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When you look back do you consider yourself a Weaboo/Otaku?

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May 20, 2017 5:16 PM

Sep 2014
iLya said:
If I were to compare, I'm probably more otaku-ish today than during my highschool days. Maybe because of extracurricular activities and the image I had to maintain during school days. (I couldn't even set an anime wallpaper on my phone back then..)

i wish i had that mind set when i just started watching anime. 5 years later and have less than 4 months till i graduate from school and people still call me the biggest weeb. feelsbadman
May 20, 2017 5:48 PM
Jul 2018
Shicchi said:
No matter how much I denied I probably 99% otaku or weeb you name it because it's quite the same meaning right? (weeb for westerners, otaku for japan)

Proof that I'm indeed a weaboo:
1. Phone and desktop wallpaper is anime
2. Ringtone is anime song
3. Music 75% anime song
4. Is fluent in singing several anime song
5. Take Japanese Literature as her major
6. Goes to Japan to buy tons of anime merch and doujinshis
7. Occasionally wears anime clothing in public (not costume, just the casual ones)
8. Uses anime merch in her everyday stuff (anime keychains in bags and phone, notebook and binders with anime picture on it, anime clearfiles, mugs, sougo's sleeping mask, and stuff)

Proof that I'm not THAT of a weaboo
1. Never watch anime in public
2. Never participate in any anime event more because I'm broke
3. Never cosplay
4. Doesn't own any dakimakura (but I do owns a normal small pillow that is Eren and Law)
5. Doesn't own any action figures because they are expensive as f and I have no use of them
6. Doesn't own any anime posters
7. Doesn't hum anime song in public (only sings one in showers or karaoke)
8. Doesn't randomly sprouting japanese words unless necessary (example: when actually conversing with a Japanese or people who understands japanese)

The list is a good idea. :D

Proof that I'm indeed a weeaboo
1. Like 40 % of my music is anime music (OPs, EDs, OSTs)
2. My phone cases and keyrings are anime merchandise (but I have the Deathly Hallows and the Hunger Games mockingjay too)
3. I visit anime cons.
4. I cosplay at anime cons...
5. I watched anime in public with friends (in three hours of free periods between lectures on my phone, like why not, nobody else was there)
6. I buy anime and manga
7. I have posters, but they aren't on the wall yet.
8. Have small figures like a little Charmander
9. I like Sushi and some other Japanese food.
10. I'm interested in Japan.

Proof that I'm not THAT of a weaboo
1. I don't wear anime related clothes in public
2. I don't use weeabooish words
3. Don't have any of those expensive figures
4. Don't own any Dakimakura (of course not, they are disgusting x.x)
5. I don't sing in public or like that... at all.
6. I watch other movies and read other books than just anime and manga.
7. Most of my music isn't anime-related. I like American and German music.
8. Of course, I like other food. ôo
9. Not all my friends and acquaintances are anime fans.
removed-userMay 20, 2017 5:53 PM
May 20, 2017 6:21 PM

Dec 2016
ThirtyFour34 said:
Eh? what's the difference between weaboo and otaku?

Otakus are generic anime fans, who watched and liked anime.
Weeb in the other hand, is an unsalvageable human who trying to look like Japanese, adding Japanese words everywhere (OMG that dog is so kawaii) and making other otakus ashamed for liking anime.
yukiwukiiMay 20, 2017 6:37 PM
May 20, 2017 6:51 PM
Jan 2017
BakaKuro said:
Menzo- said:

OT: Anybody that signs up to MAL is likely an otaku, it just means fanatic.

does that mean when i was watching pokemon at the age of 5 i was considered a weeb?

Yes and your still a weeb ;'), we are all weebs
⦓ henry ヘンリー ⦔
May 20, 2017 7:37 PM

Oct 2016
BakaKuro said:
iLya said:
If I were to compare, I'm probably more otaku-ish today than during my highschool days. Maybe because of extracurricular activities and the image I had to maintain during school days. (I couldn't even set an anime wallpaper on my phone back then..)

i wish i had that mind set when i just started watching anime. 5 years later and have less than 4 months till i graduate from school and people still call me the biggest weeb. feelsbadman

Heh.. just show them that once you've graduated, you'll be super successful even they tagged you as weeb or whatever :p

I had a classmate before that was a little dorky during HS but when we had reunion last year, he was like the most coolest guy in class. (maybe because he finished law school)

It all depends on how u deliver yourself~ (even we're still a little weeb/nerd inside lol)

I was nothing until the moment I met you.

May 20, 2017 7:41 PM
Aug 2010
Well I spend some time everyday watching or reading something related, listen mostly to anime related music, and I am even studying japanese, but I have never really changed my way of speaking, acting, or relating to other people, so I'm not really a weeb, just a fan (which spends a lot of time on it)
May 20, 2017 8:40 PM

Nov 2013
*Glances at his username, and profile* ..... Nope. Not me, only upstanding members of society here.
May 20, 2017 8:46 PM

Dec 2015
I don't understand some of the weeb stuff. I adopt a lot of stuff I like from many different cultures.

I adopted a the Japanese work ethic of "Kaizen". It works great. I like how it worked for many Japanese companies in the 80's and 90's and it's worked for me. I like Japanese things like their politeness and manners being a big part of their culture. My favourite thing is how it can be a modern country but still be intouch with it's past. I take what I want from any culture and make it my own.

I'm very interested in Japan it's this crazy place at the end of the map that is just so different to where I live, but that's what makes it interesting.
May 21, 2017 1:44 AM
Nov 2015
No I just consider myself as an Passionate Anime Fan and nothing more ;D
May 21, 2017 2:04 AM

Aug 2015
Nothing wrong with most of the stuff if you're having fun and not doing it in public/bothering anyone. In my experience, most people are actually weird, they just try hard to fit in. Especially school is a harsh place for people with "different" interests, I'm glad I'm out of there.

I don't call myself an otaku or weeb, mostly because everyone has his own definition for that. I'm an anime fan, that's enough.
May 21, 2017 9:40 AM

Jan 2010
I refuse to be called a weeb.
I refuse to be called a fujoshi.
May 21, 2017 9:45 AM

Apr 2017
Well Duh? Only Cringy Kids are reeking of weebs stuff.

"Think about that glowing dust
That destroys the night sky's dream of
Just being nothing"
May 25, 2017 6:49 AM

May 2015
Dblock said:
I don't understand some of the weeb stuff. I adopt a lot of stuff I like from many different cultures.

I adopted a the Japanese work ethic of "Kaizen". It works great. I like how it worked for many Japanese companies in the 80's and 90's and it's worked for me. I like Japanese things like their politeness and manners being a big part of their culture. My favourite thing is how it can be a modern country but still be intouch with it's past. I take what I want from any culture and make it my own.

I'm very interested in Japan it's this crazy place at the end of the map that is just so different to where I live, but that's what makes it interesting.

I wonder if all those 'lol u weeb i'm ironic' people consider researches of Eastern cultures or literature 'weeb'.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 25, 2017 10:21 AM

Mar 2013
I consider my "2012"-self was a weeb when i start college and start watching Anime more cuz' I have more free time than my school days... But Before that, I only watch Anime that was shown in our local TV casually. I don't really fond with Anime culture back then...

Now not so much. I keep myself as a "closet-otaku" irl now, Unless with friends who already knows I like Anime and other Japanese cultures.
May 25, 2017 10:47 AM

Feb 2010
When I look back I see the wall behind my chair.

But seriously, no. I never wanted to be from Japan or move there and I never really use japanese phrases irl or anything like that. Not now, not in the past.

I do sing along with catchy anime openings I'm watching and do a lot of other stuff you just do when you get really into something but that's just part of being an (anime) fan and has nothing to do with being weeb. I sing along with my favorite Steven Universe songs just as much (if not more). Just because the catchy songs in anime tend to be in japanese doesn't make it weeb.

It's important to make distinctions between activities typical for any kind of enthusiastic fandom and actual weeb behaviour. Most things directly involving anime (like watching anime, enjoying soundtracks and openings of the anime you watch etc...) fall into the former category. Unless it's like the only thing you ever do. Like refusing to listen to any non-japanese/korean music or constantly proclaiming how anime is superior to any form of western entertainment. That's weeb shit again.
I probably regret this post by now.
May 25, 2017 11:09 AM
Mar 2016
At first I thought I was. Then I joined MAL and realized I'm only a level 1 weeb in a world full of max level weeb lords :^)
May 25, 2017 11:18 AM

Apr 2016
Ericonator said:
Otaku has taken on a negative connotation in the recent years.

Actually the negative connotation has reduced in recent years. It used to be negative in the 90s and early 00s. In 2017 though? Not so much.
May 25, 2017 11:20 AM

Apr 2016
I do consider myself an Otaku. Weeb? Nah. There's a difference between being passionate about a hobby and trying to become Japanese.

I think I consider myself an Otaku after I started watching and downloading (even more) anime after 2010. And watching Lucky Star and understanding the references.
May 25, 2017 11:21 AM

Apr 2016
Rio- said:

Now not so much. I keep myself as a "closet-otaku" irl now, Unless with friends who already knows I like Anime and other Japanese cultures.

There's nothing wrong with liking a culture you know.
May 25, 2017 11:47 AM

Jun 2008
No, i'm just an anime and manga fan. I'm not a weeabo and i would not call myself an otaku.
May 25, 2017 11:51 AM

Oct 2011
It's hard to say as I love anime and watched a lot of shows, but I also have a lot of other interest. Otaku? Maybe, allthough I don't rlly like the term. Weeb? No.
May 25, 2017 12:07 PM

Jan 2016
I just consider myself a guy that watches anime. I'll joke about being a weeb but that's all that extends to ;)
May 25, 2017 12:27 PM

Nov 2014
I was never like that to begin with. I mean I throw in some random Japanese word as a joke here and there but that happens only on MAL. To be honest I become more and more closed about anime as my hobby. I mean, when I was beginning I was watching it on speakers with another person in the room and now I cannot imagine doing that without my headphones, doing weebshit would be waay to embarassing.
May 25, 2017 2:08 PM

Jul 2015
No, those people probably dress up in cosplay costumes and attend anime conventions, and are into collectibles, or shit like that. I just like to watch anime , and occasionally post comments on anime forums. Those dweebs that make the anime review/reaction videos on YouTube, they are probably real otaku-weeaboos.
May 26, 2017 12:12 AM

May 2015
PeppermintHearts said:
No, those people probably dress up in cosplay costumes and attend anime conventions, and are into collectibles, or shit like that. I just like to watch anime , and occasionally post comments on anime forums. Those dweebs that make the anime review/reaction videos on YouTube, they are probably real otaku-weeaboos.

Ever been in a convention? It's actually a lot of fun there. Everyone is warm, friendly and welcoming. You get to be silly and feel okay with it. It's the definition of 'fun'.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 27, 2017 9:06 AM

Apr 2017
70% Otaku and 30% Weeab.
I felt bad as I remember all of those stupid things I've done during my younger years sprouting those broken Japanese phrases and stuff. orz
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May 27, 2017 9:28 AM

Oct 2015
Ok first let me explain, I think some people here do not actually know the difference between Weeaboo and Otaku

i'll quote URBAN DICTIONARY- sensei for this one:
"A non japanese person who basically denounces their own culture and calls themselves japanese. They try to learn japanese through the anime they watch and usually end up pronouncing it wrong and looking like a complete idiot.

KEEP IN MIND: that a non-japanese person can like the culture, watch anime, speak the language and RESPECT THE CULTURE, while still keeping in touch with there own. Which keeps them from being a Weeaboo, japanophile, ect.
Weeaboo's basically disrespect the culture and make complete asses of themselves"

So unless you fall into that category you're just a plain old otaku my friends

I wanna go to japan and learn the language as well but not because i wanna be japanese(although i'm not saying being japanese is a bad thing mind you) but because i wanna support the animes/mangas/LNs/VNs that i do love by buying merchandise from there

i don't think going to japan or migrating to japan makes you a weeaboo either.... does it? hmmm does it? O.O
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May 27, 2017 5:41 PM

Mar 2017
Otaku yes, Weaboo no.
They are something different for me.

It's time to play the Game folks!
May 27, 2017 9:06 PM

May 2017
ramen is my favorite food and i've eaten it since i was 8.

i've always been a weeb.

May 27, 2017 9:14 PM
Jul 2018
Short Answer : Yes

Long Answer :No not really, Even though i say "i am a weeaboo" on my profile

May 27, 2017 11:57 PM

May 2015
Evade15 said:
Ok first let me explain, I think some people here do not actually know the difference between Weeaboo and Otaku

i'll quote URBAN DICTIONARY- sensei for this one:
"A non japanese person who basically denounces their own culture and calls themselves japanese. They try to learn japanese through the anime they watch and usually end up pronouncing it wrong and looking like a complete idiot.

KEEP IN MIND: that a non-japanese person can like the culture, watch anime, speak the language and RESPECT THE CULTURE, while still keeping in touch with there own. Which keeps them from being a Weeaboo, japanophile, ect.
Weeaboo's basically disrespect the culture and make complete asses of themselves"

So unless you fall into that category you're just a plain old otaku my friends

I wanna go to japan and learn the language as well but not because i wanna be japanese(although i'm not saying being japanese is a bad thing mind you) but because i wanna support the animes/mangas/LNs/VNs that i do love by buying merchandise from there

i don't think going to japan or migrating to japan makes you a weeaboo either.... does it? hmmm does it? O.O

If people who learn Japanese are weebs, than people who learn German and study Immanuel Kant are Weebs for Germany.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
May 28, 2017 12:02 AM

Aug 2016
Can't really look back at myself, but I currently consider myself to be an otaku.
Nowhere near a weeaboo, definitely not one.
May 28, 2017 12:34 AM

Oct 2012
jyuushimatsu said:
Can't really look back at myself, but I currently consider myself to be an otaku.
Nowhere near a weeaboo, definitely not one.
I don't know why people think "otaku" means anything positive. you probably shouldn't call yourself one
May 28, 2017 12:40 AM

Aug 2016
jayss said:
jyuushimatsu said:
Can't really look back at myself, but I currently consider myself to be an otaku.
Nowhere near a weeaboo, definitely not one.
I don't know why people think "otaku" means anything positive. you probably shouldn't call yourself one

I never said it was a good thing. I'm not very proud of it, anime has affected me quite negatively. And I don't consider myself to watch anime just for leisure, so...

Also why am I the only one being quoted?
May 28, 2017 1:09 AM

Jul 2015
Maneki-Mew said:
Shicchi said:
No matter how much I denied I probably 99% otaku or weeb you name it because it's quite the same meaning right? (weeb for westerners, otaku for japan)

Proof that I'm indeed a weaboo:
1. Phone and desktop wallpaper is anime
2. Ringtone is anime song
3. Music 75% anime song
4. Is fluent in singing several anime song
5. Take Japanese Literature as her major
6. Goes to Japan to buy tons of anime merch and doujinshis
7. Occasionally wears anime clothing in public (not costume, just the casual ones)
8. Uses anime merch in her everyday stuff (anime keychains in bags and phone, notebook and binders with anime picture on it, anime clearfiles, mugs, sougo's sleeping mask, and stuff)

Proof that I'm not THAT of a weaboo
1. Never watch anime in public
2. Never participate in any anime event more because I'm broke
3. Never cosplay
4. Doesn't own any dakimakura (but I do owns a normal small pillow that is Eren and Law)
5. Doesn't own any action figures because they are expensive as f and I have no use of them
6. Doesn't own any anime posters
7. Doesn't hum anime song in public (only sings one in showers or karaoke)
8. Doesn't randomly sprouting japanese words unless necessary (example: when actually conversing with a Japanese or people who understands japanese)

The list is a good idea. :D

Proof that I'm indeed a weeaboo
1. Like 40 % of my music is anime music (OPs, EDs, OSTs)
2. My phone cases and keyrings are anime merchandise (but I have the Deathly Hallows and the Hunger Games mockingjay too)
3. I visit anime cons.
4. I cosplay at anime cons...
5. I watched anime in public with friends (in three hours of free periods between lectures on my phone, like why not, nobody else was there)
6. I buy anime and manga
7. I have posters, but they aren't on the wall yet.
8. Have small figures like a little Charmander
9. I like Sushi and some other Japanese food.
10. I'm interested in Japan.

Proof that I'm not THAT of a weaboo
1. I don't wear anime related clothes in public
2. I don't use weeabooish words
3. Don't have any of those expensive figures
4. Don't own any Dakimakura (of course not, they are disgusting x.x)
5. I don't sing in public or like that... at all.
6. I watch other movies and read other books than just anime and manga.
7. Most of my music isn't anime-related. I like American and German music.
8. Of course, I like other food. ôo
9. Not all my friends and acquaintances are anime fans.

I like this list-thing as well. Normally, I wouldn't right out whether i am or not since too lazy to write a paragraph, but this makes it easy.

Proof that I'm indeed a weeaboo
1. Like 100% of my music is anime music or music that is Japanese
2. I have a phone skin with saber-alter-san on it, and a land-yard of Kuroyukihime from Accel World. Plus i have like 8 key chains on it with many more to come
3. I visit anime cons.
4 I watched anime in public during class and whenever (I got A's on tests this semester, so I think I'm fine)
5. I buy anime scale figures (16 of them total. More to come in future for sure)
6. I have 2 wall scrolls hidden (And 2 is enough)
7. I want to visit Japan, and my hope is to visit every year after med school
8. I often inject Jap words into my sentences (ONLY with close friends though, kind of as a joke, and also only when alone)
9. I have 2 anime t-shirts and an anime hat (Although for the hat, you won't know unless you actually seen or played the series)
10. THINKING about getting dakimakura (Don't really know if I will)
11. Only watch anime and gave up on watching normal TV and movies
12. Am re-practicing the piano with the only goal of being able to transcribe anime music and play them
13. I watch and jack off to hentai, I admit
14. I have 2 pins of anime girls on my backpack and plan on getting one more
15. I am in the process of buying 3 window decals of anime girls for the rear-window on my car
16. Strictly watch anime only in Japanese

Proof that I'm not THAT of a weaboo
1. I don't denounce my own culture
2. Don't sing in public. Just hum the tune sometimes when I'm bored or just cuz (Seriously...who sings in public)
3. I wear clothes like a normal human being, as in nothing out of the ordinary (Normal/daily clothes = Basketball Shorts, pair of Nike KD's, anime hat as said above, and t-shirt, usually a Nike or sports t-shirt relating to basketball or the 2 anime shirts stated above)
4. I WILL NOT talk about anime with people or friends other than my 2 closest friends who also watch, unless they specifically ask me (It's weird talking about anime to people who don't watch IMO)
5. (Kind of related to 4) I will not disclose I watch anime to those who don't already know. You will only know if you see me watching in public or class or if you see my 2 pins and ask me if I like watching, to which I will reply with a simple "Yea"
May 28, 2017 4:13 PM

Jan 2017
I realized I was a weeb the moment I started downloading anime OPs and ED's and bumping them at school😂
May 29, 2017 12:45 AM

May 2015
jayss said:
jyuushimatsu said:
Can't really look back at myself, but I currently consider myself to be an otaku.
Nowhere near a weeaboo, definitely not one.
I don't know why people think "otaku" means anything positive. you probably shouldn't call yourself one

In the days - before the etymological fallacy and irony culture - it used to mean just an anime fan. Since a lot of anime fans were funny, cool and loving people it was a positive thing.
WEAPONS - My blog, for reviews of music, anime, books, and other things
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