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Sep 1, 2014 8:41 PM
Jun 2014

This confession about me inspired the creation of this thread. By the way, I am no way claiming to be intelligent.

From your experience, are pretty girls usually simple and empty-headed? If so, is it because there is a negative correlation between beauty and intelligence or is it because of other reasons?

Also, do you personally get turned on by an intelligent woman, or at least the appearance/attempt of it or is your preference grounded in having a girlfriend who is less intelligent than you and you veer away from "challenging women"?

Personally, after reading the responses below, I am of the opinion that the average man gets turned on more if a woman is less intelligent than him. Not only does he have physical dominance over her, but also intellectual dominance. He may engage in witty repartes with her, but it only bolsters his pride due to the slip-ups she would inevitably make. There would almost be no sense of being emasculated on his part.

The responses were taken from this thread:

geniobastardo said:
Doesn't matter. In the end, I'll be the one with the higher IQ.
Baman said:
No, that's just great, then I can ask her to do my taxes while she's making me a sandwich. It's a bonus utility.
mclovinballz said:
Doesn't bother me, I just think about in a couple of years, I'll be their boss since jobs always put men above women.
DesuMaiden said:
No I'm not intimidated by females with a higher education level than me, because a higher education level does not mean she is smarter than me.
Tachycardic said:
I'd definitely be turned off, not so much intimidated, by women who have a higher level of education than me and boast about it.
Korrvo said:
No, because I'm a man and I'm still inherently better than women regardless of how successful they are with their lives.
JamisHayha13 said:
Not really, being highly educated doesn't make you intelligent, it just takes away your excuse to be ignorant.
Kazataro said:
Women have smaller brains, male master race.

I know your instinct commands you to proclaim that you like women with brains, but think deeply for a moment. Would you really prefer a girlfriend who's more intelligent than you?

Now, for an anecdote: I have an aunt who graduated from a prestigious university a few years ago. Being in her twenties, she's very much into the dating scene. Yet she complains to me and my mother that during dates, she would try to steer away the topic of conversation away from where she graduated, and would only reveal it after several dates, because from her experience, men, no matter whether he's a banker or a rising corporate star, would glaze their eyes over her upon hearing her answer (some would even ask what her SAT score was). I can understand her pain. It's as if women can't brag about her accomplishments like men could. Oh, how frustrating that is!

To return to the subject, they might be polite with her throughout the evening, but the rate of them calling her back is lower than when she avoids mentioning which university she graduated from. She has a boyfriend of a few months now, but I can totally see her getting dumped over an unaccomplished yet pretty woman. C'est la vie.

And thus, my first post ends here. I have no idea who sent in that confession, but cheers to you anyway for providing me a thread idea.
RevelrySep 1, 2014 9:03 PM
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Sep 1, 2014 8:43 PM

Jun 2013
I have no idea. As long as they don't act like an asshole I'm fine I guess.
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Sep 1, 2014 8:44 PM

Sep 2011
I consider myself pretty intelligent and I'd want a spouse who would be my equal

but it's less about the intelligence and more about understanding logic, compromise, and debate - if we can't have a civil argument and come to an understanding; regardless of who is right and who is wrong

then it's not destined to be~

Revvy said:
By the way, I am no way claiming to be intelligent.

so you are claiming to be pretty then? o.o

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Sep 1, 2014 8:44 PM

Jan 2014
Is it that reasonable to draw your conclusions from what appears to be 110% troll responses?
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Sep 1, 2014 8:45 PM

Mar 2014
A certain level of confirmation bias is involved. Most people do a certain amount of dumb things, but if you think someone is dumb you'll notice it more. Ask not of what makes someone dumb, but of what that is dumb makes thyself.
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Sep 1, 2014 8:46 PM

Mar 2014
From my experience, pretty girls in high school were simple minded because all they cared about was if all eyes were on them.

Now as for my preference, I would like a woman who is just as intelligent as me. If she's smarter than me, then more power to her.
Sep 1, 2014 8:48 PM

Mar 2013
I'm fine with anything as long as they're not a ditsy bimbo who's borderline mentally retarded.
Sep 1, 2014 8:49 PM
Aug 2012
You can't judge someones mental abilities by the way they look. You've been watching too many films.
Sep 1, 2014 8:51 PM

Dec 2011
That last option though. Best poll option ever.

I have above average intelligence at least according to some pointless tests. I find that sometimes it annoys me when my wife can't arrive at the same answer as me or it takes her longer.

That's a problem with me though. My wife is my equal just maybe balanced in different ways. For instance, math eludes her almost completely.

Many times though, she will point out the most rudimentary, simplistic answer that I missed trying to be "intelligent." It makes me laugh thinking back.

For reference, I find my wife very attractive.
DamaeinSep 1, 2014 8:55 PM
text27 said:
yes if you read the whole thing...robots will only kill the people you put in-front of them so yeah.

RandomChampion said:
u were that homie in the thong werent u
Sep 1, 2014 8:51 PM

Jan 2014
ReignSixx said:

Which might actually be true, considering the popularity of queen Senjougahara Monogatari gurls.

The whole thing reminds me of chapter 2 of Bakuman (uuugh).
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Sep 1, 2014 8:51 PM
Jul 2018
Where are the options for dumb men?

I am dumb and I prefer women who are as intelligent as myself.
Sep 1, 2014 8:53 PM

Jan 2014
Depends on the girl.

Sep 1, 2014 8:53 PM

Jun 2008
This poll and the topic title are like, totally different things...

I myself favours similar education as the ideal. I don't plan to do a PhD atm, but if she did, good for her. My bare minimum should be someone who graduated from university though.

Some of these quotes just look like typical sarcasm/shitposting on a forum, however.
Sep 1, 2014 8:54 PM
Jun 2014
ReignSixx said:
From my experience, pretty girls in high school were simple minded because all they cared about was if all eyes were on them.
Why do you say that all they cared about was if all eyes were on them? By the way, simple-mindedness has nothing to do with that.
Sep 1, 2014 9:01 PM

Mar 2012
I'll give you my 2-cents on this subject. It's not that they are naturally dumb, in many cases, but rather that they evolved via their treatment. I find a lot of attractive girls haven't had to rely on their intelligence, as much. Also, a lot of attractive girls I knew got involved with the "popular crowd" which involved a lot of partying. I've been around some very attractive women and men fall head over heels for them. They swarm around these girls and they can literally be manipulated like puppets.

I've met attractive and intelligent women, but I haven't met too many who are very attractive and intelligent. The ones I have met are defined by their looks anyway and judged by them.

I hope I have luck one day with an intelligent and attractive women, that has a good heart as well. I've been with girls that meet 2 of those criteria but never all 3.

Attractive and Intelligent, missing the "good heart"- Manipulative Bitch

Attractive and Good Heart, missing intelligence - Stereotypical Black and White 50's Wife that bakes pie. Yeah, that's all nice but I need intelligent conversations in my life.

Good Heart and Intelligent- It's nice and as sad as it is to say this..I need sexual attraction. Probably shallow, but it's the reality of the situation.
Sep 1, 2014 9:02 PM

Jun 2010
I'm not the brightest guy around but I sure ain't dumb. I would prefer to have a smart girlfriend for obvious reasons (perhaps someone who studies/works in a related field, but that's not 100% necessary), but I would never reject a girl simply because of her (lack of) intelligence. Like I already mentioned, I don't really care if she's smarter than me unless she rubs it in my face and doesn't mean it as a joke.
Sep 1, 2014 9:05 PM

Nov 2012
I would prefer to spend the rest of my life with someone who is competent than a person who can't understand common sense.
Sep 1, 2014 9:05 PM

Sep 2012
The whole "hot body but empty head" stereotype isn't exclusive to women. Not at all.
Sep 1, 2014 9:05 PM
Jul 2018
I prefer a girl who isn't a total ass. Intelligence really doesn't factor into it unless she's so possibly dense that a simple conversation is impossible.

"Oh I'm such an airhead, my bad~"

No, no you're not. You're just stupid. Ditzy can be cute. Endearing even. But you... Ohhhhh, how I can't stand you.
Sep 1, 2014 9:06 PM
Jun 2014
Tachycardic said:
Like I already mentioned, I don't really care if she's smarter than me unless she rubs it in my face and doesn't mean it as a joke.
How do you measure whether she's rubbing it in your face or means it as a joke?
Sep 1, 2014 9:06 PM

Mar 2012
Tachycardic said:
Well, I would prefer to have a smart girlfriend for obvious reasons (perhaps someone who studies/works in a related field, but that's not 100% necessary), but I would never reject a girl simply because of her (lack of) intelligence. Like I already mentioned, I don't really care if she's smarter than me unless she rubs it in my face and doesn't mean it as a joke.

I've made that mistake, a couple of times, and I'm going to avoid making it again. Intelligence is so important for a long term relationship, in my case. I'm not expecting Mrs. Einstein, but if I can't have an intelligent conversation with someone then the sexual attraction fades away. They may be nice, but I need more than that.

Intelligence is sexy and a value a woman for it. I want a girl to be my partner in life, not just a trophy. Been there and done that, but I guess we all have to to learn from our mistakes.
Sep 1, 2014 9:07 PM
Nov 2008
Schwarzitgiest said:
I have no idea. As long as they don't act like an asshole I'm fine I guess.
pretty much, yeah.

Red_Keys said:
The whole "hot body but empty head" stereotype isn't exclusive to women. Not at all.
i've seen it mostly applied to 'muscleheads'.
Sep 1, 2014 9:10 PM

Jun 2010
Revelry said:
Tachycardic said:
Like I already mentioned, I don't really care if she's smarter than me unless she rubs it in my face and doesn't mean it as a joke.
How do you measure whether she's rubbing it in your face or means it as a joke?

I think it's pretty easy to tell if someone's joking, unless they're super deadpan or something.

RichtheLionheart said:
Tachycardic said:
Well, I would prefer to have a smart girlfriend for obvious reasons (perhaps someone who studies/works in a related field, but that's not 100% necessary), but I would never reject a girl simply because of her (lack of) intelligence. Like I already mentioned, I don't really care if she's smarter than me unless she rubs it in my face and doesn't mean it as a joke.

I've made that mistake, a couple of times, and I'm going to avoid making it again. Intelligence is so important for a long term relationship, in my case. I'm not expecting Mrs. Einstein, but if I can't have an intelligent conversation with someone then the sexual attraction fades away. They may be nice, but I need more than that.

Intelligence is sexy and a value a woman for it. I want a girl to be my partner in life, not just a trophy. Been there and done that, but I guess we all have to to learn from our mistakes.

I just mean it in a general sense. If she's an ideal match for me apart from the fact that she's not the brightest tool in the shed, I wouldn't hesitate. Intelligence is definitely a turn on for me as well, but it's not the be-all and end-all.
Sep 1, 2014 9:11 PM

Oct 2011
Sep 1, 2014 9:12 PM
Jun 2014
RichtheLionheart said:
I'll give you my 2-cents on this subject. It's not that they are naturally dumb, in many cases, but rather that they evolved via their treatment. I find a lot of attractive girls haven't had to rely on their intelligence, as much.
This reminds me of the resource paradox. It really is tempting to rely on your looks to get you to places without fostering your mind.

RichtheLionheart said:
I've met attractive and intelligent women, but I haven't met too many who are very attractive and intelligent. The ones I have met are defined by their looks anyway and judged by them.
This is true. No matter your academic achievements, you'll always be the "pretty girl."

RichtheLionheart said:
Attractive and Intelligent, missing the "good heart"- Manipulative Bitch

Attractive and Good Heart, missing intelligence - Stereotypical Black and White 50's Wife that bakes pie. Yeah, that's all nice but I need intelligent conversations in my life.

Good Heart and Intelligent- It's nice and as sad as it is to say this..I need sexual attraction. Probably shallow, but it's the reality of the situation.
Interesting classification. I wonder which category I fall into.
Sep 1, 2014 9:13 PM
Jul 2018
Nope, I would like to date someone smart.
Sep 1, 2014 9:15 PM
Jun 2014
Tachycardic said:
Revelry said:
How do you measure whether she's rubbing it in your face or means it as a joke?
I think it's pretty easy to tell if someone's joking, unless they're super deadpan or something.
Eh, I asked the wrong question. "Rubbing it in your face" implies that she can't feel proud of her achievements/quality whenever she is with you. I sense some insecurity on your part.
Sep 1, 2014 9:18 PM

Jan 2014
I am a man of above average intelligence who prefers a woman of equal or higher intelligence to myself. I'll attempt to substantiate both parts of my poll choices to illustrate that I'm not just a dummy trying to appear non-sexist. Concerning my intelligence: I am a self-taught game programmer, I took first place in a national-level English academic testing competition, and my SAT scores placed me well above average in a highly populated state whose average is also well above the national average. Concerning my taste in women: Of the three or four women I've actually been seriously interested in, at least one was much smarter than me, and at least two were more serious about their studies.

Revelry said:
From your experience, are pretty girls usually simple and empty-headed? If so, is it because there is a negative correlation between beauty and intelligence or is it because of other reasons?
I think society as a whole puts a higher value on female beauty than on female intelligence. Therefore there is more pressure for attractive females to accentuate their beauty rather than hone their minds. The natural laziness of human beings results in more females choosing the "path of least resistance" - look pretty and marry well.

Revelry said:
Also, do you personally get turned on by an intelligent woman, or at least the appearance/attempt of it or is your preference grounded in having a girlfriend who is less intelligent than you and you veer away from "challenging women"?
I personally despise the shallow niceties of societal convention such as discussing the weather. I greatly admire people (men and women) who can converse intelligently on topics of real gravity, and I especially admire someone who can make me reconsider my own opinions or positions on a subject. That being said, I have not really been lucky in love so far in my life. These "challenging women" never seem to be as smitten with me as I am with them.

Revelry said:
Personally, after reading the responses below, I am of the opinion that the average man gets turned on more if a woman is less intelligent than him. Not only does he have physical dominance over her, but also intellectual dominance. He may engage in witty repartes with her, but it only bolsters his pride due to the slip-ups she would inevitably make. There would almost be no sense of being emasculated on his part.
I agree, though I would also point out that the average man is little better than an ape wearing pants, led through the nose in his decision-making process by his overly influential genitalia.

Sapewloth said:
Is it that reasonable to draw your conclusions from what appears to be 110% troll responses?
A point worthy of consideration.
Sep 1, 2014 9:18 PM
Jun 2014
Red_Keys said:
The whole "hot body but empty head" stereotype isn't exclusive to women. Not at all.
Certainly. But men are less penalized for it. People automatically assume that an attractive man is also intelligent and dependable whereas people experience cognitive dissonance when they encounter an intelligent and beautiful woman. They try to find a flaw in her, because in society, women are classified into specific categories, and someone who's an outlier, possessing qualities which are attractive on their own, but not necessarily when in tandem, are usually distrusted.
Sep 1, 2014 9:20 PM

Jun 2010
Revelry said:
Tachycardic said:
I think it's pretty easy to tell if someone's joking, unless they're super deadpan or something.
Eh, I asked the wrong question. "Rubbing it in your face" implies that she can't feel proud of her achievements/quality whenever she is with you. I sense some insecurity on your part.

Perhaps I used the wrong phrase as well. I wouldn't like it if she blatantly tells me that she's better than me simply because she's smarter. This has nothing to do with her feeling proud of her accomplishments. I don't see how this shows I'm insecure about anything? I'm not one of those people who can't handle the fact that there will always be someone better than them in everything.
Sep 1, 2014 9:20 PM

Mar 2012
Revelry said:
RichtheLionheart said:
I'll give you my 2-cents on this subject. It's not that they are naturally dumb, in many cases, but rather that they evolved via their treatment. I find a lot of attractive girls haven't had to rely on their intelligence, as much.
This reminds me of the resource paradox. It really is tempting to rely on your looks to get you to places without fostering your mind.

RichtheLionheart said:
I've met attractive and intelligent women, but I haven't met too many who are very attractive and intelligent. The ones I have met are defined by their looks anyway and judged by them.
This is true. No matter your academic achievements, you'll always be the "pretty girl."

RichtheLionheart said:
Attractive and Intelligent, missing the "good heart"- Manipulative Bitch

Attractive and Good Heart, missing intelligence - Stereotypical Black and White 50's Wife that bakes pie. Yeah, that's all nice but I need intelligent conversations in my life.

Good Heart and Intelligent- It's nice and as sad as it is to say this..I need sexual attraction. Probably shallow, but it's the reality of the situation.
Interesting classification. I wonder which category I fall into.

Well, your list is private so I was going to look at it to see if I could figure out some clues. I've always had a natural gift for reading into people lol. It's weird, but true nonetheless.

Your favorite Anime is Legend of the Galactic Heroes and you are a woman. That in and of itself says a lot. You like classic Anime, so +1 for me and it is an intelligent person's series.

You could be the 4th option, that meets all 3 categories. Like I said, there are girls out there that meet all the criteria.

RichtheLionheartSep 1, 2014 9:25 PM
Sep 1, 2014 9:25 PM

Apr 2014
I could imagine if a guy initially went out with a girl for just being attractive he'd be happy for a while, but if she turned out to be a total airhead I could only assume it would get quite annoying after awhile, that is, once the initial attraction wears off. Usually I think people of the same level of intelligence gravitate towards one another, but then again, some guys may like to dominate their girlfriends, and by being intellectually smarter than them may be one method of doing so. Nevertheless, everyone's preferences are different, but overall I think people like to go out with other people of the same/similar intelligence levels to their own.
Sep 1, 2014 9:26 PM

Aug 2014
Mashiro-Yuki said:
I prefer a girl who isn't a total ass. Intelligence really doesn't factor into it unless she's so possibly dense that a simple conversation is impossible.

"Oh I'm such an airhead, my bad~"

No, no you're not. You're just stupid. Ditzy can be cute. Endearing even. But you... Ohhhhh, how I can't stand you.
lol "Your Just stupid"
Sep 1, 2014 9:27 PM

Mar 2013
RichtheLionheart said:
You could be the 4th option, that meets all 3 categories. Like I said, there are girls out there that meet all the criteria.

You hear that Revelry? You could be the one! You make Rich's lion heart go doki doki.
Sep 1, 2014 9:27 PM
Mar 2014
I think with the confession what turned him on was not that you are less intelligent than him but that you're trying to act intelligent even though you aren't (from his perspective).

I don't think it has anything to do with men only seeking dumber woman or whatever this thread's about, but possibly your interest in intellect even though you don't appear smart to him.

My bet's that even if you are actually smart he'll find you "lustful", by virtue of your interest in trying to convey your intellect regardless of the level of it.

So that confessor probably likes smart woman more than dumb ones (why else would intellectual interest turn him on). But sure derive this thread from it by all means.
Sep 1, 2014 9:28 PM

Nov 2008
I don't mind an airhead as long as she's capable of basic conversation.

Sep 1, 2014 9:29 PM

Mar 2014
I don't really have any preference, the only thing that matters is how her mom looks so I can judge if she'll age well or not.
Sep 1, 2014 9:31 PM
Mar 2014
mclovinballz said:
I don't really have any preference, the only thing that matters is how her mom looks so I can judge if she'll age well or not.
My mom tells me to do this, I don't think it has any basis though.
Sep 1, 2014 9:34 PM

Mar 2012
Bambi_ said:
I could imagine if a guy initially went out with a girl for just being attractive he'd be happy for a while, but if she turned out to be a total airhead I could only assume it would get quite annoying after awhile, that is, once the initial attraction wears off. Usually I think people of the same level of intelligence gravitate towards one another, but then again, some guys may like to dominate their girlfriends, and by being intellectually smarter than them may be one method of doing so. Nevertheless, everyone's preferences are different, but overall I think people like to go out with other people of the same/similar intelligence levels to their own.

You would think, but it isn't always the case. Some guys just fall for the looks and end up marrying the girl. A lot of them end up divorcing and losing their kids/money, and become massively depressed.

I'm taking all precautions, so that doesn't happen to me. I truly believe in setting the bar high, so once I finally settle down it's for good.
Sep 1, 2014 9:35 PM

Mar 2012
DerpHole said:
RichtheLionheart said:
You could be the 4th option, that meets all 3 categories. Like I said, there are girls out there that meet all the criteria.

You hear that Revelry? You could be the one! You make Rich's lion heart go doki doki.

-____- Jesus Christ, Help me now...
Sep 1, 2014 9:35 PM
Jun 2014
Jackrabb1t said:
The natural laziness of human beings results in more females choosing the "path of least resistance" - look pretty and marry well.
That's still an option for me.

Jackrabb1t said:
These "challenging women" never seem to be as smitten with me as I am with them.
Why do you think that's the case?

Jackrabb1t said:
Sapewloth said:
Is it that reasonable to draw your conclusions from what appears to be 110% troll responses?
A point worthy of consideration.
Nay, the answers have a grain of truth in them. I should have mentioned earlier that I also drew my conclusions from real life experiences; I even gave an anecdote to support it.
Sep 1, 2014 9:37 PM
Jun 2014
RichtheLionheart said:
Well, your list is private so I was going to look at it to see if I could figure out some clues. I've always had a natural gift for reading into people lol. It's weird, but true nonetheless.

Your favorite Anime is Legend of the Galactic Heroes and you are a woman. That in and of itself says a lot. You like classic Anime, so +1 for me and it is an intelligent person's series.

You could be the 4th option, that meets all 3 categories. Like I said, there are girls out there that meet all the criteria.

Yeah, maybe.
Sep 1, 2014 9:41 PM

Jan 2014
Revelry said:
Jackrabb1t said:
These "challenging women" never seem to be as smitten with me as I am with them.
Why do you think that's the case?
Admittedly two were already in relationships. Though maybe I just have a toxic personality IRL... And I am pretty average in looks. Men aren't the only ones who judge books by covers.
Sep 1, 2014 9:47 PM

Sep 2012
Revelry said:
Red_Keys said:
The whole "hot body but empty head" stereotype isn't exclusive to women. Not at all.
Certainly. But men are less penalized for it. People automatically assume that an attractive man is also intelligent and dependable whereas people experience cognitive dissonance when they encounter an intelligent and beautiful woman. They try to find a flaw in her, because in society, women are classified into specific categories, and someone who's an outlier, possessing qualities which are attractive on their own, but not necessarily when in tandem, are usually distrusted.
Well you just contradicted yourself. You agreed, and then you said that "people automatically assume that an attractive man is also intelligent". Which... directly conflicts with you saying "certainly" at the beginning of your post.

Men are classified into specific categories too. Hell, when the word "nerd" comes to mind, do you think of some sexy guy with rippling muscles and a chiseled jaw enticing you into bed? Or do you think of that skinny ugly guy wearing overalls and has thick glasses with tape in the middle because he gets punched in the face often?

Intelligence having a negative correlation with attractiveness is a cliche that is portrayed upon men and women equally. Men and women are both judged by what "categories" they fit in to, especially when they have "outlier" traits. If you want to talk about this trend of assuming that attractive people are unintelligent, or at least not exceptionally intelligent, talking about how it only effects 50% of the population is simply counterproductive.

Sep 1, 2014 9:52 PM

Jul 2014
I prefer intelligent, attractive sadist lolis.
Wecc said:
All hail HaXXspetten king of the loli traps!
Sep 1, 2014 9:54 PM

Aug 2014
Prefer a gal whos on the more intelligent side, can't tolerate ditzy girls, but I feel like each has its flaws. ditzy girls you obviously went for because of their looks and as stated before the attraction will begin to fade as you realize her lack of brain cells, from my experience with intelligent women, you open up your intellectual world to a whole new ball game. I began to find simple convos turning into unnecessary full on debates with opinions clashing left and right for no reason other than the cliche "the woman has to be right" kicking in, I've found intelligent women to be more literal thus waning on their sense of humor.

Sep 1, 2014 9:56 PM
Jun 2014
SovietStrawberry said:
I think with the confession what turned him on was not that you are less intelligent than him but that you're trying to act intelligent even though you aren't (from his perspective).

I don't think it has anything to do with men only seeking dumber woman or whatever this thread's about, but possibly your interest in intellect even though you don't appear smart to him.

My bet's that even if you are actually smart he'll find you "lustful", by virtue of your interest in trying to convey your intellect regardless of the level of it.

So that confessor probably likes smart woman more than dumb ones (why else would intellectual interest turn him on). But sure derive this thread from it by all means.
Why would anyone be interested in an "intelligent" woman in the first place over a woman of average intellect?
Sep 1, 2014 9:56 PM

Jun 2014
I am a man with above average/high intelligence and I prefer women who are less intelligent than me by a great degree. (your vote)

Dumb girls are great, granted they acknowledge it.
-They leave the decision making up to you.
-They appreciate your intelligence
-They excel at menial tasks
-They have a blissfully ignorant aura
-They usually look more attractive because they focus on appearances.
-Needless to say less arguing
And most of all you help them overcome there shortcomings with how awesomely intelligent you are.
Everybody wins
Sep 1, 2014 9:57 PM

Mar 2014
Revelry said:
Why would anyone be interested in an "intelligent" woman in the first place over a woman of average intellect?
Because they find intelligence attractive and/or they want strong genes for their kids.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Sep 1, 2014 9:57 PM

Mar 2012
Red_Keys said:
Revelry said:
Certainly. But men are less penalized for it. People automatically assume that an attractive man is also intelligent and dependable whereas people experience cognitive dissonance when they encounter an intelligent and beautiful woman. They try to find a flaw in her, because in society, women are classified into specific categories, and someone who's an outlier, possessing qualities which are attractive on their own, but not necessarily when in tandem, are usually distrusted.
Well you just contradicted yourself. You agreed, and then you said that "people automatically assume that an attractive man is also intelligent". Which... directly conflicts with you saying "certainly" at the beginning of your post.

Men are classified into specific categories too. Hell, when the word "nerd" comes to mind, do you think of some sexy guy with rippling muscles and a chiseled jaw enticing you into bed? Or do you think of that skinny ugly guy wearing overalls and has thick glasses with tape in the middle because he gets punched in the face often?

Intelligence having a negative correlation with attractiveness is a cliche that is portrayed upon men and women equally. Men and women are both judged by what "categories" they fit in to, especially when they have "outlier" traits. If you want to talk about this trend of assuming that attractive people are unintelligent, or at least not exceptionally intelligent, talking about how it only effects 50% of the population is simply counterproductive.

True, I'm an absolute nerd and I seriously doubt someone would guess how I look by my taste or how I come off on a forum like this.

I'm an Anime fan, fan boy over Star Wars, and love/collect video games. Oh, and make sure to add I'm male to that. You are telling me, that a girl isn't going to have an image in mind of someone like that.

The reverse is true is as well. If someone just sees how I look, then they don't assume I'm some "weirdo" who likes Japanese cartoons and sits around playing way too many video games.

Women get judged more by their looks, than men for sure and there is no way in hell I will deny that. But men are also judged.
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Poll: » Do you think we will have robots with consciousness first or will we meet aliens first?

Absurdo_N - Jun 2

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» Am I the only one who doesnt like discord?

Bensku - 12 hours ago

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It’s time to ditch the text file.
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