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Is there an anime that you gave a 4 but you like?

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Apr 11, 2022 4:57 AM
Jul 2018
Manaban said:
No. If I liked it and actually put thought into my score of it, it would have a 6 at minimum.

There's always a reason why you like something. You can bow down to criticism that doesn't necessarily hold the same weight in relation to your own experience, but that's just stagnant and lazy. You won't ever miss if you don't reach, right?

The less-worthless option is to figure out what made you like something and extrapolate on that. What made it work? Why was it a fun or engaging work? Start by figuring out what you liked about it and expand from there. There is no concrete law or set of universally-weighted priorities when it comes to what made a work good or valuable. And trying to make one for yourself and blindly applying it to every work you come into contact with is being completely void of nuance.

Hence, nothing I like sucks. It provided some kind of value to me. I enjoyed it. Better yet, I can try to understand and articulate why I enjoyed it when I'm discussing the series with other people.

If you call something you liked shit, then I'm just going to assume you're too lazy to try to understand what made it work for you and just don't want to challenge the criticisms the series in question faces. You just let other people decide your opinions for you while still trying to cling on to the value it had to you by saying you liked it in spite of it being "bad."

You're nothing at that point. Deaf, blind, dumb and born to follow. You need stronger people to guide you, to determine what quality means to you for you so you can blindly apply that to everything as if it's a word of law, but are still too chickenshit to totally conform to other people's standards, so you meekly throw out an "I-I-I know it's bad, but I still liked it!"

More like an ant or worker bee than a human, and you're being sheparded by the people who are doing exactly what I'm describing as the less worthless option. We have the ability to think for ourselves and *this* is how you decide to totally waste that. God forbid you ever end up in any leadership or decision-oriented position in a career. Your entire ship will sink like a fucking rock.

And if you say shit like this and my harshness about it makes you mad - hey, hey, that's OK! You'll be working for someone like me one day! Assuming you actually get a job in the first place, of course, but if you do, remember - any functioning hierarchy needs people who take orders and blindly follow those who are willing to make decisions on their own. Society *does* have a place for people like you, as miserable as your existence may be.

The least respectable type of opinion anyone can have on a series. Give me whack-ass ranting that amounts to nothing more than insulting the audience than that. It speaks volumes about their lack of character as individuals.
This whole shitload of words just shows how you treat people in real life. You're really the greatest troll if you were being satire
Apr 11, 2022 5:01 AM

Nov 2018
I gave lots of anime 2 rating but still like some parts of it.
But overall only.....
"When they're alive, you can enjoy watching them struggle. When they're dead, you can enjoy tearing out their guts. Tales are things you get to enjoy twice."
Apr 11, 2022 5:04 AM

Dec 2018
Cestus: The Roman Fighter. The concept was good, but I can't give it a higher score with that type of horrendous animation
Stuff in the streets, Stuff with drip in the sheets
Apr 11, 2022 5:11 AM

Oct 2014
Definitely. The God of Highschool. It's a visual rollercoaster chock full of amazingly animated and choreographed fight scenes, yet it has such a terrible and insultingly paced story that it really earns it's 4. Without the animation, there would be nothing at all to like, and it's so good that you can't not like this aspect of the show, and for me it's enough to like the show generally speaking.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Apr 11, 2022 5:17 AM

Sep 2015
Jade95 said:
This whole shitload of words just shows how you treat people in real life. You're really the greatest troll if you were being satire

This post might be over a year old by now, but I'd say it still holds up today :)

Hell, this is probably one of the better posts I've ever made about stuff not related to ecchi or fanservice. I'm impressed with myself, just re-reading it.

Apr 11, 2022 5:25 AM

Feb 2019
[Constellation humantwig, gave Akame ga Kill a 4 but thinks it was pretty good for "turn your brain off action"]

『ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ-ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴊᴜᴅɢᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜰɪʀᴇ』

Then her jaw slackened as she muttered out.
[I... am the bi◼️?]

☽ † ☾
- ᴅᴇʟɪᴠᴇʀɪᴇꜱ
- ꜱɪɢ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʙʏ ʜᴜᴍᴀɴᴛᴡɪɢ

Apr 11, 2022 5:38 AM

Oct 2014
Manaban said:
Jade95 said:
This whole shitload of words just shows how you treat people in real life. You're really the greatest troll if you were being satire

This post might be over a year old by now, but I'd say it still holds up today :)

Hell, this is probably one of the better posts I've ever made about stuff not related to ecchi or fanservice. I'm impressed with myself, just re-reading it.
I don't think it holds up even back then, as you seem to have projected your personal values onto him, and due to the incongruence, you roasted him for it by creating an image of him that probably doesn't even exist based entirely off assumption. Like you were really speaking to someone else you have a personal grudge against, rather than him. Effectively, he gave you situation A and asking for other letters, and you somehow got hardstuck on A and not only extracted A1 from it, but all the way to A30, never even getting to B.

One could argue that some people who's ratings are 2/3rd's 6+ are scared to admit the shows they like are as bad as they are because they would feel bad doing so, effectively being dishonest. While it's a logically consistent contranegative and alternative argument, it's really just about accepting the fact that people value things differently, and that it's wrong to put people into such rigid boxes.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Apr 11, 2022 5:43 AM
Jul 2018
Utsu Musume Sayuri, I watched it more than ten times already.
Apr 11, 2022 5:48 AM

Feb 2020
How can I like something if I gave it a low rating?
Apr 11, 2022 5:49 AM

Sep 2015
Lunilah said:
Manaban said:

This post might be over a year old by now, but I'd say it still holds up today :)

Hell, this is probably one of the better posts I've ever made about stuff not related to ecchi or fanservice. I'm impressed with myself, just re-reading it.
I don't think it holds up even back then, as you seem to have projected your personal values onto him, and due to the incongruence, you roasted him for it by creating an image of him that probably doesn't even exist based entirely off assumption. Like you were really speaking to someone else you have a personal grudge against, rather than him. Effectively, he gave you situation A and asking for other letters, and you somehow got hardstuck on A and not only extracted A1 from it, but all the way to A30, never even getting to B.

One could argue that some people who's ratings are 2/3rd's 6+ are scared to admit the shows they like are as bad as they are because they would feel bad doing so, effectively being dishonest. While it's a logically consistent contranegative and alternative argument, it's really just about accepting the fact that people value things differently, and that it's wrong to put people into such rigid boxes.

I wasn't even talking about OP, though. I can 100% promise you that. Dude literally said two sentences, there's no way I can extrapolate a textwall out of that - if I tried, even in a hypothetical scenario where I'm 100% right, the dude could just come in and say something completely different from what I said just to make me out to be wrong. Y'know, fill in the spaces himself. It'd be backing myself into a corner against even somebody with half of a functioning brain.

This is, of course, assuming I bothered to read the OP over a year ago, which I usually don't do and haven't done for years.

What I should clarify here is that I have a habit of using the Royal You when talking about people in a general sense. It's not a good habit when ranting, but it's a habit that you can find me doing even today. Not my fault I speak a language where we have an actual word for that context, and English forces you to awkwardly tiptoe around it with specifics because it's a very non-specific language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Point is, I wasn't talking about OP. I don't know OP, I don't know anything he thinks or does, I doubt I even paid attention to him when making that post. What I hated - and what I still hate - is the idea of "it's bad but I liked it!"

It's such a dumb opinion to express. It's not even taking personal values into consideration, it's taking other people's expressed issues, saying they're objectively correct and not a matter of perspective, then proceeding to add nothing to the conversation about the work in question while still trying to die on your little hill. Just look at why you liked it, figure out how to express it, and even if you find other people's issues agreeable, try to understand why the things you liked about it outweigh these issues you take with it!

Christ. I find it frustrating because it's just like "Why should this have to even be explained to anyone?" It's not some high level discussion move. It's not even "Having An Opinion 101." It's just something Having An Opinion 101 would assume you knew already going into the course.
ManabanApr 11, 2022 5:57 AM

Apr 11, 2022 5:53 AM

Feb 2021
Usagi Drop
Vivy:Fluorite Eye's Song(the songs were amazing)
Toaru Majutsu no Index(I like Index and Touma)
Apr 11, 2022 5:55 AM

Oct 2014
Manaban said:
Lunilah said:
I don't think it holds up even back then, as you seem to have projected your personal values onto him, and due to the incongruence, you roasted him for it by creating an image of him that probably doesn't even exist based entirely off assumption. Like you were really speaking to someone else you have a personal grudge against, rather than him. Effectively, he gave you situation A and asking for other letters, and you somehow got hardstuck on A and not only extracted A1 from it, but all the way to A30, never even getting to B.

One could argue that some people who's ratings are 2/3rd's 6+ are scared to admit the shows they like are as bad as they are because they would feel bad doing so, effectively being dishonest. While it's a logically consistent contranegative and alternative argument, it's really just about accepting the fact that people value things differently, and that it's wrong to put people into such rigid boxes.

I wasn't even talking about OP, though. I can 100% promise you that. Dude literally said two sentences, there's no way I can extrapolate a textwall out of that - if I tried, even in a hypothetical scenario where I'm 100% right, the dude could just come in and say something completely different from what I said just to make me out to be wrong. Y'know, fill in the spaces himself. It'd be backing myself into a corner against even somebody with half of a functioning brain.

This is, of course, assuming I bothered to read the OP over a year ago, which I usually don't do and haven't done for years.

I have a habit of using the Royal You when talking about people in a general sense. It's not a good habit when ranting, but it's a habit that you can find me doing even today. Not my fault I speak a language where we have an actual word for that context, and English forces you to awkwardly tiptoe around it with specifics because it's a very non-specific language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ah, okay. I think i understand then. The Royal You is valid in it's context, it's just hard to derive the meaning from text, in which case you have to either pluralize your general statements or qualify them. Thanks :3

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Apr 11, 2022 5:59 AM

Jan 2016
I like all of my 4/10 shows
Still bad, but I don't hate it
Apr 11, 2022 5:59 AM

Sep 2015
Lunilah said:
Manaban said:

I wasn't even talking about OP, though. I can 100% promise you that. Dude literally said two sentences, there's no way I can extrapolate a textwall out of that - if I tried, even in a hypothetical scenario where I'm 100% right, the dude could just come in and say something completely different from what I said just to make me out to be wrong. Y'know, fill in the spaces himself. It'd be backing myself into a corner against even somebody with half of a functioning brain.

This is, of course, assuming I bothered to read the OP over a year ago, which I usually don't do and haven't done for years.

I have a habit of using the Royal You when talking about people in a general sense. It's not a good habit when ranting, but it's a habit that you can find me doing even today. Not my fault I speak a language where we have an actual word for that context, and English forces you to awkwardly tiptoe around it with specifics because it's a very non-specific language ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ah, okay. I think i understand then. The Royal You is valid in it's context, it's just hard to derive the meaning from text, in which case you have to either pluralize your general statements or qualify them. Thanks :3

I've run into this before, it's not a good habit when ranting because it leads to misunderstandings. English just doesn't have a good word to just instantly provide that context, unlike the far superior German language. I don't really tend to take details like that into consideration if I'm just vomiting out a rant onto the forums, partly because I get swept up in what I'm doing and partly because I'm beyond caring if I piss people on MAL off ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Apr 11, 2022 6:03 AM

Oct 2014
Manaban said:
Lunilah said:
Ah, okay. I think i understand then. The Royal You is valid in it's context, it's just hard to derive the meaning from text, in which case you have to either pluralize your general statements or qualify them. Thanks :3

I've run into this before, it's not a good habit when ranting because it leads to misunderstandings. English just doesn't have a good word to just instantly provide that context, unlike the far superior German language.
I don't know much about German, but i do know that english requires a lot of descriptive statements for getting across meaning. And as for Germany, i'm excited for y'alls new military ;). Who would have thought that Germany doing this would be such an important factor for the safety of Europe, i can't wait for more anime around this.

I don't believe in the Devil.
You should. He believes in you.
Apr 11, 2022 6:08 AM

Jan 2021
nope, I rate mostly based on enjoyment so it is very difficult to give a 4 to something I enjoyed
Apr 11, 2022 6:44 AM

Jan 2021
Noblesse, the characters were very cool and I tend to be very forgiving to vampire stories because its my guilty pleasure, but the highschool setting felt too forced and ruined it for me.
Apr 11, 2022 6:50 AM

Aug 2013
If I finish it, it will probably get a 6 (or a 5, because the last episode ruined it). Anything less gets dropped before I even finish it (more then 100 shows in the drop list). Therefore, no. I don't have 4/10 I like, I don't like them. If I did like them, they would score far higher.

I do have some scores that are 4 and even less, but those hail from a time when I kinda forced myself as a dumb newbie to finish everything what I started.
I don't know who quotes me and then deletes the comment, but know that you make my day.

STEAM's GOTY 2024 the Ghost of Tsushima
Apr 11, 2022 8:10 AM

Jul 2021
I proudly give any anime I liked a high rating, no matter how garbage others may consider it.
Apr 11, 2022 8:14 AM

May 2015
Interspecies Reviewers - utter trash but still somewhat enjoyable.
Sakura Trick - one of the worst yuri that I have ever seen still I would not say that I hated it.
Mieruko-chan - again trashy but in a good way.
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - I dropped it after 4 episodes because the main male character irritated me af, still liked to watch later on youtube videos about the highlight of the later episodes. Watching one full episode would have been an extortion, yet a few assorted scenes were funny.
IshitatesoApr 11, 2022 8:42 AM
Apr 11, 2022 8:35 AM
Dec 2019
I mean I rated aot s4 p2 a 1 and liked the rest of the seasons if that counts.
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