with the curse's activation. Kouichi's first interaction with Misaki did not lead to it because it had started already. How exactly did it begin then?

It started when Reiko started going to school as Ms Mikami. Since no one knew that a teacher came back as an 'extra', no countermeasure was put into effect and thus, the natural balance that got thrown off by the dead being resurrected was never fixed. As a result, people started dying, starting with Mei's twin sister in late April.

Misaki remembers Mikami's death by an unknown assailant, but how is this possible? Wasn't she supposed to forget as well? In addition, why was the assailant so similar in appearance to Kouchi? It wasn't him right?

I think the fact that she had uncovered the real identity of the extra by then made her remember some details again.

Remember that the extra erases pretty much all traces of its existence, so when its identity is uncovered, I think the veil is lifted for that particular person.

As for the assailant, I doubt we'll ever truly know who he was. It couldn't have been Kiuoichi, as he wasn't in Yomiyama when Reiko got murdered. He came there for her funeral, and only returned later to attend school there.

Right before Kouichi goes in for the final blow, he states "Goodbye, Reiko. Goodbye, mother." Were these two separate "goodbyes" to two different people? If so, this made things even more confusing as one could mistakenly interpret Reiko for being Kouichi's mother.

From what I read, it goes somewhat like this: Kouichi never had the chance to say good-bye to his mother when she died. Though Reiko was his aunt, he probably started seeing her more as his mother, given that they looked pretty much identical. So, in a way, he had to kill both his aunt and his surrogate mother.
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Mar 28, 2012 4:57 AM
Jan 2011
Ahh, I see now. Your answers do seem to fit the questions I had. Thanks for that. Hopefully others who are somewhat confused find this thread.
Dec 21, 2012 7:55 PM
Dec 2012
I just watched Another a second time and I picked up on some things. At the end Kuichi, says Goodbye Mother. Why does he say this? That got me to realize that the dead one/extra was his own Mother not his Aunt Reliko. I think this because Mei mentions that his Mother and Aunt look very similar. It is true that his Aunt was murdered a year and half ago and he came to town for the funeral. However it still wasn't the Aunt that was the extra. In order to not conflict with his memories, his Mom appears to be his Aunt to him and forgets all about his Aunt's Death. Remember, his Mom is a victim of the Calamity. She was the sister of Reiko (currently in class 3 at the time) who died in child birth. Any past victim can come back as an extra. Kuichi sees her in that last moment, knows it's his Mother not his Aunt, but chooses to keep silent, allowing others to believe it's his Aunt Reiko. I'm confident this is what really happened. Why even bother inserting the information that his Mother and Aunt look similar? The extra was his Mother.
Feb 6, 2013 5:59 AM

Dec 2009
kmparas said:
I just watched Another a second time and I picked up on some things. At the end Kuichi, says Goodbye Mother... Why even bother inserting the information that his Mother and Aunt look similar? The extra was his Mother.

no, reiko is not his mother...
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Apr 18, 2013 11:16 AM
Nov 2012
Thanks for the answers AO968. As for Reiko being Kuichi's mother, thats just ridiculous . Its not like the producers would have wanted the audience to figure that out, if it were, then the epilogue would have said as much.
Nov 1, 2014 3:24 PM
Feb 2009
Did anyone get why they were talking about the calamity being stopped forever?
Dec 2, 2014 5:12 AM

Jan 2013
Bosskardo said:
Did anyone get why they were talking about the calamity being stopped forever?

Is that even possible anymore? Remember a few years back, that guy recorded on the tape that he killed his classmate on that rainy afternoon, who was coincidentally the 'extra' in that year.

Sadly, I'm sure that the whole cycle would repeat itself sometime, which I place my bets on a possible (?) second season :)
Jul 5, 2015 5:40 PM
Jul 2015
kmparas was saying that Reiko was just dead and it was Ritsuko who came back as the extra disguised as Reiko, not that Reiko is Koichi's mother. To be honest, this theory makes just as much sense as anything since it's not explicitly confirmed or denied.
Sorry, I just wanted to be clear.
Jul 21, 2015 1:58 AM
Jul 2015
So how was he able to see his aunt Reiko and her as a "extra" teacher?
Sep 26, 2015 2:49 PM
Sep 2015
My biggest questions:
1. Why was the doll shop owner all creepy and "has no other customers"?
2. Why did the people in the mansion lose their shit?
3. If there was originally supposed to be 1 death per month, why did so many people die close together?
4. Why did kouichi keep asking his family questions when he knew that they would be put in danger?
5. Is Kouichi's father just completely unaware of what's going on with his son during the entire anime??

Btw, I think Reiko was the mother. That's why they included the detail of them looking so similar. Its just like the situation with the Mizaki sisters
Jan 4, 2016 5:13 AM

Apr 2015
Swift2147 said:
My biggest questions:
1. Why was the doll shop owner all creepy and "has no other customers"?
2. Why did the people in the mansion lose their shit?
3. If there was originally supposed to be 1 death per month, why did so many people die close together?
4. Why did kouichi keep asking his family questions when he knew that they would be put in danger?
5. Is Kouichi's father just completely unaware of what's going on with his son during the entire anime??

Btw, I think Reiko was the mother. That's why they included the detail of them looking so similar. Its just like the situation with the Mizaki sisters

1. Don't know why she was creepy but she mentioned that Kouichi was the only costumer in shop as Misaki was a resident.

2. When you are about to die, and you know you can save yourself by killing someone else, I think most people would go for it.

3. Idk

4. He mainly asked Reiko/Mikami, who was already in danger as she was the assistant Homeroom teacher.

5. I think yes, he was in India (mah country) all the time and Kouichi never told him much.
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Feb 4, 2016 9:19 AM
Jan 2016
To answer question 4. I think that he knew all along that his aunt was the extra. Look at the ay he looks at her and the dreams. He was skeptical of her all along.
Question 2 and 3. I think that the whole class started to go insane at the end and couldn't deal with the fact people were dying all around them and just wanted to find the extra at any cost to save themselves.
Question 1. She was just as jacked as the rest of the freaking town. She holed herself up and went crazy as the people she knew died all around her.
Aug 10, 2016 12:34 AM
Aug 2016
Did everyone knew that Reiko was the homeroom teacher?
Aug 14, 2016 10:39 AM
Aug 2016
Is it possibale that two extra were exict that kouiche and reiko both didn't exist I am wondering because realy mei couldn't know the assistant teasher was kouichi aunt she could have told him when she first told him everything she could say who is the extra but i think she knew he was extra too that is why she gets confused and didn't say a word to anyone ? Mabye he was the extra also the year his aunt died that is why akazawa couldn't remember him!
the Class member and people would only forget about the extra ?right? Forgive my poor english :-)
Sep 24, 2016 9:06 AM
Jun 2016
I think that the extra one is the aunt and she just became the extra one ...because based on the tape explanation he accedently killed the extra one by fighting and he said it was a guy ... they also said that by pretending that mikami exists it invites the dead who they think that they didn't die ... I think the mysterious guy kills a person before the curse starts again for a soul to think they are alive .. ahahahhah sorry for my English .
Oct 26, 2016 7:13 PM
Feb 2015
Wasn't there something near the end about how there were enough seats on the classroom now so there won't be anymore extras? Wouldn't that stop the calamity forever? Ehh not sure. Vague memory.
Feb 4, 2017 7:58 PM

Jan 2017
Umrana said:
Did everyone knew that Reiko was the homeroom teacher?

I don't think so

animesannin said:
Swift2147 said:
My biggest questions:
1. Why was the doll shop owner all creepy and "has no other customers"?
2. Why did the people in the mansion lose their shit?
3. If there was originally supposed to be 1 death per month, why did so many people die close together?
4. Why did kouichi keep asking his family questions when he knew that they would be put in danger?
5. Is Kouichi's father just completely unaware of what's going on with his son during the entire anime??

Btw, I think Reiko was the mother. That's why they included the detail of them looking so similar. Its just like the situation with the Mizaki sisters

1. Don't know why she was creepy but she mentioned that Kouichi was the only costumer in shop as Misaki was a resident.

2. When you are about to die, and you know you can save yourself by killing someone else, I think most people would go for it.

3. Idk

4. He mainly asked Reiko/Mikami, who was already in danger as she was the assistant Homeroom teacher.

5. I think yes, he was in India (mah country) all the time and Kouichi never told him much.

3. They mentioned that it was at least 1 person each month
Mar 18, 2017 4:26 AM
Mar 2017
The extra one was kouichi's mother !!!!
Remember Misaki said at the end that she remember Reiko get stabed by a stranger but according to how the curse work she should not remember that.
Kouichi realized this said at the end
"Goodbye reiko,Goodbye mother"
Sorry for my english
Mar 28, 2017 3:56 PM
Jun 2016
Swift2147 said:
My biggest questions:
1. Why was the doll shop owner all creepy and "has no other customers"?
2. Why did the people in the mansion lose their shit?
3. If there was originally supposed to be 1 death per month, why did so many people die close together?
4. Why did kouichi keep asking his family questions when he knew that they would be put in danger?
5. Is Kouichi's father just completely unaware of what's going on with his son during the entire anime??

Btw, I think Reiko was the mother. That's why they included the detail of them looking so similar. Its just like the situation with the Mizaki sisters

I read the light novel and it actually explains all of that stuff there. The doll shop owner was actually Misaki's grandmother, which is why she had "no other customers", as Misaki lived there and wasn't a customer.
The people in the mansion going crazy, was actually something the anime added on its own to make it more interesting, but from what I can tell, they were all trying to end the curse and looking for any way out of the situation.
There was never supposed to be one death per month, it was at least one death per month, which is why many years had a lot more than 12 deaths.
Koichi was asking questions because he didn't know all of the rules yet. Also, asking questions doesn't make your family in danger, the amount of danger is the same either way.
Yes, Koichi's father has no idea what is going on. He is outside of the Yomiyama range and is in India, so he rarely connects with Koichi.
Mar 28, 2017 3:59 PM
Jun 2016
Him_anshu said:
The extra one was kouichi's mother !!!!
Remember Misaki said at the end that she remember Reiko get stabed by a stranger but according to how the curse work she should not remember that.
Kouichi realized this said at the end
"Goodbye reiko,Goodbye mother"
Sorry for my english

It wasn't Koichi's mother. It was actually Reiko, he said goodbye mother because Reiko reminded him of her. Also, Ritsuko couldn't have returned as an assistant teacher because she was never an assistant teacher when she died in the original phenomenon. The light novel also adds more detail to Reiko's death, explaining how the art club had ended up being shut down due to her being its teacher and dying, and why it had gotten restarted again after she came back.
Nov 19, 2017 4:00 AM
Nov 2017
Can anyone tell me what's the thing About that bird that always said why,why Rei? Nd good morning Rei? I didn't get that😐🙁
Nov 25, 2017 1:38 PM

Feb 2015
Otaku_kise said:
Can anyone tell me what's the thing About that bird that always said why,why Rei? Nd good morning Rei? I didn't get that😐🙁

In the last episode it's stated they got the bird shortly after the death of Reiko, so one of the words the bird picked up was their grievances "Why, Rei, Why?" would be something they'd say as they try to process the death of a love one.
Dec 6, 2017 4:27 AM
Nov 2017
Is Kouichi the one who killed Reiko a year and a half before.
Dec 12, 2017 8:07 PM
Sep 2017
kuudere-ish said:
Bosskardo said:
Did anyone get why they were talking about the calamity being stopped forever?

Is that even possible anymore? Remember a few years back, that guy recorded on the tape that he killed his classmate on that rainy afternoon, who was coincidentally the 'extra' in that year.

Sadly, I'm sure that the whole cycle would repeat itself sometime, which I place my bets on a possible (?) second season :)

Of course the calamity will be there in following years to come that's why in the last episode's "Secret ending" they again recorded the message and stuck it in the locker. But I'm sure there won't be a second season as the secret ending made it clear...
Dec 12, 2017 8:16 PM
Sep 2017
Aurien said:
Is Kouichi the one who killed Reiko a year and a half before.

Nah, as he came from Tokyo for her funeral not when she was alive. Remember, both Kouichi and Akazawa said that they lost someone they love. So, he came to attend the funeral which he forgot due to the calamity.
Dec 13, 2017 11:13 AM
Nov 2017
I was wondering because the person who pushed Reiko into the water looked exactly like him.
Jan 9, 2018 2:56 AM

Jul 2015
So yeah, I liked it and enjoyed it. Another was a good series for me but I had some doubts, namely:

1. If Mei Misaki can see the colour of death and knew about the Another, why didn't she tell anyone. Why did she wait for so many death to occur?

2. This may sound stupid (or ingenious;) but why didn't the school simply shut down the 9-3 classroom. They could easily have prevented so many deaths. Even sitting down the school isn't a big deal to prevent deaths.

3. Also, it seems wierd that so many deaths are occurring in the same classroom and there is no investigation on part of the school authorities or especially the police.
Didn't parents ever think why their kids in 9-3 keep dying all the time.

Well, these are all the doubts I can remember now. But seriously the anime was tight otherwise, and had enough plot twists to keep my hooked.

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” ~ Captain Jack Sparrow

Apr 12, 2018 4:19 AM
Jun 2017
mangareader123 said:
So yeah, I liked it and enjoyed it. Another was a good series for me but I had some doubts, namely:

1. If Mei Misaki can see the colour of death and knew about the Another, why didn't she tell anyone. Why did she wait for so many death to occur?

2. This may sound stupid (or ingenious;) but why didn't the school simply shut down the 9-3 classroom. They could easily have prevented so many deaths. Even sitting down the school isn't a big deal to prevent deaths.

3. Also, it seems wierd that so many deaths are occurring in the same classroom and there is no investigation on part of the school authorities or especially the police.
Didn't parents ever think why their kids in 9-3 keep dying all the time.

Well, these are all the doubts I can remember now. But seriously the anime was tight otherwise, and had enough plot twists to keep my hooked.

1. Mei didn't tell anyone who the extra was because she 1-didnt know for a little while who it was and 2-only found out that the information on who the extra was is important after listening to the tape. She thought revealing the extra was unnecessary and wouldn't be important information. When she found out it was important and could end the phenomenon, she didn't want to tell Kouichi because she knew it would be painful for him to hear, but soon after that decided to tell him. THEN, when she finally decided to, she was interrupted in the middle of her sentence.
2. They addressed this idea-when they moved classrooms and changed the name of the class to 9-C, the calamity still happened. This curse is on the third class, no matter what they call it or where it's held.
3. Since they all seemed to be accidents they didn't have a reason to look into stuff individually but tbh the police are kinda stupid for not looking at the connection everyone had to class 3. On the school front, the class 3 curse is known to all the teachers and staff so they don't look into it because they already know what's happening--only students not in 9-3 are left out of the loop.

I thought they should just close the school after constantly having at least 12 students die each year but idk that's just me.
Apr 30, 2018 8:12 AM

Jul 2015
Jam9293 said:
mangareader123 said:
So yeah, I liked it and enjoyed it. Another was a good series for me but I had some doubts, namely:

1. If Mei Misaki can see the colour of death and knew about the Another, why didn't she tell anyone. Why did she wait for so many death to occur?

2. This may sound stupid (or ingenious;) but why didn't the school simply shut down the 9-3 classroom. They could easily have prevented so many deaths. Even sitting down the school isn't a big deal to prevent deaths.

3. Also, it seems wierd that so many deaths are occurring in the same classroom and there is no investigation on part of the school authorities or especially the police.
Didn't parents ever think why their kids in 9-3 keep dying all the time.

Well, these are all the doubts I can remember now. But seriously the anime was tight otherwise, and had enough plot twists to keep my hooked.

1. Mei didn't tell anyone who the extra was because she 1-didnt know for a little while who it was and 2-only found out that the information on who the extra was is important after listening to the tape. She thought revealing the extra was unnecessary and wouldn't be important information. When she found out it was important and could end the phenomenon, she didn't want to tell Kouichi because she knew it would be painful for him to hear, but soon after that decided to tell him. THEN, when she finally decided to, she was interrupted in the middle of her sentence.
2. They addressed this idea-when they moved classrooms and changed the name of the class to 9-C, the calamity still happened. This curse is on the third class, no matter what they call it or where it's held.
3. Since they all seemed to be accidents they didn't have a reason to look into stuff individually but tbh the police are kinda stupid for not looking at the connection everyone had to class 3. On the school front, the class 3 curse is known to all the teachers and staff so they don't look into it because they already know what's happening--only students not in 9-3 are left out of the loop.

I thought they should just close the school after constantly having at least 12 students die each year but idk that's just me.

Thanks, the way you put it makes sense. Mei should still have spoken about the Another, but considering how everyone ignores her it is understandable that she kept quiet.

Shutting the school after the current 9-C batch graduates makes sense. We have to overlook this and the stupidity of the police. Other than that I have no complaints!

Btw as the time passes I remember the series more fondly than before.

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” ~ Captain Jack Sparrow

Jun 17, 2020 8:52 PM
Jun 2020
As everyone was knowing about the tragedy with the class 9-3 why didn't they disband like 9-1, 9-2, 9-4 no need for 9-3 keep it clean
Jul 4, 2020 4:09 PM
Jul 2020
Sorry. But I have a question. If the extra was his mother not reiko, does that mean that the mother became an extra after reiko's death a year and a half ago?
Mar 13, 2021 7:29 AM

Dec 2020
Him_anshu said:
The extra one was kouichi's mother !!!!
Remember Misaki said at the end that she remember Reiko get stabed by a stranger but according to how the curse work she should not remember that.
Kouichi realized this said at the end
"Goodbye reiko,Goodbye mother"
Sorry for my english

I guess everyone including kouchi forgot that they attended reiko's funeral. This can only happen if she were to appear again as a ghost, so as the effect of the curse he forgot about the funeral so I'm pretty sure it was reiko and not his mother
Mar 11, 2022 2:22 AM
Jan 2022
reiko can't be kouichi's mother, bcz kouichi showed a photo to misaki that contains two people at the time, his mother and his aunt, it's not possible for one person to be two at the same time.
but my question is when misaki knew that mikami is dead person?
Apr 17, 2023 8:42 PM
Oct 2020
I know I'm about 11 years late to this discussion but I've been trying to find out about the deal with Mei's family. It's never really explained but is hinted towards, especially when Mei goes on about how she's a "puppet" and her mother makes her do "certain things" I'm really confused as to what significance it had in the story and why it wasn't explained.
Jul 11, 4:06 AM
Feb 2023
Reply to Lord_Maximus
I know I'm about 11 years late to this discussion but I've been trying to find out about the deal with Mei's family. It's never really explained but is hinted towards, especially when Mei goes on about how she's a "puppet" and her mother makes her do "certain things" I'm really confused as to what significance it had in the story and why it wasn't explained.
@Lord_Maximus idk, but did you notice the episode titles? they are steps to build a doll(ig) .but seriously her family is messed up it wouldn't be weird if she was a actual ghost

by the way ,im like 12 years late to watch this anime .loved it ,now a days the anime are lacking in story department, its fascinating that a anime from a decade ago is so well made

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