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Mar 27, 2018 5:31 PM

Aug 2016
Kittens-kun said:
I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet. I also can't believe how many delusional people are on this site. There's nothing wrong with it, and there never will be. End of story.

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.
Mar 27, 2018 8:07 PM

Dec 2012
Ryuuryota said:
LOLIS ARE LIFE shoujo ramune best loli hentai x400 faps encounting

Aann said:
Kittens-kun said:
I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet. I also can't believe how many delusional people are on this site. There's nothing wrong with it, and there never will be. End of story.

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.
Oh look, typical tough guy. I bet you wouldn't go into the middle of Iran and publicly announce that Muhammad was a filthy pedophile. Keep talking tough big boy, just hide in your little shell and keep thinking you run the world.
Mar 27, 2018 8:09 PM

Oct 2017
DW I watch shota porn instead :P

I'm ok with pretty girls with attractive physical appearance, but I'm not so into Loli anyway.
Mar 27, 2018 8:17 PM

Feb 2010
Bayek said:
Ryuuryota said:
LOLIS ARE LIFE shoujo ramune best loli hentai x400 faps encounting

currently at your house. ;) i didn't tell them honest.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Mar 27, 2018 8:22 PM

Dec 2012
@hazarddex - Hey that's fine. Not illegal where I live because my country doesn't suck.
Mar 27, 2018 8:43 PM

Aug 2017
topazio said:
Halpher said:

My bad then. I guess this is ironic. I don’t remember anythig else you said. Mhm

I understand, all those loli hentai must take too much of your attention ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It has distracted me and hurt my’s too distracting!
Sincerely, from Scorpio.

Mar 27, 2018 9:00 PM

Aug 2016
Bayek said:
Aann said:

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.
Oh look, typical tough guy. I bet you wouldn't go into the middle of Iran and publicly announce that Muhammad was a filthy pedophile. Keep talking tough big boy, just hide in your little shell and keep thinking you run the world.

Bwhahaha! Gotta thank you, actually! Haven't laughed this hard all week. XD If your whole argument is just to blantantly copy mine - and drag Muslims into it for some reason!? How this topic when from Loli's like yourself to Muslims? I'll never know, but I do know one thing I ain't got no beef with Muhammad - then you resort to name calling like a five year old. Oh, boy! You've got a lot to learn in life. XD
Mar 27, 2018 9:11 PM

Dec 2012
Aann said:
Bayek said:
Oh look, typical tough guy. I bet you wouldn't go into the middle of Iran and publicly announce that Muhammad was a filthy pedophile. Keep talking tough big boy, just hide in your little shell and keep thinking you run the world.

Bwhahaha! Gotta thank you, actually! Haven't laughed this hard all week. XD If your whole argument is just to blantantly copy mine - and drag Muslims into it for some reason!? How this topic when from Loli's like yourself to Muslims? I'll never know, but I do know one thing I ain't got no beef with Muhammad - then you resort to name calling like a five year old. Oh, boy! You've got a lot to learn in life. XD
Hey buddy, Muhammad raped a 9 year old girl. There's an entire religion dedicated to honoring him. And you say you have no beef...golly, I just think we found the one actual pedophile on MAL.

5 year olds is it? Is that what you're constantly thinking about? You should get your Freudian slip checked.
Mar 27, 2018 9:56 PM

Aug 2016
Bayek said:
Aann said:

Bwhahaha! Gotta thank you, actually! Haven't laughed this hard all week. XD If your whole argument is just to blantantly copy mine - and drag Muslims into it for some reason!? How this topic when from Loli's like yourself to Muslims? I'll never know, but I do know one thing I ain't got no beef with Muhammad - then you resort to name calling like a five year old. Oh, boy! You've got a lot to learn in life. XD
Hey buddy, Muhammad raped a 9 year old girl. There's an entire religion dedicated to honoring him. And you say you have no beef...golly, I just think we found the one actual pedophile on MAL.

Well, golly! Had no idea he raped a nine year old girl!!! But at the end of the day why would I? I don't have the faintest interest in Muslims or Muhammad. It's terrible that he did that, but why would I start a beef with a guy who's been dead for a few thousand years? I live in the present, not the past! XD I do get it though, you're using this whole argument with me to disguise and vent your absolutely hatred for Muslims. While I'm not for religious bashing personally, but if it works for you, so be it. I'm a lot more tolerant then that, even though I don't particularly like them either.

Bayek said:

5 year olds is it? Is that what you're constantly thinking about? You should get your Freudian slip checked.

This is hands down the funniest thing somebody has ever said to me online! - and ironic since I'm against Loli Porn - Your just the gift that keeps on giving! With your permission please I would like to post this on my profile wall and dedicate it to you! My Loli loving friend ;)
AannMar 27, 2018 10:00 PM
Mar 27, 2018 10:12 PM

Feb 2016
Aann said:
Kittens-kun said:
I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet. I also can't believe how many delusional people are on this site. There's nothing wrong with it, and there never will be. End of story.

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.

No kidding.

Let's create a dumbass thread where we philosophize about why it's okay to jerk off to porn depicting children and profess about its lack of moral ambiguity.

Yeah. No shit. It's not real child pornography, just like how "rape" and "incest" porn is just fiction. Except not a single person who gets off on watching those things would actually publicly admit to it for a very good reason. It's fucking weird and you should be judged for it if you're going to defend it.

People should take a step back and think about it. At the end of the day, you receive sexual pleasure from fictional depictions of children having sex. It's not the same as actual child pornography, but it's certainly not normal or something to take pride in.

I'm all for people getting their kinks out through fiction rather than reality, especially if it involves other people, but let's not beat around the bush here. "Loli porn" is fucking weird and you're wierd for getting off to it.

Mar 27, 2018 10:15 PM

Feb 2018
The issue with Loli porn is that there's not enough of them
Mar 27, 2018 10:49 PM

Dec 2012
@Aann - Well let me refresh your memory, Mr. High IQ High Attention Span. You want to dox a bunch of random people for not being "brave enough" to oust themselves to satisfy your masturbatory fantasies of being a level 82 paladin in heat. So I asked why you weren't being brave and declaring that a historically proven pedophile is a pedophile in a place where you'd get lynched and beheaded in minutes for it.

Ah, but you'll probably start fake laughing at your own jokes and continue to participate in your mental masturbatory gymnastics, much like Larry Nassar. No one's afraid of you or the various vigilantes who would love to beat my ass (not that you could). I just don't want needless conflict over something that's so inconsequential to daily life.
Mar 27, 2018 11:38 PM

Aug 2016
Bayek said:
@Aann - Well let me refresh your memory, Mr. High IQ High Attention Span. You want to dox a bunch of random people for not being "brave enough" to oust themselves to satisfy your masturbatory fantasies of being a level 82 paladin in heat. So I asked why you weren't being brave and declaring that a historically proven pedophile is a pedophile in a place where you'd get lynched and beheaded in minutes for it.

From the incomprehensible response I got above I’ll try and answer it; I believe I stated ‘Twice’ now - if you bothered to read what I’ve written - that I got no beef with the guy. He’s been dead for a few thousand years now. I live in the present, not the past. Plus, you seem to be the one with the Muslim problems, not me. And far as me ‘dox-ing’ people (whatever Dox means). If they truly believe what they write on here they should have no problem doing it on live TV. In fact, why don’t you take the initiative and be the first! I’ll even do a live Skype session with you and we’ll have a debate for everyone to watch!

Bayek said:

Ah, but you'll probably start fake laughing at your own jokes and continue to participate in your mental masturbatory gymnastics, much like Larry Nassar. No one's afraid of you or the various vigilantes who would love to beat my ass (not that you could). I just don't want needless conflict over something that's so inconsequential to daily life.

I don’t remember every threatening you? Mate, if you want to act like an ass online. Go for it. Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. I’m loving this conversation. Which reminds me; is that a no form you for me to use the quote for my profile? This one; ‘5 year olds is it? Is that what you're constantly thinking about? You should get your Freudian slip checked.’ - Bayek
Mar 28, 2018 12:55 AM

Dec 2012
@Aann - Well instead of going down this retarded rabbit hole about "Muh Islamophobia" (facts aren't Islamophobic, by the way), I'll just cut right to the chase. You're obviously insinuating for people to have their lives destroyed over this. There's no other way to interpret it considering the obvious social ramifications of being wrongly branded a pedophile.

That's why I'm aggressively calling you out on your bullshit. This whole "I'm not threatening you, I just want your life destroyed indirectly" is just a typical passive aggressive ruse.

And hey, you can keep begging me to appear on your shitty third world attempt at internet bloodsports. I think I'd rather go fap to more loli pr0n instead.
Mar 28, 2018 1:37 AM

Aug 2016
Bayek said:
@Aann - Well instead of going down this retarded rabbit hole about "Muh Islamophobia" (facts aren't Islamophobic, by the way), I'll just cut right to the chase. You're obviously insinuating for people to have their lives destroyed over this. There's no other way to interpret it considering the obvious social ramifications of being wrongly branded a pedophile.

Actually, unless I’m mistaken, the term ‘Pedophile’ means a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, not the actual term for touching them. So, yes, liking Loli’s means you technically are a Pedophile. Hope you wear that badge well.

Bayek said:

That's why I'm aggressively calling you out on your bullshit. This whole "I'm not threatening you, I just want your life destroyed indirectly" is just a typical passive aggressive ruse.

In my opinion you should have your life destroyed if you enjoy Child Porn. You should be named and shamed in public. So don’t go on an ‘intellectual’ rant like you’ve found me out. You could have easily gone back to my previous posts at the start of the forum to see my reaction.

Bayek said:

And hey, you can keep begging me to appear on your shitty third world attempt at internet bloodsports. I think I'd rather go fap to more loli pr0n instead.

So you won’t appear in the Skype session to defend Loli Porn? Then everything you’ve written means nothing if your not going to back it up and prove me wrong. But what was I expecting when this whole time I was defending my argument from an intellectually disabled five year old, who doesn’t back themselves up with facts... or a good argument. All they do is write like an incomprehensible, screaming, self righteous dolt.

We can still be friends right, Bayek? ;)
Mar 28, 2018 3:03 AM

May 2015
Aann said:
Kittens-kun said:
I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet. I also can't believe how many delusional people are on this site. There's nothing wrong with it, and there never will be. End of story.

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.

You people are so pathetic. Get over it already.

Mar 28, 2018 3:27 AM

Aug 2016
Kittens-kun said:
Aann said:

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.

You people are so pathetic. Get over it already.

Sorry to have bothered you from your Loli fapping. I'll let you get back to it.
Mar 28, 2018 3:32 AM

May 2015
Aann said:
Kittens-kun said:

You people are so pathetic. Get over it already.

Sorry to have bothered you from your Loli fapping. I'll let you get back to it.

Nah, it's ok. Once you're capable of not crying about nothing, you can get back to me. Sound good?

Mar 28, 2018 3:50 AM

Aug 2016
Kittens-kun said:
Aann said:

Sorry to have bothered you from your Loli fapping. I'll let you get back to it.

Nah, it's ok. Once you're capable of not crying about nothing, you can get back to me. Sound good?

No problem! Don't worry, I forgive you. :D Still buds right?
Mar 28, 2018 6:21 AM

Dec 2012
Aann said:
Bayek said:
@Aann - Well instead of going down this retarded rabbit hole about "Muh Islamophobia" (facts aren't Islamophobic, by the way), I'll just cut right to the chase. You're obviously insinuating for people to have their lives destroyed over this. There's no other way to interpret it considering the obvious social ramifications of being wrongly branded a pedophile.

Actually, unless I’m mistaken, the term ‘Pedophile’ means a sexual attraction to prepubescent children, not the actual term for touching them. So, yes, liking Loli’s means you technically are a Pedophile. Hope you wear that badge well.

Bayek said:

That's why I'm aggressively calling you out on your bullshit. This whole "I'm not threatening you, I just want your life destroyed indirectly" is just a typical passive aggressive ruse.

In my opinion you should have your life destroyed if you enjoy Child Porn. You should be named and shamed in public. So don’t go on an ‘intellectual’ rant like you’ve found me out. You could have easily gone back to my previous posts at the start of the forum to see my reaction.

Bayek said:

And hey, you can keep begging me to appear on your shitty third world attempt at internet bloodsports. I think I'd rather go fap to more loli pr0n instead.

So you won’t appear in the Skype session to defend Loli Porn? Then everything you’ve written means nothing if your not going to back it up and prove me wrong. But what was I expecting when this whole time I was defending my argument from an intellectually disabled five year old, who doesn’t back themselves up with facts... or a good argument. All they do is write like an incomprehensible, screaming, self righteous dolt.

We can still be friends right, Bayek? ;)
Should I wear it like a Star of David during the Holocaust, mein fuhrer Aann?

I'll debate you if you can get Andy Warski to host it. Otherwise I'm making like a dwarf to Erebor and it's back to my loli hentai archive that easily numbers 20,000+.

Oh and can you stop thinking about five year olds all of the time? Real sick dude.
Mar 28, 2018 6:52 AM

Feb 2017
hazarddex said:
Bayek said:

currently at your house. ;) i didn't tell them honest.

HAHA love the gifs i'm a proud LoLiCoN
Mar 28, 2018 7:24 AM
Jan 2012
Lolis are just compact sized girls.
Mar 28, 2018 9:17 AM

Feb 2016
Kittens-kun said:
Aann said:

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.

You people are so pathetic. Get over it already.

Hey, so you always resort to sending people insults over Private Messages, or is it only for moments when you are super triggered?

I think it's pretty pathetic to private message people with insults, but hey, what do I know, apparently I'm just a "delusional SJW"...

Well said. When you can't defend your moronic beliefs, just resort to calling people names. That tactic always works. In 4th grade...

Mar 28, 2018 9:23 AM

Feb 2016
Bayek said:
@Aann - Well instead of going down this retarded rabbit hole about "Muh Islamophobia" (facts aren't Islamophobic, by the way), I'll just cut right to the chase. You're obviously insinuating for people to have their lives destroyed over this. There's no other way to interpret it considering the obvious social ramifications of being wrongly branded a pedophile.

That's why I'm aggressively calling you out on your bullshit. This whole "I'm not threatening you, I just want your life destroyed indirectly" is just a typical passive aggressive ruse.

And hey, you can keep begging me to appear on your shitty third world attempt at internet bloodsports. I think I'd rather go fap to more loli pr0n instead.

You realize that all Aann actually said is that you and everyone else in this thread who either actually likes loli porn or pretends to like it is too much of a pussy to say it publically, which basically just proves what MAL is made up of a bunch of edgy shit-posting teens, although it should hardly be a surprise to anyone....

Relax. Nobody is advocating for doxxing anyone. But I think Aann has done more than prove that not only are you a coward who can't defend his shitposting, you also apparently can't comprehend language and logic.

Mar 28, 2018 9:25 AM

May 2015
Saucy said:
Kittens-kun said:

You people are so pathetic. Get over it already.

Hey, so you always resort to sending people insults over Private Messages, or is it only for moments when you are super triggered?

I think it's pretty pathetic to private message people with insults, but hey, what do I know, apparently I'm just a "delusional SJW"...

Well said. When you can't defend your moronic beliefs, just resort to calling people names. That tactic always works. In 4th grade...

The truth hurts doesn't it? I'm calling you what you are.

Mar 28, 2018 10:36 AM

Dec 2012
Saucy said:
Bayek said:
@Aann - Well instead of going down this retarded rabbit hole about "Muh Islamophobia" (facts aren't Islamophobic, by the way), I'll just cut right to the chase. You're obviously insinuating for people to have their lives destroyed over this. There's no other way to interpret it considering the obvious social ramifications of being wrongly branded a pedophile.

That's why I'm aggressively calling you out on your bullshit. This whole "I'm not threatening you, I just want your life destroyed indirectly" is just a typical passive aggressive ruse.

And hey, you can keep begging me to appear on your shitty third world attempt at internet bloodsports. I think I'd rather go fap to more loli pr0n instead.

You realize that all Aann actually said is that you and everyone else in this thread who either actually likes loli porn or pretends to like it is too much of a pussy to say it publically, which basically just proves what MAL is made up of a bunch of edgy shit-posting teens, although it should hardly be a surprise to anyone....

Relax. Nobody is advocating for doxxing anyone. But I think Aann has done more than prove that not only are you a coward who can't defend his shitposting, you also apparently can't comprehend language and logic.
And I'm just saying that you don't have the spine to wear red in a Crips neighborhood.

Hey fella, easy on the autistic kvetching, I got your point at the beginning. You're just living in your macho man fantasy of putting people in their place because you have no authority here. No one is stupid enough to believe that doxing themselves is an act of courage. You're just pretending to be some heroic white knight who's battling mean dragons that hurt your feelings. None of this is going to get you laid. The Chad is still fucking your girlfriend while she asks you to buy flowers.

Anyway, time to get back to my Illya doujins. Maybe I'll throw in some Hobbit Porn while I'm at it. Little but legal.

ZekkenshinMar 28, 2018 10:41 AM
Mar 28, 2018 10:47 AM

Feb 2017
Saucy said:
Bayek said:
@Aann - Well instead of going down this retarded rabbit hole about "Muh Islamophobia" (facts aren't Islamophobic, by the way), I'll just cut right to the chase. You're obviously insinuating for people to have their lives destroyed over this. There's no other way to interpret it considering the obvious social ramifications of being wrongly branded a pedophile.

That's why I'm aggressively calling you out on your bullshit. This whole "I'm not threatening you, I just want your life destroyed indirectly" is just a typical passive aggressive ruse.

And hey, you can keep begging me to appear on your shitty third world attempt at internet bloodsports. I think I'd rather go fap to more loli pr0n instead.

You realize that all Aann actually said is that you and everyone else in this thread who either actually likes loli porn or pretends to like it is too much of a pussy to say it publically, which basically just proves what MAL is made up of a bunch of edgy shit-posting teens, although it should hardly be a surprise to anyone....

Relax. Nobody is advocating for doxxing anyone. But I think Aann has done more than prove that not only are you a coward who can't defend his shitposting, you also apparently can't comprehend language and logic.
Hey i'm not afraid to say i love my 2d lolis so much that i can't handle not fapping to them daily?
Mar 28, 2018 10:48 AM

Feb 2017
Bayek said:
Saucy said:

You realize that all Aann actually said is that you and everyone else in this thread who either actually likes loli porn or pretends to like it is too much of a pussy to say it publically, which basically just proves what MAL is made up of a bunch of edgy shit-posting teens, although it should hardly be a surprise to anyone....

Relax. Nobody is advocating for doxxing anyone. But I think Aann has done more than prove that not only are you a coward who can't defend his shitposting, you also apparently can't comprehend language and logic.
And I'm just saying that you don't have the spine to wear red in a Crips neighborhood.

Hey fella, easy on the autistic kvetching, I got your point at the beginning. You're just living in your macho man fantasy of putting people in their place because you have no authority here. No one is stupid enough to believe that doxing themselves is an act of courage. You're just pretending to be some heroic white knight who's battling mean dragons that hurt your feelings. None of this is going to get you laid. The Chad is still fucking your girlfriend while she asks you to buy flowers.

Anyway, time to get back to my Illya doujins. Maybe I'll throw in some Hobbit Porn while I'm at it. Little but legal.

haha there is some decent illya doujins here ->
Mar 28, 2018 10:59 AM

Dec 2012
@Ryuuryota - Much appreciated my man. Nhentai is always my go to and I've got a pretty sizable collection there. You should probably [spoiler} the link though since it's NSFW. Gotta show class even when the white knights won't.
Mar 28, 2018 11:02 AM

Feb 2017
Bayek said:
@Ryuuryota - Much appreciated my man. Nhentai is always my go to and I've got a pretty sizable collection there. You should probably [spoiler} the link though since it's NSFW. Gotta show class even when the white knights won't.

ohh sorry my man i didn't even know how to do the spoiler thing let me try lol
Mar 28, 2018 11:03 AM

Feb 2016
Bayek said:
Saucy said:

You realize that all Aann actually said is that you and everyone else in this thread who either actually likes loli porn or pretends to like it is too much of a pussy to say it publically, which basically just proves what MAL is made up of a bunch of edgy shit-posting teens, although it should hardly be a surprise to anyone....

Relax. Nobody is advocating for doxxing anyone. But I think Aann has done more than prove that not only are you a coward who can't defend his shitposting, you also apparently can't comprehend language and logic.
And I'm just saying that you don't have the spine to wear red in a Crips neighborhood.

Hey fella, easy on the autistic kvetching, I got your point at the beginning. You're just living in your macho man fantasy of putting people in their place because you have no authority here. No one is stupid enough to believe that doxing themselves is an act of courage. You're just pretending to be some heroic white knight who's battling mean dragons that hurt your feelings. None of this is going to get you laid. The Chad is still fucking your girlfriend while she asks you to buy flowers.

Anyway, time to get back to my Illya doujins. Maybe I'll throw in some Hobbit Porn while I'm at it. Little but legal.

Lmao, "macho man fantasy."

The level of irony in your post is almost too perfect.

You understand the difference between defending your beliefs and being stupid, right? You clearly polish your tiny dagger to pictures of children and what I'm saying is that you would never publicly admit to it because you know it's fucked up. It's not about being brave enough to do stupid shit, it's about being brave enough to stand behind what you say, which you clearly aren't. I don't know who the "Crisps" are and it makes no sense for me to wear red in their neighborhood. That's the same thing as me telling you to wear a Nazi uniform and march around Yale while saying "Hitler did nothing wrong." Unless doing that actually reflects your beliefs -- which at this point, who knows, maybe it does -- it's nothing more than a childish dare, which seems to reflect your intellectual level.

You're not edgy. You're not funny. You're either just trolling because being a piece of shit online entertains you, or you really do believe the stupid things you're saying, in which case, you're still too cowardly to say them in real life because you know full well that they expose you for the moron that you are.

Don't kid yourself. Alt-right "insults" are as cringey, if not more cringey, than the "social justice warriors" you claim to be against. You're not any different from them. Keep calling people "cucks," I'm sure it will rescue you from being a virgin loser for the rest of your life. I hear girls are really into edgelords who defend loli porn these days. I'd post that in your Tinder bio, trust me, it gets girls really wet.

And hahahaha, "doxing themselves." You mean telling people in real life what you actually believe rather than shitposting on the internet? Is that self-doxxing now? I guess that may be a strange concept to you since you don't appear to hold a sincere belief. Talking to people in real life must be really hard without the ability to call them "cucks," huh?

Mar 28, 2018 11:29 AM

Dec 2012
@Saucy -

Where did the autistic shrieking about the alt-right come from? Oh wait, let me get that for you:

And what do you know of courage? Are you going to get onto a podium and declare your favorite shampoo? Your favorite food? Movie? You have nothing to stand for that demands sacrifice. You are nothing more than a status quo nobody who is so sheltered that he thinks a street gang is a brand of cookies. You've seen nothing of a world where courage is required. I would consider you fortunate for that, if not pitiful because of how you wield it.

@Ryuuryota - Yep you've got it. I just felt the need to warn you since these battle hardened warriors have likely reported you for possession & production of child porn by now.
ZekkenshinMar 28, 2018 11:38 AM
Mar 28, 2018 11:39 AM

Feb 2017
Bayek said:
@Saucy -

Where did the autistic shrieking about the alt-right come from? Oh wait, let me get that for you:

And what do you know of courage? Are you going to get onto a podium and declare your favorite shampoo? Your favorite food? Movie? You have nothing to stand for that demands sacrifice. You are nothing more than a status quo nobody who is so sheltered that he thinks a street gang is a brand of cookies. You've seen nothing of a world where courage is required. I would consider you fortunate for that, if not pitiful because of how you wield it.

@Ryuuryota - Yep you've got it. I just felt the need to warn you since these battle hardened warriors have likely reported you for possession & production of child porn by now.

haha child porn lol i'll be seeing them in court where they can take a statement from the "victim" xDDDD
Mar 28, 2018 11:41 AM

Dec 2012
@Ryuuryota - Hey hey, no victims here. Every loli loves it - even the ones that are raped. Especially the ones that are raped by their beloved onii-chan.
Mar 28, 2018 11:42 AM

Feb 2017
Bayek said:
@Ryuuryota - Hey hey, no victims here. Every loli loves it - even the ones that are raped. Especially the ones that are raped.

haha yeah i know them lolis love it when they get passed the bleeding then they start sqwealing like baby pigs xDD
Mar 28, 2018 11:58 AM

Feb 2016
Bayek said:
And what do you know of courage? Are you going to get onto a podium and declare your favorite shampoo? Your favorite food? Movie? You have nothing to stand for that demands sacrifice. You are nothing more than a status quo nobody who is so sheltered that he thinks a street gang is a brand of cookies. You've seen nothing of a world where courage is required. I would consider you fortunate for that, if not pitiful because of how you wield it.

@Ryuuryota - Yep you've got it. I just felt the need to warn you since these battle hardened warriors have likely reported you for possession & production of child porn by now.

This is the most adorable thing I've ever read. I take it you one of those people who religiously watch right-wing edgelords on YouTube and form you political opinions based on "Ten times Ben Shapiro dropped a truth bomb on liberal cucks" videos.

We have a bright future ahead of us. Many a ship have sailed into the intellectual frontier, all have met their doom at the hands of dipshits who form their political opinions based on "oi, mate, this one guy made this other guy look stupid. and I want to do that. so now. I will copy everything this guy thinks. because I want to do that too. and i am also incapable of independent thought. because i am 14 and i think it's edgy to have black and white political world views."

I was expecting a 4chan level of shitposting in this thread, but I didn't expect anyone to be stupid enough to try to defend said shitposting. Good job.

Mar 28, 2018 12:15 PM
Jan 2014
Aann said:
Kittens-kun said:
I can't believe this thread hasn't been locked yet. I also can't believe how many delusional people are on this site. There's nothing wrong with it, and there never will be. End of story.

I would love to get you - better yet, all the others on here that defend Loli Porn - in front of a camera, with people asking you guys questions on live tv about "Why it's ok and why you defend Loli Porn?" I guarantee when you not being protected by the anonymity of the Internet you'll be singing a diffrent tune than your smug, self righteous response above.

I can't imagine the amount of mental gymnastics it takes to convince yourself this is a good argument.
Mar 28, 2018 12:20 PM
Jan 2014
Actually looking at it now, user Aanns is from Australia, the country where all small chested porn is literally banned for being CP, so I guess it makes sense that he'd be this ignorant when it comes to these kinds of topics.
Mar 28, 2018 12:43 PM

Dec 2012
Saucy said:
Bayek said:
And what do you know of courage? Are you going to get onto a podium and declare your favorite shampoo? Your favorite food? Movie? You have nothing to stand for that demands sacrifice. You are nothing more than a status quo nobody who is so sheltered that he thinks a street gang is a brand of cookies. You've seen nothing of a world where courage is required. I would consider you fortunate for that, if not pitiful because of how you wield it.

@Ryuuryota - Yep you've got it. I just felt the need to warn you since these battle hardened warriors have likely reported you for possession & production of child porn by now.

This is the most adorable thing I've ever read. I take it you one of those people who religiously watch right-wing edgelords on YouTube and form you political opinions based on "Ten times Ben Shapiro dropped a truth bomb on liberal cucks" videos.

We have a bright future ahead of us. Many a ship have sailed into the intellectual frontier, all have met their doom at the hands of dipshits who form their political opinions based on "oi, mate, this one guy made this other guy look stupid. and I want to do that. so now. I will copy everything this guy thinks. because I want to do that too. and i am also incapable of independent thought. because i am 14 and i think it's edgy to have black and white political world views."

I was expecting a 4chan level of shitposting in this thread, but I didn't expect anyone to be stupid enough to try to defend said shitposting. Good job.
"Hey, let me just keep throwing out random political terminology and names until this guy gets bored of playing kick the retard with my low IQ bait." If you're going to imagine me as any political figure...well...just imagine Mister Metokur's big fat cock in your face. That about sums this up.

I know you'll have to rub your double digit IQ together a bit to figure this one out, but what you call "shitposting" is a natural response to the quality of post that you yourself offer. Rather than an actual exchange of ideas, you're far more interested in screaming "PUSSY!" because people won't shout their fetishes for the world to hear.

Oh and when I was 14, I didn't have the luxury of making memes on an anime forum. I was too busy being a cowardly pussy who had to fight for his life in a gang infested neighborhood.

ItsXolo said:
Actually looking at it now, user Aanns is from Australia, the country where all small chested porn is literally banned for being CP, so I guess it makes sense that he'd be this ignorant when it comes to these kinds of topics.
Pretty ironic since Australia has bred some of the worst pedophiles to date. Peter Scully, anyone?
Mar 28, 2018 12:58 PM

Feb 2016
Bayek said:
"Hey, let me just keep throwing out random political terminology and names until this guy gets bored of playing kick the retard with my low IQ bait." If you're going to imagine me as any political figure...well...just imagine Mister Metokur's big fat cock in your face. That about sums this up.

I know you'll have to rub your double digit IQ together a bit to figure this one out, but what you call "shitposting" is a natural response to the quality of post that you yourself offer. Rather than an actual exchange of ideas, you're far more interested in screaming "PUSSY!" because people won't shout their fetishes for the world to hear.

Oh and when I was 14, I didn't have the luxury of making memes on an anime forum. I was too busy being a cowardly pussy who had to fight for his life in a gang infested neighborhood.

Again, the level of irony your posts achieve is beyond entertaining.

Mar 28, 2018 1:06 PM

Aug 2016
Don't bother with them, @Saucy. Your dealing with an intellectually disabled five year olds who couldn't string a good argument together if their lives depended on it. All they seem to do is yell, scream, shitpost, be confused about their own argument, throw memes, write incomprehensible, be hypocritical and loop their same bullshit with each post.
Mar 28, 2018 1:08 PM

Aug 2016
ItsXolo said:
Actually looking at it now, user Aanns is from Australia, the country where all small chested porn is literally banned for being CP, so I guess it makes sense that he'd be this ignorant when it comes to these kinds of topics.

Please, explain how I'm ignorant and your right?
Mar 28, 2018 3:11 PM

Dec 2012
Aann said:
Don't bother with them, @Saucy. Your dealing with an intellectually disabled five year olds who couldn't string a good argument together if their lives depended on it. All they seem to do is yell, scream, shitpost, be confused about their own argument, throw memes, write incomprehensible, be hypocritical and loop their same bullshit with each post.
Hey, what are the prisons like in Australia? I'm mainly curious because

Mar 28, 2018 4:35 PM

Aug 2016
Bayek said:
Aann said:
Don't bother with them, @Saucy. Your dealing with an intellectually disabled five year olds who couldn't string a good argument together if their lives depended on it. All they seem to do is yell, scream, shitpost, be confused about their own argument, throw memes, write incomprehensible, be hypocritical and loop their same bullshit with each post.
Hey, what are the prisons like in Australia? I'm mainly curious because

... What!? What could that possibly have to do with anything!?

That’s it. At first I thought you were just s guy that’s ‘Really’ into Lolis, trying to have some semblance of an argument - or what you think an argument is - I’m convinced now your little more troll. God, oh, God! Please let Bayek be a troll. Nobody could possible be this stupid and ignorant in real life. Call me what you will, Bayek, but I’ve answered all your ridiculous questions as straight faced as I could! I never resorting to name calling like yourself or going on incomprehensible rants that didn’t have anything to do with the topic at hand. I even wanted to follow up my discussion with a Skype session with you about this topic - face to face - but you cowardly turned that down rendering everything you’ve written pointless!!!! So far you’ve taken this entire discussion and turned it into a joke. Mate, If you want to jack off to Lolis that’s your business, and as I’ve said before in the topic, I don’t agree agree with it but if it works for you, so be it. But don’t mistake just because it’s legally fine in your country that makes it socially ok. Because it isn’t.
Mar 28, 2018 5:49 PM

May 2015
Psyotic said:
Kittens-kun said:
You people are so pathetic. Get over it already.

M8, you lose the right to call other people pathetic when you get off to drawings of kids.
Saucy said:
Yeah. No shit. It's not real child pornography, just like how "rape" and "incest" porn is just fiction. Except not a single person who gets off on watching those things would actually publicly admit to it for a very good reason. It's fucking weird and you should be judged for it if you're going to defend it.

It's a good general rule to just keep your sexual perversions to yourself online if you don't want to be judged or made fun of.

Keep crying about nothing. You guys are funny as hell.

Mar 28, 2018 5:51 PM

Feb 2017
Kittens-kun said:
Psyotic said:

M8, you lose the right to call other people pathetic when you get off to drawings of kids.

It's a good general rule to just keep your sexual perversions to yourself online if you don't want to be judged or made fun of.

Keep crying about nothing. You guys are funny as hell.

haha forum chat humor :DD i don't even understand anything anymore ^^
Mar 28, 2018 5:58 PM

May 2015
Psyotic said:
Kittens-kun said:
Keep crying about nothing. You guys are funny as hell.

Hey, you're the one sperging out over people equating lolicon and child porn, not me. If you're looking to see people crying, go back to your adult-baby fetish boards on tumblr.

So you're not whining? I mean, at least 1/3 of the posts in this thread are yours. We can keep this going if you want. The thread will probably get deleted at some point anyway

Mar 28, 2018 5:58 PM
Jul 2018
yo go get some real poon tang dawg defending naked 2d kids dont look good on a resume
Mar 28, 2018 7:53 PM
Jul 2018
I have seen Loli Porn Art - some of it was ok, some was a bit much for my taste but I have always been on the side of as long as its not hurting anyone then I will turn a blind eye so to speak... There is far more important stuff going on than to decide if a drawing is a bad as the real thing in my opinion.
Mar 30, 2018 5:36 PM

Dec 2017
The responses to this thread got retarded at the end.
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists.
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