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Monogatari Series: First Season
Available on Manga Store
Jan 10, 2018 12:07 PM
May 2017
Okay, so I got Bakemonogatari on Blu-Ray as part of my Christmas gifts and after getting around to watching it a week ago and then finishing it earlier on today, I feel pretty disappointed. I was eager to get into the Monogatari series as I was an initial fan of what it had on offer (art style, voice acting, soundtrack, humour) but I feel incredibly underwhelmed by it's first instalment. Here were my main issues with the anime:

- Horrible pacing
- Not nearly enough time spent on developing side characters
- Walls of text
- Lack of actual and deep backstories
- Terrible exposition used to explain important plot points
- Only interesting arc in my opinion out of the five was the Snail arc, and even that dragged on
- Anime has SAO Syndrome, bringing in new characters and forgetting them in an instant
- Not enough insight into characters' motivations
- All characters feel monotone as a result
- No clear backstory regarding Koyomi
- No clear backstory on anything, really
- All of this keeps me from giving a shit about anything in the story
- And finally the issue which irked me the most, male MC is an absolute Mary Sue cuck who gets the shit beaten out of him like five times in the course of the anime, and is an effective damsel, getting himself saved by either a small child or his girlfriend. This issue is compounded when the anime brings in a lesbo side character who effectively makes Koyomi her bitch. Absolute trash.

The thing that sucks the most is that I don't think the anime was BAD, strictly speaking. It's art style, soundtrack, humour and voice actors helped to somewhat compensate the other galling issues on hand. Which makes me sad, as I think the anime could have been much better if not for the major inconveniences. My question is, do any of the issues mentioned above resolve themselves or improve gradually as the story progresses? I don't want to sit through Nisemonogatari and the other 12 continuations of the story if the entire fucking thing is like this.
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Jan 10, 2018 12:12 PM

Apr 2016
You're probably not the targeted audience.
Jan 10, 2018 12:17 PM

Dec 2013
I don't know what you're talking about with some of these, the monogatari cast is quite compact and everyone who shows up in the series shows up later on, no one gets brought up and instantly forgotten. The backstories of Senjougahara, Kanbaru, Hanekawa etc are all pretty clear and all of them present emotional complexity and intrigue. There's never any walls of text on screen (I'm going to assume you mean wall of dialogue).

That said, the majority of the stuff that happens in Bake largely serves to set up most of what comes next. Every single character and plot point here in Bake will be brought up and explored further in the following shows, so this is a packaged series that doesn't work as well as a stand alone as it does indeed leave a lot of stuff open for later - Even so, it's clearly not what you're claiming it to be.
Jan 10, 2018 12:53 PM

Jun 2017
If you ask if the anime changes, yes but not yet, probably during the second season.
They focus more on the story and world.
So you might like it more.

To me it get worse as they try to focus on those thing as background.
But we clearly don't seek the same since I loved bakemonogatari and snail arc was the arc I disliked the most.

If you're not afraid of loli, you might find it better during and after second season

Jan 10, 2018 12:53 PM

Jul 2016
empatheticmess said:
Okay, so I got Bakemonogatari on Blu-Ray as part of my Christmas gifts and after getting around to watching it a week ago and then finishing it earlier on today, I feel pretty disappointed. I was eager to get into the Monogatari series as I was an initial fan of what it had on offer (art style, voice acting, soundtrack, humour) but I feel incredibly underwhelmed by it's first instalment. Here were my main issues with the anime:

- Horrible pacing
- Not nearly enough time spent on developing side characters
- Walls of text
- Lack of actual and deep backstories
- Terrible exposition used to explain important plot points
- Only interesting arc in my opinion out of the five was the Snail arc, and even that dragged on
- Anime has SAO Syndrome, bringing in new characters and forgetting them in an instant
- Not enough insight into characters' motivations
- All characters feel monotone as a result
- No clear backstory regarding Koyomi
- No clear backstory on anything, really
- All of this keeps me from giving a shit about anything in the story
- And finally the issue which irked me the most, male MC is an absolute Mary Sue cuck who gets the shit beaten out of him like five times in the course of the anime, and is an effective damsel, getting himself saved by either a small child or his girlfriend. This issue is compounded when the anime brings in a lesbo side character who effectively makes Koyomi her bitch. Absolute trash.

- I personally though their was always something interesting happening in Monogatari.

-Side characters are developed in later seasons

- The characters are having interesting conversations and they all speak in a really eccentric ways. Monogatari is about people attempting to understand each other and themselves and they do this by having conversations.

- More character backstory is filled in as the series progresses. Also if you don't think that Hitachi's back story was interesting then maybe this series isn't for you.

- I don't know what you mean by horrible exposition. If you are referring to the whole thing about Koyomi being part vampire eventually their is a movie that explains everything. Remember that Monogatari is not chronological. the series only goes into detail on whats important in the moment. The main plot of Bakemonogatari was the romance between Hitagi and Koyomi.

-If you liked Mayio as a character than you might want to watch all of the arcs where Koyomi and her go on crazy adventures.

- All the characters are fleshed out in later seasons.

- Well Hitagi and Koyomi are in love with each other. Koyomi wants to save cute girls because he really likes cute girls. Monogatari isn't' really a goal driven series.

- eh i disagree

- Okay you keep mentioning that things aren't given backstory but try to focus on whats happening in the moment instead. The series is not told in chronological order and it has a lot to unpack. Bakemonogatari sets up supernatural elements of the story, lt sets up the characters and their relationships. A couple actually starts dating and actually have a interment moment together.

-I actually felt that he was mediocre character after just watching Bake but he becomes more developed as the series progresses .I don't see how he could be considered a Marry Sue though. Like you said he is weak and his character flaws are highlighted more as the series progresses .His girlfriend spoke at length about what she likes about him. That being his tendency to try to help people.

Monogatari was challenge for me i had to watch analysis videos on YouTube as i went along.
Jan 10, 2018 12:56 PM

Sep 2017
yeah i hate monogatari too and other people shouldn't like it in my opinion :)
Edward Elric > your waifu

Jan 10, 2018 1:10 PM

Sep 2015
A few things to bear in mind :-

* The anime is not aired in a chronological manner. This is why some of the backstories and motivations may not make as much sense; the author deliberately wrote the series in such a manner. All the plot points WILL be gotten to, just not necessarily in each particular installment.

* Every character gets at least one major character arc to explain them, their backstory and how they fit into the story. There is no character that gets left out. Bakemonogatari is only the first installment; the cast is far too large to fit all of them in a single season.

*It is a slow burner with not necessarily much action, and very large amounts of talking. That doesn't really change. I wouldn't say it's "walls of text" as it's far easier to digest than that, but yes, this anime contains a lot more dialogue than others.

* Koyomi's attitude towards himself and the way he lets himself get treated as far as the 'cuck' comment goes gets explained as well. It's all part of his backstory, although that doesn't get brought up until the movies which are further down the airing line.

If you didn't think the anime was bad then I think you should continue; most of your issues seem, to me, like they would all get cleared up if you just watched more of it. Do bear in mind it will help if you pay a lot of attention. It can get a tad confusing at times.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Jan 10, 2018 1:19 PM
Haruna Sairenji

Jan 2017
A hot (supernatural) harem with no harem tag made by shaft with a lot of dialogue. Afcourse people will like this.
Mar 5, 2018 8:34 PM
Apr 2012
I dropped it. It felt like they were part of a world where no one else lives in. Too much dialogue had me just dozing away. Seems like a harem. I don't think I can pick it back up.
Mar 5, 2018 11:28 PM

Nov 2011
I also didn't really like it when I was in first season (Bakemonogatari), but I still gave it chance for me to watch it'ssequels.. And I realized how wrong I had been when I reached Monogatari Second Season.. And at last, Owarimonogatari S2 is really a masterpiece ...
Maybe you are just not get used to it.. It looks like you have a same experience with me.. I also only liked Mayoi Arc in Bakemonogatari the first time I watched it ...
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Mar 18, 2018 11:06 AM

Apr 2015
??? Probably because not everyone likes the same things. It's fine if you don't like it. What is so hard to understand about that ?
Mar 19, 2018 1:35 PM

Feb 2018

KirishibaMar 19, 2018 1:39 PM
Mar 22, 2018 5:18 AM

Sep 2015
Boi, what show were you watching? XD

Mar 22, 2018 5:57 AM

Jul 2017
Um... Are we watching the same show ?!

But I kind of understand that if you're watching anime just for the plot then Bakemonogatari is not the best anime for you.
Mar 23, 2018 11:15 AM

Feb 2018
Humor is the redeeming part? Wow, dropping it seems like a excellent decision on my part.
Mar 23, 2018 11:40 AM

May 2015
A_Haiku_Unloose said:
Humor is the redeeming part? Wow, dropping it seems like a excellent decision on my part.

You only watched 2 episodes though, so "excellent" is a bit of a stretch.

Mar 23, 2018 11:48 AM

Feb 2018
Kittens-kun said:
A_Haiku_Unloose said:
Humor is the redeeming part? Wow, dropping it seems like a excellent decision on my part.

You only watched 2 episodes though, so "excellent" is a bit of a stretch.

Yes, that's why I said excellent, because it would be worse to drop it after 10 eps.

I dropped mainly because I hated the humor, and OP says that other than that plot and characters are lacking, and that humor is the good part.

Seeing how I didn't like the humor, I think it would be a wrong decision to stick for the other parts which are "lacking" compared to the humor.
Mar 23, 2018 12:03 PM

May 2015
A_Haiku_Unloose said:
Kittens-kun said:

You only watched 2 episodes though, so "excellent" is a bit of a stretch.

Yes, that's why I said excellent, because it would be worse to drop it after 10 eps.

I dropped mainly because I hated the humor, and OP says that other than that plot and characters are lacking, and that humor is the good part.

Seeing how I didn't like the humor, I think it would be a wrong decision to stick for the other parts which are "lacking" compared to the humor.

But that's just his personal opinion. Why are you judging the show based on what one person said about it?

Apr 3, 2018 6:20 AM

Aug 2016
He said while giving DxD 10
Seriously, why do always people that hate good anime like those trashy, degenerated ones?
Apr 5, 2018 12:05 PM

Apr 2017
The plot is in the words itself. I understand that some people don't like this series because of too much dialogue, a little fanservice and Shinbo's direction (showing just 2-4 characters per ep is basically showing the MC's perspective). The animation from Bake to Owari S2 is pretty consistent tho (Kizu is an exemption).

The cast is also essential. The LN is pretty long so all seiyuus were required to talk so fast to fit several chapters in a single episode. Also, Japanese phrases used were so delicate to translate so no wonder why this series will never have a dub haha. So, foreign watchers needs to read a reliable subs (or English LN) while watching it lol

So if you can't catch up to NisioIsin's word plays and metahumor, then this anime is not for you XD
Apr 30, 2018 4:12 PM
Nov 2017
I think people like monogatari series because it makes them feel like they are watching something different from mainstream. Its visuals, dialogues, animation style and characters, all are made to give you this feel.
The series itself is pretentious, it tries to be clever which it isn't, it has dialogues which feels like they are deep but they aren't, the story is average, it has really shitty cinematography, the animation is mediocre, the only thing I liked was the music in the first season.

The animators know that their audience is dumb so they let you know that a character is afraid or angry by writing it in its eyes as if the viewers can't decipher it.
The dialogues are excruciatingly long and meaningless, they don't add anything to the story but seems like they are intelligent. Characters are annoying.
So, overall it is a show with an average story and bad writing which is pretending to be intelligent which seems like a perfect recipe for a hit tv series. So here is your answer for why people like monogatari series.
May 10, 2018 3:37 PM

Feb 2018
CarCrash said:
I think people like monogatari series because it makes them feel like they are watching something different from mainstream. Its visuals, dialogues, animation style and characters, all are made to give you this feel.
The series itself is pretentious, it tries to be clever which it isn't, it has dialogues which feels like they are deep but they aren't, the story is average, it has really shitty cinematography, the animation is mediocre, the only thing I liked was the music in the first season.

The animators know that their audience is dumb so they let you know that a character is afraid or angry by writing it in its eyes as if the viewers can't decipher it.
The dialogues are excruciatingly long and meaningless, they don't add anything to the story but seems like they are intelligent. Characters are annoying.
So, overall it is a show with an average story and bad writing which is pretending to be intelligent which seems like a perfect recipe for a hit tv series. So here is your answer for why people like monogatari series.

Man, I love you. Seriously. This is *exactly* what I thought about the series, especially about the pretentiousness and the writers trying to be clever, when they really, really, really aren't.

I am glad that someone saw exactly the same things that I saw in the 2 episodes I had the strength to watch and not vomit, I had to get out of the train-wreck before it was too late.
May 10, 2018 3:39 PM

May 2015
LOL at the people calling the series pretentious.

May 10, 2018 4:00 PM

Apr 2016
Not sure OP. I watched it a couple of years ago and never finished it. Stopped at episode 5 or 6 since everything was confusing to me and I had no idea what the fuck was going on.
May 12, 2018 6:37 AM

Aug 2016
This series was super clever. The dialogue is everything. If you aren't paying attention you'll miss something important.

Bakemonogatari even though it's somewhat condensed gives quite a bit of detail on each of the subject characters of each arc. I mean, you get two to four episodes on each and many of them are also developed further in the other arcs.

But the main things being explored in this series are the complex relationship between Koyomi, Senjougahara and Hanekawa. If you actually paid attention to the dialogue and didn't appreciate the nuances and the interplay, and you didn't find the central relationship compelling then you should probably drop it.

I immediately fell in love with this series because the writing is fucking clever.

Simple repetitive scenery, two characters sitting in the same place for almost an entire episode. But the simple scenes were just pretty framework for a conversation that's funny, strange, and romantic.

Swagernator said:
You're probably not the targeted audience.

There is a deepness in the sky. So high, so low, so many things to know.
May 12, 2018 6:54 AM

Dec 2017
- Not nearly enough time spent on developing side characters

There are arcs that focus each character,even in sequels,and the developing on side characters is enough to know them and their motives.

Anime has SAO Syndrome, bringing in new characters and forgetting them in an instant

None of the characters will be forgotten,will appear in later arcs.

- Not enough insight into characters' motivations
- All characters feel monotone as a result
- No clear backstory regarding Koyomi
- No clear backstory on anything, really

Em...I understand now that you watch bake only.

- And finally the issue which irked me the most, male MC is an absolute Mary Sue cuck who gets the shit beaten out of him like five times in the course of the anime, and is an effective damsel, getting himself saved by either a small child or his girlfriend. This issue is compounded when the anime brings in a lesbo side character who effectively makes Koyomi her bitch. Absolute trash.

This is not shounen,if you expect that Koyomi would be badass,then I'm sorry to disappoint you but this show is not for you.

The thing that sucks the most is that I don't think the anime was BAD, strictly speaking. It's art style, soundtrack, humour and voice actors helped to somewhat compensate the other galling issues on hand. Which makes me sad, as I think the anime could have been much better if not for the major inconveniences. My question is, do any of the issues mentioned above resolve themselves or improve gradually as the story progresses? I don't want to sit through Nisemonogatari and the other 12 continuations of the story if the entire fucking thing is like this.

If you not disturbed by a siscon,lolicon,someone who gets beaten everytime(almost if you count the movies) and very much dialogue,then I suggest to watch it the others sequels.
May 13, 2018 9:18 PM
Jun 2017
Because of an amazing story, amazing characters, awesome VA, and of course, SHAFT.
This series is very unique in many levels compared to your average run off the mill Anime. My suggestion is to continue the series and see for yourself since bakemonogatari only serves as the introduction of the characters into the series (and Bakemonogatari is critically acclaimed because it introduces and defines multiple character back stories in a short period of time, and doing a great job at it).

Also, Shinobu is lyf.
thelone_okamiMay 13, 2018 9:23 PM
May 13, 2018 9:25 PM

Jun 2017
It's probably not for you. If you're an action fan who always likes things happening then of course a dialogue-heavy anime isn't going to be your thing.
Though we are parted,
If on Mount Inaba's peak
I should hear the sound
Of the pine trees growing there,
I'll come back again to you.
May 17, 2018 6:07 AM

May 2013
I'm only 3 episodes in, but the settings don't make sense. For as much detail as some of the settings get the world feels very empty.
May 19, 2018 10:31 AM
May 2013
Well let’s go further down the hole:
- Horrible pacing
Well, it happens when you want to put a shitton of stuff in so little te

- Not nearly enough time spent on developing side characters
Not nearly time you haven’t spent watching all monogatari series as said b4

- Walls of text
Yeah, it’s not an action shopt’em slash anime, the history telling is the way you’ll feel connected to the series and learn how to love it, tho I can also reccomend One Piece which follows the same kinda deal as this one, but with a little more action happening.

- Lack of actual and deep backstories
As the series go further, you’ll dive into the characters, you’ll learn how to understand how they will actually react to all the things and as you’re getting closer, you might dive in their mindset even about what’s funny/happy/right thing to do, but it would be very large to explain their entire lives in the thing or to just show simple character personalities based on cliche

- Terrible exposition used to explain important plot points
Everything that happens has an reason(except when the character do shtuff based on their personalities), that’s part of the mistery that amazes you to find a deeper explanation and keep watching to try and understand

- Only interesting arc in my opinion out of the five was the Snail arc, and even that dragged on
Every one will be dragged on, but don’t mind as the storytelling is unique and uniform, it’s not perfect but it also isn’t something you see everyday, for the bad or for the good...

- Anime has SAO Syndrome, bringing in new characters and forgetting them in an instant
It’s like an point of view of the actual character, as it would be kinda bad if every character was talking in parallel, it would then a table with lots of characters talking about who they are, pretty lame

- Not enough insight into characters' motivations
You need to know each chatacter before even thinking about that, it seems like you’re rushing what other people rushed and falling into a trap

- All characters feel monotone as a result
They really aren’t, but you need to know them better

- No clear backstory regarding Koyomi
Weird, I remember him telling how he turned into an vampire like alot of times, things weren’t interesting for him before that it seems

- No clear backstory on anything, really
Guess their focus was more about character devepment than drawing stuff that no onds gives a shit, which helps as the world is also an tool to depict how character X will react given circumstance

- All of this keeps me from giving a shit about anything in the story
Yeah, the show is mostly about storytelling by the point of view of each character, if you don’t feel related to anyone you’ll be hating everyone in the show as they have pretty visible weaknesses in their personalities
- And finally the issue which irked me the most, male MC is an absolute Mary Sue cuck who gets the shit beaten out of him like five times in the course of the anime, and is an effective damsel, getting himself saved by either a small child or his girlfriend. This issue is compounded when the anime brings in a lesbo side character who effectively makes Koyomi her bitch. Absolute trash
Again, a different personality who’s strong when the protagonist isn’t

Also, about the world setup being kinda empty, it also bothers me a bit as they could’ve show some people walking around the streets, but as the focus is showing how characters see the world around their point of view, and as they are interacting with other character, showing people around and judging how weird they act upon each other is pretty counter intuitive, as more people could get confused like they almost always act like they are lunatics in the middle of the road chassi ng ghost little girls to harass, welp xD
goldernMay 19, 2018 4:15 PM
Jan 16, 2019 6:55 AM
Jul 2017
This is an example of people who only watched Bakemonogatari. They haven't even watched the sequels & prequels. They know NOTHING.

"- Anime has SAO Syndrome, bringing in new characters and forgetting them in an instant"

Jan 16, 2019 1:04 PM

May 2018
It's a harem with wall of text
Jan 16, 2019 1:07 PM

Jan 2013
Spread the good word my man.
Feb 16, 2019 9:48 PM

Feb 2019
I can't even describe how much it hurts my heart reading through this comments. Especially only minutes after I mentioned in another thread that I understand that so many people rate the series so low because of not being capable of actually understanding it.

Let alone the irony of people here saying stuff like; "The animators know that their audience is dumb..." while showcasing just how they themselves are not 'intelligent' - no; 'literate' - enough for this anime.

Well - I guess they are excused if they are just too young to get it - in the end Monogatari is just one big coming-of-age story - no; 'a bundle of stories' - and such genre ironically always is easier to grasp for adults. You can only comprehend such a plot if you yourself had the chance of reflect this phase of life - let alone the 'nostalgic' feeling about your own youth, you can only develop if you out of it for a while... ;)

Unfortunately basically a necro-thread, but;
"male MC is an absolute Mary Sue cuck who gets the shit beaten out of him like five times..."

I really hope the OP got the fact that every injury the protagonist got was actually emotionally and not physically by now... ;)
Feb 28, 2019 6:33 AM
Jan 2018
Why do people like chips or chocolate . Well will never know
Mar 3, 2019 12:09 AM
Mar 2018
I watched it when it released because it was hyped. I then dropped it and watched it again later in CHRONOLOGICAL order - this way was way better for me.

I couldn't enjoy the plot being all fragmented without really any indicator of it being fragmented as most shows and books I read are typically in chronological order. This made the anime feel really chaotic and disorganized to me. I had no clue it wasn't chronological. My brain was trying to make sense of it chronologically and got confused so I did not enjoy it much.

I still don't think its super great compared to other anime. The story telling just seems really abnormal and unique. Streets with no one in them. Rooms with almost no backgrounds. A lot of it just seemed too surreal and I couldn't determine what was actually supposed to be real and what was suppose to be fake. This anime doesn't really explain much of anything too.

It also felt like the MC was romancing everyone while he had a sadistic girlfriend. He also molested a little ghost girl too, but she was prob legal just in ghost form as a little girl - I didn't really like that pedo part much.

The MC is almost never badass. He does things and always fails and gets saved by other people. I can't really name a good thing he is other than being kind and honest, the typical and generic stuff main characters normally have.

Everything is just too obtuse so to speak. It isn't easy to understand, this could be a huge plus for some people, but I feel that the animations and "waifus" carry this show way more than its main components. Good stories are generally simple, this show is NOT simple. It also has way too much erotic moments that seems uncalled for, they are simply there to be erotic and I guess this also carries the show.

Overall the show just wasn't very engaging to me, but I did enjoy it a bit when I watched it in chronological order. I do not feel compelled to watch the new series that came out. Its just "meh" for me. I don't think I would feel sad if anyone in the show died.

Just seems like training for listening to ramblings from attractive girls now that I think about it.... The MC hardly ever spoke with another dude.

TLDR: I feel that the show is an allegory for a depressed young man having a dream of talking and interacting with attractive females for full episodes at a time.
VocationMar 3, 2019 12:25 AM
Mar 4, 2019 8:46 AM

Sep 2016
Swagernator said:
You're probably not the targeted audience.

^^ Exactly same opinion.
Jun 19, 2020 4:26 PM
Dec 2019
Basically gatssuu
I feel bad for your opinion
Jun 20, 2020 1:06 AM

Feb 2019
Your points aren't even valid lmao.
Jun 23, 2020 1:10 AM

Jul 2016
Because it has a lolicon MC and harem with witty remarks. And funny plot with OP powers.

Jun 29, 2020 2:46 AM

Oct 2011
I put off watching the monogatari series for so long because it didn't quite appeal to me. This one I watched a long time ago and recently watched the 2nd monogatari anime.

It's very artsy and almost surreal, but other than that, it's a pretentious anime series. (Every medium has one). This and jojo falls under it, and the fans thinks these are among the best anime or thing ever.

They use the quirkiness of Jojo and the artsy and abstract monogatari to look down on other anime viewers for not understanding them. Yet without the uniqueness of monogatari, the harem and lolis and vampire theme would probably score much lower.

But don't let the lack of appeal get to you or allow others to feel more superior to you just because they think they get it and have better tastes for enjoying it.

I'm somewhat amused by watching it to see what random things and art styles and visuals and dialogue they use, but my preference is something with a great story.
Sep 21, 2020 2:19 PM
Jul 2018
Monogatari is pretty much a show about nothing... that ain't a bad thing tho. Seinfeld and Always Sunny is the same deal. People are into it cause of the characters and their weird interactions with one another.
Sep 21, 2020 2:22 PM

Apr 2019
i agree, i dont like it either lol but i guess others like it for reasons which is support :D

✧ forum set by coziitsu ✧
Sep 21, 2020 2:34 PM

Dec 2019
Its a niche anime it was probably not for you. Its not that you don't have taste your missing something or the show is shit its just that its not for you
Sep 21, 2020 6:12 PM

Sep 2014
Rasczl said:
Its a niche anime it was probably not for you. Its not that you don't have taste your missing something or the show is shit its just that its not for you

It is true that this show is not for everyone, but it is certainly not niche.
Sep 21, 2020 6:21 PM

Dec 2019
Hrybami said:
Rasczl said:
Its a niche anime it was probably not for you. Its not that you don't have taste your missing something or the show is shit its just that its not for you

It is true that this show is not for everyone, but it is certainly not niche.

wait does niche mean popular or unique/different (genuinely curious)
Sep 22, 2020 12:41 AM

Nov 2018
Most of these issues will be solved if you watch the rest of the show, as this is only the beginning of the series.

This show is dialogue heavy, but if you complain about that, then this series isn't for you.

Also, helpful guide for the series if you need an insight:
So I've been banned from MAL-Badges, after spending nearly two years of my time and dedication to helping out, being the club's spokesperson, and planning for the revamp, it all goes down the fucking drain. What a joke the club has become. I advise everyone to stop using the feature and stop showing their support for the site and the club. We were promised that we will see changes come to the site, and nothing's been done for the past year. I doubt the site will be touched for the foreseeable future. If you're angry and annoyed about the lack of development, then good, you should be.
Oct 1, 2020 5:31 PM
Feb 2015
This two year old forum caught my attention. This question is retarded. People like different things than you, that's why they like this show. This forum should honestly be deleted
Oct 20, 2020 7:36 AM

Jul 2010
A_Haiku_Unloose said:
CarCrash said:
I think people like monogatari series because it makes them feel like they are watching something different from mainstream. Its visuals, dialogues, animation style and characters, all are made to give you this feel.
The series itself is pretentious, it tries to be clever which it isn't, it has dialogues which feels like they are deep but they aren't, the story is average, it has really shitty cinematography, the animation is mediocre, the only thing I liked was the music in the first season.

The animators know that their audience is dumb so they let you know that a character is afraid or angry by writing it in its eyes as if the viewers can't decipher it.
The dialogues are excruciatingly long and meaningless, they don't add anything to the story but seems like they are intelligent. Characters are annoying.
So, overall it is a show with an average story and bad writing which is pretending to be intelligent which seems like a perfect recipe for a hit tv series. So here is your answer for why people like monogatari series.

Man, I love you. Seriously. This is *exactly* what I thought about the series, especially about the pretentiousness and the writers trying to be clever, when they really, really, really aren't.

I am glad that someone saw exactly the same things that I saw in the 2 episodes I had the strength to watch and not vomit, I had to get out of the train-wreck before it was too late.

Not sure if you actually understand Japanese enough to enjoy the show, but it certainly isn't pretentious if you can understand Japanese.
I'm not an otaku.
Nov 10, 2020 2:41 PM

Feb 2019
I am a true fanboy, however I have to admit that I think bakemonogatari was one of the weaker parts imo. It was a long time since I saw it tho so maybe if I watched it again it would be better.
dont get me wrong It is still amazing but I think the other parts are even more amazing.

with your post, I feel most of these arent issues at all and if so would be resolved by watching more, imo the mysteriousness of the show is almost the best part.
as for the dialogue heavy nature, that is simply due to how its novels are, if you dont like that then RIP i guess as that doesnt change, most people like it that way I think.
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