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Supposedly great anime that you will never watch+reasons.

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Nov 7, 2015 11:39 AM

Nov 2008

I dislike the character designs. They look lifeless. Like generic dolls. Their eyes are emptiness and their faces barely have any details, so they all have different hair styles and colors to distinguish them. I also don't like that almost all the characters except the main are cute girls.
EzekielNov 7, 2015 11:42 AM

Nov 7, 2015 11:39 AM

Nov 2015
i guess Naruto.
too many episodes, not enough time.

A hound, begging for scraps at the emperor's table

Nov 7, 2015 11:40 AM

May 2015
KendiKong said:
One Piece way too long

That's not a good enough reason lol.
Back when the big 4 were still hugely popular and pretty much the only anime you heard of if you weren't hardcore into anime I watched half the first episode and didn't touch it again for about 7 years. Once I learned there was more to anime than just fighting like in dbz and yuyu hakusho I went on a year long anime binge. I eventually decided to give one piece another go and after the first couple episodes I loved it! Totally worth checking out. Get a filler list (if you've ever watched Naruto you know what I'm talking about) and skip the non cannon episodes. There aren't too many so you won't feel like you're being robbed like in Naruto lol. It's worth it... I'm at the point now that I'm watching the new episodes weekly and I don't regret picking it back up after all this time. Too many episodes isn't a good reason to drop an anime. There's a lot you're missing out on.

Wow that was a long rant lol
This is the way the world ends, Not with a bang but a whimper. ~TS Eliot

Nov 7, 2015 11:40 AM

Jun 2009
Anything longer than about 150 episodes, the one exception to this rule so far has been Ranma, but aiming typically at series like Fairy Tail, Bleach, One Piece etc. I figure that ny time is precious and needs to be spent watching as many different anime as possible as opposed to as much anime as possible.

Nov 7, 2015 11:44 AM
Feb 2013
One Piece. ( watched about 100 episodes )

Even though I have watched both naruto and bleach, There is something with the story, character and pace of the anime that bothers me.

It is a wonder that I've watched naruto, because fillers is something i hate.
Also... I'm a graphics and animation nerd, so older animes is pretty much a no no for me, I want it pretty. ( again i dont know how i managed to look through naruto and bleach in the beginning. )
Nov 7, 2015 11:54 AM
Dec 2013
One Man Punch, friends have ruined any interest I have in it.

Also Dragon Ball and One Piece, I just don't have the time nor the patience to watch all of them. I like what I've seen but don't think I could watch 200+ episodes of them.
Nov 7, 2015 11:59 AM

Jan 2015
Everything with YAOI tag.....
Nov 7, 2015 12:02 PM
Jul 2018
jraspider2 said:
One Man Punch, friends have ruined any interest I have in it.

Also Dragon Ball and One Piece, I just don't have the time nor the patience to watch all of them. I like what I've seen but don't think I could watch 200+ episodes of them.

NO OPM!? Dude, you don´t need foes...
Nov 7, 2015 12:04 PM
Sep 2014
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni. Apparently very good, but I'm very squeamish so I'll stay away from it.
Nov 7, 2015 12:04 PM

Oct 2013
Dragon Ball
i dislike the art
Nov 7, 2015 12:08 PM

Aug 2015
Monogatari Series
simply because shaft style make me want to puke
Nov 7, 2015 12:17 PM

Jun 2013
Evildragon16 said:
Death Note

I actually liked the first few episodes .

That little shit doesn't deserve any respect anyway.

I'm a curious person, so I'll try watching anything that's supposedly good.
If you generalize, you're wrong.
Nov 7, 2015 12:22 PM

Jul 2015
One Piece, because it's too long.
Nov 7, 2015 12:25 PM

May 2015
One Piece and Gintama. Reason? TOO. MANY. EPISODES.
Nov 7, 2015 12:30 PM
Sep 2014
Hunter x hunter - it has shounen battle nonsense feel .
Cowboy Bebop - Technically, i started watching it long ago but never finished, now i just cant stand it since my friend talked about it all the time.
Gintama - Too long and doesnt look like something i would like
Ping Pong The Animation - Looks like crap
Gurren Lagann - Over the top nonsense.
NarcoNov 7, 2015 12:38 PM
Nov 7, 2015 12:36 PM

Feb 2015
Probably Gintama and Steins;Gate
Nov 7, 2015 12:38 PM

Apr 2015
I refuse to watch every yaoi anime, One Piece, cuz it's long & I don't like climate of & few more, to rest of longers - it depends of number good animes left (maybe I will watch maybe not)...
Is it GreanPeace? I don't think so - whine to your parents or tell'em to buy sth for ur buttpain. Those ppl won't help you.
.. ..

Nov 7, 2015 12:39 PM

May 2012
KendiKong said:
One Piece way too long
Nov 7, 2015 12:46 PM

Jul 2011
Hunter x Hunter because of the fanbase and the fact that it will never end.
One Piece because it will never end, at least with Conan I wacthed some episodes as kid/teen so i had a reason to follow it.
Monogatari because looks like a harem, the fanbase and the "plot" images that google gives.
Nov 7, 2015 12:49 PM

Mar 2014
Clannad, insect girls crying.

Bleach. Naruto and One Piece ruined long running shonen for me. Based on the youtube videos friends have insisted I watch and the free manga I got from a friend who works at Viz, nothing about it interests me.

Texhnolyze. I've seen one episode and nothing in it made me want to watch more. Almost no dialogue, and uninformative shot compostion.
Nov 7, 2015 12:52 PM

Aug 2015
Higurashi & Clannad - Im afraid of the big eyes of the girls
Nov 7, 2015 12:54 PM

Oct 2010
I can't think of any example. It all depends on the mood and, who knows, maybe in the near future I grow a liking for and end up watching the essential mecha I don't feel motivated to watch right now. "I'll never watch" is a bit of a stretch.
Nov 7, 2015 12:58 PM

Jan 2013
Praland said:
Hunter x Hunter because of the fanbase and the fact that it will never end.
One Piece because it will never end, at least with Conan I wacthed some episodes as kid/teen so i had a reason to follow it.
Monogatari because looks like a harem, the fanbase and the "plot" images that google gives.

oh please you can just ignore the fanbase and the anime is conclusive enough

i watched 6 eps of monogatari but i dont see a reason to finish it since despite being interesting i could not care for any of the characters and i probably wont care for any new ones
Nov 7, 2015 12:59 PM

Aug 2013
Gundam, because I hate mecha anime. And any sports anime

Nov 7, 2015 1:02 PM

Nov 2009
gabrielrroiz said:
Zazie122 said:

Okay, no. The characters are boring. Shinji is whiny, Rei is an emotionless clone, Asuka is an abused tsundere, Misato basically has no purpose other than to save Shinji's ass, Gendou has attachment issues... Why should I care about any of them? Not to mention the other NERV characters, Kaworu who only appears for an episode or two (how is he fleshed out and developed?) and those two disposable friends of Shinji's.

And what themes? What's so special about the bullshit Christian symbology they threw in because they thought it was cool? The creepy undertones of Shinji being inside his mother?

Yeah, no. It sucked. How can anyone take it seriously after the whole "congratulations!" scene? I get that as a whole it was revolutionary at the time but it's almost 2016, it doesn't hold up at all and it's not good now.

People need to let go of it already, really. It still makes a shitton of money because Japan is dumb about nostalgia but it came out 20 years ago.

You might want to add some punctuation in there...

SuperRed said:
Okashi said:
I was gonna watch Gundam Unicorn because I was interested in it and looked like something I'd really enjoy with great production values....

Until I realized that the entire UC timeline is pretty much shit and I don't want to sit through so much shit just so I can fully enjoy Unicorn. And I'm definitely not gonna jump straight to it, because I don't like skipping stuff(unless pointless filler or recaps) and miss out on anything as well.

Ain't no way I'm gonna watch almost 100 episodes of that outdated mediocrity just for the sake of looking at 7 possibly good episodes of content.
I love this thread.
Nov 7, 2015 1:04 PM

Jun 2014
Bleach - Watched a dozen episodes and didn't attach myself (inb4 something something soul society blah blah blah)

Mushishi - I've tried twice and backed out twice, mainly because slow pace slice is so hard to push through, even with supernatural overtones.

Code Geass - Hype train. Do not want.

FMA - Every few months I pull this out, watch another episode, and get further annoyed by it.
Nov 7, 2015 1:13 PM

Mar 2014
One Piece cos someone told me my favourite character (that I played as in a video game) died.
Naruto because I watched it 9 years ago and it sucked.
High school of the dead/any ecchi because ecchi.
Clannad because I know what happens and lack enough feels.
Nov 7, 2015 1:20 PM

Jul 2013
magikewlgirlz said:
Grave of the Fireflies. It's supposedly really good, but also really depressing.
Nov 7, 2015 1:21 PM

Sep 2014
Shuichi2 said:
One Piece cos someone told me my favourite character (that I played as in a video game) died.

He's everyone's favourite. You should watch One Piece anyway.
Nov 7, 2015 1:44 PM
Jun 2015
One Piece. Fear that if I start, I'll never watch more than 100 episodes
Nov 7, 2015 1:46 PM
Jul 2018
merryfistmas said:
Clannad, insect girls crying.

loled at this.. Dislike designs and art,
The sole reason I still didn't watch it.
Nov 7, 2015 1:59 PM
Oct 2015
Any show that contains 50+ episodes.. Just waay too long (e.g Full metal, Gintama, HunterxHunter, mainstream like One Piece, etc.)
Nov 7, 2015 2:04 PM

Jun 2015
Probably LoGH. It's super long and I hate fictional politics.
Nov 7, 2015 2:04 PM

Aug 2013
I think not watching an anime because of the fanbase is silly. There are hardly any anime I would watch if I judged it based on the fanbase.

Also I won't say I'll never watch it, but I'm reluctant to watch One Piece because of the episode count. I'm fairly sure I'd enjoy it, but since I love to marathon things, 600 episodes is a bit much to take in.
Nov 7, 2015 2:12 PM

Oct 2015
Clannad in genreral because slice of life,romance,touchy feely stuff are my archenemies
One piece because ill die before its finished.i wont be suprised if it kept going on long after we all die.
The peasant is bound by the king. The king is bound by the peasants and their kingdom. But the Viking is bound to nothing but themselves.

Nov 7, 2015 2:53 PM

Dec 2012
Highly unlikely that I'll ever get to Gintama mainly because of the episode count and frankly I'm just not that interested in the concept.

And because nerds keep downvoting After Story. Went from 9.17 to 9.11 ever since Gintama 2015 came out.
Nov 7, 2015 3:02 PM

Sep 2015
Wow hxh wins so easy.
Nov 7, 2015 3:11 PM

Sep 2013
Pretty well anything before Gundam Wing so 1997 I think. Reason: Im not into old shit before my time.

Hunter x Hunter: just have absolutely no interest.
Nov 7, 2015 3:18 PM

Jun 2013
RevenirXV said:
Clannad because "It's soooo sad! It'll make you cwhy!!" It won't and I'm not into those shows. I found that out with AnoHana

To be fair, AnoHana was just pure melodrama, way exaggerated reactions.
If you generalize, you're wrong.
Nov 7, 2015 3:40 PM

Aug 2014
One Piece because it's long af and probably won't be ending anytime, so catching up will be a pain.
Nov 7, 2015 3:43 PM

Oct 2010
sedmelluq said:
RevenirXV said:
Clannad because "It's soooo sad! It'll make you cwhy!!" It won't and I'm not into those shows. I found that out with AnoHana

To be fair, AnoHana was just pure melodrama, way exaggerated reactions.

Same as Clannad, so it's not like Revenir is wrong in that.
Nov 7, 2015 3:44 PM
Sep 2015
Gundam series because i don't really like Mecha
Nov 7, 2015 3:54 PM
Jul 2018
I will probably never watch Toradora. Something about Taiga turns me off.
Nov 7, 2015 4:06 PM

Aug 2011
Probably One Punch Man. I was going to give it a shot before it aired, but after seeing a few clips it just doesn't seem like my type of anime. Great animation, just not for me.

A Certain Magical Index. I've heard great things about it, and I know the fans demand a third season, but it just doesn't sound very interesting. Railgun wasn't very good (I dropped that a while ago), so I don't think the main series will be any better. Should probably give both a chance though.

Nov 7, 2015 4:10 PM
Nov 2013
i have read all the post here and a lot of people are saying that they will not watch some series cause x motives. When i started to watch Code Geass i didnt like it, i only watched the first episode of it and dropped, but after four times that i tried to watch it, i watched all of it and i really like it, enougth to be in my personal top 5. So give a try to watch some anime that you "think" you dont like. Also there are some people saying that they will not watch some animes cause it has a lot of episodes, that is a very bad reason, if you dont have time well watch 3 or 4 episodes in a week but watch it. In the end for saying that you will never watch something you need to have watched it before. (excuse me for my bad english, cause i dont speak it all the time so i have forgotten it a little)
Nov 7, 2015 8:40 PM

Oct 2014
Legend of the Galactic Heroes - It's just too old. Can't bear the animation quality.

One Piece - just too many episodes. Don't get me wrong here, I used to watch this show as a kid and I loved Zoro. But 700-800 episodes... it just doesn't cut it. I think I've watched like 50-60 episodes, the part where some most wanted guy comes, blows off everyone in the city, and disappears. Then they started repeating the episodes :(
Nov 7, 2015 8:54 PM
Aug 2015
magikewlgirlz said:
Grave of the Fireflies. It's supposedly really good, but also really depressing.

Yup, I only watched Gintama's dog version of it, and it already made me felt incredibly sad.

I don't think I can stomach the real stuff.
Nov 7, 2015 8:54 PM

Oct 2013
I don't think there are any anime that I will NEVER watch, but there are some that are likely.

There are shows like Cowboy Bebop that I don't wanna watch because I've been spoiled to the ending.

I also find shows like Texhnolyze incredibly hard to sit through when they are totally void of any positivity. It may be a thematic masterpiece, but if I just sit there depressed for 24 hours, I don't know if I can find any decent enjoyment out of it.

Nov 7, 2015 8:57 PM

Feb 2013
There's no such thing. I want to give all supposedly great anime a chance. I have a bit of an aversion to longer shows, but I'm already ankles deep in Gintama and LotGH so it's not big deal right now.

Limiting yourselves ain't cool. You might find something you love in the most unlikely of places.
gedataNov 7, 2015 9:01 PM
Nov 7, 2015 9:16 PM
Jul 2015
Probably Gintama, because most anime comedies don't resonate with me and it's so long. I can't imagine that it could be so great as to be worth draining time away from other shows.
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