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How would you rate this anime?
Oct 9, 2009 9:39 AM

Feb 2008
Spotlight Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

MAL Anime Information Page: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

MAL Score – 8.95 (by 30638 users)
Ranked - #4
Popularity - #13

For the next two weeks I would like to have a discussion about the anime that focuses on the key elements that we here on MAL use to critically rate an anime: Animation, Sound, Characters, Story, and Enjoyment.

I would like everyone to approach this thread as if you were going to write a review and structure your initial post like this:

Animation - insert rating
Sound - insert rating
Characters - insert rating
Story - insert rating
Enjoyment - insert rating

Animation - discuss any pros and cons of the animation styling used in the series, try to include some specifics.

Sound - describe any of the things you liked or didn't care for in regards to the music and sound effects used in the series


If you are having trouble writing up a review or coming up with specific pros and cons, please don't worry. Just do the best you can with it and if you can only write two or three sentences about any of the 5 elements then that's OK. Not everyone here is currently at a level which will allow them to articulate their thoughts and opinions.

After your initial post is made you can feel free to civilly discuss issues of contention. I am sure there will be many opinions expressed here that some of us will disagree upon and criticise and it is for that reason that this entire club exists. So I hope everyone has fun and I am really looking forward to watching this discussion unfold.

Resurrection You Decide results:

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann was NOT inducted into the club Anime relation list (05/11/17)
- Yes: 32
- No: 22
- I haven't watched this anime: 8
~ Abstained: 5

- 59%

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (Anime) (13/10/19)
- Yes: 38
- No: 9
- Haven't Watched: 12
~ Abstained: 8

- 80.85%
HiroM_Jan 20, 2020 8:26 AM
You do not beg the sun for mercy.
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Oct 9, 2009 10:51 AM

Jul 2007
Entertaining, I guess.

My main beef with TTGL are the themes implicit in the show, primarily the prioritization of passion over logic or any real ideals ("manliness" does not count). For someone who has taken Gibran's words to heart, I find it rather disturbing.

In addition to that, there seem to be parallels in literature and history. The spirals and spiral nemesis remind me somewhat of the Tower of Babel (the "Pierce the heavens with your drill!" bit). The story completely sidesteps the concept of consequence and belittles the possibility of spiral energy going awry. Then, there's also the glorification of suicidal attacks (specif. Kamina & Kittan) and unquestioning loyalty to a charismatic leader. But maybe I'm just overanalyzing things.

Rousing music, flashy visuals, average story, annoying characters.

Verdict: no
YuunagiOct 9, 2009 5:51 PM
Oct 9, 2009 12:04 PM

Aug 2009
From the first few episodes I liked the comedic action and the level of stupidity. In the end it was one of the few shows I managed to go through brains off. With the sudden turn midway it gets miserable as it tries to inject some depth that wasn't inherently there to the setting and characters . At least by the last action episodes we are back to initial trigger happy mess and treated few more laughs. One of the uses of galaxies is you can step on them and throw them like ninja stars, I won't ever forget that.

After the rein of Eva just before new millenium one would think mecha shows will go towards realism, shows in the vein of Gasaraki will prevail. Nah, we are just back to Voltron years with more makeup.

My vote will be a no.
SpunkieOct 9, 2009 12:13 PM
In Riemann, Hilbert or in Banach space
Let superscripts and subscripts go their ways
Our asymptotes no longer out of phase,
We shall encounter, counting, face to face.
Oct 9, 2009 5:48 PM

Oct 2008
entertaining insanity.

i thought it was well made. yes
Oct 9, 2009 7:20 PM

Feb 2008
Would you be able to elaborate a bit? I haven't finished the show yet (a post will follow when I do), but at 24 episodes in I failed to see a single thing that is even mildly entertaining and consider the chances of a radical shift within the last three episodes to be slim. Do enlighten me.
You do not beg the sun for mercy.
Oct 11, 2009 1:53 AM

Oct 2008
Well, the way I see it you either embrace the crazy over-the-top atmosphere and the silliness, or it's just too much and you just find it stupid and a cheap way to create entertainment.

I don't know why, but I wasn't bothered by it's silliness, and hence could fully enjoy it. Even when it was being serious (like
, and the prison thing (iirc it was pretty serious)) I still felt it was made to not be considered as such.

Anyway, aside from this, I found music, animation, and fights were combined really well to make for an amazing experience. Some of those fights blew me away with their sheer scale and constant action. Looking at it in this way, it's pretty shallow, I won't deny that. However it doesn't really try to be something deep, rather it just aims to entertain with ridiculous scenarios and fights, which are only complemented by the art style and erratic camera movements.

The setting was interesting too. Well, before the time skip - the barren landscape, as well as underground homes. I found it to be a simple yet unique and interesting setting for a story. That said the story wasn't much, and the characters themselves weren't outstanding. But the uplifting atmosphere and combined elements overshadowed these faults.

Not perfect in my book (gave it an 8) but certainly a great show.
Oct 11, 2009 8:37 PM

May 2007
I can't really articulate as well so I'm gonna have to agree with pretty much everything BigSimo said.

I liked it because I found it immensely entertaining. And the action scenes were gratifying enough that I didn't notice any overt faults.
Oct 14, 2009 5:59 PM

Jan 2008
Animation - 9

For a TV series, the movement is pretty good at points, if not perfectly consistent. But things move quite a bit, very much like Gainax. The easy flat colors lend themselves well to movement especially, the show's not exactly hard on the eyes with extremely stylized design for the robots and the characters.

Sound - 6

Typical sound construction, nothing out of the ordinary. Music is your typical j-pop/rock as well.

Characters - 7

We have a pretty decent range, but most characters aren't very well-rounded. Kamina is enthusiastic, charismatic, and enigmatic, and goes out in a blaze. Simon grows in the series, but it happens quickly and instantly from one scene to the next. At least he's dynamic. Yoko doesn't change; beyond flat and static, she's barely a character.

Story - 6

Nothing special in of itself, but the execution is where it counts. It's over the top in approach, making the story seem more grandiose than it is.

Enjoyment - 10

It's a thrill ride of a show and a pleasure to watch, especially with other people. It also helps if you've seen previous Gainax shows to catch a lot of the references and homages tossed in. It might be fanservice, but it's what fans like to see.

TTGL is a fair bit overrated in my opinion, but it's very easy to see why, it's a fun show. It certainly isn't the best anime ever, but it's one that people should definitely check out. And it definitely has a good re-watch potential.

It might be stupid and crude, but that's what the medium allows the animators to do, but then again, this club shouldn't even need to add it because it's already garnered so much attention. The show is good at getting you roused and excited. So my verdict: yes.
BluMeinoOct 14, 2009 6:02 PM
Oct 15, 2009 3:33 PM

Dec 2007
This anime called me stupid. Many times.

Will eventually develop later.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Oct 15, 2009 6:45 PM

Jan 2009
I had to give this show an 8/10.

Note: it's been a long while since I saw the show, so forgive me if I've forgotten somethings I should have remembered.

Enjoyable? Hell yeah. Heavens got pierced and all that and for the most part, I just went through it without thinking too much.

However, there were things about the characters that I didn't particularly enjoy, namely when GAINAX told Kamina,

Also there comes Yoko and Nia...

I don't know; this will probably the first show I'll vote "no" on. I just wished things were handled better. If there's anything I dislike out there in a show or story, it's when there are things left unresolved, or holes of various types.
DeadBonesBrookOct 18, 2009 1:13 AM
Oct 17, 2009 4:48 PM

Jun 2009
I'll begin with overall rating which is 8/10

now why is that, in details.

Animation - 9
If you saw Abenobashi Mahous Shoutengai or FLCL you'll recognize this unique weird grotesque artstyle .Noticeable is generall lack of CG animation with one exception which would be Mugens however anything other is handdrawn art of frisky minds that took overcombined in it's pathos mecha genre to completely new level of sheer fun and enjoyment.That's why Yoko is so hot, why Kamina wears enormous glasses and flapping cloak etc

Sound- 8
I can't be objective here since TTGL OST is one of my favourite non-Yoko Kanno anime soundtracks, mostly for it's crowning moments of awesomeness.Nikopol sounds to me like Linkin Park on the other hand Libera me from hell reminds me of Puff Daddy hit Come with me performanced with Jimmy Page, it's the same direct collision of two opposites world of sounds that gave birth to something unique.Both endings and openings makes me scream for more epicness and fun.Score does not sound great without viosion, still have remarkable moments like DaiGurren theme

Characters- 7
Nothing new in the matter of anime but here we can also see authors playing with cliches with different results.And so Kamina is manlier than any other badass, Yoko is hottest chick with gun, Simon is Shinji who gets cured of his hedgehog dillemas, Nia is moe-airhead developing from loli to harbinger of apocalypse.To put it simple none of characters is great however they do their job on stage good, enternaining us meanwhile we don't give a damn about their problems or feelings

It's the most epic anime show ever especially including final episode where aside the galaxy brawl we could see the whole universe united with love and peace, I mean even in Geass it was bounded to Earth only :D.As it comes to plot it spares us twistplots that are rather confusing than surprising like Gainax used to do in the past.I don't like tendency to looking for deep meaning in entertaining series like CG or TTGL cause such is only fanboys imagination.In one phrase:Epic series got epic story, nothing more , nothing less

Pure fun to swallow in in few days (in my case three) ,as time pass you'll forget what the fuss was all about but Kamina's motto "Who the hell you think we are" will be ringing in your ears for a long time assuming that you enjoyed it with no great expectations and belief that it's more that it sounds to be which is (repeatance) sheer fun

Although above I praised the show I don't think club relations is good place for it
RychulubiczOct 17, 2009 4:51 PM
Oct 18, 2009 8:50 AM

Feb 2008
The short version:
What Yuunagi said. Without the positive points.

The long version:
When watching Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann it becomes apparent that the people making it have poured much of their sweat and tears into it. One can clearly see how tight design was and how faithful and professionally the animators have followed the director's vision.
That concludes the discussion about the good parts of this anime.

It took me well over three months to drag myself through this series. This is because I don't think I've been this insulted since the last general elections, the only reason for thinking the elections worse being that the parties' manifestos were ostensibly aimed towards adults, whereas I'll give TTGL the benefit of the doubt and keep thinking that it was intended for 5 year-olds, 15 year-olds* or others of a like level of lack of mental development. While I simply dislike having to look at the antics of a group of people who, given their level of emotional stability, should be returned to pre-school, and while I am flabbergasted by the utter lack of anything going on over a full 27 episodes, I'm insulted by and disgusted with the fact that it is expected that I, as the viewer, am to experience fun or pleasure from a show that extols the notion that everything is good as long as you desire it and the idea that every single desire should be granted, if need be by use of violence. Every single shred of plot of TTGL is based on self-glorification and the direct and violent disposal of anything that doesn't suit one's own, childish, wishes.

Starting with the story: I can't say I found one. It starts with two people who seem to really want something. It's kept completely unknown what it is they are striving for and why the audience should care: no, we're expected to cheer for the characters simply because they have desires. Apparently, the content or goal thereof is of no consequence. Then, when following the path of the petulant child (the constant referral to it as being 'manly' only ensures once and for all that we're dealing with little children here), a lot of running around and beating others up goes on, nominaly because they are enemies, though neither rhyme nor reason has been given for this assumption and all moral consciousness of the fights and their reason or goal is lacking.
Because of this utter lack of explanation or appreciation of cause, for a full fifteen or so episodes, there is effectively nothing going on: there is simplistic fight after fight, without there being the least of motivation to actually care about any of it. Apparently, if all the fans of the show should be believed, all this is exciting but if that's the case I really need someone to point out to me why this aimless tour of destruction is so.
Suddenly, halfway through, it appears to get better with a few actual happenings as the question of responsibility for a diverse set of themes (legislation, production, collateral damage in military affairs) is raised, and for a little while it seems as if the series might end with a bit of attention to consequence. However, soon after the utter ridiculousness resumes in full force, up to the very predictable end.

The art was lacking. Though I can understand why the characters and their vehicles were designed the way they were, the screen remained mostly empty save for the never-ending and irritating movement of characters. Many scenes were filled by vehicles riding around between clumps of rocks in a scenery that was highly lacking in detail, up until, out of the blue, some foes appeared and even less was going on: by far too much screen time was given to the battle scenes, which consisted of robots bouncing around and things blowing up. Such portrayals are perhaps interesting for about three seconds, after which they get real old, real fast. It doesn't help that during most of the battle scenes the robots are detached from their setting and floating around in a swirl of colours that are probably used to give a sense of speed and urgency, yet only manage to empty the screen. Again, this supposedly is to be exciting, but I find it impossible to see how a meaningless burst of movement or colours can in any way be interesting.
Points should be awarded to the design of the foes in the second half, though, as their being alien was very much pronounced thereby.

As for sound, there was screaming. A lot. In fact, even the background vocals were mostly screams of the sort that makes me wonder whether there was any text at all. And that's about it, even though the second half had more in the way of actual music instead of growling.

With the partial exception of Rossiu and Nia, every single character in this series is depicted as an utter, and very ignoble, savage, who not only does little but going around causing wanton destruction but seems to actually enjoy it, going even so far as to take pride in its ignorance and lack of common sense. Respectful of nothing but raw brutality, they lack aims and thoughts and, thus, characterisation.

As should be apparent, I utterly disliked TTGL. I completely failed to find anything of the vaunted excitement so often mentioned and neither can I understand how anyone else would be able to find it. Most of the time I was simply bored with the lack of anything going on but explosions of action without purpose and at other times I was insulted by the fact that it seems to take for granted that there is any way, any way at all, to look at the ridiculous 'story', self-serving characters and utter lack of morals or meaning without pure disgust. No climax, no point, no meaning: if anything can be said to be clear and unadulterated yaoi, then TTGL is.

* I'm firmly convinced that the original spark of insight regarding the evolution theory must have come from studying teenagers in the wild, as it is at that point in time, as development has actually regressed for a couple of years, that the similarities between humans and lower lifeforms is most clearly visible. On the other hand, I refuse to believe that teenagers can develop into adults. Believing that they are being swapped for a changeling by fairies at around age 20 seems less of a stretch.
You do not beg the sun for mercy.
Oct 18, 2009 11:04 AM

Jul 2007
santetjan said:
With the partial exception of Rossiu and Nia, every single character in this series is depicted as an utter, and very ignoble, savage, who not only does little but going around causing wanton destruction but seems to actually enjoy it, going even so far as to take pride in its ignorance and lack of common sense. Respectful of nothing but raw brutality, they lack aims and thoughts and, thus, characterisation.
Well, there's Leeroy. It's a shame that the characters closest to being sane (Rossiu, Genome, the Antispirals) are simply overpowered rather than reasoned with.

As for sound, there was screaming. A lot. In fact, even the background vocals were mostly screams of the sort that makes me wonder whether there was any text at all. And that's about it, even though the second half had more in the way of actual music instead of growling.
Oh, you'd definitely love the series more if you knew the lyrics. And keep in mind that this theme is played for the "good guys".

I feel sorry for any parent or teacher who would ever have to deal with a kid inspired to insolence by the hubris of this show.
YuunagiOct 18, 2009 4:41 PM
Oct 20, 2009 5:27 PM

Feb 2008
Oh, that's just bloody wonderful. 'What's yours is mine' may indeed be pretty much the sum of this show; a dictum that is, of course, very worthy of being considered 'entertaining'.
Also, the idea of hubris is that it brings a downfall. Here, it actually manages to exalt itself.
You do not beg the sun for mercy.
Oct 21, 2009 6:56 AM

Nov 2007
I really couldn't help but compare this to Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still, and to be honest, I found GR to be far less insulting to my intelligence, and far better in terms of, well, pretty much everything.
What a day! What a lovely Day!
Apr 1, 2010 6:09 AM

Dec 2007
Well, this seems to be permanently banned from the club now, but i still wanna give my view on it. I completely love TTGL, and there are three main reasons for that.

Firstly i think this is as good as the classic shounen story is ever going to get. It has all the usual villians getting stronger and stronger and the main characters getting powerups to match them, but they all make complete sense. There are no powerups that come out of the blue. They all work with what we already know about the TTGL universe and works in the best possible way from a narrative perspecitve. When the Arc-Gurren was transformed it worked just fine, because we knew Lagann could take over stuff and change them. As soon as that happened we knew Chouginga would eventually be transformed as well, and the producers knew we would know that, so instead of making the realization of this as big as for Arc they instead made the transformation itself something special. Tengen Toppa is the one that makes least sense in this regard, but i guess it was inevitable to have another upgrade for the final fight. At the very least it was forshadowed in the title of the show. There are also never any coincidental exact matches of power except for when the anti-spiral decides to do so. Also except for Lord Genome, but that can be excused by elite spiral warriors (i guess there's a practical limit to how strong they can get) using very similar mechs.

The second thing is that the villians have a really good motivation for what they do. Lord Genome suppresses the humans so they won't get destroyed by the anti-spirals, and the anti-spirals suppress all spiral beings to protect the universe itself. These are things i can get behind. And before (or after i guess) anyone complains that Simon in the end will cause the spiral nemesis, he clearly states that he would stop that. That even becomes the oath all new spiral warriors take. Do the impossible and all that dandy shit. Do you doubt that they can stop it? ;)

Thirdly is something i always like, and that is when stuff makes sense. I'm specifically talking about the spiral power. We are constantly given clues and hints as to what it is and how it works. It gives a pretty good excuse to use the classic drill since uncontrolled spiral power apparently forms into spiral shapes as shown here. They also give a good excuse to why it's a good thing shaping your mechs into humanoid form involving an interpretation of what evolution means in their universe. Everything, everywhere is just well thought out.

I can add that this is why i hate the movie versions. They take a complete shit on my first and third point. They ruin everything i think is so brilliant about TTGL, and i have no respect for that.

And please don't say that TTGL 'teaches' any of us to abandon reason and think with our guts. I despise when people bitch about morals in fiction. It's just a story! A fairy tale! If i want advice on how to live my life i would read something serious on the subject. They shout and charge head on for the coolfactor only. Not to mention that it makes complete sense for them to do so in their universe. It raises their spiral power and makes them more powerful. I'd think this gives them more of an advantage than any reasoning or strategic thinking would.

And since i'm writing i might as well include this. The anti-spiral and Tengen Toppa are not the size of galaxies. How can i say that? Well, think back to the Chouginga. The first time it tried to jump to Nia it entered super spiral space. Remeber that it's the size of the moon, but later we see those weird face things throwing planetes at it. Already here we can see that everything seems a lot smaller in super spiral space. But think also about when Chouginga flies out of Tengen Toppas mouth, and what about the anti-spirals planet? That would be a mighty big planet if they were big as galaxies. Also consider this and this image. That hardly looks like galaxy sized to me. More like star sized.

So exactly how big are they? Well, we can use one of the examples i mentioned - the anti-spiral planet - to calculate that. Assuming the planet is big as earth i get the anti-spiral, and hence also Tengen Toppa, to 284'571 km from top to toe. That's about one fifth of the suns diameter, but still 'unbelievably gigantic'. Like i said, the show makes sense when you think about it, and that is always a plus for me.

I think TTGL is an amazing composure of shounen mecha and an interesting universe. I can not imagine anything better in the genre (though i haven't seen that much of the genre, so please try to prove me wrong).
VolblaApr 1, 2010 6:12 AM
Aug 5, 2011 1:22 AM

May 2010
Here are the brief reasons why I hated this show

  • The story became more and more ridiculous to the point where the writers can writer whatever they want and people will still call it epic
  • Characters are dumb. Pretty much other than Simon, Kamina, and Yoko, all the characters were canon fillers. Yoko's only existence is for fanservice. The villans = team rocket.
  • Inconsistent animation
Even when I was in crowd, I was always alone
Aug 5, 2011 1:48 AM

Apr 2009
TTGL is an amazing spoof and homage to a whole genre.

This explains all your points albeit maybe it does not justify them.
Feb 1, 2015 5:00 AM

Jul 2008
Desirio said:
TTGL is an amazing spoof and homage to a whole genre.

This explains all your points albeit maybe it does not justify them.


If you're watching it any other way you'll ruin it. It's a love letter to a genre and its fans; decade by decade they are racking up the tropes while the story and battles keep escalating to beyond ridiculous levels. It's stupid, corny and lacking any *real* substance beyond masterfully handling the tropes of the mecha genre, but it's supposed to be all that because that is the essence of Mecha as a genre, and the more knowledgeable one is of the genre, the greater TTGL becomes.

TTGL is to GAR mecha what Nadesico is to Space Operas.
Feb 8, 2015 5:43 AM

Apr 2009

If we were to consider "ridiculous" anime as a genre/niche worthy of having the best of it inducted, I'd pick Kill La Kill instead. It may not be as stellar as TTGL, but sure was of a more harmonious weave.
If that makes any sense.

If the issue was about ridiculous mecha, I say having Top Wo Nerae in fills that role.

An opinion based of ~2/3 of the anime.
The masses nearly always choose the worst options, and I have 2 world wars and many smaller ones as proof.

Men start equal, what they grow up to be is a different matter. Men haven't the right to be, they only have the right for a chance to be.
Feb 15, 2015 6:32 AM

Jul 2008
ultimadavalon said:

If we were to consider "ridiculous" anime as a genre/niche worthy of having the best of it inducted, I'd pick Kill La Kill instead. It may not be as stellar as TTGL, but sure was of a more harmonious weave.
If that makes any sense.

If the issue was about ridiculous mecha, I say having Top Wo Nerae in fills that role.

An opinion based of ~2/3 of the anime.

Yeah, you might think that, seeing as you didn't finish it and thus missed out on what makes the series truly great.
Feb 13, 2016 4:07 PM

Apr 2011
Man, all this salt.
Feb 13, 2016 4:15 PM

Sep 2009
ShadowGentleman said:
Man, all this salt.

I sincerely believe this is one of the worst spotlights in the group's history.

I hope to make some attempt to rectify this after an eventual rewatch (once I get around to buying the BDs).
Feb 14, 2016 5:23 AM

Jan 2015
Ah, this thread, walls of text explaining how the show wasn't their cup of tea and lukewarm representations of the essence of TTGL. It’s mostly people judging the show by their own expectations without taking into account what the show is and what it is trying to do. Something this club looks down upon when it comes to no plot and bland character progression in Aria. Talk about double standards. So let me do the same for the other side of the argument xD.

At its core Gurren Lagann is a story of human self-actualization and the desire of becoming the best we can be despite the constant challenges the world (or universe for reasons of epicness) opposes us with. This is represented as a struggle between the extraordinary power or reckless progression and total self-preservation in form of denying change for the sake of stability.

This all ties into the main character’s coming of age as he has to recognize the benefits and dangers of both ideologies while finding his own identity. He has to become the deciding factor for which option humanity has to choose in order to improve its situation. Or to put it in the words of the show, when to go all out (and pierce the heavens) and when to hold back for the sake of everyone. In any case his progression arc is also one of the most fulfilling monomyths I’ve come across in anime. The rest of the cast have their own personalities that tie into either the main theme, MC’s coming of age or both. A few of them also get progression arcs on par with the MC’s. Despite that the cast manages to maintain their presence as people and not plot devices.

All that overthinking is just a framework for what’s on the surface aka what to watch this show for, while treating the themes and character progression as bonuses that ground the silliness to something tangible. So the main reason to watch Gurren Lagann are exciting well directed and animated over-the-top super robot battles that constantly grow in scale to mask the fact that they are all basically the same thing. But that’s OK since the show is self-aware and never makes you believe that the battles are anything more than fun popcorn material where the right mindset (and yelling) is all that’s needed to overcome the impossible odds. Still the show never forgets to come back to its main theme in order to demonstrate that blind aggression or hopeless submission never work out.

Animation and art work well for the type of action the show has and the directing is good in both emotional and action scenes. The style of the show distinct enough to make it memorable and stand out from the rest of generic shows. Sound also did its job imo.

I’m getting tired of inventing warm water here so I’ll just urge you to give this long analysis a watch since it’s amazing at explaining the main appeal and merits of the show. Analysis, you know the things that should be deciding what shows should be held in higher regard instead of popularity contests.

IamGFeb 15, 2016 9:15 AM
Feb 14, 2016 6:26 AM

Aug 2014
This show is not half as good as stories and images it borrows so that's gonna be an easy no.
Feb 14, 2016 6:42 AM

Mar 2012
Confucius said:
Here are the brief reasons why I hated this show

  • The story became more and more ridiculous to the point where the writers can writer whatever they want and people will still call it epic
  • Characters are dumb. Pretty much other than Simon, Kamina, and Yoko, all the characters were canon fillers. Yoko's only existence is for fanservice. The villans = team rocket.
  • Inconsistent animation

lol. call me salty but idk, i just didn't find it entertaining. I like cartoonish violence, gratuitous or not, but the characters and art are just....... silly. Which is basically overall my impression of this show. Not silly like Yotsuba, silly like 'We're supposed to think this tall guy wearing sunglasses shouting cheesy alpha male believe-in-yourself slogans is cool?" silly. It's obvious why other people like the show but the reasons they give are either not visible to me when watching or are just straight up stupid.

Not to mention the fans... if I have to hear one more person talk about 'Manliness' in reference to this show I'm getting a sex change so I never have to interact with the concept of manliness again.

Definite no from me. No and scorched earth.
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 14, 2016 7:54 AM
Sep 2010
I feel like this is the same case as with Golden Boy. Just as that show is a pretty good introduction into ecchi comedy as a genre, this one is a good introduction into anime self-satire. Whether that is good enough reason for an induction is not something I can judge, so this will be abstained.
Feb 14, 2016 11:18 AM

Apr 2011
Feb 15, 2016 2:51 AM

Jan 2015
So I take it no one watched the video? It's a shame really since it's a great example why one essay has more weight behind it then the entire history of this club...
Feb 15, 2016 4:42 AM

Mar 2012
IamG said:
So I take it no one watched the video? It's a shame really since it's a great example why one essay has more weight behind it then the entire history of this club...

lol. I started watching and got ten minutes in but what it comes down to is that if all it takes for a show or manga to be inducted is an hour long video about why it's (apparently) good... I understand where you're coming from since there have been shows (or, more often, manga) that are critically acclaimed and overtly deserving of induction that I felt didn't receive the respect they deserved but that's life.

Honestly though, based on what I saw the criticisms he makes exaggerate the importance of themes or ideas in the show and ignore the dominate tone/purpose being conveyed. Reading the show on the level he does opens it up to criticisms for its understanding of personal growth, obsession with violence, and as said above focus on singular charismatic individuals, not to mention idiotic plot, lack of interesting characters, etc...
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 15, 2016 5:09 AM

Mar 2012
Yaaa watching again and this video could be 10 minutes long.
First I wanted to stop when he argued the fanservice was because it shows Simon's subjective inner state but ultimately I stopped because the majority of the video is surface level details about character relationships talked about over longer periods of time. The sum of his parts don't justify his claim whatsoever
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 15, 2016 7:17 AM

Jan 2015
Yeah, I don't think he literally means that gurren lagann is the best anime ever. But I'm confused have you watched it till the end or not? Not that it matters much to you anyway

truisms said:
I stopped because the majority of the video is surface level details about character relationships talked about over longer periods of time. The sum of his parts don't justify his claim whatsoever

This is why is stated that the video has more substance than anything this club is doing. Because he gives very sound and very well articulated arguments why he thinks characters, themes, and plot are impressive in his eyes. The "Critical" one liners most posts (including yours) are full of could be applied to any show. Because unlike the guy in the video your claims have no arguments backing them up.

You like to dismiss the show by calling it silly. It's a valid viewpoint. But that could be said about a lot of shows (even on The List) depending on your personal perspective. Or you could see everything as very impressive like the guy in the video did. The difference between you and him is that he made a very strong case for his side.
Feb 15, 2016 7:24 AM

Mar 2012
IamG said:
Yeah, I don't think he literally means that gurren lagann is the best anime ever. But I'm confused have you watched it till the end or not? Not that it matters much to you anyway

truisms said:
I stopped because the majority of the video is surface level details about character relationships talked about over longer periods of time. The sum of his parts don't justify his claim whatsoever

This is why is stated that the video has more substance than anything this club is doing. Because he gives very sound and very well articulated arguments why he thinks characters, themes, and plot are impressive in his eyes. The "Critical" one liners most posts (including yours) are full of could be applied to any show. Because unlike the guy in the video your claims have no arguments backing them up.

You like to dismiss the show by calling it silly. It's a valid viewpoint. But that could be said about a lot of shows (even on The List) depending on your personal perspective. Or you could see everything as very impressive like the guy in the video did. The difference between you and him is that he made a very strong case for his side.

I watched 20 minutes in and then stopped. But if somebody writes an hour long defense of the movie Troll 2 calling it a classic, I'm not going to write an hour long rebuttal. The difference between me and him is that he spent a long ass time making a video to make the points that Kamina's death is important because it lets Simon come out of his shadow and the introduction of a new character right after begins the step of his journey - 20 minutes into the video, all he's told me is that it's about evolution (okay), the fanservice is actually a subjective depiction of Simon's state of mind (unjustified claim), and then a basic summary of some of the most obvious aspects of the character relationships :/
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 15, 2016 9:09 AM

Jan 2015
truisms said:
But if somebody writes an hour long defense of the movie Troll 2 calling it a classic, I'm not going to write an hour long rebuttal.

Fair point, and no one is expecting you to. But his observations are not baseless. What he says about the characters and themes could be seen by everyone and show was definitely going for those things. Now if you don't find them impressive that ok and it's a valid point of view. I'm not gonna call them amazing but they are there and they are decent/good. Just another layer to like the show for.

You can make a solid counter argument to an hour long video in one paragraph. Assuming there is something so major about it that would debunk the long argument. But I'm sorry this...
truisms said:
Confucius said:
Here are the brief reasons why I hated this show

  • The story became more and more ridiculous to the point where the writers can writer whatever they want and people will still call it epic
  • Characters are dumb. Pretty much other than Simon, Kamina, and Yoko, all the characters were canon fillers. Yoko's only existence is for fanservice. The villans = team rocket.
  • Inconsistent animation

lol. call me salty but idk, i just didn't find it entertaining. I like cartoonish violence, gratuitous or not, but the characters and art are just....... silly. Which is basically overall my impression of this show. Not silly like Yotsuba, silly like 'We're supposed to think this tall guy wearing sunglasses shouting cheesy alpha male believe-in-yourself slogans is cool?" silly. It's obvious why other people like the show but the reasons they give are either not visible to me when watching or are just straight up stupid.

Not to mention the fans... if I have to hear one more person talk about 'Manliness' in reference to this show I'm getting a sex change so I never have to interact with the concept of manliness again.

Definite no from me. No and scorched earth.

...and this...
truisms said:

Honestly though, based on what I saw the criticisms he makes exaggerate the importance of themes or ideas in the show and ignore the dominate tone/purpose being conveyed. Reading the show on the level he does opens it up to criticisms for its understanding of personal growth, obsession with violence, and as said above focus on singular charismatic individuals, not to mention idiotic plot, lack of interesting characters, etc... in my humble opinion not nearly on par with the video or says anything more than that you didn't feel it. For god sake you could change the title of the thread to gintama and swap a few names form the two arguments and it would fit perfectly.

I'm gonna sound like a pleb defending his favourite anime and say that you have to watch the video in it's entirety before you can truly understand the point he was trying to make.
IamGFeb 15, 2016 9:14 AM
Feb 15, 2016 1:01 PM

Jan 2012
I don't know why everyone is taking Gurren Lagann seriously in this thread....
Feb 17, 2016 1:45 PM

Mar 2012
Riebelt said:
I don't know why everyone is taking Gurren Lagann seriously in this thread....

Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 18, 2016 2:58 PM

Jan 2015
truisms said:
Riebelt said:
I don't know why everyone is taking Gurren Lagann seriously in this thread....


Well obviously he means that any kind of discussion is pointless since the most important thing when it comes to entertainment is the viewers subjective experience with it. How well other people justify their fondness or dislike towards the show is completely irrelevant when deciding the merits of said show, right?
Feb 18, 2016 3:48 PM

Mar 2012
IamG said:
truisms said:


Well obviously he means that any kind of discussion is pointless since the most important thing when it comes to entertainment is the viewers subjective experience with it. How well other people justify their fondness or dislike towards the show is completely irrelevant when deciding the merits of said show, right?

I don't think that's obvious, it could be a dig at gurren lagann or saying gurren lagann is meant to be a crazy experience and not a serious or profound one
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Feb 19, 2016 2:49 AM

Jan 2015
@truisms I was being sarcastic to his ignorant comment. But it's not like I wrote that well enough for the sarcasm to be understood. Basically what I meant was that you need to be serious when judging something otherwise this popularity contest would be a total joke since people wouldn't form solid veiws on shows before they make their decision. Not taking something seriously leads to arbitrary decisions since your taking it as a joke and don't care.
Feb 19, 2016 4:22 AM

Dec 2007
Are we debating the anime or a video talking wonders about the anime?
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Feb 19, 2016 4:50 AM

Jan 2015
@ladyxzeus What's the difference? It's not like the guy is pulling things out of his ass. What he says is all in the show and he presents his view exceedingly well compared to people in this tread. I do hope that people are competent enough to see that, and acknowledge that there is more to ttgl then most people notice. And of course people are free to value the the existence of character progression and the interwoven themes with plot however they like.
IamGFeb 19, 2016 4:54 AM
Feb 19, 2016 7:18 AM

Dec 2007
It matters that we are straying away from the actual discussion by discussing "oh this video could be better" and "in this video he says X" Who cares about a video?

As for myself, I can't even watch it.
Waratte Oemashou Sore ha Chiisana Inori
Feb 19, 2016 12:37 PM

Mar 2012
ladyxzeus said:
It matters that we are straying away from the actual discussion by discussing "oh this video could be better" and "in this video he says X" Who cares about a video?

As for myself, I can't even watch it.

I addressed it because it was mentioned and I disagree with its conclusions - the linking of the video proposes it as an argument. Everyone involved already mentioned their opinion on the show tho
Mayuka said:

did you call

holier than thou bitch right here

Oct 21, 2019 1:47 PM
Apr 2010
So, after over ten years since this came out and about ten years since I have watched the show itself, I think the impact the show has had on the community kind of speaks for itself.

I don't even particularly like it subjectively, but I find it hard to deny that it is exactly what it wants to be and still struck a chord with a lot people, despite being peak-Gainax in its presentation.
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