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Attack on Titan
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Apr 21, 2013 5:54 AM

Apr 2008
Raigrex said:
Talukita said:
You are free to hate the character, I also think that he is annoying sometime, but blaming the voice actor for being ordered to voice like that is another matter.
iWriter88 said:
I make it a point to look up voice actors after I particularly enjoy a character, and you know what I find? Most of the ones I enjoy are actually done by the same people! Whereas this voice actor has done 3 dislikeable characters so far. I think voice actors have a big input in shaping the character -- it's not just the script.
Then I think you just have a problem with these kind of whiny characters, not the VA himself. He was chosen because he really does a good job at voicing whiny characters, just imagine if FukuJun or Sugita Tomokazu voice these characters, I don't think they would do too well. I don't particularly like YukiKaji but I'm tired of rants like this, he did voice some awesome character like Satoru from SSY and his adult voice is perfect imo.

Actually Jun would have worked quite nicely for Eren. Just look at his performance with Ryner in Legend of the Legendary Heroes
Apr 21, 2013 5:56 AM

Oct 2007
ReasonDesu said:
totoum said:
ReasonDesu said:

I know, how dare someone not like what you like on the internet, right... scandalous.

I'm not sure how me or you liking something has anything to do with this.

I don't like Eren and gave my personal opinion on him. Now keyboard warriors descend and tell me I'm "wrong". That's what liking has to do with this. It is even in the forum topic.

Eren should know when to keep his mouth shut because it can tick people off and can act like a brat, there's nothing wrong with not liking him, however even if he's a brat that doesn't make him pathetic,unless the word doesn't have the same meaning to you and me.
all for for all
Apr 21, 2013 7:51 AM

Jul 2009
Why blame the VA for 'ruining' anime when he had no actual control over the writing/characterization/story of the shows he's been cast in? It's true that Yuki Kaji has been typecast as a certain type of character ("whiny" MCs, if you will), but the MC (much less the voice of the MC) doesn't single-handedly destroy a show. The reason why shows like Guilty Crown sucked is because the script in general sucked. Blame the writers, not the VA.

Also, it's clear that, unlike in many other fictional stories, the mangaka of Shingeki no Kyojin is obviously aware that the MC is an arrogant little boy who needs to become more modest. That's why his gear malfunctioned in ep 3; from a writing perspective, the only reason why the gear malfunctioned was to give the MC a chance to be humbled. He was forced to ask his classmates for help, who mocked him in response (but he swallowed his pride and continued to ask around, which really takes guts) and he was forced to consider the possibility of him not being good enough to be accepted into the military. All of those experiences forced him to be less arrogant and really put things in perspective. If he had just mastered the equipment from the get-go, he would have had no chance to grow.

Yeah, he might not be the most likable or mature of MCs, but at least the author is aware of that and isn't letting him run rampant with no consequences and no opportunities for growth. And that's why I have faith in the anime, because the writer seems to know what he's doing.
bellpickleApr 21, 2013 8:04 AM
Apr 21, 2013 8:04 AM
Nov 2011
FYI, the mangaka's favorite character isn't Eren. It's Jean.
Apr 21, 2013 8:25 AM

Jun 2008
Red_Keys said:
iWriter88 said:
Not to be mean or anything, but honestly the voice actor
This is where I stopped reading.

Take your Shu hate somewhere else.

Visit this blog That I'm working with my friend
Apr 21, 2013 8:32 AM

Apr 2012
pming said:
FYI, the mangaka's favorite character isn't Eren. It's Jean.
curious as to why you'd say that, unless the mangaka said so himself.
"I’m just watching a bad dream I never wake up from."
Apr 21, 2013 8:35 AM
Nov 2011
kurselax said:
pming said:
FYI, the mangaka's favorite character isn't Eren. It's Jean.
curious as to why you'd say that, unless the mangaka said so himself.

“Which is your favorite character in Attack on Titan?”

ISA: That would be Jean. Jean comes right out and says what he’s thinking, even if it’s something you normally wouldn’t be able to say. That’s what I like about him.
Apr 21, 2013 8:47 AM

May 2012
Somehow Eren is kinda annoying but it's how the mangaka wants him to be. And it isn't the seiyuus fault that the character give to him was like that.

We all have different opinions but please respect the seiyuu, he's just doing his job and his voice is okay and with emotion compared to other seiyuus.
Apr 21, 2013 9:05 AM

Jun 2011
I have not a single problem with the character of Eren, and Yuki Kaji is a really good VA. Sure, he's cast in a lot of whiny roles, but I don't think Eren's one of them. You can argue that he spent almost the entire episode trying to be able to balance, and talking to people about his problems, but if he really was a cowardly character, he would have left already (all Shinji Ikari-esque?).

So no, I'm not starting to dislike the MC. He's a very interesting character, and I'm sure he'll develop properly in the coming episodes.
And what if all love is an act of bravery?

Could you look me in the eye and say that you are not afraid?

Apr 21, 2013 9:06 AM

Mar 2013
I really didn't like GC and Accel World MCs. Despite that, I think the MC is bearable in this anime. He's definitely not that whiny people are making him out to be. There isn't as much "unsure-ness" as the MCs in GC and Accel. After all, the MC has always wanted to fight the Titan's. Now that he witnessed their destruction first-hand, it pushed him over the edge. The only sense of unsure-ness came from the latest episode (which wasn't exactly due to MC).

Throughout the anime so far, the seiyuu has been using that more serious tone of his as opposed to the regular/casual/unsure tone we're all used to. And I have no problems with it. I actually think his serious/determined tone is fairly good. I sure as hell can't change my voice like that.

I think this could be the breakout role for the seiyuu IMO.
Apr 21, 2013 9:21 AM

Aug 2009
option-iv said:

I think this could be the breakout role for the seiyuu IMO.
I think he already had that.What the anime fanbase(mostly whiners complaining about whinny MCs) thinks doesnt matter.
Apr 21, 2013 9:22 AM

Dec 2012
I don't like his voice much either, it's really irritating listening to his screaming and angry voice, but he did a good job in SSY and he's doing alright in SnK so far, he is a lot better at voicing faggots like Shoe so people think that's all he can do.
Apr 21, 2013 9:39 AM

Aug 2010
Red_Keys said:
iWriter88 said:
Not to be mean or anything, but honestly the voice actor
This is where I stopped reading.

Apr 21, 2013 12:04 PM

Apr 2012
Voice actor problems.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Apr 21, 2013 1:05 PM
Mar 2008
So nobody noticed that he voiced Variation on Ixion Saga DT. At least that character was nice.
Apr 21, 2013 1:33 PM

Feb 2010
Nope, perfectly fine with the mc. Don't really get why lots of people are complaining just coz of the VA... I always liked Eren in the manga as well.
Apr 21, 2013 1:35 PM

Aug 2009
Hes awesome.

AzureFlame64Apr 21, 2013 1:42 PM
Apr 21, 2013 1:59 PM

May 2009
Everyone who hates Kaji should at least watch Ixion Saga.
Apr 21, 2013 2:17 PM

Jan 2012
I personally love Eren, he's even my favorite character. Those who dislike him just will have to deal with it because he's the main character.

Though personally I'm tired of hearing Yuki Kaji in almost every anime, (I don't hate him or his voice.) i feel like his voice is a perfect match for Eren
Apr 21, 2013 2:18 PM
Aug 2012
Can we get this "Hate the MC" crap over with. It's getting old.

Apr 21, 2013 2:52 PM

Oct 2012
I didn't like him from the first episode because he acted too much like a little kid, even if he is one. Now, even though he's older, he still kinda bugs me cause of his cockiness. "I'll defeat all the titans..." <----Irritates me. But that's just my opinion.

Apr 21, 2013 2:58 PM
May 2012
Eren is a badass and Kaji is a great VA.Deal with it.
Apr 21, 2013 3:00 PM
Jul 2018
To me eren is a bit to hotblooded and obnoxious for me.
Apr 21, 2013 3:22 PM

Dec 2012
Eren is an ok MC so far. I wouldn't say he inspires confident or is a charismatic leader in any way. But he has the gut to fight and to kill. That is more than many other Shounen MC out there.

Some people are annoyed with him right now because his words do not match with his strength yet. Instead, they are more drawn to a silent-but-deadly protagonist, which is proven by the high popularity of Mikasa here.

However, we should remind ourselves that Eren's talks and actions are symbolic gestures representing humanity's will to fight. While many, including Misaka, content with their current survivals, Eren understands firstly that this situation is unsustainable. Sooner or later, the Gaints will eat them all if they do not retaliate ferociously. Fighting to survive another day is one thing, yet fighting to destroy with vengeance is another completely different mindset. This is exactly what humanity needs to turn the table. Talking is cheap, but talking to inspire hope is always a good thing. So far, Eren reminds me of another character:

Granted that Eren does not have the same charisma or showmanship that Kamina has, they are in similar circumstances and their relentless will to fight is the key to humanity's victory
Apr 21, 2013 3:33 PM

Apr 2011
nHope.. Didn't dislike him :)
Apr 21, 2013 3:34 PM

Jan 2012
Red_Keys said:
bastek66 said:
Everyone who hates Kaji should at least watch Ixion Saga.
Or just shove their stupid opinions back down their cock-sucking throats and shut up about it.

Dragon_Slayer_X said:
Can we get this "Hate the MC" crap over with. It's getting old.

I finally watched the latest episode. Come the fuck on people, are you kidding me? You dislike him for actually having a backbone and standing by what he believes in, having determination, confidence, and, as clearly shown, sufficient skill?

Give me a fucking break.

Nice and constructive way to get your opinion across. You can really see who the jumped up little kids are when you read these threads, have an opinion and voice it by all means. But calling people cock-suckers because they don't share the the same opinion as you is just plain immature.

And lol backbone, determination, confidence. The people who spout this kind of stuff are probably just as conceited and arrogant as Eren is :P More power to you... this is the internet ofc.
Apr 21, 2013 3:41 PM

Sep 2012
ReasonDesu said:
Nice and constructive way to get your opinion across. You can really see who the jumped up little kids are when you read these threads, have an opinion and voice it by all means. But calling people cock-suckers because they don't share the the same opinion as you is just plain immature.
Call it immature.. I agree with you. It is immature. It's also kind of a joke. But condescending at the same time. If you really think that I think you suck cock or something because you don't like a character in a tv show.. you need more self confidence. Not that being a cock sucker is a bad thing.. who doesn't like getting their cock sucked?

ReasonDesu said:
And lol backbone, determination, confidence. The people who spout this kind of stuff are probably just as conceited and arrogant as Eren is :P More power to you... this is the internet ofc.
Good job giving reasons.
Apr 21, 2013 3:44 PM

Aug 2011
I would have thought Eren was an annoying little prick if I was just watching the anime, but seeing more of him in the manga helped me get used to his character. I'm fine with him.

Not a huge fan of Kaji's voice, but he's a talented VA and his voice fits him.

Red_Keys said:
Or just shove their stupid opinions back down their cock-sucking throats and shut up about it.

Careful Red, wouldn't want the whiny sensitive ones here to get angry and report you for being a meanie. :)

Apr 21, 2013 3:48 PM

Jan 2012
Red_Keys said:
Good job giving reasons.

I gave a reason, he's the most conceited MC I have come across in a while. I have posts saying why in this thread and a few others, would rather not repeat myself again. So far the 3 episodes have succeeded in making me dislike him basically. Still managing to enjoy the show though.
Apr 21, 2013 4:18 PM

Dec 2012
ReasonDesu said:

I gave a reason, he's the most conceited MC I have come across in a while. I have posts saying why in this thread and a few others, would rather not repeat myself again. So far the 3 episodes have succeeded in making me dislike him basically. Still managing to enjoy the show though.

I don't think he is conceited per se, just youth foulessness combine with excessive hatred toward the Giant. After all, who can blame him for feeling that way?

Furthermore, pride is an inherit quality of human-being. Lacking it is actually not normal. I would say the entire human race has been reduced to a bunch of scared mouses by the seemingly overwhelming power of these Giants. This is a self-defeating mindset that only leads them to their doom. In fact, what Eren is doing will restore much-needed prides to humanity

Finally, Eren has demonstrated that he knows his limits. Yes, he talks big. But all Eren said is he "will" kill the Gaints, not that he "can" cake-walk over them. He trains like hell, and his fear is always that he would not have the power to enact revenge.
Apr 21, 2013 4:26 PM

Jan 2012
ThangLong said:
ReasonDesu said:

I gave a reason, he's the most conceited MC I have come across in a while. I have posts saying why in this thread and a few others, would rather not repeat myself again. So far the 3 episodes have succeeded in making me dislike him basically. Still managing to enjoy the show though.

I don't think he is conceited per se, just youth foulessness combine with excessive hatred toward the Giant. After all, who can blame him for feeling that way?

Furthermore, pride is an inherit quality of human-being. Lacking it is actually not normal. I would say the entire human race has been reduced to a bunch of scared mouses by the seemingly overwhelming power of these Giants. This is a self-defeating mindset that only leads them to their doom. In fact, what Eren is doing will restore much-needed prides to humanity

Finally, Eren has demonstrated that he knows his limits. Yes, he talks big. But all Eren said is he "will" kill the Gaints, not that he "can" cake-walk over them. He trains like hell, and his fear is always that he would not have the power to enact revenge.

I can see what you mean by the hatred to the giants, but everyone else takes it in a much better way imo (Mikasa especially loving her atm). Eren just says he's going to kill them all when actually he is weaker than 90% of the people around him. To me he came across as conceited but that's just my opinion.

I'm not saying pride is a negative, pride is a good thing in the right circumstance. But being overly proud when you are incapable and not proactively doing anything is another thing for me. He plays his role but I would have liked to have warmed to the MC.

So far the training has been a little anticlimactic to me also, I mean they were just on wire harnesses. I haven't seen any kind of battle training yet, do you think this will go on? Or is that it and we skip to fighting now?
Apr 21, 2013 4:32 PM

Jul 2012
Eren's character is kind of typical, but I don't hate it.

I have to say Kaji Yuki voice acted a lot of pathetic/whiny characters, but still, I reckon his voice suits this anime.
When Eren was angry I thought the voice had a lot of emotion, like the part in Episode 2 where he shouted to the two soldiers: "You've never seen it with your own eyes, how the titans eats people"
Apr 21, 2013 4:36 PM

Jun 2009
ReasonDesu said:

So far the training has been a little anticlimactic to me also, I mean they were just on wire harnesses. I haven't seen any kind of battle training yet, do you think this will go on? Or is that it and we skip to fighting now?

As others have pointed out this wire balancing is just to see if they are "worthy" of even being trained. I don't think this is the actual training, more like a test. And, I disagree about Eren being less capable than others. So far there is no real way to know that. After all, the only reason why he was having trouble in the first place was because of the rusted belt.

Who knows? He may be pretty great at the actual training. Imo you are jumping the gun here. I haven't read the manga either, but the way other recruits pointed out that he was able to balance, even though it was his second attempt and for a short while, using faulty equipment kind of makes me think he'll be good at this.

I could be wrong, however. And, I won't dislike his character even if I am.
Ston3_FreeN7Apr 21, 2013 4:39 PM
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Apr 21, 2013 4:39 PM

Jan 2013
So far, Eren is very conceited and self pitying which is very annoying. There's a chance for it to get better though and the VA is definitely not at fault. Plenty of examples in this topic where he voiced characters I liked too.
Apr 21, 2013 4:42 PM

Jan 2012
insan3soldiern said:
ReasonDesu said:

So far the training has been a little anticlimactic to me also, I mean they were just on wire harnesses. I haven't seen any kind of battle training yet, do you think this will go on? Or is that it and we skip to fighting now?

As others have pointed out this wire balancing is just to see if they are "worthy" of even being trained. I don't think this is the actual training, more like a test. And, I disagree about Eren being less capable than others. So far there is no real way to know that. After all, the only reason why he was having trouble in the first place was because of the rusted belt.

Who knows? He may be pretty great at the actual training. Imo you are jumping the gun here.

Ah sweet I'm glad you cleared that up, do you think we will get any actual training? Obviously you don't have a time machine hehe but what do you think?

When I said he was weaker than 90% of the people around him, I meant the first 2 episodes when he was a little kid. Yeah, he may become capable now but that's what I'm not going to like. Some conceited individual being powered up to kill titans, I hope it doesn't go that way. I'm new to SnK though so my opinion is still there to be melded. Hopefully it changes my mind and shows me something I can like.

I may be jumping the gun but I'm just giving my views so far based on what I have seen (haven't read the manga here). As I said too I'm still loving the show, Mikasa ftw so far.

*EDIT* Spelling
ReasonDesuApr 21, 2013 4:51 PM
Apr 21, 2013 5:06 PM

Dec 2012
ReasonDesu said:

I can see what you mean by the hatred to the giants, but everyone else takes it in a much better way imo (Mikasa especially loving her atm). Eren just says he's going to kill them all when actually he is weaker than 90% of the people around him. To me he came across as conceited but that's just my opinion.

I'm not saying pride is a negative, pride is a good thing in the right circumstance. But being overly proud when you are incapable and not proactively doing anything is another thing for me. He plays his role but I would have liked to have warmed to the MC.

So far the training has been a little anticlimactic to me also, I mean they were just on wire harnesses. I haven't seen any kind of battle training yet, do you think this will go on? Or is that it and we skip to fighting now?

Yeah, what's not to like about Misaka? XD Less talk, more action is always a formula to Shounen stardom. However, I see a down side to her personality: she has big sister issue with Eren. Depending on how things go, this can get annoying after a while.

Regarding this episode training, I agree that it's anti-cilmatic due to pacing issue. It's either too fast or too slow based on your expectation:

-Too fast if you wanna see more of Eren's struggle. The severity of not being able to balance on strings was mentioned, but not illustrated very well. It would have been better if they showed some examples of people not meeting the requirement, and then their subsequent rejection from the army. Eren's humilliation was not really that bad to put him under such intense pressure.

-Too slow if you think this basic training is not really a big deal to warrant such long focus. I have heard that the anime follows the manga closely, so it's not the adaptation's fault for dragging things out. In fact, it's quite neat to use the interim period during Eren's training to introduce new characters. However, I do have issue about the way the anime over-dramatized Eren's "accomplishment": people jumped in cheer because Eren are able to do what they have done? Lol what would be realistic here is a bunch of indifferent faces or a few smirks here and there.

I don't read the manga so I not certain what's going to happen next. But I would expect them to continue training. Characters have been introduced. They need time to interact and develop.
ThangLongApr 21, 2013 5:10 PM
Apr 21, 2013 5:18 PM
Nov 2011
The training arc is not just about Eren nor is it mostly about Eren. It's mostly about the other characters.

If you keep expecting the story to mostly revolve around Eren, you will be disappointed, because the rest of the series is going to be like the training arc when it comes to character development, participation and contribution to the storyline.

However, it doesn't mean that Eren will be absent or shoved into the background. It's just that this series likes to share the spotlight on other characters, particularly Mikasa and Armin, who are practically MCs themselves.


I must recommend that you read the manga because spoiler trolls abound. Just recently, we had a spoiler troll using thread titles to spoiler bomb this forum.

Some people also like to post fake-joke spoilers which may be problematic because I've seen non-manga readers prejudge the manga because of fake spoilers.

A lot of the high ratings for this anime is by people who already read the manga and are very happy with how faithful the anime is being (so far).

Episode 3 is also chapter 15 AND 17 of the manga. Episode 4 preview looks like it will include chapter 16. These training chapters were flashbacks in the manga, while the anime decided to do things chronologically.

Episode 4 - we may be starting the 2nd Titan attack. If not 4, definitely in episode 5.

If you decide to read the manga, just skip chapter 1, most of chapter 2, just start reading near the end of chapter 2 - the graduation ceremony.
Apr 21, 2013 5:22 PM

Jan 2012
pming said:
The training arc is not just about Eren nor is it mostly about Eren. It's mostly about the other characters.

If you keep expecting the story to mostly revolve around Eren, you will be disappointed, because the rest of the series is going to be like the training arc when it comes to character development, participation and contribution to the storyline.

However, it doesn't mean that Eren will be absent or shoved into the background. It's just that this series likes to share the spotlight on other characters, particularly Mikasa and Armin, who are practically MCs themselves.

This sounds really good to me as Eren is the only one I have an issue with, hopefully it does go away from him and focus on some other characters. Hannes and Mikasa are my favorites so far, but don't expect Hannes to get much screen time *_*
Apr 21, 2013 5:36 PM
Nov 2011
ReasonDesu said:
pming said:
The training arc is not just about Eren nor is it mostly about Eren. It's mostly about the other characters.

If you keep expecting the story to mostly revolve around Eren, you will be disappointed, because the rest of the series is going to be like the training arc when it comes to character development, participation and contribution to the storyline.

However, it doesn't mean that Eren will be absent or shoved into the background. It's just that this series likes to share the spotlight on other characters, particularly Mikasa and Armin, who are practically MCs themselves.

This sounds really good to me as Eren is the only one I have an issue with, hopefully it does go away from him and focus on some other characters. Hannes and Mikasa are my favorites so far, but don't expect Hannes to get much screen time *_*

Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)

Anyway, notice how humble Eren is in episode 3. Angry-humble is basically Eren's pattern. He wants so much to defeat the Titans but gets humbled a lot during the story.
Apr 21, 2013 5:40 PM
Oct 2011
I think he should get the award of the most annoying/worst VA for the last couple of years instead of the best VA of last year.
Apr 21, 2013 5:42 PM

Nov 2010
pming said:
Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
No I've heard Eren hate within the manga community, most people like Mikasa way more than him. And anime are way more popular on this site, of course more people are going to be talking about him.
Apr 21, 2013 5:44 PM
Oct 2011
pming said:

Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
Actually he is too popular he got the award of the best VA this year. (I think for last year) Reason? Dunno, but probably the fangirls. There are some even here on MAL.
Apr 21, 2013 5:52 PM
Nov 2011
IntroverTurtle said:
pming said:
Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
No I've heard Eren hate within the manga community, most people like Mikasa way more than him. And anime are way more popular on this site, of course more people are going to be talking about him.

Eren's the second most popular character in the JP fandom. Manga readers tend to joke about Eren being a fail shonen hero, not hate on him.

I want Levi in the anime already.
Apr 21, 2013 5:56 PM

Jul 2011
pming said:
IntroverTurtle said:
pming said:
Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
No I've heard Eren hate within the manga community, most people like Mikasa way more than him. And anime are way more popular on this site, of course more people are going to be talking about him.

Eren's the second most popular character in the JP fandom. Manga readers tend to joke about Eren being a fail shonen hero, not hate on him.

I want Levi in the anime already.

Eren is the second?, then who is the first Levi or Mikasa?
It's interesting that Eren is more popular that one of them.
Apr 21, 2013 6:00 PM
Nov 2011
pralan said:
pming said:
IntroverTurtle said:
pming said:
Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
No I've heard Eren hate within the manga community, most people like Mikasa way more than him. And anime are way more popular on this site, of course more people are going to be talking about him.

Eren's the second most popular character in the JP fandom. Manga readers tend to joke about Eren being a fail shonen hero, not hate on him.

I want Levi in the anime already.

Eren is the second?, then who is the first Levi or Mikasa?
It's interesting that Eren is more popular that one of them.

Levi is the most popular. He's like One Piece - has like twice more votes than the next popular character.

Levi - 3952
Eren - 2244
Mikasa - 2232
Sasha - 818
Christa - 664
Annie - 452
Hanji - 380
Reiner - 340
Jean - 310
Armin - 290
Apr 21, 2013 6:05 PM

Nov 2010
pming said:
IntroverTurtle said:
pming said:
Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
No I've heard Eren hate within the manga community, most people like Mikasa way more than him. And anime are way more popular on this site, of course more people are going to be talking about him.

Eren's the second most popular character in the JP fandom. Manga readers tend to joke about Eren being a fail shonen hero, not hate on him.

I want Levi in the anime already.
Yeah but that doesn't mean that people don't like him, it's just that the fans outweigh the haters. Especially people on this site who hate every shounen main.
Apr 21, 2013 6:09 PM

Jul 2011
pming said:
pralan said:
pming said:
IntroverTurtle said:
pming said:
Please read the manga. I've been following the manga a long time, and I didn't notice any Eren hate-club until the anime came out. (His VA is that unpopular, huh?)
No I've heard Eren hate within the manga community, most people like Mikasa way more than him. And anime are way more popular on this site, of course more people are going to be talking about him.

Eren's the second most popular character in the JP fandom. Manga readers tend to joke about Eren being a fail shonen hero, not hate on him.

I want Levi in the anime already.

Eren is the second?, then who is the first Levi or Mikasa?
It's interesting that Eren is more popular that one of them.

Levi is the most popular. He's like One Piece - has like twice more votes than the next popular character.

Levi - 3952
Eren - 2244
Mikasa - 2232
Sasha - 818
Christa - 664
Annie - 452
Hanji - 380
Reiner - 340
Jean - 310
Armin - 290

Oh, thanks
Apr 21, 2013 6:14 PM

Jan 2012
pralan said:

Levi - 3952
Eren - 2244
Mikasa - 2232
Sasha - 818
Christa - 664
Annie - 452
Hanji - 380
Reiner - 340
Jean - 310
Armin - 290

Thanks that was pretty interesting. I don't know who Levi is yet *_* but glad to see Misaka is at least on level with Eren.
Apr 21, 2013 6:20 PM
Nov 2011
ReasonDesu said:
pralan said:

Levi - 3952
Eren - 2244
Mikasa - 2232
Sasha - 818
Christa - 664
Annie - 452
Hanji - 380
Reiner - 340
Jean - 310
Armin - 290

Thanks that was pretty interesting. I don't know who Levi is yet *_* but glad to see Misaka is at least on level with Eren.

It's only a 12 vote difference between them.

Levi is one of the adult main characters. Hanji also. They form the grownups main trio with Irvin.
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