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Jul 3, 8:44 PM

Jan 2008
Personally I prefer girls taller than me. Like the tomboyish basketball girl whose kinda insecure about her height and thinks no guys could possibly like her. Lovely Complex is really what made me like it. Short girls are nice too though.
Jul 3, 9:03 PM

Feb 2020
"Do you prefer short or tall girls?"

Jul 3, 9:05 PM

Jan 2009
i prefer short girls since i am short too

but in fiction like anime anything goes
Jul 3, 9:05 PM

Jan 2008
Reply to Serafos
"Do you prefer short or tall girls?"

@Serafos Then you are my ultimate enemy.
Jul 4, 12:15 AM

May 2024
Shorter than me, but not too short. About 10cm shorter is fine.
Jul 4, 12:20 AM

Apr 2013
Short I guess, but it really doesn't matter much. Tall girls can be cute as well.
Jul 4, 12:26 AM

Jul 2023
doesn't really matter but little short than me is perfect :)
Talent is someting to nurture and wisedom is something to hone

Jul 4, 12:59 AM

Sep 2016
Taller is much better of course and every men should know why:

This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 4, 1:33 AM

Feb 2024
I don't care honestly, all ladies can be nice. From my experience, it's more important if they have anything but appearance, otherwise it gets boring so quickly. I'm looking for fun and adventures, not for a doll.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Jul 4, 1:45 AM

Apr 2018
im 4'8"
im locked into liking tall girls
as cool as it would be to loom over a girl and give her a smooch
sigh some things arent meant to be

Jul 4, 2:03 AM

Mar 2020
Don't mind either but I'm slightly leaning towards tall women dominating me (in stature)
Jul 4, 3:50 AM
Nov 2023
Both work well, also in
Jul 4, 3:58 AM

Jan 2008
Reply to Akiko_Yosano
Both work well, also in
@Akiko_Yosano I like dominating that particular starfish. I could lend a hand, or tongue ;D
Jul 4, 4:05 AM
Nov 2023
Reply to ZakuF_
@Akiko_Yosano I like dominating that particular starfish. I could lend a hand, or tongue ;D
@ZakuF_ That sounds great I'll be your submissive ;)
Akiko_YosanoYesterday, 4:20 AM
Jul 4, 6:27 AM

Jan 2021
I prefer tall girls, don't think i will find any cause i'm considerably tall.
spiritual successor of lord rothchild.
Jul 4, 6:35 AM

Sep 2016
Cielord said:
I prefer tall girls, don't think i will find any cause i'm considerably tall.

Ahaha, seems we share the same misfortune.
This dance is the pinnacle of human achievement.
Jul 4, 6:54 AM

Jan 2023
Short women always caught my attention the most.
1.60m seems optimal to me.

And I'm 1.87m tall. In general terms they are always shorter than me.
Jul 4, 8:11 AM

Jul 2021
Definitely tall. I wouldn't say no to a short girl just because of their height, but if we are picking and choosing...
Jul 4, 12:23 PM

Aug 2014
Shorter than me, but not that short.
Jul 4, 1:03 PM

Jan 2009
I find short women cuter, but appearance alone doesn't draw me in. If anything, I have more of a soft spot for women who make me wish to protect them

juanlqr said:
And I'm 1.87m tall. In general terms they are always shorter than me.
Same here at 1.85m, though I've seen a few who are the same height or even a small bit taller than me
Jul 4, 1:09 PM

Jul 2013
Why not both lol? Is that ok with you?
Jul 4, 6:30 PM

Nov 2015
Tall. I think i realized this after reading The Magician’s Nephew; Jadis really awoke something within me.
and i guess

that i just don't know
Jul 4, 7:02 PM

Jul 2012
Depends on if their height is in their legs or torso.
Jul 4, 7:19 PM

Apr 2024
Men idk, probably tall? I'm pretty tall myself, so being made to feel small is a rare experience that I enjoy
"Dreams are worth fighting for"
Yesterday, 3:43 AM

Sep 2020
both. both are good enough for me, i don't care
Yesterday, 10:46 AM

Dec 2015
Slightly shorter than me, my ex was very short, too short and now I ain't going for that. I would feel uncomfortable for a girl taller than me but that isn't that common to find such tall girls so I ain't of such big risk for that.
Yesterday, 8:17 PM

Oct 2023
ive never dated a guy taller than me, but im not that short to begin with. I feel like most girls like taller guys, so id imagine most guys like shorter girls
Yesterday, 8:21 PM

Apr 2018
Short, definitely. This may be because I'm a short guy myself, but I want to feel taller, so girls shorter than me are great.
Yesterday, 8:40 PM

Mar 2013
Reply to _MiyukiSone
ive never dated a guy taller than me, but im not that short to begin with. I feel like most girls like taller guys, so id imagine most guys like shorter girls

From my experience, it seems that while there are a number of men who prefer shorter girls (perhaps due to a latent fear of being emasculated), it seems far more common for men to display a love for if not outright fetishize taller women, than it is for women to like guys shorter than them or be outright apathetic to height, at least within my age cohort.

There are explanations for this, culture influencing what we find attractive, height averages across sexes (Women 5'10 or above already at the 95th percentile whereas 5'10 for men is the 55th percentile)

OT: I go with the flow baby. I wish I dated a woman taller than me (I am 5'10, so I am fairly average height) but finding a tall woman is already extremely difficult. Alas, I will likely never be with someone who is tall and fits my basic preferences in a woman.
Yesterday, 9:19 PM

Oct 2023
Reply to PeripheralVision

From my experience, it seems that while there are a number of men who prefer shorter girls (perhaps due to a latent fear of being emasculated), it seems far more common for men to display a love for if not outright fetishize taller women, than it is for women to like guys shorter than them or be outright apathetic to height, at least within my age cohort.

There are explanations for this, culture influencing what we find attractive, height averages across sexes (Women 5'10 or above already at the 95th percentile whereas 5'10 for men is the 55th percentile)

OT: I go with the flow baby. I wish I dated a woman taller than me (I am 5'10, so I am fairly average height) but finding a tall woman is already extremely difficult. Alas, I will likely never be with someone who is tall and fits my basic preferences in a woman.

5'10 is pretty tall, i'd say thats above average from my perspective. Finding a woman taller than that does sound pretty difficult tho
Yesterday, 10:15 PM

Mar 2013
Reply to _MiyukiSone

5'10 is pretty tall, i'd say thats above average from my perspective. Finding a woman taller than that does sound pretty difficult tho
_MiyukiSone said:
5'10 is pretty tall, i'd say thats above average from my perspective. Finding a woman taller than that does sound pretty difficult tho

5'10 is taller than average, but only above only 60% of the male population, so men at that height are relatively normal. 5'11 and 6 feet is surprisingly the cutoff for men as they are in top 25% and top 15% of men by height, at least within the states. To be honest, I do not have trouble finding dates because of my looks, but the preference for especially tall men do exist, and seemingly to a greater extent than it does for men (Though it could be explained that we men are openly very horny creatures.)

Theory about why preferences exist to an extent.

Though yeah, the amount of women even above 5'10 are minimal to less than 1 out of every 20 women to 1 out of every 50 women, at least given census bureau data from 2007.

PeripheralVisionYesterday, 10:19 PM
Yesterday, 10:18 PM

Jan 2008
Reply to PeripheralVision
_MiyukiSone said:
5'10 is pretty tall, i'd say thats above average from my perspective. Finding a woman taller than that does sound pretty difficult tho

5'10 is taller than average, but only above only 60% of the male population, so men at that height are relatively normal. 5'11 and 6 feet is surprisingly the cutoff for men as they are in top 25% and top 15% of men by height, at least within the states. To be honest, I do not have trouble finding dates because of my looks, but the preference for especially tall men do exist, and seemingly to a greater extent than it does for men (Though it could be explained that we men are openly very horny creatures.)

Theory about why preferences exist to an extent.

Though yeah, the amount of women even above 5'10 are minimal to less than 1 out of every 20 women to 1 out of every 50 women, at least given census bureau data from 2007.

@PeripheralVision I'm 6'10" so my odds of finding a taller girl is almost 0 :*(
What if I stack a shorter girl on top of another short girl???
2 hours ago

Oct 2023
Reply to ZakuF_
@PeripheralVision I'm 6'10" so my odds of finding a taller girl is almost 0 :*(
What if I stack a shorter girl on top of another short girl???
@ZakuF_ haha, what's your goal height - a girl over 10ft?

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