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Days: 150.7
Mean Score: 6.93
  • Total Entries942
  • Rewatched9
  • Episodes9,084
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Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season
Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu 3rd Season
Mar 21, 3:37 AM
Watching -/16 · Scored -
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto 2nd Season
Feb 13, 5:49 AM
Watching 4/24 · Scored -
Ao no Hako
Ao no Hako
Jan 14, 5:51 AM
Watching 5/25 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 34.4
Mean Score: 7.71
  • Total Entries108
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  • Chapters5,976
  • Volumes207
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Jujutsu Kaisen
Jujutsu Kaisen
Oct 23, 2024 9:00 PM
Completed 271/272 · Scored 8
One Punch-Man
One Punch-Man
Nov 17, 2023 4:54 AM
Reading 190/? · Scored -
[Oshi no Ko]
[Oshi no Ko]
May 13, 2023 7:22 PM
Reading 26/168 · Scored -

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Crysnow Jan 28, 2016 4:16 AM
Yw. Glad you accepted.
RyokoAyekaLover Jan 19, 2016 2:33 AM
though looking at your list seemingly not very many land in that section and you did give them 9 and 10's...that said the studying thing is understandable partly...can't relate though as i never studied lol(i wasn't a bad student in high school though,my grade average was a 88%).lolz i kinda expected you to hear about it...its kinda got itself a solid reputation..which in a way is a bit sad since this outcome sometimes but thats fine ^^(lol i watched School Days while it was ongoing so i got to experience the whole ride in the dark). lolz no problem ^^ and kinda expected that might happen since i tried giving a passable amount for each genre to be safe lol ^^. lolz sure ^^,course thats probably the one tid-bit of it being the same sorta thing is unlikely ^^;...i've kinda browsed the entire site multiple times so know of most things and such so i tend to not ask very often unless super stumped lol...that said though i've been online could always come and hang out and chat in the club's chatroom ^^,we gotta talk more before i can jump that far(i'm not a easy nut to crack,take no offense by that please..everyone gets that treatment) we have to keep the talking up ^^
Beasts Jan 18, 2016 9:30 AM

Welcome to the newly formed club, Mercuria Café. I appreciate you all for accepting the request and being in the club. And so, I have decided to send you out newsletters to keep you updated on the club. Also, I would have to ask to keep this club alive, the participation of members are needed.

RyokoAyekaLover Jan 18, 2016 2:31 AM
lol its okay but i really do wish someone at some point before sending a invite someone would read it otherwise it kinda feels like worthless decoration space you know? lol. lolz even so thats quite impressive i must say ^^,i mean even when i was constantly watching a big hunk of anime a day i never completed so many in a single years time lol and i had lots of free time as well lol. ah,so you are one of the ones who go by that...makes life easier when can do say a 26 ep season 1 and a equally as long season 2 and such..where story wise would be 52 eps...but knowing this will help a lot since sure i can name more in the action series department i enjoyed ^^...course i have to ask due to what i said..if you are counting stuff that way..why the episode count limit?..or do you take a break from a series and go back to the next season after watching some other stuff?(sorry,just curious..being in the recommending line of clubs this is just something that might be helpful for me to understand ^^). well thats good ^^ and i see...course i time frame for what your used to might have been even more helpful since not everyone sees "older" as the same but thats alright,just be wary you might get some from me ^^(that is to say most stuff well atleast be from the 90's or newer...i don't really watch enough from the 80's and older to be relevant here lol). everything is pretty wide open...but think i'll stick to action and romance since seemed to me thats more so what you really wanted ^^. that said boys love isn't a issue from me lol..girls love...yeah thats gonna sting a bit in my romance but can manage lol and no problem ^^.

now for the titles ^^! (disclaimer...most people either quite enjoy it or hate it but felt like had to be included)

will leave it at that for now for action and romance anime...however since also said stuff that i'd just like i'll give some bonus ones lol ^^!

and i'll leave it at that for now till i get to know you better so i can read even better what it is you like and what things you aren't so much a fan of lol ^^
RyokoAyekaLover Jan 16, 2016 6:58 PM
sorry if i sounded a bit harsh but truly usually unless i take the initiative the ones who send me invites never reach out to me ^^;(why i have over 100 invites in pending over the many years) but atleast you cared enough to respond to my message since i'd say only a small fraction even do that lol. lolz i see,which is fine so long as progresses normally from here on ^^,i don't mind though it saddens me so many don't even read the 2nd picture on my profile lol ><(not even specifically you or nobody reads it Oo). still new?..not sure i'd really go that far with 228 completions since can't say my list was to much bigger then that when i joined..days was higher but i watch super long anime as well lol. but still on year 1?..have to say thats pretty impressive all things considered ^^..but jeez does it make me feel like i've been at this forever...besides my TV watching time period of anime(1995-2007) i even started watching online back in 2007 lol. romance and action anime but with a average to short episode count..before i start are you counting sequels as a combined entity or no?...just have to ask since some people don't lol..also besides the genre is there anything specific in the genre you are looking for? and i really,really hate to ask this but do you mind what years they are?..some people are sadly pretty closed minded on that part so good to know for my search as well ^^(sorry..noticed you joined my Rec club so i feel like i gotta give it my usual effort to make sure you will like what i mention ^^).bonus reason was that i typed all that out but....i kinda didn't bank on it taking me to much time initially but need to get some sleep and didn't want to have to retype all that again lol.
RyokoAyekaLover Jan 16, 2016 2:18 AM
hello and thanks for the invite however i have not accepted it nor have i deleted it. i like to talk to people first before i accept so i hope you don't mind ^^;...if you wish to talk i'd be happy to which is why i reached out like this as opposed to just declining.
Kaito-senpai Jan 16, 2016 1:46 AM
Oh in that case welcome and i hope you enjoy it there.
Kaito-senpai Jan 15, 2016 2:47 PM
Why wouldn't i? :D So where did you find me?
Kaito-senpai Jan 15, 2016 2:20 AM
Thanx for the inv!
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