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Mar 15, 2017 12:19 PM

Feb 2011
TripleSRank said:
It is from this state that I wish to digress and talk about Mikazuki's character. Although we don't know the particulars of his and Orga's childhoods, we do know that they were both exposed to violence at a young age, and children start largely innocent in their actions because they must be taught right from wrong. At that, I believe it was implied that they were defending themselves. While that may be morally sound, it understandably had an adverse effect on their development as people, especially in the case of Mika. Although Mikazuki has occasionally exhibited traits that border on sociopathy, we've been clearly shown that he often does care about other people, and we've also been shown that although his exposure to high amounts of violence have dulled his sensitivity to killing and death, his body still undergoes shock from killing (such as with the shaking in episode 13), and the deaths of those important to him do have an effect on him. Thus, I believe we can conclude that he has a conscience and empathy, but that doesn't change that his sense of right and wrong is skewed, which brings us to the next person of interest.

Orga can in many ways be held indirectly responsible for all of the actions of Tekkadan in general and Mikazuki in particular. Although he was only a child himself at the time, he is the one who "trained" Mika into becoming the desensitized killer that he is, but note that I use the word "killer" loosely since I don't intend to imply that Orga ever had Mika kill someone who wasn't a direct threat to them when they were young. What I am saying is that Orga is directly responsible for shaping Mika's moral values and sense of justice, as well as that of Tekkadan to a lesser extent. We can point out that he's young and that he likely doesn't fully understand the degree of impact his actions have had on the development of Mika and the others, but that doesn't absolve him of his responsibility. I'm making a point of this because he has always acted as Mika's moral compass and as the "limiter" to whatever wild actions Mika might have taken on his own. The relationship between them obviously isn't that static, as was explored near the beginning of the series with the reveal that Orga makes many of his decisions because he wants to keep impressing Mika and being the person Mika needs, but, again, he is in the leadership role in more ways than one, and has had a tremendous impact on Mika's personality and growth. That places a great deal of meaning on the recent developments with Biscuit and Mikazuki.

The point I'm getting to is that Orga can't afford to be letting his emotions cause knee-jerk decisions that could endanger Tekkadan and potentially compromise their moral stability. Mikazuki in particular has grown more and more independent over the course of the show, and to be honest this is potentially dangerous for Tekkadan as a whole since many of the other members look up to Mika: If Orga pushes the revenge idea and doesn't correct it soon, it could have an adverse effect on all of Tekkadan, and the "balance of power" between Orga and Mika has already shifted somewhat toward Mika's favor despite Orga's (late) realization that he is going entirely against Biscuit's wishes. No, Tekkadan did not have any obligation to accept Carta's terms of challenge; Lafter pointed out as much herself. However, Mika's actions were excessively brutal and had a direct effect on a large part of Tekkadan. While one could argue that Carta's group posed a direct threat to Tekkadan and Mikazuki "merely" stopped them before they could enforce that threat, it would be remiss to ignore that he essentially attacked non-combatants (which is exactly what Carta and her men were outside of their mobile suits), which is entirely hypocritical given his anger about how Biscuit died. He lowered himself to Carta's level in attacking her as a non-combatant, and while he himself may not care and many might feel vindicated in that he did it to "avenge Biscuit's death", that doesn't change that a line has been crossed by Mika (and by proxy Tekkadan) and Mika has had a direct, most likely adverse effect on Tekkadan's internal culture...

This is right along the lines of my thinking, but to expand on it, I feel like Mika's ever growing brutality and tunnel vision encouraged Orga to make a poor decision in the previous episode. Yes, all of Tekkedan is fired up on a revenge kick for Biscuit, but they only got to that point after Orga gave his speech. Orga gave his speech because Mika forced his actions by demanding to know what to do and who to kill next. Orga shaped Mika, but Mika also influences Orga, and at this point, given their mental states, I'm not sure how good they are for each other.

Buiscuit helped serve as the moral stability for Orga, as he was always the voice of reason and in many instances could get Orga to pull back and think. This is where I think Merribit might be able to step in and help fill that role (she's already trying) and help ground Orga again so he's not making such snap decisions and essentially doing the opposite of what Biscuit would want. I have to wonder how things would have turned out if it wasn't Mika who finally talked to Orga but Merribit. She may be in a difficult place because she doesn't come from the same background or have the understanding of their situation that Biscuit did, but she does sympathize and would definitely be a good voice of reason to help Orga understand the impact of his actions. She just needs to get a little more of a backbone about it.

On another note, Ein's own revenge kick is just annoying me. Really, I don't see him any different then the kids of Tekkenden at this point. He lost someone important to him, and essentially demonizes Tekkedan for it because, you know, how dare those kids not roll over and die. The vengeance cycle is so pointless.
NikokoApr 9, 2017 3:42 PM
Mar 18, 2017 6:53 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
While Carta and Ein maybe have been good people, I dont like what they have done on their side of things, and so especially Carta for having killed Biscuit, she can fucking die! Revenge!
Happy to see a protagonisht like Mika that can ignore all those morals, and just be ruthless when time cames.
Biscuit you were avenged, RIP.
Aug 27, 2017 6:48 AM

Jul 2017
Harotaros said:
For some reason, I started to not care or feel anything towards the Tekkadan crew a few episodes back. I felt sadder seeing Carta's death than when i saw Biscuits..

Agreed, somewhat. I did like Bisuit a lot, but his death was so obviously going to happen that I couldn't get too worked up over it. I feel sad for Carta; she was also just doing what she thought she had to, all that she knew. At the same time though, she was a very privileged person, unlike the members of Tekkadan who had nothing. This is kind of the thing with Gundam though, we can love people on both sides.

Mika did what he had to. Taking them on in a duel would have been pointless; that was a ploy to beat Tekkadan, and Tekkadan can't risk that. I think it shows that Carta never really grew up; she still looks at war like it's something on a space opera TV show. I feel like it's a comment on other shows.

Tekkadan is focused a little too much on revenge, but Orga seems to be bringing them back. I understand the little kids want revenge; somebody has to be a parent though.
satyrelfheimAug 27, 2017 6:51 AM
Oct 1, 2017 6:04 AM

Jun 2008
The show seems to try to present our group as more villainous lately with their revenge obsession etc. The fact that they even put the kids there making them look angry and determined etc seems to lead me to believe that the producers are doing this because they are gonna slaughter the whole group by the end of this show with only few surviving like Mika or Orga etc and they will be completely different men after the slaughter.
Actually Mika is such a killing machine that i do not see how he can be used in a second season because he isn't sentimental to show him going threw some big change after the slaughter etc. So i can see Orga alone surviving and being some mask dude in the second season working for who knows who.

Anyway this events have no make me feel more for the Ghalahorn people like some here because lets be real, Mika did what everyone should do in a war if you enemy is that stupid to let you surprise attack them easily.
This is live or die and this idiots think he will just play duel or that he must care about their ways?
Besides they ain't above being sneaky and manipulative etc themselves so wtf. Carta for example attacked the leader that was basically defenceless against a mobile suit and that is how she killed Biscuit. Where is the honor in that? No where. It was a battle and she tried to kill the one she thought was bringing them most trouble.
What she did is logical in a live or die battle but she can't expect to one time act like that and different the other. Ether you are in a war or you aren't?

HatsumiShinogu said:
While I like McGillis, wasn't he only fooling Carta? I bet he knew that she liked him and he used that to his advantage. I hate that he's trying to use Gaelio as well and I really hope that Gaelio doesn't end up killing him. That sure would be sad and tragic. Well, if Gaelio doesn't die, that is.

Kudelia sure is getting stronger but I still don't like her as a potential love interest for Mika. I like Atra but I highly doubt she and Mika will be together.

I'm pretty sure there will be a second season as there's no way they will wrap up the whole thing in two episodes. The only thing is that a major character might die by the end of this season?

Are we ever going to know whether Yamagi likes Shino or not?

Is Mika even able to get in a relationship with any female as he is? Also Kudelia seems to have created a distance between her and Tekkatan this last few episodes. She seems to just letting them do their thing so she can get to do her own thing and doesn't behave like they are their family.
She took her role very seriously and maybe now she sees herself even beyond them so Mika is in a different world now for her in a different way.

Dec 12, 2017 9:07 PM

Jul 2017
That fight sucked.
Dec 11, 2018 2:12 AM

Nov 2011
Really poor episode, Carta was always introduced as an annoying, expendable, unmemorable character, don't see the need to focus an entire ep on her.

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Jul 21, 2019 5:35 PM

Dec 2012
Dat flashback.
Ein is awake.
Ein is hooked up to the robot.
A 3 on 3 duel.
Mikazuki spares no time.
DAMN!!!!!! Mikazuki sent his body flying.
Dat stomp.
Mikazuki raped the shit out of Carta.
Gaelio appears.
Carta is dead.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Sep 2, 2019 11:48 PM

Jan 2019
This episode was good. Honestly I have mixed feelings about the characters on this show. On one side I think that what Mika did was the most reasonable option in a real battle, even if it is seen as evil or cruel. But at same time, I can't really feel any sort of empaty for mikazuky, and I dont say this due how brutal he is, but more due on how I see him like the aldonoha zero kid: some unlikeable, unemotional but super OP kid. One of the few likeable characters was actually Biscuit and of course he got killed already.

Also Im kind of surprised to read some of the old comments on this thread about how amazing is Mika due him wining a 3v1. I mean yeah sure he did, but people forget that he is a freaking Gundam pilot on a Gundam vs 3 regular mobile suits, and pretty much anyone who knows something about gundams is aware that 1 gundam vs multiple regular mobile suits would be pretty much like making Guku or super man duel regular humans….
Feb 14, 2021 2:11 PM

Oct 2018
noooooooooo man Carta was one of my favourite characters :((((((
Dec 21, 2021 11:42 AM

May 2018
Yehey Carta Issue is dead!

New issue!
May 23, 2022 12:05 AM

Jul 2016
Luminlight said:
That fight sucked.

It went exactly as you would expect.

She got out of her gundam and challenged them and Mika slapped her down.
Jun 14, 2022 6:53 AM

Jan 2009
The ost in this show is really incredible. Adds a ton of emotion to the show, really digging it so far.
Mar 21, 2023 11:17 AM
Jul 2008
I'm really perplexed as to where the Gjallarhorn people get their sense of moral superiority from considering they've pretty much done nothing but assault (and lose) against child soldiers and princesses from some ragtag fringe colony.
Jul 23, 2023 10:22 PM

Feb 2019
It was satisfying to see Mika's ambush.
Oct 2, 2023 10:06 AM

Jul 2016
Mika really answered the proposal for an "honorable" fight with a complete slaughter. If only more MCs took that approach.
Feb 4, 2:57 AM

Jul 2017
mika was absolutely ruthless in this episode, he is becoming more and more brutal in every episode.
it may sound strange but i find myself agreeing with merribit, the situation in tekkadan is going out of control with this revenge obsession, but i undertand how they feel.
Carta deserved this treatment but her (i think) death was very sad, gaelio was awesome with her.
ein being incorporeted in that Graze was shocking.
''Touch the darkness inside me''

Mar 24, 10:35 PM
Dec 2019
Mikazuki is scary. I really do like how they decided to make him the MC that just does what audiences always want ("Amuro should just get in the robot!" "Why does Kamille get all upset about winning all the time?" "Kira should just kill all the enemies before the fight even really starts!") and the result is a sort of nice dude that is still clearly a borderline personality psychopath that even Orga is somewhat subconsciously afraid of.

I'm also pretty impressed with how they used Carta. Basically an annoying blowhard that is only around for a handful of episodes but they still gave her a full story and made her death feel very sad. Again, showing a rather realistic version of what would happen to the "somewhat foolish but truly honourable bad guy" trope in a real combat situation. I'm sure there's plenty of comments here that are like "She was annoying so she should just die" but if you're a normal person you'd feel bad for her getting herself set-up by her "friend" and slaughtered for no good reason.
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