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May 10, 2018 3:46 PM

Aug 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Yeah, and you're a piece of shit for thinking that.

Along with a large portion of humanity? Sounds like you're the one on a high horse, friendo.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
May 10, 2018 3:48 PM

May 2015
Psyotic said:
TsukuyomiREKT said:
Yeah, and you're a piece of shit for thinking that.

Along with a large portion of humanity? Sounds like you're the one on a high horse, friendo.

I don't call people degenerates for liking something fictional. So no, it's definitely you.

May 10, 2018 3:51 PM

Jul 2017
Lord_Sithis said:
Zerity said:
people who don't have siblings like that shit people with siblings think its disgusting. As long as there are people without siblings the appeal of this will still stay.
I have a sister. I don't give half a shit about incest.

People really need to start minding their own business instead of telling two consenting adults whether they can or can't fuck.

I see what u mean, and I wouldnt say not to, im just saying most siblings wouldnt want to fuck, cause every who has a siblings I talked to wouldnt want to fuck their siblings. But heres the thing you aren't meant to, u gotta get off the midset of it my choice so I can do it if I want, cause that mind set is cancer, you just don't simple as that.
May 10, 2018 3:55 PM

Aug 2016
TsukuyomiREKT said:
I don't call people degenerates for liking something fictional. So no, it's definitely you.

You may not, but then again you strike me as rather odd. But it is quite a normal thing to judge someone based on the things they do and do not enjoy.
People who put MAL stats in their sigs are losers lol
May 10, 2018 4:20 PM
Jul 2018
Zerity said:
Lord_Sithis said:
I have a sister. I don't give half a shit about incest.

People really need to start minding their own business instead of telling two consenting adults whether they can or can't fuck.

I see what u mean, and I wouldnt say not to, im just saying most siblings wouldnt want to fuck, cause every who has a siblings I talked to wouldnt want to fuck their siblings. But heres the thing you aren't meant to, u gotta get off the midset of it my choice so I can do it if I want, cause that mind set is cancer, you just don't simple as that.
It's not a common thing, but it happens. And again, they're two consenting adults. They're not harming anyone.
May 10, 2018 4:55 PM

Jul 2017
@Lord_Sithis here the thing, i am just gonna say I really dont care if people wanna fuck their sister I dont care go unless they wanna have kids then thats in issue cause thats just gonna make a retarded baby. I personally do not care at all, it is just disgusting to me, im fine if its half sister or half brother cause they aint related but if its blood related it just nasty. Just don't have kids if u wanna fuck your sister all i wanna say.
May 10, 2018 5:26 PM
Jul 2018
Zerity said:
@Lord_Sithis here the thing, i am just gonna say I really dont care if people wanna fuck their sister I dont care go unless they wanna have kids then thats in issue cause thats just gonna make a retarded baby. I personally do not care at all, it is just disgusting to me, im fine if its half sister or half brother cause they aint related but if its blood related it just nasty. Just don't have kids if u wanna fuck your sister all i wanna say.
That sounds good to me. Have a nice day.
May 10, 2018 5:30 PM

Jul 2017
@Lord_Sithis you as well man, have a good day.
May 11, 2018 12:42 AM
Aug 2013
Lord_Sithis said:
Nope, incest is not wrong. I said before the genetic defects aspect is way overexaggerated. Even then, there's plenty of birth control methods in case you're truly worried about destroying society with retarded babies.

I agree with this, and pretty much everything else you've said.

Anyway responding to the OP, I'm okay with incest but i'm not into it. I treat it like i do any other subject matter, if it's implemented well then i'll probably enjoy the anime if everything else is halfway decent too. If it's done poorly then i might not want to continue the anime even if everything else isnt so bad. Dont see why why incest should be excluded otherwise, even if it is such a controversial topic.
May 11, 2018 9:10 AM

May 2012
Zerity said:
im fine if its half sister or half brother cause they aint related but if its blood related it just nasty.

I don't know what world you're living in, but half siblings ARE definitely blood related. Step siblings aren't blood related.

@Lord_Sithis Cousin x Cousin the effects are exaggerated, but there's legitimate concerns genetically speaking from something like sibling x sibling just saying. There are prolly moral ramifications to having children with an abnormally high birth defect rate as well to the point you could justify that doing so is "wrong", but I'll agree that the relationship itself is fine, shouldn't really matter what somebody else does and well if it does IMO they're the ones with the problem that they have to stick their noses in other people's business to try to force their values on them when it isn't affecting them in any significant way to give prose to their meddling.

In general I also want to bring up that it's a bit hypocritical for folks to bring up possible genetic issues making it "wrong", but then there is no legislature against alcoholics or smokers having children, the chances are that the children are going to be around destructive behavior or even born with defects from the mother caving and drinking or smoking whilst pregnant and if the chance for genetic anomalies are what contributes to making incest "wrong" then one shouldn't be cherry picking potential liabilities just based on their perceived moral compass and personal bias. A woman having a child when she's over 40 contributes to the chances of birth defects, any legislature on that? Nope. Some crippling diseases are genetic any body have a problem with those who have high risk of cancer procreating? Doesn't seem like it. And yet there are laws restricting marriage to family members, marriage mind you or even criminalizing sexual relations with them and not simply restrictions on having children. For all intents and purpose marriage is primarily just a social contract of joined assets anyway id est it's just a piece of paper and if somebody wants it they should be able to get it regardless of their status if both parties do indeed want it. I'd also like to point out that part of this is projecting your culture as some sort of moral true north that every culture needs to conform to your own or it's wrong which is pretty much how discrimination or in the more extreme genocides start so mayhaps the ones saying it's so wrong need to look inward instead of outward before expressing their moral outrage and disgust at the notion. For instance in a lot of the South American countries marrying your cousin is perfectly okay and moving to the middle east it's actually encouraged.
DwlrMay 11, 2018 9:23 AM
May 11, 2018 9:17 AM
Jul 2018
There you have it everyone ^
You can close this thread now.
May 11, 2018 4:14 PM

Apr 2012
Phew man, MAL never ceases to surprise me on its members' terrible views.

I don't mind incest in anime if it's treated with the proper care required for such a subject (same for any heavy topic like rape, abuse, etc). But in anime that glorifies and fetishizes it? Yeah gross, not my thing. And absolutely despise people that find any pleasure in it and don't trust them.

People saying that incest still happens today and is normal--you guys do know that most of those instances are created from abuse, right? And that it generally starts when one of the participants is a child? Most incest that happens IRL is abuse lol

And ppl who say fiction (and how it portrays things) has nothing to do with reality has literally no clue as to how media in our society works.

let's live heroically, let's live with style
May 11, 2018 4:53 PM

Jul 2017
Dwlr said:
Zerity said:
im fine if its half sister or half brother cause they aint related but if its blood related it just nasty.

I don't know what world you're living in, but half siblings ARE definitely blood related. Step siblings aren't blood related.

@Lord_Sithis Cousin x Cousin the effects are exaggerated, but there's legitimate concerns genetically speaking from something like sibling x sibling just saying. There are prolly moral ramifications to having children with an abnormally high birth defect rate as well to the point you could justify that doing so is "wrong", but I'll agree that the relationship itself is fine, shouldn't really matter what somebody else does and well if it does IMO they're the ones with the problem that they have to stick their noses in other people's business to try to force their values on them when it isn't affecting them in any significant way to give prose to their meddling.

In general I also want to bring up that it's a bit hypocritical for folks to bring up possible genetic issues making it "wrong", but then there is no legislature against alcoholics or smokers having children, the chances are that the children are going to be around destructive behavior or even born with defects from the mother caving and drinking or smoking whilst pregnant and if the chance for genetic anomalies are what contributes to making incest "wrong" then one shouldn't be cherry picking potential liabilities just based on their perceived moral compass and personal bias. A woman having a child when she's over 40 contributes to the chances of birth defects, any legislature on that? Nope. Some crippling diseases are genetic any body have a problem with those who have high risk of cancer procreating? Doesn't seem like it. And yet there are laws restricting marriage to family members, marriage mind you or even criminalizing sexual relations with them and not simply restrictions on having children. For all intents and purpose marriage is primarily just a social contract of joined assets anyway id est it's just a piece of paper and if somebody wants it they should be able to get it regardless of their status if both parties do indeed want it. I'd also like to point out that part of this is projecting your culture as some sort of moral true north that every culture needs to conform to your own or it's wrong which is pretty much how discrimination or in the more extreme genocides start so mayhaps the ones saying it's so wrong need to look inward instead of outward before expressing their moral outrage and disgust at the notion. For instance in a lot of the South American countries marrying your cousin is perfectly okay and moving to the middle east it's actually encouraged.

u see what I meant was step siblings not half
May 11, 2018 5:52 PM

Aug 2013
I feel the same way as some other people here, in terms of as long as it is consensual, there isn't really an issue unless a child is born of a result of the relationship. Like if there are no victims why should anyone care who you screw behind closed doors? It is a similar argument to allowing gays to do what they want behind closed doors, with the only difference is that the end result of one of the Taboos was inhumane and there was no way to control it besides banning the act altogether.

Today we have guaranteed ways to stop a child being born from an incestuous relationship, so the whole reason it became taboo in the first place isn't a relevant factor anymore besides in dirt-poor countries. I don't have a sister and I haven't liked my parents at all since I was young so I don't have a way to relate to it on a personal level, but I have a say on a logical level.
May 11, 2018 6:55 PM
Jul 2018
cageofroses said:
Phew man, MAL never ceases to surprise me on its members' terrible views.

I don't mind incest in anime if it's treated with the proper care required for such a subject (same for any heavy topic like rape, abuse, etc). But in anime that glorifies and fetishizes it? Yeah gross, not my thing. And absolutely despise people that find any pleasure in it and don't trust them.

People saying that incest still happens today and is normal--you guys do know that most of those instances are created from abuse, right? And that it generally starts when one of the participants is a child? Most incest that happens IRL is abuse lol

And ppl who say fiction (and how it portrays things) has nothing to do with reality has literally no clue as to how media in our society works.

Hey, someone who's actually smart and has a sense of reality finally replied to my thread! Great answer.
May 12, 2018 9:23 AM

Apr 2012
Arimias said:
Hey, someone who's actually smart and has a sense of reality finally replied to my thread! Great answer.

Hey no problem 👌

Unfortunately on MAL you're not gonna find a lot of people that take questions like this very seriously, or that have any comprehension of how real life works.

let's live heroically, let's live with style
May 12, 2018 10:13 AM

Sep 2017
cageofroses said:
Phew man, MAL never ceases to surprise me on its members' terrible views.

I don't mind incest in anime if it's treated with the proper care required for such a subject (same for any heavy topic like rape, abuse, etc). But in anime that glorifies and fetishizes it? Yeah gross, not my thing. And absolutely despise people that find any pleasure in it and don't trust them.

People saying that incest still happens today and is normal--you guys do know that most of those instances are created from abuse, right? And that it generally starts when one of the participants is a child? Most incest that happens IRL is abuse lol

And ppl who say fiction (and how it portrays things) has nothing to do with reality has literally no clue as to how media in our society works.

Much needed sanity in here.
The argument in the last line is especially hilarious.
The people uttering it either have no idea how fiction viewing works or are lying.
May 12, 2018 3:22 PM

Sep 2012
Swagernator said:
It's called fetish, and the anime industry is built on it.
A lot more than just the anime industry is built on it.

EDIT: If it's fictional then I don't really see a problem with it. Some people are into that thing.

And by some, I mean go google how much incest shit there is in western porn alone and tell me that the east is weird about it.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
May 12, 2018 9:46 PM
Aug 2013
Arimias said:
cageofroses said:
Phew man, MAL never ceases to surprise me on its members' terrible views.

I don't mind incest in anime if it's treated with the proper care required for such a subject (same for any heavy topic like rape, abuse, etc). But in anime that glorifies and fetishizes it? Yeah gross, not my thing. And absolutely despise people that find any pleasure in it and don't trust them.

People saying that incest still happens today and is normal--you guys do know that most of those instances are created from abuse, right? And that it generally starts when one of the participants is a child? Most incest that happens IRL is abuse lol

And ppl who say fiction (and how it portrays things) has nothing to do with reality has literally no clue as to how media in our society works.

Hey, someone who's actually smart and has a sense of reality finally replied to my thread! Great answer.

Why's he so smart? Cause he agrees with you?
May 12, 2018 9:49 PM
Jul 2018
Myrrh8 said:
Why's he so smart? Cause he agrees with you?

Did you even read what she said? She made good and realistic points about the subject.
May 12, 2018 10:03 PM

Apr 2015
I don't even have siblings - I'm an only child - and yet occasionally I find the incest fantasy hot. Because that's what it is, a fantasy. I don't really think there's *that much* of a separation between quote on quote "healthy" fantasies to have and "unhealthy" ones. Because as long as you distinguish between reality and fantasy, it isn't an issue.

This is going to sound pathetic. But for me, and I imagine a lot of people, I think subconsciously what makes incest fantasy appealing is the idea that A ) You have someone who knows you inside and out, who's been with you, who's experienced life with you in almost it's entirety, and B ) To have someone who doesn't question you.

Most incest anime are very focused on B in particular, with only a little resistance in the beginning to give into the "it's so bad!!!" part of the fantasy. Because being immoral is inherently sexy to almost anyone with any fetish.

A is just a background thing I think, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was the main driving factor for incest porn. The question is, why should A count for anything when the same thing can be said about wife porn? Well, because that's not the demographic. You have a chance of alienating the many virgins, losers, or people without partners if you make an intimate relationship between a wife and husband into a porno. Whereas with incest, the audience already has to have a large suspension of disbelief because it's not likely they'll ever be in an incest relationship. So they won't feel like failures while fapping, or feel alienated while browsing the material.

So yeah, you can fap if you want to, if you know nobody will,
observing a woman's body
May 13, 2018 12:48 AM
Aug 2013
Arimias said:
Myrrh8 said:
Why's he so smart? Cause he agrees with you?

Did you even read what she said? She made good and realistic points about the subject.


cageofroses said:
Phew man, MAL never ceases to surprise me on its members' terrible views.

Off to a good start.

cageofroses said:
I don't mind incest in anime if it's treated with the proper care required for such a subject (same for any heavy topic like rape, abuse, etc).

Okay so we agree, incest can be just like any other subject matter, it can be handled well and properly implemented into a work of fiction, even if it is a rather controversial subject. Right?

cageofroses said:
But in anime that glorifies and fetishizes it? Yeah gross, not my thing. And absolutely despise people that find any pleasure in it and don't trust them.

That doesnt seem fair. You dont have to like that type of portrayal but going as far as hating and not trusting people who like what you dont? Who else do you hate and distrust based on their kink of preference that in no way affects you?

cageofroses said:
People saying that incest still happens today and is normal--you guys do know that most of those instances are created from abuse, right? And that it generally starts when one of the participants is a child? Most incest that happens IRL is abuse lol

Yea that's true....I think we'd all agree that abusive relationships of any kind are awful. I dont think anyone is voicing their approval of all incestuous relationships, just the completely consensual and non-predatory ones.

cageofroses said:
And ppl who say fiction (and how it portrays things) has nothing to do with reality has literally no clue as to how media in our society works.

Someone that consumes a lot of fetish incest anime or whatever isnt going to turn into a deviant that molests their family members.

Sure, i agreed with some of what they said, but i'm pretty sure most if not everything they said has been brought up before in some capacity. I think what really got your attention was how well they agreed with your views.
May 13, 2018 12:51 AM

Jan 2018
Arimias said:
Despite the fact that incest and any sort of sexual relationship with a family member in anime is VERY unrealistic in comparison to the real world, I don't understand the appeal in it at all. I have a younger sister and her and I share a pretty good sibling relationship, and we get along all the time. The thought of sexually thinking of her makes me sick to the stomach. It's disgusting, and I don't understand why it's popular in some anime.

What are your takes on incest? Do you think it's okay for it to be in anime, or not?

Well... if she's not hot/cute with a moe fang, then of course the thought of it will make you sick
But if she does tho........

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

May 13, 2018 2:47 AM

Oct 2008
I don't think I have seen a TV anime released from japan where the brother / sister did anything. EXCEPT for, that one anime with the brother / sister "Yosuga no Sora" I think they even show them having sex by the end.

That's like the ONLY anime I can remember where incest actually resulted in a relationship and sex.


May 13, 2018 3:49 AM

Apr 2011
You know... some of these replies really have me like,

AngelicTotoroMay 13, 2018 3:56 AM
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
May 13, 2018 4:42 AM

Sep 2017
[quote=Korrvo message=55234229]
Swagernator said:

And by some, I mean go google how much incest shit there is in western porn alone and tell me that the east is weird about it.

Porn and normal shows arent the same.

People expect porn to indulge in some taboo fetishes and know it is merely kinky to see nut nothing beyodn that.

However when normal shows, atual shows with storylines characters and actions that want to be presented in a serious manner indulge in it, it becomes disgusting.
May 13, 2018 5:30 AM

Apr 2016
Man you need to learn how to quote people properly.
May 13, 2018 9:46 AM

Apr 2012
Myrrh8 said:

Okay so we agree, incest can be just like any other subject matter, it can be handled well and properly implemented into a work of fiction, even if it is a rather controversial subject. Right?


Myrrh8 said:
That doesnt seem fair. You dont have to like that type of portrayal but going as far as hating and not trusting people who like what you dont? Who else do you hate and distrust based on their kink of preference that in no way affects you?

Because I, personally, have met terrible people that relish in these subjects, as well as knowing victims that were groomed using positive portrayals of incest and pedophilia in anime.

It's a very personal reason as to why I don't like or trust people that enjoy incest and pedophilia.

Also because they tend to have bad opinions in general. :p

Myrrh8 said:

Yea that's true....I think we'd all agree that abusive relationships of any kind are awful. I dont think anyone is voicing their approval of all incestuous relationships, just the completely consensual and non-predatory ones.

That's the thing. I don't believe in consensual and non-predatory incest relationships. There's always some power-dynamic at play.

Myrrh8 said:
Someone that consumes a lot of fetish incest anime or whatever isnt going to turn into a deviant that molests their family members.

You're right in that, yeah, someone who sits down and watches something that pertains to a certain subject (say, school shootings), isn't gonna just up and go, idk, shoot up an entire school.

But what I'm talking about is the continual presence of something.
Like--hm. Alright, we'll start off with a really early example. Black people used to be racistly portrayed in media with the mammy or jim crow stereotype. This, obviously, had a huge effect on how others saw black people. Even though those have been done with, there are still stereotypes, such as the 'angry black man/woman' that persist today in media that can have an effect on how non-black people interact with them.

Another is the sexualization on teen girls on TV and in movies. That, again, since it was portrayed consistently and became something some people grew up on, had a negative impact on girls' psyche's.

Hell, it doesn't even have to be something that happens slowly over time if the media obtains enough popularity. The movie Jaws forever demonized sharks in people's eyes and increased the existence of shark killing competitions.

So I stand by saying that to deny fiction's impact on society and reality is being willfully ignorant. This shit builds up in people's minds.

That's why positive representation of different races, genders, and sexualities are all important. Because those positive portrayals make a difference in not only how minorities see themselves, but also how others see them. Also, again, such things like the romanticization of incest are used by actual predators to convince kids that it's completely ok.

let's live heroically, let's live with style
May 13, 2018 9:53 AM

Feb 2018
It was a mistake clicking on this post...
May 13, 2018 10:50 AM

Sep 2017
cageofroses said:

Myrrh8 said:
That doesnt seem fair. You dont have to like that type of portrayal but going as far as hating and not trusting people who like what you dont? Who else do you hate and distrust based on their kink of preference that in no way affects you?

Because I, personally, have met terrible people that relish in these subjects, as well as knowing victims that were groomed using positive portrayals of incest and pedophilia in anime.

Holy shit, someone actually used that to groom kids ?
How ?
How did he even get in close enough relationship to show them cartoons ?
May 13, 2018 10:54 AM

Nov 2016
Japan seems to love incest, they relly have a weird fetish.
May 13, 2018 10:57 AM

Sep 2017
Skennes said:
Japan seems to love incest, they relly have a weird fetish.

Otakus seems to love incest, they relly have a weird fetish.

Japan is as weirded out by them as we are.
May 13, 2018 12:10 PM

Apr 2012
james501 said:
cageofroses said:

Because I, personally, have met terrible people that relish in these subjects, as well as knowing victims that were groomed using positive portrayals of incest and pedophilia in anime.

Holy shit, someone actually used that to groom kids ?
How ?
How did he even get in close enough relationship to show them cartoons ?

It has honestly ranged from the predator being someone older that they knew or grew up with, to a fellow anime fan they met online/at a convention and they talked and got to know each other long enough that the victim began to trust them.

There's... unfortunately a lot of victims that were groomed this way, since a lot of anime tends to have a very 'cutesie' aesthetic that appeals to kids along with the romanticization some series have pertaining to the subject. Like, I know and interact with way too many people that have gone through this experience, and it's utterly heartbreaking.

let's live heroically, let's live with style
May 13, 2018 12:21 PM

Sep 2017
cageofroses said:
james501 said:

Holy shit, someone actually used that to groom kids ?
How ?
How did he even get in close enough relationship to show them cartoons ?

It has honestly ranged from the predator being someone older that they knew or grew up with, to a fellow anime fan they met online/at a convention and they talked and got to know each other long enough that the victim began to trust them.

There's... unfortunately a lot of victims that were groomed this way, since a lot of anime tends to have a very 'cutesie' aesthetic that appeals to kids along with the romanticization some series have pertaining to the subject. Like, I know and interact with way too many people that have gone through this experience, and it's utterly heartbreaking.

The people you refer to must be too young to fall for such a thing especially from strangers.
May 13, 2018 12:41 PM

Apr 2012
james501 said:
The people you refer to must be too young to fall for such a thing especially from strangers.

Their ages ranged from 6 year-olds to 15/16 year-old teens when it happened to them, yeah.

let's live heroically, let's live with style
May 13, 2018 12:52 PM
Jan 2017
I suppose that's for the creator to decide whether there should be incest in their Anime or not. We are merely critics in this case offering our opinions. In some cases, incest can actually improve the quality of the story. For example, in Game of Thrones. However, in most cases incest is simply added for the pleasure of single guys getting a quick fap.
May 13, 2018 1:02 PM

Dec 2016
You don't know when you grow feelings for someone. It just happens. If you think incest is disgusting then OK it's up to you. You don't have to imagine yourself having sexual feelings for your own brother or sister and then feel “eww". If there are any people in real or any characters in any anime related to incest then just leave them be.
May 13, 2018 1:41 PM

Jul 2015
You guys are keep forgetting, that anime and real worlds are two completely different things.

May 13, 2018 2:33 PM

Sep 2012
james501 said:

Porn and normal shows arent the same.

People expect porn to indulge in some taboo fetishes and know it is merely kinky to see nut nothing beyodn that.

However when normal shows, atual shows with storylines characters and actions that want to be presented in a serious manner indulge in it, it becomes disgusting.
I don't see the location of it make it any more disgusting than the other. If someone's making a good product that people enjoy, that's all that should really matter.
☕ Truth be told, I'm quite proud of my house blend. To attain my flavor and fragrance, I use five different types of coffee beans. ☕
May 13, 2018 2:37 PM

Sep 2017
Piromysl said:
You guys are keep forgetting, that anime and real worlds are two completely different things.

This has got to be the worst take of any time.
May 13, 2018 2:43 PM
Mar 2015
I might take some flak for this but I was raised to be Christian but also chose to be open minded. I’m not super religious. I like Deadpool and Family Guy. I have watched and liked Black Lagoon. I still believe I’m Christian but I don’t like to be judgey. I’m in no way condoning incest but find the topic interesting. I’m not proud of it but I have a guilty pleasure of watching a little bit of incest. I don’t think it should be encouraged and would never encourage incest in real life. I have two older sisters and it makes me sick to think of any sexual or romantic feelings toward them.
May 13, 2018 2:45 PM
Apr 2014
It's the idea of something forbidden, and it mostly appeals to people who don't have a sibling of the opposite sex in real life. I have a sister, and this topic falls flat for me and is a bit annoying, because it's really unrealistic and takes me out of the suspension of disbelief. It's probably no different from doctors facepalming at those medical dramas. The amount of incest stuff in manga and anime is quite baffling, but then again I've come to accept the fact that Japan and what Japanese people like is vastly different from what I'm used to.
May 13, 2018 2:55 PM
Jul 2017
the only people who glorify incest are the ones who have no siblings
May 13, 2018 8:28 PM

Oct 2008
its like when theres a giant red button that clearly says DO NOT PRESS. And the next thing you do is press it, because why the fuck not?

It's not like if you watch incest you gonna turn into a fucking crazy bitch IRL, you have to separate a fantasy with reality


May 13, 2018 8:32 PM

Feb 2018
It's anime. Incest is taboo and not accepted in real life, and anime is meant to be an escape from reality. So honestly I don't really care if some animes have it, in fact I've watched a few incest animes.

It's basically exactly how homosexuality used to be.

PS: I also have a sister, and I'd never get lesbian or sexual thoughts for her. EVER. But I still don't care if lesbian incest anime exists.
May 13, 2018 8:39 PM
Apr 2018
Maximilious said:
I don't think I have seen a TV anime released from japan where the brother / sister did anything. EXCEPT for, that one anime with the brother / sister "Yosuga no Sora" I think they even show them having sex by the end.

That's like the ONLY anime I can remember where incest actually resulted in a relationship and sex.

You missed the the spin off version aka sora
May 13, 2018 8:50 PM
Sep 2016

It's just fictional, it has no real value. I respect creative use because moral limits should not apply. About the Japanese otakus, well I know it's a very popular genre but I dont think it's anything more than morbidity.
May 13, 2018 9:20 PM
Jan 2015
Incest is only good when its wincest

All jokes aside, I think mahouka does a good job on covering the topic of incest actually;
-MahesvaraMay 14, 2018 7:22 AM
My Queens

May 14, 2018 12:11 AM

Sep 2017
Ayato-Hiragi said:
I think you mean Wincest.

I was gonna say the same exact thing.
Are we really gonna make it..?
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Catalano - 5 hours ago

12 by SgtBateMan »»
12 minutes ago

» Anime with least plotholes

JoeChip - Yesterday

33 by Sheol01 »»
14 minutes ago

» Hot take: mappa is the mcdonald's of anime studios ( 1 2 )

Deathlydash - Yesterday

91 by Merve2Love »»
19 minutes ago
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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