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What is something that a lot of people find boring that you enjoy doing?

Aug 24, 2021 5:59 PM

Oct 2018
The title pretty much says it all.

For me that thing is ironing clothes. I don't know why I like it their is just something about it I find relaxing.
Aug 24, 2021 6:53 PM
Dec 2017
shitposting on the forums thats basically it lol.

Aug 24, 2021 7:06 PM

Aug 2007
Reading books.

A previous colleague explicitly said to me that she finds it weird that I am filing a leave just to read a "boring book". I really wouldn't take a leave just to read a book, however, I had extra leave credits at the time that I wouldn't want to go to waste. Still, I'd rather be honest about my leave rather than make up of things like going to vacation, because they will pester me about it. With books, it's the end of conversation.


On a mountain slope,
Solitary, uncompanioned,
Stands a cherry tree.

Except for you, lonely friend,
To others I am unknown.

Aug 24, 2021 7:06 PM

Jan 2020
Similarly to crow black, basically just spending a lot on forums.

I'm sure there's a lot of people who don't want to do that

Aug 24, 2021 7:06 PM

Jan 2017
My entire existence would be defined boring by most people lmao

Study a Bachelor of IT with a major of information systems [which consists almost entirely of learning terminology and staring at/creating brain numbing diagrams such as these beauties]:

After that I have a hobby of video editing which consists of micro-editing a 4 minute song for over 8+ hours after going through it smashing the M button in vegas to sync everything up, most likely more monotonous than programming for 9+ hours but I somehow enjoy it.

After that study history every single day and read holy scripts every night be they Quran, Torah, Bible you name it and also study a language.

With all of that going on I usually have a tradingview chart open 24 hours a day on one of my monitors that I constantly check and maintain with fib retracements and trendlines.

Couple that was a daily routine of checking the DXY, Silver/Gold prices and checking my sources for any breaking news and to top that off I'm constantly following a current SEC case for the last 6+ months for every new action.

So yeah, boring? For some people sure, but for me I wouldn't have it any other way.
CneqAug 24, 2021 7:12 PM
Aug 24, 2021 7:14 PM

Aug 2007
@Cneq I find that diagram interesting, along with your daily routine. I'm working my way towards Data Science, but it really is challenging with just doing it by myself instead of having a formal education or at least a mentor. The free online scholarship that I got accepted to recently didn't live up to my expectation, that being to learn.

What is your reason of studying the holy scripts? Reminds me of one of the item in my mini bucket list, which is to attend a worship/mass of a religion other than my own. (Catholic, non-practicing).


On a mountain slope,
Solitary, uncompanioned,
Stands a cherry tree.

Except for you, lonely friend,
To others I am unknown.

Aug 24, 2021 7:15 PM

Jun 2020
Do housework yes, and do something for nothing like watching anime or take random pictures and edit photo with my phone. I also like to learn about random facts and stalking strangers in social media.
chocomayuAug 24, 2021 7:18 PM
Aug 24, 2021 7:27 PM
Jul 2018
Using the Internet without visiting sites/apps such as YouTube (or any other similar streaming platforms).

Not watching any video-based content (such as movies, TV series, Anime, cartoons, etc).

Life without video games.

Ignoring all life events (such as news, etc)
Aug 24, 2021 8:35 PM

Jan 2017
Monotonous said:
@Cneq I find that diagram interesting, along with your daily routine. I'm working my way towards Data Science, but it really is challenging with just doing it by myself instead of having a formal education or at least a mentor. The free online scholarship that I got accepted to recently didn't live up to my expectation, that being to learn.

What is your reason of studying the holy scripts? Reminds me of one of the item in my mini bucket list, which is to attend a worship/mass of a religion other than my own. (Catholic, non-practicing).
Yeah I agree I was originally suppose to start University a year early but due to the pandemic I delayed it a year and instead tried to learn I.T on my own and self-learning while useful certainly has it's limitations, especially when it comes to data science.

I think the closest you can come to a guided experience on your own would be through certifications on coursera by IBM and Google and other than that just following video series like the ones on freecodecamp that cover data science and languages such as R.

However even these often lack some of the stuff included in a Universities teaching criteria and I noticed this right away when I started and was able to compare the Google I.T Profession Certificate I completed on Coursera directly to one of the first introductory units at University and the content while similar was taught in a different way and went into much more detailed compared to the Google course [couple that with actual exams/projects it tested that knowledge as well].

I know data science especially has a real lack of online resources so if you're not able to learn well perhaps you should explore some of the other areas which are big such as cloud computing or general programming which have a lot more resources to learn from.

My reason for studying sacred texts is mainly due to the fact they're so important to history/culture and thus coincides directly to my study of history/culture but more than that as someone who'd classify themselves as religious I believe it's my duty to study the texts that spawned from a similar source [such as the Torah/Quran] and come to my own opinion on them but more than that get a more wider grasp of religion by studying all the various mythologies of the world be they eastern, greek, norse etc and also the other core religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism among others.

In my opinion there's way too many Christians/Muslims that call out the opposing religion and leave things as they are without any true effort to understand the other side and I believe it's important to be the exception to that.
Aug 24, 2021 11:08 PM
YouTuber / VA

Aug 2017
I love Economics but for some reason most people find it boring and/or hard. Also wherever most people would listen to music I like listening to educational podcasts instead (at x2 speed on a wide variety of topics) and I find the act of taking in all this information constantly learning all sorts of new things everyday to be very enjoyable and a far better use of my time than several years ago before I made the decision to pretty much stop listening to music.

Cleaning / organizing is also a chore most people hate but that I probably do a little too often because I find it cathartic. Heavily researching products / services before I choose one to buy goes into that category too. And one last one that goes into that category is I have wasted probably hundreds of hours answering questions / writing guides for people when it comes to YouTube, Voice Acting, and Videogames as for some reason it makes me feel quite good to do even if perhaps there are more efficient ways of positively impacting peoples' lives.
Aug 24, 2021 11:12 PM

Mar 2021
math i guess, it's fun if i know how to do it
Aug 24, 2021 11:13 PM

Jul 2021
most of my friends dislike watching golf but I like it
Aug 25, 2021 12:40 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I try to find fun in everything I do, but I think a specific thing I find fun is untying knots and untangling wires!

Enjoy your anime! | Witch Cafe Wisteria
Aug 25, 2021 12:53 AM

May 2020
Besides meeting strangers in a random competition in a university, I never met someone who is interested in playing Sudoku.
Not even in my social circle/former social circle.
" Kindness can sometimes lead you to trouble. "

Aug 25, 2021 1:29 AM

Feb 2020
Maybe Reading? a lot seem to dislike it, it seems.

Washing dishes by hand also. I find it kinda relaxing and I usually like listening to podcasts while I do it.
Aug 25, 2021 5:27 AM
Jul 2018
Washing dishes, cleaning, just sitting around not doing anything.
Aug 25, 2021 5:30 AM

Jul 2021
Sitting alone in the middle of a forest.
"Wise is the man who fights using a pen rather than a sword.

But, wiser is the man who knows when to fight using sword and when to fight using a pen."
Aug 25, 2021 6:46 AM

Aug 2018
Reviewing demos of cheaters on CS:GO to convict them. Each demo is 10 minutes long so it does add up and I could be doing it all day.

I used to be a forum admin on a board which has a large amount of spam bots, and I banned easily over 1k bots in a few weeks. I didn't find it boring doing it all day but I'm sure many others would.
Aug 25, 2021 6:51 AM

Apr 2021
The calculations, I love doing Maths calculations like Calculus and Matrix, Its pretty fun and relaxing to do
Aug 25, 2021 8:45 AM

Dec 2015
Drawing, Enjoying some non-popular music as Russian songs, folk music etc., hema, buhurt and fencing, sightseeing/visiting new places. Not everyone but heard that some people find it boring x(
Aug 25, 2021 11:06 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
Sitting inside by myself on the couch playing a game for hours. Most addictive stuff a person can do.
Aug 25, 2021 11:08 AM
Jul 2018
I like grinding in RPGs. It is annoying sure, very fun.
Aug 25, 2021 11:11 AM

Aug 2018
I enjoy washing the dishes. I can daydream while also doing something productive at the same time. Plus, it's super relaxing and I feel proud after I'm done washing a mountain of dishes.
Aug 25, 2021 3:30 PM

Oct 2020
Programming or other forms of typing code.

Aug 25, 2021 3:47 PM

Oct 2015
I love doing the washing up. I don't know why so many people are against it, then again, everyone has dish washers these days.

Latest Blog: BLARE FEST 2023
Latest Review: Hyouka

Aug 25, 2021 4:11 PM

Aug 2009
Cneq said:
After that I have a hobby of video editing which consists of micro-editing a 4 minute song for over 8+ hours after going through it smashing the M button in vegas to sync everything up, most likely more monotonous than programming for 9+ hours but I somehow enjoy it.

Knowing that you spend more than the usual hour and a half that most editors put into their AMVs automatically makes your videos more compelling.

Still, imagine using lip syncing and having to take screenshots of those three mouth movement frames, possibly stitching scenes together in Photoshop so that the character movements look natural, and perhaps panning the camera, overlaying animations that happen within the scene, and crossfading into other manual lip movement scenes in order to make your scenes more interesting/connect more with the audio.

Aug 25, 2021 4:17 PM

Aug 2007
Cneq said:
Yeah I agree I was originally suppose to start University a year early but due to the pandemic I delayed it a year and instead tried to learn I.T on my own and self-learning while useful certainly has it's limitations, especially when it comes to data science.

I think the closest you can come to a guided experience on your own would be through certifications on coursera by IBM and Google and other than that just following video series like the ones on freecodecamp that cover data science and languages such as R.

However even these often lack some of the stuff included in a Universities teaching criteria and I noticed this right away when I started and was able to compare the Google I.T Profession Certificate I completed on Coursera directly to one of the first introductory units at University and the content while similar was taught in a different way and went into much more detailed compared to the Google course [couple that with actual exams/projects it tested that knowledge as well].

I know data science especially has a real lack of online resources so if you're not able to learn well perhaps you should explore some of the other areas which are big such as cloud computing or general programming which have a lot more resources to learn from.

My reason for studying sacred texts is mainly due to the fact they're so important to history/culture and thus coincides directly to my study of history/culture but more than that as someone who'd classify themselves as religious I believe it's my duty to study the texts that spawned from a similar source [such as the Torah/Quran] and come to my own opinion on them but more than that get a more wider grasp of religion by studying all the various mythologies of the world be they eastern, greek, norse etc and also the other core religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism among others.

In my opinion there's way too many Christians/Muslims that call out the opposing religion and leave things as they are without any true effort to understand the other side and I believe it's important to be the exception to that.

I've had those (IBM and Google courses) bookmarked on my browser tab for a while now, but I had prioritized that free scholarship I mentioned initiated by our local government. Didn't know why I even opted for that when I knew that our education here is pretty much below global standard except for the Top 4, or the counterpart of Ivy League in the west. Thank you for sharing your experience, and it makes sense. I, too, noticed that learning something via MOOC's like Coursera and EdX requires the student to have due diligence/additional self-study and not just solely rely on the slides and references provided. Enrolling to these courses purely to get a certificate vs actually learning will result to failure.

DS has plenty of available resources online, as I have looked it up many times already. However, the confusion, at least for me, is caused by a lack of concrete definition of what DS really covers. Some curriculum I've seen focuses on statistics, others on programming, while some prioritized data visualization and business-related subjects. As it will take some time to get a grasp of those 3 discipline, focusing on general programming first seems like the most realistic option.

It is impressive that you are willing to devote time to study various scriptures for the reasons you stated. Just the bible alone already intimidate me with how thick it is, and that's coming from someone who frequently reads books. I imagine it will not be an easy journey due to how one will come to interpret each message. Speaking of which, the Taliban, unfortunately, studied Quran to justify terrorizing women.

There is no lie in what you said. Anecdotally speaking, at least 90% of the Catholics I know acts as if their religion is superior among others, which does not align to my personal value of being open-minded.


On a mountain slope,
Solitary, uncompanioned,
Stands a cherry tree.

Except for you, lonely friend,
To others I am unknown.

Aug 25, 2021 6:23 PM
Mar 2014

thank you this image single handedly made me sleepy enough to go to bed
thx again
Aug 25, 2021 9:52 PM

Jan 2017
FacelessVixen said:
Cneq said:
After that I have a hobby of video editing which consists of micro-editing a 4 minute song for over 8+ hours after going through it smashing the M button in vegas to sync everything up, most likely more monotonous than programming for 9+ hours but I somehow enjoy it.

Knowing that you spend more than the usual hour and a half that most editors put into their AMVs automatically makes your videos more compelling.

Still, imagine using lip syncing and having to take screenshots of those three mouth movement frames, possibly stitching scenes together in Photoshop so that the character movements look natural, and perhaps panning the camera, overlaying animations that happen within the scene, and crossfading into other manual lip movement scenes in order to make your scenes more interesting/connect more with the audio.
Yeah while my content is extremely raw it's not done like this because I can't create more flashy/effect based videos but because I simply don't enjoy making 1/2 minute heavily edited videos but instead longer ones that are focused entirely on storytelling/scene selection lol

My niche of AMV's is actually VNMV's and since most VN's only have like 2 minutes of semi-animated content everything else has to be done manually by using nothing but still frame CG's lol

For example these few video which had some animated content behind the scenes consisted of me compiling image folders of 100+ various CG's from the game files and then manually upscaling them all using the AI software waifu2x [mainly for muv-luv since the CG's were a decade old and low quality] and this was before even opening vegas lol after that all pans/effects added one by one to hopefully make images more than a slideshow while still trying to capture the importance of each image in regards to the song.

May be spoilers for Chaos;Child, Muv-Luv Alternative, Umineko in these so keep that in mind:

Aug 25, 2021 10:33 PM

Jan 2017
Monotonous said:
Cneq said:
Yeah I agree I was originally suppose to start University a year early but due to the pandemic I delayed it a year and instead tried to learn I.T on my own and self-learning while useful certainly has it's limitations, especially when it comes to data science.

I think the closest you can come to a guided experience on your own would be through certifications on coursera by IBM and Google and other than that just following video series like the ones on freecodecamp that cover data science and languages such as R.

However even these often lack some of the stuff included in a Universities teaching criteria and I noticed this right away when I started and was able to compare the Google I.T Profession Certificate I completed on Coursera directly to one of the first introductory units at University and the content while similar was taught in a different way and went into much more detailed compared to the Google course [couple that with actual exams/projects it tested that knowledge as well].

I know data science especially has a real lack of online resources so if you're not able to learn well perhaps you should explore some of the other areas which are big such as cloud computing or general programming which have a lot more resources to learn from.

My reason for studying sacred texts is mainly due to the fact they're so important to history/culture and thus coincides directly to my study of history/culture but more than that as someone who'd classify themselves as religious I believe it's my duty to study the texts that spawned from a similar source [such as the Torah/Quran] and come to my own opinion on them but more than that get a more wider grasp of religion by studying all the various mythologies of the world be they eastern, greek, norse etc and also the other core religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism among others.

In my opinion there's way too many Christians/Muslims that call out the opposing religion and leave things as they are without any true effort to understand the other side and I believe it's important to be the exception to that.

I've had those (IBM and Google courses) bookmarked on my browser tab for a while now, but I had prioritized that free scholarship I mentioned initiated by our local government. Didn't know why I even opted for that when I knew that our education here is pretty much below global standard except for the Top 4, or the counterpart of Ivy League in the west. Thank you for sharing your experience, and it makes sense. I, too, noticed that learning something via MOOC's like Coursera and EdX requires the student to have due diligence/additional self-study and not just solely rely on the slides and references provided. Enrolling to these courses purely to get a certificate vs actually learning will result to failure.

DS has plenty of available resources online, as I have looked it up many times already. However, the confusion, at least for me, is caused by a lack of concrete definition of what DS really covers. Some curriculum I've seen focuses on statistics, others on programming, while some prioritized data visualization and business-related subjects. As it will take some time to get a grasp of those 3 discipline, focusing on general programming first seems like the most realistic option.

It is impressive that you are willing to devote time to study various scriptures for the reasons you stated. Just the bible alone already intimidate me with how thick it is, and that's coming from someone who frequently reads books. I imagine it will not be an easy journey due to how one will come to interpret each message. Speaking of which, the Taliban, unfortunately, studied Quran to justify terrorizing women.

There is no lie in what you said. Anecdotally speaking, at least 90% of the Catholics I know acts as if their religion is superior among others, which does not align to my personal value of being open-minded.
To be honest I'd say University requires even more due diligence and self-study because besides maybe 1 hour total of lecture content a week you're basically left to fend for yourself with no advice/feedback when it comes to exams/projects lol

It changes from course to course since it's luck of the draw if you get a good teacher that has time to give feedback but I'd say 80% of University is throwing terminology into Anki for daily consumption and then either researching/writing papers and then practical stuff such as demonstrating your ability to write in various langauges/use linux/networking to your teacher and then group projects/presentations and the rest is pure exams.

While it's certainly stressful and not what I'd call a "fun" learning experience it certainly serves it purposes of using the fear of failure to truly make you understand and demonstrate the concepts taught which is something I haven't found in any of the courses at coursera.

Like the "quizes" have no way to fail since you can take them over and over again until you pass and it's not like they will log you out of the course if you fail too much and this means you never really get tested on the knowledge you think you know.

However the plus side to Google/IBM is that in my opinion their done in such a nice and high budget way that the content covered is almost always included in video format where as in University of the "lecture" content consists of both videos [which is around 45 minutes to one hour per week] and the rest is "required readings" which include a bunch of external sources you need to extensively read and study [which I just throw all key points into anki and be done with it lmao].

So yeah you'd think University would provide a more streamlined experience but at least ay my University this is not the case and self-study is almost the entirety of the content.

But like I said the good thing is that IBM/Google do cover University grade content and I personally had my doubts of if it was "truly" University level but it certainly is, of course it's still year 1 entry level content but it's certainly good stuff to learn.

And yes exactly, even I still have a hard time understanding what "data science" even is but this is probably because it really is just a generalized term that consists of all manner of different fields [programming, statistics, ai you name it] and then all these are used in a variety of different ways be it analytics, data modelling, AI models etc.

I personally can't give any feedback on data science since for this very reason I decided it not to pursue it but what I can say is you should definitely check out cloud computing which is what I did before University and so far none of it has been covered in year one besides some very very basic topics and what I learned before is still very valuable at this point.

There's a lot of great courses on Udemy for cloud computing that basically give you what is needed to take the exams for any of the major cloud providers such as AWS/Azure/Google Cloud and these courses not only teach theory but also involve setting up your own account and making various resources on the cloud and thus developing a practical skill that is extremely useful [for example with what is taught in these courses you have everything you need to know about how to easily host websites and ensure they are secure, can be load-balanced if needed and also gives you a practical understanding of CDNs, Certificate Authorities and all manner of good stuff and this is just one small aspect of these courses].

Of course this type of stuff can be learned through theory for example using that Google IT professional course but with the cloud being a thing you can directly apply this knowledge by using CDN's, deploying VPC's, configuring your own route tables/subnets, getting a domain and issuing a certificate for yourself and all manner of things.

And after that you can attempt to take the various AWS/Azure certifications which are incredibly valuable in the I.T sector right now and many people who are already working in the industry and graduated from University still don't have cloud certifications so if you're able to snag a few of them it gets you prepared to know what it takes to be competitive in the I.T filed which consists almost entirely of running after certifications [and this is the case regardless of if you get a formal education or not, so in reality college/university is optional which is a rare thing that applies to I.T].

Yes many preachers have spent 40+ years studying just the bible alone and even then some still have questions about it all and I of course will never be able to comprehend any of these holy texts be it the Quran or the Bible but exposure to them and making your own opinions about what the books/surahs in the Bible and Quran may mean and contrasting these own evaluations against preachers/theologians who've studied them for decades and seeing where there are holes in either their or your own opinion and how these came to be is a worthwhile experience.
Aug 26, 2021 10:48 AM

Jul 2017
I don’t know how popular this is for people, but I really enjoy making random tier lists and rankings of video games, movies, anime, characters, environments, and even anime OPs and EDs.

I also really enjoy deconstructing and diving super deep with analyzing things from film, games, anime, and even sports. I just like analyzing and comparing story structures, character dynamics, themes, etc. I don’t think a lot of people enjoy doing this though, at least from what I’ve seen.

I have this strange fascination with learning about design theories too (things like color theory, composition, shape design, golden ratio, Fibonacci sequence, etc.) This one’s probably harder to relate to unless you’re a design enthusiast.
GinInYourJuiceAug 27, 2021 9:02 AM
Aug 26, 2021 12:53 PM

Nov 2020
Ik there are also a lot of people who finds it fun but there’s also a lot who don’t. I just find it relaxing and fun since your just sitting there waiting for a bite and the joy when you actually do get a bite.
If there's a hole there's a goal-Master Oogway
Aug 26, 2021 1:03 PM

Jul 2019
Maths for sure, I don't quite understand why people don't like the subject. Tbf I am not big on it, but I really would spend time on a few vids in my recommended about maths no problem.
Aug 27, 2021 5:33 AM

Aug 2021
Gaming, coding, and forum-ing. Just passing my time as time passes me.
Nolo contendere.

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