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Japanese Producer Terminates FUNimation's Simulcast of Fractale

Jan 19, 2011 8:06 PM

Feb 2008
According to Anime News Network, FUNimation suspended the simulcast of Fractale by the order of Japanese production committee of the anime. Japanese producers asked FUNimation to eliminate the illegally shared videos of the anime before they resume the simulcast. FUNimation marketing director Lance Heiskell told ANN that they are vigorously working to remove the unauthorized videos but the Japanese partners regarded the situation as out of control.

Anime!Anime! reported that Japanese copyrights holders are unsatisfied with the efforts of US streaming companies because the illegal file sharing of anime has been significantly suppressed in Japan. It will be a great burden for the small-sized simulcasting enterprises to execute costly anti-piracy measures, which Japanese major publishers and producers are taking in cooperation with the police and other administrations.

Sources: ANN, Anime!Anime!
dtshykJan 19, 2011 8:27 PM
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Jan 19, 2011 8:12 PM

May 2010
Deal with it, FUNimation. Nobody likes you anyways.
Jan 19, 2011 8:13 PM

Jul 2007
Everyone point and laugh at Japan.
My first novel, Kardia has been published! Click here to read!
Jan 19, 2011 8:13 PM

Nov 2008
Well, that guy did say it was a failure... after just an episode, so whatever.

PizzaholicJan 19, 2011 8:17 PM
Jan 19, 2011 8:20 PM

Feb 2009
Damn Japan, you be crazy
Jan 19, 2011 8:26 PM

Aug 2008
Forget fansubbers, FPC, it's execs like yours that's really killing the industry. Way to punish those who want to support the industry.

WingedFish said:
Deal with it, FUNimation. Nobody likes you anyways.

Pleased to meet you, Mr. Stick-It-To-The-Man. My name's Nobody.
willagJan 20, 2011 9:11 AM
Jan 19, 2011 8:29 PM

Feb 2010
Well dang, and here I thought I'd watch Fractale as it airs. Guess I'll have to watch it as it airs anyway. =P

Seriously though, who are they kidding? Can't censer the internet, ya know. Besides, people like me would never even get the chance to watch Fractale, or any anime, for that matter, without people uploading them to the internet and translating them.

To Funimation - You're not losing any money by my watching anime, and you could always earn some from my buying DVDs or figurines or something, so just deal with it! Besides, you'd probably make more money if you encouraged fansubs, ya know. Reach out to a much larger audience then Japanese cable alone.
Jan 19, 2011 8:41 PM
Jul 2008
Well those are Horrible news.
Jan 19, 2011 8:44 PM
Dec 2007
Paladin65536 said:
Well dang, and here I thought I'd watch Fractale as it airs. Guess I'll have to watch it as it airs anyway. =P

Seriously though, who are they kidding? Can't censer the internet, ya know. Besides, people like me would never even get the chance to watch Fractale, or any anime, for that matter, without people uploading them to the internet and translating them.

To Funimation - You're not losing any money by my watching anime, and you could always earn some from my buying DVDs or figurines or something, so just deal with it! Besides, you'd probably make more money if you encouraged fansubs, ya know. Reach out to a much larger audience then Japanese cable alone.
Sadly Japan is not as open on this things. That said I'm sure they are mostly complaining about the streaming sites. Even a lot of the anti-fansubs advertisement I've seen mainly reference those kind of websites (like the whole you'll catch viruses thing...seriously, what torrent-based fansubber would release you infected files).

Jan 19, 2011 8:47 PM

Jan 2011
Japanese producers asked FUNimation to eliminate the illegally shared videos of the anime before they resume the simulcast.
Lol, yeah right [=
Jan 19, 2011 8:55 PM

Nov 2009
dtshyk said:
Anime!Anime! reported that Japanese copyrights holders are unsatisfied with the efforts of US streaming companies because the illegal file sharing of anime has been significantly suppressed in Japan
How are there still raws being released then?
Jan 19, 2011 8:56 PM

Oct 2009
Oh noes, no more 360p rips for me, I guess I'll have to watch UTW's version lol.
illegal file sharing of anime has been significantly suppressed in Japan

Orly? So all them raws on da internetz comes from China or what ?
Jan 19, 2011 9:12 PM
Dec 2007
SurferDude said:
Oh noes, no more 360p rips for me, I guess I'll have to watch UTW's version lol.
illegal file sharing of anime has been significantly suppressed in Japan

Orly? So all them raws on da internetz comes from China or what ?
Ahahaha, I thought that too when I read that part. It's so funny that they actually have themselves convinced that THEIR own problems with raw-sharing is under control. Sure, they took care of some of them, but for one that falls another takes it's place. It's not so easy.

Jan 19, 2011 9:14 PM

Apr 2010
Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime.

Jan 19, 2011 9:26 PM

Jul 2008
There's been a lot of Fractale news lately. I can't help, but think that some of this is to advertise the show or something. I highly doubt it though.
Jan 19, 2011 9:27 PM
Apr 2009
Seriously, this is the dumbest ever. Now literally NO ONE will watch it legally, and instead EVERYONE will be forced to pirate.
Jan 19, 2011 9:55 PM
Mar 2010
They are sure in control because they recently took out ten or so out of countless middle-aged men raw-sharing.

dtshyk said:

It will be a great burden for the small-sized simulcasting enterprises to execute costly anti-piracy measures

Jan 19, 2011 10:03 PM

Jan 2009
they are paranoid about the internet, why dont they just make a site like CrunchyRoll for them to get some business going
Jan 19, 2011 10:12 PM

Apr 2010
lol i guess they dont realize that most of the illegal versions have nothing to do with funi... and lol any chance it had of making money just got denied...

"If only if only, the woodpecker cried, the bark on the tree was as soft as the sky" || ♪My mind, heart is broken♫
Jan 19, 2011 10:17 PM

Feb 2010
A few days ago: "Fractale will fail better get ready to retire"

Today: "Taking down the only legal stream of Fractale"

It's like they want it to fail on purpose
Jan 19, 2011 10:27 PM

Mar 2009
Really Japan?
They do realize that buy by cutting the only legal way to watch this, we now have to watch it *]illegaly?*
I'm in awe of their genius. /sarcasm
<i>When all else is lost, the future still remains</i>
Jan 19, 2011 10:34 PM

Aug 2010
really it doesnt even matter if Funimation subs it or not cuz there will still be others who will and others that will watch it =P
Jan 19, 2011 10:40 PM

Oct 2008
And nothing of importance was lost...

Seriously, the first episode was sleep inducing. The concept itself of the dopples and fractale system are certainly unique, but they are poorly delivered. I feel more attachment to a grain of salt I ate for dinner than the male protagonist.

The director might as well retire now.
Jan 19, 2011 10:47 PM

Jun 2007
Altair718 said:
Really Japan?
They do realize that buy by cutting the only legal way to watch this, we now have to watch it *]illegaly?*
I'm in awe of their genius. /sarcasm
Good point, but it's missing one thing: we don't "have" to watch it at all.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.

Everything that connects to MAL
Jan 19, 2011 10:50 PM

Apr 2010
So they're thinking the only way to stop illegal copies is the eliminate the only legal stream in NA? I guess they like to lose legal viewers if that's how they're thinking.

It really doesn't tell if they're referring to the actual fansubs or groups like horriblesubs, which rips Funimation's version of the show.

To be honest, the first episode was boring anyway. Between the original writer complaining about it and now this, it seems this show was destined to fail before it aired the 2nd episode.
Jan 19, 2011 10:54 PM

Feb 2008
Freaking dumbasses, removing the only legal option will not help with piracy problems. This made me laugh.
[fancy signature here]
Jan 19, 2011 10:55 PM

Jul 2008
Wow, that was fast...
Jan 19, 2011 11:10 PM

Oct 2008
peix said:
Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime.


The reason why 90% of the world that watches anime outside of Japan does so illegally is because (besides paying loads of cash in import fees and learning japanese) how are we suppose to watch anime in a language that we can understand.
Jan 19, 2011 11:21 PM

Aug 2009
Seeing how the director Yamamoto Yutaka is ready for retirement, I believe he does not have an intent to work on this project anymore. Cutting the only legal way of viewing this anime WILL NOT help the situation of illegal streaming or piracy, therefore Funi-bull-crap has no need to do so.

I think this whole thing is a controversy to end this anime.

Don't get me wrong I thought it had a good start.

Sig iz in deh makingz

Still learningz

Jan 19, 2011 11:28 PM

Jul 2007
I'm not watching this series, but even if I were I can't watch funimation anyway since they only let Americans (and maybe Canadians?) watch their channel...

You'd have to suppress the entire world, bb. good luck!
Jan 19, 2011 11:29 PM

Nov 2009
peix said:
Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime.


Pretty much, though FUNi only stream to the US any way so they were no help to me.
Jan 19, 2011 11:30 PM

Sep 2010
WingedFish said:
Deal with it, FUNimation. Nobody likes you anyways.

And a note for Japan/whoever gives shit: The "illegal" sharing/fansubing of anime will NEVER stop and it is pointless to even try (unless you just want to cancel the show). The fansubing will always in its own way promote and grow the anime market more than it would take away seeing as most if not all of us watching the fansubs would likely have never even known about this anime therefore your not losing money you can't lose money you never would have had. Think about it like this say 1000 people watch a "illegal" fansub version of a airing show and maybe 140 of them like it enough to buy the dvds when they are out that is 140 more people buying your stuff that never would have known about some Japanese shit show those 860 people who never buy anything related to the show are not a loss seeing as those 860 people never would have known about that anime without fansubs. /end rant of pointlessness.

Side note: I buy most, if not all my anime.
Jan 20, 2011 12:11 AM

Feb 2010
peix said:
Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime.


well this is disappointing.

Jan 20, 2011 12:29 AM

Aug 2009
Oh Japan, you're so silly.

Well, I guess we do have HorribleSubs to blame. But if only FUNi would allow people from outside the USA to watch their streams, this most likely wouldn't have happened.

Stupid FUNi. And even more stupid Japan. They wanted to make Fractale more popular and what do they do? Remove the only legal simulcast.
Jan 20, 2011 12:48 AM

Nov 2007
do the realise the ammount of anime thats been uploaded is less then usual because theres nothing worth watching that much............

I signed my screen and now its all smeary "When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone."

check out my blog

fix MAL already
Jan 20, 2011 1:02 AM

Jul 2008
STM said:

Stupid FUNi. And even more stupid Japan. They wanted to make Fractale more popular and what do they do? Remove the only legal simulcast.

How the hell is it stupid on Funi's part? They aren't the ones making the fansubs. It's not their fault, and yet they are the ones being punished by being told to wave their magic wand and make all fansubs disappear.

If anything we should feel bad for them because they are the ones getting screwed here.
Jan 20, 2011 1:15 AM
Nov 2008
Of course, everyone in this thread seems to have forgotten the power of the mighty FUNimation C&D.

FUNimation isn't afraid to to issue C&Ds. Japan knows this, hence they're exploiting this knowledge and making FUNimation go through the chore or trying to find every fansub provider and threaten them with legal action.

If you're going to blame anyone for not being able to watch Fractale, blame your precious nihongo and the company the produced Fractale. Don't take it out on FUNi, FUNi didn't do anything wrong.
Jan 20, 2011 1:28 AM

May 2009
Most of my thoughts have been raised by the rest of the thread, so I'm just here to laugh.

But on a serious note, I think there was a fight behind the scenes. Something along the lines of *you're not paying me enough* or *I wanna retire soon so I'm gonna trash this place like a damn bad boy*. The best thing to do to avoid a massive scandal is to turn some random company into their bi*** by giving them an impossible task and when they cannot accomplish it, toss all the blame on them.

Such is life, gents. Got to accept it.
Jan 20, 2011 1:37 AM
Jul 2008
Ummm, it makes me kinda worried to be the first one to say this but. You know, it's not like they terminate the simulcast to fight piracy, (Like some of you implied, by saying "Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime") it's just probably that, if so many people are watching the fansubs, it's not very profitable to make those simulcasts.
Jan 20, 2011 1:41 AM
Feb 2009
Wait, where's all this hate for Funi coming from again? Aren't they the ones providing a ton of free anime online, simulcast and back-cataloged? Aren't they the one rescuing a ton of out of print hits from ADV and Geneon 20 bucks a pop? Aren't they the ones putting Summer Wars and Eva 2.22 in US theaters? Aren't they the ones that produced some of the best dubs in the last five years?

Just because they're a company doesn't automatically make them evil, ya know.

This teenage rebellion reaction is hilarious.
SeifersytheJan 20, 2011 2:11 AM
Jan 20, 2011 2:08 AM

May 2009
Nachotee said:
Ummm, it makes me kinda worried to be the first one to say this but. You know, it's not like they terminate the simulcast to fight piracy, (Like some of you implied, by saying "Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime") it's just probably that, if so many people are watching the fansubs, it's not very profitable to make those simulcasts.

As if simulcasts are that profitable to begin with. You're serving a niche of a niche audience and, in most cases, only in specific areas. Fansubs still cater to the rest of the world where legal alternatives are unavailable or severely limited. Plus, fansubbers can release their show in much higher video quality because they don't have to worry about bandwidth costs.

Either way, the fansubbers have been blamed for all the anime industry's woes for decades now. So far, it's still standing and the only ones losing out on this are the ones who watch anime purely via legal means. Until Japan learns to cooperate with and seek ways to profit from fansubs, production committees like this one can scream all they want, but nothing will ever change.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 20, 2011 2:09 AM

Feb 2010
Paladin65536 said:
Can't censer the internet, ya know.

Oh really... It's the Japanese we're talking about here, mkay? If they are capable of building highly trained robot ninjas with cat hears from the future (in secret of course!) they are capable of anything.

On a side note: They are really overreacting about all this. Dumping their frustration on FUNimation is unreasonable. Still, I watch fansubs so it's not like I really care...
Jan 20, 2011 2:25 AM

Aug 2009
Well, now that it's come to this, enjoy pirated forms of Fractale without a qualm.
We are the United. Even in defeat we stand united.

Jan 20, 2011 2:47 AM

Nov 2008
Well, if the Japanese really want to go ahead with this, then the first part of the solution is to understand that the US isn't the entire English-speaking world. In other words, if the streams are region-locked, then widespread piracy of the streams is guaranteed. Sure, you can bypass region protection via proxy, but that's illegal as well, so you might as well torrent a 720p version rather than going through a relatively complex process to get a LQ stream.

To counter this, the production companies will need to make deals with British and Australian licensors as well as US and Canadian ones, so that there is universal availability in the English-speaking world. Of course, I believe that Crunchyroll are the only company to supply legal streams of anime to the UK at the moment, and they cover the US anyway, so they will have to convince a British licensor like MVM Films, as well as an Australian one such as Madman Entertainment to work with Funimation and provide localized streams on their own websites.
Current FAL Ranking + Previous best::
Jan 20, 2011 3:19 AM

Jul 2008

*Some people watch Fractale illegally*


*Now everyone watches Fractale illegally as there is no other choice*

Not that people outside of Funi's territories had a choice anyway. UTW for the win.
Jan 20, 2011 4:18 AM

Apr 2008
Significantly suppressed? Then how do fansubbers get the anime? This is ridiculous. I'm not even watching the fansub for this show, but if the fansubbers drop it because of this I'm not watching it anymore. I'm definitely not going to support this anime either way.
Jan 20, 2011 4:38 AM

Jun 2009
I also think that this move is as absurd as it gets, but let me just reiterate one thing:

*Now everyone watches Fractale illegally as there is no other choice*

It's THEIR show, stop feeling entitled to something you are not.

...I know I come off as hypocrite as it gets for saying this, and for that reason I won't be the one trowing stones at anyone (I don't pretend to stop watching fansubs for that matter), but the more legal my collection grows the more this subject starts to bug me.

I for one would ditch the whole copyright concept on the bin and move on to an updated (as in built around the concept of internet) stream of revenue for content creators, but as it stands, I can't back up my actions with the above quote like I used to.

I obviously also can't stand by their side and think their draconian impositions on who gets to see their work is the way to go, but still... any thoughts on the matter?
"There is no stupid questions, only stupid people."
Jan 20, 2011 4:50 AM

Oct 2009
I gotta love Japan's thinking here. I think what they're trying to have FUNi send out all these C&Ds letters to the fansubs according to Japan, however, at that same time, Japan terminates FUNi's legal simulcasts and now we're left with a heck of a choice here.

So basically, even if we had tried, how can we watch Fractale with a legal simulcast when really, it's currently terminated while illegal fansubs are on the run?

(BTW, I did watch Episode 1 and I was bored whatsoever.)

Jan 20, 2011 5:18 AM

Jun 2009
Seifersythe said:
Wait, where's all this hate for Funi coming from again? Aren't they the ones providing a ton of free anime online, simulcast and back-cataloged? Aren't they the one rescuing a ton of out of print hits from ADV and Geneon 20 bucks a pop? Aren't they the ones putting Summer Wars and Eva 2.22 in US theaters? Aren't they the ones that produced some of the best dubs in the last five years?

Just because they're a company doesn't automatically make them evil, ya know.

This teenage rebellion reaction is hilarious.

I don't know why everyone else here hates Funi, but for me it's as simple as SGT Frog's english dub. I still buy from them because they are one of the few sources to get stuff legally but as far as I'm concerned with things like Hetalia and SGT Frog they are literally putting the nails in their own coffins. Not to mention the disturbing amount of cursing they added into one of my faves Blassreiter, really that was needed? Not a very good idea Funi.

As for Fractale I really liked the first episode I will probably continue to watch it, now I just won't be watching it via Funi.
I won't be fooled by a mere 3-d girl!!!

Jan 20, 2011 5:58 AM

Dec 2008
Oh great, just when I have started to make more of a habit of watching anime through funimation website, and this happens. Seriously, now I'm going to just download the anime as usual because it's not available any other way >.>

Sandileina said:
peix said:
Combating illegal distribution of an anime by eliminating the only legal distribution of said anime.


Genius comment.
This shows my thoughts perfectly.
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