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Why does all Anime fall under heavy-handed cliches?

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Jul 27, 2019 11:12 AM

Oct 2013
Most, not all. Come out of your bubble OP.

Or just watch anything directed by Yuasa.
Jul 27, 2019 11:20 AM

Jan 2013
>Every single Anime that exists falls under certain cliches, I'd say about 0.1% of the time these cliches work.
>I'd say about 0.1% of the time these cliches work.
>has only completed 76 anime
>most of it is from the 2000s

Damn yo, you almost had me.
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process.
Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers.

Jul 27, 2019 11:44 AM

Feb 2016
Its part of the market, The anime industry found a gold mine on these "Generic", "Basic" and "Formulaic" anime which sells and people like it. But being Generic, Basic or Formulaic doesn't imply that the show isn't good. It might have these clichés, but if the anime manages to go beyond the standard even if the concept has been already done, then it ends up being good. Most anime that end up risking a a "Creative" approach ends up being garbage, like Inuyashiki, Kokkoku or Dorei-ku.

Don't expect the industry to take on a more creative approach when they can make a generic anime which will probably sell more if its done correctly.
"We could make the world better, but it's easier to just shut our eyes."
Jul 27, 2019 11:53 AM
Jul 2019
Says "all" anime. Proceeds to list well known Shounen.
Jul 27, 2019 12:06 PM

Nov 2013
BlindSniper said:
jal90 said:
I don't understand what are you trying with your OP. You don't appear to be backing up your statements here with an actual will to explore outside the few immediate shows that reach the mainstream, generalize over the tiny fraction of anime you've allegedly watched, and then make some confusing point about how cliches work 0.1% of the time while you not being yourself really harsh in your judgements of anime. To round it off, some talk about how other people swallow garbage that reeks of heavy condescendence if not trollbait.

There is not a good starting point to talk about how harmful tropes are when there isn't even a proper measure to how harmful they are for you. You are just saying they make things garbage and unbearable and yet you don't seem like the type who needs to go very out of his way to find enjoyable anime if your "exceptions" are some of the single most popular and talked about shows in existence.

And yes this is relevant because you are putting a personal input here and we are discussing this personal input, so it's very confusing if it doesn't really look like you are having such a hard time finding stuff you enjoy and like as your OP makes it sound while acting somewhat perplexed at how people can keep finding anime good.

My examples are the "single most popular and talked about shows" because they're actually good. If others shows were worthy of discussing, they'd be known as well. There isn't any "good animes" that are slept on. Low budget or not... It's not a surprise they're from the 2000's when Anime actually delved past surface level.

I can't believe anime has only existed for 19 years thanks for pointing that out
Jul 27, 2019 12:08 PM

May 2014
I thought all the pre-schoolers were supposed to be asleep by now, but seeing as this thread exists, I guess one isn't.
Jul 27, 2019 12:28 PM

Nov 2017
Isn't all media filled with cliches, though? Anime making heavy use of tropes is nothing out of the ordinary in the world of storytelling. It might utilize a slightly different set of tropes compared to other media, but those other media still use tropes as much as anime.
Jul 27, 2019 5:02 PM

Oct 2017
BlindSniper said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Well I guess you ran out of anything relevant to say.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm gonna watch what I want.

And the best part of it is that, unlike you, I'm actually enjoying it.

I'm glad you enjoy shows made for pre-teens, it shows where your IQ is at.


If you look down at stories because of their intended audience you lack maturity and are too self conscious.
Jul 27, 2019 5:36 PM
womp womp

Nov 2012
BlindSniper said:
Every single Anime that exists falls under certain cliches, I'd say about 0.1% of the time these cliches work. For instance Steins;Gate, Hunter x Hunter, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, and Death Note stand out leagues above the rest while also being FILLED with cliches. They each excel in their category to the point people who DON'T enjoy anime can appreciate what they bring to the table.

This is a really important thing, as Anime in itself has a terrible stereotype surrounding it. It's for good reason, most Anime is absolute garbage yet people watch it so they can repeat that garbage for all of eternity. And the main reason is how basic and formulaic every single plot is and how recycled each character is. There is little creativity in the process of creating characters and plots in Anime. When something is a "creative" idea, they're surrounded by stereotypical characters and rehashed ideas to the point the creativity is overshadowed by everything else.

I understand majority of everyone on this website doesn't care about this. But do you see it? And if you do, why do you enjoy cookie-cutter characters and the same ideas over and over? Why do you think that Death Note has never been reinvented in the past 10 years? Why has there been no shounen that could stand even close to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or Hunter x Hunter? It's because we're devolving. Most of the best stories in Anime exist in the 2000's or early 2010's. Since then... garbage.

Simple answer: Because completely original ideas are not a thing anymore. Something thought by someone, has definitely been thought about by someone before them.

And so with discussions, these thoughts become more of the norm, and become not that original anymore, which feeds into itself. And the cycle continues indefinitely until everything becomes a "cliche." But I think, the idea here is that we don't like how new anime seem to be just repeating the last and prefer series that are new and refreshing.

However, it's as you said, despite being filled with cliches, series can still stand out, but on execution. It doesn't matter that there are cliche's, the how they are able to use and interact with those cliche's is what makes or breaks a series. There are 2 series I've really liked despite basically being a moving breathing cliche in GJ-bu and Acchi Kocchi. It is however, through the character's interactions that make the series enjoyable for me to watch. With the emphasis on me being the most important part of that sentence.

As for the other side, in 2017 two shows that I love now in Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon and Made in Abyss are shows that aren't completely unique, but do happen to stand out for me, with Made in Abyss being comparably a lot more unique than Maid Dragon to the medium as a whole. Whilst neither have completely unique characters, the range of interactions and dynamic are what elevates the series for me, with Maid Dragon using Kobayashi's older age and numbness of being an adult in the workforce juxtaposed against Tohru's lack of reason and Kanna's innocence; with Made in Abyss juxtaposed characters' against the harsh reality of the "wild" or in their case, the Abyss itself.

I believe it's easier to say that shows are bad, and probably just as easy to say they are good, but harder to say why shows are "not good" as apposed to "bad."

As for the stereotype thing, I believe stereotype of anime isn't that it's bad, but rather the people who had previously watched anime before when, and the shows that were watched by said people were ecchi-like series and girls with high-pitched voices that would obviously deter people from the medium then, but seeing as anime is now making it's way into the mainstream, people still are annoyed with such voices from time to time, but they don't have to watch anything they don't want to.

EDIT: And holy shit, I just read through the whole thread. You need to calm down. This is a forum. Not a place for attacking people. People shitpost. It's just the place internet is. And try to think perspective. Perspective helps.
henriiezJul 27, 2019 6:06 PM
Jul 27, 2019 5:45 PM

Jan 2018
SaltyScum said:
I disagree, it's impossible to create something completely original because it will always have been done by someone else. Saying anime is devolving is untrue -- just because prior-mentioned shows pioneered certain current tropes, claiming that literally everything is cliched seems a bit far. It doesn't matter if stereotypes are used in my opinion, as long as they bring a certain amount of originality into the mix -- also remember it's significantly harder to create something completely new because of the current established tropes. Trying something completely new also posses a certain risk that I feel creators wouldn't necessarily take, given that they have no guarantee it'll work out.

I would go even futher and say that it's not a guarantee even when you follow certain tropes and established rules in the literature, trying to create something completely new that no one ever saw it's basically a guarantee that it won't work.
Jul 27, 2019 7:02 PM
Apr 2015
BlindSniper said:

Could you name two Animes in the last 5 years that are unique in terms of characters without me naming off 5 others with the same exact characters/tropes?

If so, thread is done.

Cause I can name off 100+ movies that are in the past 5 years. Anime is behind.

If you think you can name 100+ movies that are totally original in the last 5 years all that means is that you don't have enough context. Spend some time on TVtropes and you'll get a good sense that everything is just remixing the same ideas over and over.
Jul 27, 2019 7:03 PM
Apr 2016
Some are "cliche," however, some are just anime traits that are fundamental to the show, anime's own unique "cliche" as you call it.
Jul 27, 2019 7:20 PM

Nov 2017
BlindSniper said:
DesolatePsyche said:
:/ Not really. They still make fair bit of unique and different Anime with more depth to it.

Just the usual product is simplified fun.

I mean I personally love cliches and stereotypes if they are made the way I like. Whilst at the same time I do enjoy series with more flair to them.

So far from my over 10 years of watching Anime. I think every season has something more "unique". It simply that quantity of Anime has risen over time thus we get a lot of more stuff to go through. But goodies remain. (tho westernized and tryhard ""I'm deep"" series I quite dislike.)

Could you name two Animes in the last 5 years that are unique in terms of characters without me naming off 5 others with the same exact characters/tropes?

If so, thread is done.

Cause I can name off 100+ movies that are in the past 5 years. Anime is behind.

Mob Psycho 100

Ping Pong the Animation
Jul 27, 2019 8:06 PM

Jul 2019
puneetsingh said:
GlennMagusHarvey said:
Tropes are not inherently bad.

They're only bad when they're not properly justified, either from some in-universe detail or by some other reason in the story design.

Originality has nothing to do with quality.
He is an aggressive person. I joked in my first post which I do understand why he didn't like it but when I tried to be logical with him he just remained aggressive. I would have liked a good conversation with him but I can't because he don't want to.
I already told ya, it will be a waste of time to argue with him.
Should I troll in the troll bait threads? It is kinda idiotic to be logical in the troll bait threads. Well, it will depend on my mood.
Jul 27, 2019 11:19 PM
Mar 2016
BlindSniper said:
TTagain said:
I hate how anime is defined as series of tropes and cliches. Like anime has to BE something within the boundaries of those tropes; like when someone say ''that's so anime'' wtf do u mean?

Big eyes=anime
running in op=anime
talking while fighting=anime etc

i don't get that....there are so many shows that do not follow these kind of things so why are these cliches used to define anime. That is why to outsiders anime is like colorful-haired kids fighting each other and fanservice and shit.

ok to your point

The thing is saying ''All' anime are like this is wrong. Just because some popular anime make it seem like all anime are like that doesn't mean all anime are like that. simple.

I mean Rakugo shinjo was a fairly recent anime, what was so ''anime'' about that. What is so ''anime'' about ghibli movies. How about land of lustrous or March comes in like a lion.
Sure there are anime that are cliched but then again there are so many that are not.

ghibli movies aren't "anime" cliches - they're masterpieces which is why every single one of them is popular in the western world.

a better example would have been: "monster" - that is anime but nothing like other animes... i can't find others i can say the same about

and there are so many more....on the top of my head is Mononoke...but the thing is all of the ''different'' and risk-taking anime aren't popular. You're right about the fans gobbling up the same repetitive shit because for some reason that is that they like. e.g Shounen is the most popular genre (i know it is like demographic and some shit) which is known for its tropes, mostly in battle shounen. Similarly superheroes are plaguing the movie industry. I guess people like repetitive stuff. But to say that all anime are repetitive is wrong because we still haven't seen so many obscure and hidden shows that might prove to be.....well different.
Jul 27, 2019 11:33 PM

Mar 2019
if you will, can you exactly list off these cliches that apparently "all" anime have?

Now if you said modern anime I'd certainly agree with you to an extent.
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Jul 28, 2019 12:17 AM

Jul 2019
AstZero said:
I fucking hate AD sometimes.
I don't even know why i'm replying of course i'm not going to get any fucking intellectual effort from a person that lacks reading comprehension and doesn't even know their own fucking arguments.

Butfuck it, here i go.

Listen up dumbass, i'm tired of this shit.
First of all tropes are tropes because they work, stop speaking about originality in the 21st fucking century you fucking cunt. Funnily enough people don't even know that strict originality exists when they talk about originality concerning shows. It's literally next to fucking impossible to be strictly original in the 21st century considering literature is as old as time. Also original=/=good dumbass.

Btw this is the definition i'm using for a cliche. Basically a trope turns into a cliche when there's nothing else going on in the story to the point of the story being so predictable and inciting boredom.
So to get this shit out of the way it doesn't matter if it contains a trope its all about the execution and it doesn't matter even more when you consider that 90% of anime use tropes even the good ones dipshit. It's all about how the writer executes them. Now this is when originality(not strict) steps in. It shows itself in the execution of the story and previous concepts in which the creator finds inspiration. So no most anime fall under tropes but not cliche which by the fucken way is not an sound argument.

So go take sturgeon's law and this shitpost and shove it up your ass already and while you're at it, look for your fucking head.
Yep , he doesn't agree with anyone. He is just fighting here in the thread.
Should I troll in the troll bait threads? It is kinda idiotic to be logical in the troll bait threads. Well, it will depend on my mood.
Jul 28, 2019 1:39 AM

Nov 2014
Thread locked

Plenty of baiting and will only continue to get derailed
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