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The Current Events Board Will Be Closed on Friday JST

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Aug 4, 2021 2:26 PM

Jun 2019
RuneRem said:
Deathko said:

This is hilarious from the local basement-dwelling neo-nazi who can't post without spouting 19th century racial theories and bringing up the mondial jewspiracy, and NEVER discusses anything in any other subsection than CE.

I guess when you're wearing a tinfoil hat you suspect everybody of doing the same.

I'm on anime series discussion most of the time, would spend more time there if mods delt with spoilers.

Indecent until the very end I see. Your search was not about all boards in MAL. How can you have the nerve to lie so much?

@Deathko You should have a look at this legendary bad faith. "I am a pleasant and civil democrat."
Aug 4, 2021 3:04 PM

Oct 2017
Heh... you're a bit late for April Fools, MAL.

Now I'm just worried about those people on CE swarming into CD if they weren't already... people don't want that.
Aug 4, 2021 3:23 PM

Jan 2017
Imagine deleting my comment just because I called your moderation and project management team incompetent and called out the fact the site relies almost entirely on VOLUNTEER LABOR despite milking your userbase out of site subscriptions and your online store.

Deleting criticism that is 100% factual just because you people feel insecure is incredibly unsightly but I guess I would expect nothing less from a team of UNPAID "moderators" who not only fail to conceptualize clear rules but when things don't go their way they instead close entire boards.

ONCE AGAIN, use your MONEY MyAnimeList to HIRE a team of MODERATORS and stop relying on UNPAID LABOR.

If you delete this criticism again you're proving my point.
Aug 4, 2021 5:35 PM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
Cneq said:
Imagine deleting my comment just because I called your moderation and project management team incompetent and called out the fact the site relies almost entirely on VOLUNTEER LABOR despite milking your userbase out of site subscriptions and your online store.

Deleting criticism that is 100% factual just because you people feel insecure is incredibly unsightly but I guess I would expect nothing less from a team of UNPAID "moderators" who not only fail to conceptualize clear rules but when things don't go their way they instead close entire boards.

ONCE AGAIN, use your MONEY MyAnimeList to HIRE a team of MODERATORS and stop relying on UNPAID LABOR.

If you delete this criticism again you're proving my point.

Do you perhaps mean this post?

Cneq said:
Guess my paragraphs will now have to go to my University reports instead of MAL debates, fuck me.

On a serious note the mod team is incompetent volunteer labor and MAL despite making money off people's subs and their online store doesn't even have enough to spare to integrate a proper email server for account notices nor the care to actually PAY a moderation team.

I take that back, whoever is the project manager and making these decisions is clearly incompetent, mods are just an obvious result of that.

2021 and a massive entity such as this is run like a 2006 WEB 2.0 platform by some 14 year in in his mothers garage, you've outdone yourself MAL.

If so, it's still there.

Aug 4, 2021 5:48 PM

Jul 2012
RuneRem said:
Deathko said:

This is hilarious from the local basement-dwelling neo-nazi who can't post without spouting 19th century racial theories and bringing up the mondial jewspiracy, and NEVER discusses anything in any other subsection than CE.

I guess when you're wearing a tinfoil hat you suspect everybody of doing the same.

I'm on anime series discussion most of the time, would spend more time there if mods delt with spoilers.

I like how you didn't even bother to crop out the dates showing that only a single one of those threads has had any activity in the past week despite you very clearly posting in other threads (such as this one) after that date.
Imagine being so blatantly bad at lying.
Aug 4, 2021 6:02 PM

Jul 2016
GamerDLM said:
RuneRem said:

I'm on anime series discussion most of the time, would spend more time there if mods delt with spoilers.

I like how you didn't even bother to crop out the dates showing that only a single one of those threads has had any activity in the past week despite you very clearly posting in other threads (such as this one) after that date.
Imagine being so blatantly bad at lying.

I haven't watched that much anime lately, and I would comment a lot more if spoilers were felt with.

I didn't hide the dates, because why bother. Anime series is a fun board.
Aug 4, 2021 6:38 PM

Mar 2008
Bayek said:
I don't really blame them since it's probably an optics thing ultimately. Rule 7 was imposed back when the front page of CE & CD was filled with Holocaust denial threads getting high traffic. That's definitely not a good look if you're aiming to be one of the foremost anime sites out there. It's a very small sacrifice for what MAL is ultimately aiming to be about - anime.

I imagine they'll eventually delete Hitler's MAL entry too after Attack on Titan doubles his favorites next year.

They cut off all "controversial" discussion including anime related topics now. First with rule 7 saying to take it to CE only when its a current event then shut down CE.. They didnt have the guts to make rules many forums have that specifically target hate groups causing problems. Oh and sure doesnt help they had the alt right (read cryptofascist) on staff which was exposed in a past incident involving editing an article about Nazi characters because it offended a staff member. Then we have Nyu (runerem in this thread now) who was responsible for most the racist threads and derailments who managed not be perma banned by sucking up with mods like NoLiferSoul. I recall seeing him say how he thought Nyu was a good or nice guy or something along those lines.

deg said:

more automation is better than more moderation too

>And ultimately, MyAnimeList is an anime website; it is not a political or news forum.

reminds me of the talking point of Ardanaz too lol and he recently became a mod again, my conspiracy theory mind is triggering

but anyway its their site so its their rule

Yes pure incompitence by the staff bith devs and mods. Ive covered many ways to fix things before. I didnt make a formal request for what i mentioned there about the blacklist i didnt think of it till now. I will get to that later maybe but whats the point if no one cares? Ive made tons of suggestions over the years and only thing ever implimented was swapping youtube flash embeds for html5 embeds and i literally provided the code for that.

Well Ardanaz was who tried to make a power grab by creating a (failed) club instead of challenging the rules he had influence over. He removed himself but i recall that's who created it.

Hoppy said:

The problem with the whole fact checking requirements is that some topics, particularly related to the CCP aren't covered by the MSM or worse, suppressed by them, but partisan outlets do cover them, I've said before some of these outlets have folks who support the CCP, that's why a story related to the CCP was not published on The Guardian.

Everything you dont agree with is MSM. It's just a buzz word with you. Yes some sources arent rated which is why I implied at least blocking the sources that have been rated and rated not good enough. It would have cut down on moderation a lot by automating the process. My bigger point is after rule 7 was added to CD and similar in AD the mods claimed you were free to discuss things in CE now they are shutting that down too.
Aug 4, 2021 6:52 PM

Jul 2012
RuneRem said:
GamerDLM said:

I like how you didn't even bother to crop out the dates showing that only a single one of those threads has had any activity in the past week despite you very clearly posting in other threads (such as this one) after that date.
Imagine being so blatantly bad at lying.

I haven't watched that much anime lately, and I would comment a lot more if spoilers were felt with.

I didn't hide the dates, because why bother. Anime series is a fun board.

Because even without going to extra step of checking your actual post history it's very obvious by just the screenshot you posted that you were being intentionally deceitful with your response. Like you took the time to crop out the search you did yet you left the dates, another dead giveaway.
Aug 4, 2021 7:52 PM

Feb 2020
Auron_ said:
Mienus said:

Yeah, people are just going to be running to anilist after this with its non-existent current events board. Hell, the OP even says that CE is only an extremely small portion of the forum's overall activity.

Where did I say they had CE? The reason for my saying it is that being able to argue politics in an obnoxious fashion was one of the few aspects that actually made MAL preferable to AL, with most other things being inferior to it. That was undermined with the Rule 7, which greatly curbed much of the topics for discussion with the justification that they're inflammatory, and you can see the effects of that very clearly. There was one technicality however, it was allowed as a "Current Event" as long as a reputable news source made an article on it recently. And that helped retain the spirit of the old MAL in some limited capacity. With that gone, there's really not many arguments one can make to keep the forumgoers who like the bloodsports online argumentation that they come to enjoy from here.

Also I wouldn't be that sure about CE being an extremely small portion of forum activity, since forum activity of MAL is extremely small nowadays to begin with. Extremely small part of an already extremely small sample becomes infinitesimally small.

I guess if MAL get rid of the forums they won't lose many users.

IMDB had a big message board and then in 2017 they just delete it.
It didn't seem to hurt them.
They're still #68 site with most traffic according to Alexa.

In the Wiki page there's this written.
Col Needham also mentioned in a post some months earlier that the boards received less income from ads, and that their members only made up a very small part of the website's visitors. The boards were costly to run due to the system's age and dated design, which did not make business sense.

For us who like forums as a platform for communication maybe we should be glad it's just CE disappearing?
Aug 4, 2021 8:00 PM

Jan 2009
Nobita-X said:

IMDB had a big message board and then in 2017 they just delete it.
It didn't seem to hurt them.
They're still #68 site with most traffic according to Alexa.

lol thats the ultimate slippery slope removing the entire forums since ye forums usually have lower user count than the rest of the site anyway

like here at the moment

Online Users?
15086 users online

Users Browsing Forums: 747

so ye they can totally copy what IMDB did with their forums
Aug 4, 2021 8:54 PM

Jul 2019
i guess you guys will have to take your half-baked political takes to twitter or something..
Swagernator said:
God damn, another gay thread upon us.
Aug 4, 2021 8:59 PM

Jul 2016
GamerDLM said:
RuneRem said:

I haven't watched that much anime lately, and I would comment a lot more if spoilers were felt with.

I didn't hide the dates, because why bother. Anime series is a fun board.

Because even without going to extra step of checking your actual post history it's very obvious by just the screenshot you posted that you were being intentionally deceitful with your response. Like you took the time to crop out the search you did yet you left the dates, another dead giveaway.

My god, how people misunderstand my response.
Deathko said this "NEVER discusses anything in any other subsection than CE."
My screenshot was to prove I'm not just on CE.

traed said:

They cut off all "controversial" discussion including anime related topics now. First with rule 7 saying to take it to CE only when its a current event then shut down CE.. They didnt have the guts to make rules many forums have that specifically target hate groups causing problems.

They were right to do Rule 7, and even shut down CE. Because leftist racists (you and @149597871 being literally the only non-racist leftists on the forums) openly support Affirmative Action, how do you not get how utterly offensive it is for people to advocate for systemic discirmination against me and my ethnicity with such pretentious moral righteousness and not get any criticisim or bans from mods.

Then we have Nyu (runerem in this thread now) who was responsible for most the racist threads and derailments who managed not be perma banned by sucking up with mods like NoLiferSoul. I recall seeing him say how he thought Nyu was a good or nice guy or something along those lines.

I haven't seen NoLiferSoul say that, could you quote it?
The reason I haven't banned since September 2018 (it lasted 6 months when it was a 1 month ban, very funny @Ardanaz) is because I am a polite a friendly person, I am not as toxic as you make out. And my politics have changed significantly since 2017/18. And I just don't really talk politics that much anymore. I don't have hate for anyone, even NiceThings who was constantly hateful towards me.


I forgot to mention you in my earlier post, CE was a lot of fun chatting with you over the years, and since the board is ending, it's important I mention all the regulars I had fun arguing with.
RuneRemAug 4, 2021 10:59 PM
Aug 4, 2021 9:52 PM

Apr 2020
Wow even the good bye thread is filled with toxicity
Aug 4, 2021 10:40 PM

Jun 2020
uh oh, now where will all of mal's prominent transphobes and racists express themselves ??? :((((((
Aug 4, 2021 10:44 PM

Jan 2009
RuneRem said:
I forgot to mention you in my earlier post, CE was a lot of fun chatting with you over the years, and since the board is ending, it's important I mention all the regulars I had fun arguing with.
Thanks my friend, I've enjoyed talking to you here as well
Though it's been a longer while
But I don't get the witch-hunt against you

SemillaMinoria said:
I guess the pro vax vs anti vax threads is what finally did this place in. I don't understand why the pro vaxxers are so hostile. I've seen forum members who were usually very nice and calm get ugly over people who are skeptical about the covid vaccines. It's absurd.
I believe that as well and those people that get ugly are the ones that are the problem and not specific people who have according to some an unfavorable opinion
Aug 4, 2021 11:14 PM

Apr 2014
RuneRem said:

I haven't seen NoLiferSoul say that, could you quote it?

That was a discord chat in 2017-2018 when NiceThings kept harassing and insulting me daily over the timeframe of over 2 weeks. After she once again asked me to perma ban you without any reason provided I sarcastically answered her.
I don't think a lot of people on MAL even know the backstory or the unedited + non cherrypicked screenshots of that discord chat but it's whatever. People love to jump in conclusion and believe anything they see posted by a random alt as a hard fact.

Anyway, permanent bans are discussed with the whole team so even if it was possible to "suck up" to a mod to make him biased it wouldn't help you.
Swagernator said:
@NoLiferSoul did nothing wrong!

Ardanaz said:
@Nolifersoul did nothing wrong
Aug 4, 2021 11:44 PM

Jul 2016
NoLiferSoul said:
RuneRem said:

I haven't seen NoLiferSoul say that, could you quote it?

That was a discord chat in 2017-2018 when NiceThings kept harassing and insulting me daily over the timeframe of over 2 weeks. After she once again asked me to perma ban you without any reason provided I sarcastically answered her.
I don't think a lot of people on MAL even know the backstory or the unedited + non cherrypicked screenshots of that discord chat but it's whatever. People love to jump in conclusion and believe anything they see posted by a random alt as a hard fact.

Anyway, permanent bans are discussed with the whole team so even if it was possible to "suck up" to a mod to make him biased it wouldn't help you.

Wow, I never knew NiceThings hated me that much, I just thought it was casual resentment when I argued with her.
I hadn't of heard of this until now. Thanks for informing me.
Aug 5, 2021 4:22 AM

Jul 2015
NoLiferSoul said:
RuneRem said:

I haven't seen NoLiferSoul say that, could you quote it?

That was a discord chat in 2017-2018 when NiceThings kept harassing and insulting me daily over the timeframe of over 2 weeks. After she once again asked me to perma ban you without any reason provided I sarcastically answered her.
I don't think a lot of people on MAL even know the backstory or the unedited + non cherrypicked screenshots of that discord chat but it's whatever. People love to jump in conclusion and believe anything they see posted by a random alt as a hard fact.

Anyway, permanent bans are discussed with the whole team so even if it was possible to "suck up" to a mod to make him biased it wouldn't help you.

2017-2018 being the period where he was posting neo-nazis threads every week and calling for ethnic cleansing?

You guys gotta realize that over the years I saw many, many people leave this place in disgust over the failing moderation. I remember full well how this place was in 2016-2017 and the only reason polemics died down isn't because of you guys' moderation, but because you let the neo-nazis/meninists/homophobes CHASE other users away. There was less arguments about that shit than before not because of the rules you implemented, but because half the users with some decendy left long before any mod on mal ever considered the possibility that maybe having transphobes, antisemites, islamophobes and other hateful creeps gather here. I simply DO NOT have a single friend left of back then that survived seeing the same hateful kids come back again and again while decent people were banned for interacting with them, and most of them gave me the exact same reason: Place is full of the most hateful creeps and the moderation was either absent or very complacent towards them.

You can claim CE became too hard to moderate, but you guys let it turn that way by not scaring away the right population. Your refusal to deal with some of the cringiest parts of the fandom led to the cringiest becoming the norm around here. Current state of CE is MUCH MORE to blame onto moderation than it is to blame onto users. The solution you guys picked felt to everybody like it was encouraging hateful spam and discouraging opposing it.

I find it absolutely sad that this place is closing NOW, at a period where it's very soft, when MAL did absolutely nothing when CE was a breeding ground for hatred of women, jews, blacks, gays, trans, and pretty much everything you can think of. But now that we have two "anti-amerikan" users shit goes down lol.

The truth is, if you wanna get perma'd on MAL, making lolicon jokes is a safer and faster way to do it than calling for ethnic cleansing, claiming women are subhuman golddiggers, or starting a deus vult thread. Been there, done that, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. I'm glad you guys are closing this place but honestly very saddened at how it went and why. I really want to think this is all an accident and mismanagement over the last 5-6 years, but it's really hard to do so.
DeathkoAug 5, 2021 4:45 AM
Aug 5, 2021 5:15 AM

Apr 2014
Deathko said:
NoLiferSoul said:

That was a discord chat in 2017-2018 when NiceThings kept harassing and insulting me daily over the timeframe of over 2 weeks. After she once again asked me to perma ban you without any reason provided I sarcastically answered her.
I don't think a lot of people on MAL even know the backstory or the unedited + non cherrypicked screenshots of that discord chat but it's whatever. People love to jump in conclusion and believe anything they see posted by a random alt as a hard fact.

Anyway, permanent bans are discussed with the whole team so even if it was possible to "suck up" to a mod to make him biased it wouldn't help you.

2017-2018 being the period where he was posting neo-nazis threads every week and calling for ethnic cleansing?

You guys gotta realize that over the years I saw many, many people leave this place in disgust over the failing moderation. I remember full well how this place was in 2016-2017 and the only reason polemics died down isn't because of you guys' moderation, but because you let the neo-nazis/meninists/homophobes CHASE other users away. There was less arguments about that shit than before not because of the rules you implemented, but because half the users with some decendy left long before any mod on mal ever considered the possibility that maybe having transphobes, antisemites, islamophobes and other hateful creeps gather here. I simply DO NOT have a single friend left of back then that survived seeing the same hateful kids come back again and again while decent people were banned for interacting with them, and most of them gave me the exact same reason: Place is full of the most hateful creeps and the moderation was either absent or very complacent towards them.

You can claim CE became too hard to moderate, but you guys let it turn that way by not scaring away the right population. Your refusal to deal with some of the cringiest parts of the fandom led to the cringiest becoming the norm around here. Current state of CE is MUCH MORE to blame onto moderation than it is to blame onto users. The solution you guys picked felt to everybody like it was encouraging hateful spam and discouraging opposing it.

I find it absolutely sad that this place is closing NOW, at a period where it's very soft, when MAL did absolutely nothing when CE was a breeding ground for hatred of women, jews, blacks, gays, trans, and pretty much everything you can think of. But now that we have two "anti-amerikan" users shit goes down lol.

The truth is, if you wanna get perma'd on MAL, making lolicon jokes is a safer and faster way to do it than calling for ethnic cleansing, claiming women are subhuman golddiggers, or starting a deus vult thread. Been there, done that, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. I'm glad you guys are closing this place but honestly very saddened at how it went and why. I really want to think this is all an accident and mismanagement over the last 5-6 years, but it's really hard to do so.

He did get banned though. If you've paid attention to above he even stated that he was up to a perma ban within a very short amount of time from a clean record. In fact, I've had to ban him so often within a short amount of time that I had to ask other mods to take over his cases due to potential bias against him. The problem is him not openly talking about his bans previously and me not being allowed to give you any information of a ban that isn't yours, which made it look like he either wasn't banned while your friends were (as they were loud about the bans) or him being banned for a shorter amount of time than your friends due to it being his first offense. In reality, both sides were often banned as both sides insisted on insulting each other or creating threads / posts as you've mentioned.
I've also noticed that a lot of users tend to lie about what they were really banned for when talking about it on MAL so take that however you want.

Regarding your "lolicon joke ban" you're free to come to me via PMs or IRC if you'd like to discuss that (as this thread isn't about your or anybody else's ban). I know which one you mean but you've either misunderstood or remember it wrong. Claiming that a lolicon joke will get you a perma over "ethnic cleansing threads" however is straight up wrong.

For the period of 2016-2017 I'm afraid I can't give you any further information as I've joined late 2017.

The real question is whether we want to change the ban system to give out a permanent ban directly for certain offenses, which then again might also means your friends, you or anybody else will get a permanent ban sooner aswell for certain posts / threads.
Swagernator said:
@NoLiferSoul did nothing wrong!

Ardanaz said:
@Nolifersoul did nothing wrong
Aug 5, 2021 5:45 AM

Feb 2020
deg said:

so ye they can totally copy what IMDB did with their forums

Which will be a pity if it happens because forums are my favourite way of interacting on internet and I can't get used to things like Twitter and Instagram.
Aug 5, 2021 6:01 AM

Sep 2015
SemillaMinoria said:

@manaban? Would be interesting to know your thoughts as you are a big and deep thinker.

good, CE was a fucking shithole

here's hoping that the old CE userbase doesn't pollute the other boards, and if they do then here's hoping the mods respond fast

Aug 5, 2021 6:29 AM

Nov 2017
I feel like this was inevitable. On one hand, there were some users in CE that showed they had something going on between their ears and reading what they had to say wouldn't mean losing IQ points. But then you had users who were incredibly stupid, pretentious, insecure and immature (sorry). If there were more of the former and not the latter then it probably wouldn't have come to this.

Personally if it was up to me, I would've just permabanned all the morons who can't or aren't willing to follow the rules by now
Aug 5, 2021 7:28 AM

Jul 2015
NoLiferSoul said:
Deathko said:

2017-2018 being the period where he was posting neo-nazis threads every week and calling for ethnic cleansing?

You guys gotta realize that over the years I saw many, many people leave this place in disgust over the failing moderation. I remember full well how this place was in 2016-2017 and the only reason polemics died down isn't because of you guys' moderation, but because you let the neo-nazis/meninists/homophobes CHASE other users away. There was less arguments about that shit than before not because of the rules you implemented, but because half the users with some decendy left long before any mod on mal ever considered the possibility that maybe having transphobes, antisemites, islamophobes and other hateful creeps gather here. I simply DO NOT have a single friend left of back then that survived seeing the same hateful kids come back again and again while decent people were banned for interacting with them, and most of them gave me the exact same reason: Place is full of the most hateful creeps and the moderation was either absent or very complacent towards them.

You can claim CE became too hard to moderate, but you guys let it turn that way by not scaring away the right population. Your refusal to deal with some of the cringiest parts of the fandom led to the cringiest becoming the norm around here. Current state of CE is MUCH MORE to blame onto moderation than it is to blame onto users. The solution you guys picked felt to everybody like it was encouraging hateful spam and discouraging opposing it.

I find it absolutely sad that this place is closing NOW, at a period where it's very soft, when MAL did absolutely nothing when CE was a breeding ground for hatred of women, jews, blacks, gays, trans, and pretty much everything you can think of. But now that we have two "anti-amerikan" users shit goes down lol.

The truth is, if you wanna get perma'd on MAL, making lolicon jokes is a safer and faster way to do it than calling for ethnic cleansing, claiming women are subhuman golddiggers, or starting a deus vult thread. Been there, done that, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. I'm glad you guys are closing this place but honestly very saddened at how it went and why. I really want to think this is all an accident and mismanagement over the last 5-6 years, but it's really hard to do so.

He did get banned though. If you've paid attention to above he even stated that he was up to a perma ban within a very short amount of time from a clean record. In fact, I've had to ban him so often within a short amount of time that I had to ask other mods to take over his cases due to potential bias against him. The problem is him not openly talking about his bans previously and me not being allowed to give you any information of a ban that isn't yours, which made it look like he either wasn't banned while your friends were (as they were loud about the bans) or him being banned for a shorter amount of time than your friends due to it being his first offense. In reality, both sides were often banned as both sides insisted on insulting each other or creating threads / posts as you've mentioned.
I've also noticed that a lot of users tend to lie about what they were really banned for when talking about it on MAL so take that however you want.

Regarding your "lolicon joke ban" you're free to come to me via PMs or IRC if you'd like to discuss that (as this thread isn't about your or anybody else's ban). I know which one you mean but you've either misunderstood or remember it wrong. Claiming that a lolicon joke will get you a perma over "ethnic cleansing threads" however is straight up wrong.

For the period of 2016-2017 I'm afraid I can't give you any further information as I've joined late 2017.

The real question is whether we want to change the ban system to give out a permanent ban directly for certain offenses, which then again might also means your friends, you or anybody else will get a permanent ban sooner aswell for certain posts / threads.

He didn't get banned enough clearly since 95% of his recent post history is "jews and muslims are subhumans I'm totally not a nazi btw"
I've been there. Got banned for calling OPs of threads like "all wiminz are disgusting golddiggers" or "trans gtfo to your own bathrooms" when they were left free to post. I'm sorry but I feel like insulting a huge portion of your userbase out of dumb prejudices is worse than insulting one OP who's dumb and started the hostilities anyway to further his shitty views on racial or gender superiority.
Once again, I'm here since 6 years. I saw it all with my eyes. Threads filled with mysogynia/islamophobia/transphobia going for pages and pages, users who post nothing but one-liners about "religion of peace" or "golddiggers" in every CE/CD threads, regardless of discussions going on or context, and are still posting with no problem to this day, people who create threads after threads filled with absolutely disgusting and degrading views on other human beings who might use this site.

I don't want to believe it's intentional from the mod team. You guys are understaffed, underequipped, and unpaid to moderate a gigantic forum held by a gigantic company. I don't believe it's your fault.
But in all honesty, @NoLiferSoul , if tomorrow I make a thread to make dubious assumptions regarding lolicons on CD, and another one to do the same thing towards women, which one is most likely to get deleted and get me banned in the next 12 hours? We have users who ONLY post to vent their hate towards women, blacks, muslims or whatever and they're doing just fine. Where did the feminists of 2015-2016 go? They moved to Anilist/Hummingbird a long time ago seeing the state of the moderation here.

We're not talking about waves of trolls f*cking up CE. MAL has actually a really surprising amount of alts posting shit on the forum simply because people can post offensive crap on their main account. We're talking about the same 10-15 users who are posting on the same accounts since YEARS doing nothing but spreading neo-nazi propaganda and hate speech. Nyu/RuneRem isn't a new user, he did not circumvent a permaban by creating a new account. All he's doing is waiting between bans to troll the moderation system and be as offensive as he wants to be while evading permaban. Any sane and healthy community would shun him out or exclude him, but not MAL. On MAL he's not permabanned, and people who'd antagonize him would risk getting banned.

Anyway, I didn't really want to get into that since the subforum is dying anyway, but your answer on Nyu's subject made me feel like I had to. There's no acceptable reason for an user like him to be posting in such a huge place since such a long time, and that's not a user-related problem. That's a disfunctionment of the system here.
DeathkoAug 5, 2021 7:38 AM
Aug 5, 2021 7:47 AM
Jul 2018
But, I also hate this update since as feared, the current events users have already started creating threads on the casual discussion board and this forced me to ignore the entire board.
Aug 5, 2021 7:48 AM

Jan 2009
@Deathko: I do not understand why you keep going about Nyu/RuneRem

He's at least polite and I haven't seen him insult others or even make fun of others

If someone has an opinion you don't like, no one forces you to participate in a thread or discussion. You can create your own threads from your perspective or talk to other users. What's so difficult about that?
Aug 5, 2021 7:57 AM

Sep 2015
Moderation here can be a joke, yeah, but not like everyone can just pack up and leave. AL in particular has made it perfectly clear they don't want people like me there through their very strict anti-ecchi rulesets that extend beyond just people who post social side and go over into people who don't interact and just list. You can't even put a card of a girl in a straightforward shot of a swimsuit on your profile without getting mod action'd over there - no fluids, no suggestive leaning or camera angles, nada. The two piece swimsuit was too much for one of my guys in H&E and warranted immediate reprimand. Nor can you put a shirtless guy, for that matter. One of the GFX groups we worked with that operates off of AL got mod action'd for that, too.

In the grander scheme of things, sure, it's worse to let neo-nazis and incels run around and spread their bile with a somewhat light touch and being so reliant on the established systems that you do not deviate from the paved road and respond appropriately when these people are exploiting said systems (which are very easy to exploit, I should note, since it literally just involves waiting a few months and you can get right back into it) - but fans like me don't exactly have an option outside of MAL. When some sites make it a point to systemically exclude and gatekeep fans of content that the site owners themselves dislike, the one that's relatively open to everyone is the only real option. It's the only reason I haven't let myself get permabanned in spite of how many bans I've eaten, tbh. Kitsu is the only other real option in terms of open-ness and that's just where people go when they get banned from MAL or AL.

I feel like if you want MAL's moderation to be punished and to see them eat a more massive loss of users, their primary competitors would need to be more welcoming to entire fan demographics. We're not talking about political or social view stuff, either, it's pretty much what type of anime you like and if you're willing to express being a fan of that type of content. The loss of a few forum regulars on MAL won't really be able to counter the mass-gatekeeping policies that places like AL have. MAL's staff and rulesets are pretty welcoming towards all types of fans in comparison, and it's easier to predict them still coming out on top so long as they're the ones keeping the gates open for pretty much all fan demographics. Whether that'll be because of moderation or in spite of it is up for debate, but it's one of the most inclusive anime listing sites on that level, if not the most inclusive.
ManabanAug 5, 2021 8:05 AM

Aug 5, 2021 7:59 AM

Jun 2019
traed said:
Bayek said:
I don't really blame them since it's probably an optics thing ultimately. Rule 7 was imposed back when the front page of CE & CD was filled with Holocaust denial threads getting high traffic. That's definitely not a good look if you're aiming to be one of the foremost anime sites out there. It's a very small sacrifice for what MAL is ultimately aiming to be about - anime.

I imagine they'll eventually delete Hitler's MAL entry too after Attack on Titan doubles his favorites next year.

They cut off all "controversial" discussion including anime related topics now. First with rule 7 saying to take it to CE only when its a current event then shut down CE.. They didnt have the guts to make rules many forums have that specifically target hate groups causing problems. Oh and sure doesnt help they had the alt right (read cryptofascist) on staff which was exposed in a past incident involving editing an article about Nazi characters because it offended a staff member. Then we have Nyu (runerem in this thread now) who was responsible for most the racist threads and derailments who managed not be perma banned by sucking up with mods like NoLiferSoul. I recall seeing him say how he thought Nyu was a good or nice guy or something along those lines.

Finally, we get to the gist of the problem. MAL staff has always been suspicious about its tolerance with Neo-Nazis. First, having a look at Hilter's page is particularly unsettling:

The last paragraph of his biography is:

On April 30, 1945, Hitler committed suicide by gunshot, along with his wife Eva Braun who bit into a cyanide capsule. He is commonly associated with the rise of fascism in Europe, World War II, and the Holocaust.

Although the circumstances of Hitler's suicide remain rather somewhat uncertain to this day, the author (or authors) have no doubts about this point. But in the second sentence, they adopted a surprising phrasing: "he is commonly associated." What is that half-hearted phrase supposed to mean? Being associated does not mean being responsible, and it is almost as if the writer was not too sure about had happened in the 30s and the 40s. Notice in particular the "commonly" that only adds more safe space for doubts and promotes inclusivity for sceptics.

Now, the inglorious article:

It starts with a lie. The article was rewritten without asking the writer and there is this misleading message: "The writer has updated this article from its original text after receiving feedback from MyAnimeList." Again, one needs to be more inclusive with Neo-Nazis.

Nazis are terrible.

It's unbelievable that even needs to be said. The evil of the Nazi regime should be obvious to everyone. In the 70-odd years since World War II, the Nazis have become Western culture's go-to example of real-world evil. Yet the dangers of hatred and bigotry have persisted, and a quick glance at the news will show more and more people are flaunting their hateful beliefs. So as the dangers of Nazism, fascism, and white supremacy threaten inclusivity, fairness, and democracy, let us repeat: Nazis are terrible.

Where evil exists, however, good people will always rise up and resist. We honor the Allied soldiers who fought in World War II, and in our fiction we find catharsis in the adventures of Captain America, Indiana Jones, and other characters who fight Nazis. For your catharsis, here are recommendations of 10 anime and manga about awesome people (and vampires, and robots...) who fight Nazis.

I think that the original article was starting by someone like "Nazi suck." There would be too much to say about those nauseous paragraphs, but let me just mention this part:

Yet the dangers of hatred and bigotry have persisted, and a quick glance at the news will show more and more people are flaunting their hateful beliefs.

Hate? Of what? Of whom? Bigotry? What else?

So as the dangers of Nazism, fascism, and white supremacy threaten inclusivity, fairness, and democracy, let us repeat: Nazis are terrible.

This might be the worse "description" of Nazism that I have ever read. Did people actually try to analyse the meaning of Nazism at the feeble lights of 21st century concepts such as "inclusivity", and think that being a threat to what we mistakenly call "democracy" today is enough to be "terrible" (a litotes I hope!)?

"Nazis were not inclusive enough."

However, MyAnimeList is very inclusive since it tolerate Nazis.

Last but not least, this thread is online since more than a week but apparently, this is not "problematic" for anyone.

SemillaMinoria said:
Oh good. I got banned in here a few times debating with racists. I still don't understand how so many racists went unpunished. I even unearthed a few profiles doing some detective work. The mods thanked me then asked me to take a step back because I was putting too much pressure on them.

I guess the pro vax vs anti vax threads is what finally did this place in. I don't understand why the pro vaxxers are so hostile. I've seen forum members who were usually very nice and calm get ugly over people who are skeptical about the covid vaccines. It's absurd.

@railey2 would you like to add a few words? I know that you also feel strongly about the way that these things have been handled on MAL.
@manaban? Would be interesting to know your thoughts as you are a big and deep thinker.
@mummykun @shinzo- You two always have great insights my Christian brothers.

Oh well, alls well that ends well, as they say. Problem is though - like many have already said - CD will become a merger from CE immigrants and refugees. (No offense to the real immigrants and refugees of the real world).

It is true that the reasonable sceptics did not try to ignore data or thought that the Daily Mail was a superior source than peer-reviewed journals. You may try to appear as a moderate, but your viewpoint was extreme on this question.

Manaban said:
SemillaMinoria said:

@manaban? Would be interesting to know your thoughts as you are a big and deep thinker.

good, CE was a fucking shithole

here's hoping that the old CE userbase doesn't pollute the other boards, and if they do then here's hoping the mods respond fast

AD is truly a better place.
Aug 5, 2021 7:59 AM
Oct 2020
don't warry ce-kun, i will find the dragon balls and revive you
Aug 5, 2021 8:02 AM

Sep 2015

I mean, if they deleted AD I would also be happy ngl, probably happier and more involved in the discussion than anything involving CE since my hatred of that board is way more personal

Only in the last few months when I stopped being so active and started focusing way more heavily on club stuff has that board not been a stresspit for me, but seeing it gone would still be worthy of a drink :)

Aug 5, 2021 8:03 AM

Jan 2009
MyJudgementIsBad said:
"Can you please let me ethnically cleanse you from my country? Thanks."
I haven't seen him say that, so I call that BS and defamation without proof
Aug 5, 2021 8:05 AM

Jul 2015
Manaban said:
Moderation here can be a joke, yeah, but not like everyone can just pack up and leave. AL in particular has made it perfectly clear they don't want people like me there through their very strict anti-ecchi rulesets that extend beyond just people who post social side and go over into people who don't interact and just list. You can't even put a card of a girl in a straightforward shot of a swimsuit on your profile without getting mod action'd over there - no fluids, no suggestive leaning or camera angles, nada. The two piece swimsuit was too much for one of my guys in H&E and warranted immediate reprimand. Nor can you put a shirtless guy, for that matter. One of the GFX groups we worked with that operates off of AL got mod action'd for that, too.

In the grander scheme of things, sure, it's worse to let neo-nazis and incels run around and spread their bile with a somewhat light touch and being so reliant on the established systems that you do not deviate from the paved road and respond appropriately when these people are exploiting said systems (which are very easy to exploit, I should note, since it literally just involves waiting a few months and you can get right back into it) - but fans like me don't exactly have an option outside of MAL. When some sites make it a point to systemically exclude and gatekeep fans of content that the site owners themselves dislike, the one that's relatively open to everyone is the only real option. It's the only reason I haven't let myself get permabanned in spite of how many bans I've eaten, tbh.

I feel like if you want MAL's moderation to be punished and to see them eat a more massive loss of users, their competitors would need to be more welcoming to entire fan demographics. We're not talking about political or social view stuff, either, it's pretty much what type of anime you like and if you're willing to express being a fan of that type of content. The loss of a few forum regulars on MAL won't really be able to counter the mass-gatekeeping policies that places like AL have. MAL's staff and rulesets are pretty welcoming towards all types of fans in comparison, and it's easier to predict them still coming out on top so long as they're the ones keeping the gates open for pretty much all fan demographics. Whether that'll be because of moderation or in spite of it is up for debate, but it's one of the most inclusive anime listing sites on that level, if not the most inclusive.

I do agree with pretty much everything you said. I'm mostly staying on MAL out of habit, and because I feel it's where most old anime watchers reside because of its venerable status anyway.

I'll add that it's even easier than that to troll the system, since those users would work as a group. Everybody could see the MAGA 2016 5-6 hardcore supporters organizing themselves in their comment sections to swarm down threads they didn't like, bully users, and take turns risking punishment. As far as I can tell no action was ever taken to prevent that. MAL totally let a small clique and some ideas take over the whole place and chase other users.

I wanna believe the "we're not enough" thing but the users bringing down this place have always been fewer than the mods to begin with.
DeathkoAug 5, 2021 8:08 AM
Aug 5, 2021 8:15 AM

Jun 2019
Manaban said:

I mean, if they deleted AD I would also be happy ngl, probably happier and more involved in the discussion than anything involving CE since my hatred of that board is way more personal

Only in the last few months when I stopped being so active and started focusing way more heavily on club stuff has that board not been a stresspit for me, but seeing it gone would still be worthy of a drink :)

Having a look at the OP, they could replace "CE" by "CD" and almost everything would apply. It should not be too hard to stretch a little the arguments to delete AD too.

There are so many obvious things one could do in the fora here, like restricting the number of threads one can create (once a day in CD [the board is dead], once every two days in AD, and one a week in CE [so that it does not become the personal propaganda organ of a few users]). And also make a big list of banned words, not just "overrated" and ban those who create threads such as "X is better than Y!"

Noboru said:
MyJudgementIsBad said:
"Can you please let me ethnically cleanse you from my country? Thanks."
I haven't seen him say that, so I call that BS and defamation without proof

His ironic reply meant that however polite one is, that does not excuse them for phrasing certain hateful opinions. It does not matter if your murderer was polite with you.
Aug 5, 2021 8:19 AM

Sep 2015
@Deathko Yeah, that's fair. On my side, it's just either stay here and deal with that or go to AL just to immediately get snuffed out for being the wrong type of fan. My impression of CE as a barely active outsider has pretty much been that it's a haven for alt-right types anyway, which is the main reason I'm not fussed about seeing it go. Never liked people like Ryuk and Nyu and them. Ryuk especially bothers me because we goes around using a card we made for him at H&E as a profile picture :') Hell of an association to have.

You are right about a ton of regulars leaving specifically because of moderation, too. I know Pullman left for this reason, albeit based off of the discord server we share he's barely into anime anymore so I think it would've come eventually anyway. I know katsucats left for this reason, too, but Iunno if that's a good or bad thing since I was kind of torn on him.

Meusnier said:
Manaban said:

I mean, if they deleted AD I would also be happy ngl, probably happier and more involved in the discussion than anything involving CE since my hatred of that board is way more personal

Only in the last few months when I stopped being so active and started focusing way more heavily on club stuff has that board not been a stresspit for me, but seeing it gone would still be worthy of a drink :)

Having a look at the OP, they could replace "CE" by "CD" and almost everything would apply. It should not be too hard to stretch a little the arguments to delete AD too.

There are so many obvious things one could do in the fora here, like restricting the number of threads one can create (once a day in CD [the board is dead], once every two days in AD, and one a week in CE [so that it does not become the personal propaganda organ of a few users]). And also make a big list of banned words, not just "overrated" and ban those who create threads such as "X is better than Y!"

Iunno. As far as I know, MAL staff don't have control over the code and functionality of the site, just the maintenance of it (moderation, database organization, et cetera.) This is probably the reason they still have to manually unban people instead of just putting it on a timer like literally everywhere else would. We'd be relying on a corporation to be willing to invest the dev resources and manpower to make a change to this site, which...y'know, doesn't seem like a reliable way to get a yes. Not that I'm eager to defend stuff they could control like stricter moderation in regards to CE's more prominent problem users, but functionality is something I'm not sure is something that seems like an easy solution considering the red tape issue regarding functionality always seemed like a legitimate issue they face, from my understanding of it. That's always been the impression I've gotten for stuff that required tech know how at least. Last I heard Kineta does staff some dude that did coding stuff, and that dude is also kind of enough to have DoXXed site users in the past. But I heard that years ago, so I don't know if that's even relevant anymore.

Honestly? Just be more willing to deviate from the stupid cooldown system when people start clearly exploiting it. That's what I'd suggest. It's a risk for me to even say that considering my position within that cooldown system, but y'know. It's just super easy to exploit. I've *done* it. It wouldn't require navigating any of the red tape with updating and changing functionality since it'd be handled by an internal restructuring, and it's just way easier to implement overall. Just be willing to leave things to a judgement call over when people are exploiting the system, since it tends to be fairly obvious once they get on the brink of a perma, vanish for 6 months, then come back and start doing the same shit. Strict legalism and refusal to deviate from systems to accommodate context in online community management like that is just kind of silly, imo. Strict legalism is good for national governments. Online forums and the like general can allow for more rule-by-arbitration. The only reason to run things in such a strictly legalistic way is to maintain the sanctity of site rules so there's some abstract concept they can abdicate responsibility to for making a judgement call within those rulesets, i.e. "Well, he broke the rules. It says right here this is the rules, and this is how that goes against the rules. There ya go."

This would also require hiring people who have context of the site community itself instead of bringing on dudes with like, 100 forum posts saying nothing of note who submitted an application. Which, honestly, the application system is probably the fundamental issue with this site's moderation anyway. 'Least from where I stand. Probably why they get so much dead weight, too. Personal selection and approach from community regulars deemed fit to function as a moderator is just what's always seemed to be the better approach to me overall. It's why H&E's staff are all community regulars and we don't have any staff apps. But, well, that'd also require a judgement selection with nothing to abdicate responsibility to in case things go wrong ("Their application looked good, though!"), and I feel like the MAL staff in general is really big on maintaining safety nets like that. Which given how ubiquitous that keeping up those safety nets tend to be in all areas of how things are staffed, the very conservative safety-net style approach is probably favored up at the very top, i.e. Kineta, Luna, whoever. Prolly Kineta since it always seemed like Kineta was numero uno. Which I'm not in favor of getting rid of Kineta at all since I know for a fact she's a big reason ecchi fans like me continue to have a home here, so I'd be willing to endure :) Same with Ardy and NoLifer in this thread, actually. I like having them around too. Safer for ecchi fans and ensures MAL doesn't go the AL route.
ManabanAug 5, 2021 9:00 AM

Aug 5, 2021 8:34 AM
Twintail Expert

Feb 2019

This is such a weird example that you keep harping on. No one in that thread is rude to each other, and they all remain on topic. It is such a bad look to use a thread whose only problem is the mere mention of Hitler, when there are certainly other threads that go to shit with people out right insulting each other. Shows your priorities.
Aug 5, 2021 8:39 AM

Jan 2009
Meusnier said:
His ironic reply meant that however polite one is, that does not excuse them for phrasing certain hateful opinions. It does not matter if your murderer was polite with you.
What is seen as "hateful opinions" is rather subjective. Plus, I've never had the impression that he expressed any form of hate towards any of the users. Which can't be said about other people interacting with him
Also, that last sentence " It does not matter if your murderer was polite with you" is a very unfit comparison
More like, the people complaining the loudest about such minor things tend to be the ones with mental issues. They read something, take it personal and regard the person saying anything they don't like to hear as the devil who is on to get them and then they over-react because of their own fear-complex
Aug 5, 2021 8:39 AM

Sep 2015
_FRB_ said:

This is such a weird example that you keep harping on. No one in that thread is rude to each other, and they all remain on topic. It is such a bad look to use a thread whose only problem is the mere mention of Hitler, when there are certainly other threads that go to shit with people out right insulting each other. Shows your priorities.

to be fair that thread title is so try-hard edgy and unfunny that just reading it probably shaved a year or so off of my life

Aug 5, 2021 8:47 AM
Twintail Expert

Feb 2019
Manaban said:
_FRB_ said:

This is such a weird example that you keep harping on. No one in that thread is rude to each other, and they all remain on topic. It is such a bad look to use a thread whose only problem is the mere mention of Hitler, when there are certainly other threads that go to shit with people out right insulting each other. Shows your priorities.

to be fair that thread title is so try-hard edgy and unfunny that just reading it probably shaved a year or so off of my life

My point still stands and I wholeheartedly disagree with any assertion that that thread has created more toxicity than most CE threads and even other AD and CD threads.
Aug 5, 2021 9:00 AM

Jan 2009
@MyJudgementIsBad: First thread is about a game. And I see no reason to disallow debates on how much percentage of a population from a foreign region one would like to have in their own region. Like, do you see lots of Europeans in China or Nigeria?

In the second thread, he's just questioning the terminology of "diversity"

For the third thread, let's see how the percentage of people descending from Europe is in Africa and Asia compared to people from Africa and Asia in Europe

In the fourth thread, I may not agree with the choice of word, but it's a legit thought to consider countries uniting more on common origins and cultures, because there are less social tensions that way

For the quote, I see that more as a wish, rather than as an absolute. I do not read anything about forcing people to go back to the countries and cultures from where they came from

History is not mathematics. There is not just one ultimate truth

I see nothing wrong complaining about that

Also nothing wrong about envisioning another system

And I also don't see any problems with the last two threads
Aug 5, 2021 9:00 AM

Jun 2019
_FRB_ said:

This is such a weird example that you keep harping on. No one in that thread is rude to each other, and they all remain on topic. It is such a bad look to use a thread whose only problem is the mere mention of Hitler, when there are certainly other threads that go to shit with people out right insulting each other. Shows your priorities.

Priorities which are? The point is to make a parallel with the kind of threads that used to be posted here. But the rest of threads in AD is no better, half are about lolicons, and the other half about overrated anime or "Your favourite X."

Noboru said:
Meusnier said:
His ironic reply meant that however polite one is, that does not excuse them for phrasing certain hateful opinions. It does not matter if your murderer was polite with you.
What is seen as "hateful opinions" is rather subjective. Plus, I've never had the impression that he expressed any form of hate towards any of the users. Which can't be said about other people interacting with him
Also, that last sentence " It does not matter if your murderer was polite with you" is a very unfit comparison
More like, the people complaining the loudest about such minor things tend to be the ones with mental issues. They read something, take it personal and regard the person saying anything they don't like to hear as the devil who is on to get them and then they over-react because of their own fear-complex

Ah yes, the subjectivity argument, that can lead you quite far I guess. Perhaps you do not see in his falsely neutral style the violence of what he says. But the above post should serve as a salutary reminder.

You are right, the comparison was not strong enough. As Napoléon probably never said: "I fear more three journals than ten thousands bayonets." Therefore, the responsibilities of those who write are enormous, and a pen can serve as a machine gun ("The pen is mightier than the sword").

The ones offended when they read Rebatet's Décombres must have been mentally ill.

MyJudgementIsBad said:
Noboru said:
I haven't seen him say that, so I call that BS and defamation without proof

Well he doesn't use that exact phrasing but that's what his posts imply. He has clearly stated that he doesn't want people from certain ethnic backgrounds in his country. Looking up threads he started on Casual Discussion, I have found a few gems:
Is Skyrim for the Nords (Translation: Is Europe for white people)
People of Colour and Diversity (White people are special because they have multiple eye colors)

Diversity Everywhere (Bitching about diversity in the media)
Should Nation-States advance to Superstates (Advocating for large states unified by race)
Here is a quote from this thread where he explicitly says "foreigners" should be deported "back to their own Nations".
RuneRem said:

If we did that, we would still have issues, like America would have a somewhat harder time competing with China with a smaller population, while I agree with Reimmigrating foreigners back to their own Nations, I also support the Superstate concept.

why can't society question history (JAQing off about the Holocaust)
Double Standards (Complaining about the white proportions of the populations of America and Europe declining)
White Guilt (More complaining about immigrants)
Alternate History Thread/ German Victory in World War 2
America, a nation of immigrants (Bitching about nonwhite immigrants)
Idealism (More bitching about immigrants)

Impressive work. He created more recently a Skyrim thread that however did not have much success.

I should also remind everyone of this thread:
Aug 5, 2021 9:05 AM

Sep 2015
boo i wrote a massive textwall and don't even get a response

lame :<

Aug 5, 2021 9:06 AM

Jan 2009
Meusnier said:
Ah yes, the subjectivity argument, that can lead you quite far I guess. Perhaps you do not see in his falsely neutral style the violence of what he says. But the above post should serve as a salutary reminder.
I do not see any form of violence at all

You are right, the comparison was not strong enough. As Napoléon probably never said: "I fear more three journals than ten thousands bayonets." Therefore, the responsibilities of those who write are enormous, and a pen can serve as a machine gun ("The pen is mightier than the sword").
Nope, the comparison is too strong and sounds way too over-blown
And the context of that saying is completely off. A single person cannot cause any revolution like that

The ones offended when they read Rebatet's Décombres must have been mentally ill.
I don't get the reference, since I haven't read it


Manaban said:
boo i wrote a massive textwall and don't even get a response

lame :<
That's how I feel sometimes, but it can't be helped
Maybe he wanted to split his responses or just couldn't think of anything to say about your reply, yet
Aug 5, 2021 9:13 AM

Sep 2015
Noboru said:

Manaban said:
boo i wrote a massive textwall and don't even get a response

lame :<
That's how I feel sometimes, but it can't be helped
Maybe he wanted to split his responses or just couldn't think of anything to say about your reply, yet

then you fight me, nerdboru

i haven't gotten to unleash my obnoxious walls of random incohesive bullshit in a long time, i'm all rearing to go

Aug 5, 2021 9:19 AM
Twintail Expert

Feb 2019
Meusnier said:
_FRB_ said:

This is such a weird example that you keep harping on. No one in that thread is rude to each other, and they all remain on topic. It is such a bad look to use a thread whose only problem is the mere mention of Hitler, when there are certainly other threads that go to shit with people out right insulting each other. Shows your priorities.

Priorities which are? The point is to make a parallel with the kind of threads that used to be posted here. But the rest of threads in AD is no better, half are about lolicons, and the other half about overrated anime or "Your favourite X."

I don't disagree that theres a lot of shit AD threads, but you didn't choose those for your example, which is part of my original gripe since you've brought up this thread more than once here.

Meusnier said:

The thread is six days old and apparently, it is perfectly fine to discuss about Hitler's favourite anime. Such a discussion could not possibly become toxic.

Your example was poor, if you wanted to make an example that showed a comparable level of toxicity or trouble for moderation. Since you've harped on that thread and not any others that are more likely to support your point, it felt very strongly like you were just annoyed by the mention of Hitler as opposed to the actual results of that happening.

As I said, objectively, that thread is no where near as troublesome as most CE threads, or even some other AD or CD threads. There is no parallel to be made. If anything, the fact that Hitler is brought up and didn't turn in a shitbath (as you were so sure it would've) shows the opposite. Which I do agree is somewhat ironic since we're talking about AD.
Aug 5, 2021 9:27 AM

Jun 2019
Noboru said:
Meusnier said:
Ah yes, the subjectivity argument, that can lead you quite far I guess. Perhaps you do not see in his falsely neutral style the violence of what he says. But the above post should serve as a salutary reminder.
I do not see any form of violence at all

You are right, the comparison was not strong enough. As Napoléon probably never said: "I fear more three journals than ten thousands bayonets." Therefore, the responsibilities of those who write are enormous, and a pen can serve as a machine gun ("The pen is mightier than the sword").
Nope, the comparison is too strong and sounds way too over-blown
And the context of that saying is completely off. A single person cannot cause any revolution like that

The ones offended when they read Rebatet's Décombres must have been mentally ill.
I don't get the reference, since I haven't read it


Formally speaking, a single person cannot start a revolution, but they can have a huge influence. The Terror in France is a corollary of the ideas of the philosophers des Lumières. Voltaire cut the head off Marie-Antoinette.

I did not want to use a too obvious reference or have you believe that I have anti-German sentiments, but it should be clear by just looking up who was Rebatet.

Manaban said:
boo i wrote a massive textwall and don't even get a response

lame :<

I had not noticed that you had written two additional paragraphs...

Manaban said:
@Deathko Yeah, that's fair. On my side, it's just either stay here and deal with that or go to AL just to immediately get snuffed out for being the wrong type of fan. My impression of CE as a barely active outsider has pretty much been that it's a haven for alt-right types anyway, which is the main reason I'm not fussed about seeing it go. Never liked people like Ryuk and Nyu and them. Ryuk especially bothers me because we goes around using a card we made for him at H&E as a profile picture :') Hell of an association to have.

You are right about a ton of regulars leaving specifically because of moderation, too. I know Pullman left for this reason, albeit based off of the discord server we share he's barely into anime anymore so I think it would've come eventually anyway. I know katsucats left for this reason, too, but Iunno if that's a good or bad thing since I was kind of torn on him.

Meusnier said:

Having a look at the OP, they could replace "CE" by "CD" and almost everything would apply. It should not be too hard to stretch a little the arguments to delete AD too.

There are so many obvious things one could do in the fora here, like restricting the number of threads one can create (once a day in CD [the board is dead], once every two days in AD, and one a week in CE [so that it does not become the personal propaganda organ of a few users]). And also make a big list of banned words, not just "overrated" and ban those who create threads such as "X is better than Y!"

Iunno. As far as I know, MAL staff don't have control over the code and functionality of the site, just the maintenance of it (moderation, database organization, et cetera.) This is probably the reason they still have to manually unban people instead of just putting it on a timer like literally everywhere else would. We'd be relying on a corporation to be willing to invest the dev resources and manpower to make a change to this site, which...y'know, doesn't seem like a reliable way to get a yes. Not that I'm eager to defend stuff they could control like stricter moderation in regards to CE's more prominent problem users, but functionality is something I'm not sure is something that seems like an easy solution considering the red tape issue regarding functionality always seemed like a legitimate issue they face, from my understanding of it. That's always been the impression I've gotten for stuff that required tech know how at least. Last I heard Kineta does staff some dude that did coding stuff, and that dude is also kind of enough to have DoXXed site users in the past. But I heard that years ago, so I don't know if that's even relevant anymore.

Honestly? Just be more willing to deviate from the stupid cooldown system when people start clearly exploiting it. That's what I'd suggest. It's a risk for me to even say that considering my position within that cooldown system, but y'know. It's just super easy to exploit. I've *done* it. It wouldn't require navigating any of the red tape with updating and changing functionality since it'd be handled by an internal restructuring, and it's just way easier to implement overall. Just be willing to leave things to a judgement call over when people are exploiting the system, since it tends to be fairly obvious once they get on the brink of a perma, vanish for 6 months, then come back and start doing the same shit. Strict legalism and refusal to deviate from systems to accommodate context in online community management like that is just kind of silly, imo. Strict legalism is good for national governments. Online forums and the like general can allow for more rule-by-arbitration. The only reason to run things in such a strictly legalistic way is to maintain the sanctity of site rules so there's some abstract concept they can abdicate responsibility to for making a judgement call within those rulesets, i.e. "Well, he broke the rules. It says right here this is the rules, and this is how that goes against the rules. There ya go."

This would also require hiring people who have context of the site community itself instead of bringing on dudes with like, 100 forum posts saying nothing of note who submitted an application. Which, honestly, the application system is probably the fundamental issue with this site's moderation anyway. 'Least from where I stand. Probably why they get so much dead weight, too. Personal selection and approach from community regulars deemed fit to function as a moderator is just what's always seemed to be the better approach to me overall. It's why H&E's staff are all community regulars and we don't have any staff apps. But, well, that'd also require a judgement selection with nothing to abdicate responsibility to in case things go wrong ("Their application looked good, though!"), and I feel like the MAL staff in general is really big on maintaining safety nets like that. Which given how ubiquitous that keeping up those safety nets tend to be in all areas of how things are staffed, the very conservative safety-net style approach is probably favored up at the very top, i.e. Kineta, Luna, whoever. Prolly Kineta since it always seemed like Kineta was numero uno. Which I'm not in favor of getting rid of Kineta at all since I know for a fact she's a big reason ecchi fans like me continue to have a home here, so I'd be willing to endure :) Same with Ardy and NoLifer in this thread, actually. I like having them around too. Safer for ecchi fans and ensures MAL doesn't go the AL route.

I do not have that much to add, but the cooldown system seems fine to me considering that some of the rules (like the character limit) are easy to break and that once you are banned once, moderators will use your previous bans to ban you again (it works exactly as a criminal record). Making exceptions for certain users would be arbitrary. On MAL, you will be banned if you use the "N-word", but if you write using some very basic intelligence and phrase things in a way that does not obviously break rules and nevertheless are advocating for the murder of a given group of people (say), you will be fine. The rules are rules of style and style only. It would be about time to judge the content too.

Not so sure about what you are alluding to with the "safety nets", but I agree that recruiting forum moderators who do not have enough habit of the way people post here cannot be a good thing, especially considering what I wrote above.
Aug 5, 2021 9:35 AM

Dec 2016

Tho, casual discussion will take some of the toxicity from it.
Aug 5, 2021 9:41 AM
Oct 2020
why is this still open? is it not already friday in japan?
Aug 5, 2021 9:43 AM

Jan 2009
Manaban said:
then you fight me, nerdboru
lol, I'm not up for it. Besides, it looks like Meusnier has responded to you

@Meusnier: It's still off to compare a random forum user with someone in an actual influential position

I don't know about that author, but if his book is similar to Mein Kampf, then that's far, far away from Nyu/RuneRem's postings

@RuneRem: I didn't know about that scene, but you might wanna put it in a spoiler as a link with a "NSFM" tag. I and many others can handle that type of graphic depiction, but there might be more sensitive people here

And Meusnier apparently just doesn't like you or is secretly tsundere for you, so who knows 😉

@MyJudgementIsBad: let it rest
NoboruAug 5, 2021 9:46 AM
Aug 5, 2021 9:45 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
Milzol said:
why is this still open? is it not already friday in japan?
I think it's planned during the work hours of Friday in Japan.
Aug 5, 2021 9:47 AM

Jul 2016
Noboru said:
Manaban said:
then you fight me, nerdboru
lol, I'm not up for it. Besides, it looks like Meusnier has responded to you

@Meusnier: It's still off to compare a random forum user with someone in an actual influential position

I don't know about that author, but if his book is similar to Mein Kampf, then that's far, far away from Nyu/RuneRem's postings

@RuneRem: I didn't know about that scene, but you might wanna put it in a spoiler as a link with a "NSFM" tag. I and many others can handle that type of graphic depiction, but there might be more sensitive people here

And Meusnier apparently just doesn't like you or is secretly tsundere for you, so who knows 😉

Thanks for the notice, I should've realised that skyrim gameplay was a bit too much Anakin-Count Dooku.


What I've been saying in that recent Skyrim thread.
Daggerfall is the best.

eitur said:
i guess you always play stormcloaks op

I have never completed stormcloaks, although I sympathize with them.


It seems that Indigo Gaming left that developer team in awhile ago in 2020, so it seems the game might be doomed. However ES6 looks like it might be inspired by Daggerfall. If it comes out between 2024-2026, that would be around the time of the 30th anniversary of Daggerfall.

I just hope Bethesda has learned from Fallout 76, that was completely disappointing, I was hoping for a modern New Vegas. They should stop streamlining everything and make a fully fledged RPG game. I want to build a house, sail the seas, be a Jarl (own a kingdom), choose between being a commoner or aristocrat, have an occupation, a fantasy race system that has actual effects rather than petty frost resistance or magic buffs, Vampire and werewolf clans, many followers at the same time (in Skyrim I have Serena and Alea), options between incapacitating or killing enemies, have a well distinguished class system, a proper crime system- so if items on a npc go missing they might call the guards and they would check your inventory, or if a npc has died and nobody saw who killed them, the guards will check everybody's weapons if they had blood on them (this could be blood of bandits or animals and they could go to jail despite innocence, and if that the player character and npcs were in the are/city at the time. I want a game that doesn't end after it is released, but is improved upon for for at least 5 years.

I have always wanted a single player version of Runescape, and that is what Daggerfall is, and the Elder Scrolls should return to it's roots.
Aug 5, 2021 9:49 AM

Jan 2009
RuneRem said:
Thanks for the notice, I should've realised that skyrim gameplay was a bit too much Anakin-Count Dooku.
You're welcome and don't take the hate against you too much to heart
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