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How many of you actually skipped work or school to finish a series?

Have you ever skipped work or school just to finish a series?
Jul 19, 2010 2:49 PM

May 2010
So have you? Or even malinger? Come on, don't lie. Notice that I did not put a "maybe/sometimes" option.

Also if you have, is it becoming a habit?
ConfuciusJul 20, 2010 8:44 PM
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
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Jul 19, 2010 2:57 PM

Apr 2010
Nooooope. I don't have work to skip and if my parents found out I was skipping school, I'd pretty quickly lose anime altogether.
Jul 19, 2010 2:58 PM

Sep 2009
No that's just stupid imo.

I have skipped school and work to just relax because I forgot the point of why I was working so hard, I suppose I might have wasted some anime or tv during that time, as well as sleep and eat and other stuff, but I haven't skipped work for the soul purpose of watching an anime..
Jul 19, 2010 3:01 PM

Jun 2009
No, I have skipped school for others reasons(mainly gaming/laziness) but I would never skip school for an anime, I can control that urge.
No matter how good you are at something,
there's always about a million people better than you.
Jul 19, 2010 3:01 PM

Dec 2009
Never. I always have enough time to watch anime, even in work or school.
Jul 19, 2010 3:02 PM

Jun 2010
Nope, never did that. I might wake up early or stay up late to watch something, but that's it.
Jul 19, 2010 3:03 PM

May 2010
I have never missed a single day of school since middle school...
Jul 19, 2010 3:13 PM

May 2010
Many times. Not work. I never skipped work, but school, quite a bit.

I had a lot of trouble sleeping in high school and I still do really, but it made it rough to wake up in time to go to school. I'd often fall asleep at 5am and have to be awake at 7am. It just didn't fit together very good. So often times I'd just sleep in, skip school, wake up and watch anime, maybe go to school the next day depending on the week. If we had a lot of homework, I'd go. If we didn't, I just stayed home. I missed A LOT of school in high school. Not just to sit home and watch anime (that didn't help any), but because I didn't really need to go. I still got A's in B's in all my classes so actually attending wasn't necessary.
Jul 19, 2010 3:14 PM

Sep 2008
To finish a series - never. But there was a time I was seriously addicted to MMORPG's so I once skipped the whole month of studies at university only to play games.
Jul 19, 2010 3:20 PM

Jun 2008
No, this has never happened, there has never been a series which has kept me from making my money or getting my education :P
Jul 19, 2010 3:20 PM

Nov 2008
I don't know if it counts as skipping but I watched anime on my laptop (of course with well-hidden ear phones) the whole period of statistics class.
Jul 19, 2010 3:21 PM

Jan 2009
no, but I did a few times in the past when I played WoW.

Jul 19, 2010 4:01 PM

Dec 2007
Never done such a thing.
Jul 19, 2010 4:11 PM

Jan 2010
Well...I took some medicine and, because I'm a dumbass, I didn't pay attention that it had an antihistamine in it. After falling asleep my whole first block, I called my mom and she picked me up. I ended up taking a 4 hour nap and since it was pointless to go back for a couple hours, I ended up finishing One Outs. But it wasn't my intention to skip school to finish One Outs, I just wanted to sleep.
Jul 19, 2010 4:13 PM
Dec 2009
No, Cuz we all got our own laptop at school ~-~
Jul 19, 2010 4:20 PM

Jun 2010
Cutting class/social obligations/work for anime is the absolute gayest action one can take.

I've only skipped gym, and it was almost always to study or do homework. Skipping class just fucks with your grades and is for faggots and niggers that cut to smoke bowls.
DeesnutsJul 19, 2010 4:24 PM
Jul 19, 2010 4:21 PM

May 2008
Anime was, and sometimes still is my escape from reality .... I lost a year at school because of that, It wasn't like I did that to watch the anime itself... but whatever... It kind of helped in some stormy times...
Jul 19, 2010 4:24 PM

Jun 2009
Defiantly not
I have skipped classes because of other classes before but not for anime. I do not have that much of a problem with it.

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 19, 2010 4:34 PM

Sep 2008
seishi-sama said:
To finish a series - never. But there was a time I was seriously addicted to MMORPG's so I once skipped the whole month of studies at university only to play games.

SOLID...WoW and AoC owned my life once nearly failing my 2nd year in uni, and also nearly costing me my relationship

as for anime, I'm an addict but not enough of an addict to skip work or anime can be watched at any time unlike an on-air tv series(unless you live in Japan)
Jul 19, 2010 4:36 PM

Jun 2010
Zukin-ManJul 19, 2010 4:40 PM
Jul 19, 2010 4:39 PM

May 2010
This is taking in the wrong direction than I had anticipated...

Let's refrain ourselves from making ill-comments on the consequences of skipping.
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Jul 19, 2010 4:41 PM
Jun 2009
*raises hand* I did.... o.o
Jul 19, 2010 5:08 PM
Jul 2010
No. I love going to classes. The classroom is the only place where I talk and hear people speak in a non-moe fashion.
<img src="" border="0" />
Jul 19, 2010 5:13 PM

Mar 2010
jesse_activist said:
Many times. Not work. I never skipped work, but school, quite a bit.

I had a lot of trouble sleeping in high school and I still do really, but it made it rough to wake up in time to go to school. I'd often fall asleep at 5am and have to be awake at 7am. It just didn't fit together very good. So often times I'd just sleep in, skip school, wake up and watch anime, maybe go to school the next day depending on the week. If we had a lot of homework, I'd go. If we didn't, I just stayed home. I missed A LOT of school in high school. Not just to sit home and watch anime (that didn't help any), but because I didn't really need to go. I still got A's in B's in all my classes so actually attending wasn't necessary.

I hate this kind of logic. I mean what the hell makes you think you shouldn't go, just because you're naturally intelligent?

I've never stayed off school, college, or work to do something like watch TV, or for any other reason apart from being ill or on holiday.

I mean, of course school gets some people down, maybe they hate it and it affects them in a serious way psychologically, then maybe i will accept their excuse for not attending. But come off it... 'i still got A's and B's so it doesn't matter'

You should of got all A's...

Edit: I also understand that games or what not can be addicting and it is tempting, i'm not having a go at people who got reeled in like that. it annoys me when you get cocky people who think they don't need to go because they're ebtter than everyone else.
UKingJul 19, 2010 5:17 PM
Jul 19, 2010 5:16 PM
Feb 2009
Well I only started watching anime a couple of years ago BUT - back in high school I used to skip school and occasionally work to screw around with my girlfriend. I'm much more mature now and wouldn't do that sort of thing.
Jul 19, 2010 5:16 PM

Jun 2008

Definitely not.
Jul 19, 2010 5:31 PM

Oct 2008
It's quite sad if you happen to prioritize anime over education or job(no matter how shitty it is, it is still gets you money or experience)

Life should be prioritized like this:


and a gazillion more things more important than....

Jul 19, 2010 5:33 PM

Sep 2007
Never skipped school for any reason other than not having the project finished on time. Never skipped work.

The most disruptive to my schedule that I've been would be when I woke up 3 hours early to get a scythe from a halloween event on Runescape in 2003.
Jul 19, 2010 6:09 PM

Apr 2010
I've skipped school and watched anime out of boredom but never specifically skipped to watch it.
Jul 19, 2010 6:29 PM

Oct 2009
Who would do such a thing??? Would'nt you have to be in your house to do that!?! If so then your parents and neighbors would know, and you will get into a lot of trouble. Plus there are WAY better things to skip school or work for. Also you need that that job to support your anime hobby, so with those missed hours, you could have bought another anime...
Jul 19, 2010 7:22 PM

Dec 2009
Never work, but i have skipped school on numerous occasions to finish a series.
Jul 19, 2010 7:25 PM

Feb 2008
um yeah still waiting for the fucking day when an anime becomes that damn engaging.
Jul 19, 2010 7:28 PM
Apr 2009
several dozen times.... or I would bring my pc with me, and do both at once... :P
Jul 19, 2010 7:31 PM

Aug 2009
I finished Genshiken when I was at home sick?
Jul 19, 2010 7:32 PM

May 2010
Zukin-Man said:
Jul 19, 2010 7:32 PM

Dec 2007
Frito said:
It's quite sad if you happen to prioritize anime over education or job(no matter how shitty it is, it is still gets you money or experience)

Life should be prioritized like this:


and a gazillion more things more important than....


This man speaks the truth!!!
Jul 19, 2010 7:53 PM

Apr 2008
Never. I may love anime, but I also have my priorities, and school comes before watching anime. I barely watched any anime my first semester of college in order to get used to the workload I was being given.
Jul 19, 2010 8:02 PM

Oct 2008
I never skipped school unless I was sick - and sometimes I even went to school with fever.

Skipping school to watch anime is just too stupid though.
Jul 19, 2010 8:16 PM
Jul 2008
All the times.
Jul 19, 2010 8:36 PM

Mar 2009
Jul 19, 2010 8:37 PM
Oct 2008
No, anime, videogames, etc. should never be a reason to skip class or work. I've never skipped class to watch an anime or any other show because why not just wait? It's not that important....

I've skipped class for other reasons but only if I can afford the absence and I'm 100% sure we aren't doing anything or it's something I can make up on the online course, and if it's the end of the semester and I'm not required to be there. If I do decide to skip it's usually because of the latter but for the former it's typically because I'm sick or I want to spend more time working on a project or study for another class.
Jul 19, 2010 9:04 PM

Jun 2010
I called in sick to work so I could watch the rest of Gintama. 35 episodes in one day. Feels good man.
Jul 19, 2010 10:11 PM

May 2010
UKing said:
jesse_activist said:
Many times. Not work. I never skipped work, but school, quite a bit.

I had a lot of trouble sleeping in high school and I still do really, but it made it rough to wake up in time to go to school. I'd often fall asleep at 5am and have to be awake at 7am. It just didn't fit together very good. So often times I'd just sleep in, skip school, wake up and watch anime, maybe go to school the next day depending on the week. If we had a lot of homework, I'd go. If we didn't, I just stayed home. I missed A LOT of school in high school. Not just to sit home and watch anime (that didn't help any), but because I didn't really need to go. I still got A's in B's in all my classes so actually attending wasn't necessary.

I hate this kind of logic. I mean what the hell makes you think you shouldn't go, just because you're naturally intelligent?

I've never stayed off school, college, or work to do something like watch TV, or for any other reason apart from being ill or on holiday.

I mean, of course school gets some people down, maybe they hate it and it affects them in a serious way psychologically, then maybe i will accept their excuse for not attending. But come off it... 'i still got A's and B's so it doesn't matter'

You should of got all A's...

I could and should have tried harder in school. I'll be the first to admit that. I just never liked going to school. Especially my school. I live in a small town where most of the teachers really don't care, and the few that do, hardly make a dent. Most of the teachers really didn't teach. Their method was, "here's the worksheet and book, worksheet is due tomorrow." or "Read this book, write a report, and turn it in tomorrow." So I didn't learn much while being in school. I took it upon myself to learn the subjects I needed to at home through studying. Granted, a lot of the time I did just glide by because of natural intelligence. However, some classes (Though not at school) I studied quite hard for (Anatomy & Physiology) to name a couple. So it's not as if I wasn't learning anything, I was just going about it in a unconventional way.

However it's not something I intend to do upon entering University. I actually plan to attend all courses and get the best education possible. I'm much more confident that a University is going to have professors who can actually do a good job of teaching. Not "here's a work sheet, here's a book, I'm going to go sit down and read the paper now."
Jul 19, 2010 10:14 PM

Feb 2010
i would just stay up all night to finish a series and if its only a 12 or 24 range episode series then i'd finish it in 1 or 2 days if had nothing else to do
Jul 19, 2010 10:45 PM

Apr 2010
There are some cases, like in my high school, where people did well enough in school to the point where they literally had half the day to blow, just leave, or not come to school until the 5th class. So being smart in high school does kind of pay off. But I wish I'd done more in high school. I was never in any clubs through all four years, and I never went to the dances or school events (most of the reason was because the music sucked). My school was lame, and overcrowded. It was poorly designed, and full of marijuana addicts and drug dealers. And I cared more about the MMO I was playing at the time rather than making sure my homework got done.

Other than that I never skipped school or classes to watch anime. I always watched it at home. That was part of the reason my homework almost never got done. I'd get home from school, sit down, watch an anime or play a game til 10, then go to sleep. I wasn't big on anime back then though, but that was when I went through Naruto. I went through all 200whatever episodes in a couple weeks.

Jul 19, 2010 11:04 PM

Jul 2009
I've never skipped work before.

I've skipped class a couple times to watch anime (maybe, though I was probably feeling sick or exhausted at the same time).

I've definitely skipped class though because I stayed up extremely late watching anime and was too tired to go.
I've also skipped class because of IRC. That or staying up too late talking on IRC. I don't do that much anymore, actually.

I got really sick in Grade 12 of HS and it kinda fucked me up and changed me. I can't explain it, but it changed my attitude towards going to school. And changed the way I sleep. But when I was recovering I would only be awake in the late evening watching anime chatting on IRC.. but then I wouldn't be able to go to class the next day at all. Though if I did I would get sicker anyways so eh.

Usually :anime: isn't the only reason I've skipped class. My plan is next year is to only miss one day a month at most (unless I get extremely sick), so hopefully I'll go through with it. I'm trying to fix my problem so hopefully all will work out.
ESSWHYJul 19, 2010 11:08 PM

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Jul 19, 2010 11:12 PM

Oct 2009
Me. Also, DotA almost made me repeat year 8, I skipped about 44 days just to play some wars.

Though if that counts, I still watch anime almost every single period @ school and still menage to stay on top of my work.
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Jul 19, 2010 11:25 PM
Nov 2008
Never. I have weekends for that matter, lol.
Jul 19, 2010 11:48 PM

Jun 2010
The few times I remember skipping school was when I didn't finish a few assignments for the given day - although I broke this habit in my last high school year. Even if I stay up all night watching a series or playing a game, I wouldn't skip work/school just for those.

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