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Have you ever thought of creating your own anime/manga?

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Mar 19, 2013 4:45 PM

Jun 2011
i fantasize about making an amazing manga that will turn into a anime but it will probably never happen i don't have talent like the 2 guys from Bakuman.
Mar 19, 2013 4:47 PM

Mar 2012
yes, maybe plan on writing a short doujinshi or making an anime. Need to learn how to draw humans better, though I think I can learn it quite well

Also have an idea for a visual novel
Mar 19, 2013 4:55 PM

Nov 2010
tormented210 said:
SteampunkDalek said:
Well i'm not Japanese or live in Japan so i wouldn't be able to.

You can do it for personal use, friend sharing or Internet sharing and still have supporters so you get motivation to do what you like. That's my idea, if I were to create my manga that would be my intention. It's not impossible to make your manga sponsored by something else not inside Japan but well... your story has to pass the limits of people's imagination.
I think he's saying no matter how good it is, it will never be anime since it's not made in Japan.
Mar 19, 2013 4:56 PM
Apr 2009
I watched episodes of Bakuman.

I sat down, and found out....I cannot do this stuff.
Mar 19, 2013 4:58 PM

Aug 2012
No way.
Mar 19, 2013 5:09 PM

Mar 2013
Plenty a rainy day. I have lots of story ideas, but here's the thing - I can write creatively yet I can't draw very well. Though I have a sister who's great at it, I could probably get her to do the drawing while I write the script. Or I could improve my own artistic skills with enough determination.

Though really, I prefer the literary value of writing a novel. Then I'd be more than happy to have someone make a manga adaptation.
Snake_tartareMar 19, 2013 5:12 PM
Mar 19, 2013 5:11 PM

Jan 2013
No, but I did write a fanfic hentai about NicoleB and JennyEsquire.
Mar 19, 2013 5:12 PM

Sep 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
tormented210 said:
SteampunkDalek said:
Well i'm not Japanese or live in Japan so i wouldn't be able to.

You can do it for personal use, friend sharing or Internet sharing and still have supporters so you get motivation to do what you like. That's my idea, if I were to create my manga that would be my intention. It's not impossible to make your manga sponsored by something else not inside Japan but well... your story has to pass the limits of people's imagination.
I think he's saying no matter how good it is, it will never be anime since it's not made in Japan.

Well Witchblade is an anime based off an American comic book. So I suppose it's possible that an American made story could be animated by a Japanese studio.
Mar 19, 2013 5:13 PM

Apr 2011
IntroverTurtle said:
tormented210 said:
SteampunkDalek said:
Well i'm not Japanese or live in Japan so i wouldn't be able to.

You can do it for personal use, friend sharing or Internet sharing and still have supporters so you get motivation to do what you like. That's my idea, if I were to create my manga that would be my intention. It's not impossible to make your manga sponsored by something else not inside Japan but well... your story has to pass the limits of people's imagination.
I think he's saying no matter how good it is, it will never be anime since it's not made in Japan.

Oh... I totally forgot about the anime part.
Mar 19, 2013 5:23 PM

Dec 2012
I wouldn't even know how to start making an anime, but I have thought about making a manga before, I am definitely going to make a oneshot chapter at some point just for the fun of it, still idea gathering and procrastinating atm
Mar 20, 2013 1:28 AM

Jul 2012
iv got my own ideas for a few mangas
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia.

im a shiki supporter

my YouTube channel

Just past the 1500th Mark bitches

I approve this video
Mar 20, 2013 2:05 AM

Apr 2012
I've drawn my own manga, which is so damn bad in both arts and story I wouldn't even want to released it forever. But I want to make some in the future if I can manage to learn more about arts and plot
Mar 20, 2013 4:39 PM

Nov 2012
Yes almost every day and when Im laying down to sleep I create "episodes"
So far I've created 4 series. but sadly I cant make em into a reality, wheter alot of people will like them or not doesnt matter only thing that matters is that my creation comes to a reality.

And BTW @Dumbass your signiture is so awsome XD who is she? Looks like Taiga o.O
Mar 20, 2013 5:43 PM

Nov 2010
GenuineAnime said:
And BTW @Dumbass your signiture is so awsome XD who is she? Looks like Taiga o.O
Minami Chiaki
Mar 20, 2013 6:25 PM

Jul 2012
All I can do is doodle, I dont even know what programs people use for animation online, I can grasp flip book like technologies, but using flash is hard for me, so Is drawing those Anime eyes.
Mar 20, 2013 6:44 PM

Jun 2012
I have about 5 or 6 story ideas, i can't draw though and i kinda find it boring to do, i have asked a friend to partner but he is a bit soso about it, mostly because he is in uni at the minute and has a shit tonne of work to be doing nevermind making a manga/comic. I will probably ask him in the summer holidays, he finishes uni very soon actually.

Light novel can suck a dick, i hate writing in words only i just find it boring and i can't execute it nearly well enough, i don't think i can anyway, i probably could if i wanted to if i were to put in a lot of effort but it just isn't how i would want to get my story across in all honesty.

But yeah i think about this frequently, sometimes i take 2-3 hours getting to sleep because i am having a flow of ideas, seriously, sometimes i create a universe along with bad guys/bad organisations/villains and very specific hierarchies along with characters and what weapons and abilities they are going to use and a general plot outline in under an hour, sometimes my mind does that xD I usually notepad it or write it down, have a few notepads of plot outlines that are a fair few words long. i have a general idea of where i want them all to go but can't really think of how to get there, i could figure it out if i had the motivation, if i knew that i had someone who could definitely bring it to life. As soon as he says he will i will be writing up plans for story arcs and chapter outlines for hours :P

The artist i want to do it with is pretty incredible, his drawing is amazing and his painting is just ridiculous, he painted a fruit bowl for a piece of course work and i swear it looked real 0.o

It is definitely an ambition of mine even if i only ever have 50 fans LOL
Does anyone else need a doctor to confirm that someone without a head is dead?
Mar 20, 2013 6:49 PM

Feb 2013
jimbob1141 said:
I have about 5 or 6 story ideas, i can't draw though and i kinda find it boring to do, i have asked a friend to partner but he is a bit soso about it, mostly because he is in uni at the minute and has a shit tonne of work to be doing nevermind making a manga/comic. I will probably ask him in the summer holidays, he finishes uni very soon actually.

Light novel can suck a dick, i hate writing in words only i just find it boring and i can't execute it nearly well enough, i don't think i can anyway, i probably could if i wanted to if i were to put in a lot of effort but it just isn't how i would want to get my story across in all honesty.

But yeah i think about this frequently, sometimes i take 2-3 hours getting to sleep because i am having a flow of ideas, seriously, sometimes i create a universe along with bad guys/bad organisations/villains and very specific hierarchies along with characters and what weapons and abilities they are going to use and a general plot outline in under an hour, sometimes my mind does that xD I usually notepad it or write it down, have a few notepads of plot outlines that are a fair few words long. i have a general idea of where i want them all to go but can't really think of how to get there, i could figure it out if i had the motivation, if i knew that i had someone who could definitely bring it to life. As soon as he says he will i will be writing up plans for story arcs and chapter outlines for hours :P

The artist i want to do it with is pretty incredible, his drawing is amazing and his painting is just ridiculous, he painted a fruit bowl for a piece of course work and i swear it looked real 0.o

It is definitely an ambition of mine even if i only ever have 50 fans LOL
jimbob1141 said:
I have about 5 or 6 story ideas, i can't draw though and i kinda find it boring to do, i have asked a friend to partner but he is a bit soso about it, mostly because he is in uni at the minute and has a shit tonne of work to be doing nevermind making a manga/comic. I will probably ask him in the summer holidays, he finishes uni very soon actually.

Light novel can suck a dick, i hate writing in words only i just find it boring and i can't execute it nearly well enough, i don't think i can anyway, i probably could if i wanted to if i were to put in a lot of effort but it just isn't how i would want to get my story across in all honesty.

But yeah i think about this frequently, sometimes i take 2-3 hours getting to sleep because i am having a flow of ideas, seriously, sometimes i create a universe along with bad guys/bad organisations/villains and very specific hierarchies along with characters and what weapons and abilities they are going to use and a general plot outline in under an hour, sometimes my mind does that xD I usually notepad it or write it down, have a few notepads of plot outlines that are a fair few words long. i have a general idea of where i want them all to go but can't really think of how to get there, i could figure it out if i had the motivation, if i knew that i had someone who could definitely bring it to life. As soon as he says he will i will be writing up plans for story arcs and chapter outlines for hours :P

The artist i want to do it with is pretty incredible, his drawing is amazing and his painting is just ridiculous, he painted a fruit bowl for a piece of course work and i swear it looked real 0.o

It is definitely an ambition of mine even if i only ever have 50 fans LOL

That sounds awesome, hopefully he'll partner up with you so you can get one started.
Mar 20, 2013 7:07 PM

Jun 2012

I really hope so to, i think what i will do is write a one shot type thing so he can see if it is the right thing for him. If we do end up doing something i shall upload it here and on deviant art :)

It's a little annoying how hard it is to make a living off of it in the UK though, money isn't my goal of course but if i could make a living off it that would be fantastic, dream job, i would argue that it isn't even a job ^^
jimbob1141Mar 20, 2013 7:10 PM
Does anyone else need a doctor to confirm that someone without a head is dead?
Mar 21, 2013 12:10 PM

Nov 2012
IntroverTurtle said:
GenuineAnime said:
And BTW @Dumbass your signiture is so awsome XD who is she? Looks like Taiga o.O
Minami Chiaki

Thanks IntroverTurtle

Btw your avatar makes me LMAO as well lol
Mar 21, 2013 2:25 PM

Jun 2008
I want my stories to be made into anime :3 But i can't draw so i need something to draw for me.
Mar 24, 2013 5:43 AM

Jun 2012
my friend has agreed to do 1 shot sortt of thing over his really long summer holiday :)
Does anyone else need a doctor to confirm that someone without a head is dead?
Mar 24, 2013 5:45 AM

Feb 2013
jimbob1141 said:
my friend has agreed to do 1 shot sortt of thing over his really long summer holiday :)

Mar 24, 2013 9:01 AM

Jan 2013
jimbob1141 said:
my friend has agreed to do 1 shot sortt of thing over his really long summer holiday :)

I really want to make a novel once, so for the sake of both our wishes, I wish you a good luck.

Mar 24, 2013 11:21 AM

Jul 2012
Well yeah...But I can't animate or draw really well. I can draw people mostly, but only at a couple of poses. Animation takes too much work.

I prefer to write, but I'm pretty bad at that too.
Mar 24, 2013 12:09 PM

Jun 2012
FullmetalFanatic said:
I am currently working on a manga/comic that I want to get published one day. I am trying to make it (as someone above me said) as fresh as possible.
Since we live in the 21st century it is pretty much impossible to be completely original but I am writing my story so that it entertains while still being considered "quality."

Do you have any of it available to read online?
Does anyone else need a doctor to confirm that someone without a head is dead?
Mar 24, 2013 2:57 PM
Feb 2013
I've always wanted to create a light novel, with hopeful dreams of it being adapted to an anime.

If only I wasn't so lazy in the end...
Mar 24, 2013 8:16 PM

May 2012
Yep, already had the idea, designs and such, but I'm not ready just yet.
Badges: C.C.O / T.C.O / TFCC admin ID | Previously known as kazumi-san95
Mar 24, 2013 9:21 PM

Jul 2007
It would be great to see a story of mine turned into anime one day, but it's a dream within a dream. It's rare that Japan collaborates or accepts original material from anyone outside Japan, and even then, it is mostly of European influence. America-Japan collaborations almost never happen. The only one I can think of was Stan Lee working on Ultimo... and that's the goddamn Stan Lee.

Regardless, I haven't lost hope, but first things first, and that is to become a well-known author :)
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Mar 24, 2013 10:25 PM

Nov 2012
My art is way too abstract to be understood so i don't think i have what it takes to be an artist, but i write the story.
Mar 25, 2013 12:38 AM

Nov 2010
Yeah, I have! :3 A few of my stories that I made up would make good anime. owo Especially this one that takes place in Japan about Hokkaido wolf shapeshifters.
~ Ciel fan forever ~

Aug 13, 2013 9:48 PM

Aug 2013
If I could only find the right people, I wouldn't mind making more of a story off of Tatsuya Miynishi's "You Are Umasou" aka "Omae Umasou da na." I even managed to get in contact with him recently about being able to use his characters in story I wrote and if he allows me to use them, I might finally be able to turn "The Dinosaur Revolution" into the sequel to "You Are Umasou" or even into an anime. Here's a link to the story if anyone is interested:
Aug 14, 2013 12:04 AM

Jul 2013
Its been in my head for a while now. Light novels don't look awfully difficult to write and I can get someone to draw for me. I seem to have a knack for world building, but I haven't really thought of a clear plot yet. Perhaps I should also get it translated to Japanese, so that the folks there take notice, and then an anime is made! Bit of a ridiculous fantasy though.
Deconstruction ≠ Darker & Edgier
Trope ≠ Cliché (Face it, nothing is completely original. Can't make something from nothing so to say.).
Fanservice ≠ Ecchi (Though ecchi can please the fans!)
Popular ≠ Sucks... maybe
Seinen = K-ON! Shounen, Shoujo, Seinen and Josei are demographics.
Anime/Manga = Japanese Cartoons! Deal with it.

Support Movember. Raise awareness of men's health issues. Put a mustache on your avatars or something...
Aug 14, 2013 12:12 AM

Jun 2013
Personally, I haven't worked "deeply" on something with the intention of it being a manga, or possibly even becoming an anime. I will say though, I have worked on many different stories that, if possible, I would have tried to get green lit as light novels. Of course, this is easier said than done, so I would have had to have gone further into what I was working on, but I have done a fair bit of work on different stories... So, yeah...
- One of them involved a boy who was left alone, quite often, by his parents, for they had "important" work to get to. He grows an inferiority complex because of this, and looks at the world through a quite negative point of view. One day, while walking back home from school, he runs into a girl who nobody can seem to notice for some reason. This girl changes his life forever....
Of course I've thought deeper into it than this, and it's much more unique than I'm making it come across as, but I'm not quite the kind of guy who would just post all of his ideas on an internet forum, you feel me?
It's natural for a person to deny he's a failure as a human being. That's why he searches for somebody who is more miserable than himself. That's why so much animosity exists on the internet. Those who aren't able to find a more miserable person, turn to the internet and call other people losers, even though they've never met. Just to make themselves feel superior. isn't that pathetic? There's a sense of security that comes from speaking badly of someone else. But that isn't true salvation. — Tatsuhiro Satou
YandereTheEmo said:
The only thing more pathetic than quoting someone you know nothing about, is quoting yourself.
Aug 14, 2013 12:14 AM

Dec 2012
Heck yeah!
But I just remember that I will never get it published.
I like to think of scenarios in my head though while I go to sleep.
Aug 14, 2013 12:19 AM

Jun 2007
HalfMetalJacket said:
Light novels don't look awfully difficult to write and I can get someone to draw for me.

Haha wow, writing is easy, is it? Tell that to the literal MILLIONS of people who try to write yet can't get published even after a lifetime of trying - and that's filled with extremely talented skilled people, not just terrible writers.

Don't look down on writing, it's fucking tough unless you're pumping out material the quality of a fanfic.
Aug 14, 2013 12:33 AM

Sep 2011
I'm always thinking about an anime/manga story. Ive tried making a manga, but gave up after doing one page.
Aug 14, 2013 2:50 AM
May 2009
We all want to make something. Its time that most of use don't have.
Aug 14, 2013 5:25 AM

Jul 2013
TallonKarrde23 said:
HalfMetalJacket said:
Light novels don't look awfully difficult to write and I can get someone to draw for me.

Haha wow, writing is easy, is it? Tell that to the literal MILLIONS of people who try to write yet can't get published even after a lifetime of trying - and that's filled with extremely talented skilled people, not just terrible writers.

Don't look down on writing, it's fucking tough unless you're pumping out material the quality of a fanfic.
It seems I did not express my thoughts correctly. Perhaps I should have said it was 'possible'. Definitely did not intend to discredit writers in any way.

Sometimes I do get over my head with ideas, but that's normal for young people right? Its always refreshing to be smacked with the harsh truth. I'm still going to have a shot though.
Deconstruction ≠ Darker & Edgier
Trope ≠ Cliché (Face it, nothing is completely original. Can't make something from nothing so to say.).
Fanservice ≠ Ecchi (Though ecchi can please the fans!)
Popular ≠ Sucks... maybe
Seinen = K-ON! Shounen, Shoujo, Seinen and Josei are demographics.
Anime/Manga = Japanese Cartoons! Deal with it.

Support Movember. Raise awareness of men's health issues. Put a mustache on your avatars or something...
Jul 9, 2016 8:56 PM
Jul 2016
Yes I have a ton. In fact I'm trying to creating an entire universe, and I'm fleshing it out. I'd say I'm a good 60% finished; I got it all down on paper(and somewhat typed as im more of an artist). I plan to make a Manga and game, I have the talent for it all the only thing is (and it really pisses me off) I don't have the resources, fresh outta high school with zero money and no job. I need a better computer and a pen tablet or something. In time. IN TIME!
Jul 9, 2016 9:30 PM

Oct 2015
I have a few papers with one sentence ideas that I already have characters and stuff for. I even went so far as to write dialogue interactions between characters and scenarios. I can't draw though so it's strictly writing.
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