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[Possible Spoilers] Most Overrated/Underrated Anime V. 4

Jul 30, 2014 1:55 PM

Sep 2011

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TyrelSep 13, 2014 12:40 PM
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Jul 30, 2014 1:56 PM

Nov 2010
One Piece is the most underrated anime. It's long, which is a big advantage given the genre and it really uses the length well(things that happened hundreds of episodes ago become relevant), I'll be watching it for another ten years, happily. Great story, characters, world, etc. Large scale story where the anticipation grows every arc, new interesting islands with interesting people to explore at every stop. It's filers are even enjoyable and add to the experience. 10/10, unless it's in the number 1 rank with a 10.00 score it's underrated.

I'll also throw in Ping Pong, Shirokuma Cafe, Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo and a whole bunch of shorts are underrated. Shorts really get the short end here.
Jul 30, 2014 1:56 PM

Mar 2013
what is the over under on when v5 of this thread will come out?

edit: god dammit i was so close
Just because you know how to use a torrent does not give you the god given right to pirate.

My actual list:

check out my youtube channel for my review:

Jul 30, 2014 1:58 PM

Dec 2012
Just wanna put it on page 1: Gad Guard is underrated and underwatched.

I'm surprised it's under the radar as a whole when it's got such a huge cast of veteran seiyuu. It's not like it's the father of TTGL but it's got a one of a kind story that shouldn't be passed up just because it looks childish.
Jul 30, 2014 1:58 PM
Dec 2013
Overrated = LoGH. LoGH is completely trash and boring, i don't know why people like this at all. An individual that finds this show enjoyable needs to see a psychiatrist. Deserves a rating of 7.00 at best imo.

Underrated = Akame ga Kill, this series gets too much hate but i guess since its been a success. I love how this show tries not to be edgy (Like LoGH for example). Deserves to be on the Top Anime Page when it finishes airing.
UchihaSep 1, 2014 4:22 PM
Jul 30, 2014 1:58 PM

Dec 2012

Straight to my ignored topics but first

I don't like to call anime overrated since it's just a made up term for stuff that you didn't like while other did but a new thread so whatever.


One Piece. Slow story progression, repetitive narrative and a sense of discontinuity in it due to some episodic arcs, cast full of annoying characters, one dimensional main characters, lack of character development, easily has the worst fights in any battle anime I've seen, vapid and repetitive dialogue, ugly art, exaggerated over the top expressions ruins certain scenes, horrible stale humor for the most part but when it is good, it's really good, misplace comedy in serious situations, lack of interesting and compelling villains and has the worst written character in Shounen Jump history Sanji.

I don't really care for the world building aspect for one piece, which seems to be the most praised thing about one piece. I actually don't care for world building in general, it's very low on priority on the things I judge animanga by. What I saw was bad about one piece was the writing of the characters, Luffy is two dimensional at best. Everything about him is borrowed from Goku, and nothing feels execulsive to him, he doesn't have any significant character development for more than 100+ episodes, so he is a static character for a good portion of the show, while static doesn't mean a bad character by default, in the case of Luffy it makes him a bad character, because it makes him super predictable in how he reacts to things, his interactions with others and his decisions in general. There is hardly any fleshing out of his character outside of simple dialogue and simple motives ''I want to be the pirate king'' ''Protect my Nakama'' ''I love meat''. His characterization is very simple, yet not charming as Goku. I just find him dull, the shouting and care free personality with the serious personality in fights doesn't make him interesting to me. There is just no particular depth in his characterization or the execution of his character.

The other main characters more or less are the same as Luffy just slightly better. I found Nami's character to be good due to her conflict with pirates and her character development and back story in Arlong park, I thought that was not so average and mediocre like most things, and I even started liking her. But as soon as that arc finished, she remains static with nothing to offer, making her interactions with the crew members predictable and annoying and hardly funny. They don't get development past their introductory arcs. Which makes them less engaging and interesting. Repeating of their dreams and motives, every other time kinda makes them shallow because there offer nothing else in conflicts, internal struggles or different dimensions to them or something subtle to make me wonder and try to think and understand something deeper or anything interesting really.

There is the average story, that has really slow pace and progression. It feels like every arc is episodic and discontinued, with little things connecting them together to an overarching story. I didn't like that since I like continuity and dislike any form of episodic story telling. I heard some people call the story complex and describe it like you did, but I didn't really see anything impressive where I dropped it, I just saw the author leaves a bit of pieces to connect a story, which is hardly impressive. I find the fights in general to be one the worst, for the devoid of strategy in them and them mostly being shouting and straight up and simple fighting. The devil fruits are kinda stupid and uninteresting. I don't like the overexaggerated emotions, or the art, I don't find it unique, just unappealing. The humor very rarely is funny. It's really jarring how a few episodes are hilarious and the majority are stale, dry and stupid in humor. Unmemorable villains, lack of death, happy go lucky nature, etc. There is just all sorts of stuff that I didn't like about the series or find unappealing.

Now when I said worst writing I've seen in any battle anime, I specifically meant Sanji. Other things are below average or mediocre but this particular character is just terrible. The worst I have ever seen in any battle animanga. I literally can't think of a worse character. His character insults me. The characterizations, the sexism, character design, vapid dialogue, lame powers, etc. There is literally nothing even remotely good about him imo. I kinda expanded my thoughts on these aspects before but the post got deleted and I didn't save it, so sorry for not expanding my points.

I dropped the series in Skypiea. But even the world building at that point didn't impress me in the slightest. They were just okay for an adventure series, and I've certainly seen better.

Madoka Magica
The first half of the show was so mind numbingly boring. It took me more than 3 months to get through it. I think the main reason why I didn't like Madoka that much was because of the characters.

The characters in PMMM are it's weakest part. The characterization for them is shallow, lacks dimension and substantial character development and fleshing out. Lets start with Madoka herself which is undoubtedly the worst character in the show. Despite being the protagonist of the show, she feels more like a plot device than an actual character. She barely has any personality, she is the whiny insecure and scared character who wants to save her friends, that's about it. She has no presence in the show, she is merely there watching as the events take place. There were no fleshing out of her character in a noticeable manner. She kept behaving the same way for so long till the final episode, her dialogue is vapid and repetitive and honestly very cringe worthy. Her character development in the last episode was simply forced and not believable in the slightest. She is a hollow character that lacks any non-generic personality traits and lacks depth and proper development.

Homura is a shallow character because the foundation of her character is Madoka and Madoka alone. All her existence is based on her and nothing more. Her personality is barely fleshed out, her back story while explained her motives, was really forced, as in I didn't really felt like she had that good of a reason to dedicate her whole life to what she was doing. That more the fault of the length of the anime though, I will admit that. But at the very end, her development was somewhat believable and felt natural. But the problem remains on the lack of a fleshed out personality.

The red haired one. The only thing I remember of her is the sob back story and that she likes snacks I think. She is two dimensional, with a development that didn't even make sense. Her relationship with Sayaka and the effects on it on her came out of nothing.

Sayaka. She is imo the best character, because she had more focus and depth on her than the other characters. The only problems I have with her, is the fact that her motives and her conflict were so fucking stupid. The reason for her development was her crush on a boy? really? and it's not even just that, it's the fact that she gave up because apparently she is not human anymore. I honestly didn't understand why she did what she did. Her whole mental anguish was so dumb, like I know she is a teenage girl but come on, that shit wasn't believable in the slightest.

Mami. Tits? idk, I hardly remember her. Her you know what was important to the plot but that's about it.

The third friend plot device and Sayaka's crush. I hope they burn in hell, especially the green hair plot device, what a shitty person.

I just didn't connect with this characters or empathize and sympathize with them. I couldn't care less for them whenever I was watching. They were unlikable and not interesting aside from Homura's mystery.

Madoka third movie
Dat boring one and half hour
Dat great animation
Dat awesome OST
Dat annoying animation and art. why shinbou
Dat still very annoying Madoka
Dat cring worthy cake scene
Dat overall cringe worthy interactions between these unlikable characters
Dat last scene so gud
Dem lesbian undertones
Dat fanservice character

Awful. Terrible twist.

Kill la Kill
I can't believe this was positively received.

I realized this at episode 19. Everything felt so boring. It felt like I have already seen the same conversation between the characters a thousand times over, the same dull humor. The repetitiveness and the predictability is what got to me. The anime lost it's fun factor for me, because nothing and new and creative in it. For example, the use of nudity in general and the comedic scene of Aikurou's striping was funny, creative and unique the first time they did it. But they kept doing it over, and over and yes you guessed it right over again. The problem here is that it's not needed, since what he says during it, is usually not important and just common sense, it takes a portion of the episode away. Mako hallelujah thing while not as repetitive and unfunny, is also bad because it's kills the tension and the seriousness of the situation. She keeps interrupting fights and conflicts like no tomorrow. It kills the mood being setup and It's just frustrating sometimes, instead of giving focus to the important characters in said conflict, we get to see Mako waste a couple of minutes every damn time. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Mako, in fact I really liked her at the beginning and I can stomach her now but she just worsen the show more often than helping it.

The predictability here, for example is that I knew that Satsuki was going to wear Senktsu, the moment Senkstu commented on Ryouko wearing something other than him. It just leads to a very predictable conclusion, Ryouko getting brainwashed, etc. Another example, is the plot twists. The best thing about plot twists, at least for me, is the unpredictability of it. The sense of knowing something is going to happen due to nicely placed subtle foreshadowing, yet not completely predict what's gonna happen and how it happened, so it can satisfy you when it occur in an unexpected manner. That wasn't the case for the plot twists here. Actually Satsuki's betrayal was decent but not the fact that Ryouko and Satsuki are sisters, it was just too predictable with no good foreshadowing like Satsuki's betreyal. And how it happened was easy to guess.

It just dawned to me, while I was watching the previous episodes how this show lost it's charm and how everything is just dull, lifeless and repetitive beyond belief. It just killed my enjoyment. Most of the characters being one dimensional and having bad dialogue that I feel like I've been hearing it for an eternity.

The real cause of this imo is how dragged out the show really is. 13 episodes might have made this a favorite of mine but alas we got plenty of episodes that contributed nothing to the very simple plot or to the characterizations of the characters. Episodes that contributed very little and episodes that felt like a straight up filler. Where the humor and the charm of the show were all used up and dried. Of course, that might not be the studio's fault, since who knows what led to this decision but having 2 cour, instead of one just hurt the show tremendously. Because if a show drives on 'fun', it can't be too long or it will become boring fast, which is what I feel the case was with Kill la Kill.

Forgetting all of this. If I were to pinpoint exactly one of the biggest problems with the show, it has to be Ryuuko. She is just a terrible character imho. She doesn't bring forth and give the show any good attributes or charm or anything. She has shallow and little characterization. Despite being the lead character, it feels like she has less dimension in her personality than Kamina and that's saying something. And she lacks development and depth. Her dialogue is very vapid and trite. I can't say a lot of good things about her. Her character was best fit for a shorter story which connects with my above point about one cour being better for this anime. She killed a lot of my enjoyment since the second half started. This is especially apparent because Satsuki is leagues and beyond her in terms of literally everything. I just don't understand, why they couldn't create a great character like Satsuki or pour some of that effort in Ryouko. The writing of Satsuki is just so much better than everything else in this show, it feels extremely solid and well founded. And I'm not saying this because Satsuki is my favorite character, in fact, I used to like Ryouko more than her.

So yeah my problems are the use of comedy, the pacing, the unnecessity of some stuff, the too simple plot, the predictability, plot twists being sub par, the characters and their lack of adequate depth and Ryouko. I always realized these problems btw, it's just that by at this point, the flaws became too apparent, coupled with the lack of pay off from the second half, which is why my enjoyment dropped significantly, thus making me having regrets.

The terrible animation. tl:dr eventually got worn out of the style, and there was no substance.

Welcome to the NHK. shitty review

Black Lagoon. Shitty review #2

RAINBOW ������人: This anime severely disappointed me I was so happy while watching it thinking I am gonna have a new favorite anime but nope it drastically went down hill after ep 11, the main character suddenly became an illogical idiot and then the second part of the anime happened where there is no plot and the main villain of the first part get handled pretty easily and then they move to character arcs where basically every character in their own respective arc have a dream or something they want to accomplish but in the end of the arc the fail to do it but the rest of the friends help that said character to move on or to deal with it and then repeat that formula in every single arc [ Problem happens > Problem get solved > repeat] so much wasted potential. The first half was pretty good.

Sakurasou no pet : The anime contained high doses of forced melodrama of the worst kind, problems that could have been handled with just talking were dragged out for the sake of drama, most of the cast try to act as unreasonably as possible to invoke that said drama. It had terrible character development, even though I hate Sorata with all my heart, I would agree that he received adequate development, the same can't be said for the other main characters. Shiina who is just your generic dandere ( emotionless type girl) was mainly used for fan-service, humor and for some type of new pet fetish. She doesn't have any character traits outside of her archetype and you can tell that author didn't bother with her because he knew people will just like her for her shallow personality. She was sidetracked in the second part of the show to prolong an unnecessary love triangle which the outcome of was painfully obvious as a result she wasn't giving focus, which made her development iffy. She used to only speak mere sentences from time to time but somewhere in the second part, she just bursted into emotions, crying and fully speaking her mind. Which was very awkward and odd, it's felt extremely unrealistic.

The other characters falls into the other commonly known archetypes. ( Jin: the playboy who supposedly has ''feelings'' and doesn't want to ''dirty'' the girl he loves. Misaki the genki girl. Nanami a tsundere. And if you take the whole struggling with failing and what not from Sorata, you will realise he is your generic rom/com protagonist, incompetent, dense, wimp, weak-willed, oblivious to others feelings, hot headed, painfully average and mediocre in everything, etc)

The anime's theme was supposed to be about reality, hard work and failing or something along those along those lines but it was really unrealistic how high Sorata expectations were or his attitude towards certain characters and situations. The anime also contradicted it's theme and itself and characters in the episode before the finale. Please watch that episode and tell me that's not the most cheesy, cringe worthy, appalling, laughably bad and unrealistic episode you have ever seen in your entire life. To be honest even Ano Hana drama was miles better than this.

Eureka 7: The characters were quite horrible. Never have I seen a cast full of unlikable characters, it is crazy that every single character aside from Charles, ray and maybe Talho annoyed the shit out of me. Renton who isn't exactly an original character I have seen his character traits before (whiny, irritating, wimpy, weak and annoyingly idealistic) he had adequate development in his character but while I was watching the show it frustrated me how dumb some of his choices were. Those choices involved Eureka to a great degree which is one of the reason as to why I think their relationship was terrible. I don't get why was the cast of characters so unlikable, it's like the anime was going out of it's way to show how much the Gekkostate was full of obnoxious pricks especially Holland who seems to be a spoiled self-centered brat in the body of a grown man. I didn't find his ''development'' believable, not one bit. Normally when you watch an anime with a plot line like ''boy joins a crew and begin an adventure'' you expect the crew to be likable and fun and w/e but the members of that crew were so indifferent and apathetic towards Renton it was quite disgusting especially when Holland was beating Renton and nobody except for Talho gave a flying fuck. Not to forget the three most annoying and unlikable kids you will ever encounter in anime.

The relationship between Renton and Eureka was really cringe worthy. It wasn't believable or properly developed. It was just there, for the convenience of the plot. From the beginning Eureka was mostly indifferent towards Renton except for when it came to the mecha she operated and quite honestly I don't get why was Renton heads over heels for her, it was really cliche for it to be the love on first sight crap. Eureka only cared for Renton after he left the ship before that she couldn't care less if he died. I thought Renton leaving the ship was pretty logical and believable because the biggest reason that made him stay in that ship was Eureka and after she somewhat rejected him, leaving was the most logical choice and I quite liked that. But even though Renton had a better option to live with Charles and Ray who could have provided him with real happiness he still chose to go back to the ship because of Eureka, I can't describe how much that frustrated me. I don't really understand why he did that. It rendered him leaving in the first place, pointless. The anime just pissed me off, I don't know how I continued watching all of it.

Ano Hana: I didn't like how the drama was handled. Making the characters cry in every emotional scene, made the drama 'forced' and annoying. I also didn't really find it that sad except for Menma's Mom. I wasn't able to like any of the characters except for Anaru which I really liked and was definitely the best written character in the show but not necessarily because I liked her. There were a lot of lazy writing, for example Menema's physical presence which was established from the very first episode but instead of the MC trying to prove her existence with it, the story just dragged out with him expecting the others to simply believe him. The ending was god awful. I wished they would have showed what their life was like after getting rid of their guilt, which hopefully will happen in the movie.

Chihayafuru season 2.

I don't remember why I started Chihayafuru but I remember that I had very low expectations for it since it just didn't look appealing, but it was surprisingly a very enjoyable watch considering it's an anime about a traditional Japanese card game. The best part of the anime and the story as a whole is the beginning of the story when they were kids, I liked that introductory so much, it was really well done and kept me glued to the screen. I liked everything about it, everything seemed fun and interesting but that feeling didn't stay for the rest of the story imo.

The character are decent and likable, it's hard to really dislike one of them. Tachi is especially nicely written. But other than Tachi I feel like the other main characters are not that developed or fleshed out, Chihya character is fairly predictable and her personality is not that original or multidimensional, Arata who is supposed to be one of the main characters has little screen time in the first season, which is one of the reasons I feel like he is not that fleshed out, his kid version was great but his grown up version is not focused on at all. The side character are decent and have adequate development but sometimes I feel like they are wasting time focusing too much on them, it just seems unnecessary at times as a result the story seems like it is dragging out. As a romance fan, I just hate the romance tease in this story, because I know nothing in it will be developed, it's just there and it will probably never have a conclusive ending. I mean it took 100+ chapters for Chihya to realize she is in love with Arata and on that time we just see Tachi suffering with his unrequited love without doing anything about it.

My biggest problem with Chihayafuru is that it's so fucking repetitive, like I said after the introductory arc the fun and enjoyment for me started to decrease little by little, until I reached more than half way in the second season when I realized that nothing huge in terms of development will ever happen. It's repetitive in terms of dialogue, Karuta games, practicing to become better and playing again with the same opponents, having doubts and getting over them and having them again, Tachi suffering, Chihya's obliviousness, the characters constantly reminding us why they love Karuta, etc.

It's sweet and has nice moments where you really feel for the characters and root for them but I honestly don't think it's anything THAT special or good.

Attack on titan. Well to be short. Pacing issues, the characters are god awful especially Eren, the dialogue, lack of death for important characters, etc.


Yahari SNAFU: It's really good mainly because of the MC. Hachiman is gotta be the best rom/com MC that I ever had the pleasure of watching. He was just amazingly written.

It's manages to execute the common trope cliches of rom/com in such a tasteful manner with a lovely cynic tone, it just points out how terrible the common cliches are. It has well written and witty dialogues and monologues that you will never find in your usual generic rom/com. Other characters are also decent, and their was a good romance build up.

How Japan views the anime: ( I asked symbv)

The biggest complaint is how fast pace they adapt the LN. The anime jumped A LOT OF THINGS in Summer leaving only the summer camp, for example. Other than that it is just personal preference on character and art. General opinion pretty good --I think the MC resonates with a lot of watchers even though sometimes it is so real that they feel uncomfortable.

Gai Rei Zero: Great show, nice OST that fitted the atmosphere of the show, filled with likable cast, multidimensional MC's, incredible action scenes, a well developed relationship between the two main characters, nice sense of mystery, interesting weapon concepts and a great style of storytelling. I feel like it done a lot of things right, so I expected a higher rating.


It's a manga but I thought it was worth the mention.

REAL was/is a very interesting read to say the least, never would I have thought that a manga about wheelchair basketball would be so intense and captivating where you would really connect with characters . It's filled with well written relatable characters that makes you wonder if this is just fiction or based on a true story, they are three dimensional and fairly complex and deep. There were certain moments where I almost broke down in tears because the scene I was reading was simply too intense. It just shows how harsh reality is, where there is no room for fantasies. How your social statue and your ''fake'' relationship could disappear in an instant.

You watch the characters as they develop, their happy moments, their darkest moments, their despair. The drama is mature, there is no melodrama and no sudden sob stories shoved in your face. It handles the issues of disability in Japan rather well. The manga doesn't fall into convention, it doesn't fall into the stereotypical moments in both drama and sport.

The art is magnificent and beautifully detailed, it is the most realistic art that I have come across. It's simply beautiful. It makes you experience the atmosphere of the situation without the need to say words. I also loved the comedy in the show it was nice and I also liked the NBA references. All in all REAL is an excellent manga.

There are others but I forgot.
Jul 30, 2014 1:59 PM

Mar 2014
Pretty rhythm is underrated

Loved all the characters, they all served their purpose very well. all the drama felt well done and placed well, there were at-least one or two interesting mysteries that kept the fandom on their toes. the CGI and song choice was great too. the story was conclude in a somewhat weak way but was still able to satisfy the watchers. (and i do love when a mahou shojo anime allow boys to get in on the fun ;3)
Jul 30, 2014 1:59 PM

Feb 2013
JizzyHitler said:
gedata said:

dudes at MAPPA say they want to do an anime adaptation of Pluto, but don't have the funds for it. Hoping Zankyou no Terror does well, not because I like the show, but because I want MAPPA to prosper.
Oh my christ please let this happen, a 24 episode adaption by mappa would be better than sex.

Same, except I think 22 eps would be better since it deserves a noitaminA slot

Here's a link to what I'm talking about

underrated: future Pluto anime
Jul 30, 2014 1:59 PM

Sep 2011
mugen no ryvius is so under rated, its lord of the spies in space, its got a great cast that looks at the most imperfect sides of them while masterfully developing everyone in its gigantic cast in only 26 episodes, fantastic animation and a pacing that left me wanting more and more. Its a damn shame its so forgotten as it is

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2014 2:00 PM

Feb 2013
tsudecimo said:

Straight to my ignored topics but first

I don't like to call anime overrated since it's just a made up term for stuff that you didn't like while other did but a new thread so whatever.


One Piece. Slow story progression, repetitive narrative and a sense of discontinuity in it due to some episodic arcs, cast full of annoying characters, one dimensional main characters, lack of character development, easily has the worst fights in any battle anime I've seen, vapid and repetitive dialogue, ugly art, exaggerated over the top expressions ruins certain scenes, horrible stale humor for the most part but when it is good, it's really good, misplace comedy in serious situations, lack of interesting and compelling villains and has the worst written character in Shounen Jump history Sanji.

I don't really care for the world building aspect for one piece, which seems to be the most praised thing about one piece. I actually don't care for world building in general, it's very low on priority on the things I judge animanga by. What I saw was bad about one piece was the writing of the characters, Luffy is two dimensional at best. Everything about him is borrowed from Goku, and nothing feels execulsive to him, he doesn't have any significant character development for more than 100+ episodes, so he is a static character for a good portion of the show, while static doesn't mean a bad character by default, in the case of Luffy it makes him a bad character, because it makes him super predictable in how he reacts to things, his interactions with others and his decisions in general. There is hardly any fleshing out of his character outside of simple dialogue and simple motives ''I want to be the pirate king'' ''Protect my Nakama'' ''I love meat''. His characterization is very simple, yet not charming as Goku. I just find him dull, the shouting and care free personality with the serious personality in fights doesn't make him interesting to me. There is just no particular depth in his characterization or the execution of his character.

The other main characters more or less are the same as Luffy just slightly better. I found Nami's character to be good due to her conflict with pirates and her character development and back story in Arlong park, I thought that was not so average and mediocre like most things, and I even started liking her. But as soon as that arc finished, she remains static with nothing to offer, making her interactions with the crew members predictable and annoying and hardly funny. They don't get development past their introductory arcs. Which makes them less engaging and interesting. Repeating of their dreams and motives, every other time kinda makes them shallow because there offer nothing else in conflicts, internal struggles or different dimensions to them or something subtle to make me wonder and try to think and understand something deeper or anything interesting really.

There is the average story, that has really slow pace and progression. It feels like every arc is episodic and discontinued, with little things connecting them together to an overarching story. I didn't like that since I like continuity and dislike any form of episodic story telling. I heard some people call the story complex and describe it like you did, but I didn't really see anything impressive where I dropped it, I just saw the author leaves a bit of pieces to connect a story, which is hardly impressive. I find the fights in general to be one the worst, for the devoid of strategy in them and them mostly being shouting and straight up and simple fighting. The devil fruits are kinda stupid and uninteresting. I don't like the overexaggerated emotions, or the art, I don't find it unique, just unappealing. The humor very rarely is funny. It's really jarring how a few episodes are hilarious and the majority are stale, dry and stupid in humor. Unmemorable villains, lack of death, happy go lucky nature, etc. There is just all sorts of stuff that I didn't like about the series or find unappealing.

Now when I said worst writing I've seen in any battle anime, I specifically meant Sanji. Other things are below average or mediocre but this particular character is just terrible. The worst I have ever seen in any battle animanga. I literally can't think of a worse character. His character insults me. The characterizations, the sexism, character design, vapid dialogue, lame powers, etc. There is literally nothing even remotely good about him imo. I kinda expanded my thoughts on these aspects before but the post got deleted and I didn't save it, so sorry for not expanding my points.

I dropped the series in Skypiea. But even the world building at that point didn't impress me in the slightest. They were just okay for an adventure series, and I've certainly seen better.

Madoka Magica
The first half of the show was so mind numbingly boring. It took me more than 3 months to get through it. I think the main reason why I didn't like Madoka that much was because of the characters.

The characters in PMMM are it's weakest part. The characterization for them is shallow, lacks dimension and substantial character development and fleshing out. Lets start with Madoka herself which is undoubtedly the worst character in the show. Despite being the protagonist of the show, she feels more like a plot device than an actual character. She barely has any personality, she is the whiny insecure and scared character who wants to save her friends, that's about it. She has no presence in the show, she is merely there watching as the events take place. There were no fleshing out of her character in a noticeable manner. She kept behaving the same way for so long till the final episode, her dialogue is vapid and repetitive and honestly very cringe worthy. Her character development in the last episode was simply forced and not believable in the slightest. She is a hollow character that lacks any non-generic personality traits and lacks depth and proper development.

Homura is a shallow character because the foundation of her character is Madoka and Madoka alone. All her existence is based on her and nothing more. Her personality is barely fleshed out, her back story while explained her motives, was really forced, as in I didn't really felt like she had that good of a reason to dedicate her whole life to what she was doing. That more the fault of the length of the anime though, I will admit that. But at the very end, her development was somewhat believable and felt natural. But the problem remains on the lack of a fleshed out personality.

The red haired one. The only thing I remember of her is the sob back story and that she likes snacks I think. She is two dimensional, with a development that didn't even make sense. Her relationship with Sayaka and the effects on it on her came out of nothing.

Sayaka. She is imo the best character, because she had more focus and depth on her than the other characters. The only problems I have with her, is the fact that her motives and her conflict were so fucking stupid. The reason for her development was her crush on a boy? really? and it's not even just that, it's the fact that she gave up because apparently she is not human anymore. I honestly didn't understand why she did what she did. Her whole mental anguish was so dumb, like I know she is a teenage girl but come on, that shit wasn't believable in the slightest.

Mami. Tits? idk, I hardly remember her. Her you know what was important to the plot but that's about it.

The third friend plot device and Sayaka's crush. I hope they burn in hell, especially the green hair plot device, what a shitty person.

I just didn't connect with this characters or empathize and sympathize with them. I couldn't care less for them whenever I was watching. They were unlikable and not interesting aside from Homura's mystery.

Madoka third movie
Dat boring one and half hour
Dat great animation
Dat awesome OST
Dat annoying animation and art. why shinbou
Dat still very annoying Madoka
Dat cring worthy cake scene
Dat overall cringe worthy interactions between these unlikable characters
Dat last scene so gud
Dem lesbian undertones
Dat fanservice character

Awful. Terrible twist.

Kill la Kill
I can't believe this was positively received.

I realized this at episode 19. Everything felt so boring. It felt like I have already seen the same conversation between the characters a thousand times over, the same dull humor. The repetitiveness and the predictability is what got to me. The anime lost it's fun factor for me, because nothing and new and creative in it. For example, the use of nudity in general and the comedic scene of Aikurou's striping was funny, creative and unique the first time they did it. But they kept doing it over, and over and yes you guessed it right over again. The problem here is that it's not needed, since what he says during it, is usually not important and just common sense, it takes a portion of the episode away. Mako hallelujah thing while not as repetitive and unfunny, is also bad because it's kills the tension and the seriousness of the situation. She keeps interrupting fights and conflicts like no tomorrow. It kills the mood being setup and It's just frustrating sometimes, instead of giving focus to the important characters in said conflict, we get to see Mako waste a couple of minutes every damn time. Don't get me wrong, I don't dislike Mako, in fact I really liked her at the beginning and I can stomach her now but she just worsen the show more often than helping it.

The predictability here, for example is that I knew that Satsuki was going to wear Senktsu, the moment Senkstu commented on Ryouko wearing something other than him. It just leads to a very predictable conclusion, Ryouko getting brainwashed, etc. Another example, is the plot twists. The best thing about plot twists, at least for me, is the unpredictability of it. The sense of knowing something is going to happen due to nicely placed subtle foreshadowing, yet not completely predict what's gonna happen and how it happened, so it can satisfy you when it occur in an unexpected manner. That wasn't the case for the plot twists here. Actually Satsuki's betrayal was decent but not the fact that Ryouko and Satsuki are sisters, it was just too predictable with no good foreshadowing like Satsuki's betreyal. And how it happened was easy to guess.

It just dawned to me, while I was watching the previous episodes how this show lost it's charm and how everything is just dull, lifeless and repetitive beyond belief. It just killed my enjoyment. Most of the characters being one dimensional and having bad dialogue that I feel like I've been hearing it for an eternity.

The real cause of this imo is how dragged out the show really is. 13 episodes might have made this a favorite of mine but alas we got plenty of episodes that contributed nothing to the very simple plot or to the characterizations of the characters. Episodes that contributed very little and episodes that felt like a straight up filler. Where the humor and the charm of the show were all used up and dried. Of course, that might not be the studio's fault, since who knows what led to this decision but having 2 cour, instead of one just hurt the show tremendously. Because if a show drives on 'fun', it can't be too long or it will become boring fast, which is what I feel the case was with Kill la Kill.

Forgetting all of this. If I were to pinpoint exactly one of the biggest problems with the show, it has to be Ryuuko. She is just a terrible character imho. She doesn't bring forth and give the show any good attributes or charm or anything. She has shallow and little characterization. Despite being the lead character, it feels like she has less dimension in her personality than Kamina and that's saying something. And she lacks development and depth. Her dialogue is very vapid and trite. I can't say a lot of good things about her. Her character was best fit for a shorter story which connects with my above point about one cour being better for this anime. She killed a lot of my enjoyment since the second half started. This is especially apparent because Satsuki is leagues and beyond her in terms of literally everything. I just don't understand, why they couldn't create a great character like Satsuki or pour some of that effort in Ryouko. The writing of Satsuki is just so much better than everything else in this show, it feels extremely solid and well founded. And I'm not saying this because Satsuki is my favorite character, in fact, I used to like Ryouko more than her.

So yeah my problems are the use of comedy, the pacing, the unnecessity of some stuff, the too simple plot, the predictability, plot twists being sub par, the characters and their lack of adequate depth and Ryouko. I always realized these problems btw, it's just that by at this point, the flaws became too apparent, coupled with the lack of pay off from the second half, which is why my enjoyment dropped significantly, thus making me having regrets.

The terrible animation. tl:dr eventually got worn out of the style, and there was no substance.

Welcome to the NHK. shitty review

Black Lagoon. Shitty review #2

RAINBOW ������人: This anime severely disappointed me I was so happy while watching it thinking I am gonna have a new favorite anime but nope it drastically went down hill after ep 11, the main character suddenly became an illogical idiot and then the second part of the anime happened where there is no plot and the main villain of the first part get handled pretty easily and then they move to character arcs where basically every character in their own respective arc have a dream or something they want to accomplish but in the end of the arc the fail to do it but the rest of the friends help that said character to move on or to deal with it and then repeat that formula in every single arc [ Problem happens > Problem get solved > repeat] so much wasted potential. The first half was pretty good.

Sakurasou no pet : The anime contained high doses of forced melodrama of the worst kind, problems that could have been handled with just talking were dragged out for the sake of drama, most of the cast try to act as unreasonably as possible to invoke that said drama. It had terrible character development, even though I hate Sorata with all my heart, I would agree that he received adequate development, the same can't be said for the other main characters. Shiina who is just your generic dandere ( emotionless type girl) was mainly used for fan-service, humor and for some type of new pet fetish. She doesn't have any character traits outside of her archetype and you can tell that author didn't bother with her because he knew people will just like her for her shallow personality. She was sidetracked in the second part of the show to prolong an unnecessary love triangle which the outcome of was painfully obvious as a result she wasn't giving focus, which made her development iffy. She used to only speak mere sentences from time to time but somewhere in the second part, she just bursted into emotions, crying and fully speaking her mind. Which was very awkward and odd, it's felt extremely unrealistic.

The other characters falls into the other commonly known archetypes. ( Jin: the playboy who supposedly has ''feelings'' and doesn't want to ''dirty'' the girl he loves. Misaki the genki girl. Nanami a tsundere. And if you take the whole struggling with failing and what not from Sorata, you will realise he is your generic rom/com protagonist, incompetent, dense, wimp, weak-willed, oblivious to others feelings, hot headed, painfully average and mediocre in everything, etc)

The anime's theme was supposed to be about reality, hard work and failing or something along those along those lines but it was really unrealistic how high Sorata expectations were or his attitude towards certain characters and situations. The anime also contradicted it's theme and itself and characters in the episode before the finale. Please watch that episode and tell me that's not the most cheesy, cringe worthy, appalling, laughably bad and unrealistic episode you have ever seen in your entire life. To be honest even Ano Hana drama was miles better than this.

Eureka 7: The characters were quite horrible. Never have I seen a cast full of unlikable characters, it is crazy that every single character aside from Charles, ray and maybe Talho annoyed the shit out of me. Renton who isn't exactly an original character I have seen his character traits before (whiny, irritating, wimpy, weak and annoyingly idealistic) he had adequate development in his character but while I was watching the show it frustrated me how dumb some of his choices were. Those choices involved Eureka to a great degree which is one of the reason as to why I think their relationship was terrible. I don't get why was the cast of characters so unlikable, it's like the anime was going out of it's way to show how much the Gekkostate was full of obnoxious pricks especially Holland who seems to be a spoiled self-centered brat in the body of a grown man. I didn't find his ''development'' believable, not one bit. Normally when you watch an anime with a plot line like ''boy joins a crew and begin an adventure'' you expect the crew to be likable and fun and w/e but the members of that crew were so indifferent and apathetic towards Renton it was quite disgusting especially when Holland was beating Renton and nobody except for Talho gave a flying fuck. Not to forget the three most annoying and unlikable kids you will ever encounter in anime.

The relationship between Renton and Eureka was really cringe worthy. It wasn't believable or properly developed. It was just there, for the convenience of the plot. From the beginning Eureka was mostly indifferent towards Renton except for when it came to the mecha she operated and quite honestly I don't get why was Renton heads over heels for her, it was really cliche for it to be the love on first sight crap. Eureka only cared for Renton after he left the ship before that she couldn't care less if he died. I thought Renton leaving the ship was pretty logical and believable because the biggest reason that made him stay in that ship was Eureka and after she somewhat rejected him, leaving was the most logical choice and I quite liked that. But even though Renton had a better option to live with Charles and Ray who could have provided him with real happiness he still chose to go back to the ship because of Eureka, I can't describe how much that frustrated me. I don't really understand why he did that. It rendered him leaving in the first place, pointless. The anime just pissed me off, I don't know how I continued watching all of it.

Ano Hana: I didn't like how the drama was handled. Making the characters cry in every emotional scene, made the drama 'forced' and annoying. I also didn't really find it that sad except for Menma's Mom. I wasn't able to like any of the characters except for Anaru which I really liked and was definitely the best written character in the show but not necessarily because I liked her. There were a lot of lazy writing, for example Menema's physical presence which was established from the very first episode but instead of the MC trying to prove her existence with it, the story just dragged out with him expecting the others to simply believe him. The ending was god awful. I wished they would have showed what their life was like after getting rid of their guilt, which hopefully will happen in the movie.

Chihayafuru season 2.

I don't remember why I started Chihayafuru but I remember that I had very low expectations for it since it just didn't look appealing, but it was surprisingly a very enjoyable watch considering it's an anime about a traditional Japanese card game. The best part of the anime and the story as a whole is the beginning of the story when they were kids, I liked that introductory so much, it was really well done and kept me glued to the screen. I liked everything about it, everything seemed fun and interesting but that feeling didn't stay for the rest of the story imo.

The character are decent and likable, it's hard to really dislike one of them. Tachi is especially nicely written. But other than Tachi I feel like the other main characters are not that developed or fleshed out, Chihya character is fairly predictable and her personality is not that original or multidimensional, Arata who is supposed to be one of the main characters has little screen time in the first season, which is one of the reasons I feel like he is not that fleshed out, his kid version was great but his grown up version is not focused on at all. The side character are decent and have adequate development but sometimes I feel like they are wasting time focusing too much on them, it just seems unnecessary at times as a result the story seems like it is dragging out. As a romance fan, I just hate the romance tease in this story, because I know nothing in it will be developed, it's just there and it will probably never have a conclusive ending. I mean it took 100+ chapters for Chihya to realize she is in love with Arata and on that time we just see Tachi suffering with his unrequited love without doing anything about it.

My biggest problem with Chihayafuru is that it's so fucking repetitive, like I said after the introductory arc the fun and enjoyment for me started to decrease little by little, until I reached more than half way in the second season when I realized that nothing huge in terms of development will ever happen. It's repetitive in terms of dialogue, Karuta games, practicing to become better and playing again with the same opponents, having doubts and getting over them and having them again, Tachi suffering, Chihya's obliviousness, the characters constantly reminding us why they love Karuta, etc.

It's sweet and has nice moments where you really feel for the characters and root for them but I honestly don't think it's anything THAT special or good.

Attack on titan. Well to be short. Pacing issues, the characters are god awful especially Eren, the dialogue, lack of death for important characters, etc.


Yahari SNAFU: It's really good mainly because of the MC. Hachiman is gotta be the best rom/com MC that I ever had the pleasure of watching. He was just amazingly written.

It's manages to execute the common trope cliches of rom/com in such a tasteful manner with a lovely cynic tone, it just points out how terrible the common cliches are. It has well written and witty dialogues and monologues that you will never find in your usual generic rom/com. Other characters are also decent, and their was a good romance build up.

How Japan views the anime: ( I asked symbv)

The biggest complaint is how fast pace they adapt the LN. The anime jumped A LOT OF THINGS in Summer leaving only the summer camp, for example. Other than that it is just personal preference on character and art. General opinion pretty good --I think the MC resonates with a lot of watchers even though sometimes it is so real that they feel uncomfortable.

Gai Rei Zero: Great show, nice OST that fitted the atmosphere of the show, filled with likable cast, multidimensional MC's, incredible action scenes, a well developed relationship between the two main characters, nice sense of mystery, interesting weapon concepts and a great style of storytelling. I feel like it done a lot of things right, so I expected a higher rating.


It's a manga but I thought it was worth the mention.

REAL was/is a very interesting read to say the least, never would I have thought that a manga about wheelchair basketball would be so intense and captivating where you would really connect with characters . It's filled with well written relatable characters that makes you wonder if this is just fiction or based on a true story, they are three dimensional and fairly complex and deep. There were certain moments where I almost broke down in tears because the scene I was reading was simply too intense. It just shows how harsh reality is, where there is no room for fantasies. How your social statue and your ''fake'' relationship could disappear in an instant.

You watch the characters as they develop, their happy moments, their darkest moments, their despair. The drama is mature, there is no melodrama and no sudden sob stories shoved in your face. It handles the issues of disability in Japan rather well. The manga doesn't fall into convention, it doesn't fall into the stereotypical moments in both drama and sport.

The art is magnificent and beautifully detailed, it is the most realistic art that I have come across. It's simply beautiful. It makes you experience the atmosphere of the situation without the need to say words. I also loved the comedy in the show it was nice and I also liked the NBA references. All in all REAL is an excellent manga.

There are others but I forgot.

You mind spoiler tagging this? This is pretty huge
Jul 30, 2014 2:01 PM

Sep 2011
gedata said:
JizzyHitler said:
Oh my christ please let this happen, a 24 episode adaption by mappa would be better than sex.

Same, except I think 22 eps would be better since it deserves a noitaminA slot

Here's a link to what I'm talking about

underrated: future Pluto anime

oh christ i want this so badly, and yeah 22 works, i was just saying because it needs to be 2 cour

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2014 2:02 PM

Feb 2013
JizzyHitler said:
mugen no ryvius is so under rated, its lord of the spies in space, its got a great cast that looks at the most imperfect sides of them while masterfully developing everyone in its gigantic cast in only 26 episodes, fantastic animation and a pacing that left me wanting more and more. Its a damn shame its so forgotten as it is

this, I'm watching it right now, show's pretty much a must for those who can get into slow, character driven stories
Jul 30, 2014 2:06 PM

Sep 2011
gedata said:
JizzyHitler said:
mugen no ryvius is so under rated, its lord of the spies in space, its got a great cast that looks at the most imperfect sides of them while masterfully developing everyone in its gigantic cast in only 26 episodes, fantastic animation and a pacing that left me wanting more and more. Its a damn shame its so forgotten as it is

this, I'm watching it right now, show's pretty much a must for those who can get into slow, character driven stories
its not even that slow really, well sort of, its slow all the way through but the series gets so much more progressively intense and dire that it feels so fast paced as a result. It also benefits from having so many characters(which is a phrase you can rarely say if ever) cause its frequents jumps to see whats going on with all sorts of the characters in these situations adds alot of variety in the experience and makes it really easy to watch.

Theres so many praises i can sing for ryvius, it even has a immensely satisfying ending to top it all off

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2014 2:07 PM

Mar 2014
You know whats underrated?

i wanted this on the first page so bad

AzuStarAug 3, 2014 11:19 PM
Jul 30, 2014 2:09 PM

Mar 2013
you know what is underrated fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
Just because you know how to use a torrent does not give you the god given right to pirate.

My actual list:

check out my youtube channel for my review:

Jul 30, 2014 2:11 PM

Oct 2013
Attack on titan is underrated needs more love.

Annie is underrated as well she needs more love.

Overrated. Jojo series, lame cliche characters, stupid story, characters are one dimensional. This series is cool for being lame.

HXH 2011 is also overrated good series, but people are over praising this series for little minor things like the psychological theme and also because it's a bit more darker than other shounen series.

Cow boy bebob is also overrated just above average.

Mushishi is also overrated people overrate this series just because it has good atmosphere, the characters are all dull, since you only see them only once, the main character is also dull and boring, and the series it self is boring. Yea, it's a very calm series to make you fall asleep.
keragammingJul 30, 2014 2:14 PM
Jul 30, 2014 2:13 PM

Apr 2014
keragamming said:
Attack on titan is underrated needs more love.

Annie us underrated as well she needs more love.

Overrated. Jojo series, lame cliche characters, stupid story, characters like to shout!

HXH 2011 is also overrated good series, but people are over praising this series for little minor things like the psychological theme and so on.

Cow boy bebob is also overrated just above average.

Mushishi is also overrated people overrate this series just because it has good atmosphere, the characters are all dull, since you only see them only once, the main character is also dull and boring, and the series it self is boring. Yea, it's a very calm series to make you fall asleep.
i stopped the minute i saw attack on titan and underrated on the same line.
Jul 30, 2014 2:16 PM

Feb 2013
onefairyeater said:
keragamming said:
Attack on titan is underrated needs more love.

Annie us underrated as well she needs more love.

Overrated. Jojo series, lame cliche characters, stupid story, characters like to shout!

HXH 2011 is also overrated good series, but people are over praising this series for little minor things like the psychological theme and so on.

Cow boy bebob is also overrated just above average.

Mushishi is also overrated people overrate this series just because it has good atmosphere, the characters are all dull, since you only see them only once, the main character is also dull and boring, and the series it self is boring. Yea, it's a very calm series to make you fall asleep.
i stopped the minute i saw attack on titan and underrated on the same line.

I wish I did the same
Jul 30, 2014 2:18 PM

Dec 2012
Might I remind everyone how criminally underrated Tamayura is? It's such a great way to kick back and relax, its calming, easy going pace and atmosphere is reminiscent to Aria the Animation although they both strive for different overlying themes. It's much more grounded in reality as well which is what I think gives it an edge in how much one can relate to what's going on. The way they use photography to explore the characters and certain themes/life lessons is inspiring and a one of a kind experience.
Jul 30, 2014 2:18 PM

Sep 2011
onefairyeater said:

Overrated. Jojo series, lame cliche characters, stupid story, characters like to shout!
You do know jojo was a parody series of the shounens(specifically hokuto no ken) at the time right? Its cliches were intentional.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2014 2:18 PM

Jan 2014
Annie's maniac blushing whatever laughter was unnecessary.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 30, 2014 2:22 PM

Oct 2013
Sapewloth said:
Annie's maniac blushing whatever laughter was unnecessary.

It's so hot! But it was necessary Isayama included it himself in the anime, he said she laugh because it was a relief for her for stop acting like someone she's not.

Edit. here's the quote from Isayama himself. "sense of "release" from feelings like "guilt" "lonliness" "fear". It's Annie laughing from the burden of having to put on a cold face to distant her self from other people, that the laugh is the "real" annie."

So in the end, the cold Annie isn't the real Annie, what you saw from her was a act.
keragammingJul 30, 2014 2:27 PM
Jul 30, 2014 2:23 PM

Feb 2013
JizzyHitler said:
onefairyeater said:

Overrated. Jojo series, lame cliche characters, stupid story, characters like to shout!
You do know jojo was a parody series of the shounens(specifically hokuto no ken) at the time right? Its cliches were intentional.

I'm not sure if Jojo was meant to be a parody (it came out the same time stuff like HnK were the norm), but even if it wasn't it's still pretty funny.

Also, you don't come to a 80s shounen expecting nuanced characterization, and deep thought provoking storylines, there's a place for that. There's also a place for hilarious, corny, and outright bizarre action tales and Jojo's is were it's at.
Jul 30, 2014 2:23 PM
Dec 2013
Flint the Time Detective is underrated. Ranking at #5237, with the popularity rank at #2903, Flint the Time Detective, despite being aimed at children (or All Ages), is a pretty good episodic show.

It's like a mixture of Dragon Ball and Pokemon, but with time travel. Main character is similar to kid Goku, and the timeshifters are cute and have great designs. The villains are hilarious, and more tolerable than Team Rocket. The art style is good, it's fast-paced, it has good action, likeable characters, a good opening theme and soundtrack.
Jul 30, 2014 2:25 PM

Apr 2014
i liked annie more when her name was pakunoda
Jul 30, 2014 2:26 PM

Nov 2013
Blasphemy! Starting a new thread without one of the top shitposters of the previous one.

keragamming said:
Attack on titan is underrated needs more love.

Nah man, not cool. You don't say shit like this here.

keragamming said:
Overrated. Jojo series, lame cliche characters, stupid story, characters are one dimensional. This series is cool for being lame.
Never mind, you're cool.

keragamming said:
HXH 2011 is also overrated good series, but people are over praising this series for little minor things like the psychological theme and also because it's a bit more darker than other shounen series.
Wrong opinion man. I thought you were cool.

Death Note is underrated, it gets a lot of unjustified hate just because it's popular.

Fate/Zero is underrated, gets everything right and has stunning art and animation.

Monster is underrated, the only perfect anime besides Death Note, and the only anime I'd be okay with being ranked/rated higher than Death Note.

Overrated garbage:
Yuno Gasai is a cool yandere: The Anime

Shit Kill la Shit Kill
Jul 30, 2014 2:29 PM

Sep 2011
gedata said:
JizzyHitler said:
You do know jojo was a parody series of the shounens(specifically hokuto no ken) at the time right? Its cliches were intentional.

I'm not sure if Jojo was meant to be a parody (it came out the same time stuff like HnK were the norm), but even if it wasn't it's still pretty funny.
It actually was a parody on purpose, thats why johnathan's outfit was almost a plagarism of kenshiro's, it eventually stopped being a parody and kind of became its own crazy creation but its roots were in parody.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 30, 2014 2:30 PM

Jul 2012
Botato said:

Death Note is underrated, it gets a lot of unjustified hate just because it's popular.

Fate/Zero is underrated, gets everything right and has stunning art and animation.

Monster is underrated, the only perfect anime besides Death Note, and the only anime I'd be okay with being ranked/rated higher than Death Note.
Shit Kill la Shit Kill

How are those anime underrated? They're all under 40 in rank?
Jul 30, 2014 2:33 PM

Feb 2013
JumpinJackFlash said:
Flint the Time Detective is underrated. Ranking at #5237, with the popularity rank at #2903, Flint the Time Detective, despite being aimed at children (or All Ages), is a pretty good episodic show.

It's like a mixture of Dragon Ball and Pokemon, but with time travel. Main character is similar to kid Goku, and the timeshifters are cute and have great designs. The villains are hilarious, and more tolerable than Team Rocket. The art style is good, it's fast-paced, it has good action, likeable characters, a good opening theme and soundtrack.

man I used to love that show, forgot what it was called so I never looked it up

thanks dude
Jul 30, 2014 2:35 PM

Oct 2013
MrLief said:
Botato said:

Death Note is underrated, it gets a lot of unjustified hate just because it's popular.

Fate/Zero is underrated, gets everything right and has stunning art and animation.

Monster is underrated, the only perfect anime besides Death Note, and the only anime I'd be okay with being ranked/rated higher than Death Note.
Shit Kill la Shit Kill

How are those anime underrated? They're all under 40 in rank?

Because Botato is implying that it should be higher, maybe top 10 on mal.
Jul 30, 2014 2:36 PM

Mar 2014
MrLief said:
Botato said:

Death Note is underrated, it gets a lot of unjustified hate just because it's popular.

Fate/Zero is underrated, gets everything right and has stunning art and animation.

Monster is underrated, the only perfect anime besides Death Note, and the only anime I'd be okay with being ranked/rated higher than Death Note.
Shit Kill la Shit Kill

How are those anime underrated? They're all under 40 in rank?

i understand what you are saying

Jul 30, 2014 2:37 PM

Nov 2013
keragamming said:
MrLief said:

How are those anime underrated? They're all under 40 in rank?

Because Botato is implying that it should be higher, maybe top 10 on mal.
Death Note must be #1
Followed by Monster
Followed by Geass both seasons + F/Z both seasons.
Then I don't care about the rest.
Jul 30, 2014 2:43 PM

Oct 2012
I found Death Note to be pretty much unwatchable, its so over dramatic to the point it becomes cringeworthy and makes it hard for me to take seriously, 4/10 at best. Manga was alright I guess.
Jul 30, 2014 2:46 PM

Jan 2014
keragamming said:
Sapewloth said:
Annie's maniac blushing whatever laughter was unnecessary.

It's so hot! But it was necessary Isayama included it himself in the anime, he said she laugh because it was a relief for her for stop acting like someone she's not.

Edit. here's the quote from Isayama himself. "sense of "release" from feelings like "guilt" "lonliness" "fear". It's Annie laughing from the burden of having to put on a cold face to distant her self from other people, that the laugh is the "real" annie."

So in the end, the cold Annie isn't the real Annie, what you saw from her was a act.
Yes, I did know about that and it seemed perfectly reasonable to me that he'd want to implement a nervous laugh, considering she's most likely been under a shitload of pressure for months, and possibly years.
But the additional blushing and the very suggestive tone was imho, very unecessary and made for a totally awkward and "wut?" moment when it could've been a scene that would've made perfect sense, had the "craziness" been kept at a lower level.
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 30, 2014 2:47 PM

Dec 2013
Feaor said:
I found Death Note to be pretty much unwatchable, its so over dramatic to the point it becomes cringeworthy and makes it hard for me to take seriously, 4/10 at best. Manga was alright I guess.

I previewed it months ago but didn't make it past ep6? Comparing to the first 6 of Monster, I'm not sure how you could talk about it in the same sentence. I'm gonna have to watch it at some point though, so I'll suspend judgement until then.
Jul 30, 2014 2:49 PM

Jan 2014
Feaor said:
I found Death Note to be pretty much unwatchable, its so over dramatic to the point it becomes cringeworthy and makes it hard for me to take seriously, 4/10 at best. Manga was alright I guess.

The manga was incredibly dry in comparison with its anime adaptation. Araki really gave life to Death Note.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 30, 2014 2:50 PM
Mar 2013
fate/zero and the fate series in general is stupidly overrated

it relies on plot convenience, asspulls and retcons to further the story. the first episode is 40 minutes yet they could have done that in 2 episodes since they had a filler episode later in season 1. that's another issue; fillers. how can a 13 episode series have fillers? I'll tell you why, bad planning and pacing. the majority of its fanbase are like babies who like shiny things, in this case the animation which is fantastic. type moon as a whole are completely incompetent when it comes to writing (the visual novels are absolutely atrocious) and this certainly shows. the characters are dull and unengaging with forced interactions that feel awkward and are in general a chore to watch. the series uses too much explanation which makes everything feel boring and dragged out. the fights are painfully bad, asspull after asspull and last for ages.

overall, it's a piece of overrated shiny shit
Jul 30, 2014 2:50 PM
Nov 2013
Ratohnhaketon said:
Might I remind everyone how criminally underrated Tamayura is? It's such a great way to kick back and relax, its calming, easy going pace and atmosphere is reminiscent to Aria the Animation although they both strive for different overlying themes. It's much more grounded in reality as well which is what I think gives it an edge in how much one can relate to what's going on. The way they use photography to explore the characters and certain themes/life lessons is inspiring and a one of a kind experience.

It's certainly a very nice and relaxing experience, but I think it was too short for its own good. Also, the characters definitely need more consistency, the show is good to watch, easy going, calm with nice atmosphere, but it's lackluster. But I'm speaking about the first Tamayura, I don't know about the sequels, and I hope they improve these aspects.
Jul 30, 2014 2:52 PM

Oct 2013
Sapewloth said:
keragamming said:

It's so hot! But it was necessary Isayama included it himself in the anime, he said she laugh because it was a relief for her for stop acting like someone she's not.

Edit. here's the quote from Isayama himself. "sense of "release" from feelings like "guilt" "lonliness" "fear". It's Annie laughing from the burden of having to put on a cold face to distant her self from other people, that the laugh is the "real" annie."

So in the end, the cold Annie isn't the real Annie, what you saw from her was a act.
Yes, I did know about that and it seemed perfectly reasonable to me that he'd want to implement a nervous laugh, considering she's most likely been under a shitload of pressure for months, and possibly years.
But the additional blushing and the very suggestive tone was imho, very unecessary and made for a totally awkward and "wut?" moment when it could've been a scene that would've made perfect sense, had the "craziness" been kept at a lower level.

Yea, the blushing was a bit too much. Well, this how Isayama draw her to be animated. Who knows maybe Annie likes to blush, at the end of the day what we saw wasn't her, but I agree it was a bit cringe worthy when I saw it the first time.

Jul 30, 2014 2:53 PM

Apr 2014
Feaor said:
I found Death Note to be pretty much unwatchable, its so over dramatic to the point it becomes cringeworthy and makes it hard for me to take seriously, 4/10 at best. Manga was alright I guess.
how could you not love how over dramatic death note is also like sapewolth said the manga is pretty dry.
Jul 30, 2014 2:53 PM

Jul 2012
JD2411 said:
it relies on plot convenience, asspulls and retcons

This is the pot calling the kettle black. You like Fairy Tail don't you, a series that completely relies on asspulls?
Jul 30, 2014 2:54 PM
Mar 2013
MrLief said:
JD2411 said:
it relies on plot convenience, asspulls and retcons

This is the pot calling the kettle black. You like Fairy Tail don't you, a series that completely relies on asspulls?
nice red herring fallacy
Jul 30, 2014 2:54 PM

Jan 2014
@kera Not surprised. I figured Isayama wouldn't be the one who decided on the extra-blush.
TyrelJul 30, 2014 3:22 PM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 30, 2014 2:58 PM

Jul 2012
JD2411 said:
MrLief said:

This is the pot calling the kettle black. You like Fairy Tail don't you, a series that completely relies on asspulls?
nice red herring fallacy

Well, you didn't really list any actual asspulls so I don't need to argue against it.
Jul 30, 2014 2:58 PM

Dec 2013

Has this one ever been mentioned here? Looks interesting and creative. If this is the character driven work it sounds like, I'm all over it.
Jul 30, 2014 2:59 PM

Oct 2012
onefairyeater said:
Feaor said:
I found Death Note to be pretty much unwatchable, its so over dramatic to the point it becomes cringeworthy and makes it hard for me to take seriously, 4/10 at best. Manga was alright I guess.
how could you not love how over dramatic death note is also like sapewolth said the manga is pretty dry. [spoiler]

Stuff like that, how Light writes, and just how much of dialog is delivered in general just absolutely brought me out of the experience because it made it impossible for me to take it seriously. Not to mention that the story takes a huge nose dive in quality and the second half is pretty forgettable outside of a few events. Granted it has been like 8 years since I last watched any of it so I honestly don't remember most of it, I do remember being disappointed in comparison to the manga.
Jul 30, 2014 2:59 PM

Mar 2014
Gymkata said:

Has this one ever been mentioned here? Looks interesting and creative. If this is the character driven work it sounds like, I'm all over it.

I gave it a 9. It's painfully underrated here.
Jul 30, 2014 3:01 PM

Jan 2014
onefairyeater said:
Feaor said:
I found Death Note to be pretty much unwatchable, its so over dramatic to the point it becomes cringeworthy and makes it hard for me to take seriously, 4/10 at best. Manga was alright I guess.
how could you not love how over dramatic death note is also like sapewolth said the manga is pretty dry.

I tend to prefer this one.

Oh my God finally found an occasion to post that fucking gif
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Jul 30, 2014 3:12 PM

Jul 2012
Mawaru Penguindrum is underrated, defintely deserves at least to be in the hundreds.
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