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Attack on Titan
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Has MAPPA shown us enoug so far so that you're able to say that they do put a lot of love into the Anime despite the circumstances?
1,072 votes
Dec 16, 2020 2:48 AM
Jul 2013
Please do try to be polite and understanding in your comments. I would like to know if you believe that MAPPA is putting love into the Anime or if it looks to you like they really don't care. Try and focus on the MAPPA adaptation only and not compare it to WIT. Also I would like to specify to take into account only the people working on the Animation, not the higher ups who decide the schedule, since that is solely done as a business decision.

Preferably I'd like it to be a place where you all can discuss scenes you enjoyed, small details that made you say "wow that was a really nice touch."
Scenes like that for me were for example Zeke lighting his cigarette and the rain reflecting on Reiners skin at the dinner table.
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Dec 16, 2020 2:50 AM
Jul 2018
If MAPPA didn't care about the AoT, the final season would be One Punchman 2nd Season vol.2
Dec 16, 2020 2:55 AM
Jul 2013
188841923 said:
If MAPPA didn't care about the AoT, the final season would be One Punchman 2nd Season vol.2

Agreed. Yet, some people treat it like it is. Even OPM2 had some nice scenes in it. Some...
Dec 16, 2020 2:56 AM
Jul 2013
TweedleDane said:
i personally think they care way too much ..... there aint no need to go this far.......

A bit more is better than too little. As a fan it's nice to see when people care.
Dec 16, 2020 2:59 AM

Oct 2015
MAPPA is leaving its mark in the AoT franchise while trying to maintain high production value and pleasing anime only fans and manga readers alike. I think they're doing a great job.
Dec 16, 2020 3:00 AM

Dec 2018
why, what is wrong with this season that some are already whining about it after just 2 episodes?
Dec 16, 2020 3:02 AM
Jun 2020
Mappa is in production committee they care about final season
Dec 16, 2020 3:14 AM
May 2017
Honestly these 2 ep don't even compare to jjk, goh, dororo, dorohedoro or other mappa shows I want to believe they are focusing on it but I can't see it, it is not bad but overall just the quallity of any normal seasonal anime nothing special.
Dec 16, 2020 3:22 AM

Jul 2020
What’s wrong with MAPPA this season? Let MAPPA talk their shit. It’s not like OPM S1 to S2 in quality.
Dec 16, 2020 3:52 AM
Jul 2013
Reiner_undieable said:
Honestly these 2 ep don't even compare to jjk, goh, dororo, dorohedoro or other mappa shows I want to believe they are focusing on it but I can't see it, it is not bad but overall just the quallity of any normal seasonal anime nothing special.

You think so? To me it looks like they are really trying to polish it as much as possible, way more than in JJK. In Jujutsu it look and gives off Anime vibes, but with AOT I get the feeling they're trying to make it look like a movie.
Dec 16, 2020 3:54 AM
Jul 2013
sAgE9 said:
why, what is wrong with this season that some are already whining about it after just 2 episodes?

n6ah said:
What’s wrong with MAPPA this season? Let MAPPA talk their shit. It’s not like OPM S1 to S2 in quality.

Absolutely nothing is wrong with it for most people. It's just that there are a few who watch the Anime to find flaws and not to enjoy it.
Dec 16, 2020 3:59 AM
Jan 2018

Subjectivity is a joke on MAL. If you implicitly bring in subjectivity in your counter argument, you've already lost the debate. Also this website is a fankid infestation , have pity on those kids by ignoring there quotes as they have absolutely no clue what exactly is going on.
Dec 16, 2020 4:02 AM
May 2017
Bhaskar_Singh said:

lol these are te unblurred version shots uhhh look how good it looks if only that awful director of photography stopped, I don't blame here I blame the producers for putting unexperienced people on a huge project.
Dec 16, 2020 4:16 AM
Jan 2018
Reiner_undieable said:
Bhaskar_Singh said:

lol these are te unblurred version shots uhhh look how good it looks if only that awful director of photography stopped, I don't blame here I blame the producers for putting unexperienced people on a huge project.

My point is that the animators are doing an incredible job considering the time constraints.
I won't let a stupid blur filter affect my experience.
Subjectivity is a joke on MAL. If you implicitly bring in subjectivity in your counter argument, you've already lost the debate. Also this website is a fankid infestation , have pity on those kids by ignoring there quotes as they have absolutely no clue what exactly is going on.
Dec 16, 2020 4:24 AM
Nov 2020
Reiner_undieable said:

lol these are te unblurred version shots uhhh look how good it looks if only that awful director of photography stopped, I don't blame here I blame the producers for putting unexperienced people on a huge project.

Yeah you're totally right!! Da hell they dared to use some inexperienced staff to tarnish this masterpiece!!!!
AOT doesn't worth this downgrade treatment at all by MAPPA!!!
We AOT fans can totally start a crowdfunding and direct this series ourselves since we all know what's the BEST for this series right??
Are you interested to be the director of photography yourself? since you seems to have a really good taste & got lots of experienced in this field.... with your good insights we can remove all that shitty blurs!!!!
Or maybe we should use the crowd-funded money to recruit WIT studio back???
With enough money, surely we can convince them to retake this project for us, but first of all we need to make sure we can get a seat in production committee too...
Best if we have the highest rank than that bloodsucker devil Kodansha, we gonna make this series 40 episodes!!! Get the best pacing that follow manga faithfully!!!!!
If we got the highest rank... we can manipulate everything as we like and control the production quality of the series to the BEST standard and I believe the adapted product will make AOT the anime of the century!!
So, let's start this project now, how much money are you pitching in????
Dec 16, 2020 5:17 AM
Jul 2013
berutoruto said:
Reiner_undieable said:

lol these are te unblurred version shots uhhh look how good it looks if only that awful director of photography stopped, I don't blame here I blame the producers for putting unexperienced people on a huge project.

Yeah you're totally right!! Da hell they dared to use some inexperienced staff to tarnish this masterpiece!!!!
AOT doesn't worth this downgrade treatment at all by MAPPA!!!
We AOT fans can totally start a crowdfunding and direct this series ourselves since we all know what's the BEST for this series right??
Are you interested to be the director of photography yourself? since you seems to have a really good taste & got lots of experienced in this field.... with your good insights we can remove all that shitty blurs!!!!
Or maybe we should use the crowd-funded money to recruit WIT studio back???
With enough money, surely we can convince them to retake this project for us, but first of all we need to make sure we can get a seat in production committee too...
Best if we have the highest rank than that bloodsucker devil Kodansha, we gonna make this series 40 episodes!!! Get the best pacing that follow manga faithfully!!!!!
If we got the highest rank... we can manipulate everything as we like and control the production quality of the series to the BEST standard and I believe the adapted product will make AOT the anime of the century!!
So, let's start this project now, how much money are you pitching in????

Getting so much money is realistically very unrealistic. So I propose that we select the most talented and knowledgeable people in this forum and spend the next 25 years animating everything by hand, eating only bread and water, and sleeping 3 hours a night(on a good day). This way we can get the perfect adaptation we all truly deserve, right?
Dec 16, 2020 5:23 AM

Jun 2020
@Bhaskar_Singh "I won't let a stupid blur filter affect my experience, but I will use unblurred images as an example to show the quality of the animation cause why not?" said, Bhaskar Singh.

I said keep your hands on the table
Dec 16, 2020 5:27 AM

Jun 2020
berutoruto said:
Reiner_undieable said:

lol these are te unblurred version shots uhhh look how good it looks if only that awful director of photography stopped, I don't blame here I blame the producers for putting unexperienced people on a huge project.

Yeah you're totally right!! Da hell they dared to use some inexperienced staff to tarnish this masterpiece!!!!
AOT doesn't worth this downgrade treatment at all by MAPPA!!!
We AOT fans can totally start a crowdfunding and direct this series ourselves since we all know what's the BEST for this series right??
Are you interested to be the director of photography yourself? since you seems to have a really good taste & got lots of experienced in this field.... with your good insights we can remove all that shitty blurs!!!!
Or maybe we should use the crowd-funded money to recruit WIT studio back???
With enough money, surely we can convince them to retake this project for us, but first of all we need to make sure we can get a seat in production committee too...
Best if we have the highest rank than that bloodsucker devil Kodansha, we gonna make this series 40 episodes!!! Get the best pacing that follow manga faithfully!!!!!
If we got the highest rank... we can manipulate everything as we like and control the production quality of the series to the BEST standard and I believe the adapted product will make AOT the anime of the century!!
So, let's start this project now, how much money are you pitching in????

If we follow your logic then that must mean that we cannot judge a movie unless we make a movie ourselves, we cannot judge a book unless we write a book ourselves, we cannot judge a food unless we learn to cook food ourselves. So in order to judge/criticise something we need to be able to do that thing ourselves? Is that what you're saying? Wow! You're way off thinking is so advanced! Let's all give a round of applause to this guy!

I said keep your hands on the table
Dec 16, 2020 5:27 AM
Aug 2018
Of course MAPPA cares about the final season of Attack on Titan, they wouldn't adapt it otherwise.
Dec 16, 2020 5:32 AM
Nov 2020
Kaito10 said:
berutoruto said:

Yeah you're totally right!! Da hell they dared to use some inexperienced staff to tarnish this masterpiece!!!!
AOT doesn't worth this downgrade treatment at all by MAPPA!!!
We AOT fans can totally start a crowdfunding and direct this series ourselves since we all know what's the BEST for this series right??
Are you interested to be the director of photography yourself? since you seems to have a really good taste & got lots of experienced in this field.... with your good insights we can remove all that shitty blurs!!!!
Or maybe we should use the crowd-funded money to recruit WIT studio back???
With enough money, surely we can convince them to retake this project for us, but first of all we need to make sure we can get a seat in production committee too...
Best if we have the highest rank than that bloodsucker devil Kodansha, we gonna make this series 40 episodes!!! Get the best pacing that follow manga faithfully!!!!!
If we got the highest rank... we can manipulate everything as we like and control the production quality of the series to the BEST standard and I believe the adapted product will make AOT the anime of the century!!
So, let's start this project now, how much money are you pitching in????

Getting so much money is realistically very unrealistic. So I propose that we select the most talented and knowledgeable people in this forum and spend the next 25 years animating everything by hand, eating only bread and water, and sleeping 3 hours a night(on a good day). This way we can get the perfect adaptation we all truly deserve, right? got a point here yeah, we have plenty of animation experts here on MAL forum & they all are big fans of AOT like @Jehad321 @Reiner_undieable , don't waste your talent, I'm sure you guys will perform this job well!!! I wonder what positions in the production would you guys wanna be? director of photography? key animation? episode director?? i cant wait to see ALL 2D titans sakuga scenes, please don't use the CGI cheap trick like Mappa... i will wait no matter how looooooooong the production time will take , so please don't give up this project halfway ya?
Dec 16, 2020 5:33 AM
Apr 2019
Of course they care about aot. It doesn't look like OPM s2 or SDS s3 at all like those sakuga community were saying they also added rotoscoping for avoiding using stills like wit did granted rotoscope was not that great but at least they tried it. Also cgi is good better than wit if another studio was gonna do aot final season, we surely would've had another SDS s3. Only one downside i have in mappa's version of aot that DOP's excessive use of blur filter as it totally hides and lessens the quality of the background art i find those fan made unblurred scenes better than the original.
Dec 16, 2020 5:35 AM
Nov 2020
Arin-san said:
berutoruto said:

Yeah you're totally right!! Da hell they dared to use some inexperienced staff to tarnish this masterpiece!!!!
AOT doesn't worth this downgrade treatment at all by MAPPA!!!
We AOT fans can totally start a crowdfunding and direct this series ourselves since we all know what's the BEST for this series right??
Are you interested to be the director of photography yourself? since you seems to have a really good taste & got lots of experienced in this field.... with your good insights we can remove all that shitty blurs!!!!
Or maybe we should use the crowd-funded money to recruit WIT studio back???
With enough money, surely we can convince them to retake this project for us, but first of all we need to make sure we can get a seat in production committee too...
Best if we have the highest rank than that bloodsucker devil Kodansha, we gonna make this series 40 episodes!!! Get the best pacing that follow manga faithfully!!!!!
If we got the highest rank... we can manipulate everything as we like and control the production quality of the series to the BEST standard and I believe the adapted product will make AOT the anime of the century!!
So, let's start this project now, how much money are you pitching in????

If we follow your logic then that must mean that we cannot judge a movie unless we make a movie ourselves, we cannot judge a book unless we write a book ourselves, we cannot judge a food unless we learn to cook food ourselves. So in order to judge/criticise something we need to be able to do that thing ourselves? Is that what you're saying? Wow! You're way off thinking is so advanced! Let's all give a round of applause to this guy!

Thanks i'm honoured !! in case you didn't read properly & don't understand my sarcasm, i am just fooling around with some pricks who are degrading the staffs
Dec 16, 2020 5:35 AM
Oct 2015
Reiner_undieable said:
Bhaskar_Singh said:

lol these are te unblurred version shots uhhh look how good it looks if only that awful director of photography stopped, I don't blame here I blame the producers for putting unexperienced people on a huge project.

I prefer these than the others where they saturate the image so much, this keeps the same coloring which I love but increases detail.

Dec 16, 2020 5:42 AM
Oct 2020
188841923 said:
If MAPPA didn't care about the AoT, the final season would be One Punchman 2nd Season vol.2

I understand that One Punch Man Season 2 was not as good as it's first season, but I still really liked it. However, Seven Deadly Sins Season 3 was a train wreck.
Dec 16, 2020 5:45 AM

Jan 2009
as i said before months ago lets hope MAPPA is on the production committee so that they will care more about this and ye fast forward today and they are high ranking on it too the problem is always the tight production schedule anyway
Dec 16, 2020 5:49 AM
Sep 2019
I don't even know why people complaining about MAPPA... 🤷🏻‍♂️
I like what the studio is doing and I don't find it bad. Yes , it might be weird a little and they are using new techniques , but it's ok , it's not bad at all
Dec 16, 2020 5:58 AM
Jul 2013
HozayfaHB said:
I don't even know why people complaining about MAPPA... 🤷🏻‍♂️
I like what the studio is doing and I don't find it bad. Yes , it might be weird a little and they are using new techniques , but it's ok , it's not bad at all

If they had done AOT from S1 this way, and WIT had taken over now, we would've had the same problems most likely. MAPPA is a very good studio and all their Anime are pretty high quality, it's just that people like searching for flaws instead of just enjoying it.
Dec 16, 2020 6:35 AM

Jun 2020
Kaito10 said:
HozayfaHB said:
I don't even know why people complaining about MAPPA... 🤷🏻‍♂️
I like what the studio is doing and I don't find it bad. Yes , it might be weird a little and they are using new techniques , but it's ok , it's not bad at all

If they had done AOT from S1 this way, and WIT had taken over now, we would've had the same problems most likely. MAPPA is a very good studio and all their Anime are pretty high quality, it's just that people like searching for flaws instead of just enjoying it.

If they would've been doing AoT from S1 this way then AoT wouldn't have been the AoT we all loved, and if WIT did take over from S4 then some people who stayed faithful to MAPPA's style would've been mad while people who don't care would've been ok with it and at the same time praise it.
So you see, the situation wouldn't be much different from now. The reason why a lot of people are mad is because they had a lot of expectations from season 4 and they think that the anime they loved for so many years deserves a better ending than this. And there is nothing wrong with that, I myself love AoT and think that this should've been handled better, it wouldn't be like this if this wasn't the final part, but it is, that's why people are mad.

I said keep your hands on the table
Dec 16, 2020 6:46 AM

Oct 2013
Reiner_undieable said:
Honestly these 2 ep don't even compare to jjk, goh, dororo, dorohedoro or other mappa shows I want to believe they are focusing on it but I can't see it, it is not bad but overall just the quallity of any normal seasonal anime nothing special.

Funny, a lot live reaction persons are saying it looks "movie like" and even better than previous seasons.

I remember Cao said they are working on to make it looks movie quality, so I don't know a lot of people are actually impress with it.
Dec 16, 2020 7:00 AM
May 2017
berutoruto said:
Kaito10 said:

Getting so much money is realistically very unrealistic. So I propose that we select the most talented and knowledgeable people in this forum and spend the next 25 years animating everything by hand, eating only bread and water, and sleeping 3 hours a night(on a good day). This way we can get the perfect adaptation we all truly deserve, right? got a point here yeah, we have plenty of animation experts here on MAL forum & they all are big fans of AOT like @Jehad321 @Reiner_undieable , don't waste your talent, I'm sure you guys will perform this job well!!! I wonder what positions in the production would you guys wanna be? director of photography? key animation? episode director?? i cant wait to see ALL 2D titans sakuga scenes, please don't use the CGI cheap trick like Mappa... i will wait no matter how looooooooong the production time will take , so please don't give up this project halfway ya?
well accually I am very talented and I know how to draw, really I am talking seriously.
Dec 16, 2020 7:01 AM

Aug 2020
well people don't care about me so i don't know what that feels like

jk jk of course they care about aot. The amount of effort they put shows that. the camera movement, rotoscoping, and even the cgi is the fruit of that. Yes it may not look the best but it's actually more effort. They were trying to be creative, some people like it, some don't. That's just that, They did some gambles with that and It didn't work. end of the story.

And about the cgi, they tried to make it look good as possible by using cgi. I think it would have looked worst if they opted to use 2D and overworked themselves. Instead of using some 2D and dogshit cgi, they opted to go for decent cgi. Look at that as you wish though. Personally I think they did the right thing.

By doing this and thinking things through, they DO care for aot. And honestly if animators didn't care about their work no one would be producing anime today.

oh and to add, some of the camera work is really impressive like the talk at the start of the ep, reiner dining table scene and the ending scene when it panned from pieck to reiner.

anyways hayashi episode this sunday. so I hope that will change most people's minds on mappa.
Dec 16, 2020 7:07 AM
May 2017
keragamming said:
Reiner_undieable said:
Honestly these 2 ep don't even compare to jjk, goh, dororo, dorohedoro or other mappa shows I want to believe they are focusing on it but I can't see it, it is not bad but overall just the quallity of any normal seasonal anime nothing special.

Funny, a lot live reaction persons are saying it looks "movie like" and even better than previous seasons.

I remember Cao said they are working on to make it looks movie quality, so I don't know a lot of people are actually impress with it.
indeed I mean holy shit these storyboards for ep 2 are movie quallity but the storyboarder didn't have the talent and time to pull his work off, the photography team really struggeled in ep2 with some hard camera movments the couldn't handle it so some scenes were jarring, I would say the weakest points in aot staff are the photography team and the animation director he has problems with some character designs like zeke, colt and he has been working on 3 fucking consecutive eps!!! Ep4 should bring another animation director( I think makita), the strong points in the staff are the directing staff and effect animation which was movie quallity.
Reiner_undieableDec 16, 2020 7:10 AM
Dec 16, 2020 7:14 AM
Dec 2020
Reiner_undieable said:
keragamming said:

Funny, a lot live reaction persons are saying it looks "movie like" and even better than previous seasons.

I remember Cao said they are working on to make it looks movie quality, so I don't know a lot of people are actually impress with it.
indeed I mean holy shit these storyboards for ep 2 are movie quallity but the storyboarder didn't have the talent and time to pull his work off, the photography team really struggeled in ep2 with some hard camera movments the couldn't handle it so some scenes were jarring, I would say the weakest points in aot staff are the photography team and the animation director he has problems with some character designs like zeke, colt and he has been working on 3 fucking consecutive eps!!! Ep4 should bring another animation director( I think makita), the strong points in the staff are the directing staff and effect animation which was movie quallity.
nah its just zeke's nose. Colt looks fine idk maybe its just you
Dec 16, 2020 7:20 AM
Dec 2020
I guess its jsut mal where people are very salty about the blur and rotoscoping then. Also yea frames were not missing in the rotoscoping part the only jarring camera movement and rotoscoping was zeke and colt walking up stairs, and i guess its just new to people on mal because many seemed to enjoy Mappa's take a lot more. (Also just to point out not hate gabi jumping missed 3 frames)
Harsha1314Dec 16, 2020 7:26 AM
Dec 16, 2020 7:22 AM
Dec 2020
keragamming said:
Reiner_undieable said:
Honestly these 2 ep don't even compare to jjk, goh, dororo, dorohedoro or other mappa shows I want to believe they are focusing on it but I can't see it, it is not bad but overall just the quallity of any normal seasonal anime nothing special.

Funny, a lot live reaction persons are saying it looks "movie like" and even better than previous seasons.

I remember Cao said they are working on to make it looks movie quality, so I don't know a lot of people are actually impress with it.
yeah its just people dont like new stuff afterall
Dec 16, 2020 7:24 AM
Nov 2020
Reiner_undieable said:
berutoruto said: got a point here yeah, we have plenty of animation experts here on MAL forum & they all are big fans of AOT like @Jehad321 @Reiner_undieable , don't waste your talent, I'm sure you guys will perform this job well!!! I wonder what positions in the production would you guys wanna be? director of photography? key animation? episode director?? i cant wait to see ALL 2D titans sakuga scenes, please don't use the CGI cheap trick like Mappa... i will wait no matter how looooooooong the production time will take , so please don't give up this project halfway ya?
well accually I am very talented and I know how to draw, really I am talking seriously.

awesome!!! cant wait to see it, don't forget to tag me when you post your work here
Dec 16, 2020 7:40 AM
Jun 2020
Yes,is this or be hated for the world of otakus forever. By the way, snk it's a great investment, they gonna gain a lot of money heheheheheheh
Dec 16, 2020 8:35 AM
Dec 2009
Reiner_undieable said:
but I will criticize the work of the director of photography so that those mappa higher ups won't hire unexperienced people on big projects and make the take the responsibility of huge projects

you....really think that criticizing an anime on mal forum will have any impact on it at all? like for real?
I want to laugh but what you said is actually extremely pathetic
Dec 16, 2020 9:08 AM
Aug 2018
GuregoriArunaru said:
Yes,is this or be hated for the world of otakus forever. By the way, snk it's a great investment, they gonna gain a lot of money heheheheheheh

I've heard aot didnt actually earn WIT a lot of money tbh, but that could just be some fake news that gets circulated round
Dec 16, 2020 9:11 AM

Jul 2020
If Mappa don't care about the anime they wouldn't have taken up the project at all.

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Dec 16, 2020 9:22 AM
Dec 2020
ShoriTora said:
GuregoriArunaru said:
Yes,is this or be hated for the world of otakus forever. By the way, snk it's a great investment, they gonna gain a lot of money heheheheheheh

I've heard aot didnt actually earn WIT a lot of money tbh, but that could just be some fake news that gets circulated round
no no it was true. WIT studio wasn't a part of the production committee which means they are just payed for work but not for profits earned by kodansha and ig productions
Dec 16, 2020 9:25 AM
Dec 2020
BebeSeeD said:
Reiner_undieable said:
but I will criticize the work of the director of photography so that those mappa higher ups won't hire unexperienced people on big projects and make the take the responsibility of huge projects

you....really think that criticizing an anime on mal forum will have any impact on it at all? like for real?
I want to laugh but what you said is actually extremely pathetic
he actually said unexperienced............

wow he is on some other drug or just plain not informed at all
Dec 16, 2020 9:27 AM
Jul 2018
Harsha1314 said:
ShoriTora said:

I've heard aot didnt actually earn WIT a lot of money tbh, but that could just be some fake news that gets circulated round
no no it was true. WIT studio wasn't a part of the production committee which means they are just payed for work but not for profits earned by kodansha and ig productions

Thats probably why they quit and moved on to Vinland Saga then, cause overwork on top of little pay is already rampant in the industry, them not getting any cut of the profits for production is a ouch.
Dec 16, 2020 9:30 AM
Dec 2020
Kumoil said:
Harsha1314 said:
no no it was true. WIT studio wasn't a part of the production committee which means they are just payed for work but not for profits earned by kodansha and ig productions

Thats probably why they quit and moved on to Vinland Saga then, cause overwork on top of little pay is already rampant in the industry, them not getting any cut of the profits for production is a ouch.
yes. its a good thing thwy can also be more sweet on themselves and not overwork because AOT was why we saw some bad looking episodes and cut scenes in vinland saga. i guess comparing what wit is doing they can make adaptations like kabaneri again maybe vinland s2 may look even more gorgeous since wit earned a lot more profit and reputation with the great pretender which is such a good series for an anime original
Dec 16, 2020 9:32 AM
Mar 2020
deg said:
as i said before months ago lets hope MAPPA is on the production committee so that they will care more about this and ye fast forward today and they are high ranking on it too the problem is always the tight production schedule anyway

they're on the production committee it was confirmed when episode 2 aired
Dec 16, 2020 9:32 AM
Jul 2018
Harsha1314 said:
Kumoil said:

Thats probably why they quit and moved on to Vinland Saga then, cause overwork on top of little pay is already rampant in the industry, them not getting any cut of the profits for production is a ouch.
yes. its a good thing thwy can also be more sweet on themselves and not overwork because AOT was why we saw some bad looking episodes and cut scenes in vinland saga. i guess comparing what wit is doing they can make adaptations like kabaneri again maybe vinland s2 may look even more gorgeous since wit earned a lot more profit and reputation with the great pretender which is such a good series for an anime original

I hardly noticed bad scenes, maybe some where there was a whole army of cgi soldiers here and there but beyond that vinland saga looked gorgeous throughout for me.
Dec 16, 2020 9:33 AM

Nov 2019
Honestly, I'm really happy how it's playing out so far. It's following the manga so that's pretty cool.
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Dec 16, 2020 9:34 AM
Dec 2020
Kumoil said:
Harsha1314 said:
yes. its a good thing thwy can also be more sweet on themselves and not overwork because AOT was why we saw some bad looking episodes and cut scenes in vinland saga. i guess comparing what wit is doing they can make adaptations like kabaneri again maybe vinland s2 may look even more gorgeous since wit earned a lot more profit and reputation with the great pretender which is such a good series for an anime original

I hardly noticed bad scenes, maybe some where there was a whole army of cgi soldiers here and there but beyond that vinland saga looked gorgeous throughout for me.
no there are bad scenes but no one really cared so even u might not've noticed
Dec 16, 2020 9:35 AM

Nov 2019
Also I didn't really mind Vinland Saga. It was still really high quality in the end so that's all I really care for
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Dec 16, 2020 9:38 AM
Dec 2020
Chocobutter said:
Also I didn't really mind Vinland Saga. It was still really high quality in the end so that's all I really care for
yea it was great. the good is so much more than the ugly
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Koito91 - Mar 28, 2021

694 by honestlybro »»
Jul 20, 7:40 PM

» director of photography

izukumidoriyafor - Aug 3, 2020

16 by umerisronaldo »»
Jul 20, 2:35 PM

Poll: » Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

anime-prime - Jan 24, 2021

987 by jabid »»
Jul 15, 11:18 AM

Poll: » Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season Episode 5 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

anime-prime - Jan 10, 2021

987 by ItzFonixx »»
Jun 30, 5:47 AM

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