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Mar 4, 2010 7:49 PM

Jul 2009
Gypsy said:
Anonymous said:
I have been stalking someone for nearly five months (we go to the same school). He's extremely shy, and I'm shy as well so we've never spoken to each other. Literally everything about him makes me want him so badly.
I have changed my schedule at school so I can follow him to his classes, I sit near the entrance of the school and wait for him to pass by, I check his facebook and his myspace every single day to see if he's posted anything, I have photos of him on my iPod and my phone, as well as videos. Unfortunately, a friend of mine told him I liked him, but I don't know if he took it seriously or even remembers.

A girl friend of mine who knows him keeps trying to convince me to talk to him. She's told me he never gets girls and that he'd take me in a heartbeat. But I figure that's just her being a friend.
Another friend of mine has told me that he keeps looking at me, but when I look at him he looks away most of the time.
I don't know whether to talk to him or not, or even what to talk to him about. I want him to at least tell me to leave him alone, because then I'll be able to get over him. AND if I talk to him I'll probably say something stupid and he'll hate me. So now I'm conflicted and I have no idea what to do.

You should talk to him, trust me. You need to talk to him to be able to really know if you actually like him or not. You don't even know him right now, so you should try doing that.

Also: " if I talk to him I'll probably say something stupid and he'll hate me"
You probably wont, and if he thought that something stupid you said was that horrible and decided to hate you for it, he isn't worth it.

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Mar 4, 2010 7:51 PM

Feb 2010
astronomical said:
Ever heard of PostSecret?

I love that site.

Still open to confessions.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 4, 2010 7:56 PM

Aug 2008
The legitimacy of many of the items here are questionable.
Click on this. I dare you. | MAL Fantasy Football League | Currently Watching List

RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Mar 4, 2010 8:22 PM

Dec 2009
Hmm..lets see...

i had a relation with my cousin but never intended to have intercourse. but "practice" other stuff, nothing that vulgar.
umm.... ill be considered "ebo-phile" for a few more months...since "she" is already pubescent ...
...i almost killed my classmate and made him swear not to talk about it... *hides bloodened knife*
umm... i stole my University's WiFi signal... they've tried to banned me more than 10 times so far... god bless the IP mask program.
almost had an "harem ending", but one of the "members" became embarrased >.> *not me -.-!* and screwed all.
im bipolar
im bored

umm.....all except one of the above are true
"Got it?this is what it means to kill things"
Mar 4, 2010 8:39 PM

Jan 2009
I object to the term 'incest' when it comes to cousins, it's quite alright for cousins to marry in a lot of countries you know, google it
Mar 4, 2010 9:36 PM

Sep 2009
alcurad said:
I object to the term 'incest' when it comes to cousins, it's quite alright for cousins to marry in a lot of countries you know, google it

But not all.

I am watching you're good.
Mar 4, 2010 11:21 PM

Jun 2009
Nasuversepro said:
Hmm..lets see...

i had a relation with my cousin but never intended to have intercourse. but "practice" other stuff, nothing that vulgar.
umm.... ill be considered "ebo-phile" for a few more months...since "she" is already pubescent ...
...i almost killed my classmate and made him swear not to talk about it... *hides bloodened knife*
umm... i stole my University's WiFi signal... they've tried to banned me more than 10 times so far... god bless the IP mask program.
almost had an "harem ending", but one of the "members" became embarrased >.> *not me -.-!* and screwed all.
im bipolar
im bored

umm.....all except one of the above are true

I feel like I've been half-trolled, and I don't like it. feelsbadman.jpg

KyuuAL said:
The legitimacy of many of the items here are questionable.

welcome to social networking. did you know that i had sex with Nelly Furtado fifteen times? shit was so cash.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the General Forum Guidelines!
Mar 4, 2010 11:21 PM

Jul 2009
This thread sucks I must say so myself.

KyuuAL said:
The legitimacy of many of the items here are questionable.

Mar 5, 2010 12:14 AM

Aug 2007
alcurad said:
I object to the term 'incest' when it comes to cousins, it's quite alright for cousins to marry in a lot of countries you know, google it

I think you need to look up the definition of incest.

I'll try this. Send me your confessions if you want.
Mar 5, 2010 7:24 AM

Dec 2007
Gypsy said:
Anonymous said:

I hate my "best friend". She is a hypocrite, never calls and just a dumbass sometimes. All she does is watch anime and plays video games. She never wants to introduce me to her friends and honestly, I feel like she's ashamed of me. I think I'm not a straight A student and I'm not a fucking otaku. She hasn't called me in a 6 months, and get's angry if I tell her to call me. she always has an excuse which usually are bullshit excuses. she never takes an effort in our friendship, it always me. I just gave up. I don't want to be her friend again. I hope she reads this, she has an MAL account. I don't want her to call me or even talk to me anymore. I just want our friendship to die peacefully.

Got this one a few minutes ago. This one kind of makes me sad. I hope it goes well for them.

Oh shit, I have a friend like that as well. A "best friend" too. She disappeared for 3 months and then she suddenly reappered and asked me to call her because she lost all her numbers (as if her boyfriend does not have my fucking number) and she does not have internet (as if there are not fucking internet cafes everywhere). This one has left weeabooness, though, she got into lolita and - here's the amazing part - got into debt.

Hope you read this bitch, I told abut our meet to everyone already and they all agree that your half-assed brain toasted completely without even resourcing to drugs. (she has a MAL too. Oh shit I'm not anonnymous on this one...)


Still open to confessions.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 5, 2010 7:29 AM

Jan 2010
I'm open to confessions.
Mar 5, 2010 7:32 AM

Sep 2009
ladyxzeus said:
Gypsy said:
Anonymous said:

I hate my "best friend". She is a hypocrite, never calls and just a dumbass sometimes. All she does is watch anime and plays video games. She never wants to introduce me to her friends and honestly, I feel like she's ashamed of me. I think I'm not a straight A student and I'm not a fucking otaku. She hasn't called me in a 6 months, and get's angry if I tell her to call me. she always has an excuse which usually are bullshit excuses. she never takes an effort in our friendship, it always me. I just gave up. I don't want to be her friend again. I hope she reads this, she has an MAL account. I don't want her to call me or even talk to me anymore. I just want our friendship to die peacefully.

Got this one a few minutes ago. This one kind of makes me sad. I hope it goes well for them.

Oh shit, I have a friend like that as well. A "best friend" too. She disappeared for 3 months and then she suddenly reappered and asked me to call her because she lost all her numbers (as if her boyfriend does not have my fucking number) and she does not have internet (as if there are not fucking internet cafes everywhere). This one has left weeabooness, though, she got into lolita and - here's the amazing part - got into debt.

Hope you read this bitch, I told abut our meet to everyone already and they all agree that your half-assed brain toasted completely without even resourcing to drugs. (she has a MAL too. Oh shit I'm not anonnymous on this one...)


Still open to confessions.

It's always sad when a friendship dies.

I am watching you're good.
Mar 5, 2010 8:24 AM

Jan 2010
Anonymous said:

This probably isn't much but that last confession made me want to add something. I don't have any friends, in real Life. Nobody calls to see how I am doing, I have never had my birthday celebrated, except unless it's a card from my mum. I'm failing My studies badly and will probably have to resit the first year. I'm not smart, I'm tired of people thinking I am, tired of being the one the tows the line in all things and at my wits end.

I have had unprotected sex numerous times after my Long term partner broke up with me in the hopes of getting AIDS, then I cry I might actually have it.

I am lazy, and a total fuck up never managed to hold a job down for longer than 6 months.

Did way to many drugs in my youth.

Fed up of this 2012 crap and secretly hope I am wrong and that this is the end, but only because I am too much of a pussy to actually kill myself and want the decision to made for me because I have no guts.

I am an obnoxious womaniser, and hate it when guys aspire to be something like me in the hopes of getting a girl that is actually looking for a good guy, just because they are like me and too much of a pussy to actually be real with anyone, and put on a badman act instead.I hate myself because of this and have sex with men, not because I like it but because that makes me feel something, like punishing myself for the way I've treated women.

That's really all, and to be honest, that's enough.

Still open to confessions.
Mar 5, 2010 4:18 PM

Jul 2009
No one is making confessions thus I'm waiting for the death of this thread.
Mar 5, 2010 9:11 PM

Feb 2010
I don't want it to die!

Still open.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 6, 2010 1:22 AM

Aug 2007
guu_ said:
No one is making confessions thus I'm waiting for the death of this thread.

Sorry. I knew I was forgetting to do something.

Confession said:
I have a lame confession.

One time I was at my old best friends's house. We've grown older and drifted apart now but that is not really the point. I was at her house once and I went to the bathroom like normal. Washed my hands, etc. I am a girl, and this is important in this story.

Five minutes later, her mom in her thick German accent said "[Name], did you leave the toilet cover up? Only a boy would do that, like [her younger brother]." and I was standing there, and said "it was me" (for some reason I confessed) and she was embarrassed and said "you should know better" and walked away. I was there a lot and stuff so it wasn't like she was someone entirely random to me at the time.

What I still do not understand to this day is what is exactly wrong with leaving the cover up? This isn't the seat I am talking about (why would I ever put that up, I am a female). I've never really known guys/girls to put the cover part down or finding it rude to not.

Ever since then I have been traumatized and I often put it down, especially when at other people's homes. It sucks because I am lazy.

Little things like this traumatize me for life.

Can someone tell me if I was wrong? I was raised by men, does that factor in? Is it culture?
Mar 6, 2010 1:47 AM

Jul 2009
No one said anything about my confession two pages back.
I hpoe this thread dies >:@
Mar 6, 2010 1:57 AM

May 2009
Confession said:
I have a lame confession.

One time I was at my old best friends's house. We've grown older and drifted apart now but that is not really the point. I was at her house once and I went to the bathroom like normal. Washed my hands, etc. I am a girl, and this is important in this story.

Five minutes later, her mom in her thick German accent said "[Name], did you leave the toilet cover up? Only a boy would do that, like [her younger brother]." and I was standing there, and said "it was me" (for some reason I confessed) and she was embarrassed and said "you should know better" and walked away. I was there a lot and stuff so it wasn't like she was someone entirely random to me at the time.

What I still do not understand to this day is what is exactly wrong with leaving the cover up? This isn't the seat I am talking about (why would I ever put that up, I am a female). I've never really known guys/girls to put the cover part down or finding it rude to not.

Ever since then I have been traumatized and I often put it down, especially when at other people's homes. It sucks because I am lazy.

Little things like this traumatize me for life.

Can someone tell me if I was wrong? I was raised by men, does that factor in? Is it culture?

Erm, I think your friend's mom probably just has a mild case of OCD, and she may have been upset about something that day. I would pay it no mind.

The only time anyone is ever wrong when it comes to toilet seat is when a man does not pull the seat up when urinating, and leave traces of urine on the seat and the floor. Yes, I know at least one man like that. Everything else is fine.

I personally like to put the seat cover down, too, just because I'm a bit OCD and a I read/watched somewhere that when you flush the toilet, the resulting swirls and splashes can sort of spray the bacteria to a point far from the toilet - even your toothbrush. Um, yeah :D
Anyway, I don't go crazy on others who don't do as I do, though. So I say you were just a victim of someone's bad day. I don't know much about toilet etiquette in other cultures, sorry XD
Mar 6, 2010 4:53 AM

Jan 2010
Anonymous said:

Sorry I have come to dump my problems on you.... sorry... Ok... uh where to start, where to start..... I think I love my best friend... us both being female. When I think of what can be my chest hurts, it physically hurts to think about her. And when I think if she ever found out how I feel, I get sick to my stomach. She says she is straight but I don't know... because I have heard her make a couple of comments that make me suspect otherwise... but idk if she would be confertable with me... or even If I am good enough...and I don't want to ruin such the amazing friendship we already have. And I know, I KNOW if I were a guy we would have already been lovers. That is something I have been thinking about for over a year. I just admited to myself out loud that i love her and it made me cry.l'm so fucking mad at myself, that there is shame in loving the same sex. I know its nothing like sexual appeal...seriously even me thinking of myself as a lesbian is... unsettling in the least. So I do know my feelings a genuine and I love her for her and just want to be with her, near her, holding her, kissing her... well yeah. I just don't know where to move from here... I just really don't want our friendship to end meeting her and becoming her friend was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Wish I could say more but she visits MAL quite often....

Still open to confessions.
Mar 6, 2010 5:03 AM
Mar 2009
Still open to confessions.

EDIT: Here's one:

after I shower I browse MAL in nothing but a towel for a good 20 minutes and that is most of my MAL browsing of the day. I also am brushing my hair...
chinlampMar 6, 2010 2:43 PM

Mar 6, 2010 5:11 PM

Dec 2007
Concerning the toilet cover it's known as an act of education to put it down. I don't know why, I always put it down. It's like all he noxious gases and pee particles will be enclosed under it forever.

It also looks better, cleaner and not used.

I think that is the main reason why we put the cover down, so it seems that nobody has ever used that toilet before.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Mar 6, 2010 5:12 PM

Mar 2010
Open to confessions.
Mar 6, 2010 5:49 PM

Dec 2009
Seems like incest as a child is pretty common among those who watch animu.
confessor said:
When I was young, about 4 maybe 5 or 6 years old my cousins moved in to our home because they had nowhere to live, anyway they hated me to say the least until I got into an accident which garnered sympathy. When that happened my older cousin he was 2 years older than I was took me under his wing. He was my first real friend I suppose. Anyway we hung out alot and he really earned my trust, and I forgot that he used to avoid me like the plague. We played my super nintendo together as well as basketball and watched TV together as well. Eventually my cousin came up with this idea, I had no idea what he was speaking of but I went along with it. We went to my upstairs bathroom locked the door and got naked, he showed me his penis and told me how could it felt to rub it, anyway I also got undressed, and I rubbed mine with his. There was some frotage at one point.We repeated this several times over the summer. Looking back at it now I feel sick. What's even worse is that I tried to make someone else, even younger than I "feel good." Someone 2 years younger than me. I might have scarred him for life. And I wonder if my cousin remembers what we did, it makes me feel uneasy and like I can't talk to him. But I do anyway, I just pray he and the other guy don't remember what happened. Where does this leave me? Does this make me gay? I like women not men! Anyway what do you think about this General?

Wow I got quite a story.... gay lol
zebra_boyMar 6, 2010 5:59 PM
Mar 6, 2010 6:39 PM

Mar 2010
Here's one. I'm still open to confessions, by the way.

I just spoke to a troll, who thought they trolled me. At this point, I'm so starved for attention, I will play along even though I know they are taking the proper piss out of me.

I freindzone anyone who comes close, because it's easier than opening up to more hurt, even though I know it's the exact thing that causes the upset. At this point, I just don't care.
Mar 6, 2010 6:49 PM

Aug 2009
Ok,here goes,

I cried in The Strangers. I'm such a pansy. I regret putting this here so much.

M'k folks,send me your confessions. C'mon, don't be scared by my sorta rough About Me. :)
"If i was a superhero,I'd be Yotsuba, her power is maximum."

When the seagulls cry, there will be no survivors.
Mar 6, 2010 7:15 PM

Jul 2009
Anonymous said:
Mar 6, 2010 11:04 PM

Jul 2009
It's been two days since my confession was up and it was overlooked.
Mar 6, 2010 11:06 PM

Feb 2010
guu_ said:
It's been two days since my confession was up and it was overlooked.

I'll go look.

But replace 'overlooked' with 'ignored.''

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 6, 2010 11:25 PM

Aug 2007
I'm still open for confessions.
Mar 6, 2010 11:27 PM

Feb 2010
Anonymous said:
I seriously think I have a fetish for accents.

Riveting. Still open to them.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 6, 2010 11:50 PM

May 2009
Out of curiosity, are we supposed to just ignore the confessions posted on this thread and let the person who's been confessed to privately reply to the confessor? Um, that wasn't phrased very well. Let's see:
A confesses to B via PM
B posts A's confession here anonymously.
Do we leave let B say something to A privately? Or can the rest of us say something on this thread?

Just seems like there's a whole lot of confession being ignored.
Mar 6, 2010 11:51 PM

Feb 2010
Athena said:
Out of curiosity, are we supposed to just ignore the confessions posted on this thread and let the person who's been confessed to privately reply to the confessor? Um, that wasn't phrased very well. Let's see:
A confesses to B via PM
B posts A's confession here anonymously.
Do we leave let B say something to A privately? Or can the rest of us say something on this thread?

Just seems like there's a whole lot of confession being ignored.

I'm sure you can say stuff. We just ignore them if we have nothing to add.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 7, 2010 12:03 AM

Jul 2009
Gypsy said:
guu_ said:
It's been two days since my confession was up and it was overlooked.

I'll go look.

But replace 'overlooked' with 'ignored.''

That's worse -_-"
Mar 7, 2010 12:04 AM

Feb 2010
guu_ said:
Gypsy said:
guu_ said:
It's been two days since my confession was up and it was overlooked.

I'll go look.

But replace 'overlooked' with 'ignored.''

That's worse -_-"

Couldn't see a confessions with you. Maybe I just didn't see it.

I'll look again.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 7, 2010 1:45 AM

Jul 2009
Gypsy said:
guu_ said:
Gypsy said:
guu_ said:
It's been two days since my confession was up and it was overlooked.

I'll go look.

But replace 'overlooked' with 'ignored.''

That's worse -_-"

Couldn't see a confessions with you. Maybe I just didn't see it.

I'll look again.

Someone else is supposed to say your confession.
Ohhh. The game is ruined because I said I confessed. Geez.
See this thread is going to hell.
Everyone is open for receiving confessions but no one is open for giving confessions geez -_-"
Mar 7, 2010 3:23 AM

May 2009
guu_ said:
Someone else is supposed to say your confession.
Ohhh. The game is ruined because I said I confessed. Geez.
See this thread is going to hell.
Everyone is open for receiving confessions but no one is open for giving confessions geez -_-"

Don't sulk, come on, some of them are rather heavy; I'm guessing that's why people haven't responded. Don't wish for this thread to die, please :P

Um, I'm bored, so I'll try to reply to every confessions that hasn't been responded to so far. Hopefully yours is among them.

I seriously think I have a fetish for accents.

You're not the only one, I'm sure. I'm also sure some accents are NOT a turn-on.


I really don't know what the chances are of you marrying her. Hopefully you're using the word 'obsessed' loosely, or you may turn into a stalker. Being a fan is fine, though, don't get too obsessed. This coming from someone with an obsessive personality :/ But hey, if I begin to fear my obsession for someone is getting out of hand, I distance myself from said person. Avoids hurt to either party.

I just spoke to a troll, who thought they trolled me. At this point, I'm so starved for attention, I will play along even though I know they are taking the proper piss out of me.

I freindzone anyone who comes close, because it's easier than opening up to more hurt, even though I know it's the exact thing that causes the upset. At this point, I just don't care.

You clearly care enough to confess to someone. I'm really not sure how to respond to this, other than maybe suggesting that you don't get carried away by people getting close to you. And, er, try not to hope. I know it's a dire suggestion, and quite a pathetic one, and sometimes you can't help but hope, but it's better than getting repeatedly hurt.

Awful advice, I know. I just don't know what to do either, but er, I mentioned previously I have an obsessive personality, and getting hurt when you're obsessive is just way too easy. I guess I've learned it's much easier to just distance myself before my hope gets crushed. That's just me, though. A happier person will tell you that it's best to love and lost than to have never loved at all, or something to that effect :P

I cried in The Strangers. I'm such a pansy. I regret putting this here so much.

The horror movie? At least you managed to finish it. I stop watching scary movies just when it begins to get scary if I'm alone.
When I was young, about 4 maybe 5 or 6 years old my cousins moved in to our home because they had nowhere to live, anyway they hated me to say the least until I got into an accident which garnered sympathy. When that happened my older cousin he was 2 years older than I was took me under his wing. He was my first real friend I suppose. Anyway we hung out alot and he really earned my trust, and I forgot that he used to avoid me like the plague. We played my super nintendo together as well as basketball and watched TV together as well. Eventually my cousin came up with this idea, I had no idea what he was speaking of but I went along with it. We went to my upstairs bathroom locked the door and got naked, he showed me his penis and told me how could it felt to rub it, anyway I also got undressed, and I rubbed mine with his. There was some frotage at one point.We repeated this several times over the summer. Looking back at it now I feel sick. What's even worse is that I tried to make someone else, even younger than I "feel good." Someone 2 years younger than me. I might have scarred him for life. And I wonder if my cousin remembers what we did, it makes me feel uneasy and like I can't talk to him. But I do anyway, I just pray he and the other guy don't remember what happened. Where does this leave me? Does this make me gay? I like women not men! Anyway what do you think about this General?

If the thought of being sexual with another man is remotely tempting, then you could be bi or gay, otherwise you're straight.
I doubt they'd forgotten, but they probably realise it was their childhood curiosity or something. I don't know, I doubt most people would like to talk about it, though. Is it really awkward between the two of you? Or is it just your own memory/guilt that makes it awkward for you? You know, you making the younger kid "feel good" is really a child sharing a new fun game with his cousin. It's not like you knew you're not supposed to do that. After all, we don't see adults playing rock-paper-scissors, so I'm sure kids who explore sexuality with other kids don't really see anything wrong with it.
If the other two involved are rational, I'm sure they'd realise how curious, impressionable and well, innocent children are, and the younger one wouldn't hold a grudge. Do you feel any resentment towards your older cousin? If the younger kid is anything like you, then maybe how you feel about your cousin may is similar to how he feels. And how you feel guilty about scarring the younger kid is how your older cousin feels. If they're rational, conscientious people, that is.

This probably isn't much but that last confession made me want to add something. I don't have any friends, in real Life. Nobody calls to see how I am doing, I have never had my birthday celebrated, except unless it's a card from my mum. I'm failing My studies badly and will probably have to resit the first year. I'm not smart, I'm tired of people thinking I am, tired of being the one the tows the line in all things and at my wits end.

I have had unprotected sex numerous times after my Long term partner broke up with me in the hopes of getting AIDS, then I cry I might actually have it.

I am lazy, and a total fuck up never managed to hold a job down for longer than 6 months.

Did way to many drugs in my youth.

Fed up of this 2012 crap and secretly hope I am wrong and that this is the end, but only because I am too much of a pussy to actually kill myself and want the decision to made for me because I have no guts.

I am an obnoxious womaniser, and hate it when guys aspire to be something like me in the hopes of getting a girl that is actually looking for a good guy, just because they are like me and too much of a pussy to actually be real with anyone, and put on a badman act instead.I hate myself because of this and have sex with men, not because I like it but because that makes me feel something, like punishing myself for the way I've treated women.

That's really all, and to be honest, that's enough.

Yeah, I really don't know how to respond to this, because I'm not sure if you want sympathy or if you want to change, or you just want to feel better after putting out all your thoughts out there. You know, how about setting yourself a goal? Say, learning a language - you'll go to classes, meet some people, this could lead to friendships. About you being lazy, I believe it really is because you lack the will, or like I said, a goal.
About the womanizing and sleeping with other men, let me just say it's fine if the other party know you're just playing. Otherwise, it's really not cool to hurt others just because you feel like shit. I think I'd die if someone told me they were sleeping with me to punish themselves.
My apologies if I sound harsh, I just had to say it.
Also, you may actually be clinically depressed. Consider seeing a shrink and getting medication. It helps balance out levels of certain chemicals in your brains that's out of whack. Apparently helps.

i had a relation with my cousin but never intended to have intercourse. but "practice" other stuff, nothing that vulgar.
umm.... ill be considered "ebo-phile" for a few more months...since "she" is already pubescent ...
...i almost killed my classmate and made him swear not to talk about it... *hides bloodened knife*
umm... i stole my University's WiFi signal... they've tried to banned me more than 10 times so far... god bless the IP mask program.
almost had an "harem ending", but one of the "members" became embarrased >.> *not me -.-!* and screwed all.
im bipolar
im bored

umm.....all except one of the above are true

I'm guessing the 'bored' part is the only one that's not true. Your life seems way too colourful for you to be bored. Um, try to get through this life without killing anyone. Yoga helps with one's temper, apparently.


Eh, as long as you're not harming anyone, I don't see why your taste in music should be a problem. Honestly, there are people with far worse guilty pleasures :)

OK, so here goes.

Fuck, OK, so. When I was about 8 or 9 I had an incestuous relationship with my cousin who is one year younger than me. We didn't do anything major, there was no hard stuff mainly pretending to have sex, but naked and explorations. This lasted for about one summer. When I saw her next it was very awkward and especially at family functions. I felt guilty about it for a long time. I saw her not so long ago, that was extremely awkward. I haven't told anyone this in my family, I wonder if she has, which is why I get dirty looks from some of them.

I don't think I did anything wrong, I didn't feel like we did anything wrong until my family started to cut contact with me and then one day I get a particularly nasty email saying I am a sicko and a pervert and a rapist, even though it was totally mutual. That's all of what there is to say about it really.

Like SY said, if others think you're a creep, she's just as creepy. It would be a whole different matter if you had been 13 or something. And you were both children. Do you not talk to her anymore?
Maybe she regrets ever having done it, but is in denial over her part in it, and so finds it easier to put the blame on you, the older one, for corrupting the younger, more impressionable child. If it were true, this is purely denial on her part, though. If it was her who told others about it and twisted it like that, maybe she's really trying to believe the lie herself, or she wants you as far away as possible, so she wouldn't have to relive a mistake. If you still talk to her, just ask her if she hates you and try to clear the misunderstanding.
Based on your story alone, I feel awful for you.

I had a sexual relationship with my father. I liked it physically, but now I am unable to form healthy emotional attachments to anybody unless it's based on sex. I don't feel angry, or hurt, Just confused. I don't blame him or think he is some kind of monster, he never hurt me, there are lots worse that could happen in this world. I don't think it's because of him that I am socially awkward either, it's just me, and that just life.

Um, if you didn't think what your father did has anything to do with your inability to form emotional attachments to others, you wouldn't have described them in the same sentence. And you certainly wouldn't be confused. Just my humble opinion.
I don't know if this happened when you were a child, or if your other family members are still around. You probably love your father - and sure, he may not a monster, just misguided - but he did betray you in a way. You probably grew closer while this was going on, and possibly this made you think that if even your father likes you better after a sexual relationship, then maybe that's all you're worth. So it's easier to just avoid the pain by not getting attached emotionally in the first place.
You can't hate your dad, because you did feel good, and well, he never hurt you, other than this little glitch. Some wouldn't think it's such a little glitch, though.

If you honestly believe they have nothing to do with each other, you wouldn't mention one circumstance when describing the other.
Assuming my opinion is wrong, and you're just unable to form emotional attachments, because that's just life and that's who you are (who you are is also a result of your life, btw) then well, maybe you just haven't met anyone that you can click with. Can you form emotional attachments with animals? If you can, then again, the two circumstances are definitely related. And then you should work on releasing your feelings instead of denying it; if you're hurt, say you're hurt.

Just my 2 cents, sorry if I'm completely off. I don't think I am, though.

Theres this hot chick who's been catching the same train as me for 3 and a half years.
How to approach?

Eh, this isn't a confession. And I don't pick up chicks, seeing that I'm a straight female, so I wouldn't know. If she reads, try to make conversation based on what she's reading?

i got buttfucked by 2 gay guys, a tranny and a fat chick in one night. real story bros.

You seem really upbeat about it. How a chick managed to buttf*** you, I wouldn't know.

I got one confession to you then. Ok, 2.

The first is that I have a huge fetish on having sex with a travestied man. Not a real travesty, but an anime like one, all cute and girlish. And in my fantasy I'm the one raping him. Now, recently I found a guy willing to do this. Bad thing is that he's kind of too tall, even though he looks boyish. It was also bad that he lived 4 hours away by plane. But now, I'm going to his country this Spring. And I haven't told him yet. At the moment of realizing my greatest fantasy, I'm chickening out for no apparent reason.

My second confession is that it deeply disturbs me to see Yang Wenli depicted as uke - even though it matches his personality allright - and the mental image does not come out of my head even when I get different art. And it's horrible and I want it to go away. Yang Wenli MUST be seme. ;__;

Travesty? Um, you mean transvestite? Er, the only reasonable thing to do is to not get cold feet. I mean, your fantasy is about to come true. A lot of people go through life without a single fantasy being realised, why back out now?
The uke/seme thing, well, appearances can deceive. Let's leave it at that.

Wow, I really am bored. Hope that wasn't a total waste of time. Sorry if I wasn't sympathetic enough.
AthenaMar 7, 2010 3:58 AM
Mar 7, 2010 5:59 AM

Jan 2010

You're a pretty awesome person haha.

Well, I'm still open to confessions. You can trust me.
Mar 7, 2010 6:26 AM

Feb 2010
guu_ said:
Someone else is supposed to say your confession.
Ohhh. The game is ruined because I said I confessed. Geez.
See this thread is going to hell.
Everyone is open for receiving confessions but no one is open for giving confessions geez -_-"

Quit sulking. This board is fun.

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 7, 2010 7:30 AM

Jan 2010
Anonymous said:
That Athena really annoys me because she was right about everything she said. I hate it when people can just sort my life out and I can't.

Also, Some of the things she said piss me off because even though she is right, it's sort of like saying, go and buy a Ferrari, that will sort everything, here the make and model for you and where to get it. That's easy to do. But when you don't have a million pounds to spend then someone telling you how to buy, what make and model that will sort everything out it is really frustrating. Like everyone has a million pounds.

Kinda pisses me off a bit because I sort of know all of that already.

But she's a great new Agony aunt that MAL definitely needs. I respect her opinion a lot, but grrrrrrrrrr

I agree.

I am still open to confession and will continue to do so.
Mar 7, 2010 11:04 AM

May 2009
Th3End said:
Anonymous said:
That Athena really annoys me because she was right about everything she said. I hate it when people can just sort my life out and I can't.

Also, Some of the things she said piss me off because even though she is right, it's sort of like saying, go and buy a Ferrari, that will sort everything, here the make and model for you and where to get it. That's easy to do. But when you don't have a million pounds to spend then someone telling you how to buy, what make and model that will sort everything out it is really frustrating. Like everyone has a million pounds.

Kinda pisses me off a bit because I sort of know all of that already.

But she's a great new Agony aunt that MAL definitely needs. I respect her opinion a lot, but grrrrrrrrrr

I agree.

Agony aunt? That bad? T.T
Aunt... Ouch.

Anyway, based on the writing style and response, I'm guessing you're the person who wants to die. (No offense, I don't mean to describe you that way, it's just simpler.) I may be wrong, of course, but I'm responding based on that assumption.

If you're annoyed because of the suggestion that you take classes, well, that's not all. That's just the general idea. Volunteer work is always great - you'll feel better about yourself, at least you'll feel your life has meaning. Think about what you like - children, animals, old people, environment, gay rights? Obviously it helps if you live in a larger city, as there are more events by these charities that require help. Otherwise, you can always help out in the community. You say you're a womanizer, so clearly you know how to handle social situations. Put your social skills to use when helping out at such charities. I was tempted to join one called 'Make A Wish Foundation' - it grants dying kids' wishes. I think it's awesome. I'm sure something will be of interest.

And you may think, "Oh, I'm the one who needs charity here." Yeah, but once you start helping out, you'll feel happier, even if it's for the selfish reason of wanting to feel better about yourself and wanting to meet new people. If you help out for a cause you actually believe in, eventually your reason won't be so selfish anymore. And this doesn't cost a thing. It does take some motivation, though.

If you like animals, adopt an abandoned cat or dog if it's okay to have pets where you live. Some people swear by their ability to make their masters happy. I'm part of that club, something about them soothes me, and knowing that they love me and depend on me makes me happy. Selfish? Yeah, be glad I'm not a parent. Expensive dog food? My dog eats rice with whatever side dish I have. Just mix it in properly, so they won't just eat the yummy bits - it's healthier than canned food, too.

If you're pissed off about the suggestion to go see a shrink, then I apologise. Look, I only said that because clearly we can't help you much like this, and if it really is clinical depression, drugs seem to help a lot of people with increasing Serotonin levels. I abhor drugs, personally, and I refuse to take even Aspirin. My miracle drug is tea and exercise. Honestly, anyone who exercises can tell you that it reduces stress. If you like running, go for a jog (with the dog, maybe?). I mentioned this before, but yoga is seriously great for sorting out your mind. Again, free. Read up a bit or watch some stuff on YouTube so you don't pull a muscle or anything. Breathing exercises help, too.

I don't mean to patronize, really. I just don't know what to say other than this. Obviously I can't support your yearning to die, since you obviously have a caring mother who'd be in pain if she knew you wanted to throw away your life. If this mother factor wasn't there, then maybe I'd have suggested you just wait for 2012.

I don't know if I said anything else that annoyed you, but like I said, I don't know what it is that you want - sympathy, change, advice, just a release? If it makes you feel better just to get it out there, there was that site that someone suggested earlier, Post Secret, was it? It's anonymous, I'm guessing.

Um, yeah. Hope I've responded to the correct person, otherwise, well, you can at least get a laugh at how I just wasted so much time responding to a completely different post :P

Hope you figure something out, though :)

Still depressed about the aunt comparison T.T
Mar 7, 2010 11:24 AM

Jan 2010
Don't kill the messenger though. I didn't agree about the aunt thing haha (hah...), I just thought that this person had a point, but you too, do have some strong points.

Uhm, yeah, that's that.

Here is another one.

Anonymous said:
Athena's long post made my head ache. I really think she might think she's the only one that knows these things. She's verging on becoming captain obvious.

I know she has the best interests, but still. Does she really think people don't know this already? That's a low opinion and what's more narrow minded.

the advice from our new Agony aunt( which is a term of interment btw), is great but stop flogging a dead horse already.

I really like her though. Just, My advice would be to stop giving people advice, or give it once, then leave it at that.

...still open to confession.
Th3EndMar 7, 2010 11:49 AM
Mar 7, 2010 12:19 PM

Jan 2010
And another one:

Anonymous said:
Incest turns me on, but I'd never do it. But I'm also not against it for people that find romance in that department.

Still open to confession.

(I know, I double posted, I apologize. I will continue post in this comment as long as no one else has posted after me)
Mar 7, 2010 12:24 PM

Feb 2010
Anonymous said:
i think i have a fat fetish. but i do not want to date anyone overweight or become big myself.

Man. I get some real interesting ones.

Still open to confessions!

Gonna Catch 'Em All
Mar 7, 2010 12:41 PM

Feb 2010
Open to confessions.
Mar 7, 2010 1:16 PM

Jan 2010
Anonymous said:
i feel like i am living a double life (not cheating by the way or a relationship) while i am still young. its breaking me apart

Still open to confession.^^
Mar 7, 2010 1:23 PM

May 2009
@Confessor who hates me:
Thanks for teaching me the term 'agony aunt'. Since I don't wanna become one - and apparently an awful one at that - I'll take your advice ;)
Mar 7, 2010 1:54 PM

Jan 2010
Anonymous said:
I like to make people believe that I am insane.
Mar 7, 2010 4:43 PM
Mar 2009
Th3End said:
Anonymous said:
I like to make people believe that I am insane.

We all do Anonymous, we all do.

I'm still open to confessions guys.

Mar 7, 2010 5:30 PM

Aug 2007
Confession said:
Okay, I'm going to just do it. Don't light the flames too hard:

"Nothing else in this world scares me more than gaining too much weight. The thought of it seriously makes me want to cry and I get antsy. It has gotten to the point that seeing people over-eat or you know, complain about how big they are, makes me feel really uncomfortable. Like, sick. Though I have nothing against those who are overweight, it isn't something I wan to be.

But, to make this worse, I want to gain weight in my chest like crazy. This strange want stems from my friends telling me that my big boobs make my waist look tiny. Strangely enough, this actually makes me so fascinated with breast, that I'll look them up on the internet sometimes in sickening envy. But, they do not turn me on.

Yes, I know I'm fucked up."

Still open for confessions.
Mar 7, 2010 7:16 PM

Jun 2008
I confess, I died my hair.

No that is not a typo, it's for you to decide!
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