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Aug 6, 2015 12:34 PM
Aug 6, 2015 12:58 PM
Damn Sengoku is so chill now. I would be too if I had no responsibilities. Looks like Luffy and the others are finally on the move. I wonder what kind of tricks Luffy has up his sleeve, especially since he's not at full strength. Decent chapter, can't wait to see some Fujitora action |
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime. Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait. MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol. |
Aug 6, 2015 1:01 PM
Am I the only one who saw Kinemon had the Burgess Devil Fruit Bag. Its kinda interesting |
Aug 6, 2015 2:40 PM
So Fujitora "rolled 1" for 3 days? hahaha. I'm sure he is not "just being nice" to Luffy and the others. He must've been "rolling the dice" ever since... and it keeps landing on 1 omg Luck/and Fate is always on Luffy's side... |
Aug 6, 2015 4:12 PM
Commentator1 said: So Fujitora "rolled 1" for 3 days? hahaha. I'm sure he is not "just being nice" to Luffy and the others. He must've been "rolling the dice" ever since... and it keeps landing on 1 omg Luck/and Fate is always on Luffy's side... Plot Armor |
Aug 6, 2015 4:21 PM
phantom346 said: Plot Armor Not really just convenient writing it´s no Pell or Bon Clay bullshit. Luffy isn´t luckier than 80´s action heros who dodge every bullet magically. |
Aug 6, 2015 4:24 PM
Taito10 said: Offpanel again...... fight Kaidou was skipped. Oda dont care about fights anymore. 3/5 It doesn't seem that the confrontation was "skipped" as much as it seems it was put-off/ignored, it seems he's bouncing back in forth between focusing on the supernovas and focusing on the crew & present arc, seeing as Kidd appeared back at chapter 700 in the beginning of the arc and last week near the end. The main focus was always on SH, it's interesting that he's focusing on anyone else, and constantly, at all. It's crazy how fans of a manga that mentions characters years before showing them can be so impatient. phantom346 said: Lefty112 said: phantom346 said: Did you guys see JEWERLY BONNEY and SAI at the docks. It was when Bartolomeo says that "The rest of your crew is waiting fo you at the docks". That was Cavendish, not Bonney. SHe was eating No, that was cavendish, it looked like bonney because of the hair+hooded coat, it's not's a flower. phantom346 said: Commentator1 said: So Fujitora "rolled 1" for 3 days? hahaha. I'm sure he is not "just being nice" to Luffy and the others. He must've been "rolling the dice" ever since... and it keeps landing on 1 omg Luck/and Fate is always on Luffy's side... Plot Armor Duh, it's far from out-of-character or anything for Fugitora to be deciding on luck, and obviously Oda is the one who writes the story...of course it's going to be bias based on his decision. Feel free to disagree with his choice..but it's not really all that shocking. No matter if Fugi went after Luffy or didn''s convenient to the plot anyway around(he's probably going to escape anyway, woah plot armor!). Similar to Smoker, in that Luffy got away from him in Longuetown(Dragon) and Albasta(Ace). PROT ARMOR In fact, Luffy's luck has pretty much been a plot point throughout the series, the from the execution in longuetown, to the drop of water coming on him in Albasta. The most obvious example is probably when he picked an apple from a basket that happened to be filled with exploding apples from Doc Q in Mock Town..and the one he picked just so happened to be a dud. Now I'm pretty sure Bellamy isn't going to 'join' the crew but I've got no idea where he'd go...he might just tag along with Law, but I'm certain he's not actually permanently joining...Oda pls. HalibelTheEspada said: And I suppose Luffy is going to offer Rebecca a choice to stay or leave. Leave it to Luffy to completely ignore the odds of the situation, and just do whatever he wants. :P, as someone mentioned, he was annoyed that rebecca and kyros relationship is being kept a he's going to reveal it to everyone. I am certain this is what's going to happen, wanna bet? It's been made a point throughout pretty much the whole arc that Rebecca is a princess instead of fighter. Why would she ever join? |
ashfrliebertAug 6, 2015 5:14 PM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ |
Aug 6, 2015 5:45 PM
Please... Whoever says Rebeca will join SH crew (and said before) is an idiot... Everyone in SH crew "follows their dreams". And hers is "to be with Soldier-san forever" (which is obviously his dad). She will neither choose join the SH crew, nor become a princess... She's just gona stay with her 1 legged old dad... Same thing happened with Vivi, as she was more interested in her country. Though if her country was located at Raftel, then she would've definitely joined the crew... And Bellamy is just plain boring... I mean his ability, his personality, his face... Everything about him is Big B. BORING! He will "Definetly" not join the crew. On the other hand Law? Of course, duh... Luffy protected Law's "treasure" (well the whole Dofla thing...). And now it's Law's turn to "protect" Luffy's... I'm sure Corazon said something like "Walk, Law. Unnoticed...quietly...far away...far, far away...nothing will bind you anymore...not the iron borders of the White City...nor your shortened lifespan. Nothing will restrict you anymore. You are now...truly free." or some other phrase (this was one of his phrase). So he'll be all like "to have freedom" (to be a pirate) and all like join the SH crew MHUAHAHAHAH And relax, calm down; we can have the white polar bear and side kicks following around in their submarine as "minions" (as big pirate groups have it...). But most of their crew members are "very loyal". Like Jumbal (Law give him freedom). So they must have "hated Dofla" for some personal reason, or Law save them and they help Law out or something. In any case the "Heart Pirates" have accomplished their goal (for SH crew its Luffy become the Pirate King, for Heart Pirates its getting rid of Doflamingo), so if Law says "you've done enough for me, now you're all dismissed. Thanks for your services, it was fun. Now I'm going to head to the "End of the World" to seek "Freedom" on the SH ship" they will all cry (especially the panda bear), and then go somewhere have fun like others do (like the fish-riders...)... |
Aug 6, 2015 5:52 PM
Guys don't say "Luffy does whatever he wants" blindly. The truth about Luffy is that he can "hear" the "sound of people's hearts"... He has that special ability. So what Luffy "really wants" is to "help" protect people "protect their treasure"... So he ends up looking selfish, cause sometimes even the "people" themselves "don't realize" what they truly wish for... For example Chopper "wished to become a pirate, and have nakama"(even if he acted like he didn't want to join the SH crew). (in his heart) Same with Robin (she acted, but Luffy knew her heart), Ussop, Franky; heck with everyone one of them.... Luffy "knew" what was "deep in their hearts"... That's why he was so forceful. Brook (such a sad tale) he was soo lonely, Luffy just new. Without having to speak, talk about anything.... He just knew.... Even thought Brook doesn't even have eyes yohohohoho. I repeat, Rebeca's dream is to "live with Soldier-san forever". So that's what she's going to do... |
Aug 6, 2015 5:58 PM
Commentator1 said: In any case the "Heart Pirates" have accomplished their goal (for SH crew its Luffy become the Pirate King, for Heart Pirates its getting rid of Doflamingo), so if Law says "you've done enough for me, now you're all dismissed. Thanks for your services, it was fun. Now I'm going to head to the "End of the World" to seek "Freedom" on the SH ship" they will all cry (especially the panda bear), and then go somewhere have fun like others do (like the fish-riders...)... Hm? Nah, Law wants to find the One Piece( and he also wanted to take down the yonkou(remember? the alliance from punk hazard?)...his role in the story isn't over yet, I don't think he's joining the crew permanently though, of course. |
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ |
Aug 6, 2015 7:44 PM
ashfrliebert said: Hm? Nah, Law wants to find the One Piece( and he also wanted to take down the yonkou(remember? the alliance from punk hazard?)...his role in the story isn't over yet, I don't think he's joining the crew permanently though, of course. I'm talking about just Law. Law was planning to "kill Dofla", by "sacrificing himself" remember? I don't know it was like when Law vs Dofla at the bridge, or right after some flashback; Law's "purpose in life for the last 10 years" have all been to "stop"/"kill" Doflamingo. So this is even "before" he formed the "heart pirates". You realize that a pirate group is "under" the "captain" right? So Law's "purpose" for the last 10 years have been "fulfilled", and without a captain the "Heart Pirates" will/can/dissolve. Maybe Oda will decide to have Law just as an ally, but if he so wished there won't be any "plot-holes" to dissolve his crew, and scatter them. |
Aug 6, 2015 8:18 PM
After all this (relying on Luffy and what not) Law possibly can't "still aim for One Piece". "To Compete with Luffy" would almost be disrespectful (to go against your savior). If the "Heart Pirates" were formed to aim for One Piece, all the more reason to dissolve, since the caption won't share their goal... |
Aug 7, 2015 1:46 AM
Commentator1 said: After all this (relying on Luffy and what not) Law possibly can't "still aim for One Piece". "To Compete with Luffy" would almost be disrespectful (to go against your savior). If the "Heart Pirates" were formed to aim for One Piece, all the more reason to dissolve, since the caption won't share their goal... Even if Law aims for the OP he wants it for different reasons than Luffy. He doesn´t aim to become Pirate King but intends to shake the world, he wants to know what Robin wants to know, for different reasons ofc. Law has shown alot of affection towards his crew and it´s nothing new for shounen characters to ignore the help they were given (Law is a fucking Pirate why should he be thankful towards Luffy). Ofc Oda can pull a big troll and make him reveal in 300 chapters, "oh I never competed with Luffy" I only wanted ho make him Pirate King. |
Aug 7, 2015 2:26 AM
Isterio said: Even if Law aims for the OP he wants it for different reasons than Luffy. He doesn´t aim to become Pirate King but intends to shake the world, he wants to know what Robin wants to know, for different reasons ofc. Law has shown alot of affection towards his crew and it´s nothing new for shounen characters to ignore the help they were given (Law is a fucking Pirate why should he be thankful towards Luffy). Ofc Oda can pull a big troll and make him reveal in 300 chapters, "oh I never competed with Luffy" I only wanted ho make him Pirate King. Are you kidding me? You're the troll, not Oda... Look, Is Robin going for One Piece? No, i promise you she's not... Do you not remember Luffy getting mad when Ussop tried to ask about One Piece from Reyleigh? It's as if saying "One Piece is MY GOAL, not yours". It's only Luffy's. Not Zoro's, not sanji's... they all have "different goals" Obtaining One Piece = Pirate King... to shake the world... why would Law want to do that? You're just saying "anything's possible" with no reasons. But we already know what Law's reasons are to continue on his journey, and those are not One Piece... It was never his "big goal". He just used it to form a crew (get power), so he can destroy Dofla. Destroying Dofla has been his "dream", "goal"; ever since Corazon. Before Corazon, Law was gona "destroy" the world, but he doesn't anymore cause of Corazon... We all know what's in Law's heart, so don't say "anything's possible". That's like saying Luffy can decide to "not become the Pirate King tomorrow" cause anythings possible. No! Luffy's gona keep going for it... and Law's not... Of course everyone has "affection" towards their nakama, that has nothing to do with One Piece at all. There's so many nakama, good people, friends; but only one Pirate King... Why would Law be "grateful"? omg cause he's a pirate? Your definition of a pirate is "being ungrateful"? That's so childish way of looking at things... Even Luffy and other SH crew have "thanked" others so many times... even bowing their heads... "Being ungrateful" (being a brat) is not same as being a "pirate". and you bet all SH crew are pirates... (even Franky thanks Bartolomeo last chapter omg) Look Law couldn't beat Dofla, so he asked Luffy to beat him for him, and Luffy did. So why not be thankful? If you can't do something, and you ask someone's help; and they give you help; you're gona say "get lost, im not grateful, cause im a 'cool' pirate"? Is that your definition of a pirate? Law's intentions were "never" to compete with Luffy. Law "helped" Luffy, cause he "trusted", "believed" in Luffy and wanted to "use" Luffy in his plans... That's why he helped Luffy 2 years ago, then at Punk Hazard, finally telling Dofla why he has done those actions... He has "never" actually competed with Luffy as a rival... Never... They're not the same type of person anyway. (for example Zoro competes with Luffy...) If you remember Jaya island, the "champion" type of people are always "challenging" others and fighting, competing. Law's never been the type (so far as we know), he just had 1 goal (Dofla) and he reached it... "becoming strongest" or "becoming best" was never his intention, so he never had that spirit... |
Aug 7, 2015 9:29 AM
Ohh Sengoku!! Is it possible to get white hair in just 2 years??? What??? Kyros was a prince? Besides that, nothing really happened. |
Aug 7, 2015 9:55 AM
Raijin-sama619 said: What??? Kyros was a prince? no Kyros is not a prince... It's just a fake story to protect Rebeca's prestige... |
Aug 7, 2015 12:41 PM
Commentator1 said: ashfrliebert said: Hm? Nah, Law wants to find the One Piece( and he also wanted to take down the yonkou(remember? the alliance from punk hazard?)...his role in the story isn't over yet, I don't think he's joining the crew permanently though, of course. I'm talking about just Law. Law was planning to "kill Dofla", by "sacrificing himself" remember? I don't know it was like when Law vs Dofla at the bridge, or right after some flashback; Law's "purpose in life for the last 10 years" have all been to "stop"/"kill" Doflamingo. So this is even "before" he formed the "heart pirates". You realize that a pirate group is "under" the "captain" right? So Law's "purpose" for the last 10 years have been "fulfilled", and without a captain the "Heart Pirates" will/can/dissolve. Maybe Oda will decide to have Law just as an ally, but if he so wished there won't be any "plot-holes" to dissolve his crew, and scatter them. True, but it doesn't stop there, he still wanted to find one piece, even if that was his purpose in life. Why do we cut not only his one piece story, but also his plans to go against the Yonkou short? Just because he's(er, sorta) achieved that, he already had plans elsewhere.. If anything, you literally saw the panel where he said he wanted to find One Piece....wouldn't it be a "plot-hole" if he sorta just stopped after Dolfamingo? That's randomly leaving his established path for no particular reason. Commentator1 said: Isterio said: Even if Law aims for the OP he wants it for different reasons than Luffy. He doesn´t aim to become Pirate King but intends to shake the world, he wants to know what Robin wants to know, for different reasons ofc. Law has shown alot of affection towards his crew and it´s nothing new for shounen characters to ignore the help they were given (Law is a fucking Pirate why should he be thankful towards Luffy). Ofc Oda can pull a big troll and make him reveal in 300 chapters, "oh I never competed with Luffy" I only wanted ho make him Pirate King. Are you kidding me? You're the troll, not Oda... Look, Is Robin going for One Piece? No, i promise you she's not... Do you not remember Luffy getting mad when Ussop tried to ask about One Piece from Reyleigh? It's as if saying "One Piece is MY GOAL, not yours". It's only Luffy's. Not Zoro's, not sanji's... they all have "different goals" Obtaining One Piece = Pirate King... Yes, One Piece and Pirate King in itself seems to certainty be linked in some form or way(the title of the manga being the biggest clue...), but the lost history and ponelgyphs(Robins goal) might be linked to the one piece, too. In some form or way, I believe Luffy got mad because he wanted to discover the OP himself for something....why wouldn't he just ask otherwise? Not to mention Franky's and Nami goal is linked directly to Luffy's, so it seems. to shake the world... why would Law want to do that? You're just saying "anything's possible" with no reasons. But we already know what Law's reasons are to continue on his journey, and those are not One Piece... It was never his "big goal". He just used it to form a crew (get power), so he can destroy Dofla. Destroying Dofla has been his "dream", "goal"; ever since Corazon. Before Corazon, Law was gona "destroy" the world, but he doesn't anymore cause of Corazon... We all know what's in Law's heart, so don't say "anything's possible". That's like saying Luffy can decide to "not become the Pirate King tomorrow" cause anythings possible. No! Luffy's gona keep going for it... and Law's not... it was more or less literally stated |
ashfrliebertAug 7, 2015 12:50 PM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ |
Aug 7, 2015 4:50 PM
ashfrliebert said: Commentator1 said: ashfrliebert said: Hm? Nah, Law wants to find the One Piece( and he also wanted to take down the yonkou(remember? the alliance from punk hazard?)...his role in the story isn't over yet, I don't think he's joining the crew permanently though, of course. I'm talking about just Law. Law was planning to "kill Dofla", by "sacrificing himself" remember? I don't know it was like when Law vs Dofla at the bridge, or right after some flashback; Law's "purpose in life for the last 10 years" have all been to "stop"/"kill" Doflamingo. So this is even "before" he formed the "heart pirates". You realize that a pirate group is "under" the "captain" right? So Law's "purpose" for the last 10 years have been "fulfilled", and without a captain the "Heart Pirates" will/can/dissolve. Maybe Oda will decide to have Law just as an ally, but if he so wished there won't be any "plot-holes" to dissolve his crew, and scatter them. True, but it doesn't stop there, he still wanted to find one piece, even if that was his purpose in life. Why do we cut not only his one piece story, but also his plans to go against the Yonkou short? Just because he's(er, sorta) achieved that, he already had plans elsewhere.. If anything, you literally saw the panel where he said he wanted to find One Piece....wouldn't it be a "plot-hole" if he sorta just stopped after Dolfamingo? That's randomly leaving his established path for no particular reason. Commentator1 said: Isterio said: Even if Law aims for the OP he wants it for different reasons than Luffy. He doesn´t aim to become Pirate King but intends to shake the world, he wants to know what Robin wants to know, for different reasons ofc. Law has shown alot of affection towards his crew and it´s nothing new for shounen characters to ignore the help they were given (Law is a fucking Pirate why should he be thankful towards Luffy). Ofc Oda can pull a big troll and make him reveal in 300 chapters, "oh I never competed with Luffy" I only wanted ho make him Pirate King. Are you kidding me? You're the troll, not Oda... Look, Is Robin going for One Piece? No, i promise you she's not... Do you not remember Luffy getting mad when Ussop tried to ask about One Piece from Reyleigh? It's as if saying "One Piece is MY GOAL, not yours". It's only Luffy's. Not Zoro's, not sanji's... they all have "different goals" Obtaining One Piece = Pirate King... Yes, One Piece and Pirate King in itself seems to certainty be linked in some form or way(the title of the manga being the biggest clue...), but the lost history and ponelgyphs(Robins goal) might be linked to the one piece, too. In some form or way, I believe Luffy got mad because he wanted to discover the OP himself for something....why wouldn't he just ask otherwise? Not to mention Franky's and Nami goal is linked directly to Luffy's, so it seems. to shake the world... why would Law want to do that? You're just saying "anything's possible" with no reasons. But we already know what Law's reasons are to continue on his journey, and those are not One Piece... It was never his "big goal". He just used it to form a crew (get power), so he can destroy Dofla. Destroying Dofla has been his "dream", "goal"; ever since Corazon. Before Corazon, Law was gona "destroy" the world, but he doesn't anymore cause of Corazon... We all know what's in Law's heart, so don't say "anything's possible". That's like saying Luffy can decide to "not become the Pirate King tomorrow" cause anythings possible. No! Luffy's gona keep going for it... and Law's not... it was more or less literally stated @The last picture. Law has probably been telling his crew ever since they joined that he was going after One Piece and they don't know any different. Who'd join a pirate crew just to take down a Warlord just because someone hates him? But we know that it was all to get the chance to kill Doflamingo, even if it meant dying. |
Aug 7, 2015 6:58 PM
ashfrliebert said: If anything, you literally saw the panel where he said he wanted to find One Piece....wouldn't it be a "plot-hole" if he sorta just stopped after Dolfamingo? That's randomly leaving his established path for no particular reason. Yes, One Piece and Pirate King in itself seems to certainty be linked in some form or way(the title of the manga being the biggest clue...), but the lost history and ponelgyphs(Robins goal) might be linked to the one piece, too. In some form or way, I believe Luffy got mad because he wanted to discover the OP himself for something....why wouldn't he just ask otherwise? Not to mention Franky's and Nami goal is linked directly to Luffy's, so it seems. Ok, so Law said he is "aiming for Kaido", then (suddenly changed his mind) and said no he don't give a shit about Kaido, but only to "use Kaido" in order to "destroy Dofla"???? Do you not see it? There is a "primary goal" here omg... It's not like Law wants to do everything fun there is in the world (although Luffy does...) So just like how Law said that he wanted to "beat Kaido". Which he doesn't intend to, nor think its possible for him. He didn't even believe he could destroy Dofla himself, and was trying to use Kaido. How could he ever think its possible for him to actually "beat Kaido" himself? Right? (think logically with me...) No he never thought or intended to beat Kaido in the first place, just like how he "never intended to obtain One Piece". You see? In order to defeat Dofla, he needed to get strong allies and a crew to sail to New World. So he "said" he wanted One Piece, and formed a crew; but that was never his intentions.... He just "used" those reasons, to get allies... for his primary goal. There's no personal side of Law, that pulls him to One Piece. In other words, Law (his personality) doesn't have any "interest" in One Piece. If Oda decides to give us a reason in the near future, let him. But "SO FAR" nothing... not even a speck of interest in him for One Piece... He's not Luffy type that wants everything "So Shiny"... And yes polnogryphs aren't One Piece... If Robin were to ask about One Piece, Luffy would get just as mad... But when Robin asked about the "Void Century" (which is on the freaking polnogryph), Luffy didn't respond. What does that mean? It means they are not the same thing... No, Nami's dream is to draw the map of the World. And Franky's is to make a "dream ship" that can sail any seas. Nami, Franky doesn't "have to" be on the "Pirate King"'s ship to reach their dreams. It could be on a "yonkou"'s ship, or any other ship. Just traveling the world, is something done by multiple people, not just the Pirate King. One Piece, and Pirate King are "one of a kind" (there's only one). (its the straw hat by the way omg). |
Aug 7, 2015 7:17 PM
LittleRookie said: True, but it doesn't stop there, he still wanted to find one piece, even if that was his purpose in life. Why do we cut not only his one piece story, but also his plans to go against the Yonkou short? Just because he's(er, sorta) achieved that, he already had plans elsewhere.. If anything, you literally saw the panel where he said he wanted to find One Piece....wouldn't it be a "plot-hole" if he sorta just stopped after Dolfamingo? That's randomly leaving his established path for no particular reason. He "said" lots of things... It turns out Law isn't the "honest" "straight" type... who knew huh? zzz... -.-' Law is the "manipulating" type... that "uses" people... Okay, so Luffy wants One Piece; cause of his back story/ Shanks story/become Pirate King... What reason does Law has? Did Corazon say "Become the Pirate King! my boy"? or "I'm giving you life, so that you can obtain One Piece"? Omg that was sooo not Corazon, so so far Law has "NO" (none) reason to go after One Piece. It never was his goal to begin with... He was always happy to stop just after Dofla. Heck he was ready to "freaking die" if he managed to "stop Dofla" (for Corazon)... Defeating Dofla meant One Piece to Law get it? Obtain One Piece = become Pirate King... They are one and the same. No one in the world doesn't want to obtain One Piece, and not want to become the Pirate King. And no one in the world (well in OP world) thinks that he can become the Pirate King "without" obtaining One Piece. Obtaining One Piece is one and the same as becoming Pirate King... LittleRookie said: @The last picture. Law has probably been telling his crew ever since they joined that he was going after One Piece and they don't know any different. Who'd join a pirate crew just to take down a Warlord just because someone hates him? But we know that it was all to get the chance to kill Doflamingo, even if it meant dying. There you go. Now i can see that you actually use your brain (unlike some others...). Law was trying to beat Dofla by using Kaido. So if Law thought he couldn't beat Dofla alone, why would he ever (in his right mind) think he could beat the Kaido that makes Dofla look like a stray cat? He wouldn't right? So why did he say "Let's go beat Kaido" to Luffy? Cause thats what Luffy wants to do. And he wanted Luffy's help. So it must be same with the crew. They wanted One Piece (just like every other pirate), so to obtain "pirate allies", he said he was going for One Piece. SO FAR, Law's personality, his back story (Corazon) have no "connection" to "wanting One Piece" or any interest in it. Corazon's dream for Law was just to "live freely"... But Law finished his objective of making Corazon's personal wish come true (which was to stop Dofla)... But "living freely" doesn't mean to become Pirate King. It almost just means to be a pirate. Live after your dreams right? If Law somehow shows any interest into One Piece, then we'll see. But so far, he isn't the type to be interested in One Piece. |
Aug 7, 2015 7:45 PM
Barion-Zara said: So that was Sengoku not Garp? He seems happy. Good for him living freely So Luffy wants to meet Rebecca before leaving? Meh :/ And ofc no Kaido vs Kid and co. We even go to the nxt day already without any news D: lol as soon as i saw him i thought "man sengoku taking a page out of garps book" just not giving a shit and eating those tea cookies like garp always did when he talked ot sengoku b4 the time skip. im thinking luffy is probably just gonna get infront of all the marines and blast a huge conquerors haki knocking out pretty much everyone besides maybe like 4-5 ppl including sengoku old lady and fuujitora. Fortunatly sengoku just gave like 10 ppls blood donations himself so doubt he can be considered 100% either. Sengoku didnt even seem old he had like dark black hair but now his hair liks lighter than garps time skip changes all people. i wonder what garps doing if not personally training cobi still its pretty obvious that were getting close to the point where luffy will invite a new crew member, bellamy is looking promising at this point as far as becoming a straw hat goes. Not sure if law will remain the Heart pirates anymore considering that was apart of Doflamingos shit. but perhaps he wont care or will just change their name. Bartolomeo will prob make a pirate alliance iwth the strawhats even if they dont travel together hell come when they need him in the future. I definitely dont think rebecca is gonna get asked, this has Alabasta written all over it, people all thought shed become a straw hat but she stayed as princess. and if the thrones gonna be given to her no doubt she will just be like mutual allies with teh straw hats but not part of the crew. MAYBE leo the dwarf, maybe bellamy, MAYBE a samurai (but i feel like those samurai are just being used to get zoro to the samurai country so he can get a grand master sword like mihawk) and some pirate alliances or allies to call on when the battle of the world starts |
bromainsAug 7, 2015 7:51 PM
Aug 7, 2015 8:17 PM
Right it is, he did more or less admit that he only wanted to defeat Doflamingo, as he was willing to sacrifice himself for that. Seems I forgot that. Fair enough. Barion-Zara said: still its pretty obvious that were getting close to the point where luffy will invite a new crew member, Well he asked Jinbe just recently, and Jinbe pretty much accepted..was only two arcs ago. bellamy is looking promising at this point as far as becoming a straw hat goes. Alot 'less' unlikely than it was before, but oda pls no. don't do this,. I definitely dont think rebecca is gonna get asked, this has Alabasta written all over it, people all thought shed become a straw hat but she stayed as princess. and if the thrones gonna be given to her no doubt she will just be like mutual allies with teh straw hats but not part of the crew. Yes, pretty much exactly like Vivi. Speaking of such...reminds me of that Reverie that was mentioned...not sure if will involve dressrosa but...why not? MAYBE leo the dwarf Almost as unlikely as Rebecca, not sure why leo would ever join. Aside from er, being freed from Dofla like every other citizen of Dressrosa...he has practically 0 business with the straw-hats at all. His home is in Tonatta. Seems to just be an arc supporting character. |
ashfrliebertAug 7, 2015 8:42 PM
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ |
Aug 8, 2015 9:53 AM
Exterria said: I hope Viola joins the SH's! So do I. Rebecca just wouldn't fit in there. Yeah, she had a lot of training, but it was only to protect herself. Viola instead was part of Doffy's group for a while and that is hard stuff. Furthermore she has a very interesting DF power. She and Jimbei would make a huge powerup in terms of strategy. Although, I'm not sure Sanji would survive a third hot woman joining the SH. |
Aug 8, 2015 4:52 PM
GaaraSama83 said: Exterria said: I hope Viola joins the SH's! So do I. Rebecca just wouldn't fit in there. Yeah, she had a lot of training, but it was only to protect herself. Viola instead was part of Doffy's group for a while and that is hard stuff. Furthermore she has a very interesting DF power. She and Jimbei would make a huge powerup in terms of strategy. Although, I'm not sure Sanji would survive a third hot woman joining the SH. Just because she's powerful doesn't imply she fits there... but true reason she can't join: pretty sure oda has ruled out relationships amongst the crew, rip sanji's dream. |
ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴロゴロゴロ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ ゴゴゴゴゴゴ |
Aug 8, 2015 6:51 PM
ashfrliebert said: Just because she's powerful doesn't imply she fits there... But sexy sure does.... Anyone sexy is always welcome to join the crew :) hahahaha :) |
Aug 9, 2015 8:38 AM
Talk of the town ~ . Brightness and escapade . |
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Aug 9, 2015 10:29 AM
ZZZ. You noobs. The Straw Hats and Kaido are "NOT" on the same island... The island Kaido landed belongs to Kid and his crew. But the island the Straw Hats landed are actually Kaido's island (his main island/or not remain to be revealed). It is possibly a "floating" island (how Kaido ended up in the Sky land). Since "the way" to get to that island is "not known to others". The Straw Hats obviously used "Koopta Burst" and "flew" and happened to land on the island... (floating island); but Kaido team is "surprised" since people can't get there "normally". Kaido possibly somehow went from his island to the skyland that the monk was on (also these 2 islands are not the same) In other words the monk is "NOT" on Kaido's island. The "female girl" is from the Samurai country. The reason Kinemon/Momonusuke/Kanjuro are traveling is to "save"/"rescue" that girl. That girl is possibly Momonusuke's little sister (or older...)... She was taken by the Kaido crew, cause of some power she has. This is also the reason Kinemon/Momonusuke were surprised to hear about Kaido; when Luffy/Law revealed their plan to defeat Kaid on Sunny after leaving Punk Hazard Supposedly Kaido's island is located near Zoa. or if it is a floating island (if it travels...), Kinemon and others somehow got the information that Kaido's island was currently close to Zoa. It could just be a floating island, that doesn't travel also (stays in one place...). Big shots in New World, seems to have their "islands" (Shanks was drinking there with Mihawk...)(and now we see Kid). Thought of course, the yonkou's would have multiple base, with 1 main one... obviously. This one is definetly Kaido's island, but maybe not his "main" one... |
Aug 10, 2015 6:19 AM
Commentator1 said: Ok, so Law said he is "aiming for Kaido", then (suddenly changed his mind) and said no he don't give a shit about Kaido, but only to "use Kaido" in order to "destroy Dofla"???? Do you not see it? There is a "primary goal" here omg... It's not like Law wants to do everything fun there is in the world (although Luffy does...) So just like how Law said that he wanted to "beat Kaido". Which he doesn't intend to, nor think its possible for him. He didn't even believe he could destroy Dofla himself, and was trying to use Kaido. How could he ever think its possible for him to actually "beat Kaido" himself? Right? (think logically with me...) No he never thought or intended to beat Kaido in the first place, just like how he "never intended to obtain One Piece". You see? In order to defeat Dofla, he needed to get strong allies and a crew to sail to New World. So he "said" he wanted One Piece, and formed a crew; but that was never his intentions.... He just "used" those reasons, to get allies... for his primary goal. There's no personal side of Law, that pulls him to One Piece. In other words, Law (his personality) doesn't have any "interest" in One Piece. If Oda decides to give us a reason in the near future, let him. But "SO FAR" nothing... not even a speck of interest in him for One Piece... He's not Luffy type that wants everything "So Shiny"... hold up for a sec and stop all these THEORIES at once. first of all, before trying to convince other ppl of your theories, make sure you match ALL THE HOLES in it together in the right way. so you say 'he needed a crew to defeat mingo', right? well.... where was that crew again..? i havent seen them fighting mingo's men, much less fighting mingo himself. So wait, what you're saying is, he made a crew, made them believe his goal was the one piece while his only goal would have been to defeat mingo, yet he made them go advance somewhere else (dont remember where he sent them when he stayed behind in punk hazard so..) and didnt contact them come and help him and the SH's to beat mingo? so what, he just made a crew for nothing? o cmon, try to look a bit further here.. mingo was surely a goal of his, that doesnt mean he doesnt have other goals. Is luffy's only goal to achieve the one piece? so he doesnt want to go on adventures and want to just get there asap? then why didnt he ask/let usopp ask for it to reiyleigh? thats right, cuz he doesnt want to get it the easy way without any fun and adventures, he wants more than the one piece alone. so now that i've made it clear that these are just theories (which probably will be wrong anyway, noone can know what Oda is thinking unless you're Oda himself), can we just move on and be patient and see what Oda has in store for us? |
Aug 10, 2015 9:43 AM
I'm surprised people aren't more curious about Kinemon carrying around Burgesses bag of devil fruits. That was the most interesting thing in this chapter for me. Why and how did Kinemon know about them. What happened to Burgess? I wonder who Fujitora is going to run into. I'm hoping Zoro and him have another small clash (since Zoro is pretty much in full health) while Luffy is taking care of his business. I feel eel like the marines finding out about the heal heal fruit can't be good. I feel like they might take her in the future. Why else would it even show her talking to them. I actually thought it would happen when they asked how she could help heal people and the scene cut away. So im guessing from the dumb and out of place dialog between Bellamy and Law that Bellamy is going to join Law's crew. He's gotta go somewhere. We knew that this was coming but it was cool showing how all of the Straw Hat's new allies are willing to risk their own safety to get them out of there. Even Cavendish was converted to a new ally. Bartolommeo even referee to Luffy as their king. |
Aug 10, 2015 10:42 AM
Hiroyuuki said: where was that crew again..? i havent seen them fighting mingo's men noone can know what Oda is thinking unless you're Oda himself), can we just move on and be patient and see what Oda has in store for us? You know Law/and everyone else needs a ship to sail the seas? Like his submarine, he can't go alone... He needs a navigator, cook, and other supporters (well he might be able to navigate, but he probably has someone "driving" the sub... seen as such whe escaping with Luffy from Marine ford) You saying his crew was useless? He used them to come all the way here.... Hey Law's primary goal was Dofla... It's not my theory... omg... I'm just connecting the dots that Oda himself gave here. First Kaido 100 times > Dofla (at least). Then Law doesn't believe he can finish off Dofla "alone"; thats why to make sure Dofla dies, his plan was to use Kaido (by the way these are Oda's words... said by Law; not something Im making up). So there's no way Law actually thought about defeating Kaido, who's a monster compared to someone he doesn't even think he can beat (Dofla).... It's simple logic. We also see Law's personality here anyways... And it's not the type like Luffy/Kid/BB (the captain type). He was doing everything he was doing to fulfill someone else's (Corazon) wish (I'm not saying thats uncool. It's cool, almost like a hero) and that is his last 10 years of life. While Luffy/Kid/BB are all "selfish"... doing what "they desire" lol, one of the qualities of great pirates, i guess... Okay so Punk Hazard, Luffy claimed Law was a "nakama"... This pattern is awfully close to what happened with Chopper.... Everytime Luffy "joked" about the idea of "nakama" (like say he gona make some strange animal as nakama); the idea was dropped "immediately"; as if Oda's saying relax this is just a joke. But when the idea of "nakama" keeps going like this... It comes out to be true. Just watch him become a nakama... and cry.... Although i don't understand why you wouldn't want Law to be on our ship.... Jinbei's never coming... I mean Jinbei's old and boring anyway... Though Vivi/ Jinbei and lots of others will always be SH crew in "hearts"... And obviously when Luffy goes all World War against the WG; they will all help and stand together with our heroes. |
Aug 10, 2015 10:57 AM
WillOfDeezNuts said: I'm hoping Zoro and him have another small clash I feel eel like the marines finding out about the heal heal fruit can't be good. Bellamy is going to join Law's crew. He's gotta go somewhere. From last few pages, it looks like Luffy will just "hold on his own"... You know 1) to show off his power (well this may not be his objective here, but will happen; and it will one hell of a spectacle before everyone marines/citizens etc.) 2) Say something about Rebeca/ Toy Soldier? Plus it wouldn't be cool if Luffy had to be protected.... when it's 1 on 1. (I don't think Sengoku/Tsuru will do much while Fujitora fights.) I just hate the idea that the marines are getting the "credit" here.... They could've said "the fairy's healing potion" or something... But then again, it's their "donated" bloodish thing thats doing the healin, so its ok i guess. Fujitora/Sengoku/Tsuru are ok to be trusted. And the soldiers there are all their underlings, so it should be ok. Bellamy's so boring, i would hate to have him join the crew.... His power isn't all that interesting, and resembles Luffy's power some... Not to mention his personality and face... Just not really "cool"... On the other hand, Law has already been decleared "nakama" by Luffy; so some of us already knows where this is heading ... xD (Law -> nakama) |
Aug 10, 2015 2:42 PM
Sengoku seems high LOL and everything is slowly beginning to go back to normal. LOL it was funny to see Luffy in that bipolar state where he was doing multiple things at once and Zoro yelling at him to choose one. Fujitora was funny too for rolling the die for a long time but now it looks like The "Straw-Hat AllStars" are in trouble and our usual enigma Luffy has "unfinished business" which I assume will be saying bye to Rebecca. Just a regular chapter, slower than the ones we've been receiving lately. We have to get slow chapters too to get to the good stuff tho, right? |
Aug 10, 2015 3:16 PM
gizmokid2122 said: LOL it was funny to see Luffy in that bipolar state where he was doing multiple things at once and Zoro yelling at him to choose one. Fujitora was funny too for rolling the die for a long time but now it looks like The "Straw-Hat AllStars" are in trouble and our usual enigma Luffy has "unfinished business" which I assume will be saying bye to Rebecca After Zoro tells Luffy to "just choose one"; Luffy started doing things 1 by 1 in like 5 seconds of intervals... (if you noticed) omg. Yeah Fujitora's awesome. He hasn't really laid his sword down (like Smoker at Arabasta). And yet he don't give shit to Sakaki or anyone. He just follows "his Justice" (abolish the Shichibukai system) and the number of his die :D |
Aug 10, 2015 7:12 PM
I havent really commented on Luffy's unfinished business yet because I don't know what it could be besides the obvious option of saying goodbye to Rebecca. I kind of hope he goes the more pirate route like he did in Skypiea where he told the crew to steal the treasure and leave. Maybe he'd go back for that statue of Kyros he wanted. That would be funnier and make him seem more like a pirate since he seems too much of a hero right now. I doubt that'll happen but it would be funny if what he was talking about was going back to steal something he liked. |
Aug 10, 2015 7:48 PM
WillOfDeezNuts said: I havent really commented on Luffy's unfinished business yet because I don't know what it could be besides the obvious option of saying goodbye to Rebecca. I kind of hope he goes the more pirate route like he did in Skypiea where he told the crew to steal the treasure and leave. Maybe he'd go back for that statue of Kyros he wanted. That would be funnier and make him seem more like a pirate since he seems too much of a hero right now. I doubt that'll happen but it would be funny if what he was talking about was going back to steal something he liked. Wow stealing Kyros's statue... That might just be it... Like seriously... There's a lot of chance that would happen... For a moment I thought he was gona go and "Smash" down that 4 level hill, and level the field... But he might hurt someone doing that.... No, he always wanted a statue... Maybe he'll get it (maybe he already stole it and put it somewhere near to take it with him....) (or get help from the dwarfs omg) (cause they are pro- take things in this country...) (The Fairies took Kyro's statue!) xD |
Aug 11, 2015 4:36 AM
Commentator1 said: Just watch him become a nakama... and cry.... Although i don't understand why you wouldn't want Law to be on our ship.... Jinbei's never coming... I mean Jinbei's old and boring anyway... Though Vivi/ Jinbei and lots of others will always be SH crew in "hearts"... And obviously when Luffy goes all World War against the WG; they will all help and stand together with our heroes. I never said i didnt want Law in there, i'd love it, but you can't just say he'll be the next nakama, just like with jimbei for example, he would've joined, however, Oda gave him a last thing he needed to take care of before he would join. however, when is that, 1 month from now or 10 years from now? it's just all speculation we're doing here, which is why i said 'can't we wait and see what Oda will bring us next' and all. Also, a primary goal now does still not mean he didnt really have any other goals. and now that i think about it, didnt law send his crew ahead to zoo island or so too? not even Law would manipulate ppl the way Joker manipulated ppl. He wouldn't just send them to their deaths, he has other plans too. who knows, maybe he knew Kaidou wasn't on his island beforehand and just wants to weaken his crew for now? knowing Oda, he wouldnt send SH crew to their deaths anyway, remember, there might have been many chapters in this arc, but SH pirates are still new to the new world, no way that they've gotten enough experience to go on and fight one of the strongest crews in the world already. here i'll give you my theory; either what you say is true, or what i just said will come, then Law and Luffy either sail together for a while or go diff ways again to get more experience, then when the time is right, they'll call each other and go on towards kaidou. After beating him, i dunno, how 'bout Law and his crew sailing under the SH flag? although Luffy doesnt want many members, having other 'commanders' (just like with Whitebeard) would be a solution for this as his personal crew wouldn't become larger, yet he would have more men under his command. either way, smth like having multiple ships will be required if you ask me, having only 10 ppl (including the new upcoming member already) and being able to beat younko's would be kind of an overkill if you ask me. Like Kaidou Pirates, as you say, atm none can beat them, the only ones i give a doubt that could are Red Hair Pirates, but then still, both sides, whoever would win, would have pretty much destroyed his own crew and have no more reason to sail further (i dont think shanks would sail further if most of his men died, Kaidou, well we don't know much about his personality so no comment). Anyway, Shanks isn't that stupid to go on such a mission that would cost him alot of his men, same goes for the other younko facing other younko's, so we can just assume that atm noone can beat any Younko, right? well then how in the world would Oda ever accomplish any way for 10 men to be able to beat the strongest crews out there.. Honestly i even doubt SH and Law alliance would have been able to beat mingo and all his men together, but most of his men weren't even on dressrosa i bet so ye.. There just HAS to be smth Oda will manage to put together so that they'll be able to face the younko's later on. so this is why i'd doubt Law would just 'join SH's Crew' (as in his main crew). i'd rather see Law becoming a 2nd SH fleet than that. and regardless, Law said 'the One Piece can wait', he never said he wanted to become pirate king like luffy, so he actually still can achieve that goal as an underling of SH too. which pretty much still proves my point, while still not disproving your point either. i wasn't ever intending to prove you wrong, was just stating that all we're doing is just speculating and making theories and we'd better just be patient and see what Oda brings us (i know, that bastard likes to make us wait for way too long, i know the pain...) Anyway, i bet Oda is gonna give his fans a SUPERRRRRRR surprice again, how bout Kidd, Hawkins and Appoo btw, Kaidou might as well just have had a "nice" meeting with them (beaten them to pulp) and made a deal to cooperate to beat Shanks in exchange for their safety against Kaidou's ships? although there was that part in the last chapter 'the strong live and the weak die, it's as simple as that' (yet on the other hand he didn't kill that cloud pirate supernova guy, always seem to forget his name). he might have killed Appoo and Hawkins as well and probably Kidd would have been the only one to survive/successfully escape. cuz honestly, i only see Kidd breaking out as a later on character to be able to compete with luffy (only talking bout the worst generation, not the older generation). all the other supernova captains dont seem that interesting, appart from Law and Bonney, but in the end those 2 will be part of the SH crew anyway (just my personal wish here) then there is only 1 left that is interesting and its Drake, but we know almost nothing about that guy, so ye.. how 'bout him becoming an inside job kind of type and trying to kill Kaidou too (so teaming up with Law and Luffy later on)? Anyway, Oda gave us way too much at once, there is smth rly big gonna happen which none foresaw. Big Mom is SH's enemy already, then Kaidou's men chasing that little kid who went with Sanji and the others, Kaidou himself who made the badass entrance, Kidd's alliance, a new nakama closing in soon and so on.. honestly the only thing uninteresting imo is the Fujitora part, as we all know Luffy will escape anyway. WillOfDeezNuts said: I'm surprised people aren't more curious about Kinemon carrying around Burgesses bag of devil fruits. That was the most interesting thing in this chapter for me. Why and how did Kinemon know about them. What happened to Burgess? i hadn't even noticed that lol.. great, another thing Oda gave us XD all i know of is that he got beaten to a pulp by Sabo, but how did Kinemon get the bag anyway.. Sabo wouldn't have given it i think, considering that bag could have been useful to the Revolutionary Army... If burgess would have been captured by the marines, Kinemon probably wouldn't have had the bag.. but then i dunno what happened or where he is.. |
Aug 11, 2015 7:07 AM
Okay, first of all Law's going to become SH crew member like "right now"... Something like this is going to happen: First, Luffy's all gona be like Law's our crew member now, and stuff... which Law will stay silent to (or he might respond: "I never said that!")... Then while Luffy/Ussop (and others...) are goofing off or doing their thing. Zoro's going to ask Law: "So have you made up your mind?""Are you really going to join us?"; then Law will respond: "Well, I still have my crew to think about..." then look at Luffy and continue talking to Zoro: "It might just be interesting to come along with you guys..." (with a smile on his face) (when he means he has his crew to think about, he means he needs to figure out what to do with them) Either way whatever happens, Law's "not going to go his own separate way" (like Jimbei did); even if he refuses Luffy for now; he'll keep sailing with the SH crew and by the end of this travel: meet Law's crew, meet the rest of SH crew, save the samurai girl; Law will have "officially" joined the crew. And they will have their "first Kanpai" (everytime a new member joins, the have kanpai), possibly right after separating from Kinemon and others (after the whole ordeal is finished). Luffy "will not" have a crew like WB; with commanders and their groups. They are going have about a dozen or so people. Of course there's always going to be some "worshipers of God Ussop" (followers), and other helpers like Jimbei (he'll probably help the SH crew out lots of times, but won't stay with the SH crew all the time like the rest of the crew), and finally "allies" like those who we met at Dressrosa. So when an actual "fight" happens, either against a Yonkou, Marines; there won't be just 10 of SH; but "lots of allies". But they won't be sailing on the same ship all the time like WB's crew. Also Vivi/Jimbei (even possibly Yowa-hoshi will help out with the Sea Kings, who knows) are officially "SH crew members" (one of the few, who don't sail together); they are like the "reserve members" of SH. (You know army soldiers have "reserve" soldiers? They are ready on call, if there's an emergency). Bellamy will be like that (i don't want him on the ship constantly. Seriously he bores me to death... I don't really have anything against the guy per-say. But he's just plain boring). Also "Chiken-kun" is gona be like that (i don't even remember the bastards name omg). Sanji also has the "flying fish riders" as his followers.(but they're probably too weak to come help...) For Law primary goal meant everything. Remember 10 years ago, he had "nothing" to live for. Then Corazon happened, and gave him life. So he decided to "give everything" back. Meaning now he put every moment of his life, for the purpose to grant Corazon's wish. Okay so life is very "limited" by time. So let's just say you had $10,000.00 ok? (this is measurement of your time in life by the way). So you really want an X-Box (Doflamingo), but you don't know how much it costs (Law doesn't know if he can beat Dofla, even if he put all his time and effort to "train" and "plan" and do whatever he needs to stop Dofla); but then on the way to the store, you see some guy selling ice-creams (One Piece for Law omg. Cause he doesn't have a "serious" wish for One Piece. If he wanted it, it's not as "important" as stopping Dofla); and the ice-cream costs you $100.00. Are you going to buy the ice-cream? (meaning waste time to pursue One Piece, rather than spending it to somehow get you closer to stopping Dofla; either train yourself; or look for "weapons", or even "money" that can help you buy better weapons/ships that might help you get "closer" to accomplishing "stopping Dofla"). Well for Law, his whole life was about Corazon, because before that he had "given up on life" (and that includes pursuing for One Piece, cause he's was gonna die anyway). So after having "received" life, he wants to "repay" Corazon with "that life" (in other words, he spent his life as if it belonged to Corazon; at least until Dofla was stopped). lol I hope my X-Box, Ice-cream analogy helped you see in perspective. Thought if it was Luffy, he doesn't care if he's got $0.00; he's gonna snatch the ice-cream, and fight for the X-Box with his ice-cream (lol)... Nah, for Luffy; ice-cream would be like fighting against Bellamy and his crew back in Jaya. No one likes getting "spat on", "hit" and "cursed by others". But since Bellamy and his crew weren't aiming for One Piece, they weren't in the "way" of the SH crew. So fighting them and making enemies (that might go chase after the SH crew for revenge later); which might become a "hindrance" to their "true goal"; they sacrificed their "small pride" for a moment, and aimed for the top. Same with Law, if he was even slightly getting "greedy" for One Piece, then his goal of stopping Dofla might be put in danger. (I'm not saying it would, but "it might". Just like how "making enemies", they "might" get in your way in the future, but "might not"; you never know. Thats why they make the choice for their "true goal") So what's Law's "new goal" in life, now that Dofla's done for? It's simple. Corazon's last words to Law were: "Walk, Law. Unnoticed...quietly...far away...far,...far away...nothing will bind you anymore...not the iron borders of the White City...nor your shortened lifespan. Nothing will restrict you anymore. You are now...truly free." Well the thing to "pick" from this is "being free" (living free). But Law still had a shackle on him; and that was Doflamingo. He couldn't "truly" feel free, until Dofla was stopped as Corazon's wish. He lived his whole 10 years of life under that goal. So who helped "free" him from that shackle? It was Luffy. Also Law's own words: "The Straw Hat crew has left nothing but miracles in its wake.". That just shows how much his faith in Luffy and the crew is. He's kind of like Nami; having been saved from his "shackles" by Luffy. And now going to join the crew, similar to Chopper. To help Luffy out. He's just going to live "free", and do what he wants now. And right now what he wants to do is "go with" Luffy (be with Luffy), to witness "the wave the D. will make" and stuff... He's very curious in what happens to Luffy in the future. He even "believes" that Luffy will become the Pirate King (in his heart), so that's what he's "interested" in and he will go to "witness" and "help" make that happen. Okay Zoa island. It hasn't been confirmed yet, that Zoa island is Kaido's island. Also it hasn't been confirmed yet that the SH crew (Sanji) are on Zoa island. Look Sanji and the others probably used "Koopta Burst" to escape from Big Mom's ship; then ended up on Kaido's "floating island"; but it's not Zoa island. And Kaido's on Kid's island which is also not Zoa... So Law's crew members are still far away (well as far as we know). Also, it hasn't been confirmed what's in Kinemon's bag. As far as we know, its just a similar looking bag (with Devil Fruit waves on it...). |
Commentator1Aug 11, 2015 7:14 AM
Aug 11, 2015 8:41 AM
Commentator1 said: but won't stay with the SH crew all the time like the rest of the crew), and finally "allies" like those who we met at Dressrosa. So when an actual "fight" happens, either against a Yonkou, Marines; there won't be just 10 of SH; but "lots of allies". But they won't be sailing on the same ship all the time like WB's crew. well thats what i meant by commanders, wb's commanders had all seperate ships, UNDER HIS FLAG (see my under SH flag part). i didnt mean they'd all go on the sunny, like hell, as i stated before, we know luffy doesnt want his personal crew to be big at all, but that doesnt mean he can't have commanders of other ships who sail under his flag. and as i said, it's just a possibility. he'll need them eventually anyway, how else is he gonna defend his whole future territory against possible invaders, he can't fly as far as i know of, so he'll need different crews for different regions in the future. and euhm, ye your ice-cream part... i already got what you said but you clearly can't stand that other ppl come up with other theories and say that you could be wrong (i know i'll be wrong too for that matter but who cares, it's Oda's story after all and im just excited to see what he comes up with) and feel the need to make it rediculous.. but whatever, i'll play along.. i think you need to restart reading from there (jaya) for a moment, i've read that part over 8 times now, luffy and zoro didnt care about their pride or anything, nor didnt they want to 'not' make enemies, it was NAMI who was the smart one and told them not to cause trouble for once. Zoro would have beaten those guys if Luffy didnt order him to let it go, and why did he? cuz he thought about Nami's words. Cmon, you can't expect Luffy to think that far ahead, he doesnt care about enemies. did he care about declaring war against the World Government during Ennies Lobby? Im pretty sure he realised that the world government would be a hindrance by doing so if he would have thought like that during Jaya. But did he? ofc not, ITS LUFFY THE AIRHEAD! he doesnt care who he faces or who he makes enemies with, just like with big mom. and thought i'd mention this too, do you even remember what i started this debate with? it was about Law's goals not only being 'defeat mingo'. in your post now you even contradicted yourself by saying he wants to witness 'the wave the D. will make'. again, he wouldn't just ditch his crew on a suicidal mission, he will go to zoa where his crew is headed (yes, with luffy) this still doesnt mean he won't join the SH pirates eventually. i'll use your method for a change so you might get it: 'xbox' is not the only goal of Microsoft, they also have 'Office' and much more (refering to Law having more goals than only mingo, yes he was on the verge of death and prepared to die, but so was luffy at his excecution, he didnt quit his goal, did he?). also, AGAIN (plz o plz read this for once), i've never said that you're wrong about anything of Law joining Strawhat, i've said that there are multiple ways to do so and that my words are just SPECULATION/THEORIES. clearly what you don't get is that yours are too, which gives you no right to say (at least so far and until it has been proven wrong, but then there'd be need for a spoiler allert) that his sole goal was that or 'he will' that. i'm in no way a professor or anything, but here, i think it's best to use MIGHT or COULD or so, instead of insinuating that you're right. Have you always been right about Oda's storyline? i think none can say that he was right about the whole story up to now, cuz that person would clearly lie. If you still insist on going on with your clairvoyance skills, go ahead, but think about what i just wrote here for once, other ppl might be right about parts too, not necessarily their whole theory is right. I'm pretty sure the meaning of this discussion forum is to get MULTIPLE ideas together and getting other ppl's insight anyway to form a whole, and not only having 1 idea from 1 guy who claims he is right about all and keeps pushing it all through the convo. so now for the last time, ill make sure to be clear now, i agreed with most of what you said that could be possible, but i dont believe that his sole goal was defeating mingo, it was a major goal of his, but not his only. won't ever agree to that. if you still don't get this part, then nvm what i said and go on with the other discussions.. now on another note, when the hell are we gonna see Zoro's true current strength.. we still haven't seen him injured or whatsoever since the pacifista.. |
Aug 11, 2015 8:45 AM
Hiroyuuki said: UNDER HIS FLAG (see my under SH flag part). nah, WB traveled together. I think they got 4 ships "just for the war" (maybe not). But even if they all had 4 ships. They were all 4 ships. All WB ships right? and they all traveled together. What I mean when i say "allies" is like the 42 pirate groups to WB. WB's crew consisted of 12 (13?) Commanders, each leading a dozen or less people. Which makes it about 100 (in numbers). The SH crew won't go big like that... So different right? SH allies won't put SH flag... That's what I'm saying man. That's what im saying... |
Aug 11, 2015 8:48 AM
Hiroyuuki said: how else is he gonna defend his whole future territory against possible invaders, Luffy's not there to "conquer" anything (unlike the Yonkou). So he's just gona keep doing what he does... Just keep beating strong guy's asses all the way through. There'll be islands like the Fishmen Island, but none of the "official" SH crew will be there. Well, I guess you can consider Jimbei as SH crew member in charge of Fishmen Island lol... Then yeah, just their "local-nakama" will protect the territory... Luffy won't be "assigning" any positions... |
Aug 11, 2015 8:53 AM
Hiroyuuki said: i've read that part over 8 times now, luffy and zoro didnt care about their pride or anything, nor didnt they want to 'not' make enemies, it was NAMI who was the smart one and told them not to cause trouble for once. Zoro would have beaten those guys if Luffy didnt order him to let it go, and why did he? cuz he thought about Nami's words. Go back and read Jaya part again. It WASN"T because of Nami. If you see the reaction they got when they saw Burgess on top of the building (going Champion) and all that, then later Luffy was almost ready to fight (even while Nami's saying fight them); that "showed" just how much they cared for Nami's words (like none at all). What got Luffy to stop was, when Bellamy mentioned about what he thinks the "real pirates" are... Saying all "dreams chasing fools are not pirates". That reminded him of what happened with Shanks and the bandits. (remember Shanks?). Then even BB explains what happened, by saying Bellamy and the others were the real "losers", since they are not going to reach One Piece (cause they obviously don't chase their dreams...). It has nothing to do with Nami man. Nami was begging them to fight... Zoro probably "understood" what happened. |
Aug 11, 2015 9:00 AM
Hiroyuuki said: But did he? ofc not, ITS LUFFY THE AIRHEAD! he doesnt care who he faces or who he makes enemies with, just like with big mom. So on one side you're saying Luffy's actually smart enough to listen to what Nami says (which he never does) (also Nami started telling them to fight, and again he didn't listen). On the other side you're saying he's an "AIRHEAD"?... Listen as Shanks said: "I can get drink spilled on me... I can even get spat on... I can be laughed...""but it's not like they're in my way..." (the bandits, cause they don't share Shank's true goal) "but I will never let my nakama get hurt..." That's their "primary" goal. For that they'll do "anything", even turning the world upside down. But Luffy don't go around beating every weakling there is... He defeats his opponents (other pirates). But Bellamy didn't even chase after One Piece, he wasn't a "true pirate", so Luffy let him be. "If by any chance they touched Nami. Luffy would've smacked their brains out... But for someone strong like Zoro, he wasn't even that hurt by a few punches by those punks who played pirate (pretend-pirate, really more of bandits...)" Thats why they let them be. |
Aug 11, 2015 9:01 AM
Commentator1 said: Hiroyuuki said: UNDER HIS FLAG (see my under SH flag part). nah, WB traveled together. I think they got 4 ships "just for the war" (maybe not). But even if they all had 4 ships. They were all 4 ships. All WB ships right? and they all traveled together. o rly? i thought they did have a ship for each devision, good to know lol. |
Aug 11, 2015 9:03 AM
Hiroyuuki said: your post now you even contradicted yourself by saying he wants to witness 'the wave the D. will make'. again, he wouldn't just ditch his crew on a suicidal mission, he will go to zoa where his crew is headed (yes, with luffy) this still doesnt mean he won't join the SH pirates eventually. But I'm saying that "witnessing the wave the D. will make" goal will have to be pursued "only" by joining the SH.... Your point was that Law has other goals, that would somehow interfere with him joining the SH... So where's the contradiction. I don't care if the "sole purpose" of Law's life somehow gets connected to "joining and becoming one of SH crew"... All i care is, that Law doesn't have any goals that go against him joining the SH crew... |
Aug 11, 2015 9:04 AM
[quote=Hiroyuuki] Commentator1 said: o rly? i thought they did have a ship for each devision, good to know lol. ... wow... you trolling me? or whats up. if they had a dozen ships that just supports my theory more. As i said the SH crew will just have 1 ship... and a dozen or so members. And wont go having dozen ships (by your words...) like the WB crew... |
Aug 11, 2015 9:09 AM
Hiroyuuki said: i'll use your method for a change so you might get it: 'xbox' is not the only goal of Microsoft, they also have 'Office' and much more (refering to Law having more goals than only mingo, yes he was on the verge of death and prepared to die, but so was luffy at his excecution, he didnt quit his goal, did he?). also, AGAIN (plz o plz read this for once), i've never said that you're wrong about anything of Law joining Strawhat, i've said that there are multiple ways to do so and that my words are just SPECULATION/THEORIES. Omg... Xbox, Office... There's no comparison here... If Microsoft would make "more" money by developing one of them rather than both... they would spend all their money on only 1... But as it is it makes more money to develop both... So the "primary goal" here is "money"... not "x-box" or "office"... So, if Microsoft had a chance to make "more money" by "getting rid of one of them (like if they were losing money on selling X-box); then they will... That's nothing like my theory... omg omg omg... Luffy at execution? How does that "differ" from his goal? His goal to go forward for his dreams, and if he dies trying; then that's not going against his "goal"... It's just to give his best, and if he dies even after that; he won't have any regrets... Are you drunk by any chance... My words aren't speculation, nor theories... Just keep reading OP, and cry and eat your nails (as you rage) when everything i said comes to be... |
Aug 11, 2015 9:16 AM
Commentator1 said: ... wow... you trolling me? or whats up. if they had a dozen ships that just supports my theory more. As i said the SH crew will just have 1 ship... and a dozen or so members. And wont go having dozen ships (by your words...) like the WB crew... no rly i didnt know lol.. but anyway, i remember an Oda interview too where he said they'd only have a dozen of members, but there is my main problem with that part.. like.. how the hell are so few even gonna compete with any younko?? i hope Oda isn't gonna exagerate with the power upgrades.. a way to compete would be to have a face to face battle against a younko.. but then again, will men like kaidou respect agreements made for a 1 vs 1 and stuff when he loses and miss the chance to defeat a weakened enemy? (im not saying luffy is stronger here, im not an idiot fanboy who thinks luffy can beat anyone he wants atm, he barely defeated mingo and could he even without Law?) it just confuses me so much to find a way that the straw hats would be able to beat any younko without a decent amount of men.. ok, allies, but then again, how many men do the younko have each and how many allies..? its just the same result in the end, so i rly can't see them beating a younko without enough men.. |
Aug 11, 2015 9:20 AM
Hiroyuuki said: clearly what you don't get is that yours are too, which gives you no right to say (at least so far and until it has been proven wrong, but then there'd be need for a spoiler allert) that his sole goal was that or 'he will' that. i'm in no way a professor or anything, but here, i think it's best to use MIGHT or COULD or so, instead of insinuating that you're right. Have you always been right about Oda's storyline? Okay so... Like for example... Chapter 589. page 6ish. I knew Sabo was alive at this point... But Sabo is only revealed at 731... Did i not have "enough evidence"? I think i did... some agreed with me. Lots of people didn't think so, and now look... lol Also with brook... Did anyone doubt that he will become a nakama? Did you have to wait til the end of Thriller Bark arc? There's so many things man,... that if you've been reading One Piece, that you "can"notice. What I mean is Oda's writing style. He "leaves" clues (most people don't get it... only a few). Then later when he reveals it, it hits ya ;p |
Aug 11, 2015 9:26 AM
Commentator1 said: Luffy at execution? How does that "differ" from his goal? His goal to go forward for his dreams, and if he dies trying; then that's not going against his "goal"... It's just to give his best, and if he dies even after that; he won't have any regrets... Are you drunk by any chance... My words aren't speculation, nor theories... Just keep reading OP, and cry and eat your nails (as you rage) when everything i said comes to be... ye read your own comments for a change about law losing his interest in his goals cuz he faced death and then think about what i said, but anyway, your last part just made me realise you must be a 5 year old who thinks EVERYTHING he says is right and other's thoughts are 100% wrong and i realise you are in the same class as the ones i said earlier to be 'liars' for saying everything they said before was 100% right and happened in the story.. and i have no interest in lecturing ppl who dont understand that as long as it hasn't been officially released yet, it's all theories and speculations.. so have fun with making your upcoming chapters, mr. Oda! (clearly you MUST be Oda himself as you indicate that you aren't putting theories or specs on here, but the absolute truth) and im out of this meaningless discussion with you and will enjoy other ppl's comments on things i might have missed while you keep insisting that you are right, have fun sir. just a quick edit now on your new comment, until chapter 731 it was all speculation or theories, and not the official truth, which part of this don't you get... IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU'RE WRONG! |
HiroyuukiAug 11, 2015 9:32 AM
Aug 11, 2015 9:33 AM
Hiroyuuki said: no rly i didnt know lol.. but anyway, i remember an Oda interview too where he said they'd only have a dozen of members, but there is my main problem with that part.. like.. how the hell are so few even gonna compete with any younko? it just confuses me so much to find a way that the straw hats would be able to beat any younko without a decent amount of men.. ok, allies, but then again, how many men do the younko have each and how many allies..? its just the same result in the end, so i rly can't see them beating a younko without enough men.. Okay, there you go... You are saying that yourself now: "Oda said"... If Oda said it already... Well, just think of this... Like if Luffy and WB fought... (I'll take WB as a representation of any other Yonkou's)... Then if they just went 1vs1. Most of WB's underlings will be wiped out, by their Conquiring Haki (Haoshoki?). Remember what happened when Shanks came to WB's ship? lots went unconscious. And Shanks wasn't even using full power, he was just doing it as a little "presence" to "threaten" just a little (cause it was an enemy ship after all...) So really, everyone who'll be left to be able to fight... will be a dozen or so guys... And we'll have a nice 1vs1 (mostly) then some 1vs2, or 2vs3 ... etc... Mostly the yonkou's need to be beat 1vs1 to be fair... Before someone like Moriah, who fights by using other people's strength is not even a "real pirate". As "borrowing other's powers" to fight means that you have "given up" on your own power... But the yonkou's are "opponents" of Luffy, for One Piece. They are fair "rivals"... So even if they beat a yonkou, if Luffy don't do it "fair and square"... It won't be "true defeat". You realize in One Piece, and many other stories as well as in Japanese culture; "battle" is not really physical but more "spiritual". Who ever wins the battle of "will power" wins (that says something about everyone who has conquering haki...). So if you beat someone, but not by your own power; they won't be "defeated" for real; as they would just come back to beat you... But someone who you beat fair and square, they will "fear" you; and they will live so that they "don't oppose" you... (cause of fear, respect and stuff...); so that's how you "truly" win. Not by simply winning (by cheating), but by "subdue"-ing their "will" (kind of like Conquering haki...)... Anyway, have you seen the movie; something about "Z"? The guy who was like a senpai of the admiral. That was a "similar" situation as if Luffy fought a yonkou. and how the fight would turn out. Now there'll be lots more details, and stuff... But basically Luffy's gona be losing at the start... and little by little, he'll fight again and again until he wins somehow... omg. He'll probably get some support. But the support won't really be helping Luffy take the opponent out. But it will only help Luffy recover faster. (like running away from Dofla, after he spent haki). So in the end, it is Luffy who beats the opponent... something like that.. |
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