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Jul 1, 2014 1:44 AM

Jan 2014
I personally used to play some WoW and Elsword... but then, I quite recently realized that it was... so to say meaningless. I mean, there are some obvious, negative facts about MMORPGs: it may severely damage your grades, personal life and is time-consuming.
For me, it was the fact that all progress that I've ever made on an MMORPG will probably lost forever when/if the servers are shut down due to a decline in amount of people playing it.
Personally, I think that some MMORPGs are fun to play to "drive away time", but I don't see much positives about it. I know that some may argue that you can be somewhat social, and even I know a couple that met each other through WoW and are engaged now... but what's the odds for that to normally happen?

So bottom-line, I just wonder about what people generally think about MMORPGs. If I was not clear above, I don't feel too negative towards MMORPGs, but I just don't see much positives in it either. Sorry in advance if I also seem to be biased in any way. Also, sorry for bad English
Jul 1, 2014 2:02 AM
May 2014
I TRIED WoW several times :P It was fun when my friend and I started playing together but alone, its just boring... Though I'm liking this new trend in games were you have games with MMO traits.
Jul 1, 2014 3:57 AM

May 2014
In my opinion -

Normally, I love playing MMORPG games. Firstly, I played WoW since Vanilla.
It was such an awesome game and I always met with other people and got along well. People were friendly and helpful at that time. I could find a nice guild and they always greeted and helped each other. Leveling and reach 60 was pretty long but I didn't mind. I liked to play with friends in the game. Farming... Uh... It was ... You know! Oh one thing I forgot to mention, I dislike schedule for raiding because I needed my own life, too! I wanted to hang out with friends, etc. But one good thing was that I was satisfied with T0 armor lol >_< After the end of Vanilla I left. I didn't enjoy every single add-ons. I quit during WotLK. Guild Wars 2... The game is actually not that bad but... I don't enjoy that much :( Because I always play alone! :S

I don't find any MMORPG I enjoy :(
NalunaJul 1, 2014 5:57 AM
Jul 1, 2014 4:05 AM
Jul 2018
I was addicted to WoW for several years and I still play it from time to time,albeit not so much,because I do not enjoy MMORPGs as much as before. It's just too much of a grind for me and I do not get very engaged by them.
Jul 1, 2014 4:19 AM

Jun 2014
I used to play a huge array of MMORPG. It didnt take long for me to get bored of one and going for another. One thing i dislike about MMORPG is the amount of time and commitment you have to give into it.

I prefer to play MMO, without much of the RPG elements. This allows me to casually pop in and out of the game whenever i want. 0% commitment!
Jul 1, 2014 4:59 AM

Oct 2011
Here's my story. Played quite a few MMO's and had fun for a while. Every time I got to the endgame raid content I thought: "who the fuck schedules his life around computer gaming?" and uninstalled.

I still try some new one from time to time, but none manages to hold my interest for more than few days/weeks. Most follow the same formula anyway - massive nonpersistent themepark hamsterwheel. Which is a joke.
Jul 1, 2014 5:09 AM

Jun 2013
The first MMO I ever played was FFXI. I fell in love with it. You had to figure everything out by yourself, you had to group with others to level up, and ask for help from higher level players to help you progress through the content, I thought it was awesome.

These days I find MMOs are just dumbed down for people who really just cant be bothered. Not only do MMOs now feel like single player RPGs with other people running around (since you can solo all the content and player interaction isnt encouraged due to dungeon finder tools etc) but they all use the same generic quest hub grind and "go here kill X amount of monster A" quest formula. They are boring and repetitive.

I know a lot of people didnt like XI vanilla and it wasnt a huge game like wow, but I wish there was a similar game around for those of us who loved it and would like a similar experience. It's just a shame the current model is so popular among the casual easy mode crowd. Some of us want a challenge, and to make a commitment.
Jul 1, 2014 7:53 AM

Oct 2012
Incredibly boring.
Jul 1, 2014 8:16 AM
May 2013
Yeah my friend invited me over to his house one time and tried to get me into WildStar showing all the cool stuff you could do, and explaining how its not just a WOW clone. Unfortunately for him all his effort was in vain. Because I could not give a single fuck about these types of games.
Jul 1, 2014 8:23 AM

Sep 2013
Bragging rights.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Jul 1, 2014 8:27 AM

Apr 2013
Just play it sometimes when there are friend who want to play it
Jul 1, 2014 2:52 PM

Nov 2013
I used to play a lot of them, it would be even hard to list them all.
As a person who has a lot of experience in this kind of entertainment i can easily say most of them are complete crap.
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Jul 1, 2014 2:54 PM

Jun 2014
Not really a big fan of them myself
Jul 1, 2014 4:10 PM

Apr 2014
world of warcraft was awesome back then I had no problem paying for it. It was alot of fun.
Jul 1, 2014 4:17 PM
Lewd Connoisseur

Nov 2011
I used to not care for them because most of them drive with the same formula, but it all comes down to how you love the lore of said MMO. For instance, I'm a fan of the Final Fantasy lore and FF14 ARR struck a chord with that perfectly. Unlike what WoW has with its lore, which is just borderline cookie-cutter fantasy. Guild Wars 2 had a pretty brilliant set-piece to its world but the way they implemented it in game form only lasted for a limited time.

I would counteract with the notion that they are "meaningless" because, at the end of the day, aren't all multiplayer games meaningless in that regard? What MMO comes down to as a better experience in any online game scenario is the fact that you're creating your own character and making yourself stronger and stronger as you progress. That feeling can be extraordinarily satisfying once you hit that limit to where you can explore everywhere where you couldn't before.

Of course, there is always that saying where if you had fun with the time you wasted, it was not wasted.
Jul 1, 2014 6:19 PM

Aug 2011
I've tried out more MMORPGs than I could name right now. Was always searching for that one that would be very good. The more I played, the better I understood just how generic the whole genre is. No originality at all. Just grind, grind, and more grind. Oh, and how could I forget the micro-transactions! Those managed to ruin the few games that were actually decent.

One of my better experiences was Atlantica Online. It was different from other MMORPGs. I loved that. As I leveled up and moved from one area to another, though, I saw that I'm just reapeating the exact same quests over and over. Perhaps just because I ended up in a very friendly guild, I didn't quit for a while. I was having fun. With every update, the game was turning more P2W. End-game was focused mostly on PVP, but unless you spent hundreds of dollars a month, you had 0 chance to win any competitions. The whole game is centered around gambilng - you pay real money to get a box which has a very small chance to actually give you the item you want. In most cases you'll get some useless things. When did I decide that I've had enough? One day our guild leader started telling me off for slacking off. Basically I didn't spend 6+ hours a day grinding.
Jul 1, 2014 6:23 PM

Aug 2013
Just another form of epeen.
Jul 1, 2014 7:26 PM
Jan 2014
My favorite game genre, MMORPG. been playing them for the last 14 years or so.
Jul 1, 2014 7:34 PM

Jun 2012
I dislike them, never played one before tho, i just dont like the concept of multi player games, but Kingdom under fire 2 may make me change my mind.
Jul 1, 2014 7:44 PM

Sep 2011
To me, I don't know why I should see the positives about MMORPGs as long as I'm enjoying it. And I'm playing Elsword.

Anyway, I'm a fan of MMORPGs since 2004.

Jul 1, 2014 9:10 PM

Jun 2014
They're awesome but i would prefer VRMMORPG's
Jul 1, 2014 10:51 PM
Jul 2018
They aren't living up to their potential. The fact that so many people buy into the repetitive carrot on a stick design and can't imagine a more creative game is astounding.
Jul 1, 2014 11:11 PM

Dec 2012
They're washed up games that lost its charm a long time ago. There are hardly any real interactions between players and nowadays all it is, is grinding, grinding and more grinding. It has become a competition on who can do the most damage or who can do this or that the quickest.
Jul 6, 2014 11:03 PM
Lewd Connoisseur

Nov 2011
IntervisioN said:
They're washed up games that lost its charm a long time ago. There are hardly any real interactions between players and nowadays all it is, is grinding, grinding and more grinding. It has become a competition on who can do the most damage or who can do this or that the quickest.
Someone apparently hasn't played FF14 ARR. >_>
Jul 7, 2014 1:41 AM

Mar 2013
The only mmo I've ever played was the beta for the elder scrolls online and that game sucked
Just because you know how to use a torrent does not give you the god given right to pirate.

My actual list:

check out my youtube channel for my review:

Jul 7, 2014 1:44 AM

Mar 2014
STO's the only one I've put any time (or money) into.
Jul 7, 2014 1:55 AM

Mar 2014
I played Perfect World International and Guild Wars 2.

I used to love MMO's, but something happened to me in GW2 that just...took the fun and meaning out of playing any more. I did want to try and play WildStar, but I'm just afraid of what happened, happening again!
Jul 7, 2014 11:21 AM

Aug 2009
If I can play alone and not have to buy stuff with actual money in order to progress, sure.

Jul 7, 2014 11:28 AM

Sep 2012
I used to play MMOs all day long, until I realized they're usually boring grinding shit and offline games are miles better. Most of them don't have any story and the gameplay is either all about killing monster for acquiring levels and equipment or about PvPing because I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST.

And in those rare cases when they make a plot for the game and the gameplay is very innovative, it becomes boring due to grinding. That's what happened to Vindictus, making you repeat the same levels over and over again.

Now I play Guild Wars 2 that actually doesn't require grinding, has some fun teamwork gameplay in dungeons, WvW and events, and the Living World keeps bringing some new content every few weeks.
But I'm no enthusiast anymore, I only play a bit.
Jul 8, 2014 5:42 PM

Jan 2013
Ive attempted to play multiple mmo games but all of them got boring over time. Until recently, I started FF XIV: A Realm Reborn and I think its awesome.
Jul 8, 2014 8:26 PM

Mar 2013
the only one I feel like playing are FF XIV: A Realm Reborn or Phantasy star online 2.
Jul 8, 2014 9:11 PM
Lewd Connoisseur

Nov 2011
zetsubousei_hero said:
the only one I feel like playing are FF XIV: A Realm Reborn or Phantasy star online 2.

I really wish SEGA stopped being such dicks and give PS2 to the west already.
Jul 8, 2014 10:43 PM
Nov 2008
very boring.

Gonzo-nyan said:
IntervisioN said:
They're washed up games that lost its charm a long time ago. There are hardly any real interactions between players and nowadays all it is, is grinding, grinding and more grinding. It has become a competition on who can do the most damage or who can do this or that the quickest.
Someone apparently hasn't played FF14 ARR. >_>
i did. level 50 players tend to just stand around waiting for new content, since they've hit the wall.

i didn't even last until my free trial was over. that's how boring that game was.
Jul 9, 2014 10:06 PM

May 2011
FacelessVixen said:
If I can play alone and not have to buy stuff with actual money in order to progress, sure.

why bother playing mmorpg? just play single player rpg.

Personally, I don't care much about lore or story in an mmorpg. All I want is that virtual community to make a game worthy of being called Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

RF online had it right with the Archon and PVP raid system. High level players protects low level players to ensure they level/farm enough to make their faction stronger for Race Wars.

Right now I'm playing PSO2 SEA. I see people soloing(i don't count npc/friend partners) dungeons and rarely cooperate with random people.
It's hard to get a decent MPA grind unless it's your teammates.
But I do like the wedding gown and quarters.
nryn99Jul 9, 2014 10:13 PM
Jul 9, 2014 11:48 PM

Nov 2011
I was huge on MMORPGs for awhile, but after 6 years of WoW and a year of FFXI, I'm completely burnt out. I kept hopping on every MMORPG like LOTR Online(back when it was P2P), SWTOR, Aion, GW2, TERA, Vindictus, Mabinogi and the list goes on, but nothing has kept my attention longer than probably a month.

There's a general formula for every MMORPG and so far most have kept to that same old formula with just better graphics, twisting of the setting and some different mechanics, but at its core it feels the same. In a sense, once you've played one MMORPG you've kind of played them all and since a lot of MMORPGs follow the same formula, a lot of what I've played gets old too fast.

I've been going on and off with FFXIV: ARR recently and that seems pretty good so far, but I don't know if it will be a game I can keep long term like its predecessor and WoW or not.

TL;DR They're kind of boring for me at the moment.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jul 10, 2014 4:45 AM

Dec 2013
Most are boring, but I'm still waiting for something great.
Jul 10, 2014 5:38 AM

Oct 2011
dragonlight said:
I dislike them, never played one before tho, i just dont like the concept of multi player games, but Kingdom under fire 2 may make me change my mind.
You cant dislike something you never tried before. Just..putting that out there!
Jul 10, 2014 3:57 PM
Lewd Connoisseur

Nov 2011
Heredity said:
very boring.

Gonzo-nyan said:
Someone apparently hasn't played FF14 ARR. >_>
i did. level 50 players tend to just stand around waiting for new content, since they've hit the wall.

i didn't even last until my free trial was over. that's how boring that game was.
Umm, not really. You can still go on raids with Free Companies and get better equipment. Everyone who's on lvl 50 still play the crap out of it and have a lot of fun from the raids I've been to. They pretty much reinvented how an MMO is played by the amount of creativity they put into the dungeons, missions, and raids from each patch. It's gotten way better than it was in the beginning.
GonzoLewdJul 10, 2014 4:00 PM

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