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Can you answer some of my questions about feminism?

May 30, 2016 2:00 PM
Feb 2014
I have a few questions.

I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?

Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?

Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?

Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?

Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?

Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?

Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?

Express your opinion. It is possible some questions may seem biased toward either sex. If you think it is, try to explain why you think a question is not well made or biased.
May 30, 2016 2:17 PM

Jan 2015
1 I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?

All jobs really. But there are a lot of perfectly reasonable reasons as to why. Remember, men are the bread winners of the family, women generally tend to the children, its only natural men make more money.

2 Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?

Paid less because they work less.

3 Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?

In some ways yes, but only to be seen as equal to men. Its mostly the extremists that want drastic changes in this regard.

4 Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?

Men are physically stronger, women are more resistant to pain and stress etc. Mentally, men and women are seen as equal however.

5 Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?

No they don't. They want the same opportunities as men have, as well as equal rights . But they want to be treated differently. This is somewhat unfair though, since a lot of feminists want the priviledges men have in society, while also maintaining the priviledges a woman has. Basically, getting the best of both worlds to some minor extent.

6 Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?

Yes, the main would be in terms of physical labor. Women dont want to do hard labor, women dont want to risk their lives. Women dont want to be soldiers. Women want attention to their problems first. In maternal issues they want more control than men too.

7 Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?

Really complex issue, what feminists think on this doesnt matter. They all have different and stupid opinions. You have to be a scientist or historian to really understand this. The really simple answer is, men are physically stronger and naturally dominant. They are the bread winners, therefore they distribute the bread.

Should women be treated like men? No they shouldnt. Both are different, gender roles exist for a reason. Women deserve to be treated EQUAL but DIFFERENT.
ModeratelyHumanMay 30, 2016 2:23 PM
May 30, 2016 2:19 PM

Jul 2012
>I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?
Depends on the country/location
Also, idk how valid this is but females get hired less likely because some companies don't like hiring women since a lot of them quit later on to become mothers

>Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?
Supporting LGBTQ+ is something that comes hand in hand. A lot of feminists I've met support people who don't follow gender stereotypes (girls = pink stereotype etc)

>Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?
What does relevant differences mean?
I know many dudebros like to believe that girls should be protected by their boyfriends/husbands because men have to hunt or some bullshit concept.

>Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?

>Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?
Abortion rights, or anything to do with their body

>Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?
More like bad experiences with men (same here btw, I rarely meet a guy with the same views as me). Recently got creeped on by five guys on Facebook - one which called me a bitch for rejecting him.
May 30, 2016 2:55 PM
Oct 2014
narutobirama said:

Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?

They do obviously angle history to their favour, to fit their narrative. They're not the only ones, other political groups do this as well.
The whole premise of Feminism is that women have been enslaved and oppressed through centuries, and if this isn't true then their whole premise will fall.

First of all, women have been enslaved in some places in this world, but this wasn't the case for all cultures. For instance, women had a pretty good position - whether you were high or low - in Germanic cultures.
Sure, there was arrangements between families who their daughters would marry, but this was also the case with their sons. And either gender could take out divorce whenever, had right to inheritance, etc.
You would probably much rather have been a woman 1000 years ago in Scandinavia or Japan, than in modern day Somalia or Saudi Arabia - in terms of freedoms.
Do you think it's just a coincidence that feminism, liberalism, individualism, the welfare state, etc, appeared here? Of course not. It took generations for these ideas to evolve, and they wouldn't have evolved in the first place if it wasn't for the Western culture. Rule of law, concept of fairness, monogamy, etc.

Of course it wasn't equal, but you can't just take your modern mentality and morals and think it will apply to any historical era and place. They had other living conditions to consider, so get down from your moral high horses.

May 30, 2016 3:28 PM

Mar 2008
I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?
The only I heard of recently that was actually true was sports. Usually for same job with same quality of work and work hours its same pay

Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?
They tend to get paid less for not working as long as the men.

Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?
I would argue that third wave feminists shit on the goals of second wave rad fems because of their encouragement of considering transgender to be considered a valid gender thus further saying that gender is somehow a real thing beyond social creation.

Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?
Well if they thought there was no difference they would not hate on men so much. So I dont think they all do but im not sure if its most.

Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?
The loudest ones dont.

Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?
Some do

Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?
"patriarchy!!!!" with no evidence or further explanation. Many feminists act like women are weak and defenceless.
May 30, 2016 3:44 PM

Jun 2013
I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?
>>Not in my country, men and women in jobs like engineering and medical (based on my knowledge) are paid equally. But of course there will be discrepancies based on the rank of the job. (A top surgeon will obviously be paid more than a rookie)

Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?
>>Depends on rank, work schedule, company and a number of other factors.

Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?
>>I don't quite understand this question and I'm not that well versed on this topic so I'll abstain from answering this question.

Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?
>>Since they often bring up 'misogyny' a lot I believe that they think there are relevant differences between men and women and thus want to advocate more rights for women. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?
>>For me, feminism will always be related to giving women an equal footing to men(especially in those countries where women aren't treated fairly as men). But hey the meaning of a word changes with time if I'm not wrong. But those really annoying activists really sound as if females should dominate over men.

Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?
>>I'll abstain from this question also.

Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?
>>I don't know about countries in the west. But you know in my country, females were mistreated a lot ya know.So 'moderate' feminism did help.
May 30, 2016 6:59 PM

Jan 2014
I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?
Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?

In Europe & North America it is illegal to pay somebody less based on their sex, so no. This statement is false. Women may EARN less due to life decisions they make such as not working as long of hours, leaving work early to take care of their children, et. Women typically take more time off work than men. If you compare a man and woman who work the exact same then they will earn the exact same.

Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?
Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?

It really depends on the type if feminist. Some argue that gender (not sex) is a social construct and therefor gender norms should not exist. Others argue that gender does exist because if it didn't then Transgenderism wouldn't exist.

Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?
Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?

Again, it depends on the type of feminism. Some want to be equal, some want to be superior. In general, parental and reproductive rights are the key ones disregarded by feminists. Not the only one, but the key one.

Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?


Express your opinion. It is possible some questions may seem biased toward either sex. If you think it is, try to explain why you think a question is not well made or biased.

I'm at work so I'll post my full views after.
I love Christine

"If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary; In proportion as he simplifies his life, the laws of the universe will appear less complex, and solitude will not be solitude, nor poverty poverty, nor weakness weakness." - Henry David Thoreau

May 30, 2016 7:28 PM

Nov 2015
>I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?

I might be wrong but I think that some women are paid less for the same amount of work. It all actually depends on the kind of job she's doing I guess?

>Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?

I don't think this applies for all women but my mom clarifies that she gets paid just as much as her male colleagues and appropriately given the number of hours she spends..

>Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?

Not sure about this one. Different feminists believe in different things..

>Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?

I thought that this was pretty much a fact by now.
Anatomy aside, there's very little difference in how the male and the female brain works..

>Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?

Yes. The true, fair feminists want all double standards to be erased and both genders treated more or less the same.

>Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?

I haven't seen feminists (even the legit ones) fight for women when it comes to hard manual labor work. Can't say if they don't want women to do it (some of them don't) but they certainly haven't cared enough to cover this topic..

>Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way? In which case, should women really be treated like males?

Yep. Pretty much until 25 years ago or so women were kinda treated as inferiors (even more so when we go back 25 more years).
As to why they think inequality lasted so long? I'm not sure but imo I think that they didn't recognise it as a problem until then. You can only find strength to fight when you recognise your problems as legit problems..

Treated like males? I think we must find some middle ground which serves as the basis on which both genders should be treated.
May 30, 2016 10:47 PM

May 2009
narutobirama said:
I heard women are paid less than men. In what kind of jobs?

Jobs that are often done by a lot of men are paid better, because they're either very physically demanding, or even dangerous. For instance, construction work.

Jobs done by a lot of women pay less, because they require more social skills and are (relatively) less physical intense. For instance, being a nurse.

Of course, if either sex works in either jobs, they get paid the same.

Also, are they paid less because they work less or are they paid less for same work?

They can be paid less because they work less (for whatever reason that may be), but it can also be a matter of skill (experience), education, or just how long they've been working for the company.

Does majority of feminists want to erase concepts of sex or gender differences?

I think most feminists (especially the third-wavers) believe that anything a man can do, a woman can do, too, and that men and women are more alike than we're led to believe.

Does majority of feminists believe that there are no relevant differences between males and females, anatomy aside?

I think this depends on the type of feminist you're talking about. I think that the 'older' feminists (like Christina Hoff-Summers) are well aware that there are significant differences between men and women beyond the anatomical differences.

However, the current group of feminists (the ones that get talked about a lot) are firmly convinced that there is no difference between a man and a woman at all (aside from the obvious). For example, to them there is no such thing as a 'female brain' (kin the sense that women think and behave differently than men).

Does majority of feminists want women to be treated in the same way as men?

The previous generations of feminists do, The third-wavers are more in favor of female dominance over men, and some are quite open about that.

Are there things they don't won't women and males to be equal in?

I don't really know, and some contradict each other. One half would want women to do the same work as men, no matter how physically demanding it is, but the other half would want things to be the same as it is now, and still get all the benefits they claim they do not have now.

Why do feminists believe this inequality started and lasted so long? Were they manipulated physically, mentally or in some other way?

It is a fact that women have been oppressed for a very long time. Up until the mid-20th Century, women were seen and treated as being the mothers and caretakers, while men were the hard workers and the ones being taken care of by the women. Women didn't even have the right to vote.

This ultimately got a lot of women angry, thus the feminism movement was born (or rather, got more recognition [I think the movement existed long before that]). They started fighting for equal rights, and over the course of a few decades, they pretty much got everything they wanted – they got the right to vote, they got the right to apply for almost any job they wanted (except for [some parts of] the military, and perhaps a few other jobs, too), and women eventually made it into powerful positions (like, being the CEO of a company, or a political leader).

In which case, should women really be treated like males?

I think each sex/gender should be treated as people, first and foremost. No side is either inferior or superior, and thus, they should be treated as equal. There is little value in treating people as something they are not, or treating them beyond their capabilities.

However, this also means that the people themselves need to be clear on what this treatment entails, and that if someone doesn't do that, they should be allowed the chance to correct that first, before any tougher means are sought out (e.g., a lawsuit).
Firelord76May 30, 2016 10:51 PM
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May 30, 2016 11:14 PM

Oct 2014
Women get paid around 93 cents for every dollar a man makes, although this wage gap is mainly due to the fact that women are less willing to ask for a promotion and also that employers are less likely to upgrade women to higher ranked positions, although this has some overlap with the first reason. 7 cents isn't really that big of a deal, anyway. Overall women get paid a fair bit less, but women tend to prefer lower paying jobs. There are also more women who are unemployed, but I don't think this is calculated in (I hope not, anyway). People are pretty desperate to make it seem like women are still being oppressed when it's pretty obvious that it isn't really an issue anymore.

In nature men would gather food and supplies while the women would stay home with the children and cook, so it makes sense that men are stronger and can do more physically demanding jobs. Women are more important for reproduction so it also makes sense that they shouldn't be putting their own lives in danger.
May 30, 2016 11:24 PM

Apr 2013
Men get paid less than other men for doing the same job too.
Bottom line, everyone will not get the same amount of pay for doing the same job.

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