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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Aug 15, 2020 5:58 AM

Aug 2020
I watched ReZero not to long ago, without knowing too much about expect being spoiled that Subaru dies too many times. I've seen too many people saying Subaru is incredibly annoying and worst mc whereas Rem is best female char/best girl when they aren't much different. Subaru fell for Emilia when he got saved by her similarly how Subaru saved Rem and she started loving him. Some says Subaru simps for Emilia but so does Rem for Subaru. Subaru's actions at the ceremony at Capital are often said idiotic and annoys fans, which I won't deny but neither agree too. Rem knowing that Subaru likes someone else still clinges too much to Subaru. Some might say this discrimination is due to Subaru rejecting Rem but isn't it the opposite ?? Subaru was ready to run from all the problems with Rem but it was her who stopped him .

So, I'd ask what I mentioned in the tiltw, why there's hate for Subaru but love for Rem when they're pretty much similar with not much difference in their actions ?
Aug 15, 2020 6:03 AM
Oct 2019
the main reason is probably because rem is smol, cute, and sweet, and also the
subaru is also more loud and obnoxious whereas rem is polite. i do think subaru is a better written character than rem imo
Aug 15, 2020 6:23 AM

May 2013
ClanSh-V6 said:

So, I'd ask what I mentioned in the tiltw, why there's hate for Subaru but love for Rem when they're pretty much similar with not much difference in their actions ?

In a manner, those people pointed fingers at Subaru for being a simp. Tappei (the author) then pointed fingers at those readers/viewers for not doing the same for Rem. Smart move. But yes, she is just as clingy to Subaru as much as Subaru behaved around Emilia.

Furthermore, Rem is fetishized in the eyes of many as the optimal 'waifu', a being who will do anything for a person even if they least expect it. It embodies the perfect subservient house-wife sensibilities, a wife who views her husband as a the embodiment of god. I will avoid getting into the finer details on cultures in Asia though.

Therefore, it is only logical to see that to such people, Rem cannot be hated for having these particular subset of admirable qualities and she will continually be seen through waifu goggles in good faith. Call it blind faith or whatever.

I don't know the general consensus of those who read the LN/WN and saw very different shades to her characterization. People just have different expectations from women, let them have it.

If it gives you any peace of mind, I dislike Rem for the same reason I initially disliked Subaru (but the dislike grew stronger only after diving into the WN).
KreatorXAug 15, 2020 6:32 AM
Truly a Divine Comedy
Aug 15, 2020 6:32 AM

Nov 2011
Rem is a girl, and as you know all anime fans are male.
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Aug 15, 2020 9:50 PM
Aug 2020
Most of the hate comes from salty Rem fans because Subaru loves Emilia not Rem
Aug 15, 2020 10:10 PM

Aug 2018
Rem is best girl, I dont know why Subaru is getting hate. Any and all hate should be directed towards Emilia

Aug 16, 2020 2:20 AM
Mar 2016
William836 said:
Most of the hate comes from salty Rem fans because Subaru loves Emilia not Rem

That's the fact and the main reason behind the hate... everything happened after episode 18 the discussion at re zero went to shit and it's all about Rem vs Emilia... I really hate to discuss about re zero after that in many sites...
Aug 16, 2020 5:45 AM

May 2019
I'm fair.

I dislike them both. Toxic obsessive love.

Remu is now a vegetable, and i hope Subaru to soon turns into one (if he enter in coma, the Return by Death is useless.. Ah if the enemies knew it).

Then the MC legitimately will be Emilia, just as like in Frozen Bonds. Great deal.
Aug 16, 2020 8:10 AM

May 2013
Rob7 said:
I'm fair.

I dislike them both. Toxic obsessive love.

Remu is now a vegetable, and i hope Subaru to soon turns into one (if he enter in coma, the Return by Death is useless.. Ah if the enemies knew it).

Then the MC legitimately will be Emilia, just as like in Frozen Bonds. Great deal.

This....actually doesn't sound too bad. lol

But then again, Satella is such a black box. I think she will just crush Subaru's heart and restart him, if he ever fell into coma.
Truly a Divine Comedy
Aug 16, 2020 9:55 AM
Jan 2017
I feel ya man, I don’t quite get it either. Subaru is one of my favorite anime characters, specifically because of his flaws and eventual growth. If people hate Subaru, then why do they want him to be with Rem? I think seem is a good character too, but the people who are mad at him “rejecting” her didn’t get what that entire episode was about in the first place. Like, it would have been the easy way out, and the show very much looks down upon running away from your problems, which is why Rem rejects his proposal to run away together.
Aug 16, 2020 9:58 AM
Jan 2017
Kirito_Alsufi said:
William836 said:
Most of the hate comes from salty Rem fans because Subaru loves Emilia not Rem

That's the fact and the main reason behind the hate... everything happened after episode 18 the discussion at re zero went to shit and it's all about Rem vs Emilia... I really hate to discuss about re zero after that in many sites...

Yeah, I think everything else in the show is much more interesting than the constant best girl argument. I just want good characters and a good story.
Aug 16, 2020 10:00 AM
Jan 2017
KreatorX said:
Rob7 said:
I'm fair.

I dislike them both. Toxic obsessive love.

Remu is now a vegetable, and i hope Subaru to soon turns into one (if he enter in coma, the Return by Death is useless.. Ah if the enemies knew it).

Then the MC legitimately will be Emilia, just as like in Frozen Bonds. Great deal.

This....actually doesn't sound too bad. lol

But then again, Satella is such a black box. I think she will just crush Subaru's heart and restart him, if he ever fell into coma.

Y’know, as much as I like Subaru, I really would like an Emilia perspective for a change. She’s had so little development on screen.
Aug 20, 2020 4:41 PM
Jan 2018
DSCobra said:

Y’know, as much as I like Subaru, I really would like an Emilia perspective for a change. She’s had so little development on screen.

If that's the case, you will be satisfied by the end of the season.
Aug 20, 2020 5:02 PM
Jul 2018
Because throughout much of season 1, Subaru constantly yells in public, and acts like a complete, obnoxious, weirdo.
Now of course, if you think about it it makes sense, techncially: he was a shut in NEET for years; when we're in the privacy of our own home, our own room, we may be at our most authentically weird. Because as humans, we behave differently depending on where we are: for example, a teenage boy may behave wild and crazy around his bros. But in public, in like say, a restaurant, he'll be much calmer. Around girls whom he doesn't know too well, he'll probably act more mature.
So upon being transported into a fantasy world, Subaru was probably still struggling to transition back into his public personality + he was under the delusion that the world revolved around him because he thought he was some kind of isekai protagonist (even though he literally is).


I agree. But I think it's also because much of Rem's fanbase used to hate her. I still remember the times when I kept up with the episode discussions in season 1 (good times): after Rem brutally killed Subaru, many people, myself included, hated her. So then later on when she basically simped for Subaru + had that big dramatic scene where she got tortured for him, it led to people loving her. Because as humans, we tend to grow closer to people we've had conflict with before. Now obviously Rem isn't an actual person that we can interact with; but I think it works similarly with fictional characters: if you go from hating to liking a character, you'll probably love them more than when you initially liked them, basically. I think there was a term for this in psychology, but I forgot.

Oh yeah, I'm sorry for the late reply: I've been looking for the thread where we discussed Re: Zero, but couldn't find it, for some reason. The reason I didn't reply to you on that thread is because I realized: I've already made up most of my mind on this series. So debating a topic that I almost refuse to change my mind on is a disservice to the other party, and is unproductive.
Aug 20, 2020 5:12 PM

Nov 2014
looking at it from an objective point of view, i think it's because subaru is the mc and he is not special enough, while rem is just a side character, not even the main female lead, and she's too unique and special to just be a side piece. so naturally people root for her but not subaru. plus, because subaru is the mc (and he's THAT type, y'know, the average high school kid) we see everything about him, including his positive AND negative aspects, while for Rem we were pretty much only shown her positive side and no negative sides.
Aug 21, 2020 10:03 AM

Dec 2008
ClanSh-V6 said:
I watched ReZero not to long ago, without knowing too much about expect being spoiled that Subaru dies too many times. I've seen too many people saying Subaru is incredibly annoying and worst mc whereas Rem is best female char/best girl when they aren't much different. Subaru fell for Emilia when he got saved by her similarly how Subaru saved Rem and she started loving him. Some says Subaru simps for Emilia but so does Rem for Subaru. Subaru's actions at the ceremony at Capital are often said idiotic and annoys fans, which I won't deny but neither agree too. Rem knowing that Subaru likes someone else still clinges too much to Subaru. Some might say this discrimination is due to Subaru rejecting Rem but isn't it the opposite ?? Subaru was ready to run from all the problems with Rem but it was her who stopped him .

So, I'd ask what I mentioned in the tiltw, why there's hate for Subaru but love for Rem when they're pretty much similar with not much difference in their actions ?

First off, Subaru loves Emilia because she is hot (just look at the anime figures in his room). The reason we are given is because she "saved" him, but she didn't actually do all that much. Other girls in the series have done way more to save Subaru than Emilia has, but he doesn't fall in love with them.
Compare Emilia saving Subaru to Subaru saving Rem. They are completely different. Subaru isn't much of a fighter. He doesn't have any powers (that Rem knows of) and yet he risked life and limb to save her. He is her hero. Emilia isn't really a hero to Subaru, and she isn't presented that way. If anything, up until now, she is usually presented as a girl that needs saving by him.
Secondly, their personalities are COMPLETELY different. People don't hate Subaru simply because of how he is in love with Emilia. It's because he is a total ass, at least in the first season. Recall Subaru's argument with Emilia. What does he say to her? He argues how she wouldn't even be here without him, how he saved her, and how Emilia owes him. This is like, borderline incel behaviour. Do you think Rem would ever say something like that to Subaru? He is obnoxious, totally full of himself, I cringe every time he says "Emilia-tan", even Subaru knows how big of a shithead he is.
So I have no idea how you could say Subaru and Rem are pretty much the same.
Saying all this as a guy who doesn't hate Subaru.
Aug 22, 2020 4:44 AM

May 2013
AbsurdTurk said:

Oh yeah, I'm sorry for the late reply: I've been looking for the thread where we discussed Re: Zero, but couldn't find it, for some reason. The reason I didn't reply to you on that thread is because I realized: I've already made up most of my mind on this series. So debating a topic that I almost refuse to change my mind on is a disservice to the other party, and is unproductive.

My last reply from that thread didn't have anything to do with changing your mind on Subaru. I only challenged the claim of : Subaru being hated as a result of him being 'poorly written'. Because it doesn't reliably explain his garnered hate if I started digging deeper.

The more compelling reasons were due to him being a class-clown that many people seemingly have trouble identifying (understandably, they found him annoying), his ugly entitled attitude around Emilia after he misunderstood her 'lap-pillow' scene, and more importantly yet laughably, that whole "I love Emilia" bomb with Rem.

The reply also addressed why fans enjoy the retrospective viewing and subtlety aspect of Re:zero. I believe you mentioned stuff like "I just knew fans were over-speculating his back his mom didn't give him food or shelter". There were also other fans who went beyond and figured out his backstory to a good degree: stemming from Subaru's first chat with Reinhard wherein there was a change in his expression upon hearing Reinhard say "I'm under the pressure of meeting family expectations" [I think it was Episode 2, in the alley after calling the guards for help].

We have some pieces to form an idea of his backstory as well as Subaru's nature/behaviour from Season 1 : escapist, class-clown, attention-seeking, nice-guy complex, and so on. All so that that people can try joining the dots to speculate and get them confirmed eventually [which I believe this season helped shed some light upon]. On the contrary if his backstory was already shown in Season 1, then Re:zero loses out on one of the reasons why fans like viewing many scenes from this series in retrospect. It's a little mystery of its own.

It's not just limited to him, it's the same with someone who is seemingly bland like Emilia:

It also doesn't take much to realize why Subaru would end up falling for Emilia because of the preferential treatment he had received, whereas others were busy suspecting or killing him off for their own reasons.

I do understand that Re:zero's "show but don't tell" approach can appear non-linear in some ways. It's just that its very nature allows fans to spark up discussions, re-watch or re-read.
KreatorXAug 22, 2020 5:03 AM
Truly a Divine Comedy
Aug 22, 2020 4:56 AM

Jan 2015
Amatniki said:
Rem is best girl, I dont know why Subaru is getting hate. Any and all hate should be directed towards Emilia

But why would you hate Emilia? Salty remtard?
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
Aug 24, 2020 4:24 AM
Jul 2016
I think rem is cancer in main romance Subaru x Emilia, it's fact wrem's fanbase most hated Emilia ofcourse they will said Subaru dumbass Main character. Normaly Everytime I see anypost rezero in facebookgroup they wil be hatespeech Subaru and Emilia, of course I get *Triggered*

now go to fucking anime tranding fanspage, you will see Emilia x Subaru alwys get low ranking
Sep 18, 2020 5:04 PM
Sep 2017
God, I fucking hate rem's fanbase. Imagine being such a pathetic incel that you hate a character for """"getting"""" in the way of your shitty pairing omegaLUL.
Sep 19, 2020 3:38 PM

Feb 2014
Sorry to interrupt you, but who is Rem?
Sep 19, 2020 11:07 PM

Aug 2020
Most hate for Subaru won't exist if Episode 18 hadn't gone the way it did. It's a truth that Subaru was certainly annoying to an extent in first Season. Most Remfags hate Subaru for loving Emilia and for the same reason they hate Emilia
Sep 28, 2021 12:22 AM
Sep 2021
Saku_k said:
ClanSh-V6 said:
I watched ReZero not to long ago, without knowing too much about expect being spoiled that Subaru dies too many times. I've seen too many people saying Subaru is incredibly annoying and worst mc whereas Rem is best female char/best girl when they aren't much different. Subaru fell for Emilia when he got saved by her similarly how Subaru saved Rem and she started loving him. Some says Subaru simps for Emilia but so does Rem for Subaru. Subaru's actions at the ceremony at Capital are often said idiotic and annoys fans, which I won't deny but neither agree too. Rem knowing that Subaru likes someone else still clinges too much to Subaru. Some might say this discrimination is due to Subaru rejecting Rem but isn't it the opposite ?? Subaru was ready to run from all the problems with Rem but it was her who stopped him .

So, I'd ask what I mentioned in the tiltw, why there's hate for Subaru but love for Rem when they're pretty much similar with not much difference in their actions ?

First off, Subaru loves Emilia because she is hot (just look at the anime figures in his room). The reason we are given is because she "saved" him, but she didn't actually do all that much. Other girls in the series have done way more to save Subaru than Emilia has, but he doesn't fall in love with them.
Compare Emilia saving Subaru to Subaru saving Rem. They are completely different. Subaru isn't much of a fighter. He doesn't have any powers (that Rem knows of) and yet he risked life and limb to save her. He is her hero. Emilia isn't really a hero to Subaru, and she isn't presented that way. If anything, up until now, she is usually presented as a girl that needs saving by him.
Secondly, their personalities are COMPLETELY different. People don't hate Subaru simply because of how he is in love with Emilia. It's because he is a total ass, at least in the first season. Recall Subaru's argument with Emilia. What does he say to her? He argues how she wouldn't even be here without him, how he saved her, and how Emilia owes him. This is like, borderline incel behaviour. Do you think Rem would ever say something like that to Subaru? He is obnoxious, totally full of himself, I cringe every time he says "Emilia-tan", even Subaru knows how big of a shithead he is.
So I have no idea how you could say Subaru and Rem are pretty much the same.
Saying all this as a guy who doesn't hate Subaru.

I find this hilarous when you don't know how badly Subaru and Rem as literally mirrors to each other when comes to their own behaviors I can literally make entire list on why Rem is a selfish, delusional problem child as much as Subaru is. Hell I can even tell you about some toxic behaviors Emilia has on Subaru during Arc 3-4. I also like how you say Subaru "loves" Emilia because she saved him actually no he doesn't love Emilia because she saved him, he felt indebt because she saved him but not reason he loves her at all.
Dec 8, 2021 5:44 PM

Apr 2020
enigma_MCu said:
Saku_k said:

First off, Subaru loves Emilia because she is hot (just look at the anime figures in his room). The reason we are given is because she "saved" him, but she didn't actually do all that much. Other girls in the series have done way more to save Subaru than Emilia has, but he doesn't fall in love with them.
Compare Emilia saving Subaru to Subaru saving Rem. They are completely different. Subaru isn't much of a fighter. He doesn't have any powers (that Rem knows of) and yet he risked life and limb to save her. He is her hero. Emilia isn't really a hero to Subaru, and she isn't presented that way. If anything, up until now, she is usually presented as a girl that needs saving by him.
Secondly, their personalities are COMPLETELY different. People don't hate Subaru simply because of how he is in love with Emilia. It's because he is a total ass, at least in the first season. Recall Subaru's argument with Emilia. What does he say to her? He argues how she wouldn't even be here without him, how he saved her, and how Emilia owes him. This is like, borderline incel behaviour. Do you think Rem would ever say something like that to Subaru? He is obnoxious, totally full of himself, I cringe every time he says "Emilia-tan", even Subaru knows how big of a shithead he is.
So I have no idea how you could say Subaru and Rem are pretty much the same.
Saying all this as a guy who doesn't hate Subaru.

I find this hilarous when you don't know how badly Subaru and Rem as literally mirrors to each other when comes to their own behaviors I can literally make entire list on why Rem is a selfish, delusional problem child as much as Subaru is. Hell I can even tell you about some toxic behaviors Emilia has on Subaru during Arc 3-4. I also like how you say Subaru "loves" Emilia because she saved him actually no he doesn't love Emilia because she saved him, he felt indebt because she saved him but not reason he loves her at all.

Make the list of Rem and Subaru being mirrors of each other.

Subaru feeling in debt to Emilia for saving him is false. Just like the guy said, he likes her because of his Otaku fantasy. Everything he likes about Emilia comes from the novels he read. His room explains my point. Subaru clearly wants much more from Emilia than just re-paying a debt.
cupcake847Dec 18, 2021 4:24 PM
"Humans are like isolated islands, floating in the sea of fate.
Human encounters are like the collision of these lonely islands, and once they touch, there would be an effect. Sometimes, the islands would stick together, in the name of ‘interest’, ‘kinship’, ‘friendship’, ‘love’ and ‘hate’. But eventually, they would separate, walking towards the path of destruction.

This is the truth behind life."

-Fang Yuan
Dec 17, 2021 2:56 PM
Sep 2021
cupcake847 said:
enigma_MCu said:

I find this hilarous when you don't know how badly Subaru and Rem as literally mirrors to each other when comes to their own behaviors I can literally make entire list on why Rem is a selfish, delusional problem child as much as Subaru is. Hell I can even tell you about some toxic behaviors Emilia has on Subaru during Arc 3-4. I also like how you say Subaru "loves" Emilia because she saved him actually no he doesn't love Emilia because she saved him, he felt indebt because she saved him but not reason he loves her at all.

Make the list of Rem and Subaru being mirrors of each other. I want to know if we are talking about the same series here.

Subaru feeling in debt to Emilia for saving him is false. Just like the guy said, he likes her because of his Otaku fantasy. Everything he likes about Emilia comes from the novels he read. His room explains my point. Subaru clearly wants much more from Emilia than just re-paying a debt.

Subaru only loves Emilia because of his wish fulfillment fantasy? because of his otaku fantasy? because he reads novels and that is all his love is being stemmed from? you obviously have never read the novels.

Ya Subaru wants to be with Emilia what is so wrong about that? He wants to improve himself to walk beside her and not give up his relationship with her you do know Hikikomori's actually give up on relationships and on themselves when thing's get tough because they don't want to change themselves and they want others to do everything for them, He doesn't see her as some waifu in Season 2. Yes at first Subaru wanted to repay his debt to Emilia until lap pillow scene he fell in love with Emilia because of her motherly love and because of Rem, Subaru ended up having a false identity on Emilia because of her empath and Emilia was trying to be the Emilia that Subaru saw

Subaru and Rem mirroring each other?
They both induldge in Heroic fantasies
They both self-sacrifice
They both enable each other's destructive behaviors without any type of lecturing
They both put their "waifu" up on a Pedestal
They both try to shape themselves into something for the person they love to accept and love them back
There is literally more and more
They both lived in their family member's shadow
They both got obsessed with the person they loved
They love to take away other people autonomy because it makes them feel better about themselves since it gives them validation to their existence
I can just keep going.....
They both "fell in love" with the person they loved because they showed kindness since their both loners and completely took it the wrong way, Yeah Rem entire time thought Subaru was MADLY in love with her and tried to manipulate him into having fake confessions in the novels
They both lack any boundaries with others which is why Rem literally has 0 boundaries on Subaru and Subaru ended up having 0 boundaries on Emilia and pushed her away because he was pushing his ideal version on her, Rem pushed her ideal version on Subaru in Zero speech, she literally says the "the Subaru that I know" which is the Ideal version I see
I can just keep going....They are literally mirrors of their negative parts and why they both enable there bad behaviors and fuels their destructive ways

Go back to Reason to believe on why Subaru loves Emilia maybe you would actually listen or just read the WN, Is calling Emilia pain in the ass and an Asshole/Witch while lecturing her bad behaviors on how she was pretending to sleep just to see if he would leave or not, only loving her from of his novel reading? Just stop you Rem cultists just have this fantasy of Rem, By the way Enjoy Rem in Arc 3 while she lasts because I can say this much....She's not coming back because her behavior was her 0 autonomous bad side of her of not improving on herself

Mod Edit: Removed baiting.
ArdanazDec 21, 2021 12:17 PM
Jan 1, 2022 11:26 AM

Apr 2015
Because you're talking about Rem from episode 18 onwards, which is when her character was completely ruined.

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