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Dec 5, 2009 2:21 AM

Sep 2009
Pessoa said:
most of these aren't weird 'facts.'

That was a fact!
Dec 8, 2009 3:02 AM
Oct 2009
My parents dont know that i watch anime xD though they know that i listen alot of japanese metal.

If i am home alone or in bed i talk to myself. ( Maybe because im hard to understand cause i like alot of different things that according to most people not go toghether)

I had broken my knee 3 times with the same incident and the doctors had never had a case like that :P

Dec 8, 2009 4:04 AM

Jul 2008
I make a part-time living gambling.

I was in a major car accident that wrecked my now I walk about 30 miles a week wherever I need to go.

I read a lot more novels than I do manga, and at least 20 times as many live action films as I do anime.

I'm 6' 5", with disproportionately long arms and legs.
Dec 8, 2009 7:43 AM

May 2009
I like cookies.|twitter|facebook (yeah right)
Dec 8, 2009 12:15 PM

Jun 2008
- I like pie
- I can laugh of everything
- I have a killer lock :D
Dec 8, 2009 12:19 PM

Nov 2009
I can go without sleep for more than 4 days and still be alert without bags under my eyes!
Dec 8, 2009 12:23 PM

Nov 2009
hmm this looks fun ^_^ Lets see...

-I was born in Canada (now I live in America)
-I have a totally rational fear of Peacocks
-I can't swim
-I have an adorable albino ferret
-i can't stand the feel of velvet

R.I.P J.D. Salinger <3
Dec 8, 2009 1:15 PM

Apr 2009
I'm afraid of jellyfish

Dec 8, 2009 2:40 PM

Oct 2009
I daydream all the time. Basically, if there was A.D.D for daydreaming, I would probably have it xP

And when I was younger I used to help my friend burn tires and other objects at this park near my school... We used to do it for fun until a neighbour paid us to do it to get rid of all the crap laying around their house.

" ... carpenters fashion wood; wise people fashion themselves" - Buddhism
Dec 8, 2009 3:03 PM

Dec 2009
I can go for hours without blinking a few years back. I was proud of it back then, but as I now play card games less competitively I hope that I no longer have that "skill". How I realized how people thought of it -

"Excuse me, but why are you staring at me?"
"Dude, I've been watching you the whole time we've been playing at this table.We've been here for at least 2 hours, and you haven't blinked a single time!"
"Well, I suppose I don't like to miss anything."

Thus the story goes. Also, I have written several theories on probability, awareness, and the impossibility of time travel (which is more like an explanation why the past and future don't exist). Perhaps I'll blog these sometime.
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Dec 8, 2009 3:29 PM

Feb 2009
- I'll never admit verbally that I hate being single. But I have no desire to hunt for any man to change this at the moment. I'm THAT lazy.

- Sometimes, I let the shower run really cold to see how long I can stand it until it hurts. Haha. Same with hot water.

- I always try to see who can "read my mind" in class. In my head, i'll say: "If you can read my mind, cough right now." And i'll get genuinely scared if someone "responds."

- I'm afraid of the space behind doors at night. And the bathroom closet, i'll check it 3 times before I get in the shower. As if someone will just "appear" after the first check. Haha.

Yeah. Thats all I can think of.

Dec 8, 2009 3:30 PM

May 2008
I can move my eyeballs so fast it looks like a seizure.

Dec 8, 2009 4:12 PM

Dec 2009
Missytalker said:
- I'll never admit verbally that I hate being single. But I have no desire to hunt for any man to change this at the moment. I'm THAT lazy.

I don't think that's weird. On the contrary, I thought it was custom for all women to sit around and wait for a guy to harass them. This observation stems mostly from where I live, a place in which a woman is either not single or not barking up the tree, as it were.

To test my theory, I don't hit on anyone or ask anyone out since the last time I broke up with a girl. I've been single since then, so my theory holds true.
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Dec 8, 2009 5:28 PM

Nov 2009
- I'm addicted to takoyaki... and I base my opinion of takoyaki-serving restaurants, on their takoyaki even if its not their specialty

- I can't anime themed console RPGs when theres no option for Japanese voices

- I need to smoke whenever I drive... even if its across the street to the convenience store
Dec 8, 2009 5:32 PM

Jan 2008
Ok, I will give you a real fact:

# I have taken three driving lessons in my entire life.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Dec 8, 2009 7:27 PM

Dec 2009
I've only had a few myself, and most of my experience comes from being forced to drive. (i.e. designated driver). I've never owned a car.
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Dec 8, 2009 9:34 PM

Nov 2009
this is my really weird true fact...

my satire hobby is to speak randomness! i mean "osaka" kasuga randomness!
i contribute to my family, school and the society random thoughts and explanations that they frequently cannot understand it...due to mixed and jumbled logic and poetry contained in those words i mouthed and muttered...

Dec 8, 2009 10:04 PM

Apr 2009
-Have a slight fetish for girls with glasses.
-Dislike sweets.
-Always hungry adn eating but never fat.

Dec 8, 2009 10:26 PM

Oct 2009
I'm afraid of the Dark....And Yet I'm Perfectly fine with going out at 3:00 A.M. to take out the Trash....

I LOVE to dip my Fries in to my Hot Chocolate!

I actually usually eat less in the Summer than any other time of year....Yet Summer is when I gain the most Weight....
Dec 9, 2009 1:56 AM

Dec 2009
That seems odd enough. But my sister dips Wendy's Fries into her Frosty. So it is normal for me.
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Dec 9, 2009 2:13 AM

Dec 2009
YoungVagabond said:

I read a lot more novels than I do manga, and at least 20 times as many live action films as I do anime.

That's not odd at all, I'm fairly positive there are plenty of other anime fans that do the same as you do. Me being one of them.

Now for my contribution:

-People acting childish (you know the whole screaming and running around "lol me so RANDUM" bit. Pretty common amongst the 12-17 age group of anime fans) tend to tick me off. Especially if they chose to display this in public places. I usually pull them aside and let them know they are making a fool of themselves and disturbing others.

-I almost always try to use proper grammar when writing, typing, texting, or just anything for that matter.

-I triple check everything.

-Although I have contempt for others I frequently give out selfless acts of kindness to everyone and anyone. Its only right in some situations. I feel that people should help and look out for each other more often.

-I have a thing for accents, especially Northern English ones.

-I tend to get bored very easily.

-For some reason I am pretty harsh when judging anime and manga but for a movie for example I am more lenient. Not by much though.

-I think Roger Ebert would make better reviews if he still had a neck.
Dec 9, 2009 3:38 AM

Dec 2009
DoctorForHire said:
People acting childish (you know the whole screaming and running around "lol me so RANDUM" bit. Pretty common amongst the 12-17 age group of anime fans) tend to tick me off. Especially if they chose to display this in public places. I usually pull them aside and let them know they are making a fool of themselves and disturbing others.

Good job for doing your part! We can pool our efforts in an effort to make the world a better place. Sorry, I like being redundant sometimes. (Whatdya know? A weird fact!)

I recant my earlier statement suggesting that dipping fries in hot chocolate or frosty is normal by any means. I coincidentally realized around the same time that immediately going back on someone's weird facts and trying to justify them as normal defeats the purpose of the topic. So I apologize. Rejoice and remain weird!
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Dec 9, 2009 9:45 AM

Aug 2009
DoctorForHire said:

-I almost always try to use proper grammar when writing, typing, texting, or just anything for that matter.

Same here, I key in full words when I text people as well. My friends ask me why, but I can't stand people that say u instead of you and things like that.

A couple more from me:

- I said last time that I love the Dutch accent; I also have a massive thing for the Irish accent. And the Russian accent.

- A couple of my favourite mangas are seinen... even though I'm a 16-year-old girl.
Dec 9, 2009 2:10 PM

Feb 2009
Crusader_8 said:
Missytalker said:
- I'll never admit verbally that I hate being single. But I have no desire to hunt for any man to change this at the moment. I'm THAT lazy.

I don't think that's weird. On the contrary, I thought it was custom for all women to sit around and wait for a guy to harass them. This observation stems mostly from where I live, a place in which a woman is either not single or not barking up the tree, as it were.

To test my theory, I don't hit on anyone or ask anyone out since the last time I broke up with a girl. I've been single since then, so my theory holds true.

A very interesting way to look at it. It must be just different where I live. For some reason a relationship is so glamourous to most women here.

Dec 9, 2009 2:18 PM

Feb 2008
Crusader_8 said:
That seems odd enough. But my sister dips Wendy's Fries into her Frosty. So it is normal for me.

Dude, that is delicious. I do that all the time.

I work at Sonic, and when I make me food, I always get a cheese burger with ketchup, hickory sauce, lettus, and tomatoes, on toast; with some mozzerial sticks that I dip in chocolate.

L2 Search -
We're all getting trolled by Mayans. They probably thought "Fuck this shit, let's end the calendar and say shit's gonna go down."
Dec 9, 2009 2:46 PM

Sep 2009
Crusader_8 said:
That seems odd enough. But my sister dips Wendy's Fries into her Frosty. So it is normal for me.

freaking delicious.
Dec 9, 2009 2:50 PM

Dec 2009
brokenrose said:

freaking delicious.
Sayalol said:

Dude, that is delicious. I do that all the time.

So would you consider it normal then?
There is absolutely no reason why I should accept "turn your brain off" as a valid excuse to defend a poor show.


blatant ad: I spend the time to write it, so please read it lol
Dec 9, 2009 2:57 PM

Sep 2009
Crusader_8 said:
brokenrose said:

freaking delicious.
Sayalol said:

Dude, that is delicious. I do that all the time.

So would you consider it normal then?

Yeahh. There's enough people that like it... I don't see how you couldn't.
Dec 9, 2009 5:18 PM

Nov 2008
mm ... Let's see, I hate animals.
I don't like clingy/noisy people and I love being alone.
Black people make me uncomfortable but I'm not racist.
I'm obsessed with Zac Efron =)
Dec 9, 2009 6:16 PM

Nov 2009
motoko09 said:
mm ... Let's see, I hate animals.
I don't like clingy/noisy people and I love being alone.
Black people make me uncomfortable but I'm not racist.
I'm obsessed with Zac Efron =)

These items qualify you for being an average female Caucasian of the nerd variety
Dec 9, 2009 6:37 PM

Mar 2009
motoko09 said:
I'm obsessed with Zac Efron =)

That's not weird. It's disgusting.
Dec 9, 2009 6:50 PM

Dec 2009
-I hate lack of motivation
-I hate Harry Potter
-I wuv Rain :3 (Actor)
Dec 9, 2009 6:55 PM

Dec 2009
I have an unhealthy obsession with school uniforms. And NO, not in the "Uniforms are so HaWt!!1" kind of way. I have always thought uniforms were cute and awesome and I am insanely jealous of anyone who got to wear them in school, and it makes me happy to be in school-uniform-type clothing.

In fact, school uniforms are what have started a lot of my past and recent obsessions. Back when I was into Harry Potter, the thing that first got me into it was I thought the uniforms in the movie were cool. More recently, it's what got me watching anime, because most of them involve high schools with uniforms.

And yes, I'm weird. I know. O.o

ロバートさんはあなたのたましいを食べます。(Robert will eat your soul.)

Dec 10, 2009 9:24 AM

Nov 2007
- I'm half-OCD.
- My manga collection is worth almost 4000 zł - I've been buying them for 3 years, earning 50 zł of pocket money each month. And I don't spend it all on mangas - I also buy books and video games. I seriously don't understand where the hell I got the money from.
- I'm afraid of black people. I'm not a racist, but experiences during my vacation in France almost turned me into one.
- I'm obsessed with pandas.
Dec 10, 2009 9:31 AM

Sep 2009
AlexisSolitaire said:
motoko09 said:
I'm obsessed with Zac Efron =)

That's not weird. It's disgusting.


-I totally spazz if someone that doesn't smell good sits/lays on my bed. Usually rather than telling them to get off b/c they smell, I jump on my bed and yell "MY BED!!" And chuck them off... Yeahh.
-Same with the whole feet-on-my-pillow thing. That's effing disgusting. >.<
-When I got to bed, my covers have to be perfectly even. Like the same length of covers has to be hanging over each side of the bed, or else I can't get to sleep.
-I don't really like crowds... but I usually like going shopping and stuff...?
-I absolutely love hard rock ((as well as other kinds)) but I also love classical.
Dec 10, 2009 5:20 PM

Feb 2009
lovin_hartwell said:
I have an unhealthy obsession with school uniforms. And NO, not in the "Uniforms are so HaWt!!1" kind of way. I have always thought uniforms were cute and awesome and I am insanely jealous of anyone who got to wear them in school, and it makes me happy to be in school-uniform-type clothing.

In fact, school uniforms are what have started a lot of my past and recent obsessions. Back when I was into Harry Potter, the thing that first got me into it was I thought the uniforms in the movie were cool. More recently, it's what got me watching anime, because most of them involve high schools with uniforms.

And yes, I'm weird. I know. O.o

DUDE. I have always wanted to have a school uniform. I think they're cool. But the only local school with them has a high tuition. D:

And I thought the EXACT same thing about Harry Potter. I thought I was alone. xD

Dec 10, 2009 6:53 PM

Oct 2009
-The door to my room must be properly closed at ALL times, or I get OCD and freak out.
-My favorite color is grey, and I tend to talk about 'morbid' things like they're no big deal
-I wanted my friend to buy me brass knuckles for my birthday until I found out that they were illegal to even possess.
-My taste in music is...random. I like alternative/punk, indie, indie-electronic, screamo, hardcore/metal, screamo/electro... yeahh
Dec 11, 2009 2:55 PM

Sep 2009
AlexisSolitaire said:
motoko09 said:
I'm obsessed with Zac Efron =)

That's not weird. It's something that is deeply disturbing to most individuals.

Gep said:
-I hate lack of motivation.

brokenrose said:
Crusader_8 said:
That seems odd enough. But my sister dips Wendy's Fries into her Frosty. So it is normal for me.

freaking creepy.

For me:

- I've been homsechooled most of my school years.
- I love british TV, especially period pieces.
- I listen to only 80's music, all the time. Which is probably weird to most of my generation.
- I cannot stand the sound of animals licking.

Dec 12, 2009 3:58 AM
Nov 2009
Gep said:
-I hate lack of motivation
-I hate Harry Potter
-I wuv Rain :3 (Actor)
Howcome you hate Harry Potter? D:

♥ So scared of the dark that I'm getting a night light (Disney princesses! :D) and a glowing seahorse toy meant for young children for Christmas ^_^ Oh dear.

Have a nice day everyone :)
AliceWillDec 12, 2009 4:02 AM
Jan 9, 2010 9:36 PM

Mar 2009
CarnivalOfRust said:
I always carry a knife at me, he also has a name but it's a secret. ^^
I'm a heavy smoker, my favorite brand is weed- Have a happy green day!!
I always carry with me my sketch pad and a pencil, if I don't have my pad I draw on my hands - after that my skin tends to be kind of sore.
Sometimes I 'freeze'.
I like sleeping more than anyone else.
I change the drawings on my walls once every six months. In short I redecorate often, my mothers is starting to get annoyed by that...[I shouldn't remember this!!]
I fucking hate math. Math can go to Hell and burn from the surface of the Earth, if not, I'll move on Mars.

I hate math too
Jan 9, 2010 9:44 PM

May 2008
Zutara said:
-The door to my room must be properly closed at ALL times, or I get OCD and freak out.

Yeah, I totally do that as well.
It also drives me up the wall when I notice even a speck of noticeable dirt or lint or whatever else needs to be vacuumed, there on the carpet.

Also, if the phones rings during an emotional moment in a fictional tales, something has to pay. I get another telemarketer call while I'm in the middle of crying in the best moment of a series, said person on the other end of the line is losing their eardrums.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Jan 9, 2010 10:56 PM
Dec 2007
I have insomnia and can take up to hours to fall asleep and I have to take melatonin to fall asleep at a decent time.
I most likely have Asperger's (if you don't know what that is, go to and look it up)
I like running
I hate spiders
I can push my stomach out and make myself look pregnant (a leftover effect from my childhood gut)
I'm a health freak
I have trust issues with people looking at my cell phone and any other personal electronic device
Jan 9, 2010 10:56 PM
Oct 2009
5 stitches and 7 stitches scars on my face....
scars on wrist look worst than any wrist cutter's scars(i don't cut my wrist)
Jan 9, 2010 11:04 PM

Dec 2009
I have a weird phobia that prevents me from looking at a starry sky at night. if i see stars in the sky i freeze in fear and start feeling as if im going to have a sort of heart attack.

i can look at clouds all i want or a sky with a few stars at night but out in the mountains or the fields where there are a hell-ton of stars in the sky..... oh man CALL THE NUMBER ON MY BRACELET!!!!
Jan 9, 2010 11:23 PM

Dec 2009
I don't like carbonated/fizzy drinks, which include soda and beer.
I basically just drink ice tea.
Been a gamer since I was four.
Been watching anime since I was a toddler.
I'm a second generation nerd. (Dad was a comic book dork + a total Trekkie).
I melt when I see a hawt guy with a pony tail.
Jan 10, 2010 6:36 AM

Dec 2009
-I wanna die but I love my life.

-I really like black people.

-I wish if I born in WW2.

-I wanna die by bullet.

-I hate being emo but wanna talk to emo.
Jan 10, 2010 12:38 PM

Dec 2009
Akito38 said:
I am a large tall broad shouldered male who loves cute things. Plush toys, dolls, cute dresses etc.

Despite my love for cute things I am pretty bitter and negative.

I secretly wish I had a smaller more feminine body so I could cross dress and look exactly like a girl.

yeah Im pretty fucked up.

i'm just like that, i like screamo and black metal but right after i'll listen to k-on music. i'll watch sweeny todd and then lucky star. and just as you said i'm a big guy who's bitter negative who loves cute things and wishes who had a smaller more femine body.
Love & Piece

Jan 10, 2010 1:14 PM

Sep 2009
- I eat ketchup, not as a sauce, but like a pudding or jello.

- I have reoccurring dreams in which I'm chased by a tornado on a soccer field.

- I am an uber Trekkie.("Nuclear wessels!" <3)

- I like to see how long I can keep my eyes open.
Jan 10, 2010 2:43 PM

Oct 2009
- When I'm really, really bored I'll sit in a bath for two hours or so and just read manga

- Probably not uncommon, but I act totally different around my friends and family. In front of my family I'll be shy and keep to myself, but in front of my friends I'm totally outgoing, energetic and ready to do anything.

- I eat cocoa (the kind that you mix in with milk to make chocolate milk/hot chocolate, etc). It doesn't seem weird to me, but no one else I know does it o.O

And this:

RollingBox said:

Been a gamer since I was four.
I melt when I see a hawt guy with a pony tail.

" ... carpenters fashion wood; wise people fashion themselves" - Buddhism
Jan 10, 2010 3:10 PM

Oct 2009
I absolutely hate it when people touch my neck.
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