Digimon World is the series that started it all for the Digimon video games. While the franchise has featured fighting games, racing games, and even a card battle game, it is these role-playing games that have stayed on top. Not all Digimon games see English releases, so it is good to appreciate the ones that we do have.
Digimon World
The original Digimon World is an exploration game that largely resembles the original virtual pet games. Digimon in the game hatch at the Baby stage and can Digivolve up to Ultimate (the Mega level did not exist yet when the game was released). Players train their Digimon to fight and rebuild a city after many Digimon on File Island turned feral under mysterious circumstances.
Digimon World 3
Setting the precedence for future games, Digimon World 3 is a typical role-playing game (RPG) a la Final Fantasy, where players raise and battle with three Digimon at a time in turn based fights. The protagonist of the game plays an MMORPG called Digimon Online, a Digimon game within a Digimon game. When an unprecedented event traps him and the other players within the game, they must use their Digimon partners to find a way back home.
Digimon World DS
The first English release of a handheld Digimon game turned out to be one of the best in the series. Like Digimon World 3, this game enables players to fight using teams of three Digimon. The game features a massive amount of Digimon, over 200, alongside a young protagonist who is inadvertently sucked into the Digital World. While working for the Digital Accident Tactics Squad (DATS), they begin to realize that the various accidents befalling the Digital World may be connected by a sinister force. This game is also notable for introducing several brand new Digimon to the franchise.
Digimon World Dawn/Dusk
The Digimon World Dawn/Dusk games are one of those title sets that are more or less the same game but with a few subtle differences between the two versions, similar to the Pokémon video games. These games are direct sequels to Digimon World DS game, and the gameplay is more or less the same. Since the last game, the human city of the Digital World has been split into two districts, Sunshine and Dark Moon. When damage from an earthquake cuts the two districts off from each other, each side struggles to work independently against rising evil forces.
Digimon carries on as a strong series, as do its games. If you enjoy these titles keep your eyes open for Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth for the PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, coming out on February 2, 2016. The adventures are sure to continue in this next exciting installment of the Digimon video game franchise!