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Tenchi Muyo Manga and Novels

Dec 03 2023, 11:24 AM | Updated Dec 5, 2023 9:52 PM
A guide to all manga and novels based on the Tenchi Muyo space opera. This list includes which Tenchi continuity each entry is tied to. The Tenchi continuities can be summarized as follows:

Kajishima continuity: the original canon of the Tenchi Muyo OVAs, Dual Parallel Trouble Adventure, and GXP created by Masaki Kajishima.

Negishi continuity: the canon of the Tenchi Universe TV series and the Tenchi movies directed by Hiroshi Negishi.

Okuda continuity: the canon of several Tenchi Muyo manga series written by Hitoshi Okuda.

Ai continuity: the canon of Ai Tenchi Muyo, which was directed by Hiroshi Negishi but not part of the canon that bears his name.
Shin Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki
Light Novel, 3 vol, 1997 Me:- Author:-
Shin Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki Gaiden: Tenchi Muyou! GXP
Light Novel, ? vol, 2003 Me:- Author:-
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
Manga, 2 vol, 2009 Me:- Author:-
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
Light Novel, 1 vol, 2009 Me:- Author:-
Tenchi Muyou! in Love 2: Eternal Memory
Manga, 1 vol, 1999 Me:- Author:-
Ai Tenchi Muyou!
Manga, 1 vol, 2014 Me:- Author:-
Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki
Manga, 12 vol, 1993 Me:- Author:-
Shin Tenchi Muyou! Ryououki
Manga, 10 vol, 2000 Me:- Author:-
Tenchi Muyou! Sasami-chan À la Carte
Manga, 1 vol, 2005 Me:- Author:-

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