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Laatorii Jan 27, 3:31 AM
Ahh not sure how they are actually called in english but its glasses that have a color filter so your eyes get less tired from looking at PC or phone screens :o
It makes everything a bit more sepia-looking which is really useful, especially if you use the pc at night.

I want an apartment like this too when I am old xD
Just add all my movies and manga haha.

and thanks :3
Laatorii Jan 26, 7:41 PM
I have the same issue with PDFs, I use blue tinted glasses when working on my pc and it's still a pain to read compared to regular books, even if I use dark mode on my e-reader on my pc.

But having them so close is tempting, you end up buying more than you can read :c

Book-offs have so many 300yen sections and its all good stuff in great condition D:
I already bought around 20 manga there since September.

Owww, I like the adventure of visiting book stores and not even really knowing what I wanna get and to just explore! That's why I love 2nd hand and flea markets so much too.

Also I might be busy the next 2 weeks more or less due to exams, just to inform you in advance ;-;
Laatorii Jan 26, 4:03 AM
Sounds like you have it a lot harder than me :s
When I went to school I always say many people read but that was before smartphones became a big thing so books were one of the few things to not be bored with instead lol.
I never read on wattpad and or any fanfictions which still seem very popular xd

I also never really have trouble finding some nice crime or thriller books in Germany, they are really popular there and my town alone has 3 used book stored all in walking distance from my home.

Here in Japan I walk about 20 minutes but it's a huuuuge book-off store.

Seems like looking online is still the best bet for you then which is so sad. Nothing can replicate a visit to a proper bookstore or a library :c
Laatorii Jan 24, 8:22 PM
wow sounds like book lovers really have it tough at your place D:
I always thought everyone has it as convenient as me in Germany or Japan.

I really think books should be made easier accessible, reading is so important! But when it's so hard and expensive to get book mans people get discouraged to even try reading and spend all their time on their phone instead :(

New books in Germany are also rather expensive but it's sooooo easy to find used and old books for so cheap that I only buy new books if it's something I want to read the same day it releases or its too hard to find used.
Laatorii Jan 23, 6:18 PM
Oh wow I didn't know it's like this at your place D:

Here we even have something called "box boxes", it's public accessible book cases that stand around different cities/places, my city is small and has 2 of them. You can basically put your own books in for free but can also take any book(s) other put in for free as well. Sometimes I take a walk to them and just grab 1-2 books, read them and later return them there.

I always hated using the internet for everyhing xd
Laatorii Jan 22, 5:53 PM
Because my dad has so much I rarely need to buy things myself which is nice xD
He doesn't like horror as much as I do but other than that our taste is pretty similiar!

Idk how it is in your country but in my hometown there were some charity and 2nd hand stores where you could donate or sell stuff pretty easily. They also have other cheap things you could take in return.
I also find selling stuff on ebay or other plattforms so bothersome so I often just donate them there even if I get less money xD
Laatorii Jan 21, 8:55 PM
Oh yeah my dad got a lot of books, movies and merchandise.
If a book doesn't catch your attention you don't need to feel forced to finish it, you can always resell it and get something else in return ^^"
That's at least what I would do.
Laatorii Jan 21, 5:42 PM
Take your time with replying, I understand it well if people are too busy or just not in the mood to reply ^^"

I read It when I was in highschool, then under the dome, Revival and some of his short story collections. My dad owns pretty much every single book he released so I always wanted to read more but somehow never did haha.

Ohhh I cant read more than one book at once or my brain gets even more confused xD So yes I think it's impressive what you do
Laatorii Jan 18, 5:39 PM
I sadly don't really have time to read books, I just read what I gotta read for work.
My dad is an immense Stephen King fan but I only read 3-4 books by him, they were all nice those, he as a very distinctive writing style.

I'm really impressed that you are reading so much and even two things at once :D
I always just every do one thing at a time because otherwise I forget what happened when I have to take a longer break.
Laatorii Jan 18, 1:21 AM
I didn't read a single non fantasy Light Novel omg sorry ;-;
But I can recommend an interesting book series that's rather easy to read, has a bit of supernatural elements but otherwise probably the closest I can recommend you. It's called "before the coffee gets cold", there should be like 5 books out by now. Their Japanese title is コーヒが冷めないうちに.
Laatorii Jan 16, 10:08 PM
Ohh how was the countryside? :3 Sometimes it's good for your mind to not have internet or even access to your phone, I'm trying myself to use my phone and pc less this year xD

If you just keep at it you will reach N2 one da, even with small progress!

I never visited many countries outside of Germany and Serbia, my two homecountries so I never really experienced any racism. When I went for travel in Poland, the Netherlands and Belgium I just blend in with the people since I am just a generic white woman that could be from anywhere in Europe probably xd

I visited a famous lake in the countryside here in Japan last weekend and instead of being looked at weirdly or anything the local elderly people even talked to me, one explained me some of the different birds and they asked if I tried their local trink etc.

True..many universities offer Japanese in Europe or even just regular evening classes. But internationally there are more and more offers as well of Japanese coaches making their private lessons online etc.
The problem is really just always how expensive it is compared to learning yourself :c
Laatorii Jan 10, 5:48 PM
I always feel like it's normal to know many languages in europe xD
almost all my friends know at least 2-3 languages

it's totally fine if you use a translator! :3 I would say Japanese is my 4th language after German, Serbian and English and then Chinese after. I forgot so much Latin and Russian that I don't really count them ;-; But I want to refresh my Russian when I graduated and got more time!

True, if you grow up with 2 languages learning more is even easier for some reason, I learn them very fast but in return I suck at mathematics xDDDD

Japan is great, I think the most rasicm happens because people don't know the languages and many tourists are simply rude. They come here because "anime cool, japan cool" but barely know anything about the actual Japan, ignore Japanese rules and such. So most Japanese people get fed up with that which is understandable if I'm being honest.

I speak Japanese and I follow Japanese rules because it's THEIR country and I am a guest here. I got never treated unfriendly no matter where I go. I even befriended some older Japanese people in my neighbourhood because they go to the same hairdresser as me or I come and pet their dogs haha. Even if there was a situation where I didn't understand some word like at the post office when they used some special term for the package insurance they took the time to explain it in easier words and I could reply accordingly. Even if my Japanese isn't always perfect when I have to reply on the spot they are always nice and understand what I mean.

I bet there is some true rasicm here and there in Japan but you have that worldwide (sadly). But I'd say like 70-80% is really just the tourists fault.

To work a well paid job in Japan you probably need around N2 level and be able to communicate well as well as use business Japanese and keigo which are both a big pain. If you wanna come here in about 2 years that's more than enough time to get to a conversational level so just keep practicing :3
Laatorii Jan 9, 8:20 PM
Oh yeah I have a rather cheap vpn plan myself where I paid maybe around 50€ for 3 years. It's pretty useful because I can also watch German shows now while still in Japan and have access to all the content worldwide.
Rewatching stuff without subs might be even better, I just use Japanese subs for shows/movies I haven't watched yet at all and where I don't know what'll happen.

Japanese by far wasn't my first language. I grew up speaking German and Serbian, then learned English from 3rd grade, then I did Latin from 5th grade and did 3 years of Russian from 10th-12th grade. When I entered university I first studied literature and philosophy before switching to Japanese and later east asian studies where I added Chinese. I only ever got into anime around 2017 so already after I entered university.
Before that I was only into gaming and the Japanese Touhou Doujin scene since I was a heavy osu player and got into Touhou arrangements through it.

320€ is barely anything compared to other contries' university fees like the US or even Japan. It's crazy expensive here so I am glad I got a scholarship for Japan. But my parents pay for pretty much everything. My dad is a high rank police officer who also runs his own online shop and my mum works in the national emergency hotline. So we are not mega rich but can life very comfortably and I got spoiled pretty much as a child if I'm being honest.

I mean it wont be of help if you sit through SoL and just don't enjoy it. Ofc you CAN learn Japanese with other genres but they will be less helpful if you wanna talk to Japanese people. Just think first what you actually want to learn the language for. Do you wanna work with it in the future like me? Or do you just wanna read/watch your shows without subs/translations? If you just wanna use it for your hobbies than you might actually be better off just learning all the fantasya vocabulary etc.

For example I have no clue about medical terms, military terms or mecha terms in Japanese. Maybe a handful. Because I don't need them in my daily life in Japan and I don't watch many shows where they are frequently used. But let's say a mecha fan would profit a lot from knowing all those terms.

Honda-san is nice. But the manga goes heavy into the backside of the store and all the industry around it and infodumps a lot at some points so not sure if you wanna go read that in Japanese.

So yeah...first make yourself clear what your purpose for learning the language is and then study accordingly.

I've got a friend who is literally learning Japanese to read untranslated doujinshi works so he knows a ton of weird hentai terms in Japanese but probably can't hold up a regular conversation. But it doesn't matter since he learned the language according to what he needs it for.
Laatorii Jan 9, 7:07 PM
I didn't start my thesis yet, I am studying and working for a year in Japanese for now before returning to my home university but my prof offered me to do the topic since I was holding a short presentation about the Ero-Guro Nonsense movement in the Taisho era and he liked it so much that he was like "yeah you might as well use that for your final thesis if you like".

And yeah...some gore is just fun, especially the one that is labled "trash" and doesn't take itself seriously with over the top effects and stuff, Japanese ones are really good at that.
I pretty much read news daily on NHK's easy news website, it's really helpful. They also have some websites with study videos. Think the series is called "activate your japanese" on NHK. Now I read a bunch of Japanese and Chinese news every day for a few minutes before work to get informed and warm my brain up.

Well...slice of life is the best to learn Japanese since it uses the most realistic Japanese compared to fantasy or anything not set in modern day Japan. If you're not a fan of SoL then Dramas are good too. Also live action shows or movies on Netflix or whatever you use. Some Japanese horror also uses rather easy Japanese. I can recommend sora ni kakeru yodaka and karadasagashi on netflix if you want smth not SoL but easy understandable. I'm not the biggest SoL fan myself but I like Yuru Camp for example. Since you see a lot of nice scenery from Japan and the anime/manga is extremly accurate.

Hmm...I started to study in 2017 but I took a year break due to being hospitalised. I also started studying Chinese in 2020 and spend way less time on Japanese from there on. So actively maybe 3 years? How much it costed me...uhm basically my uni fees which is around 320€ per semester, my Netflix subscription which is family shared and whatever I pay to live in Japan rn. But I pretty much came here with N2 level already and now just deepen my knowledge slowly.

Also I didn't watch anything complicated. I watched the new SpyxFamily movie haha. But I'm thinking of watching the new Godzilla too if I got the time. Otherwise I'm looking forward to watch the new Uma Musume movie in a few months. I first wanted to watch the new Ghibli movie but even my Japanese friend said that the story is kinda messy and complicated so I'm waiting for a stream/dvd release on that one here where I can pause the movie or can turn on Japanese subs.
Laatorii Jan 8, 10:05 PM
Italian horror movies from the 70s and early 80s have a really nice vibe I think! There are a lot of those lower budget japanese splatter movies haha, they heavily lean into the ero-guro nonsense style which I am actually writing my final thesis about :^)

I sometimes like to watch gore to calm myself down, must make me sound like an absolute psychopath but those movies are just so light on story that they are easy to digest and I am used to movie special effects, I would never be able to watch real gore, I already look away at a real papercut.

Ahhh, so you are teaching yourself I see. I always recommend the app/website renshuu! I'm about N2 and still use it to that date. But it's true that just immersing yourself is also a great way of studying. Easy books/light novels with furigana are def the right way to start. And for everything else I would recommend to first watch the show subbed or read the manga in english and then re-read or re-watch it in Japanese. Especially as a beginner it's important to make sure to actively listen to the words, sentences structure and speech flow, looking at subs often makes you listen way too little to remember enough.

2 weeks ago I visited a Japanese cinema for the first time and it was sooo satisfying to understand everything! Hope you will have the same experience one day :3
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