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Sep 14, 7:31 AM

Jan 2016
I’m in the middle of my mid-20s crisis, so I want to do everything! Currently, I’m practicing brazilian jiu-jitsu, dance, and capoeira. What sports do you engage in? Recommend a new sport to me 'cause I've now been in those for a few months and while I still feel like I'm getting owned every class, i feel like every class I'm learning more and more. They are great sports!
-YUMMY-Sep 14, 7:51 AM
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Sep 14, 7:49 AM

Jan 2022
>Which sports do you practice as an adult?
Does masturbating to depraved anime drawings count? It makes you sweat a lot while doing it.
Sep 14, 7:51 AM

Mar 2008
Oh those sound cool.

I just exist in an eternal timeless void while the world moves around me. I haven't played any sports since middle school because after some point if it isnt part of your culture seems no one wants to play anything or has the space to do so. I have a past injured back and leg so im not sure how much i can do.

Closest I can think of is jogging but hardly a sport and that was years ago now I was doing it regularly since I dont really have anywhere to go.

I white water rafted once and it was during a time it was more intense than it should be so i was doing more advanced than a beginner would normally do. Kinda fun but also not too much my thing. You basically are using your arm muscles really uneven when paddling so it gets tiring and you keep your feet hooked in to not fall out which can kinda cramp your leg a bit.

If I was able to go do things more I don't know. If the streets werent so bad for cyclists id do that. Why cant the US be like the Netherlands or Finland ugh. Also I'd give bouldering a go maybe. Ive debated if I wanted to get into any martial arts, not sure if any have right style for me and i wouldnt know how likely id even get to use it since im a non violent person and pretty isolated id only want it purely to defend someone else but i have no one in my life i care for anymore so what's the point. Dancing is cool but not sure if I could memorize stuff and actually look good, it just seems difficult. I always thought parkour and free running was cool but i dont seems i could never be THAT fit and agile plus i dont live in any area that makes sense. I dont know, it just is hard to feel motivated to do anything when you're alone with no one to even so much as talk about something with.
Sep 14, 7:58 AM
Oct 2019
If you count bicycle as sport I do it 12 months a year even winter (where I am it's hell) even though it's only for going to work it definitely keep me in shape.
Sep 14, 8:00 AM

Jul 2021
I started bodybuilding a while ago.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 14, 8:03 AM

Sep 2024
I do 20 push-ups twice a day (and only because of my back problem).

Other than that I'm completely uninterested in any Sports, and do not recommend any (I prefer to stay very slim and dislike buffed up humans).
Sep 14, 8:03 AM

Dec 2015
Right now I am not touching sports tho next year/in few months I shall begin again, here's the sports in which I've engaged myself through whole life from few trainings up to years of training:

Aikido, Karate, Taekwondo, Sport Shooting [Watch out for that as it is the reason I've got scoliosis], Fencing, Baseball, Windsurfing, Buhurt, Hema, Gym, Calisthenics [homemade only beginner exercises]
Sep 14, 8:04 AM

Feb 2020
"Which sports do you practice as an adult?"

Mainly bicycling and gym.
Sep 14, 8:09 AM

Dec 2021
I tried to get back into playing cricket last year (I played a lot as a teenager). But it didn't end up working out, I can't really afford all the equipment and club fees. But for the brief time I was there, I did enjoy the feeling of bowling again :)

Now I don't really practice any sports. Occasionally I'll play basketball or footy with some of my friends.
Sep 14, 8:12 AM

Jul 2021
You have a cool selection of sports. I like when ppl are active :DDD
I used to compete in weightlifting but it never really went anywhere so now as I kind of just do a whole bunch of stuff, mainly weighted calisthenics. I will start boxing this month and I also used to do a lot of bouldering which I am coming back to.
Sep 14, 8:16 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to traed
Oh those sound cool.

I just exist in an eternal timeless void while the world moves around me. I haven't played any sports since middle school because after some point if it isnt part of your culture seems no one wants to play anything or has the space to do so. I have a past injured back and leg so im not sure how much i can do.

Closest I can think of is jogging but hardly a sport and that was years ago now I was doing it regularly since I dont really have anywhere to go.

I white water rafted once and it was during a time it was more intense than it should be so i was doing more advanced than a beginner would normally do. Kinda fun but also not too much my thing. You basically are using your arm muscles really uneven when paddling so it gets tiring and you keep your feet hooked in to not fall out which can kinda cramp your leg a bit.

If I was able to go do things more I don't know. If the streets werent so bad for cyclists id do that. Why cant the US be like the Netherlands or Finland ugh. Also I'd give bouldering a go maybe. Ive debated if I wanted to get into any martial arts, not sure if any have right style for me and i wouldnt know how likely id even get to use it since im a non violent person and pretty isolated id only want it purely to defend someone else but i have no one in my life i care for anymore so what's the point. Dancing is cool but not sure if I could memorize stuff and actually look good, it just seems difficult. I always thought parkour and free running was cool but i dont seems i could never be THAT fit and agile plus i dont live in any area that makes sense. I dont know, it just is hard to feel motivated to do anything when you're alone with no one to even so much as talk about something with.
Why cant the US be like the Netherlands or Finland ugh.

Not gay enough to be Netherlands and not enough god tier posters to be Finland.
I dont know, it just is hard to feel motivated to do anything when you're alone with no one to even so much as talk about something with.

Do calisthenics, it's free ;) If you have any infrastructure at all in America??? Maybe I am naive because almost every city has some calisthenics stuff in the Eastern Block countries.
Sep 14, 8:19 AM

Jul 2024
Basketball and soccer..
I'm really good at shooting and defending in basketball so I'm a 3&d guy..
In soccer I play as a striker.. But basketball is something you can play on own as well...
I jog at least 5km every day..I also go to the gym..
I'll get some Maintenance work done on my mountain bike and start cycling soon..
Mid life crisis? Yes you're right, it's like that for me too..

The tennis, golf and cricket clubs and equipments are very expensive specially when you're just trying to play as a hobby..

So I stick to basketball, even a Madao like me can play basketball, uncle Drew (kyrie Irving) taught me that..
Sep 14, 8:21 AM

Aug 2024
I used to do climbing but then I broke my ankle and both wrists so now the types of sports I can do are very limited.....
I still train cause I wanna look sexy in the eventuality that one day I might have sex(it's not to be excluded, nothing is impossible)
Sep 14, 8:21 AM

Mar 2008
Commit_Crime said:
Not gay enough to be Netherlands and not enough god tier posters to be Finland.

I mean how they are cyclist friendly

Commit_Crime said:
Do calisthenics, it's free ;) If you have any infrastructure at all in America??? Maybe I am naive because almost every city has some calisthenics stuff in the Eastern Block countries.

Meh that is just working out which by itself is not stimulating enough to my mind so difficult to keep up. If only had more climbable trees id be doing that.

I live in a rural country area in a woodsy area. There is no public transport, i dont drive and i have not much money.
Sep 14, 8:22 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to RainyEvenings
Basketball and soccer..
I'm really good at shooting and defending in basketball so I'm a 3&d guy..
In soccer I play as a striker.. But basketball is something you can play on own as well...
I jog at least 5km every day..I also go to the gym..
I'll get some Maintenance work done on my mountain bike and start cycling soon..
Mid life crisis? Yes you're right, it's like that for me too..

The tennis, golf and cricket clubs and equipments are very expensive specially when you're just trying to play as a hobby..

So I stick to basketball, even a Madao like me can play basketball, uncle Drew (kyrie Irving) taught me that..
I wish I had your jogging work ethic😭😭😭😭
Sep 14, 8:24 AM

Aug 2024
I also almost killed myself with weightlifting..... 200kg almost decapitated me so I don't lift seriously anymore cause I get shivvers on my knees and spine every time now... just calisthenics + streetlifting (I got bigger anyway, cause volume is king)

I actually competed once in streetlifting.... but none of my friends gave enough fucks to come and see me so I stopped, paid 150 euros to participate for fucking nothing.

There was also this friend who was really into powerlifting.... I tought about it but nah... gayest sport ever, just thinking about felt like having a buttplug up my ass
RopemaxingSep 14, 8:28 AM
Sep 14, 8:32 AM

Jul 2021
I mean how they are cyclist friendly

Cycling is only cool when its done by god tier Finnish posters, otherwise it should get fully replaced by public transport (publictransportmaxxing)
Meh that is just working out which by itself is not stimulating enough to my mind so difficult to keep up. If only had more climbable trees id be doing that.

I live in a rural country area in a woodsy area. There is no public transport, i dont drive and i have not much money.

Have you heard of freestyle calisthenics? I think it's really cool and I can't imagine anything more stimulating than going wee woo wee woo on a bar.
Sep 14, 8:39 AM

Oct 2017
I practice volleyball and muscle building although I'm not a pro in either. I used to practice Hockey too.
''Enemies' gifts are no gifts and do no good.''
Sep 14, 8:48 AM

Jul 2010
I unironically love playing dodgeball. It makes me feel younger and nothing work better for me to let off steam than throwing stuff at people.
Sep 14, 9:08 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Zettaiken
Right now I am not touching sports tho next year/in few months I shall begin again, here's the sports in which I've engaged myself through whole life from few trainings up to years of training:

Aikido, Karate, Taekwondo, Sport Shooting [Watch out for that as it is the reason I've got scoliosis], Fencing, Baseball, Windsurfing, Buhurt, Hema, Gym, Calisthenics [homemade only beginner exercises]
@Zettaiken Really cool! Taekwondo seems like so much fun and I’ve always wanted to do fencing and baseball so badly, but these sports aren’t available where I live :))))
Sep 14, 9:09 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to fleurbleue
I unironically love playing dodgeball. It makes me feel younger and nothing work better for me to let off steam than throwing stuff at people.
@fleurbleue A true underdog story!
Sep 14, 9:11 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Fate_Saber88
I practice volleyball and muscle building although I'm not a pro in either. I used to practice Hockey too.
@Fate_Saber88 Oh, hockey! That’s cool! Which team do you cheer for?
And i really want to give volleyball a try and start going to the gym. I must prepare myself mentally for the challenge.
Sep 14, 9:14 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Commit_Crime
I mean how they are cyclist friendly

Cycling is only cool when its done by god tier Finnish posters, otherwise it should get fully replaced by public transport (publictransportmaxxing)
Meh that is just working out which by itself is not stimulating enough to my mind so difficult to keep up. If only had more climbable trees id be doing that.

I live in a rural country area in a woodsy area. There is no public transport, i dont drive and i have not much money.

Have you heard of freestyle calisthenics? I think it's really cool and I can't imagine anything more stimulating than going wee woo wee woo on a bar.
@Otakupervert890 @Commit_Crime I laugh at myself when I go cycling because I have this old bike, a bottle of water, and a dream lol.
Sep 14, 9:17 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Commit_Crime
You have a cool selection of sports. I like when ppl are active :DDD
I used to compete in weightlifting but it never really went anywhere so now as I kind of just do a whole bunch of stuff, mainly weighted calisthenics. I will start boxing this month and I also used to do a lot of bouldering which I am coming back to.
@Commit_Crime I am luck everything is really close :)
And i do plan to go to the gym, but I'm trying to build the mindset that I can go alone and no one will care if I’m using the equipment wrong.
Sep 14, 9:19 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to JaniSIr
I started bodybuilding a while ago.
@JaniSIr Give me tips on how to use the equipment correctly. I stress over making a mess of myself at the gym.
Sep 14, 9:44 AM

Aug 2012
None, but did try BJJ but couldn't afford to stay there as it was pricey for a membership.

Sep 14, 9:51 AM

Aug 2012
I’m not sure if calisthenics is considered a sport in the traditional sense, but my next goal is to get into it.
Sep 14, 9:55 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to -YUMMY-
@Commit_Crime I am luck everything is really close :)
And i do plan to go to the gym, but I'm trying to build the mindset that I can go alone and no one will care if I’m using the equipment wrong.
Don't stress about that, most people can't use it so you won't stick out even if you fuck up.
Sep 14, 9:56 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Yuno
None, but did try BJJ but couldn't afford to stay there as it was pricey for a membership.
@Yuno It’s a shame BJJ didn’t work out due to the cost. Have you ever considered any other activities or gyms with more affordable options?
Sep 14, 9:59 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to -YUMMY-
@Yuno It’s a shame BJJ didn’t work out due to the cost. Have you ever considered any other activities or gyms with more affordable options?

Yep! I have considered doing other things like kickboxing or so. I think we have some gyms that are cheap to sign up for monthly or pay per class.

Sep 14, 10:03 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to -YUMMY-
@JaniSIr Give me tips on how to use the equipment correctly. I stress over making a mess of myself at the gym.
@-YUMMY- Generally just look up the basic forms on youtube, and try to figure it out with lower weights how it feels good.
Just avoid anything that looks too fancy, that's clickbait, just stick to the basics of lifting the weight up and putting it down for like 10-15 reps.
As a beginner don't overdo it, slowly figure out what weight you can do safely for the above range where by the end you can barely finish a rep.
If your joints hurt you are doing something wrong, either fix it, or do a different exercise for the same muscle that feels good.
And on the way up you should go relatively fast, but don't drop the weight down, that should be controlled, and don't bounce at the bottom.
Oh and always do a warm up with lower weight, then you can go to your working sets.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 14, 10:08 AM

Jan 2016
Reply to Yuno

Yep! I have considered doing other things like kickboxing or so. I think we have some gyms that are cheap to sign up for monthly or pay per class.
@Yuno Muay Thai could be good for you too. Usually, you pay for the uniform at the beginning and then a monthly fee.
Sep 14, 10:13 AM

Aug 2012
Reply to -YUMMY-
@Yuno Muay Thai could be good for you too. Usually, you pay for the uniform at the beginning and then a monthly fee.
@-YUMMY- Yes, the same gym offers that too, actually. I'll have to see about starting this up

Sep 14, 10:25 AM

Jan 2021
Football and Volleyball mainly...
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Sep 14, 10:56 AM

Apr 2021
football, cricket, badminton, pool
Sep 14, 11:28 AM

Sep 2016
Sex is the healthiest sport and also has other benefits.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Sep 14, 1:06 PM

Nov 2013
BJJ blue belt and was looking to start muay thai classes so I could take part in the amateur MMA circuit for my region but the post-covid transition for my only local gym was brutal. Many people simply never came back so they packed the gym up and moved to a big city. Pretty depressing honestly. Lost touch with a bunch of people.

The friends I played badminton with generally lost interest just because we'd be doing it so long.

I don't have a sport that I play now, I just go hiking occasionally when I feel up to it. I would like to do BJJ again but the nearest gym is way too far away.

Do you compete in BJJ @-YUMMY-
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Sep 14, 1:29 PM

Feb 2024
We had such a thread so many times that I don't bother to repeat myself, I do lots of sports for fun.

I better tell ya the new sport I got used to this year, it's ping-pong lol. Watched the anime about it and wanted to try asian grip one day. And hell, that's the game changer! I didn't even know it could be sooo fun.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Sep 14, 2:11 PM

Jan 2016
Reply to Sad
BJJ blue belt and was looking to start muay thai classes so I could take part in the amateur MMA circuit for my region but the post-covid transition for my only local gym was brutal. Many people simply never came back so they packed the gym up and moved to a big city. Pretty depressing honestly. Lost touch with a bunch of people.

The friends I played badminton with generally lost interest just because we'd be doing it so long.

I don't have a sport that I play now, I just go hiking occasionally when I feel up to it. I would like to do BJJ again but the nearest gym is way too far away.

Do you compete in BJJ @-YUMMY-
@Sad No, I’ve never competed. I want to raise my skill level and knowledge of techniques before competing. I'm still a white belt with three stripes.
Maybe I should aim for competitions after becoming a blue belt?
Sep 14, 2:37 PM

Jan 2008
Reply to Icymatika
I do 20 push-ups twice a day (and only because of my back problem).

Other than that I'm completely uninterested in any Sports, and do not recommend any (I prefer to stay very slim and dislike buffed up humans).
@Icymatika Socrates knew what was up. More people should at least exercise. 1 in 8 people are obese globally. That's over 1 billion lardasses. Not "overweight" but literally "obese" ham-planet, land-whale mouth breathers..

ZakuF_Sep 14, 2:43 PM
Sep 14, 2:43 PM

Jul 2023
I play recreational badminton and golf, but that is about it as far as sports are concerned.
Sep 14, 3:32 PM

Aug 2014
Rock climbing and mountain biking I suppose, but it's not competitive.
Sep 14, 3:33 PM

Sep 2024
@ZakuF_, Those are just eating like pigs and keep going to the gym throwing big talks about exercises, exercising for these types won't help.

Plus in a lot of countries, it is a "cultural-thing" to go to restaurants and fast food, and then at home eat cheaps/pizza/quick-meat and drink soda/alcohol.

I never did and don't do any of that and am only disgusted by such people.
Sep 14, 4:06 PM

Jan 2009
Table tennis, parkour and basketball free-throws if that counts from the time I was still a teen to my early 20s. A bit later, basic dancing, but only like once a week for a few months. Outside of that, I haven't really been exercising physically at all in like over a decade, unless you count stuff like going stairs up and down multiple times every day, stretching, buying crates of drinks every 1-2 weeks and other miscellaneous tasks from time to time that require using physical strength as physical activity. Oh but I still do some swimming like a few times a year when it's hot, but the past two summers were rather cold here compared to over 5 years ago
Sep 14, 4:58 PM

May 2018
Reply to fleurbleue
I unironically love playing dodgeball. It makes me feel younger and nothing work better for me to let off steam than throwing stuff at people.
@fleurbleue are you an adult? and if so, please tell me where adults can sign up to throw balls at each other. asking for a friend
can't yuck my yum

Sep 14, 4:59 PM

Jan 2016
Reply to Kwanthemaster
Rock climbing and mountain biking I suppose, but it's not competitive.
@Kwanthemaster Those are such cool sports, but I'm terrified of heights and I suck with a bike
Sep 14, 5:01 PM

Jan 2016
Reply to Noboru
Table tennis, parkour and basketball free-throws if that counts from the time I was still a teen to my early 20s. A bit later, basic dancing, but only like once a week for a few months. Outside of that, I haven't really been exercising physically at all in like over a decade, unless you count stuff like going stairs up and down multiple times every day, stretching, buying crates of drinks every 1-2 weeks and other miscellaneous tasks from time to time that require using physical strength as physical activity. Oh but I still do some swimming like a few times a year when it's hot, but the past two summers were rather cold here compared to over 5 years ago
@Noboru I'm impressed! Parkour is sick
Sep 14, 5:02 PM

Nov 2013
@-YUMMY- Definitely work hard towards gaining your blue, you'll at least have the fundamentals down by then. After that, immediately sign up for a competition. Get support/advice from your gym on which to enter and prepare for. It'll be a humbling experience but confidence building too, and it's a real eye-opener as to where you need to improve to keep progressing. It's also pretty fun, especially if you have lots from your gym entering so you travel together to compete.

How long have you been training? Do you have any favoured submissions yet?

Noboru said:
Table tennis, parkour and basketball free-throws if that counts from the time I was still a teen to my early 20s. A bit later, basic dancing, but only like once a week for a few months. Outside of that, I haven't really been exercising physically at all in like over a decade, unless you count stuff like going stairs up and down multiple times every day, stretching, buying crates of drinks every 1-2 weeks and other miscellaneous tasks from time to time that require using physical strength as physical activity. Oh but I still do some swimming like a few times a year when it's hot, but the past two summers were rather cold here compared to over 5 years ago

@Noboru Are you in a table tennis club?
the official MAL hall of fame/cursed comments is now open for business - you are welcome to PM me any potential quotes to include
Sep 14, 5:10 PM

Jan 2016
Reply to Sad
@-YUMMY- Definitely work hard towards gaining your blue, you'll at least have the fundamentals down by then. After that, immediately sign up for a competition. Get support/advice from your gym on which to enter and prepare for. It'll be a humbling experience but confidence building too, and it's a real eye-opener as to where you need to improve to keep progressing. It's also pretty fun, especially if you have lots from your gym entering so you travel together to compete.

How long have you been training? Do you have any favoured submissions yet?

Noboru said:
Table tennis, parkour and basketball free-throws if that counts from the time I was still a teen to my early 20s. A bit later, basic dancing, but only like once a week for a few months. Outside of that, I haven't really been exercising physically at all in like over a decade, unless you count stuff like going stairs up and down multiple times every day, stretching, buying crates of drinks every 1-2 weeks and other miscellaneous tasks from time to time that require using physical strength as physical activity. Oh but I still do some swimming like a few times a year when it's hot, but the past two summers were rather cold here compared to over 5 years ago

@Noboru Are you in a table tennis club?
@Sad Thanks for the advice! I've been training for about five months now, usually between 1 to 4 hours a day, five-to-six-days-a-week, depending on the week lol. I actually do have a favorite submission—the armbar. I’m pretty good with it, but still working on managing my strength and skill.

We have a small group at the gym interested in competing—one brown belt, another white belt, and a yellow belt. Our master is suggesting we wait until the end of the year to compete, as some of us may be promoted by then. I think that might be a good idea to make sure we're ready. What do you think?
Sep 14, 5:11 PM

May 2018
does hiking count? salsa nights at the local bar/club? I already work 6-hrs straight on my feet so it's hard to motivate myself for more exercise lol, but I'm always down to get down on the dance floor...
can't yuck my yum

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