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emperortopaz 1 hour ago
Aye and that's a lot of great examples as well so thanks for remembering so many xD. Certainly, it's not your fault after all xD. Good point about the assy mermaids in Zettai's harem being an exception xD. Exactly, figured you'd agree xD. Makes sense, plus her serious side getting flustered is fun too xD. Indeed for the coincidence though a shame Netflix over there doesn't have more seasons (maybe they aren't dubbed) but we did need another channel for the most recent season so boo inconvenience of not-cable xD. That I did and true that being aimed at "normies" is probably another reason too xD. Indeed for each state being different, and boo California being so loud! No worries as I understand, boo the man-hating punchy girl being so awful but being the best example xD.

Exactly, boo yellow paint indeed though fortunately we don't play games like those xD. Aye! Figured you'd see that, and true Anya doesn't deserve to be compared to Chika xD. True about Yuki having a point with the other two Cures being so incompetent (though most of that is Komugi) and being beaten by a hamster, poor Nyammy indeed! And boo minigirls next time as having Satoru being shrunk down would be much more fun xD. I was wondering that, boo counting the pandemic and hacking reruns as they shouldn't do that but good point about PreCure math being built different xD.

I agree with it being random too! Agreed xD. Figured you'd agree, and true she got four seasons too many xD. Glad you liked it xD. That's a relief, though no worries about making me wait but I can understand wanting to reply ASAP xD.
emperortopaz 5 hours ago
No worries as my favorite depends on my mood and there's a lot of great Servants for me so I don't blame you xD. No worries as I don't mind, but indeed these things happen! Figured you'd see the silliness in it, though true it would likely be too mamocentric for you xD. Great puns and I was thinking of them, and good point about Tsubomi's Oshiri Punch which should be a PreCure mainstay xD. Indeed about Karin being too serious xD. Speaking of things of a serious matter, no worries bringing up Young Sheldon as humorously I've just finished it xD. And I thought about the same thing about Georgie lying to the older girl and getting blamed for lying while the girl had a much worse offense without knowing it, I blame the writers not wanting to bring up that sort of thing in the timeslot perhaps. Looking it up it does say that, in most of Texas at least, the law says that 17 year olds can consent (though I'm not sure if it was back then) but I do agree this would be far more man-hating if it were the other way around so boo! And good comparison to Inami as I understand too, boo that sort of thing :/.

That is certainly a fitting saying, the genius of idiots can be mindblowing xD. Makes sense so go the silly abridged series and great reference xD. Exactly, and who knows if they get togther in this timeline too xD. Figured you'd approve, and good point as I hadn't realized how similar Kaguya and Yor are with Miyuki and Loid both being blonde with blue eyes xD.

That's certainly true, boo terrible nonsense words xD. Makes sense about Kakarot the game being more accessible than the original NES games xD. No worries as I figured that was the case with you including Hinagiku, Failgun would have been another slender overhyped choice too xD. That's fair and great comparison, either Super Saiyan God or becoming like Shana and a Flame Haze xD. Glad you liked the silly joke and indeed xD. No worries as I understand, I just hope you enjoy waking up later xD.
emperortopaz Yesterday, 10:59 AM
I can see why, go your ideal girl all over <3. That's a relief and fair about yesterday just taking extra time, that's a relief xD. But of course, and great point about being unable to eat PNGs xD (though now I'm thinking of a mermaid-themed gatcha like Uma Musame where you fish out fish-named girls xD). Great use of that meme and indeed, though being fair sometimes little girl anime are better at showing girlass xD. True about Karin not understanding why it was good sadly xD.

That is certainly true, boo somehow one-upping themself after Manatsu who beat Haruna before her, truly the depths of how bad a pink cure is continues to be infinite xD. Certainly and glad you liked that xD. Aye and figured you'd agree, even if it is mostly canon in future Trunk's timeline xD. I agree with both being awesome, and cool about Iruma and Ameri being another example though I imagine the one Ameri is contrasted against being the male lead makes it not as bad maybe (and go them for you too xD).

Man we're old xD. That I did xD. Fair point that you can grind levels in other RPGs without a risk of dying, sounds especially brutal for the early DB games! Agreed and great examples, boo attracting idiots! That's a relief though sorry her red eyes are temporary, and I see for the pretty KanaHana TDB with the "musical" name xD (as it looks like an "OST" xD). Certainly, but still sexy ones xD.
emperortopaz Yesterday, 7:01 AM
That she is, go your ideal sort of girl <3. Unfortunate that things worked out poorly and me not noticing, but glad it wasn't anything troublesome! I agree with Hiyori being very cute, and I hadn't thought of it but hopefully I remember as it's a great joke xD. That's very likely so boo subs ignoring it, and true about Utena being very yuri but I blame that on a difference of what they can get away with from the age rating xD. That I would, and while you do like Rina I imagine you'd rather be rubbing against Ai or Karin for that purpose xD.

Certainly, and I hope they've hit rock bottom and the only way is up, rather than them drilling even further down! Thanks and sounds funny about what your mother called him though good point about Slash as I can see that; still better than an abino one xD. Poor kid Trunks being hit on by Blue, the only original DB character that should hit on him is Mai xD. No worries as I understand, go the icy princess and the space phoenix idols xD.

I blame that being a long time ago, but indeed for Glass's memetic boast xD. That sounds funny and the image of her only using sunglasses like Char makes it even funnier xD. True about the old DB games being tough, though that was how games were often back then xD. Certainly about my bad memory coming in handy xD. I can understand that, a shame it happens so often in series! Cool about her jewel last name and looks cool, but sorry as I feel bad taking her! Certainly, your favorite kind of power xD. Of course xD.
emperortopaz May 31, 12:02 PM
Certainly xD. Go Ishtar indeed! No worries about being later than usual, I imagine you needed more time as it's the first time at this time or something but hopefully everything went well! That there are xD. Awesome <3. Go the fisher girl indeed xD. I hadn't caught that about Yuuko speaking in netspeak like Lemon but that's cool; I was thinking of her being a less-lesbian Utena as in the MahoAko girl due to Yuuko's hair xD. And go Emma and Rina being cute like animals indeed xD.

Exactly xD. That is a great point, seems that they hit rock bottom and someone threw them the mascot shovel to go even further down xD. Cool about the not-Namekian with lips then xD. Aye so no worries xD. True about Toei's bad stereotypes and nice comparison about the Zombie Land Saga cast xD. Agreed, a shame! Thanks for understanding, and boo indeed xD.

I had not, but go showing me the silly FE reference xD. Indeed and true that explains why Glass wore twintails but go her great hair and eyes xD. Indeed about that, and hopefully it does work better for her than it does in the games xD. No worries about explaining things about her, I'll hopefully forget if I ever get to her show xD. Glad Raphtalia is cool at least, even if you want more pics of Glass and Kizuna xD. Awesome about Therese's original voice being Saori Hayami then xD. Boo indeed but indeed both for the jokes and Glass's ass power <3. Certainly, and no worries as I understand xD.
emperortopaz May 31, 7:01 AM
I agree with that, Shimakaze doesn't deserve to be confused with such a bad traitor xD. That I do and great nickname for her, and knew you'd agree about Ishtar xD. Right about that and no worries for the wait as I understand xD. Indeed, and I see about calling it Natillas which seems similar but is certainly a localization change xD. Thanks for the luck with Shiburin and great clarifications joke too xD. Glad you enjoyed her blog including plot, analysis, and especially her squatting ass <3. Go Hiyori and awesome you remember her too xD.

Certainly about having too many games or too short of time xD. Great comparison as I can understand that, boo Komugi's unholy combination and that explains why her fans are such idiots too! Cool he gave some ideas for filler in the older series xD. I had not, but I do remember that Tweet so boo his terrible sayings becoming famous xD. I didn't realize Blue wasn't like that in the manga, but exactly xD. Awesome for the fellow zombie Rottytops having red eyes while alive too xD. Great point about Yuzu and Lily not quite matching though there is Hibiki and Alicia from Friends instead xD. And boo Raki indeed, my bad for the wrong name but boo the poor taste of the Nisekoi lead indeed xD.

Awesome for the blog and great joke in the club xD. True about Glass being a ranged spirit girl (which makes me think of Kurumi xD), and go having fun talking about girls! Fair about being fine even if the light novels aren't done as I understand xD (and fair about rescores too). Fair that she might have very dark green hair but go her beautiful hime cut (and occasional variety) as well as her tsurime red eyes <3. Unfortunate she doesn't have glasses nor measurements, and I see for her maybe-slender body and clothes that hide her body but great comparison to her spirit power and the old DBZ games xD. Great name pun but a shame Glass doesn't show ass, and I understand her kimonos are beautiful but don't show off her body too well xD. I see about her coming from another world and fair about the plot, including fighting against and with Naofumi xD. Hope we see more of her indeed, in a good way, and go being an elegant and proper beauty with silly beamspam with her fans xD. No worries fo the pun but cool she has pretty decent screentime for a minor character (go giving her more screentime)! Unfortunate Raphtalia steals so much fanart, even if she's a raccoon and not a cow, but I understand xD. I see for the potential yuri vibes with the cool Kizuna, and I see about the side story showing her yandere potential too xD. Unfortunate there's no information about her age but I understand and cool about Megumi Han as well as her Spanish voice being good even if she reminds you of Therese xD. Unfortunate Glass's ass reveal was ruined by Milky Melons (though nice candy stealing joke xD), and great second banana jokes among the side characters xD. Great pun and I'm sure you're plenty handsome xD. Great Boob laugh and even better Glass blasting Miruki away with her named fart attack <3 (and this being better than fighting me xD). Sadly she doesn't want the sexy move to be known though, and I understand about not knowing when the next blog will come up!
LeonhartAugust May 29, 11:12 AM
Which precures are worth watching? I only saw Heartcatch and the original version (as a kid, that is).
LeonhartAugust May 29, 11:01 AM
Great username you have here. Zettai Ryouiki is my favourite clothing design in an anime.

Also, nice to find other Nana Mizuki fans here.
emperortopaz May 29, 10:58 AM
That I do, and great point about confusing shipgirls and gun girls; at least you aren't confusing KanColle and Nikke the traitor xD. Indeed about wanting to see Asuna, and indeed about showing off Ishtar as she's perfect for you xD. Glad to hear you won't have to wake up so early at least, but true about having to delay my second replies so sorry! Aye, hopefully at least xD. Agreed about the train anime being good, but good point about the punishment sounding terrible as I agree xD (including about the guy being ugly xD).

Certainly as I have the same problem sadly xD. That's saying a lot as Komugi is an idiot, but I agree xD. Fair that we're not sure how many of the comedy episodes were done by him, but I figured you understood xD. Indeed, and agreed Tsubasa doesn't deserve the comparison but great point xD. That he certainly isn't, poor Jojo cast not beating the allegations xD. Good point about Rea the zombie changing from blue to red eyes too, boo making red the "evil" eye color! True as I thought of bringing up Fate and Nanoha too, and boo all the Poochie blue eyed girls (though great point about Raku having reddish eyes xD).
emperortopaz May 29, 7:00 AM
Awesome xD. Boo indeed! That makes sense as both are non-Japanese gatcha games, plus I think there's some overlap in character designers so I understand xD. True about lacking Asuna with how popular she is indeed, and great point about FGO skipping the France singularity xD. That is indeed something good, glad you won't have to get up early any more, and I understand writing replies when I post them as I do the same (even if it I wait to post them xD). Certainly about understanding, and hopefully things will be able to work out!

That's a relief about the countdowns, even if you did die to one once, and having a lot of games to play as I understand xD. Always a good strategy, though sorry you have to see stupid people still xD. That's certainly true, and I imagine Toriyama having experience as a gag mangaka helped DB Super's comedy xD. Good point about Muse's late arrival in Suite, and glad you liked my idea though poor Tsubasa being compared to him xD. Seems like Mista likes girly movies for some reason, great Clint Eastwood joke and true it's impossible to know why he likes those movies in particular xD. No worries about bringing up how much Japan sadly dislikes red eyes, good point about Ritsu the computer girl and I blame red eyes being treated as "evil" way too much :/. Boo all the trolling that happens with red eyes like in PreCure too, and good point about how often red eyes are used to contrast someone with blue ones (great examples too) so boo so many blue eyed girls being Poochies too :/.
emperortopaz May 28, 7:01 AM
Glad to hear that xD. Agreed! True about that as we both understand that sort of thing xD. Figured you'd agree xD. Being fair the anime isn't as fanservice-y as the fanart implies (which is probably another reason the anime isn't doing so well) but I don't think it was to avoid showing the assy sniper and was just the first chapter being longer than expected xD. That's unfortunate to hear that your dialysis changed times on you, especially if it's worse on your body, but thanks for informing me that I'll have to post my second replies later, boo changing times on us!

Exactly xD. That's fair, especially if it's the countdowns giving you trouble xD. Agreed about the fanbase being so full of idiots :/. I agree, as the funniest Cure moments are more unintentionally funny while "comedy" seasons like Tropical Rouge are just annoying xD. Fair that Nico or the last Cure may be yellow, and fair point about Tsubasa being a far worse example of them hating Yellow Cures; if anything that's one reason he should just be "orange" by himself xD.
emperortopaz May 27, 10:57 AM
That is understandable and true about Fresh being a silly title, but go enjoying it more as a result xD. Agreed, if only as assy girls deserve more love! That I do, and go Patty indeed xD. True as that happens later on in On Parade, but I agree they're a redundant unit xD. Sadly no, as the anime is only going through the first "chapter" and Karin only shows up in the second so hopefully this season does well enough for more seasons as a result xD.

I blame her overpowered Stands combining so well she had to be sent to another planet, and indeed xD. Figured you'd understand and makes sense that it was your least favorite Wario game, sorry Pizza Tower copies it but hope you enjoyed that game xD. Great way to describe the two girls and indeed xD. That makes sense, go checking about people talking about the show but boo terrible praise for awful seasons due to bizarro fans xD. Figured you'd agree, and true about Minori and Reika having the same issue and good point Toei should focus on fighting xD. That is indeed a funny coincidence and good point about the anti-Yellow bias and PreCure mistreating them so much this season doesn't even have a yellow!
emperortopaz May 27, 6:56 AM
No worries as I understand, and I see about watching Fresh while Smile was airing rather than when it was new xD. That I do xD. I blame Americans for those too, boo Japan getting poor tastes! Good point about the American transfer student as she was a lot of fun xD. Right though true about all the trouble Raki causes so boo not-Wakaba being such a pain xD.

Figured you'd like that, though I didn't think of her being the final boss in my blog xD. Makes sense about both, though some Wario games have timers or at least Wario Land 4 does which is unfortunate xD. Boo yuri fanboys indeed xD. I agree, both in personality and backstory! I had forgotten about him, though I imagine you can't blame me considering we've only seen him twice in the seventeen episodes it seems xD. Agreed, she's an idiot xD. Glad you liked it, and good point about Satoru guessing the monster was a tiger and Toei being bad at writing smart characters (they need to have smart writers first xD); obviously it could have been angry Nyatoran from Healin' Good xD.
emperortopaz May 26, 10:56 AM
No worries as regardless it was still a while ago, and indeed xD. That sounds hilarious, great joke about the classic title xD. Cool I wasn't the only one who thought about them, and agreed about Japanese fetishes being less terrible xD. That I do and awesome for Patricia xD. Indeed about that, and true even if that isn't a high bar to surpass xD.

Great reference to Heat Man, though she is as fake as Wily's Alien hologram xD. Cool about beating Sonic Adventure 2 Battle back in the day, and I understand sucking at Sonic games xD. Figured you'd like that xD. Exactly, great way to put it too xD. True about Wonderful not being bad as I imagine Yuki/Cure Nyammy being so important helped, and understandable about the inter-party distress when we don't know who the villains are or if there even are any xD. I noticed that as well, boo Komugi being such an idiot as usual! Also seeing Nyammy fighting a tiger in a bamboo forest reminded me of Live-A-Live's China chapter xD.
emperortopaz May 26, 6:57 AM
That's a while ago, but shows how important the show is to you to remember even him xD. Indeed about Yui and no one liking Haruka, as she deserves xD. That makes a lot of sense and great comparison to Western fetishes that come from kids cartoons (I also think furries have the same reason too xD). Agreed, but silly in a fun and interesting way xD. Certainly, and fair about Himari's mother even if she doesn't appear too much but figured Patricia the purple older girl would be enjoyed xD. Certainly, great way to describe her too xD.

Figured you'd understand and great way to put it to, especially with the Lead Bubbles xD. Glad I'm not the only one who hasn't played them xD. Sounds dangerous indeed, you'd better absorb her "overheat" instead so we don't end up with a boiled egg xD. Figured you'd agree and true for the peaceful show, but boo MAL hating good series because the girls are just friends xD.
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