I have to get through what people call one of the best comedies in anime at some point (also this is an excuse to get me an idea of what I'd be getting into when the City anime airs)
It feels like no matter what I do, I can not escape the super sentai stuff, even when it's an isekai (though this show does have the type of humor I kinda like so... this is likely made for me)
I knew this was going to be a bit trashy when I read the novels for this not too long ago and it did not disappoint, was a decent adaptation now that I think about it
Look, all I'm saying is that it feels like an inferior Noir to me (though the OP/ED are really good and definitely have stayed around in my head for over a decade now)
I am glad to see the adaption of something I really like week to week (or well, whenever my brain remembers that I watch this on Netflix). Dub's nice which felt relieving for me