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Feb 27, 2013 1:40 AM

Aug 2009
SSC_Exin said:

I second it as well ;__;.why does no one notice me?

Mea culpa, I must have missed some of the posts in this thread.
Feb 27, 2013 2:22 AM

Sep 2012
Burningblade04 said:
Does anyone else think Lucky Star should be on the list?

A lot of people that seem to hype it comes from the jokes but they can't even make up a joke without relying on obscure references nobody cares about(only people who regularly watch anime can point them out). Also, as a slice of life it is also very bad at it because the slice of life parts are glorified by the uninspired jokes. This show is just a bad example on how to do slice of life or comedy and ultimately fails at both those genres.

I really can't think of any other "Slice of Life" or comedy that got as much hype as Lucky Star did I just can't.

KONATA is so kawaii(9000 fav on mal).I have only watched 1st ep and learned HOW TO EAT ICECREAM, 'So educational' you know.I wish more anime were like this so I can learn how to be a true otaku and can use otaku jokes in my real life.WHO CARES ABOUT PLOT ANYWAY?
Feb 27, 2013 2:32 AM

Aug 2009
2_Steps_Ahead said:

KONATA is so kawaii(9000 fav on mal).I have only watched 1st ep and learned HOW TO EAT ICECREAM, 'So educational' you know.I wish more anime were like this so I can learn how to be a true otaku and can use otaku jokes in my real life.WHO CARES ABOUT PLOT ANYWAY?

WHAT? Are you even a true fan?!?!? That was not an ice cream, it was a chocolate cornet.
Feb 27, 2013 2:38 AM

Apr 2012
Why is there a dog there? I don't think I'll get an answer though. It shall forever be a mystery.
Feb 27, 2013 2:40 AM

Apr 2009
Enjoy folks, Lucky Star is on our relations list now!
Konata for character relations: Yes/No?
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Feb 27, 2013 3:14 AM
Jul 2018
Nidhoeggr said:
Enjoy folks, Lucky Star is on our relations list now!
Konata for character relations: Yes/No?

Is being nothing but an obvious pandering to the base material with no other unique redeeming qualities while at the same time having character development which revolves around its own wish fulfillment not answer your question?

If so, then there goes your answer.
removed-userFeb 27, 2013 3:31 AM
Feb 27, 2013 1:31 PM

Sep 2012
Yes, I believe the character responsible for making a scene about eating pastries last 7 MINUTES should be on the relations list.
Feb 27, 2013 4:52 PM

Jun 2012
If I remember correctly the first four episodes are directed by another guy

When I read about that I was like "oh - now that explains a lot"
Feb 27, 2013 5:19 PM

Sep 2012
Should I skip to episode 5, or must I sit through the rest of 1-4? Or should I even bother?
Feb 27, 2013 5:37 PM

Aug 2009
The first episode is indeed one of the weakest, and the show does get somewhat better after the first four episodes, but imo not considerably. So the chances are you still won't like it much.
Feb 27, 2013 7:05 PM

Jan 2013
Personally, I wouldn't put AnoHana on either list, and I would encourage C to go on relations.

AnoHana maybe overrated to some extent, but there were some areas where it excelled, such as its ending which didn't pull any punches, some fairly relatable characters and decent development amongst some of the cast, good pacing and some other things. The drawbacks were the meandering romantic sparks between Jinta and Naruko--the latter of which was a rather irritating tsundere early on--which took up too much time and subsequently lead to Chiriko and Tetsudo having very little depth in comparison to the rest of the group.

As for C, it's an absolute trainwreck and while it may not be popular, I feel it should be inducted for safe measure (it's a Noitamina show, so it might spark some interest). The first half was a mish-mash of action, economics, world-building and a moral dissection of the various people involved with the Financial District which was steadily paced but still mediocre. Then it all derails in the 2nd half when a crisis strikes and the world is thrown into disarray, so the meticulous pacing of the first half is contrasted by a break-neck catastrophe with very minimal substance aside from the escalating urgency and bombast, leading to a lame clash of duality, (which I'm told is a replication of the clashing opinions of Hayek and Keynes) a subsequent murky ending and a lame pseudo-romance (if you can even call it that) that goes no where. I once got into an argument online with someone who had a major in economics telling him that the economic allusions and backdrop don't attribute to making the story deep or well written and it went on for a while until someone more aggressive suddenly intervened and tried to break through his stubbornness. Anyways, C is one of my lowest rated animes and I feel that given it's Noitamina pedigree, it should be on the Relations list to counter-act the general allure of Noitamina's unconventional style.

Also, I'd like to inquire about adding Witch Hunter Robin seeing how it was more critically acclaimed in the past and I find it downright awful (yes it has a 7.44 average rating, but again, for safe measure perhaps). The first half of the series is a dull monster of the week format with redundant and uninspired powers (almost all of them simply use telekinesis) that has red herrings in most of them which amount to nothing by the end. By the midway point there are revelations that could've potentially changed the direction of the series and the morals of some of the characters, but again means next to nothing in the end. Almost every character has 0 depth and they are all lifeless & humourless workaholics whose only changes of face are when they let out maybe one momentary peaceful gesture or a crappy joke that is quickly dismissed. As for the "central relationship", (which is probably less than that of C's) it is almost entirely one-sided and goes practically no where despite the opening theme establishing a heavy, tragic atmosphere to it. The only thing the aforementioned monster of the week format and revelations lead to is a small, minute twist that 1) wasn't worth the 11 episodes of shallow, elusive cases which built it and 2) it's potential is again shamelessly rejected in the end; as for the revelations with the witch history which could've lead to a huge paradigm shift, the cast decides to stick to their original methods and completely disregard the implications those details might've had. The only vaguely interesting aspect of the series was the period of Robin's downfall where she had to adjust to a regular life for a short period with the fear that she would be hunted. The pacing of the second half is still incredibly slow which leads to a very rushed final episode where Robin goes from casual discussion of reaffirming her (questionable) purpose to infiltrating the final domain in minutes (or it may have been 2 episodes, who cares). After the very small twist at the end, the resolution changes almost nothing from when the series started, making for an objectionable moral path the characters continue to lead and a semi-ambiguous (if that makes any sense) end that I couldn't care less about simply because I didn't care about the fates of the characters let alone much else about the series. I should've structured that better so I wasn't sounding too repetitive myself, but that series was devastatingly abysmal and after hearing all the praise about it and getting my hopes up hearing that the unraveled mysteries in the end "are worth it", I was overwhelmed at how much time I had wasted and how poor the series was. Aside from that one particular portion of the story, the only other noteworthy things are the theme songs which are fantastic, but given how bad the series is, it actually pains me to hear them (let alone see the opening sequence) in fear that it will bring up the bad memories. Anyways, it doesn't seem too popular nowadays, and the average score is slightly below the credentials, but I feel it is necessary to point it out IMO.
AngelsArcanumFeb 27, 2013 7:09 PM
Feb 27, 2013 7:33 PM

Aug 2009
I'd say AnoHana is quite overrated on this site. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it because I did and I personally wouldn't put it in the relations, but it still stands that the show is overrated.

Interesting that you should claim the ending to be excellent, while it is exactly what I found the weakest part of the show. The melodrama was incredibly excessive and overblown (oh, Okada Mari) that it actually ruined the whole mood for me and achieved the exact opposite of what the writers were going for - i.e. it almost made me laugh instead of feeling empathy for the characters.
The final episode was when the show dropped all and any pretense of subtlety and decided to go with a bombastic approach instead and force the melodrama down the viewers throats. And that's what I really disliked especially since I quite liked gradual characterization and the drama that characterized the anime up to that point.

As for C, yeah, it is universally regarded as a rather bleak offering for a noitaminA anime. But eh, it's not like noitaminA is what it used to be anyway. After all, the block has had the shit like Guilty Crown and Black Rock Shooter, as well as titles that looked promising but turned into fiascos (Fractale and Natsuyuki Rendezvous).
metamorphiusFeb 27, 2013 7:40 PM
Feb 27, 2013 8:48 PM

Jan 2013
metamorphius said:

Interesting that you should claim the ending to be excellent, while it is exactly what I found the weakest part of the show. The melodrama was incredibly excessive and overblown (oh, Okada Mari) that it actually ruined the whole mood for me and achieved the exact opposite of what the writers were going for - i.e. it almost made me laugh instead of feeling empathy for the characters.
The final episode was when the show dropped all and any pretense of subtlety and decided to go with a bombastic approach instead and force the melodrama down the viewers throats. And that's what I really disliked especially since I quite liked gradual characterization and the drama that characterized the anime up to that point.

In retrospect it did feel a little cloying and a bit out of left field to some extent, but I think them pouring their feelings out sort of broke through their guises of self-righteousness and arrogance and that they could congeal their true feelings and achieve that larger empathy they had been lacking all this time. Yes, there had been some subtle mending throughout the course of the series, but it was inconsistent due to the characters mistrust in one another and spurts of angst lashing out (not to say that's a detriment, but rather an actual setup) and I think that when the shocking reality hit them that they would lose all connections and even all delusions to Menma's existence is when they could break that thick layer of indifference and let their true feelings out. Obviously Menma was connected to Jinta spiritually, and she brought the group together again, so I think the 5 others might've been scared as well that unless they tried to truly connect before Menma--the only one who they mutually respected to an extent--parted, they would lose each other forever, being caught up in their haughty facades and truly relinquishing their past friendships. I'll admit it is drawn out too much for melodrama--hell the whole concept of ghosts in this series is riddled with contrivances and inconsistencies--but at the root of it is still a final rekindling of good friends who were previously disillusioned from each other which is (what I assume to be in a literal sense) 'wish fulfillment' for all those people out there who has lost friends as time went on, so it has relatable albeit sappy elements those people wish would happen. It has missteps, exaggerated melodrama and weird conveniences, but it still has merit I find.
Feb 27, 2013 8:58 PM

Aug 2009
Ofc, I'm fine with your opinion and I see where you're coming from.
I wrote my post simply because I wanted to point out that there are quite a few people (myself including, obviously) who would disagree with the praise you gave to the ending. And to give the reason why I disagree, of course.
Feb 27, 2013 9:09 PM

Jan 2013
metamorphius said:
Ofc, I'm fine with your opinion and I see where you're coming from.
I wrote my post simply because I wanted to point out that there are quite a few people (myself including, obviously) who would disagree with the praise you gave to the ending. And to give the reason why I disagree, of course.

I gotcha, I guess I just wanted to expand a bit on my thoughts and the rebuttle came in tow it seems. I can see why people wouldn't like the ending, and I've heard past reception of others not liking it as well, so I hope it doesn't seem like I'm forcing my views onto you or anything.
Feb 27, 2013 9:17 PM

Sep 2012
I also hated that ending but I don't think it should be relations.Except for ending I don't think anything was that bad,may be ep 6 where other students start accusing the red haired girl for some reasons.
Feb 27, 2013 9:20 PM

Aug 2009
AngelsArcanum said:
I hope it doesn't seem like I'm forcing my views onto you or anything.

Of course not. It most certainly didn't seem that way.
Actually, I appreciate it when people explain their opinion and support it with arguments.

On topic, has Gosick been suggested yet? I'm not sure it deserves to be here, it's just that I'm wondering if anyone else disliked Victorique and Kujou as much as I did it's been brought up.
Feb 27, 2013 9:25 PM

Apr 2012
I don't agree to adding C nor Witch Hunter Robin. Not because I enjoyed them or found them to be good or even mediocre. The reason being is that I find that they're neither are popular, nor given undeserved praise. Yes they are sub-par, but if we add all the sub-par anime out there the list would be endless.
It's the hype and the quality of the anime that needs to be taken into consideration. Is the quality complete shit? One would say so, at least more shit than good. However is it hyped up to be the next big thing since the discovery of fire? Not really. I rarely see C get praised as a good anime, and when it does not many actually care. The items on our list are more or less popular and shit or over-rated and still shit. Maybe with the exception of K, I don't see too many people being overly passionate about that.
Feb 27, 2013 9:28 PM

Aug 2009
I agree with Exin about C.
That's what I meant when I said the anime is pretty much universally regarded as rather weak.
Feb 27, 2013 10:04 PM

Jan 2013
SSC_Exin said:
I don't agree to adding C nor Witch Hunter Robin. Not because I enjoyed them or found them to be good or even mediocre. The reason being is that I find that they're neither are popular, nor given undeserved praise. Yes they are sub-par, but if we add all the sub-par anime out there the list would be endless.
It's the hype and the quality of the anime that needs to be taken into consideration. Is the quality complete shit? One would say so, at least more shit than good. However is it hyped up to be the next big thing since the discovery of fire? Not really. I rarely see C get praised as a good anime, and when it does not many actually care. The items on our list are more or less popular and shit or over-rated and still shit. Maybe with the exception of K, I don't see too many people being overly passionate about that.

Ok, that's understandable, my credentials for inducting them didn't really hit the core of having excessive fanbases, so that makes sense.
Feb 27, 2013 10:06 PM

Jan 2013
On that note, I haven't seen much of Code Geass so could someone please clarify as to why it is on the relations list (for both seasons) I don't mind spoilers if needed.
Feb 27, 2013 10:30 PM

Apr 2012
Obligatory Baman's blog/rant

The reason why it's on the relation list is the fact that it has immense popularity, for Lelouch, or it's plot (lol), or it being an amazing strategy mecha. It's hailed as being revolutionary where it's nothing but. The characterization is terrible, a character would strongly believe in a certain ideal, then suddenly it doesn't matter. Their motives for doing anything are weak or even not explained. It's immense plot holes which is more prevalent in the second season than the first. Or it's infamous 'plot twists'. Not to mention the small scrap of 'strategy' they had in the first season was completely left out in the second. The 'advancement of technology' saw to the aspect of strategy's demise. You mechs that go pew pew and obliterate everything. You had dead people coming back to life with no explanation.
Feb 27, 2013 11:00 PM

Jan 2013
O.O That clears that up then, I think it would be in my best interest to pass on CG.
Feb 28, 2013 1:03 AM

Apr 2012
AngelsArcanum said:
O.O That clears that up then, I think it would be in my best interest to pass on CG.

You should still definitely watch it just for the sake of knowing. Same reason why you should watch Shit Anime On-crack and Guilty Crap.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Feb 28, 2013 7:21 AM

Mar 2009
I feel that I could not sit through Guilty Crown. I watched the first two episodes when it premiered and I was just... so bored.
Feb 28, 2013 7:23 AM

Sep 2012
Watch the first season, which is at least entertaining and tries to make sense. R2 is just plain confusing, and where any of what could be considered moderately intelligent goes out the window. Just a warning: R1 is a cliffhanger.

But I can't say much. I liked it, kind of in the same way I liked Mirai Nikki or Hyoubu Kyousuke.
Feb 28, 2013 8:42 AM

Sep 2012
Things likes guilty crown,future diary and sword art online can be used for checking someone's limit for watching crap.(I enjoyed 1st 2 titles btw) and be sure to watch CODE GEASS you will learn new moves in chess(if you know how to play it)
Mar 1, 2013 5:40 AM

Aug 2011
I would like to cast a vote for Kokoro Connect, the show felt like it kept on genre shifting too much and never went anywhere with the comedy and drama it was serving. It does not deserve the hype it is getting from MAL.
Mar 1, 2013 6:03 AM
Mar 1, 2013 8:27 AM

Nov 2011
I'd like to add School Rumble to the relations list. It's got an 8.23 and, having seen it myself, I can't figure out why people love it so much. It's kind of amusing and cute, but it's also pretty boring. It's not over the top enough to be pure comedy, but not soft enough to be really slice of life, and it's just a middling mix of both elements without being particularly strong or good in either aspect.
Mar 2, 2013 12:31 PM
Jul 2018
Ducat_Revel said:
Can we toss KyotoAni as a whole in our relations list?

Personally I have yet to see a KyotoAni anime that I like.

Amberleh said:
I'd like to add School Rumble to the relations list. It's got an 8.23 and, having seen it myself, I can't figure out why people love it so much. It's kind of amusing and cute, but it's also pretty boring. It's not over the top enough to be pure comedy, but not soft enough to be really slice of life, and it's just a middling mix of both elements without being particularly strong or good in either aspect.

I agree that School Rumble is nowhere good as people like to say it is, I tried a couple of episodes and I could not continue watching it.
Mar 2, 2013 5:26 PM

Jan 2013
Neane1993 said:
Ducat_Revel said:
Can we toss KyotoAni as a whole in our relations list?

Personally I have yet to see a KyotoAni anime that I like.

I've seen the first few episodes of Hyouka & I find it to be a rather intelligent and touching story. Yes the mysteries lack danger & tension, but given the pacifistic school setting, it justifies it. The animation, set pieces and palette is really a nice sight, with a very flourished and lush shimmer to everything, so the atmosphere alone perks you up. As for actual narrative content, the 4 main characters early on are incredibly diverse and have their own sets of intellect. Hotarou is an apathetic, timid and lazy person who is somewhat reminiscent of Tatsuya from Touch in that his composure is very lax and passive, but he's a softie deep down and both of them are skilled individuals (Tatsuya with his inherent athleticism and Hotarou with his knowledge) but their weak convictions attribute to a mix of humbleness and low self-esteem. That being said, they are relatable and sympathetic characters that are well written IMO. As for the rest of the cast, there's Eru who is the studious and hard-working girl who's the top student of her grade; she's somewhat of an airhead at times, but when she is really curious or invested in something, she has unwavering conviction and devotion to the task, the first person to come to mind would be Yukiko Amagi from Persona 4, only more outgoing and less vain. Satoshi--who is Hotaro's pal--is the database of knowledge and the whimsical and competitive one of the bunch who tries to help Hotarou break out of his shell a bit more. Lastly (of the main quartet although I'm pretty sure there's more central characters later) is Mayaka who is the questioning and somewhat cynical one of the group who may not be the brightest of the 4, but is probably the most daring, and still works aggressively and contributes her own ideas to the mysteries as well. Altogether it is a well rounded cast of bright students with their own areas of expertise and personalities that mix in different ways, making for solid character interplay and a generally entertaining watch; they are the driving force of the plot, and their characters contribute to the story's progression and entertainment value, with their different values coming into play with it all, such as the somewhat subtle scheming of episode 1 revolving around Hotarou which I won't spoil, as one of the many witty tidbits that make this low key mystery story a fascinating one. It's been a while since I've seen the show, but I remember loving the episodes I had seen.
Mar 4, 2013 1:16 PM

Jan 2013
wow the anime relation list of the club seems really random o.o
That not a list of elitist ( some average or just good animes ) and not a list of anime fan ( I see only 32 animes on the list )
I even see Sword Art Online while a lot of very good animes are left out
Argh I was excited when joining the club but if this is the list after 4 years I'm disappointed.
I posted some recommendations for the anime enlightment list
I think at least Eureka Seven ( the original ) should be added to the relation list, to those who don't want to watch it, that's not a "mecha" anime.
Mar 4, 2013 1:23 PM

Apr 2009
It is not random, it is a list of overrated anime that are of bad quality and don't deserve their current status on MAL; e.g. SAO belongs on that list because it is horrible.

Also, this club is NOT four years old, but rather four months.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Mar 4, 2013 1:35 PM

Sep 2012
I think you may have the relations list conflated with the enlightenment list.
Mar 4, 2013 3:38 PM

Jan 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
It is not random, it is a list of overrated anime that are of bad quality and don't deserve their current status on MAL; e.g. SAO belongs on that list because it is horrible.

Also, this club is NOT four years old, but rather four months.

Ah ok I suspected this but since it wasn't clearly stated I wasn't, if it's like that I withdraw my request for adding Eureka Seven, it's great. ( Ao is very bad )
Mar 4, 2013 4:49 PM

Jan 2013
shiranui51 said:
Nidhoeggr said:
It is not random, it is a list of overrated anime that are of bad quality and don't deserve their current status on MAL; e.g. SAO belongs on that list because it is horrible.

Also, this club is NOT four years old, but rather four months.

Ah ok I suspected this but since it wasn't clearly stated I wasn't, if it's like that I withdraw my request for adding Eureka Seven, it's great. ( Ao is very bad )

AO was decent from what I've seen. Yes, it is very inconsistent, a tad confusing and lacks a lot of the style of the original, but it seems to get more consistent at the halfway point, and some of the episodes along the way are great but I won't go into it too much. Anyways, a lot of people see AO as a flop and it simply isn't that popular so I don't see it being in relations.
Mar 4, 2013 4:57 PM

Apr 2009
Satan. Is. A. Hippie.
It's pretty obvious Ao No Exorcist is bad.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Mar 4, 2013 5:03 PM

Nov 2011
Nidhoeggr said:
Satan. Is. A. Hippie.
It's pretty obvious Ao No Exorcist is bad.

They meant Eureka 7 AO, not Ao no Exorcist.
Mar 4, 2013 5:03 PM

Sep 2012
EDIT: Never mind
Mar 5, 2013 1:59 PM

Apr 2009
As much as it pains me to say, shall we add the original Hellsing anime to our relations list?
A disgusting second half, different focus (although i kind of liked the Seras bits) and several other things make it a horrible adaption that somehow still is in the Top 1000 of MAL and would quickly take over DW spot as grimdark-edgy stuff for teenagers if it were to air today.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Mar 5, 2013 3:43 PM

Nov 2011
Yeah, I think that might be one we have to add, sadly.
Mar 5, 2013 5:30 PM
Jul 2018
It pains me that that poorly made Fan-Fiction is #32 in Popularity.
Mar 5, 2013 5:33 PM

Apr 2009
Neane1993 said:
It pains me that that poorly made Fan-Fiction is #32 in Popularity.

Ugh, you just reminded me to NEVER click on that particular list again. This really represents the most anime fans, right? No wonder people think it's for kids/losers/idiots...

Hellsing is so getting added. I'm sorry Hirano-sensei, but this particular entry deserves its spot.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Mar 5, 2013 5:55 PM

Sep 2012
1062're telling me Hellsing TV is higher on the popularity list than Hellsing Ultimate?
Mar 5, 2013 9:21 PM

Sep 2012
Talking about hellsing I never read its manga but still tv series felt pretty bad to me,And can we add ultimate to enlightenment list for contrasting it?Because I think ultimate is much better rule of cool and dad of badassery school anime than black lagoon(Or I missed some points in 1st season of black lagoon)
Mar 5, 2013 9:41 PM
Jul 2018
Nidhoeggr said:
Neane1993 said:
It pains me that that poorly made Fan-Fiction is #32 in Popularity.

Ugh, you just reminded me to NEVER click on that particular list again. This really represents the most anime fans, right? No wonder people think it's for kids/losers/idiots...

Generally speaking, most people who use the Internet are not the best and brightest nowadays.

Good Reads also has the same problem as MAL, but with books.
A while ago, these were the best books ever made according to Good Reads.

2_Steps_Ahead said:
Talking about hellsing I never read its manga but still tv series felt pretty bad to me,And can we add ultimate to enlightenment list for contrasting it?Because I think ultimate is much better rule of cool and dad of badassery school anime than black lagoon(Or I missed some points in 1st season of black lagoon)

Personally, I think that Hellsing Ultimate is the best Junk Food anime ever made.

The plot is beyond silly, the characters are the very definition of over the top and the voice actors are all having fun chewing scenery. Ultimate is like a huge greasy artery clogging hamburger. You know you shouldn't be enjoying it this much but screw all forms of logic and reasoning because it tastes like pure heaven baby.

Also, all the cool stuff in Black Lagoon happens in the Second Season.
Mar 5, 2013 9:47 PM

Aug 2009
Neane1993 said:

A while ago, these were the best books ever made according to Good Reads.

*goes off in the corner to weep for humanity*

So, are we getting a Hellsing Ultimate poll?
Mar 5, 2013 9:51 PM

Nov 2011
Young girls should read Mists of Avalon, not Twilight. It's romantic fantasy with a lot of historical facts embedded into it and a strong emphasis on female empowerment, even at a time when women had little real power.

Of course they probably wouldn't like it because big words are scary and it's not set in 'modern times'.
Mar 6, 2013 1:11 AM

Apr 2009
Children schould read more Terry Pratchett.
Everyone should read more Terry Pratchett.

About female empowerment: George R.R. Martin managed to write fairly realistic women in A Sonf Of Ice And Fire.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
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