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The Switch is severely underpowered and weaker than the Xbox One

Dec 19, 2016 3:50 PM

Nov 2008

My god, I hope it sells well in Japan because if not, this thing is dead in the water, it has a chance since DQXI will be on it but it needs near constant 3rd party hits over there. It's probably going to die in the West if it's not marketed as a handheld first because while it's better than the Vita, it just won't do as a console.

Dec 19, 2016 3:52 PM

Jan 2013
lol this is a surprise?

of course a tiny tablet with a focus on portability isn't going to have as much power as a full-fledged home console

The more important question is whether it has good battery life or not.
Dec 19, 2016 3:54 PM

Jun 2011
It fails as both a handheld and a console. Who thought this was a good idea?
Dec 19, 2016 4:01 PM

Jun 2014
95PercentCaim said:
lol this is a surprise?

of course a tiny tablet with a focus on portability isn't going to have as much power as a full-fledged home console

The more important question is whether it has good battery life or not.

Apparently, to conserve battery life, the already pathetic GPU speed gets cut in half when removed from the dock.

I already thought that the Switch was going to flop, but it looks like it's somehow going to do even worse. There's a good chance that the companies who previously showed interest in developing for the Switch may flock somewhere else.

Having lower specs might have worked for Nintendo in the past, but the times have changed. With the exception of the 3DS, Sony has this generation by the balls.

Dec 19, 2016 4:05 PM

Sep 2012
if this is true
how fucking hard is it to just make the dock more powerful?
i understand keeping costs low; assuming the rumor of it being 249.99 is also true, but i wouldn't mind paying an extra 50 buckaronis as long as it can run games at silky smooth 60 fps, which by the art direction of most ninty games, really shouldn't be too hard.
fuck i don't even care if it doesn't have stable fps at 1080, just make it hd
it's already 8th gen and this shit has been going a DECADE NOW.

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Dec 19, 2016 4:06 PM

Nov 2014
That's disappointing, but if the games are good it could succeed.
Dec 19, 2016 4:08 PM

Jun 2011
Yomiyuki said:
if this is true
how fucking hard is it to just make the dock more powerful?
i understand keeping costs low; assuming the rumor of it being 249.99 is also true, but i wouldn't mind paying an extra 50 buckaronis as long as it can run games at silky smooth 60 fps, which by the art direction of most ninty games, really shouldn't be too hard.
fuck i don't even care if it doesn't have stable fps at 1080, just make it hd
it's already 8th gen and this shit has been going a DECADE NOW.

The dock just connects it to the TV. The problem is that all the hardware is in the tablet, so of course it's going to be underpowered.
Dec 19, 2016 4:12 PM

Sep 2012
Narmy said:
Yomiyuki said:
if this is true
how fucking hard is it to just make the dock more powerful?
i understand keeping costs low; assuming the rumor of it being 249.99 is also true, but i wouldn't mind paying an extra 50 buckaronis as long as it can run games at silky smooth 60 fps, which by the art direction of most ninty games, really shouldn't be too hard.
fuck i don't even care if it doesn't have stable fps at 1080, just make it hd
it's already 8th gen and this shit has been going a DECADE NOW.

The dock just connects it to the TV. The problem is that all the hardware is in the tablet, so of course it's going to be underpowered.

lmao, holy wshit no way
i could've sworn i read something about the dock also being used for extra power
who even oversaw that design? just connects to the tv?
fucking hell

Oh maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear
The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair
Or maybe, maybe it's our nowhere towns or our nothing places
But we're trash, you and me
We're the litter on the breeze
We're the lovers on the streets
Just trash, me and you
It's in everything we do
It's in everything we do

Dec 19, 2016 4:16 PM

Jun 2011
Yomiyuki said:
Narmy said:

The dock just connects it to the TV. The problem is that all the hardware is in the tablet, so of course it's going to be underpowered.

lmao, holy wshit no way
i could've sworn i read something about the dock also being used for extra power
who even oversaw that design? just connects to the tv?
fucking hell

The dock doesn't give it extra power, but being undocked makes it run worse since it has to switch to power save mode to extend the battery life.
Dec 19, 2016 4:41 PM

Feb 2015
Nintendo should just focus on their handhelds, as they have no idea how to make a decent console in this day and age, lol.
Dec 19, 2016 4:47 PM

Nov 2014
Well, the new Zelda looks best on the Switch. Mobility with those kinds of graphics doesn't seem too bad.
Dec 19, 2016 4:57 PM

May 2010
While I'm not remaining positive about the whole thing, this is still speculation, and you should treat it as such.
Dec 19, 2016 8:09 PM

Jan 2013
Well its gonna have the new Zelda on it so it should have a decent amount of guaranteed sales at the start.
Dec 19, 2016 8:20 PM
Dec 2016
I could care less. I mean Gamecube was more powerful than ps2 but PS2 and I had amazing times. Same for Wii. It was weak but I have more memories playing it than the 360 my family had/has. As long as games are good and fun. plus being able to take it wherever for me is a huge factor.

TBH I am not believing anything till Jan 12th. I'd rather not get upset over something that ends up not being true. Which while I am cool with it I'm not expecting Pokemon Stars.
Dec 19, 2016 8:54 PM

Jan 2013
95PercentCaim said:
The more important question is whether it has good battery life or not.
have you used the 3DS bruh? Nintendo is garbage at battery life.

There might be a place that already did it but, using notepad, I made a table comprised from data I've found on Wikipedia, official sites, etc. comparing the consoles. Take it with a grain of salt since I'm kind of a retard when it comes to this stuff.

ignore my 2dark4u windows colors
Syrup-Dec 19, 2016 9:00 PM
Dec 19, 2016 10:20 PM

Sep 2007
Nintendo has always been about the gimmicks since the Wii and DS came out, not conventional console gaming. If anything, this is Nintendo's move to combine their console and portable platforms, something akin to Microsoft's Scorpio in combining their PC and console platforms, but with a more portable leaning look at things. Having a 3DS successor with WiiU like specs? I'm game. Only thing I'd want out of a new portable is improved battery life and the usage of standardized cables like USB-C, none of this bullshit proprietary crap.
WasabiDec 19, 2016 10:30 PM
Dec 20, 2016 1:29 AM

Feb 2015
SnugglyWhuggly said:
Is this really any surprise? Nintendo consoles have almost always been underpowered compared to the other leading consoles in the generation. The handheld tend to fair better in the power department, but the only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is all its exclusives, and even those don't seem to be lending a helping hand as much as they used to.

Only the Wii and Wii U, actually. All Nintendo consoles before that time at least tried to be competitive. If the Switch is going to be severely weaker than the current Playstation and Xbox, then it won't get support third-party developers again.
Dec 20, 2016 5:38 AM

Feb 2016
SnugglyWhuggly said:
Is this really any surprise? Nintendo consoles have almost always been underpowered compared to the other leading consoles in the generation. The handheld tend to fair better in the power department, but the only thing keeping Nintendo afloat is all its exclusives, and even those don't seem to be lending a helping hand as much as they used to.

Mario kart wiiu sold 7 million more then any exclusive on ether system and they are the Doing fantastic money wise. Exactly what I say when 99% of "gamers" are uneducated about their own hobby.

2x national and 2x all-American wrestler

Dec 20, 2016 5:55 AM

Apr 2015
I want Nintendo to do good, but I'm not stupid. They basically gave up midway through the Gamecube's lifecycle when it came to home consoles. Microsoft and Sony will continue to mercilessly kick Nintendo harder and harder year after year.
"I'd take rampant lesbianism over nuclear armageddon or a supervolcano any day." ~nikiforova
Dec 20, 2016 7:53 AM

Feb 2016
SnugglyWhuggly said:
Milennin said:
Only the Wii and Wii U, actually. All Nintendo consoles before that time at least tried to be competitive. If the Switch is going to be severely weaker than the current Playstation and Xbox, then it won't get support third-party developers again.

True, but the Gamecube was quite a bit weaker as well; and games running from such small discs meant a lot of bigger games needed to be on two discs, which seemed rather archaic to me, even for the time.

Shadowtheking said:
Mario kart wiiu sold 7 million more then any exclusive on ether system and they are the Doing fantastic money wise. Exactly what I say when 99% of "gamers" are uneducated about their own hobby.

A single exclusive selling well at one point doesn't mean the company is fairing well in general nowadays, you only need to google "Nintendo profit" to get several search results such as this:

The fact is, 8 million or so copies (not 7, clearly uneducated *snicker*) of Mario Kart 8 is still nothing compared to Nintendo's earlier years, when it used to be more of a giant in the gaming industry. Mario Kart 8 doesn't even enter the top 40 or so most sold units across all of Nintendo's consoles throughout the years (including the handhelds). Wii Fit sold about 43 million units, and Mario Kart Wii sold around 36 million. Now are you really trying to tell me that Mario Kart 8, being the best selling game on the Wii U, only selling 8 million copies is some kind of achievement in comparison to Nintendo's last home console...?

I don't imagine Nintendo is going anywhere any time soon, but I've been a Nintendo fan since the Gameboy Colour and N64, and I've definitely felt both the drop in quality in their games over the years, and just the lack of games in general. The 3DS is still going strong, and I don't regret my purchase of either of my 3DS systems, but I do kinda regret the purchase of my Wii U, despite the 5 or so games on there I own that are actually good.

And 99% of statistics are pulled from people's asses... Really dude, do your own research before you start acting all high and mighty.

I don't pull statistics only facts and numbers and going by the numbers they are doing fine. And you can google all day again I unlike everyone here have ties with each company trust me they are doing fine worry about Sony and definitely MS before you even think Nintendo is hurting. 1 bad system to them isn't shit Sure the wiiu sold bad but the mobile market,movie deal and universal studios deal put them very much in the green which the public will see mid-January.

And I just want to point what drop in quality? They have some of the highest rated games this gen exactly why I can't take the gaming community serious. Lack of games is because of 3rd party devs that is the only point I can't dispute.

2x national and 2x all-American wrestler

Dec 20, 2016 8:11 AM

Feb 2015
SnugglyWhuggly said:
Milennin said:
Only the Wii and Wii U, actually. All Nintendo consoles before that time at least tried to be competitive. If the Switch is going to be severely weaker than the current Playstation and Xbox, then it won't get support third-party developers again.

True, but the Gamecube was quite a bit weaker as well; and games running from such small discs meant a lot of bigger games needed to be on two discs, which seemed rather archaic to me, even for the time.

Wasn't the Gamecube more powerful than the Playstation 2? Or at least, it was powerful to enough to run anything that also came out on it, so it had no problem with third-party titles. The Xbox was a little more powerful than the other 2, but it also came out later.
Dec 20, 2016 8:16 AM

Nov 2014
If the switch really is 250$ like the rumors say I think its a hell of a deal. If console specs were my only concern i'd use a PC.
Dec 20, 2016 8:20 AM

Feb 2016
It's only the newer generation that care about specs and going by trophies/data on polls most don't or can't finish the games they buy.

Truly the sad age of gaming when games must hold a player's hand I pity them.

2x national and 2x all-American wrestler

Dec 20, 2016 8:33 AM

Sep 2016
Idk if you guys are old enough to remember the Gameboy or not, but Nintendo has been doing their "own thing" for quite some time. Compared to the Game Gear from Sega, the Gameboy was not in color, didn't have a backlit screen, and wasn't even that great to look at but the battery life on it was fantastic and the games were great (not to mention it was cheaper). The Gameboy outsold the Sega Game Gear like crazy, so how did it win even though it lost in all the departments that we seem to be arguing here?

It was accessible (lower priced), the games were fun, and you could play it longer than the competition's unit. I know the subject at hand is comparing the Switch to non-portable consoles, but Nintendo's philosophy has been just that for a long time. The N64 had a crippling disadvantage for using cartridges, but many fantastic games came out on that system like Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Mario 64, and Starfox 64. Everybody has their preferences and it's great to have options (I prefer that, believe me), but speaking from my priorities...if I want to play graphically intensive games that are cutting-edge, I'll go fire up my PC and play them on there. The ability to play these games on the go is neat, but a lower-priced console that allows me to play new Zelda or Mario games is pretty lucrative for me. I care whether a game is fun and less about how crazy the graphics are. What good is something that looks pretty if it's an absolute bore?
Dec 20, 2016 12:24 PM

Feb 2016
SnugglyWhuggly said:
Milennin said:

Wasn't the Gamecube more powerful than the Playstation 2? Or at least, it was powerful to enough to run anything that also came out on it, so it had no problem with third-party titles. The Xbox was a little more powerful than the other 2, but it also came out later.

I think it was just on par with the PS2, for the most part. Of course it was powerful to run anything released for it, games that weren't able to run on the Gamecube wouldn't be released on it, same goes for any other console...

Shadowtheking said:
I don't pull statistics only facts and numbers and going by the numbers they are doing fine.

...Uh, you do know what statistics are, right? This is one of the most hilarious lines I've read on the internet in a long while.

And you can google all day again I unlike everyone here have ties with each company trust me they are doing fine

lol, 'kay, whatever you say kid.

worry about Sony and definitely MS before you even think Nintendo is hurting. 1 bad system to them isn't shit Sure the wiiu sold bad but the mobile market,movie deal and universal studios deal put them very much in the green which the public will see mid-January.

I think the movie deal is probably going to have them losing money more than anything. Also, grammar dude, please.
Sony and MS are doing extremely well.

And I just want to point what drop in quality? They have some of the highest rated games this gen exactly why I can't take the gaming community serious. Lack of games is because of 3rd party devs that is the only point I can't dispute.

I dunno, maybe the 500 million "New Super Mario" games that have been getting constantly released since the DS? They definitely don't feel as innovative as they used to be, Mario games are just too boring and samey nowadays, compared to classics like Sunshine and Galaxy.

lol, highest rated games... I stopped caring about video game ratings when I was 13. If you like the games, fair enough, but using "ratings" as your basis for why a game is "good" is hilarious. There's been plenty of games I've thoroughly enjoyed that have sub-par ratings on Metacritic, and then there's games that have 9/10s that I find to be snooze fests. Just enjoy what you enjoy, simple as that.

I fucked up on the stat line just woke up when I typed that.
Yes I have ties to these companies (shoutouts to my employer activision)#pleasebuyIW

The movie deal they can't lose anything since all they had to do was let legendary use the Pokémon IP. Legendary will take the hit.

Quality is all options I agree with you on that but scores are how we determine if a game is good unless someone figures out a better way that's how it has to be.

For the record I'm bored of the same thing Nintendo does but every company is doing it look at uncharted or ass creed or cod or Any yearly sports game. They make cash so you can't fault them.

2x national and 2x all-American wrestler

Dec 20, 2016 9:57 PM

Dec 2014
Shadowtheking said:
SnugglyWhuggly said:

I think it was just on par with the PS2, for the most part. Of course it was powerful to run anything released for it, games that weren't able to run on the Gamecube wouldn't be released on it, same goes for any other console...

...Uh, you do know what statistics are, right? This is one of the most hilarious lines I've read on the internet in a long while.

lol, 'kay, whatever you say kid.

I think the movie deal is probably going to have them losing money more than anything. Also, grammar dude, please.
Sony and MS are doing extremely well.

I dunno, maybe the 500 million "New Super Mario" games that have been getting constantly released since the DS? They definitely don't feel as innovative as they used to be, Mario games are just too boring and samey nowadays, compared to classics like Sunshine and Galaxy.

lol, highest rated games... I stopped caring about video game ratings when I was 13. If you like the games, fair enough, but using "ratings" as your basis for why a game is "good" is hilarious. There's been plenty of games I've thoroughly enjoyed that have sub-par ratings on Metacritic, and then there's games that have 9/10s that I find to be snooze fests. Just enjoy what you enjoy, simple as that.

I fucked up on the stat line just woke up when I typed that.
Yes I have ties to these companies (shoutouts to my employer activision)#pleasebuyIW

The movie deal they can't lose anything since all they had to do was let legendary use the Pokémon IP. Legendary will take the hit.

Quality is all options I agree with you on that but scores are how we determine if a game is good unless someone figures out a better way that's how it has to be.

For the record I'm bored of the same thing Nintendo does but every company is doing it look at uncharted or ass creed or cod or Any yearly sports game. They make cash so you can't fault them.
Oh god, this is so fun! Enjoy your fight more, plebeians! Muhahahahaha!
Dec 20, 2016 10:38 PM

Jul 2016
LordPlucky said:
Idk if you guys are old enough to remember the Gameboy or not, but Nintendo has been doing their "own thing" for quite some time. Compared to the Game Gear from Sega, the Gameboy was not in color, didn't have a backlit screen, and wasn't even that great to look at but the battery life on it was fantastic and the games were great (not to mention it was cheaper). The Gameboy outsold the Sega Game Gear like crazy, so how did it win even though it lost in all the departments that we seem to be arguing here?

It was accessible (lower priced), the games were fun, and you could play it longer than the competition's unit. I know the subject at hand is comparing the Switch to non-portable consoles, but Nintendo's philosophy has been just that for a long time. The N64 had a crippling disadvantage for using cartridges, but many fantastic games came out on that system like Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Mario 64, and Starfox 64. Everybody has their preferences and it's great to have options (I prefer that, believe me), but speaking from my priorities...if I want to play graphically intensive games that are cutting-edge, I'll go fire up my PC and play them on there. The ability to play these games on the go is neat, but a lower-priced console that allows me to play new Zelda or Mario games is pretty lucrative for me. I care whether a game is fun and less about how crazy the graphics are. What good is something that looks pretty if it's an absolute bore?
Even further back. Nintendo could have bypassed the 8-bit generation and gone with a 16-bit machine before they made the Famicom/NES, but Hiroshi Yamauchi opted for 8-bit to be cost effective and it took off. They're no idiots. And this topic is full of ignorance. Also, Nintendo has UE4 support this time:
Dec 21, 2016 8:44 AM

Sep 2016
IpreferEcchi said:
LordPlucky said:
Idk if you guys are old enough to remember the Gameboy or not, but Nintendo has been doing their "own thing" for quite some time. Compared to the Game Gear from Sega, the Gameboy was not in color, didn't have a backlit screen, and wasn't even that great to look at but the battery life on it was fantastic and the games were great (not to mention it was cheaper). The Gameboy outsold the Sega Game Gear like crazy, so how did it win even though it lost in all the departments that we seem to be arguing here?

It was accessible (lower priced), the games were fun, and you could play it longer than the competition's unit. I know the subject at hand is comparing the Switch to non-portable consoles, but Nintendo's philosophy has been just that for a long time. The N64 had a crippling disadvantage for using cartridges, but many fantastic games came out on that system like Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Mario 64, and Starfox 64. Everybody has their preferences and it's great to have options (I prefer that, believe me), but speaking from my priorities...if I want to play graphically intensive games that are cutting-edge, I'll go fire up my PC and play them on there. The ability to play these games on the go is neat, but a lower-priced console that allows me to play new Zelda or Mario games is pretty lucrative for me. I care whether a game is fun and less about how crazy the graphics are. What good is something that looks pretty if it's an absolute bore?
Even further back. Nintendo could have bypassed the 8-bit generation and gone with a 16-bit machine before they made the Famicom/NES, but Hiroshi Yamauchi opted for 8-bit to be cost effective and it took off. They're no idiots. And this topic is full of ignorance. Also, Nintendo has UE4 support this time:

Didn't know that about the NES, thanks for the info!
Dec 21, 2016 9:00 AM

Aug 2012
Just get some new games from forgotten franchises on it and it will sell like hotcakes.
Dec 21, 2016 3:39 PM

Jan 2016
I was trying to be really positive about this system but if it costs as much or more then the PS4 slim then it has "Fail" all over it.

The system has to cost 199 or 250 to have any chance at succeeding. Anything more then 250 and it's dead on arrival.

Dec 21, 2016 5:35 PM

Jan 2013
Shadowtheking said:
I don't pull statistics only facts and numbers and going by the numbers they are doing fine. And you can google all day again I unlike everyone here have ties with each company

is this the YLYL thread?
Dec 21, 2016 6:55 PM

Jan 2013
MrAwesome2016 said:
Just get some new games from forgotten franchises on it and it will sell like hotcakes.
I will throw all my money at the Switch if they release at least one (1) full-fledged Custom Robo game on it.
Dec 21, 2016 6:59 PM

Sep 2016
MrAwesome2016 said:
Just get some new games from forgotten franchises on it and it will sell like hotcakes.

This has been Nintendos startegy for years and people will still buy it.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 22, 2016 8:22 PM

Nov 2014
I amazed people still think power actually matters when it comes to consoles one look at the PS2 and Wii's history's will tell you power doesn't win console wars marketing and games do.
Dec 23, 2016 2:46 AM
Dec 2016
I don't really understand what is going on around now a adys.
Dec 28, 2016 2:17 PM

Sep 2007
Bubcus993 said:
I amazed people still think power actually matters when it comes to consoles one look at the PS2 and Wii's history's will tell you power doesn't win console wars marketing and games do.

To be fair, the Switch comes out in 3 months, and we don't know anything about it aside from one trailer and no Zelda at launch.

Dec 29, 2016 3:00 AM

Nov 2012
I just avoid all this drama by being a PC only gamer . The few Nintendo exclusives that will be worth buying wont be enough to persuade me to get an under powered console that will largely collect dust . WiiU may be the last Nintendo console I ever will buy, and I mostly only used it for smash 4.

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