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Suka-7777-Suka May 22, 7:59 PM
Please join this friendly club if you like to.

Have a wonderful day 💖

MoesianThracian May 18, 9:26 AM
То Pokemon си е един вид за деца.

Е, разбира се. „мърчендайзинг“ е много важен за тия ДЖАПОВЕ. Обаче, съдържанието на филма все пак извисява обикновеното му положение като филм на аниме, което е реклама за пластмасови играчки или видео игри. Истинския живот срещу изкуствения живот.

Доста отдавна съм бил на такова място, но по мое впечатление някак те надъхваха да правиш точно обратното, на което ти казват

Да, ако ми кажат нещо, най-вероятно е наопаки.

Дистанционното обучение по време на първите години на Covid 19 все пак доказа, че са необходимо зло, предвид още по-трагичните резултати, без ходенето на училище.

Не го вярвам, тенденцията още преди това беше поколенията да стават по-глупави.

Примерно Грета Тунберг, виж я колко неадекватно се държи, нищо че е изчела тонове книги. А и колко лесно определени индустриални среди, я ползват за техни цели. Апропо, вече не се говори за нея - или най-накрая се е усетила или просто писна на хората.

Интересно, че малко след разговорът ни, тя стана замалко популярна, заради онази публикация с плюшено играчка в образа на октопод. Укориха я в анти-семитизъм. Беше много смешно.

Според мен това е нещо, като психологическо закаляване.

Не можах да те разбера.
MechaFanBoy1979 May 3, 11:15 AM
Thanks for accepting my request!
Fighting_Spirit May 2, 9:42 PM
Thanks for sharing, Mr. Oldanimeman. Man I havent heard of most of the games you mentioned haha. Gonna get on them. Thank you once again for opening my eyes.
Fighting_Spirit May 2, 2:56 PM
Oldanimeman I've come once again. Could you please tell me what your favorite games are
Fighting_Spirit Apr 20, 10:45 AM
Followers of Dezaki, hear my word.
For only in this word can you hear the word:
The truth of Dezaki, what lies beneath the mask,
Honesty and sincerity, found both hand in hand.
For only in these things can you see the light
Of an artist's igniting moment.
Fighting_Spirit Apr 16, 11:06 AM
Bro is gonna convert me into an Uberelitist. Well, time to go down the rabbit hole...
Fighting_Spirit Apr 16, 10:05 AM
MY bad. I think I misclicked your profile for another one with a JOE pfp. Anyway could you sell me on Takarajima, Space Cobra, apart from widening my Dezaki knowledge?
Fighting_Spirit Apr 15, 2:41 PM
mdo7 Apr 11, 8:56 AM
As mentioned before in my book those are inadequate networks for the goal - Instagram is focused on pretty pictures, not what people actually think and TikTok is "confirmation bias the social network".

And you don't have both of these so you don't know what's going on. I followed retro IG pages on there and I have no doubt there are a lot of retro videos, and pictures being shared on there. So I have no reason to doubt there are retro video game video and images being shared on there.

On the other hand if you don't follow Twitch I think you don't have as an accurate idea what are people playing as I do.

I don't used Twitch (not my thing), and if you have bothered to look around on Reddit about do retro gaming get streamed on Twitch:

Twitch Reddit: Retro games and their audiences.

Retro gaming on Twitch

Streaming Older/Retro Games?

I found something more recent: Would you watch retro gaming on Twitch?

Although I don't used Twitch, I did some snooping around on Reddit and found these:

What is considered 'Retro' on Twitch?

The 'Retro' Category

The Retro category is killing the ability to easily find specific older games streamed on Twitch.

Do you even know want social network (that's was we were talking about) means? How those two are different?

I know what social media, I take it you don't have Anilist. Here's my Anilist profile.

Here's what I can tell you that makes Anilist more of a social media over MAL:

-Ability to like a person's post (something I don't see in MAL)
-When you leave a post whether it's a status post, or a update on a anime/manga watching, for Anilist, you can not only make it public, it goes on a global public feed (MAL doesn't have a global public feed where a user that doesn't follow any specific users will not know immediately what that person watch or shared)

I mean I can tell you don't have Anilist, so you don't know how I define social media from your perception.

Why you are even talking with me, since trust is an issue?

Then why do you talk shit/crap on people when it comes to retro stuff like you did when it comes to older/retro anime?

Also, MAL had a problem with fake users that aren't even anime fan in the past so I have to treat you like one.

Self doxing? Not my idea of fun.

I wouldn't called it self doxing, I called it authentication to confirmed if you're really who you say you are. That's the reason I put my birthday without any fear.

Doxxing will always come with the territory when it comes to having a online profile and social media regardless if you make your Birthday public or not. Am I scared of it? Nope, when I created MAL, or any online profile, or any social media account I put myself at risk at doxxing no matter what.

And speaking of authentication:

For many years I was tracking my anime in a text file. In 2011 I decided that MAL had some advantages and I created this account

Than in 2018 MAL had some technical issues + reboots and my older account got locked with no ways of recovery. Luckily I was periodically exporting my anime and manga lists just in case and I created my current account from those exports. I even created a backup account on AniDB.

That makes sense, and for me I was lucky my MAL profile was not a victim of this weird technical issues. I'm sorry about your previous MAL profile.

But I did check out your previous MAL profile, and I have no reason to doubt you. I went as far as to leave you a comment on your previous profile as a sign of authentication that I've looked over through your profile. So thank you for telling me about your previous profile.

Now back on topic

That's playing with semantics...yes, those PS2 versions are already retro from 2024 point the view, but also aren't the original would be retro gaming, but also not the genuine experience with said games, kind of a hybrid thing. On the other hand the PS4 versions arguably aren't old enough.

You didn't answer my question, you wrote this:

Any remaster for newer hardware is just replicating - that's a retro styled game. Also newer games which copy aesthetics and/or gameplay elements aren't actual retro games too.

What do you called putting emulated arcade games (from 1970's and early 1980's) on a cartridge like Super Nintendo, & SEGA Genesis? Do you called that a remastering like you said even though it's just emulation with no enhancement option?

Do you applied that to emulated arcade game that got released on CD-ROM format like SEGA Saturn, and Playstation 1. You said it yourself that remaster for newer hardware is just replicating, but what about pure emulation by putting it on cartridge and CD-ROM without any enhancement option, does that still count as retro game.

Your response is not quite impressive to me, and the fact that you deliberately ignored my Super Nintendo, and SEGA Genesis emulation port release of classic golden age arcade games makes me think you don't know how to answer that.

Here's an interesting thought, Resident Evil 4 (the original, not the recent remake) has gotten released on multiple generations of consoles before the remake, would you considered the original RE4 retro or not despite the remastering it received:

So given that RE 4 got a modern-day remake, does that make the original version retro now despite the remastering it got before the remake? What count as retro anymore? Should I applied that to TMNT: Turtles in Time despite it got a remake in 2009 before The Cowabunga Collection brought back the original arcade game (including the SNES version of the game).

Some parts of Australia have trashy internet (because of vast inhabited regions which makes fast internet unsustainable and Starlink being quite expensive) maybe that's part of the reason?

And you're basing this on what? What experience do you have with Australia? Did you traveled there recently?

I don't think the technology of steaming will be replaced back, more like the business model behind it will change.

It's possible that people may start giving physical media more investment and focus less on streaming given that a lot of first and 3rd party "exclusives" & "original" contents are being removed/disappeared from streaming platform for the last few years (and also not given physical release), I think those that are observant on streaming platform (like me) would be worried about those shows and films being gone with no other means of watching it.

All of those are written by non-zoomers who wish younger people will have a crush on the same things as them.

How do you know those are written by non-Zoomers? Are you going to say this Reddit thread about Golden age comic book was not written by a Gen Z user.

So mostly millennials not zoomers?

You never heard of Zillennials? Yep, they exist, and I suspect they're the one that are able to bridge the gap between Millennials and Gen Z, and probably the reason why retro games are able to get a sizable audiences within Gen Z demographics. And I suspect that Zillennials are probably the one that are also sharing retro/old school anime on Instagram and elsewhere.
mdo7 Apr 10, 11:53 AM
Various (I guess mostly Reddit and YouTube) and I think Twitch gives a good idea what it trading in the gaming brotherhood.

So you don't have Instagram nor TikTok to verify or to investigate for yourself?

Now this is funny...even if didn't share what I follow, MAL is at least one such social media.

I wouldn't consider MAL a social media, but Anilist match my definition of social media despite being a anime collecting database like MAL.

It's an old game which is running on the actual old hardware. Any remaster for newer hardware is just replicating - that's a retro styled game. Also newer games which copy aesthetics and/or gameplay elements aren't actual retro games too.

Then what do you call these:

By your logic, these aren't retro game despite these re-release of classic arcade games from 1970's and early 80's on consoles like Super Nintendo, SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive, SEGA Saturn, Playstation.

What do you call these re-release of emulated SEGA Genesis Games on subsequent non-Genesis consoles:

If you said there are not retro game despite these re-releases kept the graphic and the gameplay, then how do you expect to explain to people how are these are not retro video game. You see the problem with your what you said, those are old games that are not fully remaster but yet they still retained the old graphic and gameplay from that era.

They are retro video games, and yet they're still going strong even after many years.

I am born in the 70s, I have (sadly somehow limited, yet genuine) experience with said old games.

Assuming you're telling the truth (your MAL profile doesn't state your birthday). Also I have one more question: if you were born in 1970's like you claim, then why did you wait until 2018 to get MAL but not get it like in early 2010's, or early or late 2000's. How long have you been in the anime/manga fandom for?

Physical media is not coming back...not as big as it was.

Actually I got this from Australia, and this leaves me a lot of hope for physical media:

Also not sure if you read the Hollywood Reporter, but there are a lot of concern about streaming's removal of content and talks about resurrecting physical media because of that:

Why the Dying DVD Business Could Be Headed for a Resurrection (Nov 2023)

Christopher Nolan on the importance of physical media (2nd source: Variety) in the age of streaming provider's removal of content from their site. And if you want evidence that his word speak truth, then no look further then how Oppenheimer 4K blu-rays sold out (2nd sources: Variety, Deadline Hollywood). Other people on Hollywood are speaking out about the danger of streaming, and the importance of physical media.

That's why I think physical media could see a resurgence given that streaming like Netflix are removing their exclusive aka first party and 3rd party exclusive contents on their streaming platform. This is a very worst-case scenario because a lot of these content that are exclusive on Netflix don't have physical releases.

Retro styled games aren't that popular in comparison to the other stuff. I even see some decline from the golden age of 2016 (or somehow around 2011-2019).

Again, what evidence do you have that backed up your statement, because I don't see anything that validate your statement. The rule of argument is that if you're going to make a statement like that, back it up with a physical evidence (and one that is very credible).

You didn't have hard evidences to begin with - just some temporary spikes in interest and wishful thinking that the "good old times" will return.

Actually, I can back up with this:

And those facts are right before your eyes in reactions and comments of younger game/anime fans even for modern products which they can't properly explain why they like. You just fail to interpret those.

So do you want to explain these:

Any teenagers / Gen Zers here actually enjoy retro gaming?

Gen Z retro gamers, what got you into retro games? What was your first retro game? What was the first retro game you’ve beaten?

Im intrested. how many gen z'ers are into retro gaming, in this case meaning N64 and below

Those looks like young people born after 1994 being able to play older games by one mean or another.

Oh, so you were projecting those on me and not actually trying to get (not necessary agree) what I am saying?

Judging from the way you denied all the evidence I already showed you, then yes it's fair game for me to compare you to a election denier or even a flat earther despite all the evidence out there that back up everything I've seen on both social media and how retro game are being received outside of the retro gaming communities.

If there are young Gen Z retro gamers out there, then I can't ruled out the possibilities that there are young retro/old-school anime fanbase out there that may exist. It's possible for a anime fan that is also a retro gamer to crossover to retro/older anime.
mdo7 Apr 9, 12:40 PM
Which you don't have...

I already gave you enough evidence (hard evidence!!!), you don't have any that can back any of what you said. See that's what I mean you're detached from reality. You refused to accept my evidence at all, that makes you no better then an election denier or a flat-earther folks.
mdo7 Apr 9, 12:01 PM
Whatever, look you have no evidence that counter my evidence. You seem to detach yourself from reality when I showed you real evidence, and I don't know what's up with you when it comes to hard evidence. But you remind me of those election deniers in the USA when it comes to evidence and you seem to denied anything I gave you.

I don't know if I want to continue to talk to you given that you denied everything I just showed to you and the fact that you don't have any physical evidence that counter mine.
mdo7 Apr 9, 10:30 AM

Yes, I'm serious!!! Your response makes me raise question about you.

Isn't that for people who want to scream at the world "Look at me, I am such a unique snowflake!". Of course some people will want to stand out as game history savvy.

Isn't its algorithm searching with personally tailored bias in order to make you like more videos it suggests? Sounds like a horrible research tool.

That's why I'm asking you, what social media do you use? If you don't use any, then why not? What evidence do you need to proof that retro games are popular. Geez, you're like one of those people that doesn't believe in reality when I can find more evidence of it.

Whatever, dude. Don't believe if you will and stop trying to convince me that your biases are the ultimate truth or whatever.

No, I'm not bias, but ironically you do seem bias judging from the way you break away from reality.

How many genuine retro games, not replicas and remasters are available around you?

??? Give me an example of your definition of retro video game? Because I don't think you never play a retro game, and why do I have a feeling you're not a history nerd judging from reading your comments.

Buying BDs is for the rich or the insanely dedicated (who will ignore more important things like healthcare in order sustain their hobby). The less old remastered shows you see on popular streaming services, the less those titles are actually popular.

Uh, if I told you that streaming has been losing their subscribers due to variety of reasons, would you believe it or do you think these are fake news to you?

Let me tell you something: I've been hating on streaming for the last 5 years and I say this as someone who used to stream a lot since 2006/2007.

Again, what evidence do you need, are you really attached to reality or do you really think retro games are not popular like you claim.

Also, you don't have evidence to counter mine. So you lose the argument to me for that reason.
mdo7 Apr 6, 10:32 AM
Not in depth, but I got the idea.

No, you don't. And I take it you don't use Instagram, or TikTok to know how retro game are getting more younger fans out there.

It doesn't prove your point, that's for sure.

Hm, actually it does. This is what happened when you don't read the article, or have a close-mind (I hope you're not a bigot or something).

No, but that's what they use anyway, because that's the most available way, like the remastered version of Chrono Trigger on Steam (which has the option to be played with the retro graphics and looks quite nice on modern systems...but I guess they changed some small elements in the gameplay to make it more approachable to contemporain gamers) and whatnot.

Again, how many retro game have you been playing lately? Because you make it sound like you haven't kept track of what's going on in the retro gaming world.

On what's available on CR, HiDive, Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon Prime - only few old show there are with their best remaster (CR being the biggest culprit for trashy quality).

Well, did you asked any anime fans beyond that and I mean using Reddit thread, social media, and other anime forum. You do realize in the US, we've gotten more retro anime release in the States then what you got in your country where you come from.
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