The story of Dragon Ball Z usually stars Goku, the greatest fighter who ever lived, and his fantastic following of fellow fighters. Together, they defend the earth against the most despicable villains the universe has to offer. And when the chips are down and all hope seems lost, it's usually Goku who summons the will to save the day. But that all changes with the android saga.
In Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope, sometime after the Frieza saga, a mysterious young man takes the stage. Once again the Earth is in trouble, but Goku is still out traveling the galaxy, and none of the remaining Z fighters stand a chance at fighting off the threat. The new guy comes charging in, seemingly out of nowhere, turns Super Saiyan, and saves the world using only his awesome fighting skills and a legendary sword. This young man is Trunks, the future son of two of the series' main characters, and the shining hope for both the future and fan fiction authors everywhere.
The History of Trunks
Trunks comes from a world where most of humanity has been wiped out. Only a lucky few remain. The cause is not a devastating pandemic, or zombie outbreak, or even the Twilight novels.
The "History of Trunks" is a Dragon Ball Z special that shows the dark world future Trunks grew up in. A world without Goku. A world without the Z fighters or Dragon Balls. A world without hope. The special follows Trunks as he grows up under the tutelage of his mentor Gohan, son of Goku. Enter the live action adaptation, Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope.
Light of Hope
Dragon Ball Z: Light of Hope is a top-notch fan-made series that adapts History of Trunks into a live action epic. But don't be counting on the series being a carbon copy-they've openly admitted that the viewer will run into quite a few surprises. No Goku. No Cell. This will be the story of Trunks and Trunks alone. The writers and creators are all die-hard fans of the franchise. Every penny they get goes towards making a better show. It's completely non-profit, so you know a lot of passion went into the making of this, and it really shows. The pilot is already close to movie quality and it only gets better from there. Amazing effects, fight scenes, and spot-on costumes. No pointless modern update or turning the heart pumping story of Dragon Ball Z into a cliché paint by numbers plot.
Dragon Ball Z Light of Hope not only refers to the hope for the DBZ universe, but hope for the future of DBZ live action adaptations.