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Jun 14, 2012 6:07 PM
Sep 2011
Do you ever think this when you look at someone else's anime list and see a large amount of opposite tastes from your own.

Low ratings or negative comments on anime you like.
High ratings and gushing comments toward anime you don't like.

To the point that you and the person who's list you're observing have next to no anime you both like.

Do you ever feel like you wouldn't be able to get along with someone who's list clashes with yours so severely?

In my case, not really because there's so much more to talk about than anime... but in a forum all about anime I wouldn't be too inspired to reach out to that person.
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Jun 14, 2012 6:11 PM

Sep 2010
Happens a lot with me, if you look at my favorite anime, and compare it to the favs of someone else...

People tell me I have shit taste alot. Like my favorite anime this season is Acchi Kocchi, and people either think I'm trolling or shit taste.
Jun 14, 2012 6:12 PM

Jan 2010
I can understand why someone would hate something I love or love something I hate. Everything has its own appeals and turn offs. I'd actually be more interested in being friends with that person since they'll probably have a different perspective on anime.

Now, if someone with opposite tastes says I have terrible tastes and/or tries to convince me to think differently, then the warning signs will go off in my head.
Jun 14, 2012 6:14 PM

May 2008
Yeah, that's a pretty juvenile line of thinking, in my opinion. Even within just anime, there's always so much to discuss, especially with those that don't share your opinion. Otherwise, it's more or less just a dry, mindless agreefest, usually.

That's what I'd like to think anyway. I'm always itching to talk about anime, and have reached out to so many, but either most here just want to make lists and aren't very talkative, or get turned off by how many... unpopular ratings I've made, I guess.
FauxAznJun 14, 2012 6:19 PM
Jun 14, 2012 6:24 PM

Jan 2008
RLinksoul said:

In my case, not really because there's so much more to talk about than anime... but in a forum all about anime I wouldn't be too inspired to reach out to that person.

Lol, nice politically correct save right there. If we are basing a development of friendship strictly from anime list, then i wouldn't get along with a lot of people here. But, still it wouldn't be cause of the list per-se. I wouldn't mind if someone said they hated Black Lagoon or Evangelion, i could still be cool with them. But, if they said Black Lagoon and Evangelion were bad, then we would have a problem.

Jun 14, 2012 6:28 PM

Dec 2011
LOL I thought this for the first time yesterday when I read someone's flame comment on an anime series that I really loved watching. I've never thought so just looking at someone's list or our shared anime scores though.. sometimes it's fun to have someone that you can just disagree with in discussion, especially if you can come to appreciate that person for their personality and other likes.
Jun 14, 2012 6:28 PM

Jun 2012
Hell no!!! no way!! i cant get along with them, EVER!!!!!!!!!

nah im just trolling who say ppl with different taste cant be friends or get along with
Jun 14, 2012 6:38 PM

Jun 2008
I hardly visit profiles, and when I do, it is to help people recommend a title for them. I rarely think about making friends with them.

But I know a guy who has pretty different than mine and is still a friend in real life. So no, I rarely make that train of thought.

I do make this assertion on the forum though if a guy continously try to disagree with me.
Jun 14, 2012 6:46 PM

Jun 2010
Nah, I'm always curious to have discussions with people who have different tastes with me. It's interesting to see why they like the things I don't and why they don't like the things I do.

Plus, there's more to discuss than just anime. :P
Jun 14, 2012 7:09 PM

Jun 2012
I havent really found someone with ratings completely opposite to mine, but i havent really watched that many anime.
Jun 14, 2012 7:27 PM

Jun 2008
With some of my favorite anime, I can see why some people would not like it. If they really like some anime I think our bad, I can also see that. If however, they love anime I think our bad, and dislike multiple anime I really like from multiple genres then I don't see what the point would be in talking to them.

Real life friends are different, obviously.
Jun 14, 2012 7:31 PM
Nov 2010
I'm already friends with a lot of people with different taste than mine, some of them even really hate the anime and/or characters I like.

Does it bother me? honestly, only a little
Do I get along with them? Yes, I do.
Jun 14, 2012 7:38 PM
May 2010
For me, probably not. That is not to say I would not enjoy talking to them about their tastes, I just do not think I would end up actually being a 'friend'

Not to say its impossible, and I do not think its particularly juvenile either. I do not have many interests besides stories in general, so I imagine that without at least some overlapping interests it would be a rather boring friendship /shrug.

None of which means I dislike the people with vastly different taste/dont respect their opinions. Not juvenile, just a friendship without any common interests would be rather pointless.
Worships Asparagus.
Jun 14, 2012 7:58 PM

Oct 2011
No. I don't judge people by the stuff they put on their lists. Even if it is Hentai, or whatever, I don't care. What they enjoy watching is what they enjoy watching, even if their tastes clashes with mines.

And plus, we could always talk about other things. We don't necessarily have to talk about anime all the time on this site.
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Jun 14, 2012 8:05 PM
Apr 2012
I'm always trying to get my real friends who watch anime to make a mal so that I can have a good time teasing them about their horrible taste. I love arguments. It's what makes forums fun, I don't wanna talk with only people who agree with me, that would be extremely boring.
Jun 14, 2012 9:28 PM

Jun 2007
Yeah, most of the people on this site fall into that category for me.
Jun 14, 2012 9:35 PM

Feb 2008
I watch such a wide variety of anime that it doesn't really matter what others watch, because odds are I'll like it. The only things I don't really enjoy are the really long series, or things like Evangelion or Haruhi. But for every series I don't like that a large majority of the anime-watching world does, there are three or four (or more) shows that I like that those people probably also like.

Either way, I don't much care. I can get along with people regardless.
Anime figure reviews:
Jun 14, 2012 9:41 PM

Sep 2011
actually the only 3 people i talk to on mal seem to border on polar opposite tastes to mine

and really.....i dont care, im not gonna fuck things up over something as petty as different tastes

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 14, 2012 9:54 PM

Feb 2012
Different tastes - Fine
Dissing my favorite anime - Not fine

Also, the kind of anime you like says something about you. Sometimes that anime doesn't really say good things. I might be reluctant to friend someone that has both Bleach and Nataro in their top favorites. To me, personally, that says either "little boy" (please note, I am 31) or realllly needs to watch more stuff. In the second case I might try to take them under my wing so to speak and rec some anime. In the first case... not really the kind of person I reach out to.

The only other anime I would react strongly to being a favorite is some train-wreck like Reign the Conqueror.. .you know, the kind of stuff that is so bad all the people that directed/animated/storyboarded it should be lined up and shot.
Jun 14, 2012 10:03 PM

Apr 2012
There is little correlation between my tastes in anime and my ability to get along with someone.

1. Who you are online is not who you are in real life, so most discussions on here do not reflect how you would react with someone outside.
2. If friendship was just about anime taste then how would I make friends with anime haters?
3. Some of the people who share my taste in anime are pricks while at the same time I've seen people with opposite taste that are nice and open-minded individuals.
4. Usually I end up having anime compatibility, not because it started that, but because it grew that way. As you spend more time around certain people you pick up more of their traits and they, yours.
Jun 15, 2012 12:50 AM

Jan 2012
I'm totally okay with someone having different taste as long as it isn't embarrassingly bad. Having superficial and painful ecchi shows among your highest rated wouldn't really make a good impression on me, that's for sure.

And if people really hate my favourite shows? Don't mind it one bit. I know very well that they aren't everyone's cup of tea and I kind of prefer it to be that way. Would probably like to know the reason why they dislike them so much if we were to become friends though.
GuZJun 15, 2012 1:10 AM
Jun 15, 2012 1:45 AM

Mar 2009
No. People have different tastes and opinions and I'm fine with that.
Jun 15, 2012 3:40 AM
Jan 2012
Opposites attract.
Jun 15, 2012 4:30 AM

Mar 2012
It doesn't bother me at all, really
Jun 15, 2012 4:49 AM

Mar 2011
GuZ said:
I'm totally okay with someone having different taste as long as it isn't embarrassingly bad. Having superficial and painful ecchi shows among your highest rated wouldn't really make a good impression on me, that's for sure.

And if people really hate my favourite shows? Don't mind it one bit. I know very well that they aren't everyone's cup of tea and I kind of prefer it to be that way. Would probably like to know the reason why they dislike them so much if we were to become friends though.

Pretty much like this. I'm not at all bothered with how much someone's taste differs from mine, but I'd rather they make concrete arguments as to why they disliked it, rather than simple one liners like "it sucked blah blah blah!".
Jun 15, 2012 6:53 AM

Apr 2012
You can say you enjoyed Guilty Crown.
That is fine because it is possible to enjoy even a piece of shit series.
However when you give it a 10 and give an anime like Mushishi a 3, then we got a huge problem here.
As a child, I was told that society is a melting pot of talents; knowledge and experience combined to form important alloys that will contribute to mankind. When I got to highschool, however, I thought that it's more like a river in which the water represents our peers while we ourselves are the stones in the river. Constant erosion by mindless majority sheeping has made us lose our unique edge. After I hit the age of 18, I realized that I've been wrong all along. Society is no melting pot. Society is no river. Society is a person, a very skilled rapist, and he has fucked us all.
Jun 15, 2012 7:28 AM

Apr 2012
BloodRequiem said:
You can say you enjoyed Guilty Crown.
That is fine because it is possible to enjoy even a piece of shit series.
However when you give it a 10 and give an anime like Mushishi a 3, then we got a huge problem here.
Funny you should say that. I intend to watch both of those anime soon in shifts. Figured Guilty Crown will make Mushishi look better and using Mushishi to take breaks from Guilty Crown will keep me sane.
Jun 15, 2012 7:35 AM

Apr 2012
I'd probably get into a discussion with the guy to know exactly why he hates it... I mean, some people really have no idea why some things go that way in some anime. They can't comprehend much of the story or characters and then they bash on them because of their lack of grey matter.

Now it depends on the genre. If they disliked an Ecchi and they start by saying "the story sucked" then I think I'll simply facepalm and ignore the guy.

It depends on so many things. But, most of my cases don't go well, and I usually start the bashing if they have no argument whatsoever.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jun 15, 2012 7:38 AM

Jan 2012
DrunkenBlowfish said:
Funny you should say that. I intend to watch both of those anime soon in shifts. Figured Guilty Crown will make Mushishi look better and using Mushishi to take breaks from Guilty Crown will keep me sane.

Just a random advice: Mushishi is best experienced in (very) small portions and I wouldn't really recommend watching more than one episode at a time. Also don't expect any plot development or climax whatsoever since it's highly episodic.

Other than that, it's one of the most soothing and philosophical shows around.

As for Guilty Crown... if you have to watch then get it over with as quickly as possible, judging from your taste. Think about it as pulling off a plaster that's sticking tightly to your aim hair.
Jun 15, 2012 7:50 AM

Jun 2008
Ryekeel said:
GuZ said:
I'm totally okay with someone having different taste as long as it isn't embarrassingly bad. Having superficial and painful ecchi shows among your highest rated wouldn't really make a good impression on me, that's for sure.

And if people really hate my favourite shows? Don't mind it one bit. I know very well that they aren't everyone's cup of tea and I kind of prefer it to be that way. Would probably like to know the reason why they dislike them so much if we were to become friends though.

Pretty much like this. I'm not at all bothered with how much someone's taste differs from mine, but I'd rather they make concrete arguments as to why they disliked it, rather than simple one liners like "it sucked blah blah blah!".
You know what they say, opinions are fine and all, but if you can't remotely back it up, it's worth shit. Harsh, but it seems many people fail to realize this.
Jun 15, 2012 9:34 AM

Feb 2012
Well most of my friends don't really watch anime, the only one that really does only watches like two or three shows, one of which I got him into.

As for on this site, I don't really have people that I talk to on here consistently about anime or anything else for that matter. However, I do like to look at other people's profiles and see how their taste compares to mine. The only people I wouldn't really want to talk to are those that hate all popular stuff just because, and those who have average scores of like 5 or lower. If you are going to talk to me about how bad most anime is, then I'm not interested. Same thing with bashing popular shows. I have met a lot of people that love to bash popular stuff just because it is popular, and they don't even know anything about it. Other than that though, I like mostly everything, except yaoi/shounen-ai and stuff like that, so I'd be fine with taking recommendations from friends.

"In both love and octopus-hunting, you have to take the initiative!" - Gintoki Sakata
Jun 15, 2012 9:44 AM

Jul 2010
no, i'm more afraid of not watching the same shows as the other person.

Jun 15, 2012 1:45 PM
Nov 2010
Well, since this is a forum about anime, it demoralizes you quite some when you see someone who dislikes anime you do as it's hard to start the talk(usually starting with anime as this is an anime forum)...
Jun 15, 2012 1:48 PM

Jun 2009
Well if you both loved the exact same thing what would there be to talk about?

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jun 15, 2012 2:31 PM

Jul 2011
I have a real-life friend who absolutely loves magical girl anime and watches it almost exclusively. I'm not a fan of magical girls, yet we can still talk about anime and recommend each other things that we might not have considered watching before (I got him to watch Mononoke, he got me to watch Madoka Magica). Opposing tastes isn't really a big deal in a lot of situations.
Jun 15, 2012 2:40 PM

Oct 2010
It doesn't bother me at all, for two reasons:

-Of course it's their taste and I can't deny it, doing that would mean taking a route of elitism and pretentiousness that I personally dislike. And as it doesn't affect me on a personal level, I can't say I ultimately care.

-I think every show is defendable to the point that one feels necessary, and yes, also criticizable. Hearing very thoughtful and interesting comments on stuff I don't like has shown me that any show, as bad as it may look, can be looked with respect or even great interest.
Jun 15, 2012 2:40 PM

Sep 2010
one of my classmates hates the types of anime's i watch, yet we get along perfectly.
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Jun 15, 2012 2:42 PM

Jul 2010
FauxAzn said:
Yeah, that's a pretty juvenile line of thinking, in my opinion. Even within just anime, there's always so much to discuss, especially with those that don't share your opinion. Otherwise, it's more or less just a dry, mindless agreefest, usually.

That's what I'd like to think anyway. I'm always itching to talk about anime, and have reached out to so many, but either most here just want to make lists and aren't very talkative, or get turned off by how many... unpopular ratings I've made, I guess.

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 15, 2012 2:48 PM

Sep 2010
If you can be friends with people that don't like anime at all then you can be friends with anime fans that have different favorites than you. It's pretty superficial and childish to think otherwise.

Jun 15, 2012 2:49 PM

Sep 2011
Anime_Name said:
If you can be friends with people that don't like anime at all then you can be friends with anime fans that have different favorites than you. It's pretty superficial and childish to think otherwise.
if you cant be friends with people because of opposite tastes on anything then your just being childish

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 15, 2012 2:50 PM

May 2012
Ahh I have felt that. It's tough because that can likely give you a whole lot of information about them as a person. Since anime is generally pretty deep or meaningful, it can show you what that person values.

If they like things you hate, chances are they don't feel the same way about the things you value. x__x;;
Jun 15, 2012 2:54 PM

Aug 2007
I really get angry when a person hates the anime i love, but I can tolerate it and if that person wants I can talk with (s)he and we can be friends.
Jun 15, 2012 2:56 PM

Sep 2010
If they like things you hate, chances are they don't feel the same way about the things you value. x__x;;

But that doesn't make friendship impossible. Hell a big part of having real friends is knowing that their opinions are different from yours and accepting those differences.

Jun 15, 2012 2:56 PM

Oct 2010
Anime_Name said:
If you can be friends with people that don't like anime at all then you can be friends with anime fans that have different favorites than you. It's pretty superficial and childish to think otherwise.

I don't think this is the real problem some people may find here in MyAnimeList. Being a place that deals primarily with anime and manga I can understand -not share- the idea that some people may have towards fans who have very different tastes. The attitude of trying to avoid confrontation is quite common in this place, and they may think that trying to be friends with those fans in MyAnimeList would lead to disagreements and situations that will make them feel uncomfortable, because the conversations would be set on anime and manga after all.

I can't say I agree, it's just that I see other possible reasons other than being juvenile and non-accepting. Specially in this site, in real life there's other ways to build a relationship, but in this one there's a clear focus.
Jun 15, 2012 3:00 PM

May 2012

Although that's true, it all depends on what you're talking about. If it's something very serious and they don't value it, then you're talking about some serious issues. Say people who're seriously into ecchi or overly sexual things. I am not a very sexual person and prefer to keep things like that private and out of my anime (as I've said on MAL before, if I'm looking for sex or things like that in an anime, I might as well watch hentai). So if someone is like that, it's unlikely we'll get along.
Jun 15, 2012 3:10 PM

Sep 2010
jal90 said:
Anime_Name said:
If you can be friends with people that don't like anime at all then you can be friends with anime fans that have different favorites than you. It's pretty superficial and childish to think otherwise.

I don't think this is the real problem some people may find here in MyAnimeList. Being a place that deals primarily with anime and manga I can understand -not share- the idea that some people may have towards fans who have very different tastes. The attitude of trying to avoid confrontation is quite common in this place, and they may think that trying to be friends with those fans in MyAnimeList would lead to disagreements and situations that will make them feel uncomfortable, because the conversations would be set on anime and manga after all.

I can't say I agree, it's just that I see other possible reasons other than being juvenile and non-accepting. Specially in this site, in real life there's other ways to build a relationship, but in this one there's a clear focus.

But that begs the question that does merely having different opinions on an anime list mean conflict will arise? Since anime is a niche market to begin with I can only assume that many of us here have friends that are not into anime at all and conflicts over our interest in anime has not been detrimental to our social lives.

If it's something very serious and they don't value it, then you're talking about some serious issues.

Of course degree of seriousniess matters but that's not something you can readily judge from an anime list or review.

Say people who're seriously into ecchi or overly sexual things. I am not a very sexual person and prefer to keep things like that private and out of my anime (as I've said on MAL before, if I'm looking for sex or things like that in an anime, I might as well watch hentai). So if someone is like that, it's unlikely we'll get along.

Well I hate to burst your bubble but there are plenty of sexual people out there, you probably even know some, but the only difference between your neighbors and the folks on MAL is that you know what kind of kink someone is into IF they put it on their anime list.(Knowing what someone likes doesn't mean they are going to try to include you) Please don't think that not knowing what someone's fetish is means they don't have a fetish.

Jun 15, 2012 3:32 PM

Mar 2011
Tachii said:
Ryekeel said:
GuZ said:
I'm totally okay with someone having different taste as long as it isn't embarrassingly bad. Having superficial and painful ecchi shows among your highest rated wouldn't really make a good impression on me, that's for sure.

And if people really hate my favourite shows? Don't mind it one bit. I know very well that they aren't everyone's cup of tea and I kind of prefer it to be that way. Would probably like to know the reason why they dislike them so much if we were to become friends though.

Pretty much like this. I'm not at all bothered with how much someone's taste differs from mine, but I'd rather they make concrete arguments as to why they disliked it, rather than simple one liners like "it sucked blah blah blah!".
You know what they say, opinions are fine and all, but if you can't remotely back it up, it's worth shit. Harsh, but it seems many people fail to realize this.

Ha! True! Can't be helped, I guess.
Jun 15, 2012 3:32 PM

May 2012

I disagree. You can get that pretty well from some anime. Not all of them, but you can get a pretty good impression.

I don't care if someone is into something or has fetishes. I care if it's something they are very public about. It's not my business and I can't say it's really anyone else's. In real life I'm not a fan of people who talk about sex a lot or crack sex jokes constantly, and I sure don't want that in my anime either.

If you like hentai or ecchi and don't put it on your list, you're likely keeping it personal. That's a-okay. If you have your list full of ecchi things and that's what you really enjoy, chances are I'm not interested in being your friend.
Jun 15, 2012 3:46 PM

Jun 2012
Opposites attract.
Jun 15, 2012 4:10 PM

Oct 2010
Anime_Name said:
jal90 said:
Anime_Name said:
If you can be friends with people that don't like anime at all then you can be friends with anime fans that have different favorites than you. It's pretty superficial and childish to think otherwise.

I don't think this is the real problem some people may find here in MyAnimeList. Being a place that deals primarily with anime and manga I can understand -not share- the idea that some people may have towards fans who have very different tastes. The attitude of trying to avoid confrontation is quite common in this place, and they may think that trying to be friends with those fans in MyAnimeList would lead to disagreements and situations that will make them feel uncomfortable, because the conversations would be set on anime and manga after all.

I can't say I agree, it's just that I see other possible reasons other than being juvenile and non-accepting. Specially in this site, in real life there's other ways to build a relationship, but in this one there's a clear focus.

But that begs the question that does merely having different opinions on an anime list mean conflict will arise? Since anime is a niche market to begin with I can only assume that many of us here have friends that are not into anime at all and conflicts over our interest in anime has not been detrimental to our social lives.

That's why I am making a difference between real life and MAL life. This site is for anime/manga fans and therefore the primary way of meeting people is through these things. Considering that most of the conversations will go, predictably, about this terms, that would mean a situation of "risk" for those who want to avoid any kind of discussion/confrontation.
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