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Jun 1, 2009 6:31 AM

May 2008
Fuck yeah, this was so awesome :D I can't wait for more!
The scenes were so sexy! <3

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jun 2, 2009 4:59 PM

Apr 2009
aarinfantasy is releasing the sub tomorrow.. so i'll be watching it then. Totally looking forward to it ^^
Jun 3, 2009 4:37 AM

Jan 2008
Just saw the release and wow!
The animation is great! And you really get a melancholy mood from the whole thing, I'm not sure how they get that effect.
I kind of wish the story started earlier, it seems to be an episode somewhere in the middle of the story, so it needs to do flashbacks and summarize but I don't think it was too much. is the second part supposed to come out?
animedreamerJun 3, 2009 4:42 AM

Jun 3, 2009 7:09 AM
Jul 2018
where can I find the anime in raw (no sub)??? pls help*.*
Jun 3, 2009 10:22 AM

Apr 2007
So Klaus fucking killed him. In a very literal sense! WTF!

I loved that omake! Shota kitty is always win.

Jun 3, 2009 12:35 PM

Aug 2007
PandaPuff said:
So Klaus fucking killed him. In a very literal sense! WTF!

I loved that omake! Shota kitty is always win.

Indeed, I almost had to laugh at the cynical part of it. What a way to die. Well, I didn't read the manga, but I think he's not neccesary dead, though.

They sure do a great job people not letting enter their room. They don't even suspect a thing, do they? T_T At least they didn't kill the boy. I actually liked the whole omake better than the episode self.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Jun 3, 2009 5:19 PM

May 2008
DragonsWhip said:
I actually liked the whole omake better than the episode self.

Jun 3, 2009 5:28 PM

Jul 2008
DragonsWhip said:

They sure do a great job people not letting enter their room. They don't even suspect a thing, do they?


i actually liked the manga better.

<i>Hiroshima, how beautiful it was</i>
Jun 4, 2009 5:15 AM

Apr 2008
Also agreed with DragonsWhip, omake was the best part o_O
Besides, I can't stand Klaus. Someone (well, Inariya Fusanosuke herself xD') must have mistaken ugliness for manliness while creating the poor guy.
Jun 4, 2009 6:52 AM

Dec 2008
I like this anime ^^ And yes, the 'scene' sure is awesome.
As for the omake, I love it! I had a nice laugh watching it.
Can't wait for the next episode.
Jun 4, 2009 8:09 AM

Dec 2007
This was pretty... boring. =__= And I didn't like the character design. And wtf, did Klaus kill Taki or what? o_o

But the omake was great.
PandaPuff said:
Shota kitty is always win.

Mm... shota kitty.
Jun 4, 2009 12:56 PM
Oct 2008
OMFG! this was great <3 *Ifangirlgasmed<3<3* even though I don't get what the story is about, but that doesn't matter now, right?
Cookie-chan said:
The scenes were so sexy! <3
YES. ♥
But, I wasn't fond of the character design as well^. Especially that buffed dude, whatever his name was.
PururiruJun 4, 2009 1:02 PM
Jun 5, 2009 8:10 AM

Jul 2008
Maybe I'm getting old or something (but I suppose it's not the case) but this anime expect from ending which was funny and kawaii, wasn't awesome. Perhaps it's because i can't understand how rape can be exlained by love and devotion.
But omake was great:D
VisenaJun 5, 2009 8:14 AM
I'm only a girl with metaphysical soles...
Jun 5, 2009 8:24 AM

Nov 2007
TAKI IS SEXYYYY. DASKHDJSD. ♥ Not so into Klaus though :|

Wait wut, for real, he died??? I thought he just fainted. D:

& what a cute omake >w<
Jun 5, 2009 8:48 AM

Apr 2008
It'd be somewhat hilarious if one of the two main charas died in the first ep xDD'
Jun 5, 2009 2:59 PM

Aug 2008
Sporkness said:
This was pretty... boring. =__= And I didn't like the character design. And wtf, did Klaus kill Taki or what? o_o

But the omake was great.
PandaPuff said:
Shota kitty is always win.

Mm... shota kitty.

This...except for the shota kitty.
Oh, and rape=/=love no matter how hot it is.
Jun 5, 2009 8:34 PM
Is a Hidden Gem

Aug 2007
I thought Klaus was the hotter one of the two, though Taki wasn't bad for a uke. The end part was cute but I thought it really felt out of place in a really dark (but really hot) story. It was kind of jarring.
Jun 6, 2009 3:11 AM

Oct 2007
Wow, that was better than I thought it'd be. I loved it!

Taki is really, really pretty and close to my type, but there's something about Klaus that I just really, really like ^^ Both of them are awesome<3 And yay for awesome seiyuu!

As random as I thought it was, I was giggling through the whole omake X3 I can't wait for the next OVA~ Seriously, if someone knows when it'll be out, it'd be great if you could share that with us :D
Jun 6, 2009 5:03 AM

Dec 2007
paani said:

not sure if the spoiler tags in my post were necessary, but whatever
Jun 6, 2009 11:52 PM

Dec 2008
I just have three things to comment about this yaoi:

1- The kitty extra was super kawaii.
2- The seme's chin was huge.
3- Longest and hottest sex scene EVER!

Summarizing, it was fantastic! Can't wait to see the second one.
Jun 6, 2009 11:59 PM

Nov 2007
Taki's sex voice was super irritating. And both characters are not too swift. D:

Also, show is somewhat disturbingly orientalist. Huge turnoff.
Jun 7, 2009 3:58 PM

May 2008
kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.

Jun 7, 2009 6:45 PM

Feb 2008
Wistaire said:
kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.


I concur. I mean, how many times can one person cry out "Oh please no" in a whiny little voice and not expect it to be annoying?
Jun 8, 2009 1:27 AM
Feb 2008
Wistaire said:
kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.


Agree on that ,his voice actor definitively has no experience on scenes like that plus I thought it was annoying ever since I watched vampire knight >.>

Anyway since this is one of the few yaoi ovas that come out this year I have to say it wasn't half bad ,the story is a little messed up and I didn't really like how Klaus was designed but in rest it was ok ^^oh and I thought the scene from the end was interesting (for no reason)
Jun 8, 2009 2:12 PM

Apr 2009
I really enjoyed it. At first the character design had me questioning, but it took me less than 2 min to get use to it. I'm kinda glad that they had the sex scene like that, not like other ones where everything is a-ok when you flip them around upsidedown and crap. Klaus voice totally killed me, I needed a bucket to catch my drool...@///@

kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.

I personally wasn't too bothered by his voice. I mean really, does anyone NOT remember Junya from Boku No Sexual Harassment?

leeleekinsJun 8, 2009 8:06 PM
Jun 8, 2009 7:19 PM

Dec 2008
leeleekins said:
I really enjoyed it. At first the character design had me questioning, but it took me less than 2 min to get use to it. I'm kinda glad that they had the sex scene like that, not like other ones where everything is a-ok when you flip them around upsidedown and crap. Klaus voice totally killed me, I needed a bucket to catch my drool...@///@

kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.

I personally wasn't too bothered by his voice. I mean really, does anyone NOT remember Junya from Boku No Sexual Harassment?

Junnya, the prince of disturbing moans...
How could I ever forget that uke?
Every time he opened his mouth, I'd put my hands over my ears!
Jun 8, 2009 8:03 PM

Apr 2009
Fefe-chan said:

Junnya, the prince of disturbing moans...
How could I ever forget that uke?
Every time he opened his mouth, I'd put my hands over my ears!

Jun 22, 2009 2:04 AM

Jun 2007
mmmm it wasn't that great for an ova. too short and all...
though, the second sex scene was very original with that annoying brat standing at the door lol
Jun 30, 2009 8:24 AM
Jan 2008
At first I was irritated because of the design of Klaus, but after I watched it a few times I wasn't irritated that much. Takki's voice actor isn't so great in sex scene's... I think this is his first time in a Yaoi anime.

But overal I did like it, even though I was confused at the beginning because I didn't understand anything from it. After I read the manga I knew what was going on with Takki (a bit) XD
Jul 5, 2009 8:39 AM

May 2007
Taki, show some muscles, you shitty.
He was totally raped. -.-''

I wonder what would have happened if that kid would have opened the door and seen everything. ^_^ Hihi. That would be fun.
Jul 31, 2009 4:13 PM

Nov 2007
kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.

Fefe-chan said:
The seme's chin was huge.

DragonsWhip said:
I actually liked the whole omake better than the episode self.

This, this and this.

Also it was kind of a turnoff to have the kid talking during the sex scene... I kept thinking he was supposed to at least hear something. "Please don't mind me, I'm just raping the superior officer here."
Aug 23, 2009 12:35 PM

Jul 2008
This seems a really good title, so I'm really saddened that it's only 2 OVA long. If it was longer there would have been more time to show the characters interaction and developement which I'm afraid won't be the case, what a pity. =|

I like the idea of this very much. War, soldiers, uniforms, very interesting and appealing to me. And I do like the two main characters. Taki on the battlefield, loved that; the sense of duty, the devotion to his soldiers... Just...WTF TAKI, YOU'RE A COMMANDER, WHAT'S WITH THAT ATTITUDE WHEN YOU'RE IN BED? Seriously. =/ He's a soldier, we suppose he's trained both physically and mentally, no? Then why not the slightest sign of resistence? He's not even trying, geez. =| That's what irritated me a bit.

The omake at the end was really a LOLWUT moment. It had a completely different atmosphere than the whole OVA but that didn't bother me, on the contrary it made me laugh and cheered up after a very saddening episode. So yes, that was nice. =)

Overall, I think I'm going to read the manga as soon as possible to know more of what's going on. The story seems pretty good, but surely needed more than 2 OVA to be well developed. Quite a nice title nonetheless.
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Sep 4, 2009 7:05 AM

Sep 2009
This was an awesome episode. Ever since I've found this ep a week ago, I daily watch parts of it. I find non-con/rape a great turn on. I love it so much. It was handled so expertly, did you guys notice how clever were the people making it; they cut of unnecessary parts without sacrificing the story.

Taki's beauty was so astonishing that if I were a guy, I would turn gay for him and his ocean eyes. (btw, did you see that pretty boy in Taki's tank; the one which directed the distress call to Taki? He looked almost exactly like Taki, but his eyes were ice-blue. He may be even prettier than Taki himself, lol.)

About voice actors - as standard for anime, they didn't disappoint. I loved Claus's voice. It really showed his talent near the end when was angry/frustrated with Taki.
As for Taki, I hear some of you were quite disappointed with his 'sex voice'. I myself didn't particularly liked Taki's voice to begin with. Perhaps because it kinda reminded me of a voice my friends make when they fake pussiness.

As for Taki's voice in sex scenes - when judging him, we have to consider few things. First, this is supposed to be non-con, so regular moaning with passion had to be replaced with strangled cries. Second, we have to remember that it was creators who choose this particular actor and told him how to make noise, so saying that it was actors fault (lack of experience in yaoi), was a bit silly.
I found confusing a sudden raise of Taki's voice, like when Claus squeezed his hands, or tied his arms with a belt. But I guess it was done on purpose to emphasize him having to restrain himself from screaming. That aside, I really liked it when he said so defiantly "Never" to Claus, along with few other lines.

About Taki's "unimpressive" submissive behavior in bed - did you know that people of high position often like to be controlled/humiliated in bed? I thought this was interesting thing to note. Even Claus mentioned it, "Did it turn you on, to be made my toy?"
Veja24Sep 4, 2009 7:23 AM
Oct 16, 2009 2:49 AM

Jun 2009
Next ova please--------------
Nov 5, 2009 9:12 PM

Feb 2009
It's been awhile.

*Their chibi self are so cute*
MaxCrazy7Nov 5, 2009 9:16 PM
Jan 21, 2010 1:11 AM

Dec 2009
DragonsWhip said:
I actually liked the whole omake better than the episode itself.


And this:

paani said:
I can't stand Klaus. Someone (well, Inariya Fusanosuke herself xD') must have mistaken ugliness for manliness while creating the poor guy.
~Heart & Thoughts With Japan~

Jan 21, 2010 1:20 AM

Sep 2009
DragonsWhip said:
I actually liked the whole omake better than the episode itself.

OnyxEyes3 said:

Don't worry, that's only because you guys don't like Maiden Rose to begin with.

paani said:
I can't stand Klaus. Someone (well, Inariya Fusanosuke herself xD') must have mistaken ugliness for manliness while creating the poor guy.
Oh, god forbids if someone actually tries to show some originality, or you won't even give it a chance! --'
Veja24Jan 21, 2010 1:23 AM
Feb 20, 2010 10:53 PM

Aug 2009
LOL buttfucked to death

tbh I only watched the sex scenes. I'll watch the whole thing when I'm not trying to get off :P

I'm a bandwagon whore

Ow. My Heart. <3
Mar 17, 2010 9:41 AM
Oct 2008
AikoD said:
kasumisama said:
Taki's sex voice was super irritating.

Fefe-chan said:
The seme's chin was huge.

DragonsWhip said:
I actually liked the whole omake better than the episode self.

This, this and this.

Also it was kind of a turnoff to have the kid talking during the sex scene... I kept thinking he was supposed to at least hear something. "Please don't mind me, I'm just raping the superior officer here."

... 5 out of 5: Loved it! (your vote) ^^" even though I gave it an 8 'cus it's to short and the reasons above... well I lold at the omake, but the eps itself isn't too bad though.. ^^ ... That chin was really huge =_="; and I wasn't so disturbed by Taki's voice; When that kid showed up there I thought that Klaus guy would stop ... but O.O =_= a little wierd ...
"Please don't mind me, I'm just raping the superior officer here."

Apr 23, 2010 7:55 AM

Dec 2007
Crap. I liked the character design and the animation, but why so much rape if there's love and that end... Maybe I should go check the manga to try to understand why Taki didn't wanted Klaus anymore and why Klaus became a rapist.

And to talk to a child while raping someone is srsly disturbing.
Jul 18, 2010 1:15 AM

Nov 2009
i originally wasn't gonna read the manga
*inner fujoshi is now fired up to the MAX*

--i've seen/read tons of bl involving rape, so i really feel sad for Klaus (love can be a bitch)

--so this series is already really involved *NoA was moved to tears*
Aug 18, 2010 5:24 AM

Aug 2009
The little kid freaken killed the moment.. -__-
Oct 7, 2010 9:42 PM

Apr 2010
Lord knows I need more yaoi like this in my life
does any1 know any? xD
[Catchy, cool, insightful quote]
Jan 4, 2015 12:07 AM

Jul 2014
LawlietIdeeFixe said:
Lord knows I need more yaoi like this in my life
does any1 know any? xD

Try Ai no Kusabi. It's quite explicitly shown, but not too vulgar like this one.

And wtf what did I just see? O__o Okay, I kinda like Taki so i forgive it.
"All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous"

May 27, 2017 7:09 PM

Apr 2016
I'm glad I read the manga first, so I already have an understanding of these characters. I bet I would have been confused, if I just watched this OVA alone.

I like that this episode allowed me to understand the war, through the narrative voices. I can see the betrayal on Klaus's face, when Taki gave him an aloof response to his return... The flashbacks Klaus had, and his confusion to Taki's rejection and distance, despite our commander asking our westerner to be his knight first, definitely hurt. I also applaud Cadet Yamamoto's sincere speech.

I like the sound effects here. It's a shame, to think Taki is so young, yet he watches his men injured... He has too much responsibility on his shoulders. :(

Btw, the chibi ending was adorable! Klaus did an amazing job, of proving himself worthy to be knight. :P
Avatar credit: vuvuzela
Jan 8, 2018 1:19 PM
Jul 2015
Jesus, all this freaking victim blaming and rape apologism here. Vomited. "Poor Klaus", "Taki was so annoying", "Taki wasn't fighting hard enough". "So hot". Can you just not.
Sep 6, 2018 12:16 PM

Oct 2011
kinda reminds me of *cough* Kuroshitsuji. the lack of context here is sad.. must've been some war romance stuff.
Nov 4, 2018 11:15 PM

May 2008
The scene when Taki visits the infirmary reminds me of Kyou Kara Maou episode when the gang goes to find Morgif and they visit the infirmary for some reason and all the patients are suddenly better just by gazing upon Wolfram's beauty. Funny stuff.

In fact, just go watch Kyou Kara Maou.
May 1, 2021 4:11 PM

Jan 2021
The seme's chin is huge O. o
Nov 15, 2022 2:04 PM
Sep 2022
cringed so hard that i died a bit

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