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Why I hate it when fans boast they know intelligent anime.

Jan 31, 2013 5:00 AM
Jul 2012

OK guys, sorry for the rant here but is it me or is anyone else here bothered by anime fans who look down upon others and have a hateful attitude towards fans of 'lesser' anime? Case in point, I noticed this fad when I started seeing Monster and Cowboy Bebop. Almost every video about these anime on you tube had someone trying to 'call non-fans out' because they regarded something like Naruto, One Piece or Bleach as the greatest anime ever instead of Monster or Bebop. I couldn't stand this snobbery 1, because I myself don't like Bebop (as seen by my review on it) and didn't appreciate being called immature or infantile because of that and 2, I myself experienced bullying from people who debated topics of a more serious kind than anime and I found the same sense of disdain and arrogance in them that these 'smart anime' fans had.

Now let me make it clear: if you love anime most people would deem smart like Monster, Cowboy Bebop, Serial Experiments Lain, Paranoia Agent, etc... fine, I totally respect you for that. Hell, Paranioa Agent and Monster are in my top ten most favorite anime and manga ever (Rurouni Kenshin and Berserk being my top 2). It's just that I'm having a real hard time getting into an anime or manga when you have rabid fan boys either putting out the most absurd and unjustified criticisms for it or being all snob about being more intelligent than people who don't like it.

Now not menaing to sound like the biggest hypocrite in the world but I used to be like this; I would troll videos of mainstream anime like One Piece or Naruto and tell the commenter why it isn't the greatest anime ever and why they should watch smarter anime like Elfen Lied, Higurashi, Baccano, etc... but I found that the people there were really nice and would reply in a snarky but dignified manner (one of them told me "I feel sorry for you dude". Priceless!) and I felt bad for mouthing off against them so I decided to stop trolling altogether, especially since I haven't seen either One Piece or Naruto.

This also counts of course to people who show disdain towards others because they love these more mainstream titles. Someone actually said that One Piece is better than this manga I won't mention. Everyone asked him why. He said 'because, it's obvious'. It's not a good image of the fan community and it won't appeal non-fans to it either especially since I did hear One Piece focuses alot on morality.

There is a huge diffirence between not liking or not being interested in an anime or manga and showing disdain towards the fans. There is also a diffirence between stating the reasons you did like it and giving valid criticism and invalid criticism. Someone said that Sankarea sucked because it contaiend fanservice and was all about incest. I pointed out the fact that the incest in Sankarea was treated as SEXUAL ABUSE and the fact that you can't criticize something because of the fanservice when you yourself love fanservice heavy anime like Bakemonogatari. It's hypocrital beyond belief.

Worse still if you regard yourself as the big fat god of all anime knowledge and pretend that people should listen to your opinions as they're seemingly always right. One person told me that he compares anime like SwordArt Online to works like Twilight just to make people 'think'. I told him no, you can't do that as SAO is far from being as bad as Twilight and that you're not the sole arbiter of all things anime. He immediately shut up after that.

Point is, if you love an anime that is smart and diffirent from the mainstream, good for you. In fact, I love these anime and want to be given reasons to watch them. However, putting me or others down is not a good way to do so and neither is being a hypocrite a good image. So what do you guiys think? Sorry for the rant I just had to get it out of my system.
The will to live is strong, stronger than anything else.
Pages (4) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Jan 31, 2013 6:07 AM

Oct 2009
No. My opinion is, No.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Jan 31, 2013 6:09 AM

Feb 2010
Complaining about the fans doesn't make you any better.
Jan 31, 2013 6:25 AM

Aug 2011
The solution? ignore them, don't bother with them, they merely want your attention that's why they over exaggerate and react, fans want you to know how good/suckish one anime is and there is no such thing as "the best anime" save for biased opinions

There are just too many genres and in the end its all down to personal preferences, you can give your opinions on an anime but the line is drawn when you are forcing another person to watch/ignore that show
Jan 31, 2013 6:45 AM

May 2009
Now that you've got that off your chest, my dear boy, do the sensible thing and watch more anime instead of wasting precious time thinking about others who you don't care much about, don't feed or shelter you or just doesn't make your day. Live a little. Show those people that regardless of their opinion, YOU are the boss of what you like - never them.

Now cheer up and remember that it's better to watch anime than to dwell on this matter.
Jan 31, 2013 6:52 AM

Jul 2010
I stopped caring about things like that a long time ago, there will always be people to hate every single thing on this earth, and you cannot stop it. Just enjoy the animu.
Jan 31, 2013 7:07 AM

Feb 2010
I stopped reading when you mentioned youtube comments being the origin for your rage.
Seriously, who reads those AND gets angry about them?
I probably regret this post by now.
Jan 31, 2013 7:30 AM

Feb 2005
This flowchart answers all your questions;
Jan 31, 2013 7:46 AM

Oct 2010
Inb4 Baman's gloriously elitist LOGH acknowledgement... oh wait.

Akito_Kinomoto said:
Complaining about the fans doesn't make you any better.

It does in MAL's logic. The "worst fandoms" thread has over 700 replies.
Jan 31, 2013 7:51 AM

Aug 2011
Baman said:
This flowchart answers all your questions;

That sums it up
Jan 31, 2013 8:01 AM

Aug 2012
Baman said:
This flowchart answers all your questions;

LOL seeing this chart reminds me of this one:

K-ON is objectively better than Legend of the Galactic Heroes

I don't care even if they bash my favorite shows. I just ignore them. If that's their opinion then so be it. You can't please everyone.

My Youtube page: link
Jan 31, 2013 8:08 AM

Feb 2012
Except LoGH sucked ass.
"I will close my eyes and let the darkness be the light that guides me through the path of chaos"

Call me the Jelly Factory. I'm the world's largest producer of jelly.
Jan 31, 2013 8:33 AM

Jul 2012
dude don't even sweat it. you are so angry that it festered into a massive rant. I can almost hear you get more and more pissed off.
Assholes are everywhere - don't let it ruin your enjoyment.
Jan 31, 2013 8:35 AM

Dec 2012

In all seriousness, why worry about it?
UNINSTALLJan 31, 2013 8:38 AM

Jan 31, 2013 11:02 AM

Jun 2011
you just mad that I'm more intelligent than you, and because of that my taste in anime and mango is more refined. It's okay if you can't understand the deep intricate plot of the anime I watch, I mean, it's okay because it wasn't meant for normal "average" intelligence people like you in the first place. So don't feel too bad, champ.
iCameSwagYOLO420Jan 31, 2013 11:09 AM
tfw no gf
tfw i keep getting the banhammer on here
tfw Koleare keeps banning me every other day
tfw I'm misunderstood by le mod
Jan 31, 2013 11:05 AM

Oct 2010
iCameSwagYOLO420 said:
you just mad that I'm more intelligent than you, and because of that my taste in anime and mango is more refined


Oh damn, I should be studying.
Jan 31, 2013 12:32 PM

Nov 2008
I can agree to an extent, but there's no reason for you to care what these people think. Fanboys generally will do anything to try to explain why their favourite series are "the best", even if that means insulting the intelligence of those that don't like their favourites as much as they do.

Personally my favourites are simply the series I got the most enjoyment out of and if people don't like it, that's their problem.
Jan 31, 2013 12:46 PM

Apr 2012
I think people should understand that calling out "shit tastes" is actually fallacious. Actually, it can be proven to be a mental illness if you want to exaggerate.

Claiming "absolute objectivity" in "art/entertainment" (anime) is biased by default. (I'm looking at somebody we all know on Anime Discussions)

And that arguments about tastes go nowhere.

Calling /thread.

Autocrat said:
Hitler was good, objectively.
Jan 31, 2013 3:15 PM
Jul 2018
Stopped reading when I saw that you said that Elfen Lied and Higurashi were more smart than One Piece.
Jan 31, 2013 3:56 PM

Aug 2012
Lol Elfen Lied smart Lol!!! And if people are getting all butt-hurt over someone disagreeing with them over the greatest anime ever, they're probably taking things a little too seriously. Especially since most people who would say that Naruto or One Piece are the greatest anime ever have most likely only watched Naruto or One Piece.
Jan 31, 2013 3:57 PM
Jul 2012
Didn't read that shit op. Lol
Jan 31, 2013 4:02 PM

Oct 2012
Baman said:
This flowchart answers all your questions;

I am okay being a plebeian.

Hm...yeah, OP....
You dislike anime fans that shove their belief down your throat?
Carry on.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 31, 2013 4:03 PM
Mar 2011
my view on this thread
look at the lliitle hipster hating mainstream tv anime cause [ at lest in one pieces] cases do what tv anime is surpsed to do
"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"

When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run
There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun
Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one
For the Union makes us strong
Jan 31, 2013 4:20 PM

Apr 2012
Corleone said:
I stopped caring about things like that a long time ago, there will always be people to hate every single thing on this earth, and you cannot stop it. Just enjoy the animu.
daintybiscuit said:
dude don't even sweat it. you are so angry that it festered into a massive rant. I can almost hear you get more and more pissed off.
Assholes are everywhere - don't let it ruin your enjoyment.
Jan 31, 2013 4:29 PM

Sep 2012
philipmarie said:

This also counts of course to people who show disdain towards others because they love these more mainstream titles. Someone actually said that One Piece is better than this manga I won't mention. Everyone asked him why. He said 'because, it's obvious'. It's not a good image of the fan community and it won't appeal non-fans to it either especially since I did hear One Piece focuses alot on morality.

Worse still if you regard yourself as the big fat god of all anime knowledge and pretend that people should listen to your opinions as they're seemingly always right. One person told me that he compares anime like SwordArt Online to works like Twilight just to make people 'think'. I told him no, you can't do that as SAO is far from being as bad as Twilight and that you're not the sole arbiter of all things anime. He immediately shut up after that.

1st quoted paragraph: I'm a little confused here. Is the person saying One Piece is the best the one showing disdain toward mainstream titles? Because there aren't many things more mainstream than One Piece.

2nd quoted paragraph: You're telling this guy he doesn't have the authority to say SAO is as bad as Twilight. But, you're the one telling him he CAN'T say something.

And of course, why do you care what they say? If someone's being a fanboy/hipster, don't let it get to you.
Jan 31, 2013 4:44 PM

Jan 2013
Tl;Dr - I hate mainstream animes and you guys should feel bad for not being like me.

Did I get it right?

Jan 31, 2013 4:49 PM

May 2012
Higashi_no_Kaze said:
I stopped reading when you mentioned youtube comments being the origin for your rage.
Seriously, who reads those AND gets angry about them?


But I think when people tell stop worshiping Naruto or Bleach as the greatest anime ever are quite right, and on the contrary those comments are to entourage you to broaden your horizons.

But you mention youtube, which has heavy western audiences, so yea, in those lands Naruto and Bleach are worshiped and over hyped to death, that super annoying.

As Bebiop or Monster while not the bets ever are loved by western fans, so yea, they are extraordinary examples on whre you can start yo broaden your horizon.

Watch more anime, pre-2000s so you know what anime wa sand currently is and can have more tools to judge anime.

Higurashi said:
I can agree to an extent, but there's no reason for you to care what these people think. Fanboys generally will do anything to try to explain why their favourite series are "the best", even if that means insulting the intelligence of those that don't like their favourites as much as they do.

Personally my favourites are simply the series I got the most enjoyment out of and if people don't like it, that's their problem.

Yes, no one cares much about others FAVORITES, but when said fans (fanboys or not) start calling their favorites THE BEST, there theres the issue, because someone who has watched more can easily tell you theres no way xxxx series is THE BEST when you have XXXXX.

Most of the grips are that fans are blind to their favorites, very few can be objective (yes, its possible, because favorites should be =/= from BEST) and have the "experience/Knowledge" to say, look, I LOVED say.....xxxx or xxxxx BUT theres no way in hell they are the BEST when you have xxx (i.e MACROSS - or CAPTAIN HARLOCK,
9988Jan 31, 2013 4:59 PM
Jan 31, 2013 5:03 PM

Oct 2012

Jan 31, 2013 5:05 PM

Aug 2011
What even is intelligent anime?
Jan 31, 2013 5:07 PM

Sep 2012
Shrabster said:

I was expecting the "mature anime" guy to start talking about Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Jan 31, 2013 5:18 PM

Jan 2013
Mini-list for you:

1.Fans are common to make the money and the shit of the anime. It's not surprising to see blind fans of a certain work to go crazy about a single offense/dislike towards it (Hell, even I get a little annoyed when people complains about something for no reason), so I do believe that your acts are getting you to nowhere. Why would you want to talk about other animes with them anyway? Adversiting to Otaku world?

2.Some Mainstream animes DOES have intelligence, and I watched One Piece to around 200 and stopped for secondary reasons. One piece does bring alot of themes in their world (Slavery, Racism, etc) but it's often overlooked by the childish graphics (And don't complain, Oda knows how to draw their stuff, and some characters are damn unique). In a ironic way though, even if the story is somewhat happy-go-luck, the world they live in is crapsack. Same goes for Naruto.

3."Bad" Fans are everywhere, the difference is that there some more on a certain works than another. In a way that someone complains is because it's mainstream, other people just watches because it's mainstream. You should pay attention to the more worthy fans, which know what the hell is the author doing and truly enjoying the show.

4.A better explanation of the "3". Popularity is totally linked to fans, especially:

4.1.Some watch because it's popular (A.K.A some hipsters)
4.2.The Show grown popularity and now it sucks ( )
4.3. People hate it because it popular.

However, you do bring good points. People hate mainstream fans and mainstream fans hate people that talk crap about their anime. But hey, why should fix it? Some are really fun to read.

I understood of what you said, but now that you gave up of your rage and spoke it honestly, I give my advice to ignore all the fans and watch the anime you like.

Jan 31, 2013 5:23 PM

Jan 2013
NihonFalcom said:
What even is intelligent anime?

The problem is that this word itself is used on a wide variety of ways. All I can believe is:

1.How well it is able to manage the themes/symbolism it tries to proposes.
2.The "Theme itself".
3.The ability of the characters in general to answer the problems in the most logical way (that's why people often consider Death Note as being extremely intelligent, becausse L and Light is doing a Speed Chess with a Luck Gambit almost all near damn the time.)

I think this is often misguided with Mature-Content = Intelligent. Which is far from the truth.

Jan 31, 2013 5:36 PM

Mar 2008
Venerable OP! O Pure Child!
How long have we awaited your arrival, Prophet of Truth. Now with your sagacious soul, lead us now to the Final Peace! We shall go forth in our great quest. We shall free the Online Fandom!
Wondrous One, we shall have a CRUSADE to sunder all ignorance, all obstinancy; that putrid prejudice and spite which consumes our blessed Animedom!

Let it be known, that even those who have lived in broken fandom and hatred, those who know not yet the true path of a believer of Anime. Those who love or hate in knowledge or ignorance of any form of wonderous 2D magick, by the power of the Big 3, the Blob, the Gayshit and Holy Mecca; All who are willing to be rescinded of their past sins, undertake this journey for glory against the crimes of communities which know no limit, those whose blind hate and avaricous piracy know no bounds!

As we set forth against all that is wrong with Animedom We cry unto the heavenly production studios; "Let our sharpened Keyboards pierce true and strong as we carve out our vainglorious piece of Internet. Send forth the messengers of Victory, the Seiyuu and based Animators, let them sing our praise and draw our story! For ours shall be the Kingdom of Anime, and we shall not be stopped. The Producers will it!"

Lest any fan think different, know that we walk in the hopes that all shall be enlightened and released from their bondage to live in freedom and equality. To be in a land of peace which values truth and justice over all else. In our pursuit of happiness there will be no discussion and no opinion heard. Let no talk be had, no mistakes made. We will have only the final sanctuary of glorious silence. In reaching Instrumentality we shall succeed where the previous Chosen have failed. Let our enemy heed the words of our blessed Messiah, Yamato, "'It didn't have to end like this.".
Jan 31, 2013 5:37 PM

Oct 2012
^ What anime bible is he reading?

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 31, 2013 5:37 PM

Jan 2013
Ckan said:
Venerable OP! O Pure Child!
How long have we awaited your arrival, Prophet of Truth. Now with your sagacious soul, lead us now to the Final Peace! We shall go forth in our great quest. We shall free the Online Fandom!
Wondrous One, we shall have a CRUSADE to sunder all ignorance, all obstinancy; that putrid prejudice and spite which consumes our blessed Animedom!

Let it be known, that even those who have lived in broken fandom and hatred, those who know not yet the true path of a believer of Anime. Those who love or hate in knowledge or ignorance of any form of wonderous 2D magick, by the power of the Big 3, the Blob, the Gayshit and Holy Mecca; All who are willing to be rescinded of their past sins, undertake this journey for glory against the crimes of communities which know no limit, those whose blind hate and avaricous piracy know no bounds!

As we set forth against all that is wrong with Animedom We cry unto the heavenly production studios; "Let our sharpened Keyobards pierce true and strong as we carve out our vainglorious piece of Internet. Send forth the messengers of Victory, the Seiyuu and based Animators, let them sing our praise and draw our story! For ours shall be the Kingdom of Anime, and we shall not be stopped. The Lords will it!"

Lest any fan think different, know that we walk in the hopes that all shall be enlightened and released from their bondage to live in freedom and equality. To be in a land of peace which values truth and right over all else. In our pursuit of happiness there will be no discussion and no opinion heard. Let no talk be had, no mistakes made. We will have only the final sanctuary of glorious silence. In reaching Instrumentality we shall succeed where the previous Chosen have failed. Let our enemy heed the words of our blessed Messiah, Yamato, "'It didn't have to end like this.".

*Thumbs up*

Hei Britannial YAMATO!

Jan 31, 2013 6:00 PM

Feb 2005
Ckan said:
Let our enemy heed the words of our blessed Messiah, Yamato, "'It didn't have to end like this.".
Wait, what, when did a battleship wreck turned spaceship start talking?
Jan 31, 2013 7:31 PM
Jul 2012
Thanks everyone for the replies. In order to clear some misconceptions, know I don't think One Piece is bad AT ALL. In fact, I think it looks good and is on my to read list. To whoever said that Legend of Galactic heroes is great and anyone who doesn't watch it is a plebian or something: while I see the joke, it's the same reason I wrote this thread in the first place. You can't call someone a plebian because they haven't wathced a certain show.

I do think some anime are deeper and more well written than others, that I will not deny. But every good title has well, something good in it and everyone has his own reasons why he loves a certain show so you really can't in the end hate on someone simply for liking an anime.

Yeah, you guys are right in that I'm overreacting to all these hateful comments. True story, I was debating with a militant atheist once (no offence to normal atheists out there, I have plenty of nice atheist friends online and I don't want any reliious debates here) about religion on you tube. Cut a couple of months later and I find he actually posted a video 'refuting' my comments. It's unelievable the extent some people will go to.
The will to live is strong, stronger than anything else.
Jan 31, 2013 7:34 PM

Oct 2012
I simply embrace I am a plebeian anime viewer. Problem solved for me.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 31, 2013 7:37 PM
Nov 2010
Tavor said:
I simply embrace I am a plebeian anime viewer. Problem solved for me.
We all are. Until we complete Inferno Cop.
Jan 31, 2013 7:40 PM

Oct 2012
Z-flame said:
Tavor said:
I simply embrace I am a plebeian anime viewer. Problem solved for me.
We all are. Until we complete Inferno Cop.

Which will never end. Generations upon generations will feast their eyes on the all mighty Inferno Cop.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 31, 2013 7:55 PM

Feb 2005
philipmarie said:
You can't call someone a plebian because they haven't wathced a certain show.
Uh, pretty sure I just did. So yea, it seems like I can.
But every good title has well, something good in it and everyone has his own reasons why he loves a certain show so you really can't in the end hate on someone simply for liking an anime.
Oh, of course you can hate someone for liking something. People hate each other for much less than that.
Tavor said:
I simply embrace I am a plebeian anime viewer. Problem solved for me.
See, this is what it should be like. If only all the plebs would know their place, everyone would be happy, and we wouldn't have all these little upstarts claiming DERPDERP X ANIMU IS THE BESTEST, et cetera.

Holy shit though, Inferno Cop, added to ptw.
Jan 31, 2013 8:00 PM

Oct 2012
Baman said:
Tavor said:
I simply embrace I am a plebeian anime viewer. Problem solved for me.
See, this is what it should be like. If only all the plebs would know their place, everyone would be happy, and we wouldn't have all these little upstarts claiming DERPDERP X ANIMU IS THE BESTEST, et cetera.

Holy shit though, Inferno Cop, added to ptw.

Indeed, which is why Inferno Cop was made, so that it aids in the cooperative ecosystem between elitists and plebs.
Win-win situation! Will take a few years to smooth it out of course, but the short-term effects are evident!

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 31, 2013 8:01 PM

Sep 2012
philipmarie said:
Thanks everyone for the replies. In order to clear some misconceptions, know I don't think One Piece is bad AT ALL. In fact, I think it looks good and is on my to read list. To whoever said that Legend of Galactic heroes is great and anyone who doesn't watch it is a plebian or something: while I see the joke, it's the same reason I wrote this thread in the first place. You can't call someone a plebian because they haven't wathced a certain show.

I do think some anime are deeper and more well written than others, that I will not deny. But every good title has well, something good in it and everyone has his own reasons why he loves a certain show so you really can't in the end hate on someone simply for liking an anime.

Yeah, you guys are right in that I'm overreacting to all these hateful comments. True story, I was debating with a militant atheist once (no offence to normal atheists out there, I have plenty of nice atheist friends online and I don't want any reliious debates here) about religion on you tube. Cut a couple of months later and I find he actually posted a video 'refuting' my comments. It's unelievable the extent some people will go to.

You can call them a plebian. You just shouldn't. Not seriously, anyway.

And like you said, it's just a joke.
Jan 31, 2013 8:04 PM

Nov 2009
We are blessed with various fans that want to support their own shows
Jan 31, 2013 8:37 PM

Oct 2012
First world problems.
Jan 31, 2013 9:31 PM

Aug 2011
shush plebs
Jan 31, 2013 9:46 PM

Apr 2011
NihonFalcom said:
shush plebs

Sorry, you're a pleb too!
“Suppose, gentlemen, that man is not stupid.”
Jan 31, 2013 10:02 PM

Oct 2012
WildCatTomo said:
I wish i could have the time back that i wasted reading this thread, who really cares if anime is "intelligent" or not?

OH SHI-, oh wait, never mind.

Just this once, I'll fulfill whatever your wish is.
Jan 31, 2013 10:03 PM

Apr 2011
WildCatTomo said:
I wish i could have the time back that i wasted reading this thread, who really cares if anime is "intelligent" or not?

People actually read the pages in between the first and the last? I am shocked.
“Suppose, gentlemen, that man is not stupid.”
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