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To the people who have a mean score under 6 , are you happy?

3 hours ago

Apr 2024
To the people who have a mean score under 6 , are you happy?

I mean it seem like you don't enjoy that much the majority of anime you watch
2 hours ago

Jul 2021
No, I am not, I need a girlfriend.
Majority of anime being bad is sort of not important to my overall happiness.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
2 hours ago

Jun 2016
Yes the fact that the majority of anime coming out is shite doesn't make me depressed.
I think I'll start getting into hopemaxxing superman memes now.
2 hours ago

Jan 2009
maybe they are masochists or even completionist
2 hours ago

Feb 2020
My mean score is relatively low because all those random music videos. I guess it would be a little over 7 without them.
2 hours ago

Jul 2023
I don't think they have any reason to be unhappy.
Talent is something to nurture, and wisdom is something to hone

2 hours ago

Apr 2024
Most of everything is crap.

If you got something in your list that is really good it feels wrong to give other titles the same ranking, so everything else gets moved down.

My default rating for stuff that is neither bad nor good is a 4 these days. It used to be 8. It's not that it's not entertaining or anything, it's just that I've seen stuff that is a whole lot better.
2 hours ago

Dec 2022
I'll never let my mean score fall under 5.50, so I'm not too concerned about "being too harsh" or anything. Generally, you think more about the anime you like than the anime you dislike on a regular basis anyway, so there's little reason to dwell on negativity. I'm still plenty happy with anime as a whole.

Shaded Horizon

2 hours ago

Aug 2016
You can still enjoy something that's say a 3 to a 6. When it comes to 3, it just means negatives significantly outweigh any positives and/or certain aspects turn out annoying but there are still bits of moments of enjoyment during the entry's run.
2 hours ago

Oct 2013
Why do people put so much emphasis on others mean scores? Completionists who never drop a single thing aside, what's with the assumption that an overall low score meaning you don't like anime? I may not have a super low mean score, partially because I don't rate dropped shows, but I know from experience that giving something a low rating doesn't necessarily mean you disliked it. A high drop rate is a much better indicator you don't enjoy most of what you watch than a low mean score imo.
2 hours ago

Sep 2016
Nope, most anime could be way better tbh.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
2 hours ago
Oct 2023
"Seems" versus "reality" is 2 different things. But I'm happy, and if it had to be based on my scale on rating, I will elaborate.

I rate usually in 3 numbers; 4,5,6. 4 means I watched and the quality (visuals, voice acting, sound choice) in my eyes is okay, but the content did not vibe with me. 5 means the quality was okay and the content was okay with me. 6 means the quality is still okay, but I actually liked what I saw. Anything higher means the quality was good (notably way better than 4-6) and I of course liked the show. If the quality is still outstanding and I didn't like the content, well it goes to 5-6 range no matter how much I will admit the show's quality was objectively great. I'm a person with okay expectations, okay is more than enough for me. As for anything lower, I'd drop the show and not rate it, I don't want to spend my time hatewatching.

Having time to waste on a luxury like media and one of my choosing already makes my life happy, furthermore having the time to record my time wasting and put my notes on it kind of makes me privileged compared to world. Why wouldn't I be happy?
2 hours ago

Aug 2020
To the people who have a mean score above 7 , why do you care so much about other people's scores?

2 hours ago

Jul 2021
Reply to deg
maybe they are masochists or even completionist
@deg I'm not a masochist, I genuinely tried to pick shows I'd like, and it still didn't work out.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
2 hours ago

Nov 2020
lmao people with a mean score below 6 who think they're elitists and cool, you aren't.
ig the perfect mean score is from 6.5-8.
also people who have mean score above 9 are tasteless retards
"Are you the strongest because you're Satoru Gojo? Or are you Satoru Gojo because you're the strongest?"~ Suguru Geto

1 hour ago

Sep 2018
Yes. The lower the mean score, the more you love anime because you care about distinguishing as many different levels of good as possible, instead of slapping a 8/10 to anything that doesn't make you fall asleep midway without thinking too much about it.
1 hour ago

Sep 2008
no I'm not happy in general, but that's not anime related.
thanks for asking though.

most anime sucks shit nowadays, and they abandoned themes and settings I care about. they also toned down fanservice. gradient shading sucks.
5 means average.
it means I've seen stuff like this 1000 times.
it didn't do anything exceptional, or anything bad.
it wasn't interesting or fun, it was just okay.

now how the fuck am I supposed to score the 1000th goddamn inoffensive isekai? because that's what's coming out in droves. that's right. 5/10.
most shows I tend to love have a mean score of 6/10-7/10 btw, no way this isn't fair scoring.
hypewatching and social media were mistakes.
people with a high mean score are still in the honeymoon phase, haven't seen enough to know what the average is, or haven't seen anything truly incredible.
maybe they're just easy to please or have their reccs curated with great precision. good for them, I hope they will be enjoying anime for long years to come.
I still enjoy anime all the same, my scoring is just harsh for zoomers or something.
馬鹿げた倫理 全部ガラクタで
1 hour ago

Sep 2016
Reply to AMBITZZ
lmao people with a mean score below 6 who think they're elitists and cool, you aren't.
ig the perfect mean score is from 6.5-8.
also people who have mean score above 9 are tasteless retards
wth is a perfect mean score? 😂
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
51 minutes ago
Call me Oniichan

Jan 2007
You're just afraid of using the full 1-10 scale because it would indicate you're not enjoying the medium as much as you're trying to convince yourself you do.
28 minutes ago

Jul 2017
My mean score for anime is currently at 5.89, and yeah, I would say that I'm satisfied. To me, it doesn't actually matter whether my mean score gets higher or lower. What matters is that I give honest ratings to each of the anime that I've completed.

I also prefer using the entire 1-10 rating scale instead of using a 6-10 rating scale since I get to be more specific, and I like being specific when rating. Enjoyment is also a huge factor for me when rating, but I also wouldn't say that it's everything per se. Anime that are “enjoyable but bad" or "so bad that it's good” do exist, and I can't give those high scores.

Overall, I am definitely happy with the anime that I've completed, and there is still an ample amount of interesting anime for me to watch in the future as well.
25 minutes ago

May 2021
My score used to be pretty high, but its now on the 6s. The more anime u watch, the better you can evaluate it's quality and see its flaws. I don't think about whether or not I have gotten unhappier though, its just me having more knowledge to judge what I watch.
22 minutes ago

Oct 2023
Honestly my mean score has been dropping the more shows that I watch, still at around 7.4. I could probably stand to go through them and re-grade them which might put me even closer to 7. The fact is that there are more average/ok animes than amazing/awesome animes so it's only natural that a mean score of 6-7 would be a healthy score. So to answer the question yes I am happy even if my mean score went down even further.
21 minutes ago

Nov 2016
Yeah obviously happy since they are real massochist with no drop rule and watch all anime plus write comment in every eps on the current season instead lollll

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