Tension and Tedious are 2 completely different things!
and it's clear Kaiji season 2 feels there is no distinction between the two.
Unlike season 1 this addition just drags...and drags...and drags! on and on and on.
Everything Else in the show is perfectly fine. the score is intense, the animation is crips clean, the voice acting is solid. but the single deathblow season 2 has is it's TERRIBLE dragged out pacing. it's not that noticeable in the first half of the season but it really begins to show during the second half.
And this is where the Tension vs Tedious bit comes into play. The big final gamble of the series which starts around halfway the season and goes on all the way to the end. and every episode from this point on consists of only 2 things. 10% of the episode is dedicated to the next "cheat" our pro-/antagonist uses to counter the other. and the other 90% is showing their emotional reaction to either achieving or getting denied their goal.
You can do this for...3...maybe 5 episode since were talking "final boss" in this case. but anything beyond that just makes most of the episode feel like padding. and geez 12 episodes of padding was a frustrating sit. it's not a good thing when I'm yelling "GET ON WITH IT" at my screen. accompanied by skipping trough large portions of the latter episodes without missing ANYTHING important.
I'll go as far as saying this season could easily have been 12 episodes long it was re-cut correctly, while still have enough room to build tension without feeling rushed
Feb 7, 2018
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