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Dutch driving instructors can now accept SEX as payment!

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Jan 29, 2016 1:07 AM

May 2009
@Zsychotic Quote tags, use them.

Zsychotic said:
Feel the need? We are on an online forum in a thread about the topic.
It does not matter that I do not live there, or if it affects me directly, poverty does not only affect people that are fighting to solve it, it is a good thing that they are fighting it whether they themselves are in poverty or not.

Why is this a good thing? As I said twice before, no one is harmed by this, it's completely optional, it's legal, so why do people, especially outsiders object to it?

Yes I did make a joke at your expense but not to make my argument any more solid as you said or even to discredit you, it was a joke made within the context nothing more made in another post..

Whatever, I didn't think it was funny, and within context, it sure didn't look like a joke to me, either.

I would be alarmed if no one disagreed with this which a lot of people as displayed do disagree, it is degrading and a country should look for better ways to assist its people .

How is it degrading, especially when part of our fame is because our tolerance of soft drugs and whores?

People are not allowed to do drugs, most places prostitution is illegal, and assisted suicide is illegal,

Yes, but over here, most of that is legal. However, there are still certain rules that apply to each of those. We're not perpetually high on drugs, we don't go out killing any patient who claims he's suffering, and we don't have whores walking our streets all day long. And some, if not most of us, think some of rules could use a bit of an update, especially the one on drug use and ownership, as they've become ridiculously unfair over the past few years.

So we are already not allowed to do whatever we want even if it does not affect others, but surely the whole context of discussion explains how degrading and other reasons that this is not the best solution and is wrong.

Yet, we don't think it's wrong; it's you (and by that, I mean everyone who's opposed to this) who can't seem to understand that. And again, just because your country (or any other place) doesn't allow it, doesn't mean we should do the same.

I am displaying how absurd it Is, not how I think it’s about to become a norm anytime soon.
Chances are if they have access to a vehicle then a drivers licence does not seem financially unreachable to these people, they need to learn to save, stop being lazy, shortcuts are no good.
Also if that poor, that saving for a drivers licence is so far beyond your financial grasp then im certain a driver’s licence is not on the top of your priority list.
you are looking for alternatives perhaps better for driving lessons etc to be done through high schools, subsidised or some other solution.
Its starting to turn into a repetitive Q and A now because you get the answer and refer back to the exact same thing.

Then we'll just have to agree to disagree, as I see no problem with all of this, and you apparently do.
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Jan 29, 2016 2:26 AM

Oct 2014
Ill quote how I want, your inability to understand is already very irritating and time consuming, because you keep referring to the already addressed issue with no additional input to back your claim.

Why is this a good thing? As I said twice before, no one is harmed by this, it's completely optional, it's legal, so why do people, especially outsiders object to it?

Whether it directly affects you or not it is still good to help others. We object because we find it wrong many people have described this as disgusting.

Whatever, I didn't think it was funny, and within context, it sure didn't look like a joke to me, either.

Whether it was funny or looked like a joke is subjective. It certainly was a joke that related to the context.

How is it degrading, especially when part of our fame is because our tolerance of soft drugs and whores?

You just used whores to refer to them XD.
Pablo Escobar was famous for drugs, Doesn’t mean it was a good thing.
Besides for objectifying women(I cant stand feminists, they are the most idiotic people ever, yet this one thing we would agree on, see the deviation? You mind-set is the deviation) there are many other morales, principles, social issues which will affect these women. If you are not able to see how this is degrading that raises a question of your own morales and ability to understand.

Yes, but over here, most of that is legal. However, there are still certain rules that apply to each of those. We're not perpetually high on drugs, we don't go out killing any patient who claims he's suffering, and we don't have whores walking our streets all day long. And some, if not most of us, think some of rules could use a bit of an update, especially the one on drug use and ownership, as they've become ridiculously unfair over the past few years.

And because over there it is done, it is right when most of the world finds this wrong? Yes the wolf claiming victim must be correct. Metaphorically speaking before you jump backwards again not understating anything.

Yet, we don't think it's wrong; it's you (and by that, I mean everyone who's opposed to this) who can't seem to understand that. And again, just because your country (or any other place) doesn't allow it, doesn't mean we should do the same.

And because a minority thinks it’s okay to steal does that make it correct for them?
I mean this is no fact vs misconception/ignorance, this is what we think is right and wrong.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Jan 31, 2016 7:09 AM

May 2009
Zsychotic said:
Whether it directly affects you or not it is still good to help others.

Implying there is anyone here who needs help.

We object because we find it wrong many people have described this as disgusting.

Which is not a good criteria to tell outsiders what they can and cannot do in their own country, as long as only those involved risk being harmed by it.

You just used whores to refer to them XD.

Because that's what they are called? Prostitute (or whatever other word you want to sue) is merely a euphemism. That we've made it into a derogatory word doesn't change the original meaning.

Pablo Escobar was famous for drugs, Doesn’t mean it was a good thing.

Different kinds of drugs.

Besides for objectifying women(I cant stand feminists, they are the most idiotic people ever, yet this one thing we would agree on, see the deviation? You mind-set is the deviation) there are many other morales, principles, social issues which will affect these women. If you are not able to see how this is degrading that raises a question of your own morales and ability to understand.

Objectification is a BS term, used by women who are jealous of other women (in particular those who are very good-looking, and have no problem getting a man). The vast majority of women who are some part in the sex industry (or sex workers in general) chose to do it, so how is that degrading?

And because over there it is done, it is right when most of the world finds this wrong?

Yes, because that's what we agreed upon as a society as a whole. That you don't like that is not our problem.

And because a minority thinks it’s okay to steal does that make it correct for them?

Form them, yes. For everyone else who are directly affected by it, no.

Driving instructors having sex with clients affects no one but themselves, and is only bad when things go wrong.

Stealing affects everyone, that's why you probably won't find a place on earth where this is acceptable.

I mean this is no fact vs misconception/ignorance, this is what we think is right and wrong.

Yes, but what you think is not of our concern. Or at least, not as far as our laws are concerned. There are probably lost of people here who object to it on certain principles, but as long as the law says it's okay, or something comes up that makes this practice looks more malign than it seems to be (e.g., the clients get forced into it, they can't opt, unsafe sex, etc.), we (and you) will just have to deal with it.
Firelord76Jan 31, 2016 7:19 AM
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Jan 31, 2016 11:34 PM

Oct 2014
Implying there is anyone here who needs help

Haha, you fail to amaze me.
You question-
Why is this a good thing? As I said twice before, no one is harmed by this, it's completely optional, it's legal, so why do people, especially outsiders object to it?

So if it is so harmless would you be willing to sell your ass for driving lessons or other things, maybe your instructor rapes you and says but that was your payment and the roughness was part of the roleplay, it is the same thing or are women mere objects?
The fact that you see this harmless is a clear indication to the rest of us on your own lack of a morale mindset. PLease, but you most likely will , only take something away from the ass example. lol.

Which is not a good criteria to tell outsiders what they can and cannot do in their own country, as long as only those involved risk being harmed by it.

Simple minded, this is more of a humanitarian issue. Hence we will always voice our opinions.

Because that's what they are called? Prostitute (or whatever other word you want to sue) is merely a euphemism. That we've made it into a derogatory word doesn't change the original meaning.

As with the many other sections of the debate you fail completely, with nothing to back your side of the argument, respond with mere simple minded questions, and question statements with no basis of your own to stand on or no additional backing but you receive more counter arguments.

Hence finding nothing wrong with the use of the derogatory term whore when trying to back one side of an argument around something that can be considered objectifying and degrading to women.

Likely all the logical reasoning I have given you will fly just this much over your head once again. Clueless, baseless and ready to proceed with you’re “but why’s” as your argument when you get your reason and then proceed with the same thing no additional backing to your argument.

QUOTE ZSY- “”Pablo Escobar was famous for drugs, Doesn’t mean it was a good thing.””
“Different kinds of drugs.”

It was at this point I realised that the simplest of meanings are faar beyond grasp. However at the very least the readers will get a good laugh and see the type of person in favour of such acts.

Objectification is a BS term, used by women who are jealous of other women (in particular those who are very good-looking, and have no problem getting a man). The vast majority of women who are some part in the sex industry (or sex workers in general) chose to do it, so how is that degrading?

You see I could give you a nice breakdown and detailed explanation but we know you will be able to understand about nothing of that.
So I give you- Generalisation much?
Keep discrediting yourself its amusing.

Yes, because that's what we agreed upon as a society as a whole. That you don't like that is not our problem.

The further down the replies I go the funnier they get, So does that make it right? Is it right that women is the east can’t even drive? BLergh mind vomiting is what it looks like you are doing.

QUOTE ZSY- “”And because a minority thinks it’s okay to steal does that make it correct for them?””
Form them, yes. For everyone else who are directly affected by it, no.

Id just like to laugh at this a bit. The rest was addressed already I,ll do the same for your other repetitive responses with no additional backing until you actually give a valid response or argument and not just revert to the same baseless debunked reasoning you have presented over and over again.

QUOTE ZSY- “”I mean this is no fact vs misconception/ignorance, this is what we think is right and wrong.””
Yes, but what you think is not of our concern. Or at least, not as far as our laws are concerned. There are probably lost of people here who object to it on certain principles, but as long as the law says it's okay, or something comes up that makes this practice looks more malign than it seems to be (e.g., the clients get forced into it, they can't opt, unsafe sex, etc.), we (and you) will just have to deal with it

You see this basically sums up your entire base, We may be wrong but we don’t care, deal with it.
You are far too short sighted, selfish and close minded to see why the majority on a Morale standing find this wrong, but from the debate alone you have discredited yourself a lot,
and by a lot I mean completely, predictably you will miss everything and continue with simple nonsense, basically this-, We may be wrong but we don’t care, deal with it.
ZsychoticJan 31, 2016 11:49 PM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 1, 2016 11:07 AM

May 2009
I don't understand why you have such a hard time accepting facts.

Prostitution is legal in The Netherlands.. It's been that way since forever. Now, it was illegal to host a brothel, but that ban was lifted in 2000, and now, brothel hosts/pimps/whatever you wish to call them have to obtain a license to host one, and the workers must be of legal age (at least 16 years old), and not be forced into becoming a prostitute.

And we're not the only ones who have done this:

Assuming that image is still true, countries like Mexico, most of the South-American nations, and Germany (marked in green) also have prostitution laws similar to ours. And other countries (the ones marked in blue, such as France, Spain, and Brazil) have it legalized, but don't permit brothels.

Now, the reason I think you're so fervently against this, is because your country doesn't allow prostitution in any form or way, and also because the UN isn't exactly in favor of it, either (though the prevailing winds seem to be changing direction, if this is anything to go by).

Anyway, the facts don't lie. What this driving school is doing is perfectly legal, the people who do it understand the rules, and are of legal age (in this case, 18, which is even higher than the national age of consent, which is 16). Customers aren't forced into doing it if they don't want to, in which case they can still pay with money, and assuming all goes well, everyone walks away happy and content. And if things do get wrong (like the customer getting forced to have sex), the law has that covered, meaning customers can sue the driving instructor for rape. Besides, do you honestly believe this would have gone on for so long if things weren't kosher? All it would have taken is for one customer to complain about being raped to the authorities, and the school would have had a lot of questions to answer, and would probably have been shut down long ago

And this is what I've been saying since the very beginning. So, what exactly is not clear to you here?

Also, why am I not surprised the law that legalized this practice (which is apparently different from the usual law on prostitution) is questioned by a conservative Christian party?
Firelord76Feb 1, 2016 11:20 AM
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Feb 1, 2016 11:09 AM

Jan 2012
Does it mean SEX is real?!.. I thought it exist only in porn...
Feb 1, 2016 11:13 PM

Oct 2014
AO968 said:
I don't understand why you have such a hard time accepting facts.

Prostitution is legal in The Netherlands.. It's been that way since forever. Now, it was illegal to host a brothel, but that ban was lifted in 2000, and now, brothel hosts/pimps/whatever you wish to call them have to obtain a license to host one, and the workers must be of legal age (at least 16 years old), and not be forced into becoming a prostitute.

And we're not the only ones who have done this:

Assuming that image is still true, countries like Mexico, most of the South-American nations, and Germany (marked in green) also have prostitution laws similar to ours. And other countries (the ones marked in blue, such as France, Spain, and Brazil) have it legalized, but don't permit brothels.

Now, the reason I think you're so fervently against this, is because your country doesn't allow prostitution in any form or way, and also because the UN isn't exactly in favor of it, either (though the prevailing winds seem to be changing direction, if this is anything to go by).

Anyway, the facts don't lie. What this driving school is doing is perfectly legal, the people who do it understand the rules, and are of legal age (in this case, 18, which is even higher than the national age of consent, which is 16). Customers aren't forced into doing it if they don't want to, in which case they can still pay with money, and assuming all goes well, everyone walks away happy and content. And if things do get wrong (like the customer getting forced to have sex), the law has that covered, meaning customers can sue the driving instructor for rape. Besides, do you honestly believe this would have gone on for so long if things weren't kosher? All it would have taken is for one customer to complain about being raped to the authorities, and the school would have had a lot of questions to answer, and would probably have been shut down long ago

And this is what I've been saying since the very beginning. So, what exactly is not clear to you here?

Also, why am I not surprised the law that legalized this practice (which is apparently different from the usual law on prostitution) is questioned by a conservative Christian party?

Having debunked everything you’ve said so far now, you never cease to amaze. With each response of yours I read, I am reassured of my standing and the more foolish you make yourself appear.
This is the type of person in favour of such acts only once again reassures me of my standing.
I literally laughed reading the very first line of your response where everything of the entire debate has flown way over your head.

Since when was the discussion about “accepting the facts”. I mean you are so disoriented that would actually reply with this after agreeing to my statement
[quote=AO968 message=44508009]
Zsychotic said:
I mean this is no fact vs misconception/ignorance, this is what we think is right and wrong.


You are simply grabbing at straws and hoping no one notices.

Also notice all that red still the majority, and im sure even more people within those other areas disagree with it.
Have you seen what prostitution does to a person? I have, I lived in the same house renting different rooms a few years ago, also know a few others because of where I stayed. Man and woman, all lost.

So, what exactly is not clear to you here?
Zsy- Clearly you have displayed no ability to follow context and absolutely nothing is clear to you because you lack ability to comprehend time and time again.

Also, why am I not surprised the law that legalized this practice (which is apparently different from the usual law on prostitution) is questioned by a conservative Christian party?.

Well atheist over here, so its not only Christians opposed to this. But hey, thanks for going off the rail again.
Stop grabbing at straws. You continuously discredit yourself to a point where your comments are laughable.
ZsychoticFeb 1, 2016 11:23 PM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 2, 2016 4:38 AM

Apr 2012

There is nothing wrong with prostitution. Sorry to tell you, bud.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 2, 2016 7:19 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

There is nothing wrong with prostitution. Sorry to tell you, bud.

There is, hence why it is illegal in most places, or at least how the majority perceive it, but its about payment for driving lessons with sex which can be seen as worse than prostitution depending, address the topic not content.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 2, 2016 7:24 AM

Apr 2012
There is, hence why it is illegal in most places
Appeal to the law.
or at least how the majority perceive it,
Appeal to majority.

You do know you could be right, only if you'd also explain why.

but its about payment for driving lessons with sex which can be seen as worse than prostitution depending, address the topic not content.
And why is it worse? Would you also have a problem if they'd insert a law that tells you you can wash their dishes as payment?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 2, 2016 7:35 AM

Oct 2014
Appeal to the law.

Already set

Appeal to majority.

refer to posts

And why is it worse? Would you also have a problem if they'd insert a law that tells you you can wash their dishes as payment?.

What part of the complex word depends eludes you?
Dishes xD so much lolz. but washing dishes, sounds like a better idea.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 2, 2016 7:38 AM

Apr 2012
No, it's not already set. And quote your posts, I don't want to read through a ton of irrelevant bullshit.

If it's too "complex" for you to explain, then you have no argument.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 2, 2016 8:19 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:
No, it's not already set. And quote your posts, I don't want to read through a ton of irrelevant bullshit.

If it's too "complex" for you to explain, then you have no argument.

Shame, clearly not on track.

Yes it certainly has already been set in most areas.

nice "bullshit" you say, ironic, or you don't want to dig yourself a deeper hole.

Who is saying it is too complex to explain? oh funny, I see you took my post

"What part of the complex word depends eludes you?" as its too complex to explain, no let me correct you again

that was in response to

immahnoob-" And why is it worse?", implying it is worse and not dependable on a situation as stated eg simple laziness, not willing to work.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 2, 2016 8:25 AM

Apr 2012
Again, it being illegal in other countries does not make it wrong, without an explanation, it's irrelevant in this argument.

Prostitution is legal and regulated = Green

Prostitution is legal but organized activities such as brothels are illegal = Blue

Prostitution illegal = Red

So why is it legal in some countries? Why are they wrong?

nice "bullshit" you say, ironic, or you don't want to dig yourself a deeper hole.
Start quoting then, I want to see your so-called arguments. And learn to use BBCode too.

immahnoob-" And why is it worse?", implying it is worse and not dependable on a situation as stated eg simple laziness, not willing to work.
let me know.
Start making sense too, before you engage in any argument.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 2, 2016 9:30 PM

Oct 2014
Everything you say is irrelevant because we already covered this but you seem too lazy to follow a thread that you feel you want to comment on,
being illegal in other countries was not used as base reason to say why it is wrong, but you had a brain vomit and continue to waste time.
being legal in other countries does not make it right.

"Start quoting then, I want to see your so-called arguments. And learn to use BBCode too."

I must start quoting myself for you whom addressed me on my stance so you can see the arguments you are against.
hahahaha discredited.

Start making sense too, before you engage in any argument..

immahnoob said-
"And why is it worse?"

Zsy response ^^
Zsy- implying it is worse and not dependable on a situation as stated eg simple laziness, not willing to work.

Let me correct you again, you engaged me in the argument, obviously you are not very capable of understanding the flow of things even as they happen now,
I hope I don't have to continuously correct you every time.
Clear and simple, your education or level of English must be very bad, that's something a child would be able to follow.
ZsychoticFeb 2, 2016 10:06 PM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 4:55 AM

Apr 2012

So you have no argument. It's ok dude, not everyone is capable of doing that.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 4:59 AM

Apr 2013
Immahnoob said:

Prostitution is legal and regulated = Green

Prostitution is legal but organized activities such as brothels are illegal = Blue

Prostitution illegal = Red

Damn, as German I wasn't aware that my country is one of a few that allows prostitution and brothels... thought it's standard to be honest O_O
Feb 3, 2016 5:36 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

So you have no argument. It's ok dude, not everyone is capable of doing that.

Simply because you are not capable of understanding does not mean that there is not one.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 5:37 AM

Apr 2012
Zsychotic said:
Immahnoob said:

So you have no argument. It's ok dude, not everyone is capable of doing that.

Simply because you are not capable of understanding does not mean that there is not one.
No, it's simply because you don't have one.

You can't seem to be able to formulate anything worthwhile for me.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 5:46 AM

May 2009
Zsychotic said:
Everything you say is irrelevant because we already covered this but you seem too lazy to follow a thread that you feel you want to comment on,
being illegal in other countries was not used as base reason to say why it is wrong, but you had a brain vomit and continue to waste time.
being legal in other countries does not make it right.

Perhaps, but that doesn't change that it is legal here. You can complain about it as much as you like, but you're not going to change this.

I'm well aware that prostitution brings with it problems, such as human trafficking and forced (sexual) labor, and that legalization might not help as much as we'd like, but I think that keeping it illegal definitely doesn't help.

Another problem we now have is that prostitutes, in order to evade paying taxes (which they've been obliged to do since 2011), work from their own homes, meaning that it's harder to keep them under observation and as such, if things go wrong, they may have a harder time getting legal protection.

Still, if someone wants to become a sex worker of his/her own volition, and is of legal age, for whatever reason, s/he should be free to do so.

Zsy response ^^
Zsy- implying it is worse and not dependable on a situation as stated eg simple laziness, not willing to work.

Wow, could you be any more condescending towards prostitutes?

I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of them do it out of necessity, not because they don't want to work in a different profession. Heck, from the image I have of a prostitute is that of one who is addicted to drugs, comes from either a very poor or abusive home, and was either forced into doing it, or felt like /she had no other choice, if it meant being able to pay for basics such as food. And that's not even going into how physically and mentally exhausting it has to be to have sex with strangers for long hours a day.

Also, I'm sure most of them wouldn't even be able to get a decent job, because being a sex-worker still carries a huge stigma with it, and I doubt many companies are willing to hire one, unless they really had no one else to turn to.

Let me correct you again, you engaged me in the argument, obviously you are not very capable of understanding the flow of things even as they happen now,
I hope I don't have to continuously correct you every time.
Clear and simple, your education or level of English must be very bad, that's something a child would be able to follow.

Yet, you are the one who fails to give proper sources, or even remotely tries to engage in a decent conversation. All you do is handwave our arguments away as either irrelevant, stupid, or anything else that doesn't contribute to the discussion proper, and/or is used to discredit us. If you want us to your position more seriously, then either defend your points properly or stop arguing altogether. We're not asking you to agree with us, all we want is for you to see it from our perspective.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 3, 2016 5:47 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:
Zsychotic said:

Simply because you are not capable of understanding does not mean that there is not one.
No, it's simply because you don't have one.

You can't seem to be able to formulate anything worthwhile for me.

You are delusional and incapable of understanding how things work,
Barely capable of following the basic construct of the English language, and questioning the obvious, formulate anything for you?, did I address you or did you address me?

So basically you just strolled on in and decided to comment, hehe the basics, find out what you are commenting on if you did not do that then your comments are irrelevant.

Zsychotic said:

"Start quoting then, I want to see your so-called arguments. And learn to use BBCode too."

I must start quoting myself for you whom addressed me on my stance so you can see the arguments you are against.
hahahaha discredited.

Start making sense too, before you engage in any argument..

immahnoob said-
"And why is it worse?"

Zsy response ^^
Zsy- implying it is worse and not dependable on a situation as stated eg simple laziness, not willing to work.

Let me correct you again, you engaged me in the argument, obviously you are not very capable of understanding the flow of things even as they happen now,
I hope I don't have to continuously correct you every time.
Clear and simple, your education or level of English must be very bad, that's something a child would be able to follow.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 5:57 AM

Apr 2012

I'm sorry dude, but you have no argument still. Start bringing something up, because you're making a fool out of yourself.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 6:06 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

I'm sorry dude, but you have no argument still. Start bringing something up, because you're making a fool out of yourself.

Shame, I will get to the other persons comment too, as proven again here you are the ones just waving anything you get caught on aside.

Let me tell you how it works, I stroll into a thread, I say person B, I disagree with on what you are saying, person b then says what exactly is that?

Not I disagree with you person b, person b asks was it statement a? stament b?, statement c? statement d? oh not one of those let me find it for you.

no effort made to find out what he is disagreeing with makes his comments irrelevant.

Foolish person
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 6:12 AM

Apr 2012

I think I told you to start making sense, seriously, can you stay on-topic? I want to know why prostitution is wrong. Go on, I'm still waiting.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 6:41 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

I think I told you to start making sense, seriously, can you stay on-topic? I want to know why prostitution is wrong. Go on, I'm still waiting.

You are incapable of understanding, clearly pointed out your lack of English comprehension, you need to improve your English so that you can start understanding.

You are the one not on topic and addressing content not the topic, therefor you need to present this content if it indeed was the main point and not just additional dialogue stemming from the topic, not content, go on im waiting for you to do anything more than just stroll in and use the silly argument, im right your wrong, foolish person.

Do you even know what this thread is about?

stay on topic or reference what you disagree with when you address another user.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 6:51 AM
Jul 2018

Keep going at it Zsychotic, you're not really even contributing anything anymore at this point.
Feb 3, 2016 6:56 AM

Oct 2014
RainHeaven said:

Keep going at it Zsychotic, you're not really even contributing anything anymore at this point.

The topic has been addressed, its like in an interview someone asks you a q then 10 mins later another person asks the same q in the same interview who is in the room.
Funny, present what you disagree with or are you another troll stroller, just passing by no idea what they are commenting on air head?
ZsychoticFeb 3, 2016 7:09 AM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 7:09 AM

Apr 2012

Basically, he didn't say anything worthwhile except "I disagree with this practice.", and he wants me to debunk that shit.

I already did, you're wrong @Zsychotic.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 7:15 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

Basically, he didn't say anything worthwhile except "I disagree with this practice.", and he wants me to debunk that shit.

I already did, you're wrong @Zsychotic.

xD You are completely wrong, and you have continued to do so repeatedly, and every time I catch you on something you brush it off, still not contributing.

A lot was said addressing the topic, hence you are wrong and a troll stroller feeling the need when you had no idea what you were commenting on air head still have not referenced what it is you disagreed on, simply your argument is you are wrong and by all your posts the only thing(you see what im doing here, referencing) said was

"it being illegal in other countries does not make it wrong" which then obviously does not make it right either.
ZsychoticFeb 3, 2016 7:19 AM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 7:31 AM

Apr 2012
@Zsychotic So you do agree that you didn't prove prostitution to be wrong then. Well, that's ok.

Since you didn't have anything else behind your statements, your argument has been debunked, there's nothing wrong with prostituting oneself to pay for this service.

So there's no problem in them making a law about it.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 7:50 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:
@Zsychotic So you do agree that you didn't prove prostitution to be wrong then. Well, that's ok.

Since you didn't have anything else behind your statements, your argument has been debunked, there's nothing wrong with prostituting oneself to pay for this service.

So there's no problem in them making a law about it.

You didn't follow the thread and reference comments which WERE! already made about the topic and had more than your argument "you are wrong I am right" which you addressed me on, making you the one without anything behind your statements.

Hence you have no evidence I did not prove my view. Therefor you have no foot to stand on and I have debunked your only argument-

"it being illegal in other countries does not make it wrong"

which then obviously does not make it right either

I will not indulge your laziness, and when you do provide a counter argument to my statements which already addressed the topic I shall debate it.

Go ahead im waiting for you to be more than a strolling troll airhead. because the next person can also just stroll by say the same thing and so the process repeats again and again on things that were already addressed.
If you want to prove something do it properly. for now you are simply a strolling troll airhead.
ZsychoticFeb 3, 2016 7:54 AM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 7:52 AM

Apr 2012

Actually, I still don't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on you, since you have to prove this to be wrong.

It's already odd that I provided even an inch of information, because I didn't have to.

And you don't understand how arguments go, you claim that it's wrong, I debunk your statements and that is no longer true for our debate. Why can't you understand something so simple?

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 8:07 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

Actually, I still don't need to prove anything, the burden of proof is on you, since you have to prove this to be wrong.

It's already odd that I provided even an inch of information, because I didn't have to.

And you don't understand how arguments go, you claim that it's wrong, I debunk your statements and that is no longer true for our debate. Why can't you understand something so simple?

lol, you prove me right again and yourself wrong.

The argument and reasons against such actions WERE ALREADY MADE!

the next person can also just stroll by say the same thing and so the process repeats again and again on things that were already addressed

You commented and disagreed on a whole conversation made without even referencing what it is that is wrong and what your counter argument is.

You do not understand how an argument works, among many other things.

If you disagree with someone you certainly do have to provide a counter argument, or you have no argument, or information as to why you are right and that person is wrong, its how a debate works xD.

Debunked again and discredited.

still waiting for you to be more than a strolling troll airhead.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 8:11 AM

Apr 2012

No, I've actually proven you wrong. There's a difference.

An argument already being made does not make it wrong.

But you didn't address them.

But I did, you have neither evidence nor reason behind your statements, they are deniable without further argumentation.

Don't make baseless claims now.

Actually, that is false, you have to first provide evidence for your own claims when you make a claim before anyone has to disprove it. That's simple logic.

Please continue being dismissive of logic, it shows how much you know about debates and the topic at hand.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 3:04 PM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

No, I've actually proven you wrong. There's a difference.

An argument already being made does not make it wrong.

But you didn't address them.

But I did, you have neither evidence nor reason behind your statements, they are deniable without further argumentation.

Don't make baseless claims now.

Actually, that is false, you have to first provide evidence for your own claims when you make a claim before anyone has to disprove it. That's simple logic.

Please continue being dismissive of logic, it shows how much you know about debates and the topic at hand.

Your grasp on reality is very loose, you have been debunked and proven wrong, also not able to follow logic many times now.

I 100% guarantee they were addressed and you are too scared and lazy to go find it.

You addressed me on a topic, an entire conversation, with just you are wrong,

I have told you many times, but you are scared to reference what you are addressing me about.

As you have no additional information to present or a counter argument to it.

When will you get it, nobody knows, if I tell a person who did a documentary they are wrong,

They will ask me about what specifically because said documentary could've covered many aspects and I have to present a counter argument to prove that I am right and he is wrong,

shame i know you do not actually want to do it the right way because you are scared, and I'm still waiting for you to present your counter argument on topic already addressed so i can debunk you some more? come now stop wasting time, you have been told what to do. don't be scared topic 100% was addressed and commented on multiple times proving you wrong again for the 100th time now. i eagerly await.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 3:46 PM

Oct 2014
Perhaps, but that doesn't change that it is legal here. You can complain about it as much as you like, but you're not going to change this.

You have missed the point again, its not about whether it is legal or not.

I'm well aware that prostitution brings with it problems, such as human trafficking and forced (sexual) labor, and that legalization might not help as much as we'd like, but I think that keeping it illegal definitely doesn't help.

look here even he is starting to find the potential for corruption.

Another problem we now have is that prostitutes, in order to evade paying taxes (which they've been obliged to do since 2011), work from their own homes, meaning that it's harder to keep them under observation and as such, if things go wrong, they may have a harder time getting legal protection.

Interesting, more corruption. We have already spoken about them being free to do so.
There should be better ways to help these people. I personally know what prostitution does to people.

Zsy- implying it is worse and not dependable on a situation as stated eg simple laziness, not willing to work.[/quote]
Wow, could you be any more condescending towards prostitutes?

You like your ally immahnoob keep missing the point, he even denies that we didnt discuss this over and over again, someone can miss a point but when you outright have no ability to accept or see what HAS been done he makes a joke of himself.
But do not look past the word dependable, you understand now.

I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of them do it out of necessity, not because they don't want to work in a different profession. Heck, from the image I have of a prostitute is that of one who is addicted to drugs, comes from either a very poor or abusive home, and was either forced into doing it, or felt like /she had no other choice, if it meant being able to pay for basics such as food. And that's not even going into how physically and mentally exhausting it has to be to have sex with strangers for long hours a day.

I know many people that come from poor abusive homes, there are alternatives prostitution is not always the only thing they can do but making it easy as pie to do this is far more tempting. Addiction to drugs, well double whammy, so instead of helping them preventing this drug abuse, they can feed it by selling their bodies, nope two wrongs dont make a right. don't give them the tools to screw themselves up further.

Also, I'm sure most of them wouldn't even be able to get a decent job, because being a sex-worker still carries a huge stigma with it, and I doubt many companies are willing to hire one, unless they really had no one else to turn to.

I think you are starting to see all the negatives now, short and long term.

Yet, you are the one who fails to give proper sources, or even remotely tries to engage in a decent conversation. All you do is handwave our arguments away as either irrelevant, stupid, or anything else that doesn't contribute to the discussion proper, and/or is used to discredit us. If you want us to your position more seriously, then either defend your points properly or stop arguing altogether. We're not asking you to agree with us, all we want is for you to see it from our perspective.[/quote]

Every time i catch some illogical chain of thought it gets waved away, when i prove someone's lack of ability to understand even the smallest things they completely ignore it.
No proper sources, no its about someone addressing another user on a topic already discussed(here is source being referred to) and not willing to provide a counter argument, i was addressed on something me and you spoke about already, over a long conversation, some random strolling by troll decided to say, you are wrong(thats it! nothing more, on an entire conversation)
Not even referencing what it is that he disagrees with being said. No foot to stand on, no counter argument nothing additional to add, hence anything said beyond that is irrelevant until an actual counter argument is presented he makes a fool of himself to anyone logically thinking.
i mean the next guy can come here and say the same thing, provide no counter argument and so the process repeats, that is crazy, provide you counter argument since you are addressing something already discussed, the points were already made, that was my effort, it is not up to me to do his work for him, it is up to the person who addresses the other.
Its not that hard to understand why i wont indulge this troll in his laziness.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 3, 2016 3:50 PM

Apr 2012

This guy really thinks he actually has a point.

Topkek, continue rambling, son.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 3, 2016 3:55 PM

Jun 2015
Lol, I love my country!
even though it never happens.. it's legal.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Feb 3, 2016 10:42 PM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

This guy really thinks he actually has a point.

Topkek, continue rambling, son.

Hhehehe xD futile attempt too scared to follow through,
go ask you dad or someone better equipped with capability to understand English and follow structure, maybe they can help you understand how many times you have been shown to be wrong.

Keep trolling and contributing nothing to already discussed argument,
I still wait for your counter argument that adds anything more or provides a new angle?

Do not yield so easily even though you have been strung along so amusingly, im waiting?
ZsychoticFeb 3, 2016 10:46 PM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 4, 2016 12:19 AM

Apr 2012

I don't need to argue anymore, you have nothing for your side.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 4, 2016 4:18 AM

Oct 2014
Immahnoob said:

I don't need to argue anymore, you have nothing for your side.

Its understood, you concede.
You never had a foot to stand on and even deny the fact that is 100% clear! topic was addressed and I am waiting for your counter argument to the content addressing the topic which anyone with an internet connection can see exists, but you have no additional information or counter argument of you own therefor you are not going to because you know I will debunk you again.

Im waiting?
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 4, 2016 4:49 AM

Feb 2014
Immahnoob said:
No, it's not already set. And quote your posts, I don't want to read through a ton of irrelevant bullshit.

If it's too "complex" for you to explain, then you have no argument.

This explains Zsy in a nutshell.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Feb 4, 2016 5:02 AM

Oct 2014
DarkStarr96 said:
Immahnoob said:
No, it's not already set. And quote your posts, I don't want to read through a ton of irrelevant bullshit.

If it's too "complex" for you to explain, then you have no argument.

This explains Zsy in a nutshell.

Salty poster I debunked in another thread yes welcome stroll by and comment feel free to present your counter argument anytime.

As usual you miss the point! And don't understand once again!

If he doesn't read it he cant counter it, he cant say it is wrong without referencing it providing his counter argument, then he has no argument, he addressed my standing not the other way round, it was already addressed fact! are you that incompetent. I have explained so many times, but you have proven you are not one who can comprehend even the simplest of things.

Come now salty don't be a Silly foolish stroll by troll poster.(this explains you in a nutshell)
ZsychoticFeb 4, 2016 5:06 AM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 4, 2016 5:13 AM

Feb 2014
Zsychotic said:
DarkStarr96 said:

This explains Zsy in a nutshell.

Salty poster I debunked in another thread yes welcome stroll by and comment feel free to present your counter argument anytime.

As usual you miss the point! And don't understand once again!

If he doesn't read it he cant counter it, he cant say it is wrong without referencing it providing his counter argument, then he has no argument, he addressed my standing not the other way round, it was already addressed fact! are you that incompetent. I have explained so many times, but you have proven you are not one who can comprehend even the simplest of things.

Come now salty don't be a Silly foolish stroll by troll poster.(this explains you in a nutshell)

You didn't debunk shit, you just continued your ramblings and ad-hominem attacks as you do with every thread in which you post in, everyone can see this & now it's just become embarrassing for you.

It's quite clear that you're going to reply to this with more ramblings but please for the love of god learn to use BB Code, your terrible "arguments" (or lack of) are one thing, but you just make it that much more time consuming (/wasting) for those that you are arguing / debating with having to go back and read through all the excessive and irrelevant shit that you post in order to excuse your lack of actual argument.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Feb 4, 2016 5:36 AM

Oct 2014
DarkStarr96 said:
Zsychotic said:

Salty poster I debunked in another thread yes welcome stroll by and comment feel free to present your counter argument anytime.

As usual you miss the point! And don't understand once again!

If he doesn't read it he cant counter it, he cant say it is wrong without referencing it providing his counter argument, then he has no argument, he addressed my standing not the other way round, it was already addressed fact! are you that incompetent. I have explained so many times, but you have proven you are not one who can comprehend even the simplest of things.

Come now salty don't be a Silly foolish stroll by troll poster.(this explains you in a nutshell)

You didn't debunk shit, you just continued your ramblings and ad-hominem attacks as you do with every thread in which you post in, everyone can see this & now it's just become embarrassing for you.

It's quite clear that you're going to reply to this with more ramblings but please for the love of god learn to use BB Code, your terrible "arguments" (or lack of) are one thing, but you just make it that much more time consuming (/wasting) for those that you are arguing / debating with having to go back and read through all the excessive and irrelevant shit that you post in order to excuse your lack of actual argument.

Hilarious, I counter everything said and that results in a salty user,

LOL I even proved that the ad hom attack came first from you, IN FACT! your first comment addressing me was an ad hom attack, and then play the oh so innocent victim(sheesh do you even think), but facts and logic are just obstacles to you xD

You are a strolling troll poster salty from getting debunked in another thread who went on rambling because he had no ability to comprehend any logic or facts presented to him. continuously getting corrected and rambling some more salt because you lack understanding.

My arguments are there, you need to make your own, I will not do your work for you lazy troll.

Let me correct you as usual.
The funny thing is many relevant arguments were made and the only debate and arguments came from myself and A0968, all other trolls like you are making fools out of themselves, I can see you are obviously still hurting and embarrassed from the previous time, and you continue to do it too yourself again shame.
ZsychoticFeb 4, 2016 5:50 AM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 4, 2016 5:53 AM

Feb 2014
Zsychotic said:
DarkStarr96 said:

You didn't debunk shit, you just continued your ramblings and ad-hominem attacks as you do with every thread in which you post in, everyone can see this & now it's just become embarrassing for you.

It's quite clear that you're going to reply to this with more ramblings but please for the love of god learn to use BB Code, your terrible "arguments" (or lack of) are one thing, but you just make it that much more time consuming (/wasting) for those that you are arguing / debating with having to go back and read through all the excessive and irrelevant shit that you post in order to excuse your lack of actual argument.

Hilarious, I counter everything said and that results in a salty user,

LOL I even proved that the ad hom attack came first from you, IN FACT! your first comment addressing me was an ad hom attack, and then play the oh so innocent victim(sheesh do you even think), but facts and logic are just obstacles to you xD

You are a strolling troll poster salty from getting debunked in another thread who went on rambling because he had no ability to comprehend any logic or facts presented to him. continuously getting corrected and rambling some more salt because you lack understanding.

My arguments are there, you need to make your own, I will not do your work for you lazy troll.

Let me correct you as usual.
The funny thing is many relevant arguments were made and the only debate and arguments came from myself and A0968, all other trolls like you are making fools out of themselves, I can see you are obviously still hurting and embarrassed from the previous time, and you continue to do it too yourself again shame.

Oh my god, you're still rambling the same old bullshit.

You didn't counter anything, you just repeated yourself continuously avoiding all the points I was making. Come to think about it, that's what you do with all your arguments.

EDIT : Facts? I've yet to see you comprehend the meaning of facts, let alone use them.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Feb 4, 2016 6:01 AM

Oct 2014
DarkStarr96 said:
Zsychotic said:

Hilarious, I counter everything said and that results in a salty user,

LOL I even proved that the ad hom attack came first from you, IN FACT! your first comment addressing me was an ad hom attack, and then play the oh so innocent victim(sheesh do you even think), but facts and logic are just obstacles to you xD

You are a strolling troll poster salty from getting debunked in another thread who went on rambling because he had no ability to comprehend any logic or facts presented to him. continuously getting corrected and rambling some more salt because you lack understanding.

My arguments are there, you need to make your own, I will not do your work for you lazy troll.

Let me correct you as usual.
The funny thing is many relevant arguments were made and the only debate and arguments came from myself and A0968, all other trolls like you are making fools out of themselves, I can see you are obviously still hurting and embarrassed from the previous time, and you continue to do it too yourself again shame.

Oh my god, you're still rambling the same old bullshit.

You didn't counter anything, you just repeated yourself continuously avoiding all the points I was making. Come to think about it, that's what you do with all your arguments.

You cant handle the truth of your incompetence,

YOU are rambling, You came here with no intention of addressing the topic content in question discussed, theres the incompetent troll door leave and take your rambling elsewhere.

I keep correcting you and you avoid it, YOU(again ironically) are avoiding the points, still not addressing the content in question, I wait? stop trolling im waiting for you to contribute anything towards the debated content? Your reason for coming here was obviously not to present your counter argument STROLLING TROLL airhead.

Yes same old bullshit, try something new.
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
Feb 4, 2016 6:14 AM

Feb 2014
Zsychotic said:
DarkStarr96 said:

Oh my god, you're still rambling the same old bullshit.

You didn't counter anything, you just repeated yourself continuously avoiding all the points I was making. Come to think about it, that's what you do with all your arguments.

You cant handle the truth of your incompetence,

YOU are rambling, You came here with no intention of addressing the topic content in question discussed, theres the incompetent troll door leave and take your rambling elsewhere.

I keep correcting you and you avoid it, YOU(again ironically) are avoiding the points, still not addressing the content in question, I wait? stop trolling im waiting for you to contribute anything towards the debated content? Your reason for coming here was obviously not to present your counter argument STROLLING TROLL airhead.

Yes same old bullshit, try something new.

There's nothing to address when everything you state is complete nonsense.

Your arguments are basically "no no you're wrong even though I have no evidence (ever)"

Hence why people are getting fed up of your bullshit.
Where the fuck did Monday go?
Feb 4, 2016 6:54 AM

Apr 2012
You could say, his name is a perfect pun for his behavior.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Feb 4, 2016 7:41 AM

Oct 2014
DarkStarr96 said:
Zsychotic said:

You cant handle the truth of your incompetence,

YOU are rambling, You came here with no intention of addressing the topic content in question discussed, theres the incompetent troll door leave and take your rambling elsewhere.

I keep correcting you and you avoid it, YOU(again ironically) are avoiding the points, still not addressing the content in question, I wait? stop trolling im waiting for you to contribute anything towards the debated content? Your reason for coming here was obviously not to present your counter argument STROLLING TROLL airhead.

Yes same old bullshit, try something new.

There's nothing to address when everything you state is complete nonsense.

Your arguments are basically "no no you're wrong even though I have no evidence (ever)"

Hence why people are getting fed up of your bullshit.

You know what is hilarious, is that it happened exactly as I predicted, hence you falling into the strolling troll airhead category.

darkstar96-Your arguments are basically "no no you're wrong even though I have no evidence (ever)"

You prove my point even further keep at it please xD
There was an entire conversation with many relevant stances put forward and debating aspects, hence you are wrong again caught out again.

There's nothing to address when everything you state is complete nonsense.

Your only argument.(meaning no argument, a fool discrediting himself, making a joke of himself, the one with no evidence telling someone who had an entire conversation(evidence in question) presenting many points they have no evidence, do you get any more dense?)

same thing, You prove my point even further keep at it please xD
There was an entire conversation with many relevant stances put forward and debating aspects, hence you are wrong again caught out again.

I cant help but continually laugh at every point you are proven wrong on or continue stating illogical nonsense.

The base of a debate is two different arguments and counter arguments, I have made mine and was fact not! you are wrong I am right, was a very long discussion.

So ironic really, but please continue it certainly is amusing to study ignorance this deep,

Your arguments is what you say is nonsense, (I am right you are wrong)
not adding any additional information no counter argument nothing, a simple strolling troll airhead.

debunked, discredited fool.

Any one of a logical mind will see that my arguments were made in a long conversation, and you are simply not addressing the content in question because you have no argument to add or anything extra, fed up with your incompetence

Come now stop wasting time present your counter argument I challenge you to go there, because the second you do I will prove you wrong once again on another thing and will continue to do so.
ZsychoticFeb 4, 2016 7:47 AM
I have a self destructive disease inside that eats away at me,
there is no place for it in this world,
this disease is righteousness.
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