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Will this idea work?
Jan 18, 2009 4:48 AM

Oct 2008

MAL Zine Project CLUB

What MAL Zine Project should be?
-MAl Zine Project should be online magazine (also known as e-zine) where users should write reviews about anime, manga, OST and other anime/manga related things. MAL Zine should be in .pdf format and available for everyone

How it should work?
-Basically every user could participate in making it. Users write reviews about some topic that will be posted in thread and send it to us by mail. Of course we will have writers that will write other stuff and have backup reviews if there are no good reviews from users.

I hope you like idea of e-magazine on MAL. It's still in planing and if there are a few people willing to help we could make one in 2-3 weeks.

Currently we are looking for:
- 2-3 writers
- 1-2 people to do graphic and pictures
- 1-2 people to help me with other stuff (looking for interesting topics, helping me with contest, etc.)

If you are interested send me PM and if there are a lot people we could make club.

This is how contest of magazine should look like:
There should be
-Main magazine topic, and 2-3 anime related to that topic (if topic is ecchi then there would be To-Love-Ru, Midori no Hibi and Sekirei)
-Manga corner (it should be related to main topic but we will se wit that)
-Music corner (new albums, OST, top list of anime music)
-Culture from Japan
-Writers chronicles
-News from anime/manga/Japan world and some gadgets/items
-Top Anime/manga list
-Fan art (if someone submits some of their drawings, vectors, etc.)
RipazJan 19, 2009 12:04 AM
Jan 18, 2009 5:19 AM

Jan 2008
An interesting idea that could help MAL as a whole by consolidating its position in the online anime community. I'm already a freelance writer online so it sounds tempting to join in. How about having 'main writers' with a lot of time on their hands, and 'contributors' who ocassionally throw reviews/articles your way?

edit: although after re-reading I assume you mean that anyone and everyone can just contribute rather than have a conventional magazine structure? That works as well.

I'm too busy to contribute at the moment, but feel free to use any of my reviews, I wont sue ya for copyright. :P I'm sure many other MAL users will feel the same. You could assign an editor and sub-editor to pick a few existing MAL reviews for each issue, at their discretion, etc.
BeatnikJan 18, 2009 5:24 AM
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jan 18, 2009 5:35 AM

Oct 2008
I meant there will be few topic for lets call them free-writers (any user on MAL) that will be able to write their ow review. example:

Magazine topic:
-Alchemy Anime:
-Fullmetal Alchemist (this can write free-writers)
-Baccano! (this will write assigned writer)

Of course there will be more reviews but this is an example.

Currently working how magazine contest should look like. Just be patent and I will edit post with more ideas. And every idea/suggestion is appreciated.
Jan 18, 2009 5:46 AM

Apr 2008
I support this but I don't think I can contribute that much considering my interests and free time.

Jan 18, 2009 3:37 PM

May 2007
Hmmm...I like the idea you've suggested. The only problem I do foresee is that all of the information you want to put into the magazine is already around the site and easily accessible to those who want it. If people are looking for reviews, they can go to the review section. If people are looking for Industry News, there is also a nicely updated section for that here on MAL. People wanting to post up fan-art could do so in the Creative Corner.

But don't get me wrong. Despite this, I think, if thought out correctly and creative enough, it could work out pretty well.

Cihan said:
An interesting idea that could help MAL as a whole by consolidating its position in the online anime community.

If you haven't already done so, I would suggest you maybe PM Xinil (site creator) or one of the more active moderators and see if they would help support the idea by putting the release of the magazines in the "Site Annoucement" section, so it would be on everyone's "My Panel" section. Plus, I feel a lot of people do read the site announcements when they are posted.

Though definitely create a club so you have a place to talk about the magazine with everyone interested.
VK11Jan 18, 2009 3:43 PM
Jan 18, 2009 3:48 PM

Jun 2008
Sounds like a fun and good plan. I think I can make some time, so I am willing to help out.
Jan 18, 2009 8:01 PM

Aug 2007
love to see this. 8D
Jan 18, 2009 9:51 PM

May 2007
vindemon64 said:
Hmmm...I like the idea you've suggested. The only problem I do foresee is that all of the information you want to put into the magazine is already around the site and easily accessible to those who want it. If people are looking for reviews, they can go to the review section. If people are looking for Industry News, there is also a nicely updated section for that here on MAL. People wanting to post up fan-art could do so in the Creative Corner.
Yeah, this could be a problem. But you know, news are posted on the every other site, so it won't be a problem to include them. Cultural news, music, and who knows, maybe a featured corner that interviews a new mod every issue can all be used. I am willing to help with writing (I'm a writer in our school magazine.)

Random Ideas:
-Said above: a featured corner that interviews a new mod every issue
-Writing reviews for newly finished anime/First impressions on a newly started anime.
-Japanese terms about the main topic (maybe divided into two as 'basic' and 'advanced'?
-A page about a random claim club (no, we won't run out of them)
Jan 18, 2009 10:12 PM
Sep 2006
I like this as a nice way to kind of separate ourselves from other anime communities. While a lot of this is on the site, I do think some of it will be beneficial. Even to have a review/reviewer of the month. A special review that was found randomly on the site and is highlighted for it's good points, proper grammar, and unique views. Perhaps that could combine what we see on the site and new content made for the e-zine itself.

I do like the whole interview with a mod, though after 30+ e-zines you'll run out of mods!

You could also try to incorporate some other anime related things not featured on the site such as cosplay, Japanese video games, or something of the sort to try and give it some appeal. Not the whole book of course, but maybe a section towards 'topic of the month' per se. Just my two cents.

I personally don't mind helping as a writer, you're free to look at my reviews and see if you'd like me to help. Wonderful idea~!
Jan 18, 2009 10:47 PM

Oct 2007
Can I be an editor/dumbass-to-English translator?
Jan 18, 2009 11:17 PM

Jun 2008
Sylpheed said:
I support this but I don't think I can contribute that much considering my interests and free time.

I really like the idea, but as with Sylpheed (Auu~) I don't feel like I have enough spare time to sign up for a position. Good luck with it tho ^^
... Even if I took time to write alot of intelligent words of deep thought and meaning in my signature, would you really care to read and comment on it? ...
Jan 18, 2009 11:59 PM

Oct 2008
Ok club is created. Link is up there.
vindemon64 said:
Hmmm...I like the idea you've suggested. The only problem I do foresee is that all of the information you want to put into the magazine is already around the site and easily accessible to those who want it. If people are looking for reviews, they can go to the review section. If people are looking for Industry News, there is also a nicely updated section for that here on MAL. People wanting to post up fan-art could do so in the Creative Corner.

What you said here is just to random. People in Fan Art will be more creative and make better images/drawings for them to be in zine. All reviews you see on main page are also random. If for an example there are two main anime reviews in zine, FMA and Baccano!, and reader watched FMA but never heard about Baccano. He will of course go watch Baccano, since it is fairly similar to FMA (to me it is, don't know if this is case to others). We will act like reviewers, suggesters and give someone idea to watch that anime.

DaBigD said:
Yeah, this could be a problem. But you know, news are posted on the every other site, so it won't be a problem to include them. Cultural news, music, and who knows, maybe a featured corner that interviews a new mod every issue can all be used. I am willing to help with writing (I'm a writer in our school magazine.)

Random Ideas:
-Said above: a featured corner that interviews a new mod every issue
-Writing reviews for newly finished anime/First impressions on a newly started anime.
-Japanese terms about the main topic (maybe divided into two as 'basic' and 'advanced'?
-A page about a random claim club (no, we won't run out of them)

-We will see about that *puting on to do list* (we wont get out of mod's to interview sonce I bet there will be new mod's every 4-6 months.)
-Good idea we will see if anyone is interested in writing mini reviews
-That goes in Japanese culture that I mentioned in first post
-Don't like idea, since there are a lot half-dead and dead clubs.
Jan 19, 2009 12:03 AM

Oct 2008
Kanashimi said:
You could also try to incorporate some other anime related things not featured on the site such as cosplay, Japanese video games, or something of the sort to try and give it some appeal. Not the whole book of course, but maybe a section towards 'topic of the month' per se. Just my two cents.

I personally don't mind helping as a writer, you're free to look at my reviews and see if you'd like me to help. Wonderful idea~!

This goes in Japanese Culture mentioned above. It will change name so don't worry cosplay's will be first to come topic in Japanese Culture ^^
Jan 19, 2009 4:21 AM

Dec 2007
Maybe it sounds a bit ambitious, but if things work out, you should consider sending a couple of releases to a publisher. I can remember that a game magazine in my country once started this way, and considering we already have a lot of knowledge, potential authors, potential artists and potential buyers, I think it's not even a bad idea.
Jan 19, 2009 4:43 AM

Aug 2008
714 just recently started a magazine, too. Their manga site's apparently down right now, so I cant give the link. I think this is a pretty good idea, and may work, too. ZOMG got people to write two-page reviews for rather unknown anime & manga.

I can do graphics and layout design (see this suggestion topic). Problem is, it's not a very good time for me, as even though I could find time, my main comp just had to have a clean install, and I don't know when I'll get around to reinstalling CS4 (plan to use InDesign for construction). But I could toss a couple of logos and/or theme SVGs in right now, perhaps even try my hand at writing.
脱ぎません!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Jan 19, 2009 5:08 AM

Oct 2008
JadeMatrix said: just recently started a magazine, too. Their manga site's apparently down right now, so I cant give the link. I think this is a pretty good idea, and may work, too. ZOMG got people to write two-page reviews for rather unknown anime & manga.

I can do graphics and layout design (see this suggestion topic). Problem is, it's not a very good time for me, as even though I could find time, my main comp just had to have a clean install, and I don't know when I'll get around to reinstalling CS4 (plan to use InDesign for construction). But I could toss a couple of logos and/or theme SVGs in right now, perhaps even try my hand at writing.

Well I plan to "publish" magazine every month so I think it should be enough time. Firstly we need text then graphic editing so we don't waste time redoing things.

Couple of logos could be useful since I'm not to good at making something unique like logos.

Just one note: if anyone is willing to help please join club (link in first post)
Jan 19, 2009 5:43 AM

Aug 2008
Ripaz said:
Well I plan to "publish" magazine every month so I think it should be enough time. Firstly we need text then graphic editing so we don't waste time redoing things.

Couple of logos could be useful since I'm not to good at making something unique like logos.

Just one note: if anyone is willing to help please join club (link in first post)
... Joined.

As for graphics, you'll probably want an overarching style between magazines. And thanks to Lorem ipsum (a blessing to all graphics & layout designers), creating a graphic style before you have actual text is a breeze. If done properly, the styles are flexible enough to accept any changes to actual content.

... is what you meant by wasting time, right?
脱ぎません!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Jan 19, 2009 6:51 AM

Oct 2008
Hmm I see. Well if you have time you can do it.
Jan 20, 2009 6:59 PM

Sep 2007
Ooh! I wanna help!
Quick question too: Can there be writers for video game section? Like a small area about some games like reviews, recommendations and such?

Edit: How about a community page too? Like talk about clubs or evens MAL holds.

I like the idea btw, if you pull it off it can be a cool little addition to MAL. :3
KuronoaJan 20, 2009 7:04 PM
Jan 20, 2009 7:21 PM

Jul 2007
This is a good idea, with striking possibilities. Though I don't really have any time on my hands to help out, I'll definitely follow where this is going.

In the future, it may even be able to improve MAL's reach, as MALu does. And in terms of already existing information... most magazines are just compilations of such things anyways. I could see some far more creative things that could be thrown in there too, from time to time. (though maybe more work, perhaps illustrated manga from the userbase or something). I know some people developing a visual novel, perhaps when it's done you could run an article on it, and other fan created stuff. There's lots of cool things that western fans do too which fly right under the table, and even some cool things go unnoticed in Asia. (I wonder how that Kyonko VN/Graphic novel turned out... seems canadAots' interest has died out, unfortunately. :()

Though, I have a question, is this magazine intended solely for MAL users? Because I think it should cater a bit to other demographics too, perhaps separating the MAL specific stuff from the rest. (There's some cool stuff going down in clubs too, that doesn't get much attention, for instance.)
Jan 20, 2009 7:43 PM

Sep 2007
asandari said:
I could see some far more creative things that could be thrown in there too, from time to time. (though maybe more work, perhaps illustrated manga from the userbase or something). I know some people developing a visual novel, perhaps when it's done you could run an article on it, and other fan created stuff.

Ooh I can get the writers club to help with fan fiction and original stories. Stuff like that?
Jan 21, 2009 12:46 AM

Oct 2008
Everything will come on place, but first step is to publish 1st number and than look for more improvements.

Kuronoa said:
Ooh I can get the writers club to help with fan fiction and original stories. Stuff like that?

If it isn't to much hassle. It would me great addition for Writers club and MAL Zine since I don't think everyone heard for writers club (nice advertisement huh? :P)

Anyway here is recent news from MAL Zine club
I like to announce that we are starting to make 1st MAL Zine.

Follow this topic for more informations.

Second announcement is that all of you that are willing to help with making MAL Zine write your name and your desired position (writer/editor/graphic) in this topic. Everything is explained there.
Jan 21, 2009 2:51 AM

Feb 2008
I definitely support this idea, really like it. I'll help in any way possible, joining club now.

It'd be cool if we could actually put out a real mag in stores n' shit. :(
Jan 21, 2009 5:52 AM

Sep 2007
Ripaz said:

If it isn't to much hassle. It would me great addition for Writers club and MAL Zine since I don't think everyone heard for writers club (nice advertisement huh? :P)

Cool, I'll let the club know. I'll see how it'll work.
Jan 21, 2009 10:30 AM

Aug 2008
I've dropped a message over at the MAL Artist club.
It's not very active, tho.
脱ぎません!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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